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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Janet - I truly regret telling anyone. I wish I had only told my DH and children. If anyone I know ever ask, I will say 800 cals or 16pts. a day and a lot of exercise.

If I could just do that now, I'd probably be near my goal.

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Janet - I truly regret telling anyone. I wish I had only told my DH and children. If anyone I know ever ask, I will say 800 cals or 16pts. a day and a lot of exercise.

If I could just do that now, I'd probably be near my goal.

Denise - I see your ticker is moving :wink2: in the downward motion

CONGRATS... I think your last fill must be motivating you - look like it's working :tt2:

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Ruby - Yes non-food rewards - That's the way to go... Get a manicure and a pedicure - you will be hooked- Are you a tom boy?? I am a girly girl. But I do like 4 wheeling = camping etc - I am not above getting dirty as long as I can clean up too..

Linda - That 1 lbs will be off by tomorrow if you drink all your water..

Congrates on Sons graduation !!! I was wonder where you had been,, Good luck on the sleep study - I didn't do another one I just took the machine back and said - here. I never stopped breathing - during my sleep - my breaths just got real shallow - and IMHO i think they just say you have it so you will get approved for surgery - I think they are all in cahoots (sp) with each other -

Well, gang not much to report from last night - I'm at work - it's Monday tonite is trainer - arms - that's about it..

Phyl - I think it was Jackie with the vivid dream about trainer and trying to stop her from exercising - I know I dream - but I don't remember them like I use too

Oh ya - I wanted to post this - I know we have talked about it before but I posted this on another thread. To tell or not to tell..

I told everyone what i was doing - but when an acquittance ask how I lost the weight - I say "eating healthy & exercise" which is true - I feel that if I say I had wls then the credit will go to the band not me.. So now truly I wish I hadn't told anyone - cuz for some I don't think they are giving me the credit due ...

Ok off to work... CBL:tongue:

Yeah I'm still very much a tomboy, although I do like parts of my body to be "girly". I love most sports. I played lots of different sports and follow the Cowboys and Dallas Mavericks because I don't get a chance to follow rugby like I did when living down under. My husband is not a sport freak, so I pick up the slack for him. :tt2:

I don't know if I'll go for a pedicure though. I don't like people touching my feet. :tt2:

It was me that dreamed about the trainer and him getting in my way. I don't recall my dreams very often, but when I do they're extremely clear. Most mornings I wake up knowing I dreamt, but not knowing what it was about. :wink2:

As for telling people about my band, I only told my hairdresser and hubby told a couple of our close friends who live in Kansas and Quebec. I agree with you on the band getting all the credit and I don't think it's fair. I believe I wouldn't have been this successful without it, but it was still me that did all the hard work, walked all the fat off, sweat buckets in the gym, ate food that I didn't want but knew was better for me and cried all the tears when the whole process got me down.

My hairdresser is a lovely girl. It's always so nice when I go in there every 6 weeks and her eyes light up and she tells me how different I look. She knows of another friend who had the surgery around the same time I did and she tells me she doesn't see much difference at all in him. I told her that he probably isn't using the band to its full abilities. It's not a magic fix-it. I had no idea it would take this much hard work to lose as I am. And if I'm completely honest, I probably wouldn't have opted for it when I did if I had known. I'm lazy by nature and was forever looking for the easy way out to lose my weight. Nothing was easy. The band isn't either, but it is successful for me and that's what matters most of all. It would have taken me probably another 50 or 100lbs before I got desperate enough to take serious action if I'd known beforehand exactly what I was getting myself into. :tt2: But I certainly don't have any regrets. I complain and moan about so many things on this journey, and I think it helps to be in the company of people who understand and take their own turns on the soapbox when they need it without fear of being looked down on.

There have been 3 reasons for my success. My band, my band sisters and me. They share equal billing.

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WHew just caught up on all the posts. I usually read everyday but didnt even get on the computer Saturday after we got home and not at all yesterday. Looks like you have all been busy posting.

Karri- congrats on the running. Excellent pictures. I am soooo PROUD of you!!

Janet and Peaches-I agree....BBQ is the only way. I will broil it in the oven but I will take BBQ over any other way anytime of the day/week.

Mango-74 degrees. I could only hope. Last week we were up in the higher 60's lower 70's then Thursday we got all the rain and then last night when I let my dogs outside it was freakin snowing. 10_3_1v.gif This morning it is all gone and we didn't really get anything to cover the ground but we are almost into April and after the winter we had we deserve a little sunshine.

Well gang DH and I went to the casino on Saturday afternoon. We won again. We left with $245.00 and came home with $1,483.00 so we did good. I told DH no more for quite sometime now because our luck will run out. HAHA

I did not exercise on Sat or Sun so I am getting back today. I rarely take a day off anyway so I am not too upset with myself but I can tell you at the end of the day I feel like I have not accomplished much. I never thought I would actually miss exercising.

Kids got back from Chicago last night. They really enjoyed their trip. They both want to go back. We sent along money for them to buy things for themselves or to do extra fun things. DD thoroughly enjoyed herself and bought for herself (she is a girlie girl) and my son....the ever so thoughtful....he spent most of his spending money on me and a couple of things for DH. I said 'Austin you were supposed to spend your money on yourself not me.' (I said this after thanking him) and he said 'I know but I wanted to buy you things.' So the kids spend about $65.00 of his $125 spending on me and about $30 on DH. He is 15 and everytime he has money he wants to buy things for others. He has always been that way. There are days he is that nasty teenager but on the inside he is such a softy!!

Well I better get. I am going to go walk and then head to town. Have some errands to run and then back home. I feel so sluggish today and don't even feel like moving but I know that I will feel better after exercising. Isn't it funny how exercising jazzes us up and if we dont we feel yucky?

Oh yeah Peaches I absolutely LOVE Guitar Hero. We bought it for the wii. The 80's and 90's are my erra so I love the music. The kids use the excuse that I can beat them at all the songs because that was my music and I know it. HAHA We get some real competition going on some nights.


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O.K. this is how my day in the yea ole hell hole is going...

She called me trailer trash.

Oh yeah, well she called me an ugly fat B.

Well, you be calling me stuff like trailer trash all the time.

Oh, yeah, well you got any witnesses?

CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink2::cursing::tt2::cursing::tt2:

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Good morning ladies. :tt2: Before I forget, Karri you RAWK!!!! I'm sure you couldn't even imagine this time last year that you would be in a race, let alone running the whole time AND finishing. Congrats to you. You're magnificent. :tt2:

No weight loss for me this week. But no gain either, so reason enough not to mope about. I did weights on Saturday (arms and shoulders) and today I feel like my arms are going to drop off. It almost hurts just to raise my arms to the keyboard. :lol: Gonna give it a couple more days to recover and then back again. Maybe not so enthusiastic this time around. :wink2:

I met my monthly target for exercise today. So time for a treat. I was thinking that I may take myself for a manicure. This may not seem like a treat to many of you, but I've never gotten one. I don't even know what to ask for. :wink2: My nails are all different lengths and could do with a good tidy up. I don't want to get any false ones. I know what a French Polish (is that what it's called?) is, but I don't think I want one of those either. Maybe just a neutral color or something. So anyway, that's the plan. I'm deserving of a reward for my hard work and I've decided that rewards aren't going to revolve around food anymore. So that's why I've decided on a manicure. It's something new for me. I think this tomboy image has gone on long enough. :lol:

Be good today ladies. The Water monitors are on patrol. *nudges Steph* :tt2:

Thanks. I was really proud of myself. Now I just need to improve my time next week.

Here is some advice on the sore arms. Don't wait too long (48 hours max) between lifting sets otherwise you will always be sore. The soreness will actually go away with repeated lifting sessions. Also, make sure you are stretching and drinking plenty of water during and after the weights.

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O.K. this is how my day in the yea ole hell hole is going...

She called me trailer trash.

Oh yeah, well she called me an ugly fat B.

Well, you be calling me stuff like trailer trash all the time.

Oh, yeah, well you got any witnesses?

CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink2::cursing::tt2::cursing::tt2:

Denise - I couldn't have your job - I would tell them both off - I wouldn't last too long at that job - I am not the most diplomatic person.. Especially when I get frustrated...

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I have told everyone...students, teachers, friends, waiters, total strangers, and for me I wouldn't change a thing. I always say that having this band has changed my life. I started making the right food choices, and exercising. I always inform them that WLS is not the easy way out. Yes sometimes people get more info than they want, but I have used my experience to educate people. But that is just my 2 cents. For me it helped. Besides, I had to worry about what students would think when I was dropping weight so quickly. The would have automatically thought I was on Meth...after all Oregon is the Meth capital of the world!

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I met my monthly target for exercise today. So time for a treat. I was thinking that I may take myself for a manicure. This may not seem like a treat to many of you, but I've never gotten one. I don't even know what to ask for. :wink2: My nails are all different lengths and could do with a good tidy up. I don't want to get any false ones. I know what a French Polish (is that what it's called?) is, but I don't think I want one of those either. Maybe just a neutral color or something. So anyway, that's the plan. I'm deserving of a reward for my hard work and I've decided that rewards aren't going to revolve around food anymore. So that's why I've decided on a manicure. It's something new for me. I think this tomboy image has gone on long enough. :tt2:

Be good today ladies. The Water monitors are on patrol. *nudges Steph* :tt2:

Now who RAWKS???? You did awesome. You still have 3 days left and you'll be OVER your goal. That is too great for words. I haven't even set a goal yet because I wasn't doing it at the beginning of the month. I will set one this coming month though!

I would do a pedicure before a manicure. I'm not much into massages but LOVE to have my feet done. And before the only time my toes EVER got painted was when someone else did them because there was NO WAY IN HELL I could reach them....but I digress...Just go in and ask them to clean up your nails and pick a nice soft pink or coral. You'll love it. It feels so great to be pampered.

I'll be on water patrol while you're out girling up.

G'mornin. I just finished catching up, and now there's no time left to post. We got back from DS's graduation in Grand Rapids (on Kari's side of the lake) late last night. The band did it's job as far as controlling my eating, but it was of no use for the rest of the celebrating with the college kids. I'm up a pound this morning. It was a wonderful weekend, and one that frankly, I didn't think would ever actually happen!

Don't know if I'll have time to post more later or not. sleep study scheduled for tonight--cross your fiongers that I can ditch the CPAP!

Congrats on the graduation!!! That is just awesome. I know that my parents never thought I would finish either.

Good luck on the sleep study. Have sweet dreams.

I have told everyone...students, teachers, friends, waiters, total strangers, and for me I wouldn't change a thing. I always say that having this band has changed my life. I started making the right food choices, and exercising. I always inform them that WLS is not the easy way out. Yes sometimes people get more info than they want, but I have used my experience to educate people. But that is just my 2 cents. For me it helped. Besides, I had to worry about what students would think when I was dropping weight so quickly. The would have automatically thought I was on Meth...after all Oregon is the Meth capital of the world!

I told everyone. And I still do tell everyone. I want everyone to know so that it gives them a better idea that it CAN be successful. And when I get skepticism I just shrug and say that I am better than that and I haven't had any problems. I also have many obese family and friends and want them to know that this is a viable option....and nothing to be ashamed of. I do say something like, "I had a lapband installed in December and now I am eating so much healthier. Also since my weight allows it now I'm exercising." It makes the lapband the minor part of the story and me and my doing much more important.

My students have been so complementary today! It's absolutely amazing how nice they have been. They are really starting to notice the changes.

I just checked the status of my total gym and it should be delivered today!!!! I'm so excited. I should be able to give you all a full report either tonight or tomorrow. Tonight I'm going to try to walk my 3 mile loop up to the dam and so I may not get any of the other in. I'll keep you posted though. Oh...and that is try to get the time to walk the 3 miles, not try to walk that far. I know I can do that.:tt2:

Well, I'd better go get some water. I'm not doing so great today yet. I did start with a good Breakfast today of Kashi, so that's good. And the Kashi nuggets are better than the mixture of stuff....but I do like them both. And what an awesome snack at night.

Talk to you all later. Have a great day!!!

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I have told everyone...students, teachers, friends, waiters, total strangers, and for me I wouldn't change a thing. I always say that having this band has changed my life. I started making the right food choices, and exercising. I always inform them that WLS is not the easy way out. Yes sometimes people get more info than they want, but I have used my experience to educate people. But that is just my 2 cents. For me it helped. Besides, I had to worry about what students would think when I was dropping weight so quickly. The would have automatically thought I was on Meth...after all Oregon is the Meth capital of the world!

No the Desert is the Meth Capital....

I think the whole country has the problem !!!!

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As for telling people about my band, I only told my hairdresser and hubby told a couple of our close friends who live in Kansas and Quebec. I agree with you on the band getting all the credit and I don't think it's fair. I believe I wouldn't have been this successful without it, but it was still me that did all the hard work, walked all the fat off, sweat buckets in the gym, ate food that I didn't want but knew was better for me and cried all the tears when the whole process got me down.

My hairdresser is a lovely girl. It's always so nice when I go in there every 6 weeks and her eyes light up and she tells me how different I look. She knows of another friend who had the surgery around the same time I did and she tells me she doesn't see much difference at all in him. I told her that he probably isn't using the band to its full abilities. It's not a magic fix-it. I had no idea it would take this much hard work to lose as I am. And if I'm completely honest, I probably wouldn't have opted for it when I did if I had known. I'm lazy by nature and was forever looking for the easy way out to lose my weight. Nothing was easy. The band isn't either, but it is successful for me and that's what matters most of all. It would have taken me probably another 50 or 100lbs before I got desperate enough to take serious action if I'd known beforehand exactly what I was getting myself into. :rolleyes: But I certainly don't have any regrets. I complain and moan about so many things on this journey, and I think it helps to be in the company of people who understand and take their own turns on the soapbox when they need it without fear of being looked down on.

There have been 3 reasons for my success. My band, my band sisters and me. They share equal billing.

i TELL EVERYONE THAT I HAD THE SURGERY, BUT I ALSO FOLLOW UP WITH THE FACT THAT IT ISN'T A QUICK FIX...IT'S A LOT OF HARD WORK. I have to agree with you about being lazy. That's me. I really thought it would be a lot easier that it is and I make sure everyone knows it

Jackie - If I didn't know different, I'd think you lived in Michigan.

Last week, temps were in the seventies, now we're in the forties. Yuck. Congrats on the casino winnings. What are you planning to spend it all on? Going clothes shopping?? Isn't it amazing how your kids can really surprise you?

Janet - Sounds to me as if Meth is the drug of choice all over. I know, there are a whole lot of meth labs around us, being rural and all.

Steph - I really want to know about that total gym........if it would be worth getting with a bum knee. I'm like Jackie (i think it's her).....we live out in the middle of nowhere and to go grocery shopping or to the mall, or anywhere else for that matter, it takes 30 minutes. I've been thinking of joining up with a gym but with the price of gas, that total gym would be good for me. Except that I don't have a basement and would have to put it in the living room.

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G'mornin. I just finished catching up, and now there's no time left to post. We got back from DS's graduation in Grand Rapids (on Kari's side of the lake) late last night. The band did it's job as far as controlling my eating, but it was of no use for the rest of the celebrating with the college kids. I'm up a pound this morning. It was a wonderful weekend, and one that frankly, I didn't think would ever actually happen!

Don't know if I'll have time to post more later or not. sleep study scheduled for tonight--cross your fiongers that I can ditch the CPAP!

Good luck tonight! With all the weight you've lost I am sure it is bound to make a difference!~~~~

O.K. this is how my day in the yea ole hell hole is going...

She called me trailer trash.

Oh yeah, well she called me an ugly fat B.

Well, you be calling me stuff like trailer trash all the time.

Oh, yeah, well you got any witnesses?

CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes::cursing::):cursing::tt1:

Who is calling you names... lemme at em..... nobody can dis a LUCKY 7 and live!!!!

As for telling people about my band, I only told my hairdresser and hubby told a couple of our close friends who live in Kansas and Quebec. I agree with you on the band getting all the credit and I don't think it's fair. I believe I wouldn't have been this successful without it, but it was still me that did all the hard work, walked all the fat off, sweat buckets in the gym, ate food that I didn't want but knew was better for me and cried all the tears when the whole process got me down.

My hairdresser is a lovely girl. It's always so nice when I go in there every 6 weeks and her eyes light up and she tells me how different I look. She knows of another friend who had the surgery around the same time I did and she tells me she doesn't see much difference at all in him. I told her that he probably isn't using the band to its full abilities. It's not a magic fix-it. I had no idea it would take this much hard work to lose as I am. And if I'm completely honest, I probably wouldn't have opted for it when I did if I had known. I'm lazy by nature and was forever looking for the easy way out to lose my weight. Nothing was easy. The band isn't either, but it is successful for me and that's what matters most of all. It would have taken me probably another 50 or 100lbs before I got desperate enough to take serious action if I'd known beforehand exactly what I was getting myself into. :sad: But I certainly don't have any regrets. I complain and moan about so many things on this journey, and I think it helps to be in the company of people who understand and take their own turns on the soapbox when they need it without fear of being looked down on.

There have been 3 reasons for my success. My band, my band sisters and me. They share equal billing.

You are right about that! THe band is only a tool, we stil have to do all the MENTAL work chasing away our demons... We are never really free of the little Red Devil...

Good work day today for me, got 2 new patients starting next week and didn't kill my last px of the day... He is one of those "insufferable boar" types, that likes to hear the sound of his own voice.... always correcting my grammar...:huh2: I hate that :crying:

Food wise, I am right on track today!!! Down some lbs too... yeah... still not ready to update my tracker... as I am still above the 183 listed...

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When I first joined LBT 5/07 I was in the 50+ thread the most (Prior to knowing my date) they TOLD ME THIS IS ONLY A TOOL - they kept drilling that into me - So I knew going in that this wasn't going to be easy. In fact I figured I would be a slow loser like a lot of them - due to age and all the yo-yo diets - but one of 2 things - They really weren't working their bands or I am an exception to the rule..

But I did have one lady tell me I could still eat cream gravy (made with bacon fat) over rice - even after the band - (this was during my last meal mentality phase that I was making and eating such food :))

Well, you know what - NOPE YOU CAN NOT EAT THIS KIND OF FOOD AND LOSE WEIGHT or keep it off. Not even in smaller amounts - that kind of food is just plan bad for you (plus it's a total slider food so I could eat alot and graze all night on it..) Well to say the least this lady doesn't post any longer - so what does that tell you

Yep maybe you could eat it once every 2 year - but that whole mind set is gone for me !!!

Peaches - I would laser the guys tongue - go jump in a lake buddy...

Congrats again - we are so happy that you finally have some restriction and are working your band - :rolleyes:

Kari - You are correct about meth - it is PUBLIC ENEMY #1

I think the total gym would be excellent for a bum knee - it's alot like the platea machines ... go on qvc.com and you can search total gym and you can watch a video of it in action...

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Good Afternoon, everyone!

TOPS weigh in this morning... down 1/2 lb!

I was hoping for more.

But, they said the scale was weighing heavy today, and i was the best loser of the week with only that 1/2 lb loss, so that may very well be true. It's an old doctor's scale that gets moved around every week.

Anyway, whatever it was, it went down!

That's what counts.

Still enjoying my Wii.

It only lets you do your "Fitness Age" exercises once a day. Yesterday I did really well and it measured me at 40!! But after that I did some training exercises I'd never done before... some boxing and some power bowling where every frame the pins increase in number up to 91 pins! I did really well in that one and in the boxing. So, apparently, that readjusts the things you have to do to measure your fitness age because today I had to BOX. I couldn't seem to hit the bag with my right hand! And I had DISMAL results... 79!! Then I did some golf training, so I hope that doesn't mean its going to add that to tomorrow's test!!



Wish we had room for a total gym! Should try to get them to put one in our clubhouse!!

The Today Show has this "Joy Fit Club" feature that is beginning to annoy me. Today they had a gal on who had lost over 100 lb and they used the phrase "ON HER OWN"!! Doesn't that make you mad!!!???? Very irritating! They don't get it. And they have Al Roker. Look at him... he's gained back some of his weight... so, obviously, personal choices play a part here.

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IMHO - PERSONAL CHOICES are what makes either bypass or lapband work period end of story. Randy Jackson - has put weight back on - the girl from Heart who is banded has put all her weight back on (she was on Idol Gives back) and Carnie Wilson has been gaining too.

WLS is only a tool - If the opporunity arises at my meeting in June - I am going to tell them that they need to get us on Oprah - Watch out - I would give her HELL - maybe with the band she wouldn't yo yo so much

And it doesn't matter if it's on "your own" - or wls - we all can gain the fricken weight back if we don't do the mental work that goes along with our whold food addiction issues.

Oprah is always saying there are issues behind our eating - well I am sorry but her issues must be at the forfront of her life again - cuz she is packing on the lbs. Heck with all the pple she has - shrink, trainers - chefs - you would think she had it made.... She is no diff that us - but she condems us..

Someone get me on the Oprah Show..

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