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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I picked up this really cool book yesterday called "Eat this, not that". It has stuff from all the major chains and tells why one choice is better than the other. They may not be GREAT choices but you'ld be surprised at some of them.

I went out and did 4 mile walk this morning. It was absolutely beautiful. 1 hour and after about the 3rd I thought I could go on forever. The first mile is always the roughest. I start with a hill and that gets my heart rate up. Well, this time I did it to begin the walk and then instead of coming home I went back and tackled it a second time. It was after THAT that I felt like I could go and go and go. Pretty exciting!

Tomorrow my mom and I are going to Minot for my fill and to spend the day together. I probably won't be around much. I'll be back on later tonight. Have a great day ladies. Don't forget your Water. 1 bottle down, working on my second. Drink up ladies!!!!

I bought that book, too. I really like it!

Great job on the walking!

Did I ever tell you that we lived in Minot for 2 yrs??? We were stationed there with the AF back in the mid 70's. Were you born yet then??? :Dancing_wub:

I was about 30 yrs old when we moved there... the good old days! I worked part-time at the hospital there, in the newborn nursery. When we go to the M of A, maybe I'll sing you the little song I made up when we moved there! It's not a very nice song about Minot! :tt1: I taught it to my kids and they remind me of it every now & then!!

Good job on the water. I had a couple of cups of coffee today, some crystal lite, and now I"m working on some much needed wine. It's not been a good couple of days with DD again!! I was a very bad grandma AGAIN apparently!! So she told our younger DD to cancel their brunch reservations for tomorrow, and now she's not speaking to her either. Oh, well... we still get to love on the three little ones tomorrow. They still love me. I think I'll have another glass of wine!

Happy Mother's DAy!!! :Dancing_wub:

It is very quiet here today. Must be the nice weather outside. I am on my fourth bottle of water today. I'm down about 4 pounds this week. Finally have restriction. (about time). I'm looking around to join a gym. I found one that's only about 15 minutes away and it is $90.00 for 90 days. Does this sound reasonable? I saw on TV last week that Bally's is $19.oo down/19.00 a month but it is more than twice as far. Every place I've checked is a whole lot more expensive. Including the Y. So, for now, I'm just pedaling.



We are going to a brunch buffet.

DH called them the other day and

they said they WILL honor the card I got from my doctor's office and let me buy a children's portion!

$90 for 90 days sounds pretty good....

but better find out what it goes to after that....

like Comcast...

gave us this realy good deal but I didn't read the fine print that said it was for ONE YEAR. All of a sudden my bill jumped by leaps and bounds and I couldn't figure it out until they Enlightened me!!

So... BE CAREFUL about deals that sound really good!!

Oh, and the quiet here today, just speaking for myself, it's DEFINTELY NOT the nice weather!!

The sun is shining a little bit right now,

but it's the first we've seen of it all day and it's 6pm!

It was a chilly, gloomy, cloudy day!

Another day in the Pacific NW!!



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I paid 384$ for the entire year. Just one lump sum. THe cool thing is they will suspend my membership while I am recovering from the TT...for free! I got a discount because I am a teacher...one of the rare things we get for doing that job! Mainly because it is across the street from the high school. For me location is a huge thing because otherwise I won't go. The canyon that I run in is between my house and school and I drive by it everyday. So if I don't go there is a little pang of guilt. Keeps me honest.

Phyl- your smileys are dead on when it comes to Pacific NW weather! I love em! Keep your head up about your DD...Maybe she will come to her senses tomorrow!

Appears that Janet did get to go to Laughlin. I am so happy for her cause she has had a rough week!

Well I did 60 minutes on the eliptical this afternoon and now DH and I are going to play computer games for the rest of the evening! Will check back in between quests!

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Phyl- your smileys are dead on when it comes to Pacific NW weather! I love em! Keep your head up about your DD...Maybe she will come to her senses tomorrow!

Appears that Janet did get to go to Laughlin. I am so happy for her cause she has had a rough week!

Well I did 60 minutes on the eliptical this afternoon and now DH and I are going to play computer games for the rest of the evening! Will check back in between quests!

the Smileys are cute! I enjoy finding appropriate ones to post here!

Another of my amusements... my home page is set to Google and somehow tied to my zip code. So the header is all these people waiting at a bus stop. Their attire, etc changes according to the actual current weather conditions. Right now, it shows them waiting in the pouring rain with their heads covered with umbrellas, newspapers, etc. It's kind of cute!

Better than looking out the window!

Good job on the eliptical! Have fun with your computer games. I did my Wii stuff tonight but not for too long.. foot and knees started hurting.

I really like the bowling and golf.

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Great job with the exercise girls!!!!!

Phyl how old did you say your daughter was again?

Two or three? :tt1:

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Great job with the exercise girls!!!!!

Phyl how old did you say your daughter was again?

Two or three? :tt1:

I think it's the TERRIBLE TWOS!!

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Good evening ladies. I'm sure no one is up anymore.....but then again, I took my Saturday nap so I'm not so tired.

DH got my motorcycle running today!!! He is definitely my hero. We went out riding for about an hour. It was AWESOME. A little chilly but it was definitely worth it. I can't wait to ride it to school one day before it's out. We got it last summer but I wasn't confident enough to ride it to school yet. I've been dying to though. I'm so glad I'm married to such a handy guy.

Then tonight we played wii as a family. We bowled a few games and then we boxed. I did 4 matches. I was about to keel over I tell you. Holey cats!!! I logged it on daily plate as 15 minutes of boxing with a punching bag. Does that sound fair? Then dh and I golfed a few holes. I've never golfed before in my life so that was interesting. I definitely can't say that I'm good at it. I have yet to do the wii fit stuff. I need to get it together. DS took a fitness test today and his wii age is 52. If he's 52 I MUST be 154.

Mom and I are going to Minot in the morning after church. M may get on before we leave but probably not much. We'll see.....But I booked a motel room at the holiday inn because they have an elliptical machine so I can try it out. So I'm kind of excited about that.

Phyl, you'll have to tell me about Minot on our trip. Not my favorite place, but it does have a mall! It's the closest mall to me....so it's like the hillbilly going to town when I get to go. And btw, I'll wish you a happy mother's day and I would LOVE to have brunch with you. I hope you know how important you are to all of us. I'm sorry that your dd is going through too much to see how horrible she is treating you. Enjoy the little ones tomorrow. don't let dd turn YOUR day into anything less than the perfection that you deserve.

Goodnight ladies.

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Good Morning and Happy Mother's Day to all you moms and grandmas.

Phyl, summer's coming. Hopefully the clouds will soon blow away (both figuratively and in reality) and things will brighten up. BTW: I was an OB nurse in my "other" life before teaching. I even "caught" 10 of 'em myself! What fun (most of the time).

Janet, How is DIL? I still can't get over the horror of it all. Something similar just happened to a friend of DD's; she got away, thankfully, but is understandably quite traumatized.

Kari, I think you will be amazed after your tt at how little you weigh. I am getting a little concerned that you are still losing however. Have you had your body fat % checked at all? I have a feeling that it is actually getting quite low with all the exercise you're getting.

Ruby--Wow! 3 pounds in one week at this point is a great boost! It must have been quite an upper to see that on the scale! Good for you!

Steph, Have fun shopping--hope you find some cool summer things! Where is Minot?

My dd came home for the weekend. She has an interview on Monday. We're actually skipping church today to go tanning and then do some much needed shopping--for me! We did get to TJ Maxx last night and I bought a denim skirt and capris! I still go into the fitting rooms with stuff that's too big, and I can't believe it when it doesn't fit. I think I have some body image issues going on.

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Kari, I think you will be amazed after your tt at how little you weigh. I am getting a little concerned that you are still losing however. Have you had your body fat % checked at all? I have a feeling that it is actually getting quite low with all the exercise you're getting.

I am upping my calories to 1800 this week to see if I can start maintaining. No I have not had my body fat % checked yet. My lap band doc told me NOT to becuase of all the excess skin/fat that is hanging will most likely cause the readings to be falsely HIGH, and he was afraid that would cause me mental problems. As soon as I am healed enough from the TT though, I do want to go in and see it. I really do want to maintain...I just wanted to make sure that I will be below 150 after the TT happens. I think only being 4.5 pounds above that I will. So I am upping the calories by 300 a day in hopes that it will stop the weight loss. In fact I may have to increase them even more as I have to increase training. At this point I burn 100 calories per mile...so my Thursday workouts when I hit 11 miles this week...I will be at 1100 calories burned. Within 3 weeks I will have 2 workouts a week that burn more than 1000 calories. There is no way I could stay at 1500 calories and maintain.

Here is the hard part however, I have to keep in mind that I am going to have to drastically reduce my calories again when I have surgery because I will not be doing this kind of exercise. So I want to make sure that I don't set myself up to start gaining weight when I have to sit on my butt for 6 weeks! However once I am healed then it is training for a marathon, so whatever I do gain during surgery, I will be able to lose quickly. I was thinking of whether or not I was going to get a fill after surgery, but that is all going to depend on how quickly I can start training for the marathon. If I can get back to light training in less than 2 months I won't, because there is NO way you can eat the amount of calories that you need to and be filled. I would waste away to nothing. Thank you so much for your concern. It is nice to feel loved and worried about. I have promised everyone that if I get below 150 that I will increase the calories so that I can get back above it. No more being happy about losing weight. I really do need to stop, but I am not skin and bones...and I don't want to get there either.

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36_15_47.gif Phyll - She sounds more like the contrary, obnoxious threes to me.

8_12_105.gifHere's a button for you to u=cut out and wear, today.

8_12_108.gifOr there is this one.


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As Steph would say "holy cats" I did it. I ran 6 miles. I didn't get to do it this morning as we went to meet MIL for lunch, then DH and I went to a musical. So I didn't even get started until after 6PM, but I finished the whole thing. I am not going to sugar coat this and say it was easy or fun...I do not have a runner's high tonight...I am just tired. It was hell! And OH BOY did I sweat! It was dripping from everywhere...even places I didn't know could sweat! I am sure I will be much more impressed with myself tomorrow...but right now I just have to get in more calories...I am only at 1150 today...not nearly enough when I just ran off 650!

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As Steph would say "holy cats" I did it. I ran 6 miles. I didn't get to do it this morning as we went to meet MIL for lunch, then DH and I went to a musical. So I didn't even get started until after 6PM, but I finished the whole thing. I am not going to sugar coat this and say it was easy or fun...I do not have a runner's high tonight...I am just tired. It was hell! And OH BOY did I sweat! It was dripping from everywhere...even places I didn't know could sweat! I am sure I will be much more impressed with myself tomorrow...but right now I just have to get in more calories...I am only at 1150 today...not nearly enough when I just ran off 650!

Holy Cats is right!!! I need a smiley cat with wings I think!

You are so awesome. I'm so much in awe!

Mom and I had a great day. Church this morning, then we went out to lunch with my mom and MIL and FIL. Then DH and I went on about a half hour motorcycle ride. Nothing too far but enough to get out in the fresh air. Then mom and I came to Minot....btw, Minot is in ND....we shopped a bit but not alot because there wasn't much open this late on Sunday, but we'll do more tomorrow. Tonight we went out for dinner. I had tuna. Someone mentioned it and I hadn't ever tried it. If you haven't ever eaten tuna, you should all try it. It was amazing. I could only eat half of it, but it was soooooo good. Room doesn't have a fridge so I can't keep it. Seems a shame. Oh well. I now have a favorite new food.< /p>

Then we came back here and I worked out. Remember that the reason I booked this motel was because of the elliptical? Well, I warmed up with 10 minutes on the treadmill. I ran for a minute straight. That is amazing for me. It sounds crazy I know but a minute running is huge!!! Then I did 15 minutes on the elliptical. I don't know if that is good or bad, but it almost killed me. It didn't even register a mile so I'm assuming it wasn't that great, but it was super feeling. Now though I'm a little foggy. I'm having a really hard time focussing. I think I need to log off. I can't focus.

Have a great day tomorrow everyone. It's a new week and I hope you make the best of it!

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Holy Cats is right!!! I need a smiley cat with wings I think!

You are so awesome. I'm so much in awe!

Mom and I had a great day. Church this morning, then we went out to lunch with my mom and MIL and FIL. Then DH and I went on about a half hour motorcycle ride. Nothing too far but enough to get out in the fresh air. Then mom and I came to Minot....btw, Minot is in ND....we shopped a bit but not alot because there wasn't much open this late on Sunday, but we'll do more tomorrow. Tonight we went out for dinner. I had tuna. Someone mentioned it and I hadn't ever tried it. If you haven't ever eaten tuna, you should all try it. It was amazing. I could only eat half of it, but it was soooooo good. Room doesn't have a fridge so I can't keep it. Seems a shame. Oh well. I now have a favorite new food.< /p>

Then we came back here and I worked out. Remember that the reason I booked this motel was because of the elliptical? Well, I warmed up with 10 minutes on the treadmill. I ran for a minute straight. That is amazing for me. It sounds crazy I know but a minute running is huge!!! Then I did 15 minutes on the elliptical. I don't know if that is good or bad, but it almost killed me. It didn't even register a mile so I'm assuming it wasn't that great, but it was super feeling. Now though I'm a little foggy. I'm having a really hard time focussing. I think I need to log off. I can't focus.

Have a great day tomorrow everyone. It's a new week and I hope you make the best of it!

Steph...Running a full minute is HUGE! Remember...I had to start somewhere and it certainly wasn't at 6 miles. But I have been doing this since JANUARY! As for the eliptical, I did a full hour on it yesterday and I think it registered just over 3 miles. So unless you have the resistance REALLY low and are almost sprinting on the thing (which I do not recommmend as it can be hard on the knees) you are not going to go very far. I have always been able to do the elipitical for a long time. Even when I was fat, I could go for a while on the eliptical. My legs have always been in good shape it is just the rest of me that lacked!

Oh and on a side note...I took my resting heart rate when I got up this morning and it is down to 60. Before surgery it was at 90+! HUGE NSV for me!

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Ok first off I want to tell you all happy mothers dayand janet congrats on gettign to goal and sooo sorry to hear about DIL.

Next I really need shoulders to cry on. I have emotionaly fallen apart. This had been the absoute worst mother's day I have ever had!! My daughter (16) is the meanest girl today. It all started this morning when she came home fom her weekend of being with friends (we let her go when ever she wants because she asks and she is not a drinker, smoker or into druggs or anything) Anyway she gets home get a blanket and lays in the living room recliner and starts to go to sleep. I calmley said Court we are all chipping in to clean the houes this morning and then we were going to go do something for mother's day and tonight I have rented movies for us all to watch. her mean mouth comment was ' well enjoy yourself cleaing' She never NEVER healps do ANYTHING!!! She continued on with terrible mouth telling me I am no mother, 'i hate you' 'Do it yourself' you don't know how to be a mother' and so on. I have spent my whole day in bed sleeping and crying. Sleep for a while and wait up and cry until I fell back to sleep. I no this is wrong but I have had nothing to eat today because I just don't think I could handle food. I have no appetite.

This has all gone on since 9am this morning and there were never any sorries, no cards, no I love yous from either of my kids. My son waxs nasty at first for a while and then when he seen that I was really hurting he jsut backed off and kept telling courtney to shut up she had said enough. she even told me at one time today I am a piece of crap and quit whining for attention. I just keep asking myself 'where the hell did my daughter go because this mean vindictive girl is nothing like her. I called my mom at 8:30 tonight to tell her happy mothers day and I jsut started sobbing because I haonestly have no idea what i have done to my daughter except give her everything and let her go and do things all the time. She was not home one night this past week and today i really wanted a family day and she was tired from all her activities this week. It is all such a long story and it is now 1:15 in the morning and I jus don't have the energy or the emotionals to relive this horrible day.

Friday my doctor put my on an antiaxiety med because I am just on edge and so emotional all the time and I have an appointment on May 22 for the psychiatrist so I am hoping they can give me something .I am also planning on setting up counseling for myself and her INDEPENDENTLY. I used to go and they told me that I was severely co dependent and I know that i have slipped back into those habits but I tell you I feel about as slow as I have in many many years and I have for quite some time and today was just the topper of it all. My daughter actually said to me today 'I wish you were dead instead of my dad and my life would be so much different.' My heart is broken in so many pieces and I have just finished falling apart. Today was the last shred of straw I had that i was holding on too. 36_2_18.gif 36_2_5.gif

I feel like such a failure as a mother. Their dad is not here and I am doing this alone with no support and all I ever hear is how I am screwing this up. DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Sorry to lay all this on you all. I am going to go watch tv for a while now. Hopefullt sleep will come later.


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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
      Elevate your space with Stone Art By SKL's decorative wall claddings & panels. Explore premium designs for timeless elegance.
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