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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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The only thing that's saving me right now is the fact that my cupboards (and fridge) are bare.


That's all that's saving me too. Nothing "bad" to snack on. I'm not confident my scales will thank me this week. Not with Aunt Flo due. But I expect that and will resist the urge to smash it into a million pieces and burn them till they cry if it delivers bad news on Saturday. :huh2:

Guess who's PMSing? :tt2::lol:

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Good job ladies. NO Cookies. :lol: Amen to what Janet says. This is precisely the reason that we do NOT have anything bad in our house.

FINALLY GOOD NEWS!:tt2: The waiting, wondering, and worrying are all over. Just like everyone said the best situation would appear. Thanks for putting up with me:wub:. This doctor blew me out of the Water. She answered all of my questions BEFORE I even asked them. She detailed EVERYTHING that I would go through. So the prices was a little higher than I had hoped, but is still within my budget. My surgery will be July 3. Two days after my birthday!!!! The greatest b-day gift I will ever get!

Well I have been up since before 4AM so I am going to go take a nap and then go to the gym. Have to post on my other threads but will talk later.



I think I would like having a female doctor too - Oh forgot to give you props for RUNNING 2 MILES:thumbup:

And thanks as always Janet. :smile2:

No Problem Ruby - just trying to keep you & Linda on the right side of the law:cool: I bought my GS a piece of cheesecake last week - it's still in the fridge - but it hasn't been calling my name either cuz if it was it would be in the trash:lol:

Good for you Ruby, Sometimes when I get a craving like that I give myself a certain amount of time. When the times up I give it a little more. Pretty soon its time for a real meal, and that usually takes care of the craving. Once in a while the craving persists for days. That's when I usually give in--but just a little. Glad it worked for you too!

Linda - Distraction does seem to help 98% of the time but yes sometimes nothing works -:huh2:

Thanks Ruby. Cookies do sound good. H-m-m-m don't got none. Oh well, What I really want is a pepsi (non-diet) I think so.....don't have any of that either. Oh well, I'll just finish my third bottle of Water in less than a half hour. It sure ain't pepsi. OH WELL, THIS TOO, SHALL PASS. i hope. The only thing that's saving me right now is the fact that my cupboards (and fridge) are bare. SO RESIST. OUR scales WILL THANK US FOR IT.

Kari - Congrats on all that water - I have only had 2 bottles need one more - I didn't do too well on that goal today like I had planned.

Thanks for working through it with me. I've just checked the calendar and Aunt Flo is due next week, so that'll probably count for the cookie craving. I may have an attack for the next few days until she arrives, so I need to keep myself busy. I've got a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle here somewhere, that should keep me out of the cupboards for a little bit. And there's always my books. I have plenty of SF gum in the cupboard, so maybe I should just chew on some of that to get me through when the cravings are really bad.

I'm just thankful I didn't have any cookies in the cupboard. The sensible me is the only one that's allowed to go shopping these days and won't buy them. I've gotten those 100 calorie packs a few times, but noticed I tended to reach for an extra pack or two when the demons pay a visit. So I stopped buying those.

Sometimes I feel like a junkie. Not that I've ever had a problem with alcohol or drugs, but it's like I have this need and it SHOUTS at me to be satisfied. At least when you give up those addictions you stay completely away from them. Our addiction is food and we still have to eat. :sad:

Ruby - I bought some 100 calorie snack pack reese pb cookie thingies - they are very good but tiny portion - and when I start with sugar watch out - i keep going back too - so they are in the back of the panty - I just don't trust myself - last night wanted sweets after dinner - ate a sf yogurt and for my midnite raid 4 0z o.j. an 3 walnut pieces.


Steph - Hugs to you - the thing with your son will work out - but I know how hard it is to see the light at the end of the tunnel - Congrats On the Large Shirt :thumbup:


I got some news gang - I have been invited to sit on a patient advisory council meeting with the Allergan people in June (27-29) in Vegas at the Wynn Hotel - How cool is that - I feel pretty honored. I called and rsvp today - already have airplane ticket - omg their travel people great all done in like 10 minutes had E ticket in 30 :smile:

Well I really now have extra incentive to get to goal by then.. 11 weeks - 16.5 lbs - might be streaching it - but I can come close if I kick up the exercise - but I have that weekend in Laughlin too - so who know - but I will get real close I promise you that...

Well, timer is buzzing - so dinners done..

4 oz catfish - spinach & 1/2 c rice :tongue:

Will ck back in a bit..


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Janet - Congratulations, you will make an excellent poster child.

You've done a fantastic job!

Karri - You look so happy in your pictures. Congratulations!

I woke up hungry today, and I'm going to bed hungry tonight. Oprah's trainer dude said when you're hungry think of it as your body is in the weight lose mode. Okee dokee then, cause I'm freakin hungry. I staying below 1000 calories, and it's really hard.

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Janet--That's fab. news! What an honor. Can't wait to hear all about it. Now, whatever are you going to wear??? :huh2:

Edited by lindaa

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Denise, 1000 calories isn't much. It is really hard. That's where I try to stay too, and to be honest, I usually don't get my 60 grams of Protein. I hope it helps you to know that you're not alone in this. We're all fighting the same battles here. I have found that some days I really do need to eat a little more than the 1000 though. It seems that a little boos tricks the body into letting go of a little more fat. So don't beat yourself up on the days you go a little over 1000--just get back on track the next day.

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Good morning everyone,

I'm feeling a little tired this morning. We had a big storm come through at around 3am with tornado warnings and once it woke me, I struggled to get back to sleep. The lightening strikes were pretty intense at one point. It was almost like one of those strobe light things from the good old disco days. And of course the thunder was rumbling constantly. So much so that at points I was wondering if it was that "a big train approaching" kind of sound that people talk about as a twister comes closer. So that was exciting. Kind of. Not the type of excitement I enjoy.

I still did my morning exercise, even though I was SO tempted to come home and climb back into bed. I still am. Hopefully I'll be too tired to think about those "C" things. I'm not going to say the word today in case they hear me and come after me. :huh2:

I'll have some Soup for Breakfast and then decide whether or not to climb back in to bed. I'll pop back in later. :biggrin2:

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Good Morning, Everyone!

We're about ready to "hit the road" again,

but thought I'd try to catch up on posts before we leave. Motor is running, so I only have a few minutes!

That can be unnerving... hearing the engine start when you're still in the shower!

Great news about the Advisory Council, Janet! The Wynn... one of the newest & swankiest in Vegas!! Wow!! You will be a great advocate for all of us.

We'll be thinking of questions, suggestions,

opinions you can share with them!

Gotta go....

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Janet - Congratulations, you will make an excellent poster child.

You've done a fantastic job!

Karri - You look so happy in your pictures. Congratulations!

I woke up hungry today, and I'm going to bed hungry tonight. Oprah's trainer dude said when you're hungry think of it as your body is in the weight lose mode. Okee dokee then, cause I'm freakin hungry. I staying below 1000 calories, and it's really hard.

Denise - Thanks I am really stoked about it... OK hunger means we are losing weight - well last night I fed my hunger with a WW fudgecicle :lol:

so I guess that's why scale only went down 1/2 lbs this morning - But truely I think I am not eating enough - my calories have been like 800-900 lately. But I think my fill is loosing up some cuz I am eating just a tad more.

Janet--That's fab. news! What an honor. Can't wait to hear all about it. Now, whatever are you going to wear??? ;)

Linda - Thanks - I have already been thinking about that :lol::lol: The flight is only 1 hr on a puddle jumper :eek: but with all these new airline rules (changed since I flew 2 yrs ago) I don't know what I can take on a carry on and I don't think puddle jumpers have ck'd baggage?? 3 day - it's going to be hot in Vegas in June - want to look classic but comfy and need to take things that pack well. I must have my makeup - I use a cream foundation - can that go on a carry on???

Denise, 1000 calories isn't much. It is really hard. That's where I try to stay too, and to be honest, I usually don't get my 60 grams of Protein. I hope it helps you to know that you're not alone in this. We're all fighting the same battles here. I have found that some days I really do need to eat a little more than the 1000 though. It seems that a little boos tricks the body into letting go of a little more fat. So don't beat yourself up on the days you go a little over 1000--just get back on track the next day.

Linda - Even if I am the food cop :cool: I still agree with you 100%

Good morning everyone,

I'm feeling a little tired this morning. We had a big storm come through at around 3am with tornado warnings and once it woke me, I struggled to get back to sleep. The lightening strikes were pretty intense at one point. It was almost like one of those strobe light things from the good old disco days. And of course the thunder was rumbling constantly. So much so that at points I was wondering if it was that "a big train approaching" kind of sound that people talk about as a twister comes closer. So that was exciting. Kind of. Not the type of excitement I enjoy.

I still did my morning exercise, even though I was SO tempted to come home and climb back into bed. I still am. Hopefully I'll be too tired to think about those "C" things. I'm not going to say the word today in case they hear me and come after me. :lol:

I'll have some Soup for breakfast and then decide whether or not to climb back in to bed. I'll pop back in later. :biggrin2:

Ruby Congrats on doing your exercise... I love to watch lighting as long as the power doesn't go out - that is the only thing in the world that really makes me a little scared... Can you beleive that a 53 yr old women who hates when the power goes out - I am not scared of the dark per se except when I can't turn on a light ;)

Well, my trainer had a meeting yesterday - so my weight training will be Friday instead - but I did go and do the treadmill last night did 1/4 of a mile on 10 incline :wink2: then - will be going again tonite - gotta get the scale moving and again - here is a challenge for those of us who aren't getting all our Water (ME) lets get that water in today:thumbup::thumbup:

OK off to my desk - ck back later

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Good morning all. My comp is still dropping d's so if there is a problem, please forgive me.

DS was better yesterday after school. No double vision in track and seemed to be really on target for most of the evening. I talked to him about relaxation techniques for when his vision goes funny. I hope that helps.

My DH made me feel so special this morning. He walked up behind me and whispered in my ear that I was smokin hot these days. How wonderful is that to hear first thing in the morning. I will be posting new pics in the brag thread....if they turned out this morning. It has been 4 months and I'm feeling pretty good about my progress so far....so I'll take it!

Nothing else exciting happening today so far. I hope you all have a great day.

Oh yeah!! Great job on avoiding the Cookies ladies. I bought some mini rice cake snack packs that someone on another thread was saying were so awesome but I haven't tried them yet. I hope they help that cookie craving. Janet, puddle jumpers allow you to check baggage but they put it in the nose of the plane. A small bag would be just fine. I don't know about cream foundation, it should be fine. The big change these days has been in the size of liquid products. But I would just call and confirm that. How exciting though that you were asked!!! That is awesome!

Well...I have a ton of stuff to do. I'll talk at you all later.

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Pretty quiet around here today. I just uploaded my pics on the brag thread. Just though I would let you all know!

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Pretty quiet around here today. I just uploaded my pics on the brag thread. Just though I would let you all know!


:thumbup:LOOKING GREAT:thumbup:

:thumbup:you can see your waist & shoulder ;)

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Wow Steph you look great. And I think it does get easier to post the before pictures. You get to the point (or at least I did) that your pride in what you have accomplished far outways the horror of the old pictures.

I am really, really tired today and I slept A LOT last night. I think the whole roller coaster week with PS has made my body revolt. Either that or I am coming down with something. The change in foods has also caused problems with my digestive system and I have been VERY gassy (I know TMI) lately. And it does NOT smell like roses either!

On another note...I am sick of food. I wish that I could just eat everything I needed for the entire day and then just forget about it for the rest of the time. With all the meals that I have to eat I struggle to get in my Water, and I am sick of feeling stuck all the time. Today was better for the stuck feeling. I think part of my problem this week was the stress of the PS search. When I am under stress my band tightens up like the jaws of an alligator! Never thought I would say that I was sick of food, but alas...I am!

Well I have a ton of stuff to do for class tomorrow and it would be great to sleep in.

Janet you are making up for my time at the gym this week. I had all intentions of going last night but I fell asleep on the couch last night and didn't wake up until my DH came home from work at 10:30 pm. OOPSY! Then he took today off so I won't want to go tonight and it is weightlifting night! Maybe I will get in a day on my day off.

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Janet--Any gel, liquid or cream (including toothpaste) you want to carry onto an airplane must be in a container that contains no more than 3 ounces, and all your little containers have to fit into a clear zip-lock bag no bigger than 1 quart. You have to pull your 1 quart bag out of your carry on when you go through security and have it inspected seperately. You can buy little containers at Target (or probs lots of other places). When I went to VA last month, they didn't hassle me about the lip gloss or the Tide-to-Go in my purse, but they probably could have. If you want to bring a bottle of Water, soda, or coffee onto the plane, you have to purchase it after you clear security. Also, wear sandals or flip flops onto the plane. You gotta take them off too, and it's a hassle to put them back on with everyone trying to rush through. I didn't have any issues with underwires in my bras, or my band setting off the alarms. Some ppl say they do, but I never did.

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Janet--Any gel, liquid or cream (including toothpaste) you want to carry onto an airplane must be in a container that contains no more than 3 ounces, and all your little containers have to fit into a clear zip-lock bag no bigger than 1 quart. You have to pull your 1 quart bag out of your carry on when you go through security and have it inspected seperately. You can buy little containers at Target (or probs lots of other places). When I went to VA last month, they didn't hassle me about the lip gloss or the Tide-to-Go in my purse, but they probably could have. If you want to bring a bottle of Water, soda, or coffee onto the plane, you have to purchase it after you clear security. Also, wear sandals or flip flops onto the plane. You gotta take them off too, and it's a hassle to put them back on with everyone trying to rush through. I didn't have any issues with underwires in my bras, or my band setting off the alarms. Some ppl say they do, but I never did.

Linda - how about hairspray and foundation (makeup) - deodarent?? I use a cream in a jar) - I areally got those travel things a while back at walgreens it was like $2 and thought you may need this summer when you go to Mall trip and when you want it you won't find it.. Ok I need a travel size toothpaste - travel size hairspray non- areasol?? This is so stuipid - I bet you a terrorist could get through easier than us - On the shoe thingie they did that the last few times I have flown - I have on thong sandles and I gotta take them off - like I really have something to hide there.

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I hate it too, when we lose power. No heat, and we're out in the country. No sewers. Wells. No Water and no flushing toilets.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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