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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hello everyone!! I want to thank each and every one of you for the wonderful compliments on my DD. I am so proud of her and yes she had a wonderful time. She is the gem of my heart. Sometimes it is VERY hard to feel that way because she is a typical teen but her and her brother mean the world to me. Thank you again!!

Kari-wonderful food choices. We sure have learned a lot huh? Things are so different now. I have to admit that I have to talk myself out of things often too. I go into a store and I will pick things up and put them in the cart but end up taking them back out of the cart before I leave telling myself 'you don't need them!'

Phyl-you crack me up!! I love our wii as well. Congrats to you on finding one. The Wii-Fitness comes out May 28th. I have that on my 'to buy' list. Hope I can get my hands on one. It is supposed to be like aerobics. Who knew exercise could be so fun?! We read an article in our newspaper about nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, physical therapists and etc are using the Wii for patients. They said that people get so involved into the game that they forget about the pain so they are using these on a regular basis. Isn't that great!!!!

Ruby- I am soooo sorry to hear about your MIL. Karri is right grief is a very hard thing and everyone deals differently. There is probably nothing that you could say or do for DH at this time to make him feel better. Just let him know you are there for whatever he needs and he will have to go through the cycle of grief at his own pace. My prayers are with you and your family at this time. :rolleyes:

mango-I had a breast reduction back in 2000. I had NO pain what so ever after mine. Some people do but I think that I was so freakin scared of the pain before I went in that I had psyched myself out and had none. I felt so 'FREE' after surgery. HAHA I had lost alot of weight at the time and then had the reduction. I was actually running back then. Then...I don't know what happened.......I quit and gained all my weight back and then some. Oh well that is behind me now. Wait until you see how different you feel not lugging those puppies around. :thumbup:

Janet-sounds like you had a nice relaxing day. I cleaned the house and then had to go shopping for the kids. They are leaving for a school trip to Chicago this Thursday and I had some things to pick up for them. I have decided that I am taking Thursday and Friday off from work. I will get up Thursday morning and take the kids to their bus and then I am going to come home and clean my house thoroughly (again!!) and then enjoy my 4 days with NO RESPONSIBILITIES!!! I plan to still get my walking and exercise in but THAT IS IT!! :thumbup: DH was giving me a hard time earlier because when the kids are gone after a night I always say 'I really miss the kids. I want them home' He thinks I will be a wreck because they have never been gone for more than 48 hours from me even though they are 15 and 16. This will definately be a long haul. Oh well they will have their cell phones. I can check in as many times a day as I need. :eek:

Well it is midnight here so I best get my butt to moving towards bed. TTYAL

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Go figure, I give up and THEN you all come on! Sorry I missed you guys. I spent a lot of time on Land's End's website last night trying to find a bathing suit. You can enter your body type, height, weight, etc and create a virtural model to try things on. I think I found something I can live with. My thighs and butt are horribly saggy-baggy, so I need LOTS of coverage! Now I have to get up the courage to actually order the thing!

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Linda - When I lost weight (one of my times) I wore black spandex shorts over my black bathing suit to the beach. I thought I looked quite nice. I remember my husband saying, "Why don't you take those shorts off, you don't need them." I was like, "Oh, hell no." Ain't nobody gonna see these pasty white jelly thighs. I will be wearing the same get up again this summer. ;)

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Hi Stph, good job on buying the gym equipment for yourself... YOU are worth it girl.

You all have been so inspiring to me with your running, walking, excersising... That I've been out doing more too... I walked 1 hour in the woods yesterday with DH and Doggies. It was wonderful and sunny outside. Perfect weather 24 degrees here. Oh that's celcius, so about 78-80 degrees F...

I have the day off today so I am hoping to meet up with some girlfreinds that I have been neglecting ...

have a great day everyone

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Hi all.

I had a pretty crappy day food wise. I just couldn't stop grazing today. Nothing too horrible but one chocolate chip cookie, but it was just WAY TOO MUCH food. I did go for a walk tonight and increased it to 3 miles. It sure felt good to get out and do that. I didn't walk yesterday and really regretted it.

I got the exercise bug today and bought a total gym. I needed to do something for weight training....since there is no gym in town and the school weight room is usually full of teenagers....and qvc had a good easy pay. I figured if I didn't buy it I'd have another excuse and I don't want to excuse anything. Hell, if Chuck Norris says it's great how bad can it be????

I'm going to call it a night. I did get in all my Water and then some today. About the only positive thing to come out of all of this. Oh well. Start fresh tomorrow. Maybe the increase in calories will boost my metabolism??? Nah...can't even sell that one to me. I hope you guys have a great day tomorrow.

Good night.

My day started off well today. I woke feeling better than I have in days. Aunt Flo has left for the month, my throat wasn't sore and I got on the scales and I am officially overweight. I'm no longer obese. Woooooohooooooo!

However things didn't stay so good. We got a call today from my sis-in-law. My mother-in-law passed away. The sad thing is she was fiercely independent despite her age (72) and not so good health and she wasn't discovered until this morning when a neighbor worried about not seeing her for more than a week. The coroner looked at her health records, she'd been to the doctor 10 days prior complaining about some gastro problems, he didn't prescribe anything but booked an ultrasound for 3 days ago. The coroner said she had probably been dead for about a week before being discovered. ;) The gastro problems would have made her feel weak and nauseous. She lay down where she was in her hallway and probably suffered a coronary at some point.

It's just so very sad that she was alone at the time and my husband and his siblings are extremely guilt-stricken about it. The thing is, I don't know how to comfort him. I never had a good relationship with my own mother, and while I got on well with his, we weren't exactly close. I just don't know what to do for him or how to help him cope or even what to say. :biggrin:

I am so sorry to hear about your MIL passing away. Please accept my sympathys for you and your family.

It was her way of living, being independant. It sounds to me she died where she would have liked to... at home. Please take comfort in that she is at peace now and lived her life on HER own terms. How many of us get to say that.

There is no way that your siblings could have known she was that sick or that she was going to die. THere is no guilt there, as it is always God's plan and His timing... not mere mortals.

(((hugs to you all))))

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Peaches - 78 to 80 degrees, aren't you in Canada?

What da hells going on? ;) :confused2:All this melting snow, we're gonna get washed off the face of the Earth down here.

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Is that the new fitness thing that's coming out?? When is it supposed to be on sale?? Didn't know I could reserve one. How do you do that??

Go to a store that carries the games and ask to reserve it. Wish I could remember which one it was. Maybe Target or Best Buy. Maybe even wallyworld. You won't have to wait for one to be available if they're hot.


Go figure, I give up and THEN you all come on! Sorry I missed you guys. I spent a lot of time on Land's End's website last night trying to find a bathing suit. You can enter your body type, height, weight, etc and create a virtural model to try things on. I think I found something I can live with. My thighs and butt are horribly saggy-baggy, so I need LOTS of coverage! Now I have to get up the courage to actually order the thing!

Try going to THE WOMAN WITHIN. They had some really cute bathing suits that looked like shorts and tank tops and others that covered.......with reasonable prices.

Peaches - 78 to 80 degrees, aren't you in Canada?

What da hells going on? ;) :confused2:All this melting snow, we're gonna get washed off the face of the Earth down here.

Weather here in Michigan is gorgeous too. Didn't think spring would ever get here. But, in Michigan, all you have to do is wait a day and everything changes. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I need to go finih my pedaling this morning, so I'll check in again later to see how everyone is doing.

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Good Morning Gang...

Monday again - Work - but what would I do without it - gotta do something to pay for the shopping :lol::lol:


I still look at things I don't need - but I am such a label reader and once I look at the calorie content - I put it back !!! I still miss food and eating large quantities -that's why the band is so perfect for me - I can't :tt1:

I don't have Karri's disciplined - well I do have quite a bit - but I don't think I am as good as she is - She is our IDOL... :smile:

Being afraid of being an empty nester - well you may not having them live under your roof in a few yrs - but they will ALWAYS be your kids. Start practicing now (find other things to do with your time - hobbies (besides cleaning you OCD girl) I guess I didn't worry about it (empty nester) I had the responsibility since I was 16 and I sort of looked forward to not having the responsibility - but then I end up with my GS - so for the most part of my life I have had the responsibility of kids. And no matter how old they are you still worry about them...


On OVC the suggestion they gave on buying bathing suits - go up one size - I have always found that to be true. I would have to try on a suit before buying online - then once I knew my size I would buy it.

That's a funny thing - not knowing your size - I would like to go on the show how to look good naked (not the naked part though the would have to put a super blur lens on to cover the sag and I really don't want to show the whole world my body - but i digress) I would like to stand next to someone to gage my size - I look at my 10's and just don't believe that's me ;) I still am so afraid that I will wake up and be fat again - or lose the determination... I have my demons

I watched the biggest loser finally last night - and Ali said - I gained 5lbs at a time - I didn't know how I had gotten so fat - I said OH that's me - that's why I have my 5lbs limit..


I am with you on the being afraid of pain - that's what keeps me from the PS - I am so afraid of the pain. What was your pain level after the band surgery - that should tell you how you deal with it..


Lucky Girl - got the day off - I wish I did... I would be at the gym right now instead of sitting here at work. Good job :drool: on getting more exercise..


Just gotta report - we STILL have the WIND :eek: - but hopefully suppose to stop tomorrow. I see on the weather report that you & Karri are in for more rain :mad:

Well now you have your WII and you can still get your exercise :biggrin2:

Kristin - Where are you chickie !!!! What did you do this weekend..

Karri - Did you have a 4 a.m. day today - If it weren't for my lil bear I would have over slept... I forgot to turn on the alarm when I went to bed last night - at 5:45 Bear was barking at me - I open my eye and it was light outside -:eek:

Sfaye11 - Welcome to LBT - as you can see we are July 07 bander's and we have done quite well - we are here for support - info - friendships we even have a marathon runner in our presents not - Hope your July 08 group is as good as ours!! If you have any questions - feel free to ask we will be happy to answer your questions.

Kari - You did great on your CHOICE cake but no ice cream - that's what I'm talking about - see you can have your cake and eat it too :lol: - just now adays it's not the whole freaking cake :biggrin:

Ruby - How are things with DH today - I know he doesn't know us from Adam - but our thought and prayers are with you & the family

Steph - I bet you can't wait til you get your total gym - My x and I had one - it's pretty good - but just like most exercise equipment back then it just became a clothes collecter

Has anyone see the new Ab glider - I saw the infomercial yesterday looked pretty good and easy - I love easy - but they don't give you price only 19 for 30 day trial - that means it's expensive....

Ok gotta ck my desk - CBL :sad: OH ya - I am on my 1st bottle of water...:biggrin2:

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Janet - After surgery, I didn't really have pain, just sore like I did major sit-ups.

I'm not really afraid of the pain, I'm afraid of the major slicing. I will be file'd. I think when I see it I will get sick. I'm also afraid of being put to sleep and complications. The surgery center where I had LapBand was a sparkling clean vision of a hospital. This surgery will be at the local, Git her Done, hospital.

It's 10:05, I've been here since 7:30 and I've p'ed 3 times, and I gotta go again. I can't stop peeing!!!!!!! I ain't got time for this. However, I am down 2lbs since Friday. Damn, this thing does work. BOUT FREAKING TIME!!!

Gotta GO.................

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Janet - After surgery, I didn't really have pain, just sore like I did major sit-ups.

I'm not really afraid of the pain, I'm afraid of the major slicing. I will be file'd. I think when I see it I will get sick. I'm also afraid of being put to sleep and complications. The surgery center where I had Lap Band was a sparkling clean vision of a hospital. This surgery will be at the local, Git her Done, hospital.

It's 10:05, I've been here since 7:30 and I've p'ed 3 times, and I gotta go again. I can't stop peeing!!!!!!! I ain't got time for this. However, I am down 2lbs since Friday. Damn, this thing does work. BOUT FREAKING TIME!!!

Gotta GO.................


Yes this thing does work - it's so much easier to make good choice once you have proper restriction - and yes - drinking your Water means too many trips to the bathroom :smile:

Remember all of you going under the knife for your PS WILL HAVE THE POWER OF THE LUCKY #7'S BEHIND YOU AND ALL OUR PRAYERS :biggrin:

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Thank you all so very much for your kind words and support. You're right, there are no magic words I can say that will help ease his pain, and I think just letting him talk and find his own words helps him more than anything I could offer.

He'll be travelling to Edmonton for his mother's service and while I would like to go and support him, we both agree it makes more sense financially for me to remain here and have the money we would have spent go towards the costs of her funeral.

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Good Morning Gang...

Monday again - Work - but what would I do without it - gotta do something to pay for the shopping :lol::lol:


I still look at things I don't need - but I am such a label reader and once I look at the calorie content - I put it back !!! I still miss food and eating large quantities -that's why the band is so perfect for me - I can't :tt1:

I don't have Karri's disciplined - well I do have quite a bit - but I don't think I am as good as she is - She is our IDOL... :thumbup:

Being afraid of being an empty nester - well you may not having them live under your roof in a few yrs - but they will ALWAYS be your kids. Start practicing now (find other things to do with your time - hobbies (besides cleaning you OCD girl) I guess I didn't worry about it (empty nester) I had the responsibility since I was 16 and I sort of looked forward to not having the responsibility - but then I end up with my GS - so for the most part of my life I have had the responsibility of kids. And no matter how old they are you still worry about them...


On OVC the suggestion they gave on buying bathing suits - go up one size - I have always found that to be true. I would have to try on a suit before buying online - then once I knew my size I would buy it.

That's a funny thing - not knowing your size - I would like to go on the show how to look good naked (not the naked part though the would have to put a super blur lens on to cover the sag and I really don't want to show the whole world my body - but i digress) I would like to stand next to someone to gage my size - I look at my 10's and just don't believe that's me :rolleyes2: I still am so afraid that I will wake up and be fat again - or lose the determination... I have my demons

I watched the biggest loser finally last night - and Ali said - I gained 5lbs at a time - I didn't know how I had gotten so fat - I said OH that's me - that's why I have my 5lbs limit..


I am with you on the being afraid of pain - that's what keeps me from the PS - I am so afraid of the pain. What was your pain level after the band surgery - that should tell you how you deal with it..


Lucky Girl - got the day off - I wish I did... I would be at the gym right now instead of sitting here at work. Good job :thumbup: on getting more exercise..


Just gotta report - we STILL have the WIND :eek: - but hopefully suppose to stop tomorrow. I see on the weather report that you & Karri are in for more rain :mad:

Well now you have your WII and you can still get your exercise :biggrin2:

Kristin - Where are you chickie !!!! What did you do this weekend..

Karri - Did you have a 4 a.m. day today - If it weren't for my lil bear I would have over slept... I forgot to turn on the alarm when I went to bed last night - at 5:45 Bear was barking at me - I open my eye and it was light outside -:eek:

Sfaye11 - Welcome to LBT - as you can see we are July 07 bander's and we have done quite well - we are here for support - info - friendships we even have a marathon runner in our presents not - Hope your July 08 group is as good as ours!! If you have any questions - feel free to ask we will be happy to answer your questions.

Kari - You did great on your CHOICE cake but no ice cream - that's what I'm talking about - see you can have your cake and eat it too :lol: - just now adays it's not the whole freaking cake :tongue2:

Ruby - How are things with DH today - I know he doesn't know us from Adam - but our thought and prayers are with you & the family

Steph - I bet you can't wait til you get your total gym - My x and I had one - it's pretty good - but just like most exercise equipment back then it just became a clothes collecter

Has anyone see the new Ab glider - I saw the infomercial yesterday looked pretty good and easy - I love easy - but they don't give you price only 19 for 30 day trial - that means it's expensive....

Ok gotta ck my desk - CBL :tongue: OH ya - I am on my 1st bottle of water...:biggrin2:

Ahhh...shucks...I don't feel like an idol! :blush: I have worked very hard though and appreciate the compliment. It means a lot. Kind of feel like a failure at this maintenance thing. I can't get to 1500 calories no matter how hard I try. I don't even want crappy food anymore so I am having a tough time getting the calories in. I have such a control issue. I control my food like Jackie controls the cleanliness of her house!:scared2:

As for not knowing my size...I have major mental problems with that one. I have no idea how much space I take up. The problem is getting better, but last night I had a HUGE fat night. I just felt enormous...like I was 93 pounds ago. Not a good place mentally! Those days are becoming farther and farther apart, but they are still there. When I am naked I look MUCH bigger than when I am clothed. Hopefully that will be remedied in July!

Yes the weather is crazy here. NINE freaking degrees this morning! I am running outside no matter what today though. Half-marathon training begins TODAY!:w00t: There was a question on a another board about what you do to Celebrate your bandiversary...Well I am celebrating early, but I am doing it by running. Being physically active and fit is the greatest gift I have given myself.

No 4AM morning today. Though next week my waking pattern shifts to 3:15 AM as DH's new job starts at 4AM. I am going to attempt to go to the gym at that time, but I don't know if it will be possible. I may just have to keep my hours the same. I am a morning person, but that is middle of the night still! Love the guy...but maybe not that much!

Okay well I need to get to the next class. Today is moving kinda quickly:thumbup:!

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Morning all,....or rather afternoon.

I'm sorta late getting here today. Guess that means I'm working harder today than normal. Actually trying to find my son a therapist is taking all my free time. You would think I want to move mountains.

Yesterday was a much better day food wise. I stayed under calorie, over Water, and over Protein. So I consider that a success. It was also very cold here....back to windy and freezing. I did go out for a walk but only walked about a mile instead of the 2 1/2 this time. I cleaned my basement for the whole day though so I stayed active. I wouldn't say it was quite the same but I slept like a log last night no matter what.

Today has been good so far. Weekends are my hard times. It makes me worry about how I am going to deal with being off work all the time...but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Right now that is not my struggle.

Ruby, when my dad passed away a couple of years ago there was nothing that my DH could have said to make it any easier. I know he felt helpless but it was something I had to come to grips with. It took about 6 months before it wasn't a daily battle. It still comes but not nearly as often. Just be there for him to hold onto....that's what he needs. Good luck and my prayers are with you.

Jackie, I think I was channeling you this weekend. I was crazy about my basement. My DH even asked me who was possessing me. I just smiled. I feel more like I want to take care of things now that I'm not so fat and tired! It sure is a great thing. I want to know if you actually take the 4 days off. When I read that I chuckled and said "Yeah...sure she will." Do you think you can really do it?

Phyl, I've got wii envy. I don't have one, have never played one but they sound like so much fun. I tried to talk DH into one at Christmas time but he wanted to do the xbox for the 13 year old instead. Now I'm really regretting that. Keep it up and your wii age will be down to 40 something soon.

Janet, DH actually said he is coming to the m of a with me so that I don't go overboard at qvc. He hears me all the time say, "If I could see it I might buy it but I can't talk myself into it without touching it." He is definitely worried. He just rolled his eyes at the total gym. But I used MY money for it and not OUR money....so phooey on him.

Whoever asked how much it was, it is about $280 with shipping. On qvc it was a little under $60 a month for 5 months. I LOVE their easy pay. Anyways, if a gym membership would cost me about $40 a month, it's only about 7 months worth...that was my reasoning.

There was more I was going to mention but I don't remember what....so I'll talk to you all later. Going to go track my lunch so that I don't forget what I had.

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Go figure, I give up and THEN you all come on! Sorry I missed you guys. I spent a lot of time on Land's End's website last night trying to find a bathing suit. You can enter your body type, height, weight, etc and create a virtural model to try things on. I think I found something I can live with. My thighs and butt are horribly saggy-baggy, so I need LOTS of coverage! Now I have to get up the courage to actually order the thing!

You just have to stay up a little longer!

It was really quiet here all weekend.

I have a good swimsuit poem... I'll have to find it so I can post it.

Linda - When I lost weight (one of my times) I wore black spandex shorts over my black bathing suit to the beach. I thought I looked quite nice. I remember my husband saying, "Why don't you take those shorts off, you don't need them." I was like, "Oh, hell no." Ain't nobody gonna see these pasty white jelly thighs. I will be wearing the same get up again this summer. :scared2:

That's a good idea...

wonder if I can find some big enough!?

Hi Stph, good job on buying the gym equipment for yourself... YOU are worth it girl.

You all have been so inspiring to me with your running, walking, excersising... That I've been out doing more too... I walked 1 hour in the woods yesterday with DH and Doggies. It was wonderful and sunny outside. Perfect weather 24 degrees here. Oh that's celcius, so about 78-80 degrees F...

I have the day off today so I am hoping to meet up with some girlfreinds that I have been neglecting ...

have a great day everyone

Peaches - 78 to 80 degrees, aren't you in Canada?

What da hells going on? :rolleyes2: :confused2:All this melting snow, we're gonna get washed off the face of the Earth down here.

Yeah... that's what I was thinking.....

CANADA... 78-80!!

We just saw snow for the 4th day in a row and it's up to 49 degrees at 1pm.. 15 degrees below normal for this time of year! My youngest sister was complaining because it was 89 degrees in BUFFALO on Saturday!!


Just gotta report - we STILL have the WIND :tongue2: - but hopefully suppose to stop tomorrow. I see on the weather report that you & Karri are in for more rain :thumbup:

Well now you have your WII and you can still get your exercise :biggrin2:

So, your weather down there is still not the greatest, huh? I still think I'd rather be down there in the wind than freezing up here!! I want to ride my scooter over to Rite Aid to get a couple of things, and I know I'm going to have to bundle up! Did I mention we saw snow flakes again today?????? Gimmee a break!! This has got to stop!!

Haven't turned on my Wii yet today... TOPS this morning... ooh, yes, check out my ticker.... I finally got past the 75 lb mark! I thought our scale would be more reliable when we got home and it was on more solid and level floor but it's still 4-5 lb heavy. So I guess my official weigh ins will be Monday mornings at TOPS.

Phyl, I've got wii envy. I don't have one, have never played one but they sound like so much fun. I tried to talk DH into one at Christmas time but he wanted to do the xbox for the 13 year old instead. Now I'm really regretting that. Keep it up and your wii age will be down to 40 something soon.

Janet, DH actually said he is coming to the m of a with me so that I don't go overboard at qvc.

The Wii is definitely a lot of fun. I really like the bowling. I need to get better at tennis & baseball. Those are the only three I've tried so far. My DIL says the boxing is a good workout, but she was sore for three days after the first time she did it! DH tried the Golf last night... I want to try that one, too. I checked out the Wii Fit online last night and you can pre-oder it online at either Amazon or Wal-Mart, so I may do that. Trying to decide if I can actually do all that stuff, though. Balance seems key for that one and my balance sucks! I'm seeing an orthopedic surgeon next week and hoping maybe he'll do surgery on the left one. That would help a lot!

Steph, is your DH serious about coming to the m of a?? Did someone else say theirs was coming??

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Steph, is your DH serious about coming to the m of a?? Did someone else say theirs was coming??

Yes, he is coming....unless his construction project at work needs his attention that weekend, but I'm planning on us both coming. We're going to ride the train out. We'll get on in Williston ND so we should plan on looking for you and your DH. We can have a pow wow before the pow wow!!!

It's going to be a nice break from the kids and work for him. He's looking forward to it.:rolleyes2:

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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