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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I hate to say it - but ya - riding your scooter doesn't count when you are shopping - but once you get than knee fixed and a little more weight off you will be ditching that scooter anyway ditching scootere_1_73.gif .. Your Wii exercise count - so sit down and guesstimate the # of hours or days that you did it.

Well, gang I went to the gym on a SUNDAY !!! I rarely go on Sundays - I think the only time I really have is when I was on vacation in Nov/Dec.

I ran for 1/4 mile with out stopping - It pooped me - but my new challenge for myself will be to run 1/4 of a mile on my cardio days.. I don't think I will ever be a runner or do a marathon - but I LOVE BURNING CALORIES - so that's the reason for doing it - can't say I get a runners high - I get a headache :huh2:

I did my 3 miles in 51 minutes - came home read the paper - now going to home depot - food shopping and bbq gas - I am have steak tonite.. I have been out of gas on the bbq for 6 months - and my bil - nephew - son etc all said they would go get gas for me -- but they never did - so I have unhooked it and will get some today - to me frying or george forman grilling a steak is a waste of good meat - I want my steak bbq'd..

Ok off the the shower - I will cbl - have a good Sunday everyone...


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Phyl, I am so happy to hear that your DD called you... I know how much that hurts you when she gives you the cold shoulder :w00t: and yes I agree with Janet Your Wii exercise does count... I've played it and I sweat my butt off.

I played Rock Star Hero yesterday at my DD and SIL is was fun, but not as much fun as Wii.

Janet; I knew your eyes would not look that bad, I was trying to make you laugh and forget about the pizza... but your stratagy worked just fine... You had your treat and didn't overdue it... that's the BEST lesson.

Steph; Wow your shopping trip sounds like it was a real event... finding those smaller sizes really must pick you up... I am still too chicken to go out and spend any money.

And Miss Karri!!! :lol: I saved you until last because not only does your picture look awesome (the one from the back) YOU RAN THE WHOLE FREEKING 5 miles!!! Unbeleivable Girl!! I am so impressed with your determination and ZIP... way to go!! :eek:

Got my fill yesterday, and wow was I tight this morning!!! A good tight though... could hardly drink my coffee right off the start... so I had a package of oatmeal w/ milk first... it went down o.k. but I had to take it real slow...

Then I went and did gardening for 2 hours!!! DH put up my new clothes line, hung out laundry and I came in for lunch 2 p.m.... was JUST starting to get hungry... YEAHHHH my band may just be working!!!!!

Lunch was 2 ham slices, buttered with Lite Cream cheese 2 tbsp, wrapped around a Heart of Palm, kinda like a carb=less Burrito.... get it?? then I had 1 oz. of pistachio nuts... now on to my water... gosh its hard to drink!

Supper will be BBQ chicken ( I hear you janet, nothing tastes as good as BBQ'd meat) and some veg of some kind, havn't made up my mind yet.

Snack will be pumpkin pudding w/cool whip light..

:huh2: Candice

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KNOCK IT OFF GUYS ! ! ! ! I'm getting hungry just reading what everyone is eating. DD is home today for dinner so I'm going to make spaghetti and use multi-grain Pasta. Had chicken salad in a half pita for lunch. Oh yeah......had some salt in the form of potato chips for a snack. IS THAT THE food COPS I HEAR YELLING? I chewed really really good after licking the salt off them. Probably would have been better off with just the salt shaker, but that doesn't taste to good.

Yesterday I pedaled for 2 hours and then.............are you ready for this? I went out and walked. Not far. But I walked....maybe 1/8 mile or so...........with a bum knee.........gonna have to work up to more time. Weather turned cold here though, so gotta wait for it to warm up a bit. I've gotten in about 50 minutes today so far. I hope to get back on later for more but I am just a bit stiff from yesterday.

TTYL..................HAVE A GREAT DAY.

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KNOCK IT OFF GUYS ! ! ! ! I'm getting hungry just reading what everyone is eating. DD is home today for dinner so I'm going to make spaghetti and use multi-grain Pasta. Had chicken salad in a half pita for lunch. Oh yeah......had some salt in the form of potato chips for a snack. IS THAT THE food COPS I HEAR YELLING? I chewed really really good after licking the salt off them. Probably would have been better off with just the salt shaker, but that doesn't taste to good.

Yesterday I pedaled for 2 hours and then.............are you ready for this? I went out and walked. Not far. But I walked....maybe 1/8 mile or so...........with a bum knee.........gonna have to work up to more time. Weather turned cold here though, so gotta wait for it to warm up a bit. I've gotten in about 50 minutes today so far. I hope to get back on later for more but I am just a bit stiff from yesterday.

TTYL..................HAVE A GREAT DAY.

Yep you brought the food cops out on this one. No way that I am going to let someone eat potato chips without some tough love...operative word LOVE. Okay if you need/craving salt that means your body probably does need it. Our bodies are very good at telling us what they need if we listent to it rather than our head. So if you are craving salt then here are some BETTER alternatives. popcorn (100 calorie bags...add more salt if needed), pretzels, cottage cheese with added salt, beef Jerky, pickles, saltine crackers, or rice with soy sauce. There are lots and lots of options without resorting to potato chips. You did AMAZING riding your bike for 2 hours...but this takes more than just one approach. You have to have food and exercise in balance. Yes you can ride for longer to make up for the potato chips, but if we learn to find HEALTHIER alternatives to food then we don't have to worry about getting in another hour or two of exercise. RIght now I am running so much that adding in an extra hour of working out just because I have to have a particular food could actually be detrimental to my training. Now I dont expect anyone to be as obsessive as I am, because where I am at right now is not healthy either, but we have to find balance for ourselves. So right now, make your plan as to what you are going to do the next time you want salt. That is what this is all about...planning!

Amazing job on the bike though. I hate peddling! I would MUCH rather run.

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And Miss Karri!!! :lol: I saved you until last because not only does your picture look awesome (the one from the back) YOU RAN THE WHOLE FREEKING 5 miles!!! Unbeleivable Girl!! I am so impressed with your determination and ZIP... way to go!! :)

Not quite 5 miles, it was a 5K (3.1 miles), but this week I will be doing a 5 miler. As part of training this week I have to do the following

2- 3 miler

1 - 4 mile

1 -5 mile

I am going to run 5 miles tomorrow, 4 miles on Wed, 3 miles on Fri and them my 5K (3.1 mile) on Sunday.

The following week I am up to 6 miles. CRAP!

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I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMW I am pooped !!!!!

Went to the new Home Depot around the corner IT SUCKS BIG TIME - So much so I am writing a letter - I went to the garden section - half the roses were dieing - they needed watering. Then went and looked at BBQ'S (I have a gas hookup and I want a gas bbq so I don't have to go get propane all the time) there for 20 minutes no one come and asks if I want help (lost a sale) then went to get landscape lights - the kind i needed only had one - again NO ONE in that dept is around - so go and ask the service desk - oh know we don't have any and I don't see them at any other store and it doesn't look like we are ordering them" WTF they are selling the lights that require them and they don't stock them - STUPID !!!! - then some lady came and we went back to that department - she said they could special order - she was nice - i said never mind I would look at Lowes - then went to get a filter.

Again service pple just standing around talking - asked where the filter were guy says over there - OMW hardly had any - Then as I was cking out the lady who helped me in the lighting dept - came and found some 20 watts bulbs (they look like in door but she said the would work) so that was nice and helpful- I told her that this home depot isn't like the others - where someone is always around to help.. And the girl who exchanges my propane was nice too - but the over all experience SUCKED big time.

I bought a indoor house tree and plant - came home unloaded the went to costco for my steak.. I had my lunch as I cruised the isles - French cheese - 1 spinach ravioli - to die for - and good healthy item i found was these apple Gouda cheese sausages - 110 calories for one and I think that's all i could eat but heck I could have 2 for dinner.. Also got Fiber one bars they have more fiber that steel cut oatmeal and less calories..

I still gotta hook up the gas - repackage my meat - trans plant the plants in the container and do the lights - but all that can wait - it's hot and I am pooped - couch here i come - but I am on my 3rd bottle of Water ...

I wish I knew someone with a Wii - I would like to try it out

Candice I have heard of the Rock Star :0) I'm with you on the oldies thought and I am so happy you have some restriction - isn't it great:tongue:

Kari - way to go girl 2 hrs on your bike and walking :lol:

Ok gang just wanted to report in - I hear the couch calling my name -my legs are still sore - don't know if its the running or from Wed with trainer or carrying all that heavy stuff into the house.

I do not know how I carried around 86 extra pound on my body - I think of this eveytime I carry groceries into the house - no one i was tired back then - Well I still need a potato - so will go to neighborhood store in a bit and light sour cream - green Beans and filet mignon for dinner...

Ok couch time - CBL :)

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Yep you brought the food cops out on this one. No way that I am going to let someone eat potato chips without some tough love...operative word LOVE. Okay if you need/craving salt that means your body probably does need it. Our bodies are very good at telling us what they need if we listent to it rather than our head. So if you are craving salt then here are some BETTER alternatives. popcorn (100 calorie bags...add more salt if needed), pretzels, cottage cheese with added salt, beef Jerky, pickles, saltine crackers, or rice with soy sauce. There are lots and lots of options without resorting to potato chips. You did AMAZING riding your bike for 2 hours...but this takes more than just one approach. You have to have food and exercise in balance. Yes you can ride for longer to make up for the potato chips, but if we learn to find HEALTHIER alternatives to food then we don't have to worry about getting in another hour or two of exercise. RIght now I am running so much that adding in an extra hour of working out just because I have to have a particular food could actually be detrimental to my training. Now I dont expect anyone to be as obsessive as I am, because where I am at right now is not healthy either, but we have to find balance for ourselves. So right now, make your plan as to what you are going to do the next time you want salt. That is what this is all about...planning!

Amazing job on the bike though. I hate peddling! I would MUCH rather run.

Oh I forgot - about this - Kari - were they regular chips or light chips - I buy pringles made with the orlesral (sp) you get 14 chips for 50 calories - I have never been a big chip eater - but every now and then I want some with a little lite sour cream and they make light lays with the olersal or baked - how many did you eat - that's the big questions - if you ate 4 or 5 and stopped no biggie but if you ate alot - then -no no - and your day sounds vary carb loaded - I am not an Atkins girl by any means - but I usually don't eat too many starches usually dinner and my popcorn.

Ok Karri - I was reading in my Self Magazine that if you run you need to increase your fat intake in order to prevent injuries.... Thought you should know..

OMW 5 mile then 6 - I'm working on a quarter and doubt I will ever incease it :lol: Way to go...

Well now I really am off to the couch...

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Yesterday I pedaled for 2 hours and then.............are you ready for this? I went out and walked. Not far. But I walked....maybe 1/8 mile or so...........with a bum knee.........gonna have to work up to more time. Weather turned cold here though, so gotta wait for it to warm up a bit. I've gotten in about 50 minutes today so far. I hope to get back on later for more but I am just a bit stiff from yesterday.

TTYL..................HAVE A GREAT DAY.

How cold??? You're doing great with the exercise.

I won't say anything about the chips!

I'm having a glass of wine!

Phyl, I am so happy to hear that your DD called you... I know how much that hurts you when she gives you the cold shoulder :) and yes I agree with Janet Your Wii exercise does count... I've played it and I sweat my butt off.

I played Rock Star Hero yesterday at my DD and SIL is was fun, but not as much fun as Wii.

Got my fill yesterday, and wow was I tight this morning!!! A good tight though... could hardly drink my coffee right off the start... so I had a package of oatmeal w/ milk first... it went down o.k. but I had to take it real slow...

Then I went and did gardening for 2 hours!!! DH put up my new clothes line, hung out laundry and I came in for lunch 2 p.m.... was JUST starting to get hungry... YEAHHHH my band may just be working!!!!!

Lunch was 2 ham slices, buttered with Lite Cream cheese 2 tbsp, wrapped around a Heart of Palm, kinda like a carb=less Burrito.... get it?? then I had 1 oz. of pistachio nuts... now on to my water... gosh its hard to drink!

Supper will be BBQ chicken ( I hear you janet, nothing tastes as good as BBQ'd meat) and some veg of some kind, havn't made up my mind yet.

Snack will be pumpkin pudding w/cool whip light..

:lol: Candice

Yeah, good to be back on speaking terms with DD.

Now just wait til she hears the other thing that I did!! Uh oh!! DGD better keep her mouth shut!

I'm happy with my fill, too.

Good to have that much restriction!

Yep you brought the food cops out on this one. No way that I am going to let someone eat potato chips without some tough love...operative word LOVE. Okay if you need/craving salt that means your body probably does need it. Our bodies are very good at telling us what they need if we listent to it rather than our head. So if you are craving salt then here are some BETTER alternatives. popcorn (100 calorie bags...add more salt if needed), pretzels, cottage cheese with added salt, beef Jerky, pickles, saltine crackers, or rice with soy sauce. There are lots and lots of options without resorting to potato chips. You did AMAZING riding your bike for 2 hours...but this takes more than just one approach. You have to have food and exercise in balance. Yes you can ride for longer to make up for the potato chips, but if we learn to find HEALTHIER alternatives to food then we don't have to worry about getting in another hour or two of exercise. RIght now I am running so much that adding in an extra hour of working out just because I have to have a particular food could actually be detrimental to my training. Now I dont expect anyone to be as obsessive as I am, because where I am at right now is not healthy either, but we have to find balance for ourselves. So right now, make your plan as to what you are going to do the next time you want salt. That is what this is all about...planning!

Uh Oh... Food Cop on duty!!

Great pictures of your run...

you're getting us all excited!!

Heck, I thought I did good to walk back & forth to the bathroom at church this morning!! Used to always use my scooter at church... not doing that anymore! We have a new "system".... my old heavy duty scooter stays home on the porch... I use it around the neighborhood.. over to Albertson's, Target, etc., down to the lake and the park, etc. New scooter comes apart real easy, fits inside the car much better with both the back seats up. So it is going to stay in the car and it only comes out for things like costco, mall, etc. Did use it yesterday when we were babysitting the grandkids... took them to the park, but it's just not as sturdy as my old one.

Oh I forgot - about this - Kari - were they regular chips or light chips - I buy pringles made with the orlesral (sp) you get 14 chips for 50 calories - I have never been a big chip eater - but every now and then I want some with a little lite sour cream and they make light lays with the olersal or baked - how many did you eat - that's the big questions - if you ate 4 or 5 and stopped no biggie but if you ate alot - then -no no - and your day sounds vary carb loaded - I am not an Atkins girl by any means - but I usually don't eat too many starches usually dinner and my popcorn.

Ok Karri - I was reading in my Self Magazine that if you run you need to increase your fat intake in order to prevent injuries.... Thought you should know..

OMW 5 mile then 6 - I'm working on a quarter and doubt I will ever incease it :laugh: Way to go...

Well now I really am off to the couch...

Home Depot trip sounds like a real frustration!! Surprising... every time we've ever been in any Home Depot the help is falling all over you trying to help. That is pretty pathetic! Maybe they're all still getting the hang of it!

It seems to me that it may be possible to convert a propane BBQ grill to natural gas. I remember we had a gas outlet put in outside at our first OKC house, but we never did get a grill we could use with it in the 7 years we lived there! Started out looking but never got around to doing it!

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OMG Karri, you are freakin blowing my mind!!! I am so proud of you!!! However, I have one question. Who is that skinny broad in your picture? The one in the orange tshirt with the nice a.., it looks like they may be Buns of steel.

Kari - Great job on the exercise. I just got out the pool, and damn it was cold the whole time. Who can believe 74 degrees would be so freakin cold.

Phyl - I'm so happy your DD is not being mean anymore. Mine is mean A LOT!!!!!!

Here's a little joke, I can't remember if I told ya'll this story already, but it's a Hoot!

One morning my DD was being a little B.....H. :cursing:So I said, "DID YOU GET UP AND CALL 1 800 BITCH?" :lol: And she says, "YEAH, AND YOU ANSWERED THE PHONE." I said, "Girl, I am soooo P...oed right now, but that was damn funny." :)

Janet - I also am in the market for a BBQ, my DH wants a cheap POS, (piece of crap)

Speaking of DH, he just got home yesterday, he was in Arkansas for work all week.

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Phyl - I'm so happy your DD is not being mean anymore. Mine is mean A LOT!!!!!!

Here's a little joke, I can't remember if I told ya'll this story already, but it's a Hoot!

One morning my DD was being a little B.....H. :cursing:So I said, "DID YOU GET UP AND CALL 1 800 BITCH?" :lol: And she says, "YEAH, AND YOU ANSWERED THE PHONE." I said, "Girl, I am soooo P...oed right now, but that was damn funny." :laugh:

That's funny!!

My DD is turning 42 yrs this week, so no excuse for that kind of behavior!! We're adults here! :)

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Denise = that was to frickin funny :lol::lol::) and you answered the phone :laugh::lol: She is quick must take after her MOM - I love that one !!! I don't think I could be mad after that.

Yep Phyl that's why I was so dissappointed - usually they are very help full - My BBQ is about 5 yrs old - I know you can buy a converter - but I don't know the serial #...

Well, I am off to bed - I tried to get on earlier but it was taking FOREVER for pages to load - and just stoped by to turn the computer off - but had to see what my girls were up to..

Sweet Dreams !!!!




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Well, I am off to bed - I tried to get on earlier but it was taking FOREVER for pages to load - and just stoped by to turn the computer off - but had to see what my girls were up to..

Sweet Dreams !!!!


Ah... that reminds me... there was some dialogue about dreams the other day... was it Jacki and Janet?? Anyway, the next night I had a dream that we all went to Hawaii instead of the Mall of America!! I don't usually remember my dreams either, and I already forgot most of that one.. except that we went to Hawaii!!


16_4_44.gif 36_27_5.gif 16_4_44.gif

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Good morning ladies. :tt2: Before I forget, Karri you RAWK!!!! I'm sure you couldn't even imagine this time last year that you would be in a race, let alone running the whole time AND finishing. Congrats to you. You're magnificent. :tt2:

No weight loss for me this week. But no gain either, so reason enough not to mope about. I did weights on Saturday (arms and shoulders) and today I feel like my arms are going to drop off. It almost hurts just to raise my arms to the keyboard. :lol: Gonna give it a couple more days to recover and then back again. Maybe not so enthusiastic this time around. :wink2:

I met my monthly target for exercise today. So time for a treat. I was thinking that I may take myself for a manicure. This may not seem like a treat to many of you, but I've never gotten one. I don't even know what to ask for. :wink2: My nails are all different lengths and could do with a good tidy up. I don't want to get any false ones. I know what a French Polish (is that what it's called?) is, but I don't think I want one of those either. Maybe just a neutral color or something. So anyway, that's the plan. I'm deserving of a reward for my hard work and I've decided that rewards aren't going to revolve around food anymore. So that's why I've decided on a manicure. It's something new for me. I think this tomboy image has gone on long enough. :lol:

Be good today ladies. The Water monitors are on patrol. *nudges Steph* :tt2:

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G'mornin. I just finished catching up, and now there's no time left to post. We got back from DS's graduation in Grand Rapids (on Kari's side of the lake) late last night. The band did it's job as far as controlling my eating, but it was of no use for the rest of the celebrating with the college kids. I'm up a pound this morning. It was a wonderful weekend, and one that frankly, I didn't think would ever actually happen!

Don't know if I'll have time to post more later or not. sleep study scheduled for tonight--cross your fiongers that I can ditch the CPAP!

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Good Morning Gang....

Ruby - Yes non-food rewards - That's the way to go... Get a manicure and a pedicure - you will be hooked- Are you a tom boy?? I am a girly girl. But I do like 4 wheeling = camping etc - I am not above getting dirty as long as I can clean up too..

Linda - That 1 lbs will be off by tomorrow if you drink all your water..

Congrates on Sons graduation !!! I was wonder where you had been,, Good luck on the sleep study - I didn't do another one I just took the machine back and said - here. I never stopped breathing - during my sleep - my breaths just got real shallow - and IMHO i think they just say you have it so you will get approved for surgery - I think they are all in cahoots (sp) with each other -

Well, gang not much to report from last night - I'm at work - it's Monday tonite is trainer - arms - that's about it..

Phyl - I think it was Jackie with the vivid dream about trainer and trying to stop her from exercising - I know I dream - but I don't remember them like I use too

Oh ya - I wanted to post this - I know we have talked about it before but I posted this on another thread. To tell or not to tell..

I told everyone what i was doing - but when an acquittance ask how I lost the weight - I say "eating healthy & exercise" which is true - I feel that if I say I had wls then the credit will go to the band not me.. So now truly I wish I hadn't told anyone - cuz for some I don't think they are giving me the credit due ...

Ok off to work... CBL:tongue:

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