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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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So I did finally make it home and with fantastic news!!!! I didn't break the 30:00 minute mark but I did run a personal best of 31:42. :sad::thumbup::thumbup:I cut 2:48 off my last run. I felt fantastic. I ran an average of a 10:14 mile. That is ALMOST 6 miles/hour. The foot is good. I went to the EUgene Running Store and had a video analysis done of my run and we found the shoes that would work the best. They were 100$ but worth every penny. My foot didn't hurt at ALL during the run. I was #260 out of 522 overall, 132 out of 322 in females and 31 out of 53 in my age group. Not bad, not bad. I was very proud of myself considering I had to come up with alternate training this week.

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures:thumbdown: They changed the course and didn't tell people until this morning and I couldn't get word to DH so he was standing in the wrong location and by the time he figured it out he wasn't able to get to the finish line in time. He was REALLY dissappointed, but there will be other runs. Fortunately the half-marathon in June starts and ends in the same location so he won't have to worry about getting from one place to another.

I have another 5K race June 1st in the town up the road that I am going to do, and training starts again on Tuesday.

Well it sounds as if everyone had a decent weekend. I think I was WAY under on my calories this weekend. I am always paranoid when we go out and I don't have an accurate calorie count so I tend to overestimate the calories and not eat as much. However, I am having pizza tonight, so that will make up for it!

I must go! We have to unpack!:blush: I MISS EUGENE ALREADY!:lol:

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So I did finally make it home and with fantastic news!!!! I didn't break the 30:00 minute mark but I did run a personal best of 31:42. :blush::thumbup::thumbup:I cut 2:48 off my last run. I felt fantastic. I ran an average of a 10:14 mile. That is ALMOST 6 miles/hour. The foot is good. I went to the EUgene Running Store and had a video analysis done of my run and we found the shoes that would work the best. They were 100$ but worth every penny. My foot didn't hurt at ALL during the run. I was #260 out of 522 overall, 132 out of 322 in females and 31 out of 53 in my age group. Not bad, not bad. I was very proud of myself considering I had to come up with alternate training this week.

WOW!! That is a GREAT report!

We're all so proud of you! A fantastic accomplishment!!

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having a bummer day because today is DD 42nd birthday and she's not speaking to us again. She is BIG TIME pissed at us because we went to DGD's court thingy yesterday for her DUI. They want to knock out ALL the props...no support of any kind. However, we think they are forgetting about the LOVE part of tough love, so we went. Didn't really realize that she would get so mad. I mean, it's not like we took out the checkbook and paid her fines. We were there just to give her a hug and let her know we care.

Phyl, in my humble opinion, you did the best thing possible. I have heard this said many times, and live by it: "Children need your love the most when they desearve it the least". Same goes for adults too. A hug and an "I love you no matter what" will mean the world to her. Chin up, you DD might not understand today, but you know you did the right thing.

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Kari - "THE EVIL ONE" I almost peed my pants.:sad::lol::lol:

Phyl - I can't believe you actually typed the number. What were you thinking? Repent Repent :thumbup::eek:

Karri - All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blush::thumbup:

Kathy- Hello

I just clicked on maybe 5 minutes ago with a splitting headache. I took Tylenol 15 mins. ago and it's already starting to work. I think the laughing at Kari may have helped too.

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I'm not sure who mentioned "The Daily Plate" website, but I went on it... I LOVE IT!!!

It's so easy to use, and has so many foods. Fitday didn't have a lot of Canadian food brands, so I was always guessing which one to add. Daily Plate seems to have a lot of different brands and foods. If you haven't tried it, go there... its free. www.thedailyplate.com

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Kathy I just switched to thedailyplate about 5 days ago. I like it better too. I was using sparkpeople.

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I'm not sure who mentioned "The Daily Plate" website, but I went on it... I LOVE IT!!!

It's so easy to use, and has so many foods. Fitday didn't have a lot of Canadian food brands, so I was always guessing which one to add. Daily Plate seems to have a lot of different brands and foods. If you haven't tried it, go there... its free. www.thedailyplate.com

The daily plate was the first one I went to and I tried it and liked it. The only thing I don't know about for sure is the fitness stuff. There are a couple different "walk 2mph" and each has a different calorie burn. I don't know which one to use. I picked the middle one. As I get healthier I'll probably have to change that.

I really haven't found anything that wasn't there. Maybe not my exact recipe but I can build it from there. Like if I make a bowl of Cereal I add my cereal, my milk, and then my banana. Or when I made chili, I added 1/2 cup Beans, 1/4 Tomato sauce, 1/2 hamburger patty. It worked for me.

I don't really know if it is better or worse than the others because I haven't been anywhere else....if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

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I'm Back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spend the day with my DGS - I asked him if he wanted to go to the Mall with me this morning and he shocked me and said yes - I can't tell you the last time we spent the day together - It was really nice.... got 2 size 8 capris - a bathing suit and 2 medium tops.

Ok - Stagecoach was tons of fun - Wish we had gotten there earlier - we got there around 3:30 Tons and tons of pple.. Found a place to park our chairs - and got to see Bucky Covington from American idol - he is so cute and sang well. Talyor Swift is so cute - Dirks Bently - cute too

and since I am not a big county person - I didn't know til I read the paper this morning that it was a Judd reunion - that they haven't preformed together in year - I was wondering why Wynnoa was being so mushie lovey doveie - now I understand - they were great too - Rascal Flatts was great but they turned the speakers on that were right above us - it got to loud - we left before he was done - but he was great too - I think I converted my GF in to country - We will go again next yr and will know how to navigate it then- we never made it to the places where they sold stuff -

Saw some handsome cowboys - tons of big girls wearing sleeveless but they didn't have batwings.:wink2:- and a 400 lbs girl in SHORTS then a big girl walked right infornt of me with her stomach showing -- I spent more time watching people than the screen the singers were on :wub::lol:

Had 1/2 beer - 4 oz steak - 4 or 5 fries (i would have eaten more but gf knocked them over )- coffee with splenda - 100 c candy.. Ant that's all I ate for the whole day - so was way under calories.:sad::confused::lol::thumbup:

No Pi cutes - but will take some next weekend.

I don't have a Wii - and don't know if I will get one - I don't know when I would have time to really use it - between - work gym lbt tv my days & nights are already pretty occupied..

Phyl Glad you are better

Steph - Loved the Morning Love In :lol::lol:

Karri - Way to go Girl - watch out for you once you really start training - I am glad you found some shoes.

Mango hope the headache is gone.

Kari - the gym sound good mines only 19 a month...

Linda - Sorry you didn't get to go shopping... i shop enought for all of us and now all the pants i bought are too big - 12's too big - 10 are getting baggy - so don't spend alot - just some items you can either dress up or down...

Where's Ruby & Kristin..

Ok i am tried - my tooth is acting like it wants to hurt - I don't want a freaking root canal =- I have plans this weekend...

OK i am sorry if I missed anyone - but read thru real fast .. Just wanted you all to know - NO HANG OVER (beer was $7 - drinks about the same and I just didn't feel like drinking and it was too far to walk to bathrooms and to where the car was parked (about a mile or maybe 3/4 of mile)

Ok it's 9 - I am off to the couch - will talk to you all tomorrow



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Wow I am FINALLY done for the day. (well almost I have to fold a load of clothes when they are dry and put them away before I go to bed) It was an absolute beautiful day!! The walk was awsome and our company raised $78,976.00 for the individuals we serve with disabilities. Some of this money will help send people who have disabilities and can not afford 'extras' to the zoo, adventure park and other trips we will do. I really love my job and today was another rewarding day. Don't get me wrong I have days just like anyone else that I am frustrated with my job but I can honestly say at the end of each day I love my job and I believe I make a difference in my clients lives.

I got all my Water + in today. After the walk they had a 'picnic' for everyone. They did hot dogs, chips, 2 chocolate chip Cookies (YES 2?!?!), a pudding cup and a chex/trail mix. Well DH ate both cookies and my hotdog and a teenage cousin ofmine ate the pudding. The chex/trail mix was in 1/2 cup servings so I ate about 1/4 of that and then (now don't laugh) I put 3 little packets (like ketchup packets from McDonalds) of sweet relish on my plate and ate that with a spoon. I was satisfied and felt great. I did come home tonight and made some (diet) Pasta and this garlic flavoring. I ate 1 cup and I am done. I have only had 725 calories today and DOUBLE the exercise. I am so full now so that will be it for the day. Of course I will be setting up watching tv for a while so I will get another bottle of water in.

Phyl-I totally understand your concern that Walmart will not have enough to send out of the wii fit. I am really crossing my fingers. If not I will be lining out at our local (38 miles) Wal Mart on Tuesday mornings until I get one. I did this at Christmas for the Wii and as I have told you all before I bought quite a few and sold them on ebay.

Kari-congrats on your run. We are soooo proud of you!! WAY TO GO!

Karihj-CONGRATS ON FINDING NEW JEANS!! Doesn't it feel great?!?! All brands are different in the sizing. Like I said I can wear 10's in a couple brands and 12's in others and I even still have a couple pair of 14's that I wear.

Janet- I don't remember seeing a post from you today. 4_12_12.gif You must be resting up. You didn't pull a 'jackie night' did you? 10_7_6.gif

Steph- I still like to nap once in a while. Not as much as I used to but I still have my days.

Kathy- It is so great to see you back. How are the kids? Getting ready for summer? Sure wish we would here from Dini and laurend. Haven't heard from either one for months.

Well I am closing for the night I think. I have 37 hours of tivo taped I need to watch. It is now 11:20 pm so I won't be getting much watched tonight. In my previous life (before band. HAHA) I would tivo something to watch right away so that I didn't have to set through commercials because I wasn't moving much at that time in my life so I didn't do anything during commercials except swear at the tv and complain because the commercials were to loud. :wink2: Now I barely have time to set and watch any shows. I usually have 2 or 3 of each sitcom/show taped before I take the time to actually set down and watch television. Have I told you all lately how much I love my band. :confused:


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Heading off to bed ladies. I don't know how much time I'll have online tomorrow but I'll be thinking of you as always.

I wanted to cheer Karri on. I was looking into a 5k for me tonight. Possibly a 10k. There is a huge Montana race called the Governor's cup that is run every June. I'm thinking about it. I have a class to teach for 10 days in June and would have to head to Helena 5 days early to do it, but might do it anyways. I will be gone for 2 weeks though already so I don't know.... thinking thinking

I wii'd tonight. Boxed and really had a good time. We bowled and I'm as lousy a bowler in virtual life as I am in Real life :wink2:) But I did have fun. I'm not a very goo boxer either but I did alright. I'll get there. I told my dh that since it was MY wii, my rules dictate that you can't play it sitting in the chair. He didn't seem to like it but he did it. I need to figure out how I can log my wii time as exercise. I didn't do it long enough to count it as a session today but I did work my arms out really hard. I can hardly lift them over my head. I need to figure out how to track it on daily plate though. Wii isn't listed as an activity :confused:)

Well... dh headed to bed. I guess that's my cue. I will see you ladies sometime tomorrow. Happy Monday everyone. Attitude is everything, right????

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Good Morning Gang

What's Up... Happy Monday... Another work week - but I got something to look forward to - Trace & Laughlin....

Well not much to report since last night (Jackie no I didn't pull a Jackie we must have posted about the same time last night).

One pot wonder for the week - shredded chicken, bell pepper, onion, jalapeño, zucchini, Tomato sauce, red chili sauce, el pato sauce, should be good wanted to add cheese but didn't want the extra calories as I am striving to make goal this Thursday !!!!

I haven't exercised for the month of May yet - will tonite -but did a lot of walking at Stagecoach Fest..

Well, my desk is a mess - so better get to it.

CBL :wink2:

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Good morning everyone. :biggrin2:

It was a quiet weekend for me. Hubby has been up in Edmonton since Friday for his mother's service. I didn't realise how much I rely on him to keep me honest as far as food goes. I've increased my exercise activity, but unfortunately it's increased my appetite. :sad: It's so hard trying to keep on track. I can't visit here too often in the weekend for a pep talk because my son makes claims to the computer. Possession is 9/10ths and when we're not out doing stuff, he's usually on my PC. :thumbup:

My weight hasn't changed this week. It's been 175 for a couple of weeks now. But I'm not really too concerned. I'm probably not working as hard as I could or should to discipline myself, but on the other hand I'm a little worried that maintaining is going to take more of an effort than I realised. I don't know why it's taken me so long to get THAT clue. It's not like I've ever been able to maintain a healthy weight. :lol:

Last week I increased my speed and incline level on the treadmill. It's not as tough as the first time I worked out at this higher level. I'm no longer cussing Janet. :wink2: But I noticed this morning that I didn't have to work as hard. :unsure: So that has me a little concerned as well. My fitness level is increasing, but my weight has plateaued. *sigh* Somebody just give me a magic formula that I can stick with and not have to keep adjusting and calculating all the time. I don't care if it's hard, I just want something that works! :tt2: :lol:

I think what I'll do is carry on with my regular morning cardio on the treadmill and increase and vary my other gym exercises. I did weights and rowing on Friday and I was quite surprised that it went as well as it did. I used to hate rowing because my mummy tummy was always getting in the way. It's not so bad now. I worked on my upper body with weights as well. I'm trying to fix my bat wings. They're not super bad, but they make a flapping sound when I'm drying myself after showering. :thumbup: I might try swimming as well. I haven't been in the pool since I had my first boob op in November, so maybe I should add that to my routine as well.

Well that's enough rambling from me for now. Have a wonderful day!


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Janet - That Stagecoach thing sounds fantastic!!!

I just ate some cottage cheese, and I have hiccups. I never get hiccups, It HURTS!!!!!! OMG

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Good morning everyone. :biggrin2:

It was a quiet weekend for me. Hubby has been up in Edmonton since Friday for his mother's service. I didn't realise how much I rely on him to keep me honest as far as food goes. I've increased my exercise activity, but unfortunately it's increased my appetite. :sad: It's so hard trying to keep on track. I can't visit here too often in the weekend for a pep talk because my son makes claims to the computer. Possession is 9/10ths and when we're not out doing stuff, he's usually on my PC. :thumbup:

My weight hasn't changed this week. It's been 175 for a couple of weeks now. But I'm not really too concerned. I'm probably not working as hard as I could or should to discipline myself, but on the other hand I'm a little worried that maintaining is going to take more of an effort than I realised. I don't know why it's taken me so long to get THAT clue. It's not like I've ever been able to maintain a healthy weight. :lol:

Last week I increased my speed and incline level on the treadmill. It's not as tough as the first time I worked out at this higher level. I'm no longer cussing Janet. :wink2: But I noticed this morning that I didn't have to work as hard. :unsure: So that has me a little concerned as well. My fitness level is increasing, but my weight has plateaued. *sigh* Somebody just give me a magic formula that I can stick with and not have to keep adjusting and calculating all the time. I don't care if it's hard, I just want something that works! :tt2: :lol:

I think what I'll do is carry on with my regular morning cardio on the treadmill and increase and vary my other gym exercises. I did weights and rowing on Friday and I was quite surprised that it went as well as it did. I used to hate rowing because my mummy tummy was always getting in the way. It's not so bad now. I worked on my upper body with weights as well. I'm trying to fix my bat wings. They're not super bad, but they make a flapping sound when I'm drying myself after showering. :thumbup: I might try swimming as well. I haven't been in the pool since I had my first boob op in November, so maybe I should add that to my routine as well.

Well that's enough rambling from me for now. Have a wonderful day!


Ruby I hate to tell you this, but maintenance is the hardest thing in the world for me. I thought losing was EASY compared to maintenance. For me when I was losing I got a reward every weigh in day...a lower number. At maintenance I don't get a reward...I just get the same number. I am supposed to be happy just getting the same number over and over.

As for the plateauing...are you losing size? If you are not losing size and not losing weight you might have to decrease your calories or lower carbs or lower fats. As you lose weight it takes more effort to burn the same amount of calories because you are not carrying around as much weight. Think about it this way. We all know that if you were to carry a 20 pound backpack while hiking you are going to burn more calories than if you didn't have the backpack. Well it is the same thing if you are carrying around 20 pounds of extra fat...it burns more calories. So as you have lost weight you don't have the extra "backpack" so you have to increase the intensity or add weights.

As for the magic formula...it is adjusting and calculating. So that is why when you guys tell me I am OCD about all the counting and calculating I do, I nod my head in agreement, but realize that is the only way it works. Until my mind can firmly grasp EVERYTHING, I will write it down and calculate it.

I figure I have been living healthy for the last 9 months...I was living unhealthy for the last 20 years. I can't expect myself to make these changes over the last few months and just have my brain realize that this is how it is going to be. 20 years of behavior are going to out weigh 9 months of behavior. So I treat myself just like I did when I started this journey. That way I stay on track and never have to worry about slipping up. I will NOT let my "fat brain" take control. I conciously chose to have pizza last night, but that was my healthy brain making that choice...not the fat brain and there is a difference. I calculated the calories and am now watching for signs or symptoms of overeating or food craving. If I would have shown signs of that today, I wouldn't allow myself pizza for a VERY long time again. There are some foods that I can eat in moderation once in a great while and NEVER have a problem with (pizza is one). There are other foods that I will never allow myself to eat again because I KNOW I will trigger NASTY food cravings (carrot cake is one). I know I can't have crackers (even the healthy kind) because it will trigger grazing problems. You have to listen to your body. If you eat something and it causes triggers, you just can't have it. No matter how much you might like it. At least for me....It just isn't worth it.

Okay off my soap box and back to work. My legs are a little tired today. Good thing it is just eliptical and weights today.

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Ruby I hate to tell you this, but maintenance is the hardest thing in the world for me. I thought losing was EASY compared to maintenance. For me when I was losing I got a reward every weigh in day...a lower number. At maintenance I don't get a reward...I just get the same number. I am supposed to be happy just getting the same number over and over.

Thanks for your awesome post Karri. This first paragraph is what hit me this morning. Right now I'm on a plateau and I feel like I'm still (a lot of the time) paranoid about what I eat. Every day I have to fight with my head about what I should be eating and doing. It's always different to what I want to be eating and doing. It's tiring. :sad: It really is. And I made the realisation, as you pointed out, that maintenance doesn't have any rewards. It's going to take a lot of work for no results. :wink2:

But you also made me realise that in spite of my weight staying the same, I am actually losing size. The size 12 jeans I bought last month are loose on me. I need new exercise clothes because they're loose as well. Even the bandeau on my bra is loose. So I'm lucky there. And I wouldn't have realised it if you hadn't made me stop and think. :lol:

This extra hunger is the pits though. I should have shares in the Orbit Gum company because I'm going through at least a pack a day. Sometimes two. :thumbup: But there are times when I need something more. My problem seems to be not being able to stop eating once I start. If I have a snack, it turns into a meal size. I've stopped buying the 100 Calorie Cookie Snacks because I couldn't stop at 1 pack per snack session. I was eating 2 or 3. Now I've switched to drinking coffee or a cup of Soup. It doesn't always stop me from wanting to eat. But I don't think anything will. When the hunger is bad I'll have popcorn. But even then I want more. :unsure: Sometimes it's just so HARD to not be hungry that it brings me to tears. :crying:When I can no longer hold off the demons you would think it would bring me some kind of comfort or satisfaction. It doesn't. I makes me feel worse.:thumbup::sad_smile::smile:

I need to start looking at things differently. I've been thinking about this over the past couple of hours. I'm 25lbs from my target goal. I've never been that close. It's really not that far away. A year ago I was 90lbs from my target weight and it seemed insurmountable. I remember how it felt the be that fat. I've never been so depressed and self-loathing. Right now I'm annoyed, frustrated and impatient. But I'm still better off! I just have to keep remembering that. Live in the present, the future will come, the past is the past. One day and one pound at a time.

Thank you so much for getting up on your soap box for me. I really do appreciate it. You help make this difficult journey all the more easier to bear. :lol:

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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