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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I JUST LOST MY FRIGGING POST :thumbup::cursing::frown::cursing:

Ok - Business to attend to



So far I have Karri - Ruby - Jackie- Kristin - Me - Phyl - if you want to participate - p.m. me your address - I will put names in a hat and pull as to who get's who - I will do it alphabetical - Janet - pull name Jackie pull name - Karri - pull name Phyl pull name etc. - I think we agreed on $20 - $25 - and some wanted ideas as to what you like -



Jackie what's son driving ed schedule - Linda & Peaches are you still coming?? Kari - Husbands are coming too (Phyls - Jackie's - Steph) so he can drive you and have other men to bitch about being dragged on this trip and all the $$ we are spending :sad:

Janet I still have no idea what the driving schedule is. :sad: I am a very anal person when it comes to schedules and knowing what I am going to be doing and the school keeps telling me they aren't sure if they will have 2 or 3 teachers to teach this so they can't make a schedule but they will get one out by the middle of May for sure. :tongue_smilie: Ok so I have no life (in their eyes) and all I have to do is take my son back and forth and not worry about scheduling around work or appointments. HELLO!!!!!!! Ok I am done complaining now. Don't count me for the hotel yet. If it works and I can come I will come. I am sorry things are so iffy. My summers are crazy. Especially this one with kids.

Kari-CONGRATS ON THE RUN and sorry to hear of the key dilemma. Your right it will be a day to remember. You are doing wonderful. Keep it up. You have me inspired!! I told hubby tonight that I want to try running a mile sometime this summer. Tonight when I was walking I started to run a little and then my in laws came outside and I thought 'oh hell no I ain't runnin with them a watchin!" :sad: I will get up the nerve eventually but until then I AM WALKING 6 FREAKIN MILES AT A TIME!!!!! Now I may not be able to do it every day but I am definately going to try.

Better get to bed. Just finished up some documentation for work and it is 10:53 pm. I have to let the doggies out and then I am going to go watch George Lopez. The guy cracks me up!! 4_1_219.gif 36_11_6.gif



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Can you get one of those neck thingys and clip it on there and wear it around your neck???

We'll enjoy following your blog!

I hate things around my neck, but I remember seeing an arm pouch thingy for your music device with a small pouch on it at Wal-Mart today. Going to go get that tomorrow! I am going to put my blog in my signature right after I finish here. Problem is...I am running out of room in my signature!


Kari-CONGRATS ON THE RUN and sorry to hear of the key dilemma. Your right it will be a day to remember. You are doing wonderful. Keep it up. You have me inspired!! I told hubby tonight that I want to try running a mile sometime this summer. Tonight when I was walking I started to run a little and then my in laws came outside and I thought 'oh hell no I ain't runnin with them a watchin!" :tongue_smilie: I will get up the nerve eventually but until then I AM WALKING 6 FREAKIN MILES AT A TIME!!!!! Now I may not be able to do it every day but I am definately going to try.

Better get to bed. Just finished up some documentation for work and it is 10:53 pm. I have to let the doggies out and then I am going to go watch George Lopez. The guy cracks me up!!

I don't blame you for not wanting to run in front of people. When I first started at the gym I was REALLY self concious because my 2 principals would be on the elipticals behind me. However they have been COMPLETELY supportive and encouraging in this whole process I figured What the hell, I can't look any worse than I did when I was waddling around at 250 pounds! One of my principals at this school was my principal at my previous school. He called me last April and offered me my job here. Greatest boss you could EVER have! Anyways, I did get more confident as I continued. I still feel like I look like a doofus running and will probably have butterflies on my race days, but that is really something I have had to work on. I still feel like people see me as a fat person...even though the people I pass in the canyon have never seen me as fat...just as another person running in the canyon! However 6 FREAKING MILES IS AWESOME! Good for you...running will come. I didn't start out running!

So my day continued to get more interesting. We live in a small apartment complex and even though it is very old one of the perks is a free laundry room. Yesterday it was busy all day so I didn't get all of it done. Today I go down, do 2 loads of laundry, put them in the dryer...and it doesn't start. So right now my very small apartment has been turned into a cleaners. I just think of it as new decor. Instead of hanging "Plants" I now have hanging "Pants!"

Best sign off! Night all...Chat in the morning...or maybe later tonight if someone else has something to say!

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Umm, I've been holding off making hotel reservtions for M of A b/c 1. Last I heard, Peaches' DH was thinking about coming and 2. I'm not sure if I'll be able to go due to possible PS in July. I actually have my first consult today, and hopefully will know more this afternoon. I got myself a nice li'l rash, so hopefully that will convince my insurance to cover it.

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Umm, I've been holding off making hotel reservtions for M of A b/c 1. Last I heard, Peaches' DH was thinking about coming and 2. I'm not sure if I'll be able to go due to possible PS in July. I actually have my first consult today, and hopefully will know more this afternoon. I got myself a nice li'l rash, so hopefully that will convince my insurance to cover it.

Oh! Keep me posted linda. I'm hoping to get mine covered because of the rash. Right now it's not bad. My PCP prescribed a pill and it cleared up probably 95% of the problem. I'm done with that script now, but I feel like I'm borderline and the rash could flare up again at some point. I apply powder to the area twice daily and that seems to keep it at bay. But if need be I could and would help the rash along if it got me insurance coverage. :)

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Good Morning Gang....

How is everyone this morning !!!!

Well, I am a PIG - nothing bad - but I still eat when not hungry taking those 1 more bite when I don't have anymore room.. I had to take a pecid last night - I usually don't have heartburn - but cuz I was a pig I did. No More Janet.... Today is a new day - but it's not the day time it's the nights - so tonite is a new night :)

Ok as to the Trip to MofA - this is why I haven't really booked a ticket - I sorta figured that we would have a lot of cancellations. I totally understand due to rising cost of gas - food - and everyones PS and family obligations. I guess I will just hold off on ticket till I see what's going on with everyone this summer..

Well off to ck my desk - I will ck back later..

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Umm, I've been holding off making hotel reservtions for M of A b/c 1. Last I heard, Peaches' DH was thinking about coming and 2. I'm not sure if I'll be able to go due to possible PS in July. I actually have my first consult today, and hopefully will know more this afternoon. I got myself a nice li'l rash, so hopefully that will convince my insurance to cover it.

I am so sorry, I was kinda just thinking out loud about my DH... He is Definelty NOT coming... He is playing in his band every weekend all through out the summer... So I am still in for the M of A trip.

But with you surgery, I could totally understand if you are not feeling up to it. Sorry for the confussion.

Let me know how your consult goes today, you must be so excited!!! I know I would be.

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Good Morning Gang....

How is everyone this morning !!!!

Well, I am a PIG - nothing bad - but I still eat when not hungry taking those 1 more bite when I don't have anymore room.. I had to take a pecid last night - I usually don't have heartburn - but cuz I was a pig I did. No More Janet.... Today is a new day - but it's not the day time it's the nights - so tonite is a new night :)

yup that is the way I feel too... today is the day... I am going to be accountable... no more screwing around.. I CAN DO THIS!~!! Candice

Ok as to the Trip to MofA - this is why I haven't really booked a ticket - I sorta figured that we would have a lot of cancellations. I totally understand due to rising cost of gas - food - and everyones PS and family obligations. I guess I will just hold off on ticket till I see what's going on with everyone this summer..

Well off to ck my desk - I will ck back later..

Oh I need a brick upside the head.... Congrats on your 75.5 lbs. WOW I just loved your picture too!!

Rock on

Peaches and Phyl I have been to Peterborough!!! I met a couple of people on line and one of my friends and I went there back in 2000. OMG it was awsome!! It is about 1300 miles away for us. I loved it!! We didn't have an agenda (I think I told you all about this trip before so I won't go into detail) and we just came and went as we felt and did what we wanted when the mood struck. Oh my it was awsome!!! Beautiful country.

Well, Jackie: please consider this your OPEN invitation to visit Canada again .. You are all always welcome... :clap:

Steph-you are right I prob won't be able to just lay around. I always gotta be on the move it seems. Wow what a change from where I was before!! Went to my doc today. The PA called in so I seen my surgeon himself. That is the first for me since banding!! He was sooo impressed. He looked at the picture that the office took of me the week before my surgery and then he looked at me and said 'you have become a whole new person. You carry yourself with so much confidence and are so much more outgoing and happy.' I thanked him over and over and told him how much my life has changed and my habits have changed. I told him that I walk mostly EVERYDAY and if I miss a day in the week I make sure I still get 10,000 steps in and still feel guilty about missing. He was impressed and told me that I was doing exactly what I need to be doing and not to get to frustrated with the plateau. I asked for a little fill on Wednesday to see if that would jump start things again and we set up the appointment.

I walked 6 miles straight on Saturday and then I walked 4 on Sunday. Tonight I decided that if I could walk 6 on Saturday I could do it again tonight so I walked 6 miles again. I just can not believe it. When I started this journey I would walk 2 miles and I had to take short breaks during the 2 miles and I walked slow and was soooooo out of breathe. Now I go at a vigorous step and I don't even get out of breathe. OMG:w00t: IS THAT REALLY ME!!!!!! I am so happy tonight. :)

Well I better get. I want to vacuum my car out before it gets dark. Yes I clean my car like I clean my house. :wub: I hate sand being on my floor boards and dust on a dash so I clean my car 2 times a week and vacuum it in between if I need to. HAHA I know..............OCD!!!!!!!!

Jackie; when your cleaning you are burning more and more calories!!! Your pictures are awesome! Keep it up girl.:thumbup:

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by jove I think I've got it..... thanks Janet.

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Candice - by jove I think you do :0)

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Umm, I've been holding off making hotel reservtions for M of A b/c 1. Last I heard, Peaches' DH was thinking about coming and 2. I'm not sure if I'll be able to go due to possible PS in July. I actually have my first consult today, and hopefully will know more this afternoon. I got myself a nice li'l rash, so hopefully that will convince my insurance to cover it.

Hope you can still make the M of A trip.

We're going whatever happens with everyone else.... reservations made for train and hotel

and already paid for, so we're committed!!

I am so sorry, I was kinda just thinking out loud about my DH... He is Definelty NOT coming... He is playing in his band every weekend all through out the summer... So I am still in for the M of A trip.

But with you surgery, I could totally understand if you are not feeling up to it. Sorry for the confusion.

Let me know how your consult goes today, you must be so excited!!! I know I would be.

So if Linda can't come, you'll need a roommate?? Maybe Chim. We haven't heard from her in a while, but she was the first to make her hotel reservation.

Did you have a chance to look up that

Aragain Lodge site and see where it is?

It's further northeast than I remembered.

Ok as to the Trip to MofA - this is why I haven't really booked a ticket - I sorta figured that we would have a lot of cancellations. I totally understand due to rising cost of gas - food - and everyones PS and family obligations. I guess I will just hold off on ticket till I see what's going on with everyone this summer..

Well off to ck my desk - I will ck back later..

Don't give up yet....

hoping it will still work out for everyone.

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by jove I think I've got it..... thanks Janet.

We knew you had it in you!! Well done!!

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We knew you had it in you!! Well done!!

Hi Phyl; hee,hee... now I will do this all the time... its so cool.. I don't have to rely on Memory for everyone's names, stories etc.... LOL :scared2:

Good Morning Gang....

How is everyone this morning !!!!

Well, I am a PIG - nothing bad - but I still eat when not hungry taking those 1 more bite when I don't have anymore room.. I had to take a pecid last night - I usually don't have heartburn - but cuz I was a pig I did. No More Janet.... Today is a new day - but it's not the day time it's the nights - so tonite is a new night :blushing:

Ok as to the Trip to MofA - this is why I haven't really booked a ticket - I sorta figured that we would have a lot of cancellations. I totally understand due to rising cost of gas - food - and everyones PS and family obligations. I guess I will just hold off on ticket till I see what's going on with everyone this summer..

Well off to ck my desk - I will ck back later..

I certainly hope that M of Am. is still on.... I wanna go so bad and am really looking forward to it!!! I don't care what the gas will cost.

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oh forget to brag... I made it today!!!

I had a WHOLE day where I stuck to my food plan 1139 cals, 127 Carbs, 38g Fat & 72 g PROTIEN...

I made a deal with a co-worker that we would be accountable to ea other daily... PLUS I have to Look HER IN THE FACE and tell her what I've eaten...

No excersise today, but I'll remedy that tomorrow.

Night, night


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CONGRATS - CANDICE - I am so proud of you !!!!!

KARRI WHERE ARE YOU !!! You haven't been on since last night - Mommy Dearest is worrying :scared2:

M of A - Phyl - Steph - Me - Candice and hopfully Linda & Jackie..

Well, I went to the gym - did 2 miles 36 minutes 4 to 7 incline 3.0 - 3.7 speed. But the fan wasing working and I was hot..

Ruby - I wouldn't take the pills - tell them you are and keep going back complaining about the rash just so that i could get it covered by insurance. :blushing:

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Hi Phyl; hee,hee... now I will do this all the time... its so cool.. I don't have to rely on Memory for everyone's names, stories etc.... LOL :thumbup:

I certainly hope that M of Am. is still on.... I wanna go so bad and am really looking forward to it!!! I don't care what the gas will cost.

M of A..... I'm going no matter what!!!

oh forget to brag... I made it today!!!

I had a WHOLE day where I stuck to my food plan 1139 cals, 127 Carbs, 38g Fat & 72 g PROTIEN...

I made a deal with a co-worker that we would be accountable to ea other daily... PLUS I have to Look HER IN THE FACE and tell her what I've eaten...

No excersise today, but I'll remedy that tomorrow.

Night, night


You had a GREAT day...

except for the exercise....

which I haven't done yet either!!

Have to switch the TV input to the Wii and play some TENNIS or something!! Did go for about a 2 hr ride on my scooter, but that doesn't count!! Next time I am going to take plastic bags and gather up pop/beer cans that I am passing along the way!! That should count for some exercise!! It is disgusting to see the garbage that people must throw out their car windows that is laying along the sides of the road!!

CONGRATS - CANDICE - I am so proud of you !!!!!

KARRI WHERE ARE YOU !!! You haven't been on since last night - Mommy Dearest is worrying :scared2:

M of A - Phyl - Steph - Me - Candice and hopfully Linda & Jackie..

Well, I went to the gym - did 2 miles 36 minutes 4 to 7 incline 3.0 - 3.7 speed. But the fan wasing working and I was hot..

Ruby - I wouldn't take the pills - tell them you are and keep going back complaining about the rash just so that i could get it covered by insurance. :blushing:


I can't believe you are leading Ruby astray.....

telling her to be dishonest!!



Poor Baby!! Too hot while exercising!!

My scooter ride.... I had on sweat pants, heaviest sweat shirt I own, heavy fleece jacket, knit scarf, hat and gloves!! I wish I was back in the desert with the wind and the heat!! It's too cold here and .....

our DD is causing a lot of emotional turmoil for us... problems with our teenage GD have her very angry and she is not reacting with any degree of maturity. We've both been in tears over this today, and had two long phone conversations with our SIL. DD is in serious need of some counselling but it's impossible to even have a rational conversation with her about it at the moment. It's very frustrating, heartbreaking,

and we are at our wits' end!!

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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