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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hello everyone. I am so sorry I have been MIA. Life is crazy but I have kept up on the post every day. I haven't posted though because I usually only have a short time to be on here (my son is on here a lot lately) and when I post it takes me a while. Let me see how I do.

Phyl- I would give anything to have the support that you and DH show your family. My mom loves me and I fully am aware of that but she doesn't go to any of the extra curriculars or anything for the my kids. The kids father and his parents are gone so it pretty much comes down to me. I feel sad for them because they don't get all the family gatherings and such as I did when I was younger. I Celebrate everything for them though. It may just be them 2, myself and now DH but I make sure I tell them all the time and remind them that no matter what they will always have holidays at my house and we always have each other. I hope your daughter realizes just how truly lucky she is.

Janet-WHOOOOHOOOOO!!! 1.5 lbs to go. Your freakin rock!! 23_30_109.gif You have done so wonderful!! Look at you all skinny. I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago and I am glad that I did because they just passed the law here in iowa that there is no more smoking in bars, restaurants, work places ,basically ANY public place anymore. The only place thatsmoking is allowed is on casino gaming floors and veterans halls. Other than that it is in you home.

Salsa-how is the foot? I agree with everyone else, don't push yourself to the point of worse injury. You have worked far to hard and to long to have to give it up now. Take care of yourself first.

Lindaa-so sorry about the PS. It just infuriates me that they don't cover that. Come on if we have way to much weight and they cover the surgeries (sometimes) then they have to realize that we are at risk for other complications of the left over skin. UUGGHHH

steph- sounds like you are really setting goals for yourself. AWSOME!! Isn't it funny how much we have all changed?

well I gotta get back to my work documentation. I was getting frustrated so I decided to come here. LOL Unfortunately that didn't get the work done for me. Miss you all!!!


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Forget to tell you all. I got a fill on Wednesday. I am not sure if it was enough but I had gotten upset when I went there because that was the last time that the PA that I have been going would be there as she took another job (same hospital different department) Anyway I took her roses and a card and she started crying and then I started and hell after all that she started the fill and I had tightened up. HAHA She gave me .2 and asked if that happens alot and I told her it does. Last week when the kids went to Chicago I was so tight Wednesday and Thursday it was hard to eat anything.

Anyway, we were talking about exercise and she suggested that instead of trying to run all at once while exercising that I walk for 5 minutes and then run for 1 or 2 because she said that gets the metabolism really moving. I am going to try this. I decided that I am going to go across the bridge by my house and run in the camp ground a couple of times (before summer really takes off and people are camping) so I don't have my in laws watching me 11_9_12.gif and see how that goes. Just watned to share this tid bit with all of you.


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Good Morning Ladies - I know I am late - but I have been getting Tickets for the Stagecoach Fest that's this weekend - 3 day Country Music Festival - General Admin Tickets $95 for 1 day - I got them for $75 plus we got VIP wrist band (suppose to get us into places that ga tickets don't bars/bathrooms) - My GF Debbie & I will go tomorrow - all day thing going to see Bucky Covington (American Idol last yr) Taylor Swift - Dierks Betley - Judds - Rascal Flatts. 3pm til midnite - then next weekend Laughlin to see Trace Atkins

This little RB chick is turning into a little CW chick :thumbup::lol: Well my Mom was from Texas and loved Roy Clark (I don't like twangy country music) so I did get it honestly...

Woke up hungry and even cooked before I left the house - eggburritto and I ate the whole thing 250 calorie - then dropped my car off to get serviced - WALKED to work (about 1/2) then found out these tickets were available from my bosses friend at the YMCA - so spent half the morning talking about it and looking up the event...

I have drank 3/4 of my 1st water bottle !!!

Last night they site was so slow I didn't get to respond cuz I gave up..

Karri - I am glad to hear it's nothing serious - and if you are going to be a marathoner you are going to have to make the investment in some EXPENSIVE good support shoes... Have you ck'd any running sites for info on that kind of stuff. Just a little suggestion if you haven't already done it.. I am your official Band Mommy - but do you know that the majority of us Lucky #7 are over 50 - Me Phyl Linda Peach Kari (5) - Karri baby 28 Kristin in her 20's too (2) - Jackie, Steph - Ruby 30's (3) - So you are going to get alot of Mothering :thumbup::lol::thumbup:

Peaches - I am going to have to google laser acupuncture??? Never heard of it - one of my x's did acupuncture for his drug problem - didn't work - reason for the x or I would have married that guy we had a lot in common and got along well. - I would try it if you could bring it :thumbup:

We don't have drivethur - dairy-queens - but I gotta say I really don't crave sweets that much - FATS yes - but I have that pretty much under control since I bake everything and use the butter spray stuff.

Kari - Would love for you to come - try and talk DH into it - Phyls' DH is a really nice guy - very easy going - I like him - I even let him weigh & measure my food too when I was at their place this winter right before they left :thumbup: I will let you have smoke of my second hand smoke..:)

Ok I need to get my A$$ to work it's 10:30 and haven't done anything:eek:

CBL - I am on my 2nd Water now :thumbup::thumbup:

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36_1_39.gif Third bottle of Water. Well, I downloaded the smileys but it took a 10_8_12.gif while for it to get on the tool bar. I see it there now so I'm gonna try it out. It works. Thanks guys. I'm working on DH. I think I can talk him into it. I can't make the drive by myself and it really is too close to spend the extra money to fly. Okay Phyl, I guess I'm sounding a lot like our hubbies here. Basically, since I have never had to budget, I'm trying to figure out how much we spend a month compared with how much we get. So far it all seems doable but then we haven't had any big bills come in since he retired.

HAVE A GOOD DAY.................TTYL

Oh yes, Janet, Love Rascal Flats. That's one of country's best.


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36_1_39.gif Third bottle of Water. Well, I downloaded the smileys but it took a 10_8_12.gif while for it to get on the tool bar. I see it there now so I'm gonna try it out. It works. Thanks guys. I'm working on DH. I think I can talk him into it. I can't make the drive by myself and it really is too close to spend the extra money to fly. Okay Phyl, I guess I'm sounding a lot like our hubbies here. Basically, since I have never had to budget, I'm trying to figure out how much we spend a month compared with how much we get. So far it all seems doable but then we haven't had any big bills come in since he retired.

HAVE A GOOD DAY.................TTYL

Oh yes, Janet, Love Rascal Flats. That's one of country's best.

He has a song I want played at my furnerel - I wish you happiness or something like that... It's for my kid & grandkids.. I like to make pple cry - also LaLa mean's I love you - My gk's call me LALA - I'm sick I know :thumbup:

2 bottle and I am eating the chicken sauage link from costco 110 c 13 pt

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Hi there everyone. Been a really great day! Crazy since my last night was so crazy.....here's the story....hold on to your pants.

When I went to the doc on Wed. she gave me some scripts for my sinus infection. 1. zythromax, 2. rhinocort spray, 3. a decongestant. I asked her if the decongestant had amphetimine in it because that stuff make me a little crazy. It feels like my hair is falling out one strand at a time. Anyways....she said no and I should be fine. So I was happy go lucky and took my antibiotic. It gave me tummy problems so I didn't take the other stuff that night. Yesterday driving to school I remembered my nose spray because it was sitting in the seat next to me and all was fine. Now the fun begins. Last night when I got home I did dinner and all that and then decided to go walking. DH and I walked and then I pushed hard and walked on my own. Well I was really excited that I pushed myself so hard and was almost "runner high" when I finished it. Then we watched some tv, I took my decongestant and went to bed. Well I certainly didn't sleep. I looked at the clock every freaking hour. I honestly saw every hour last night. I was sure when the alarm went off that it was going to be an bad, exhausted day.

So I got in the shower and tried to wake up. Got my stuff done in record time and was kind of excited at that. took my meds and went off to work with my coffee. Well the drive here was insane. No cars or anything like that but I was singing, the music was awesome, I was smiling, I was turning up the volume....then I got to work and I was talking a mile a minute and I was like, WTH is going on??? I should be exhausted. Then I thought it must be my "second wind" and it would go away soon....oh hell no. ... I'm still zooming. I told the teacher across the hall and he says it's the mucinex. At the thought of that my head started to crawl!!! I honestly think I've been high all day at work!!! OMG!!!!! I can't be high at work!!!!

I feel like I could run my 3 miles tonight....super me!!! Lord love a duck!

Okay...that's my story. I'll reply to everyone else next.

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Hi there everyone. Been a really great day! Crazy since my last night was so crazy.....here's the story....hold on to your pants.

When I went to the doc on Wed. she gave me some scripts for my sinus infection. 1. zythromax, 2. rhinocort spray, 3. a decongestant. I asked her if the decongestant had amphetimine in it because that stuff make me a little crazy. It feels like my hair is falling out one strand at a time. Anyways....she said no and I should be fine. So I was happy go lucky and took my antibiotic. It gave me tummy problems so I didn't take the other stuff that night. Yesterday driving to school I remembered my nose spray because it was sitting in the seat next to me and all was fine. Now the fun begins. Last night when I got home I did dinner and all that and then decided to go walking. DH and I walked and then I pushed hard and walked on my own. Well I was really excited that I pushed myself so hard and was almost "runner high" when I finished it. Then we watched some tv, I took my decongestant and went to bed. Well I certainly didn't sleep. I looked at the clock every freaking hour. I honestly saw every hour last night. I was sure when the alarm went off that it was going to be an bad, exhausted day.

So I got in the shower and tried to wake up. Got my stuff done in record time and was kind of excited at that. took my meds and went off to work with my coffee. Well the drive here was insane. No cars or anything like that but I was singing, the music was awesome, I was smiling, I was turning up the volume....then I got to work and I was talking a mile a minute and I was like, WTH is going on??? I should be exhausted. Then I thought it must be my "second wind" and it would go away soon....oh hell no. ... I'm still zooming. I told the teacher across the hall and he says it's the mucinex. At the thought of that my head started to crawl!!! I honestly think I've been high all day at work!!! OMG!!!!! I can't be high at work!!!!

I feel like I could run my 3 miles tonight....super me!!! Lord love a duck!

Okay...that's my story. I'll reply to everyone else next.

I must have gotten the wrong muciennex cuz it didn't do that to me

Did you get the one in the orange box??? I may just have to try it..

I could be a speed freak .,. I love the engery you get from diet pills:lol:

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Okay...now onto the rest....

Janet! YOu're going to stagecoach??? I'm so jealous!!!! I wanted to go so badly. I couldn't come up with a good reason, the money, or the time off so I'm pouting that I'm going to miss it. And then the people you are going to see. OMG!!! Then next weekend is TRACE!!!! Are you trying to kill me with envy? It's just not fair. That's all. Just not fair.

Karri, I know you won't see this til Sunday, but I hope you have a great weekend and kick butt at the 5k. Take care of your feet is the first order of business though!

Jackie, I've been wondering about you. I figured you were cuddling your kids since they got back. I think as long as you make the memories it doesn't matter how many family members are present when you do it. Quality, not quantity. Make every minute count! I'm debating getting a fill in a couple of weeks. I'm going to Minot for the support meeting but I don't know if I need one. I'm not getting stuck, I'm not getting super full on 1/2 cup of food. But I'm loosing at an alright rate....so I just don't know. Sorry you got so upset. I'm sure that would make you really tight.

Peaches, your story about DQ made me roll! I was a little confused for awhile about the BF's husband. I'm thinking, "Her boyfriend has a husband????" I read it again and again and again....then figured out that BF meant best friend. I was really puzzled. I'm thinking, she's married AND has a boyfriend? And that boyfriend has a husband? Wow I'm a noob!! hehehe Then I felt really bad for you only getting a bite and pbing. That's so not fair. If you're going to pb you might as well get a good half of it! Oh well....I loved the God Smack comment though....I think it's right....

Okay...now something else I wanted to ask you all. I'm thinking about the 900 minutes and thought maybe instead of setting myself a minute goal I could do a session goal and only count a session if it is 30+ minutes. That way if I only total gym for 15 minutes it doesn't count but the days I do both only count as one. That way I can count "days" basically. And since I did 12 in 15 the last month I should be able to set a fair goal at 20 in May. If I walk morning and night after school gets out it would be counted as 2 sessions. Does that sound more realistic than 900 minutes? I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to do.....but I could still be swayed :thumbup: You guys have the best advice.

Okay...school has 15 minutes left so I'm going to clean off my desk and call it a day. Have a great TGIF

Oh Water patrol check. I've drank 32 oz of water and have a 16 oz tea for on the ride home. How's everyone else doing?

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Hi there everyone. Been a really great day! Crazy since my last night was so crazy.....here's the story....hold on to your pants.

When I went to the doc on Wed. she gave me some scripts for my sinus infection. 1. zythromax, 2. rhinocort spray, 3. a decongestant. I asked her if the decongestant had amphetimine in it because that stuff make me a little crazy. It feels like my hair is falling out one strand at a time. Anyways....she said no and I should be fine. So I was happy go lucky and took my antibiotic. It gave me tummy problems so I didn't take the other stuff that night. Yesterday driving to school I remembered my nose spray because it was sitting in the seat next to me and all was fine. Now the fun begins. Last night when I got home I did dinner and all that and then decided to go walking. DH and I walked and then I pushed hard and walked on my own. Well I was really excited that I pushed myself so hard and was almost "runner high" when I finished it. Then we watched some tv, I took my decongestant and went to bed. Well I certainly didn't sleep. I looked at the clock every freaking hour. I honestly saw every hour last night. I was sure when the alarm went off that it was going to be an bad, exhausted day.

So I got in the shower and tried to wake up. Got my stuff done in record time and was kind of excited at that. took my meds and went off to work with my coffee. Well the drive here was insane. No cars or anything like that but I was singing, the music was awesome, I was smiling, I was turning up the volume....then I got to work and I was talking a mile a minute and I was like, WTH is going on??? I should be exhausted. Then I thought it must be my "second wind" and it would go away soon....oh hell no. ... I'm still zooming. I told the teacher across the hall and he says it's the mucinex. At the thought of that my head started to crawl!!! I honestly think I've been high all day at work!!! OMG!!!!! I can't be high at work!!!!

I feel like I could run my 3 miles tonight....super me!!! Lord love a duck!

Okay...that's my story. I'll reply to everyone else next.

:biggrin2: Oh my Gosh, Stephanie, you poor thing! Better check with the Pharmacist before you take any cold medications/decongestants again.. You must be super sensitive to them... Try a nice cup of Camomile tea tonight before bed to calm you down.

At least tomorrow is Sat and you'll be able to sleep in Eh???

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Steph, You sound like me back in the days when amphetamines were legal. It was great, until they went off the market. I think I was addicted b/c I seriously crashed--laid on the floor and cried for days. I hope your landing is a little softer than that!

TGIF! I am totally whipped out. I have to go shopping tomorrow though. I don't have anything to wear to Mexico. Does anyone have some 14's they'd like to sell? I need capri's, shorts, tops, a (very modest) bathing suit, cover ups, something nice to wear for dinner--we're celebrating our 33rd anniversary while there--making everyone go out to dinner with us.

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Steph- My friend says she takes the little red Sudafed pills when she doesn't wanna eat, cause it's like speed to her. I tried it, Nothing. My Mom has said many a time when she was young, like in the 50's or 60's, she and her friends had this perfume that when they wore it, it was like speed. She said she would clean house all day.

Phyl - Sooooo sorry your daughters being a #@$%^$!

I am really having restriction issues since last night. I couldn't even swallow Water this morning. Couldn't take a tiny Synthroid. I can only drink today. I'm hungry! My fill was 2 weeks ago. Aunty is here, so maybe that's the problem. I'm thinking I'll probably have to get some out before surgery. There's no way I should do that being this tight. Imagine if it swells shut after surgery, and I can't take freakin pain meds. I'm anticipating pain. I'm also thinking the surgery is gonna be when Aunty is here again. That's gonna mean more pain.

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Steph, You sound like me back in the days when amphetamines were legal. It was great, until they went off the market. I think I was addicted b/c I seriously crashed--laid on the floor and cried for days. I hope your landing is a little softer than that!

Yeah, I remember that, too!

One of my earliest attempts at weight loss before I got married! My Aunt Genny got me some in Canada. I didn't sleep for days and finally had to quit them.

Okay...now something else I wanted to ask you all. I'm thinking about the 900 minutes and thought maybe instead of setting myself a minute goal I could do a session goal and only count a session if it is 30+ minutes. That way if I only total gym for 15 minutes it doesn't count but the days I do both only count as one. That way I can count "days" basically. And since I did 12 in 15 the last month I should be able to set a fair goal at 20 in May. If I walk morning and night after school gets out it would be counted as 2 sessions. Does that sound more realistic than 900 minutes? I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to do.....but I could still be swayed :party: You guys have the best advice.

Oh Water patrol check. I've drank 32 oz of water and have a 16 oz tea for on the ride home. How's everyone else doing?

I think that exercise plan is right on!!

My water: I think I've only had about 24 oz of Crystal Lite/coffee so far. Still working on it but having my little glass of wine right now.

I must have gotten the wrong muciennex cuz it didn't do that to me. Did you get the one in the orange box??? I may just have to try it..I could be a speed freak .,. I love the engery you get from diet pills:lol:

I have to add my two cents about the mucinex.... I did a lot of research on ADHD or, as they used to call it, hyperactivity, when our youngest son was in grade school because he'd been diagnosed with it. One of the things I remember coming up more than once is that people with that condition often react exactly the opposite to stimulants, etc than other people. For example, I was told to try giving our son coffee in the morning before school because the caffeine would have a calming effect. As I remember, that didn't work on him, but he would load any liquid with tons of sugar. But, I was just thinking... you mentioned having ADHD, Steph, so maybe that's why you reacted like that to the Mucinex. Then again, I could be way off track!

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Just finished #5.

Steph - that reminds me of a story about my dad. He was one to treat himself and not go to the doctors. He'd go to the corner drugstore and the druggist would give him a bottle of penicillan. He had this really bad cold once and after about a week of taking them, he wasn't feeling any better. So, he sent me to the drugstore to find out just what he was taking. Turned out to be diet pills. LOL No wonder he wasn't sleeping and not feeling better. Your exersize plan sounds good to me. You can do it.



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Hey Gang What's Up..

I have a headache and am tired - I layed down for a few - but Dogs just don't let me rest - they are worse than kids.

Steph - You know about Stage Coach ?? We ya I guess I heard them advertizing on Siruis Stalitte how to get tickets - so I guess it's all over the US - Ya I could have gone tonite and seen the Eagles - with my Nephew - but there is now way I could go tonite and then all day tomorrow with my GF - At my age I have to conserver my energy :party:

See you could have come and you and DH could have stayed with me..

That would have save $$ right there... silly girl...


Kari - you are our Water queen - I have 2 1/2 I need to drink more...





GET SOME GOOD 12_3_37.gif


Wel I am sorta pissed i came home and took out what I thought was ground turkey - but it was salt pork :lol:

Now I gotta find something else to eat or defrost in the micro wave - I had already sauted the onions bell peppers & jalepenos - I guess I could make an omelett but I want me and I don't want get dressed and go to the store . Well I will figure something out..

You all most likely will hear from me in the morning - but I will be at the music fest from 3 - Midnite - so you won't be hearing from me like you usually do - I bet you all will be releived a little break from miss know it all. :party::lol:

Well I gotta go figure out what to eat - I am hungry - so will cbl


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Hello me ladies!! Just got home. Today was mine and DH 2nd wedding anniversary so we went out for supper. I had monteray chicken and MMMMM it was scrumptuous. (sp?) Went to Kohls and bought another pair of capris........size 10. Now I can't usually fit into a 10 so that is why I go to Kohls because for some reason most of their 10's I fit :lol: I have been going to 2 different second hand stores lately. You can get a bag (10 items) of clothing for 3.50 all the time. Sometimes they have a bag (10 items) for $1.00 and then I get 20% off because I used to work for the company (the company is a non profit company that serves people with disabilities.) So anyway I got 20 items of clothing the past couple of days for $1.60 isn't that awsome. Here is the kicker, some of the clothes are still brand new with tags and it is all kinds of name brands so I am excited. It is crazy though because I have bought so many clothes over the last couple of months in anticipation for summer that I have 6 bags in my closet because they won't fit in my dresser. :party:

Janet-have a great time tomorrow night. I am also jealous. THE EAGLES?!?!?! OMG I would have loved to see them.

Steph-sounds like you definately have a plan for exercise.

phyl- I have never been a whine drinker but I seriously think it was because when I was young (minor, :party:) and was partying with my friends we would drink boones wine because it was cheap and I got so sick on it a couple of times. HAHA

Peaches- I have always wanted to go to an accupuncurist (sp?) I need to relax.

Everyone else that i didn't mention I hope you are having a wonderful Friday night.

Gotta run and go shower. TTYAL

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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