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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Oh Phyl, I am sorry to hear about your DD and you not getting along. I have only one child, a DD too. She and I are very much alike (Mercurial ha,ha.) so from time to time we 'get into it'... :crying:

They know just how to wind us up.... but a Mothers love is almost always stronger...

Hang in there, I'll cross my fingers for you that everything works out well.

GREAT NEWS :angry: on the Doctors visit though. Wow, to be able to get off of meds is awesome indeed. She must be truly impressed with your progress.

You and I will be plugging along together when everyone else has gotten to their goals.. That's o.k. We'll be there for each other right?

Besides, I know the other gals will be Rockin' On right with us and encouraging us all the way until ALL the LUCKY 7's are at goal...

We will be one band (sorry about the Pun) of boney Biatches!!!! :cool:

You're a SWEETIE!! Thanks for the encouragement.

Frustrating thing is, we really didn't "get into it" over anything. The only reason I know she's ticked off and not speaking to me is I left 4 messages on her phone yesterday to see how her sleep study had gone and she won't call me back. So I talked to SIL and he acknowledged that she found out that I'd called a friend of hers and asked her to call & check up on her. (She is more DD's age & she's recently been through some teenage crap of her own.) DD is very bitter & angry towards our GD at this time because the kid moved out... senior in HS & about to turn 18 & has gotten very cocky & disrespectful recently. Well... it's a long story, but DD wants everyone to take sides and if you're not on "her side", then you're on her s..... list! We've been walking on eggs for a week (since we got home), and this week we both blew it!! DH wrote her a very loving email, not judgemental at all, just his observations of how HE has handled anger in the past and how that worked for him! And I made that phone call to her friend because I thought she could help her through this. They are supposed to go out for dinner tonight, so that is at least one good thing to come out of it... if she doesn't back out at the last minute!

So, that's my sad story of woe. It's killing me that these family relationships are so broken at the moment and DD is perfectly happy with that.


All of you guys pictures look great. What a shock I will have dh to take my picture this weekned. You guys have to be proud of the work and the results. It is awesome to see how quickly things have changed for everybody.


Wow!! You've done GREAT yourself!!


We'll be waiting to see the photos, Beth!

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Janet - Your band is surely broken, you must speak to your doctor about having it removed. You might want to get a lawyer. Only 80 plus pounds in 9months, there is no way it's working!!

LOL..........Great Answer. love it.


Hey there Lucky 7's...Remember me?? Sorry I have been out of commission for a while. Ive had so many things going on, its been crazy. After over 5 years at my job, I quit. Me and my boss just couldnt see eye to eye. My computer at home has been virused up, so no way to communicate. EVERYONE looks amazing. I can hardly believe how much weight everyone has been losing. Myself I finally reached goal. I am at 135 lbs and in a size 4. Can you believe it? Not had but two fills and my last one was in October. I feel great. I did however lose my boobies, but hell I can get some of them at the Walmart lol... I wanted to say hi, and I promise now I will check in more frequently. I want to see pictures!!!

We want to see your progress too.

Phyll - Give it time. Just let her know you're there for her. You're her mom. They can't survive without their moms.

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Phyll - Give it time. Just let her know you're there for her. You're her mom. They can't survive without their moms.

Thanks, Kari! I know. Last time she got mad at me for something really stupid and inconsequential she didn't speak to me for six weeks! She's extremely stubborn and holds a grudge for a LONG time! I'm hangin' in there, but next week is her birthday (42 yrs old... she's not a kid!), and the week after that Mother's Day. I suggested we go to Mother/Daughter Tea at church two weeks from tomorrow, but she said she didn't think she could take that this year (because of the problems with GD). So I said, "but... you and me, mother an daughter??" but she didn't respond, and now it would take a miracle for her to be back on friendly terms with me that fast! Don't know what we'll do about her birthday.

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Ok Gang - I am feeling better tonite - got on the scale when I came home from work - is showed a 1 lbs loss - I can't count it but it made me feel better and I usually don't go to the gym on Thursdays - but I took my fat little butt and went - I even ran/jogged for 1/4 of a mile - stopped once in the middle of that 1/4 but I did it... But I feel good that I did it and that I didn't die - got a headache though - must be to much oxygen that caused it.. :rolleyes2: And I will exceed my exercise goal for the month of April.

Thanks to all of you for understanding - my little pity party and I know that I really shouldn't complain - and felt a little stupid by posting it this morning cuz I know that some of you have had more struggles than I have with the up & down issues. But it was how I was feeling this morning - I was disappointed and since you are my family - I felt that I could share my feeling

Here is what I would have told any of you had you posted the same thing i did this morning -

Be happy the scale didn't move up - did you get your Water in - do you think you might need to bump up your calories - or increase the intensity of your work out - It could just be water weight.you have been eating healthy.. It will be ok - I am great at giving advice - but taking - that's another story..

But in truth - it's all about being afraid of waking up from this dream and being fat again........ I can't get any realer than that...

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What does this mean Mercurial - I don't have a dictionary handy :rolleyes2:


Hugs - I know the heart aches that kids cause even grown ones -

On her Bday get a card and present and take it over there and act like nothings wrong - call every day and act like nothings wrong - just leave a message - Hi just call to ck on you - TTYL luv ya Mom. She will come around..


Hope you are feeling better (Hugs) - I totally get the lights off that was cute..


Are you and DH acting like teenagers while yours are gone


Hows your Mom doing??


Are you out running tonite - how did DH interview go??

Beth cant wait to see the pic's

Ruby - haven't heard from you today - hope all is well

Kristen you too you have been quite

Linda - How are you doing too..

Denise - Are you in your pool swiming

Ok it's 7:49 and I gotta go see what I can fix for dinner - fish or something with hamburger (lean of course) I haven't had red meat all week so I think that's what I will fix ..

CBL :cry_smile:


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Ok Gang - I am feeling better tonite - got on the scale when I came home from work - is showed a 1 lbs loss - I can't count it but it made me feel better and I usually don't go to the gym on Thursdays - but I took my fat little butt and went - I even ran/jogged for 1/4 of a mile - stopped once in the middle of that 1/4 but I did it... But I feel good that I did it and that I didn't die - got a headache though - must be to much oxygen that caused it.. :rolleyes2: And I will exceed my exercise goal for the month of April.

Thanks to all of you for understanding - my little pity party and I know that I really shouldn't complain - and felt a little stupid by posting it this morning cuz I know that some of you have had more struggles than I have with the up & down issues. But it was how I was feeling this morning - I was disappointed and since you are my family - I felt that I could share my feeling

Here is what I would have told any of you had you posted the same thing i did this morning -

Be happy the scale didn't move up - did you get your Water in - do you think you might need to bump up your calories - or increase the intensity of your work out - It could just be Water weight.you have been eating healthy.. It will be ok - I am great at giving advice - but taking - that's another story..

But in truth - it's all about being afraid of waking up from this dream and being fat again........ I can't get any realer than that...

See that... STUPID SCALE... you can't trust 'em!!





Sharing our vulnerabilities with one another is what makes us "family". If you can't let your guard down, we're not being who we need to be for each other! Hmmm... not sure that makes sense, but you get it, right?? We have to be able to "spill our guts" when we need to!! And I do a lot of that!

You're doing GREAT with your exercise.

I quit logging mine when we left the desert!

Lost count of my "Wii" sessions.





Waking up from this dream???

Ain't gonna happen!!

Quit worrying about that!

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I completely get waking up from this dream. I'm always saying to my DH that "the other shoe is going to drop soon." I think I'm just so used to being fat and dumpy and honestly believing that I don't deserve anything more because I couldn't get this weight thing right. So now that's a hard belief to get rid of. But it is silly and we DO deserve this. We are worthy....and we are NOT going to wake up fat again.

Okay....kids are in bed (if not quiet yet) and my head isn't feeling like it is going to explode quite yet so I'm going to post a few more things I was thinking about while I was out walking....

Phyl, I was a bad daughter. My parents and I fought a LOT and it was ALWAYS my fault. I left their house one night when I was 21 and basically ran away to Missouri. We didn't speak for years. When my dad passed it has always been the time of my life I regretted. Sometimes though we stupid girls don't know how to fix things even when we know we need to. I regretted my decision from day 3 and didn't know how to go back and still have even a shred of my pride intact....and so it persisted. It took my dad being the bigger man to come and say it's alright. I don't know if that helps any, but maybe you'll find a kernel of something in it.

Oh...my email is ssoderquist@gmail.com and anyone who would like to add me to their list, please feel free. Janet, please add me to the lucky 7 bandiversary exchange. I would love to Celebrate with you all!

My diet seems to be doing pretty well as I keep track of it on daily plate but I'm pretty low in the Fiber part. Do any of you worry about too little Fiber? I know that it can cause TMI problems but I don't have those. Are there other reasons I should up my fiber? I did pick up some Kashi GoLean high Protein high fiber Cereal. I'm going to try some tonight for my snack. I'm not quite at my Protein quota and I still have calories to spend so I thought I'd give it a try.....anyone????

Hope you are all sticking out your Water wings. I've been working really hard to get mine in. I actually woke up this morning thirsty...and that never happens. Had a bottle of Water before my coffee this morning even. Now that NEVER happens.

I went walking tonight but only did about a mile and a half. It was only about 35 out and I really don't feel well. I made myself go and I took the hill instead of skipping it, but couldn't bring myself to go the rest of the way. Oh well....1 and 1/2 is better than the none I was getting this time two weeks ago. I can't wait for my total gym to get here!!! Then it won't matter if it's freezing out.

Okay....my get up and go just got up and went. I'm going to go watch qvc for a few minutes while I eat my kashi.

Night everyone. See you tomorrow.

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Steph - The Kashi GoLean High Protein Cereal is pretty much a stable in my diet. 1 cup of it for 140 calories AND 13 grams of Protein. It is almost a perfect food! I will tell you that you might not like it at first, but it grows on you. Since I can't have milk, I mix it with Dannon lite and fit yogurt. I eat it for my morning snack quite often. 200 calorie snack and I stay full for a long time.

Janet - I so get the waking up fat again...Check out my blog (address in my signature) to see my WHOLE post on that problem.

Phyl - Sorry to hear about your DD. I think Janet is right...just keep bugging her. Hopefully she will get over it quickly.

Peaches - Nice job on the diet. Much easier when you have restriction, eh? I have been working on the Canadian accent!

So I ran 4 miles tonight!!!!! Insert cheer, sigh, a few tears, and a big WAHOOOOOOO!. I wanted to give up at 1 mile, 2 miles, but by the time I hit three miles, I thought hell...if I have come this far, I might as well just go the full 4 miles. Thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day! My legs are sore. Then on Saturday I have my first race. I will post pictures on my blog.

As for DH, he got his evaluation for the job that he was resigning from. It was TERRIBLE. His supervisor is a total a$$, so I told him to forget the fact that he had one week left and tell them this was his last night. It would have been nice to have the extra week worth of pay, but no one attacks my hubby's character without me having something to say about it. I was so pissed I almost ran to the call center and kicked that guy in the balls. Yes, I am just as fiesty as my band mom! He already started the new billing invoice job, and won't hear back from the state job until early May. So we wait. He said that he is going to get temp jobs since he is done at the other job by 9AM. Plus he can vounteer with people that have disabilities so that he can get the experience he needs for the state jobs. It will all work out in the end. I am just happy that I am going to have him home in the evenings. It has been lonely around here!

Well I am icing my legs now and FREEZING so as soon as my 20 minutes is up I am going to go jump in the shower...Though if you look at my hair, sports bra and shirt you would have thought that I had just gotten out of the shower. I was sweating like a stuffed pig tonight.

Check in later!

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Phyl - You totally got what I was saying and I totally got what you are saying - :rolleyes2: Same wave lenght..


I have the kasha go lean crunch I think its 200 calories for a cup - it's like granola - I just got it had some last night 1/2 cup..

Fiber is good to help your body rid it's self of the band cholestoral - My overall cholestral is good - but my bad is a little high - they told me to get more fiber...

You are added to the list... Hopefully this weekend I will do it - bug me if you don't hear from me..


If they let him go before his 2 weeks are up they have to pay him by law!!! for the week he had left... Check it out - I know that is the way it is here in Cali....

Good job on the running - will ck out your blog - I am wired tonite for some reason - will crash sooner or later...

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No...he is leaving them. I refuse to let them treat him the way they did. Just a bit protective!

That's what I get for speed reading :rolleyes2: You are suppose to be protective of your Man...

Ok I am not going to want to get up in the morning - I have been on this computer ALL NIGHT....

Sweet dreams - I gotta turn it off and not ck my subscribed threads anymore to night - just like food - oh one more answer :cry_smile:

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What does this mean Mercurial - I don't have a dictionary handy :cry_smile:


Hugs - I know the heart aches that kids cause even grown ones -

On her Bday get a card and present and take it over there and act like nothings wrong - call every day and act like nothings wrong - just leave a message - Hi just call to ck on you - TTYL luv ya Mom. She will come around..


Hope you are feeling better (Hugs) - I totally get the lights off that was cute..


Are you and DH acting like teenagers while yours are gone


Hows your Mom doing??


Are you out running tonite - how did DH interview go??

Beth cant wait to see the pic's

Ruby - haven't heard from you today - hope all is well

Kristen you too you have been quite

Linda - How are you doing too..

Denise - Are you in your pool swiming

Ok it's 7:49 and I gotta go see what I can fix for dinner - fish or something with hamburger (lean of course) I haven't had red meat all week so I think that's what I will fix ..

CBL :confused:


See that... STUPID scale... you can't trust 'em!!





Sharing our vulnerabilities with one another is what makes us "family". If you can't let your guard down, we're not being who we need to be for each other! Hmmm... not sure that makes sense, but you get it, right?? We have to be able to "spill our guts" when we need to!! And I do a lot of that!

You're doing GREAT with your exercise.

I quit logging mine when we left the desert!

Lost count of my "Wii" sessions.





Waking up from this dream???

Ain't gonna happen!!

Quit worrying about that!

I completely get waking up from this dream. I'm always saying to my DH that "the other shoe is going to drop soon." I think I'm just so used to being fat and dumpy and honestly believing that I don't deserve anything more because I couldn't get this weight thing right. So now that's a hard belief to get rid of. But it is silly and we DO deserve this. We are worthy....and we are NOT going to wake up fat again.

Okay....kids are in bed (if not quiet yet) and my head isn't feeling like it is going to explode quite yet so I'm going to post a few more things I was thinking about while I was out walking....

Phyl, I was a bad daughter. My parents and I fought a LOT and it was ALWAYS my fault. I left their house one night when I was 21 and basically ran away to Missouri. We didn't speak for years. When my dad passed it has always been the time of my life I regretted. Sometimes though we stupid girls don't know how to fix things even when we know we need to. I regretted my decision from day 3 and didn't know how to go back and still have even a shred of my pride intact....and so it persisted. It took my dad being the bigger man to come and say it's alright. I don't know if that helps any, but maybe you'll find a kernel of something in it.

Oh...my email is ssoderquist@gmail.com and anyone who would like to add me to their list, please feel free. Janet, please add me to the lucky 7 bandiversary exchange. I would love to Celebrate with you all!

My diet seems to be doing pretty well as I keep track of it on daily plate but I'm pretty low in the fiber part. Do any of you worry about too little fiber? I know that it can cause TMI problems but I don't have those. Are there other reasons I should up my fiber? I did pick up some Kashi GoLean high Protein high fiber cereal. I'm going to try some tonight for my snack. I'm not quite at my Protein quota and I still have calories to spend so I thought I'd give it a try.....anyone????

Hope you are all sticking out your Water wings. I've been working really hard to get mine in. I actually woke up this morning thirsty...and that never happens. Had a bottle of Water before my coffee this morning even. Now that NEVER happens.

I went walking tonight but only did about a mile and a half. It was only about 35 out and I really don't feel well. I made myself go and I took the hill instead of skipping it, but couldn't bring myself to go the rest of the way. Oh well....1 and 1/2 is better than the none I was getting this time two weeks ago. I can't wait for my total gym to get here!!! Then it won't matter if it's freezing out.

Okay....my get up and go just got up and went. I'm going to go watch qvc for a few minutes while I eat my kashi.

Night everyone. See you tomorrow.

oops, I hit the multiquote button... then realized that this will be WAY too long... sorry

Janet: You are not alone in the fat dream... I too think I will wake up and regain my 50+ lbs.... even though I have another 50 to go... its our heads... they take awhile to catch up with our bodies.

"Mercurial" its a referance to a thermometer... The mercy rises and falls ... like our MOODS LOL :rolleyes2: get it?

Phyl; I love your dialogues, you always make such good common sense!

Stephanie; thanks for the email address, I've updated you. FIBRE, try adding Flax Seed Meal to all your recipes.. You can sprinkle it on oatmeal, cold cereal, blend it into puddings or protien shakes, casseroles, stir fries... its great stuff... not only fibre content but it is full of Omega 3 & 6 very good anti oxidants.... my favorite food!!!!

Beth; glad to see you posting and sharing, can't wait to see you pictures too.

Karri (Salsa); O.k. is it me? Am I the only one who's been getting mixed up between Karri and Kari AWK!!! Now I can't remember who's who... Where do you both come from, what part of the country???

I know one of you is from Michigan? right? Help me out here.

MOM UPDATE: I took my Mom out yesterday. She was having a good energy day. So we went to Kelsey's for lunch (chain restaurant) and we SPLIT a burger and salad... I thought I was going to be able to stick to my calorie tally for the day... but when I got home and looked up the nutritional info on their web site I nearly had a STROKE... 700+ for 1/2 the meal... I couldn't beleive it. So needless to say I had a light supper, and p.m. snack. Today will be better and tomorrow is FILL DAY!!!!!

O.k. so after lunch we went to Walmart. I usually get her a wheel chair and push her around (good cardio for me ha,ha) but there were NONE. So the greeter said "why not take an electric cart"... Mom would have to drive it herself!!! They would guard my moms WALKER while we shopped.

So off we went, I would direct traffic and she drove herself in the cart. It was really cool and quite a chuckle!! She did very well and I was proud of her for trying it out... She bought herself a new lipstick, three blouses for summer and some socks and creams. A great adventure all around.

Then on the way home I thought I'd stop for gas fillup and a wash. Gas prices are horrible here and she started taking a coughing fit at the pumps... It was aweful and I think she was very scared.. couldn't catch her breath. THe gas attendant was so kind, he ran and got her a bottled water, no charge. It is so refreshing to see a young person with some compassion. Once she was home she settled down and all in all it was a good day for her.

We are getting a Cardio consult and seeing a Angiogram specialist in the next couple weeks ..

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How is everyone doing this morning???

Janet said the site was slow.....

I think the whole internet is broken this morning!!

Having trouble getting ANY websites to load!!



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I had a dream about my treadmill last night. :cry_smile: :confused:

I was doing my usual workout, minding my own business. A trainer came in with a group of people and he was talking with them about the best type of exercise for each of them. I turned up the volume on my iPod and carried on in my own little world. He came over and took one of the earphones out of my ear and said "Now that I have everyone's attention I can continue." I didn't know who this guy was and didn't appreciate his interference. :rolleyes2: I put the earphone back in my ear and carried on. The next thing I know he's standing in front of me on the treadmill with his hands on his hips. The treadmill has stopped. At first I feel a little intimidated by him and was about to step off. Then I pulled myself together and decided there was no way in hell I was going to let HIM stop me from exercising. So I say to him "Get out of my way and don't ever try to stop me from doing what I need to do!" Then I push him aside and start my treadmill up again. The group of people who are with him start to applaud and tell me it was great that I put Sergeant Major in his place. I felt proud of myself and continued with my workout.

That's all I remember about my dream. It was an inspiration to me and I'm going to use it to motivate myself on the days when I really don't feel like stepping into the gym. :biggrin2:

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Karri (Salsa); O.k. is it me? Am I the only one who's been getting mixed up between Karri and Kari AWK!!! Now I can't remember who's who... Where do you both come from, what part of the country???

I know one of you is from Michigan? right? Help me out here.

Nope Salsa/Karri is the one that lives in Oregon. Oh and by the way my email address is salsa1877@hotmail.com. Kari is the wak in Michigan!

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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