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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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He gang I posted this on a thread asking does it get eaisesr - and thought that since we (I do) still have head hunger issues that you might find this interesting and something to ponder

The girl made the statement that she knew the band was a tool but that she didn't think she would have to work so hard and that she is still hungry - she had her 1st fill on 5/1 - this was my response to her

Here is something else that I didn't mention in my post to Jen about what my secert was in being so close to goal.

The issue of HEAD HUNGER - We truly think that we are hungry and we really are not physically - We mistake head hunger for real physical hunger - and it takes time to differentiate between the two - I am 9 months out and I still fight it

I just finished dinner - my stomach is content - but I am not !!! I want more food - I want to eat still !!! We take that feeling of still wanting to eat and THINK we are still hungry - if you asked me right now are you still hungry I would say yes - cuz I am hungry - but my stomach is full.

Pre-band I would still be in the kitchen looking for something else to eat

I know that doesn't make alot of sense - but after you have finished your meal - and you think you are still hungry - sit quietly and think about your stomach - if you ate hard Protein - I bet you $100 buck your tummy feels content - but you know that you only ate 1/2 c or even 1 cup of food which is 1/10 of what you ate before. So your brain is saying oh wait that wasn't enough food - I need more to to live - heck even skinny people eat more that 1/2 c or 1 cup for a meal.. (ya they do but they aren't trying to lose weight either)

This is coming from a person (me) who has restriction and I still think I am hungry..

Given you may not have perfect restriction yet - but I bet you have some. Are you on liquids or able to eat real food - most docs do require a couple of days on liquids then move to mushies.

For me this has always been work - not as hard as it was pre-band - I think the band does make it easier - but I still have to work at it.

I am pooped right now - and being tired makes me want to eat - I could go in there and eat ice cream - make some brownie (I do have a mix in the pantry) I could feed this emotional hunger - and fighting that urge is no diff with our band than without the band

They banded our tummies and not our heads - the real problems with our obesity lies in our head (most of the time - some do have medical reasons but most of us just plain over eat and don't exercise)

So ya it's work - but I can tell you I am worth the work - I am worth getting healthy and adding years and more quality to my life.

The only thing the band does - is physically stop you from eating a 16 oz steak or any food with some substance to it - but you can still eat around it with slider foods (foods that slide right thru) candy, Cookies, ice cream, cake chips.< /span>

My friends and family know I am banded and in some ways I wish I hadn't told - why you say - because I don't feel that I am getting the credit for losing 88.5 lbs in 9 months - but that the band is - the band didn't do the work - it didn't make my food choices and it didn't go to the gym and exercise - I did - I did the work and it's still alot of work even with the band it's just easier to stop eating once your brain is able to get the right signals from your stomach that you are physically full..

We have messed up that wiring so much that it's going to take a life time to fix it..

Just keep working at it - it does get eaiser as time passes - but it is work - you gotta be like that little train - I know I can I know I can.

It's not that you can't do it - it's that you think you can't...

Take Care !!!!

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Good morning ladies. It's 515 here and I've been up for about an hour. Wow! before I was begging to let me sleep for another hour at 10. Now I have so much energy I don't know what to do with it. Amazing!

Now I know some is the mucinex. I needed to take it last night but I took it much earlier, about 6pm instead of 10, and my body must have needed to sleep because I did from about 10 till 4. Then I tossed and turned for awhile obsessing over my next appointment....over nothing....so I figured it was time to get out of bed. But I don't care what kind of upper I'm on, there is no way 50 pounds ago I would have gotten 6 hours of sleep and been wide awake. I talked to the pharmacist about the mucinex and he said that yes it does have sudafed in it. grrrr. Oh well. His suggestion was only to take it in the morning and I should be fine. Had I not been so congested last night I would have heeded that but I needed the relief.

Janet, you are not a miss know-it-all. You are passionate about your band and helping others. Part of it is the mother in you, part of it is the lack of people in your immediate vacinity to take care of. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing. I have too many in my life to take care of. But this allows you a way to nurture and help. I've never thought of you as a know-it-all. I'm happy that you are here and helping us along. I know without you and the others as an example I would be like that poor girl going, "This sucks and I'm a failure." My attitude change is in large part due to you. Don't apologize for caring. Oh.....but I still am jealous about Stagecoach. Miranda and I were singing at the tops of our lungs yesterday on the ride to work. Give her a big HAH!!! when she sings Kerosene...just for me:lol:

I can't help being excited for Karri this morning. I so hope she feels better and found some great shoes. I'm going to do some research and try to find a 5k some time this summer. Even if I have to walk it, I'm going to enter. Again, 50 lbs ago that wasn't even a pipe dream. I'm so ramped up about Karri's success....and it's contagious.

Phyll, the ADHD might be some of the cause for the mucinex problem. Maybe it just ramped it all the way on high....but I could focus on it well too, so who knows. I have never been medicated for the ADHD, I just learned to cope, which works most of the time. I had to laugh at your "In my day we called it hyperactive," because when mom and dad were taking me to the doctor to see what was wrong with me, the one said, "She's just a very precocious child. Some girls are harder to handle than others." I've always worn that with a badge of honor. Precocious. What a precious word!!!:frown:

Jackie, I wish we had more second hand stores around here. I used to love shopping thrift. I could spend 15 bucks and come out with beautiful work clothes. Now I can't spend 15 bucks on underwear hardly. Who was looking for the size 14's??? Peaches??? Ruby??? Oh I don't remember, but maybe you can find some for her and send them. For that price even with shipping she would have a ton.

I didn't track my food yesterday like I should have. I couldn't sit down at the computer when it was quiet. I just did and it wasn't good yesterday. I honestly didn't think I was eating so little. My gross cals were less than 500 and with my 40 minute walk they were less than 200. That honestly can't be can it? But then when I think about everything I did yesterday, I did not eat. I drank 5 bottles of Water and 1 bottle of ice tea....but I didn't eat in the morning because I didn't have time, so I had my peach fusion instead. lunch was french dips and I just had 2 pieces of deli roast beef with some carrots and pickles because the bread would have stuck. For dinner I had 1/2 fillet of Walleye. I didn't eat a salad because I wanted to eat the fish instead and didn't even order a potato. I know that's not good for my body. I know EVERYONE needs more than that to live. The great thing is I wasn't hungry. But I was high. What a trade off, huh?

Well, family is still sleeping and I'm done here for now...so I think I'm going to put on some warm stuff and go for a walk. I'll see you all later. Have a great Saturday.

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He gang I posted this on a thread asking does it get eaisesr - and thought that since we (I do) still have head hunger issues that you might find this interesting and something to ponder

The girl made the statement that she knew the band was a tool but that she didn't think she would have to work so hard and that she is still hungry - she had her 1st fill on 5/1 - this was my response to her

Here is something else that I didn't mention in my post to Jen about what my secert was in being so close to goal.

The issue of HEAD HUNGER - We truly think that we are hungry and we really are not physically - We mistake head hunger for real physical hunger - and it takes time to differentiate between the two - I am 9 months out and I still fight it

I just finished dinner - my stomach is content - but I am not !!! I want more food - I want to eat still !!! We take that feeling of still wanting to eat and THINK we are still hungry - if you asked me right now are you still hungry I would say yes - cuz I am hungry - but my stomach is full.

Pre-band I would still be in the kitchen looking for something else to eat

I know that doesn't make alot of sense - but after you have finished your meal - and you think you are still hungry - sit quietly and think about your stomach - if you ate hard Protein - I bet you $100 buck your tummy feels content - but you know that you only ate 1/2 c or even 1 cup of food which is 1/10 of what you ate before. So your brain is saying oh wait that wasn't enough food - I need more to to live - heck even skinny people eat more that 1/2 c or 1 cup for a meal.. (ya they do but they aren't trying to lose weight either)

This is coming from a person (me) who has restriction and I still think I am hungry..

Given you may not have perfect restriction yet - but I bet you have some. Are you on liquids or able to eat real food - most docs do require a couple of days on liquids then move to mushies.

For me this has always been work - not as hard as it was pre-band - I think the band does make it easier - but I still have to work at it.

I am pooped right now - and being tired makes me want to eat - I could go in there and eat ice cream - make some brownie (I do have a mix in the pantry) I could feed this emotional hunger - and fighting that urge is no diff with our band than without the band

They banded our tummies and not our heads - the real problems with our obesity lies in our head (most of the time - some do have medical reasons but most of us just plain over eat and don't exercise)

So ya it's work - but I can tell you I am worth the work - I am worth getting healthy and adding years and more quality to my life.

The only thing the band does - is physically stop you from eating a 16 oz steak or any food with some substance to it - but you can still eat around it with slider foods (foods that slide right thru) candy, Cookies, ice cream, cake chips.< /span>

My friends and family know I am banded and in some ways I wish I hadn't told - why you say - because I don't feel that I am getting the credit for losing 88.5 lbs in 9 months - but that the band is - the band didn't do the work - it didn't make my food choices and it didn't go to the gym and exercise - I did - I did the work and it's still alot of work even with the band it's just easier to stop eating once your brain is able to get the right signals from your stomach that you are physically full..

We have messed up that wiring so much that it's going to take a life time to fix it..

Just keep working at it - it does get eaiser as time passes - but it is work - you gotta be like that little train - I know I can I know I can.

It's not that you can't do it - it's that you think you can't...

Take Care !!!!

I had a great day yesterday, finished my painting job. went out for dinner with my BF ( you dirty girs, that's my Best Friend LOL) I had a drink, but for supper I had Calamari(squid) which I split with my BF and a Greek salad, which I also split... No dessert!!!

Then we went to the Casino and I won $700 :) :tongue: :frown: :w00t: so now my M of A trip is all PRE PAID for.....:sad:

Have a super day everyone!

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It was me that is looking for some summer clothes. This is a Wallmart community--not that there's anything wrong with Wallmart--but I need some things a little more upscale for this summer. Lots of events--trips, graduations, a wedding, showers. The nearest shopping malls are in Milwaukee--an hour or so away. No good thrift shops either, plus I don't have time to search for stuff. Once the weather warms up, I am going to be in big trouble. Well, maybe I can run to Milwaukee this afternoon, in which case I better get the laundry going. My son (who passed his Radiation Therapy national board exam last week!) and his fiancee are comming today for a few days so I got beds to make and rooms to clean!

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Holy Hannah!!! $700!!! If I sent you $20 would you invest it for me too????

Lucky lucky you. But I guess I can't complain because I never really gamble so if I don't play I don't win! Good job on the win. And you won more than $700...you won when you ate too. That's always a tough battle when there are other people eating with me.....I want to fit in and try to eat bad stuff. So that was the true win!

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You have a lot of stuff to go to this summer and you have worked hard for new clothes. Take some time and enjoy shopping for fun stuff. I live in a non-walmart community. The closest Walmart is about 80 miles away. We do have a high end clothing store in town but their stuff is too pricey for dropping sizes. We have one other that I'm finally fitting into their sizes.

I vote for taking a day to go to Milwaukee and enjoying a day pampering yourself. Enjoy a healthy lunch somewhere where you wouldn't normally go and just shop to your heart's content. I think it sounds wonderful. That's my vote but I know sometimes life gets in the way of pampering....but think about it.

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Then we went to the Casino and I won $700 :) :tongue: :frown: :w00t: so now my M of A trip is all PRE PAID for.....:sad:

congrats on the $700 dollars!!! My aunt and Uncle called and they want DH and I to take them to the casino that we usually go to. I am so afraid to go again today because we won last weekend and in my head we are destined to lose now because we won. That is how it usually goes and I just don't want to throw my money away right now. LOL

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Just lost my frick post....

Here is a shorter version

Didn't go to the gym - bathed the dogs instead - stripped my bed and washing sheets - will have clean dogs & sheet since they both sleep with me . Repotted a corn plant tree - what a mess - cleaned the kitchen.

Got up at 6 cuz the silly dogs woke me I wanted to sleep in cuz I will have a long day today... Maybe I will take some mucinex :thumbup::lol:


Thanks for the kind words - they really meant alot to me :wub:.

Candice Congrats on the $700 :frown::tongue::):w00t: - We have about 7 casinos in a 30 mile radius - 2 are about 2 miles from my house.. But I rarely ever gamble at them - I will when I go to Laughlin next week and may in Vegas in June - My GF candy who I'm going to Laughlin with next weekend - she likes to gamble - that's why she agreed to go :thumbup:

Linda - I'm sorry I got rid of all my 14's - I may have 1 pair of jeans - but I am short arent' you tall - well these jean I do have to wear heels with so maybe they would fit you with flats on. But don't know if they are still in my closet or not - heck my 12's don't fit . I will keep them and take them to M OF A and we can have a little exchange - so before we go - let me know who's in a 12 and I will bring them.

I agree go to Milwaukee and get some clothes for your trip...

Ok I gotta go get dog food my nails done and come home shower and get ready for Stage Coach - Will be wearing my cowgirl hat so won't have to worry about the hair - I am a perfectionist when it comes to hair & makeup. :sad:

Ok Later chickes - I will talk to you all tomorrow and let you know if I meet any cute cowboys :smile2::lol::lol::lol:

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Hey Everybody - It poured all night here. I just got dressed, put on my 16 Lees. Thought these are quite lose. Went get the 14's out the closet, they fit just fine. The scales not moving much, but I know I'm losing. I can't even eat right now, I'm so freaking tight.

My daughter's 23rd BD is tomorrow. So I gotta think of a meal to cook.

Peaches and Jackie- What did you girls win at? I haven't been to a casino in years. I used to go with my teacher friends on the last day of school each year. Me and my friend played blackjack.

I'm really hungry. I'm going drink my coffee, and try to get some pills down.

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Ok I gotta go get dog food my nails done and come home shower and get ready for Stage Coach - Will be wearing my cowgirl hat so won't have to worry about the hair - I am a perfectionist when it comes to hair & makeup. :frown:

Ok Later chickes - I will talk to you all tomorrow and let you know if I meet any cute cowboys :):lol::sad::lol:

And we want to see a picture of you in that cowgirl hat!!


I am not having a good day.

About 5pm last night I started shivering and shaking... I thought I was just cold because the sun was going down and it was getting chilly in here. But I couldn't stop shaking for two hours. My hands were like ice cubes and hurt really bad. DH wrapped me up in my electric throw blanket and then a heating pad for my hands. I shook so bad all my muscles and joints were hurtiing. When I got warmed up the shaking stopped, but I had a temp of over 102. So, I went to bed. this morning... 100+, headache and generalized aches and pains.

someone gave me the flu!!


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It was me that is looking for some summer clothes. This is a Wallmart community--not that there's anything wrong with Wallmart--but I need some things a little more upscale for this summer. Lots of events--trips, graduations, a wedding, showers. The nearest shopping malls are in Milwaukee--an hour or so away. No good thrift shops either, plus I don't have time to search for stuff. Once the weather warms up, I am going to be in big trouble. Well, maybe I can run to Milwaukee this afternoon, in which case I better get the laundry going. My son (who passed his Radiation Therapy national board exam last week!) and his fiancee are comming today for a few days so I got beds to make and rooms to clean!

Linda: That is fantastic news on your Son's accomplishment. I opt for the shopping trip to Milwaukee too... Shopping is always FUN, FUN, FUN:regular_smile:

Holy Hannah!!! $700!!! If I sent you $20 would you invest it for me too????

Ha,ha,ha that never works... I actually would have come home with another $50 as my Dear Friend said "I'll put $50 bucks in with you and we'll split it!" well as soon as we did that MY machine STOPPED paying...:confused2:

Lucky lucky you. But I guess I can't complain because I never really gamble so if I don't play I don't win! Good job on the win. And you won more than $700...you won when you ate too. That's always a tough battle when there are other people eating with me.....I want to fit in and try to eat bad stuff. So that was the true win!

Yes, I was happy that I stuck to good eating habits this weekend, I am sure it'll pay off on Monday morn. weigh in.:frown:

congrats on the $700 dollars!!! My aunt and Uncle called and they want DH and I to take them to the casino that we usually go to. I am so afraid to go again today because we won last weekend and in my head we are destined to lose now because we won. That is how it usually goes and I just don't want to throw my money away right now. LOL

Oh Jackie, I totally get where you are coming from, I won't go gamble again now for quite a while, I've been really lucky this year 2008 and I don't want to press my luck. I think the reason I won was cause I was down doing a "good hearted" painting job for my BF... as a favor.. it turned out really well and she loves it. What goes around comes around:thumbup:

And we want to see a picture of you in that cowgirl hat!!


I am not having a good day.

About 5pm last night I started shivering and shaking... I thought I was just cold because the sun was going down and it was getting chilly in here. But I couldn't stop shaking for two hours. My hands were like ice cubes and hurt really bad. DH wrapped me up in my electric throw blanket and then a heating pad for my hands. I shook so bad all my muscles and joints were hurtiing. When I got warmed up the shaking stopped, but I had a temp of over 102. So, I went to bed. this morning... 100+, headache and generalized aches and pains.

someone gave me the flu!!


Phyl, I am so sorry you got the flu :) stay in bed and don't rush getting around and doing... Let hubby wait on you hand and foot.!!!

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Phyl, What a good hubby! Hope you feel better soon. Isn't it nice to be able to be sick and not worry about going to work?

No time to go clothes shopping today after all. I've got to get some food in the house and clean the rooms--make beds and all of that. Who was looking for some food ideas? I think I'll get some marrinated pork tenderloins that we can barbeque on the grill; I'll make a potato casserole with hash browns, lite sour cream, and cheese (not exactly diet food, but I'm not the only one eating), some salad and cook up some veggies. That'll be an easy meal. Well, off to the store. Hope Janet's enjoying herself and Karri's foot is OK. Phyl--drink your water! You too Mango.

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Only four bottles down today. I'm not very hungry so I'm not drinking as much. Checked out a gym this afternoon. It's only about 15 minutes from here and not so expensive. 90 days for $90.00. Nothing fancy, just machines and a locker room with showers. The only other one almost that close is $300. to join and $69./month. Of course, they have the pools, whirlpool, sauna, steamroom and all the machines............but dang, that's a lot of money!!

PHYL - Hope you feel better. If you can figure out who gave you the flu, I'll come kick some butt for you. That's not nice to do.

JANET - have fun. Not too much liquid refreshment. Of course, that will keep thoose flu germs away, but we don't want those extra calories.

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Only four bottles down today. I'm not very hungry so I'm not drinking as much.

PHYL - Hope you feel better. If you can figure out who gave you the flu, I'll come kick some butt for you. That's not nice to do.

Trying to get my Water in, but not too motivated to do anything today. The temp is back to normal, though, so that's a good thing! Think this will be short-lived. Aches and pains, headache, but no new symptoms. That was a wild ride last night! I think it was DD who gave it to me. She needed her butt kicked before that!!

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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