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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I researched NovaSure and it sounds really, really good. I'll get hubby to take a look at it as well. Sounds like my kind of thing. Neither of us are interested in more children, so could be the way to go and sounds very straightforward. Thanks again mango. :Dancing_wub:

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Hi all....not much to report today. Just another day in the classroom. There is a trackmeet today so there are about 10 of my 25 kids missing. Makes for a frustrating day to say the least. Oh well. Since I'm not going to be here next year, I'm not stressing about it. I think it was the best decision I have made in a while. I think it might be better than that lapband to tell the truth.

I am really starting to look forward to spending all this time with the kids. I can hardly describe it. I'm just stoked!!

I called the dentist an told him my tooth isn't really bothering me. He suggested it could be sinuses since it just disappeared after advil but to call him back if it starts hurting again. I called my dr. and told her I thought I need more zoloft. She had told me to call her if she thought I started back down again. I don't know if it's pms or the other so she is going to call me back. Tomorrow we take the oldest back to the dr about his bipolar. I just don't know what to think about that. Some ways he's better, some ways he's worse. But not a lot of lying and no stealing that I know of and he hasn't skipped school again....but it has only been 2 weeks too. Then next monday back for another fill. Wow...I sound like a dr aholic. I'll sure be happy when we are all back in healthy land again. At least no one is harping about my weight anymore!!!

I have one week to lose a couple more pounds so that maybe my dr scale will read below 170 also. If that happens I will have hit 50 pounds...so I'm working really hard on that this week. I'm hoping since TOM is here this week I have a shot at it. Keeping my fingers crossed at least!!

Talk to you all later.

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Steph that is great news. It is always wonderful when you make a decision and almost instantly feel better.

Alright so I have some positive news on the PS front. I called the doc that I was referred to and did get financing for in town and it looks doable. I have a consultation scheduled for May 7th and they have surgery dates open for when I need them in July so this is sounding more doable. It will make it nicer that the doc is in town. No more running over to the other side of the mountains to get medical care. just one of the many things that I don't care about of little town. But I feel a little better. I did talk to the doc in Portland and he just isn't comfortable doing the surgery. I think part of it is because of the distance and the other part is because he told me that it was not going to look perfect and flat. Because of my anatomy and the torture that 90+ pounds did to it for so long that I am never going to acheive that perfectly flat tummy. Despite my assurance that all I want to do is get rid of the 2 rolls, I think he still had reservations that I would be unhappy and sue him. I don't blame him, it just makes it a little frustrating that we are such a sue happy society. So anywho, I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that this works out. For me it makes it a bonus because this doc is a female and I think I will be more comfortable with that fact alone.

Oh and by the way almost all PS include a little "Kitty lift" as part of a TT. It would look really weird to be flat, flat, flat, what the H&LL

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Tomorrow we take the oldest back to the dr about his bipolar. I just don't know what to think about that. Some ways he's better, some ways he's worse. But not a lot of lying and no stealing that I know of and he hasn't skipped school again....but it has only been 2 weeks too.

What does your son think of the diagnosis? Sometimes it's frustrating not knowing what's wrong with you. Then someone puts a name to your ailment and it's like "Wow! I'm not imagining things." But then it can also mean "Wow, there really is something wrong with me." So I can see how your son could have improved and gotten worse at the same time.

I know he's a teen, and they only respond with grunts to anyone older than them, especially if they're related :ohmy:, but have you asked him how he feels about it all and the treatment plans the professionals have suggested for him? It could help you help him if you knew where his head was at.

Just like at times our food demons can come along at any moment and control our thoughts, he probably battles with his own. Let him know you'll do what you can to find him the help he needs. And realise that help won't and can't always come from you, the ones who care for him the most.

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Kitty Lift Love it - I have a fat cat still :ohmy::lol:


I gotta say you are in one good mood today - Love your positivitiy :biggrin2:

Walking - isn't it great what a little sunshine will do...


My Mom died at 40 and I was only 15 so only had my sister but we have dif Dad's so like you I had no one to compare myself too - they can do a blood test to tell you though. H

Mother issues - I think alot of us have those - my mom sent me to the family doc to learn about the birds and the bee - omg he was my freinds dad - so embarassing...


Glad to hear your tooth is better - Glad that you are happy about taking time off to be with your kids. Remember you have teenager even with out medical issues they are a pain in the butt most of the time - it's just great that you are able to find out what's going on now before things got too out of hand.. Love your deterimnation to hit that 50 lbs goal - you will do it..


I think I would like a female ps too - got everything crossed for you but know it will all work out just like you planned.

Ok back to work....

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Hi all, I have a million things to say--what an interesting weekend here--but really, very little time this morning. I just need to rant a little and then I have to get to work.

So yesterday I told my mom that I am thinking about a TT. Her response? One word: "Vanity." That really got me going. Grrrrr. Now realize that I was afraid to tell her bout my band for several months because I didn't want any hassle from her about it. She and my RN sister decided that it was "Very dangerous." That is the same sister who is getting her band this week AND the same mother that is taking my sister to the hospital and will be holding her hand through out the whole thing. Never an acknolwedgement of my weight loss. Only "Vanity."

I gotta go. TTYL

Don't relatives just piss you off???? My DSister was very negative about me getting the band too. "What? You are getting another unnecessary surgery???" She was referring to my Breast Reduction, Bladder repair, Hysterectomy, Bladder repair and Oeferectomy... Yeah, I just LOVE going under the knife for no good reason :)

Family can makeyou crazy if you let them... I don't tell my sister anything anymore, she just can't help herself from becoming a downer.

You know that you need that Tummy Tuck, so go for it! 100# loss is a lot of hanging skin. Just wait to see how your sister agrees with you once she has HER surgery.:ohmy:

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Still stuck with this stupid fish and spinach! Just doesn't taste as good coming back up.

However MORE good news!!

Alright so should we add another loop-de-loop in the roller coaster ride of Karri's plastic surgery journey. The original doc that I saw called back today and after consultation with the nurses and anesthesiologist agreed to do the surgery as long as I stay with my SIL. YEAH I really liked this guy. Plus it will be totally financed and I already had the payment arragments met. So we have tenatively scheduled surgery for June 20th. I wanted to secure the date because his next opening at the surgery center was July 18th and I didn't want to wait that long. Yipee!!!

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Congrats 6/20 - see I told you things would work out I am so happy for you :lol::biggrin::wub:

Did you eat too fast - I usually don't have problems with my fish unless I have eaten too fast..


Where is everyone tonite?? it's 8:06 here in Cali - so it's like 11 pm for most of you - (karri me kristin phly on west coast time)

Well I don't have much to report DGS has stomach bug - I went to the gym and walk 1.25 mile and then met Idrise (my trainer) and we did arms

Well, Off to the TV and shred the chicken I boiled - going to cut up zuchinne - yellow squash - bell pepper - onion - add spaghetti sauce and the chicken and make a new one pot wonder

Oh ya Dancing with the Stars is on too..

Welll will ck back later

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I think I ate the spinach too fast. It wasn't the fish that caused the problems, it was the spinach. I pb'd for about 20 minutes. YUCKY!

Well I am off to bed. I am exhausted. This has been a crazy day!

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Hi, I ment to say that Janet, your pic is georgous. I got dibs on any clothes that Candice doesn't want.

Phyl, I'm jealous--what a bunch of nice-looking kids! I can tell that they're well loved! After meeting you, I'm starting to think that I might like retirement.

Karri--So glad that you've got surgery scheduled. You've inspired me, and despite what my fam thinks, I'm moving forward with it this summer if I can aford it. I have an consultation appointment on the 29th. With any luck I will be 15 pounds away from goal at that point, and should be able to lose that by early July.

Steph--you made the right decision!

I hear some birds outside. It's still only in the 30-40's and still very brown. The snow is ALMOST gone and the days are getting longer. I'm hopeful. . .

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Good Morning Ladies

Karri - I have never pb'd for more than a couple of minutes. My DGS has some stomach virus which I am afarid of cuz I don't want to throw up. I think next time I go to the doc - i am going to ask him about that - maybe we should have some kind of medicine on had for those sitiuations.

Linda - Thanks - Both you and Candice are going to have to come to Cali to get the clothes - oh never mind - i can bring them to MN - and just trade them out for the new clothes I will be getting.. But truely I got 16 lbs to go - (I really need to change my ticker cuz I really think I want that 150 #) and I don't think 16.5 lbs will make that much diff in my size - due to the saggy skin issues. Plus when I went to the doc on 3/24 my body fat (per his scale) was 38.something % I wonder how it weighs your saggy skin like fat??) My trainer mentioned last again night that he thought I had lost some weight - don't know if he was just being nice (well no cuz he is a for real person and I don't think he's blowing smoke just so I keep going to him- see how skeptical I am - I know just say thank you)

Well, not much to report from last night - didn't do any midnite raids - those do seem to be getting fewer for whatever reason - not to say they don't happen - but not as much - my dear little angel wakes me up every nite to go potty - 1 a.m. last night - but I just take her out and go back to bed (well had to ck on DGS as he wanted some medicine for his headach). So for me that's a great NSV cuz - heck at night I would eat a whole nother meal..:thumbs_up:

Dentist today - getting a crown fixed so that wont be too bad but on 4/29 getting old sliver filing remove and replace - ugh - thankfully he has gas which does help take the edge off the nerves..

Well, gotta ck my desk and get some stuff done - as usual will ck back later..

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Good Morning!

Beautiful sunny morning here in Bodega Bay, but cold! But we better not complain because it's 20 degrees colder at home in WA! Chatted with our oldest daughter online for a few minutes last night and she was downright depressed! It's cold, raining every day and she's on spring break week.

It's supposed to start warming up here at the ocean tomorrow, but that's the day we're heading out! We were supposed to stay until Thurs until DH told me yesterday he doesn't want to take I-5 home... we're going up on 101 which means an extra travel day. And also, we'll stop at my sisters for one night and she'll nag us to stay another! So yesterday afternoon I had to completely revise my route on my laptop


and find RV parks to stay at on the way.

I'm getting excited about PS plans

everyone is starting to think about!

I'm anxious to hear how it goes for you, Karri.

Free Wi-Fi at this park.

May be the last I see until I get home!!

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Hey there Phyl - we still have some wind - mostly at night - so our weather hasn't gotten any better since you left.

You all are really quite today - is this a good thing or a bad thing :frown:

Are we falling off the band wagon - or are we just busy - or we are doing good.

I am back from the dentist - thankfully the crown he is replacing the tooth already had a root canal - so I didn't have to have gas :drool: -

I am hungry haven't eaten lunch gotta go throw my veggies in the microwave...

Hope you all are having a good day...

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I am here I just have been dealing with Plastic Surgery issues. Now the doc that I was going to in Portland called me with the revised price and it is up to 13500$ I can't afford that at all. So I am going to the consult with the doc in town tomorrow. They were good enough to push the consult up so that I could figure out the financing issues. This seriously has been a bumpy ride.

Then there is the fill issue. I am sure that my tummy is inflammed from the pb'ing issues yesterday but I could hardly get anything down today. I didn't eat my lunch but had crackers instead because they would go down. I may have to break down and go get more of an unfill because I don't know that I can keep this up until June.

But on a good note I did just get my wedding pictures, so when I get home I will put them together in a collage and post them. They aren't great, but the do show how much fun we had. Just so you know, my DH doesn't like to smile for pictures!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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