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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Thank you for all of your warm wishes. I honestly have to say that the wedding was probably the funniest one that I have ever been to. We went to the macaroni Grill (which my brother kept calling the Macaroni Hut!). Our waiter had just been married the weekend before and really didn't quite get that we were getting married right then and there. He kept talking about where we were going to get married. It finally sunk in when my dad pulled out his cell phone and started playing the wedding march so that we could begin the ceremony. He became ordained through the Universal Life Church online and took it to the extreme. He ordered his "Doctor of Divinity" packet that came with an official badge (which he wore), a parking permit (which he had hanging from his rearview mirror), a "Doctor of Divinity" Window decal which was also hanging in the car. Lee (my DH) and I were wearing matching outfits from the World of Warcraft game that we play. So we begin the vows and my dad is going through all the vows (in different languages, because his kit contained different varieties) and we are all laughing so hard that I am crying. So we finally swap our rings (just wait for the pictures!) and say our I do's. By the end our waiters were laughing, the people behind us were laughing, and our table was grabbing their sides from laughing so hard. It was very fun. My dad's wife took the pictures and is supposed to be sending them to us today. We will see though!

So that was the good news. The bad news is that the plastic surgeon that we saw doesn't want to do the surgery because it is going to be VERY EXTENSIVE and he feels that it is too far away from home. He was a very good surgeon and feels that he could do the surgery, but the likelyhood of complications (separated incision, infection, seromas which is liquid pooling under the skin) would just make it too risky to do when we live 3 hours away. Plus there is more potential for complications when they remove a lot of weight and he expects me to lose 10+ pounds from the tummy tuck! So he refered me to some surgeons over here. When I called the 4 that are here on Friday these were the results: 1 said they wouldn't do the surgery because it was too extensive, 1 didn't have a financing program, 1 said they didn't have financing BUT they would try to get it approved through insurance because of my back pain, and the other one didn't answer. The one that didn't answer does use CareCredit and I did get approved for that last night so that is an option. Also, my SIL (funny to say that now!) lives an hour from the original surgeon that I saw so I have a call into him to see if he would do the surgery if we stayed with her for a month. She graciously said that would be just fine. This is the lady that cuts my hair. SOOOOOO I still have options. Also with the ability to get financed through CareCredit, I can expand where I look for surgeons and have it done in WA and stay with my brother as well. My problem is that I am running out of time. I have to have the surgery done from the end of June through the first 2 weeks in July. Anytime after that I don't know that I would be ready to go back to work at the end of August.

I went through and read the posts but I can't remember who I need to respond to. I will be back on later today and respond but apparently we are going to the store.

But before I go I have my weigh in news. It is mixed news. I lost 2 pounds so that means that I am in the 150s :regular_smile: But I lost 2 pounds and I am not supposed to be losing weight. Here is the thing though. I got into the 150s so I think I can now put my whole heart into maintenance. There was always that part of me that wanted to get there. Now I am there and now I can focus more on staying stable.

Oh I know there were questions on eating out. It was tough this weekend because we ate out all but 1 meal. I did really well (except for the 1 piece of chicken fried steak and potatoes that I had last night) but even that was a small piece.

Here is what I ate

Friday morning: 2 eggs and 1/2 cup of fruit (Went to a little diner/cafe)

Lunch: 1/4 whole chicken with a little BBQ Sauce, 1/4 cup baked yam, 2 spears of asparagus, 1 bite of biscuit (got kinda stuck!) (Went to Claim Jumper)

Dinner: Shared an appetizer/fondue taster with DH and had a side of sauteed spinach (went to this wonderful German Restaurant)

Saturday Breakfast: A Protein Bar (it was WAY too rich and made me sick!)

lunch (Wedding lunch!) We split a make your own Pasta bowl but I took the shrimp, mushrooms and artichokes with about 6 noodles while DH ate the rest.

Dinner: Chicken fried steak and potatoes.

Eating out can be VERY difficult, but I luck out in the DH and I split everything. We just need to remember to have them not split it in the kitchen. We end up with WAY too much food then and they serve it too me on too big of a plate. Here is a tip though. Often times if you go to a place like Chili's or Applebees or something like that, you can get a side of chicken breast. There is a restaurant in town that we go to and I often will order that, eat some of what DH is having and and 1/2 the chicken breast. We can't be afraid to order stuff that is not on the menu. I find that they will work with you more if you are willing to tell them WHY you need specialty items. I can get most waitresses to serve me the kids menu if I tell them I had lap-band surgery. Though like I said before I am very lucky that DH and I have similar enough tastes that I can just eat with him.

Okay last thing before I sign off. Has any one tried QUINOA? I bought some yesterday because my nutritionist suggested it and we are going to have it with lunch today. It is supposed to be a perfect Protein (means it has all the essential amino acids that we need) but is supposed to cook like rice. I was hoping to see if someone had eaten it and know if it sticks like rice. If it does I might be in trouble. Janet - Sushi would be the death of me!

Talk to you later

Quinoa; Is a Whole Grain of the ancient type. Full of good nutrician. CRITICAL, it must be rinsed VERY well with lots of cold Water prior to cooking it... So get a fine wire strainer for this purpose. Then cook 2 to 1 ratio grain to water... add a titch of salt if you wish and bring to the boil and then turn down heat to lowest setting and cover with a lid.... cooks like rice but is much healthier for you... more protien, fibre and minerals.

Personally, I don't care for it much, I still prefer rice when I'm gonna actually eat a carb... it did NOT get stuck on me.

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Karri - Congrates again !!! we were all thinking of you yesterday - Can't wait for the pictures - Wedding sounds great - You will always remember it..

I have been wanting to try quinoa - but I have to go to some place like trader joes - and just haven't made it that way -

Congrats on the 2 lbs - heck imho and I am no doc your body is going to stop losing weight when it gets to it set point - You are doing excellent in your food choices even with eating out - remember we do have to live life and sometimes we need that chicken fried steak - You did better than me for Breakfast - I would have eggs & tatoes :smile:

It would be so cool if you could get ins to cover ps :tongue: Things will work out They say it takes a month to recover from a TT?? Well I guess that's about right - I don't know what I am thinking - lapband surgery?? couple of day :regular_smile:


I slept in til - 9:30 a.m today - Well dogs woke me up at 5 - took them out went back to bed - woke up at 7 and thought oh Phyl would be happy for me - then fell back asleep - woke up about 9:15 but stayed in bed til 9:30 - I most likely could have fallen back asleep.. 2 Tequila tonics and 1/2 cup Beans when I got home - were the magic sleeping pill i needed..

But gotta say I am hungry this morning- I had a 1/4 ceral - but am hungry again - I am cooking some collard greens - so those will be good for me..

Concert was good - I just wish they had screens so that you could really see the preformer - Josh Stone is 19 sings sorta like Janis Joplln (better voice but that bluesy soul kind of sound)- she is from England - I was home by 10:45 - so I didn't pull a jackie :thumbup: heres a pic from last night

Ok - I am back to my paper - I figured you guys would want to know if I was still alive or not after my outing :tongue:

I will talk to you all later - will be looking for Karri's wedding pics :tt1:

I just love that colour on you!!!! Save me those jeans o.k. I'll hopefully be into them by July and you'll be into smaller ones :tongue:

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Quinoa; Is a Whole Grain of the ancient type. Full of good nutrician. CRITICAL, it must be rinsed VERY well with lots of cold Water prior to cooking it... So get a fine wire strainer for this purpose. Then cook 2 to 1 ratio grain to water... add a titch of salt if you wish and bring to the boil and then turn down heat to lowest setting and cover with a lid.... cooks like rice but is much healthier for you... more protien, fibre and minerals.

Personally, I don't care for it much, I still prefer rice when I'm gonna actually eat a carb... it did NOT get stuck on me.

You are the "non-ordinary food" QUEEN. First the spag squash and then this. How would we live without you. I wish I had read your post prior to eating it. You are the second person (other one on the August board) that told me to rinse. Didn't do that!! I think it would have been better if I had. I don't know that I let it cook long enough. It was still a bit on the tough side. I like rice too, but I can't eat it. Gives me terrible pain. It wasn't bad though. Didn't have much flavor but I had mixed it with roasted garlic and sundried tomatoes so pretty much anything would taste good with those two things!

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Not about the DH though, he is great! My stupid nutritionist just called me. She told me that I was supposed to email her if I lost more than 1 pound, so I did. She is UPSET with my food choices. Here are her complaints.

1. Too much Protein (WTF:confused2:, I thought we were supposed to be eating protein)

2. Not enough carbs (I have more than doubled my daily carbs:thumbdown:)

3. Too much processed food (Processed???? :cursing:3 Protein Bars per week is TOO much processed food. She is mad because I have to eat canned fruit...I am sorry that I live in the back 40 and I REFUSE to pay 2.98$ a pound for hard peaches!)

4. Too little fat (:blink:Again at least doubled what I was eating)

5. Too much cheese (Uhhhh.:regular_smile:...hello LOOK AT #4...didn't she just say I needed more fat! Plus I can't do other dairy so I need it for my calcium)

6. Too big of meals (UHHHH...don't I need to be UPPING the calories this is the only way I can do it:ohmy:)

7. Taking too long to eat ( NO #^$%&*@:tongue: but my fill is tigher than it should be, but I can't get to my doc to have some of it taken out. I am going to have a complete unfill before my TT if I have that this summer)

8. Eating too much lettuce (:sneaky:Just picture me shaking my head on this one. She says that it doesn't have any nutritional value so I should switch to something else like spinach. Well I don't like raw spinach. Cooked is yummy)

9. REDUCE MY EXERCISING....WHAT THE HELL... Yep this was so preposterous that I actually wrote out all the words. Her thought is that I could eat less then and not burn up the calories. Holy Crap...Sorry I thought I was exercising for health benefits, but I guess I was mistaken.

I feel like I wasted 95$ because I can't do what she wants me to. I don't have the money and we just don't have the fresh fruits and veggies over here. It took me going to THREE :scared2:stores before I could find green peppers that didn't look like that were rotting on the shelf.

Alright I feel a little better now but all she did was ridicule what I ate and is afraid that I may be miscounting my calories because when she calculated my meals it came out to 2000 (this was from Mon and Tues meals from last week). Well obviously I was not eating that much considering I lost another 2 pounds. FRUSTRATING. Ruby I will switch you screen names for a day!



I think this lady is going to make you fat again imho and I am an expert dieter - didn't go to school or have a degree but this lady is a little wacked... You gotta modify this to work for you !!! - she doesn't get that you are an Atkins person -she is going off that triangle thing where you are suppose to eat more carbs - Too big of Meals - I don't get that you are banded you can't eat too big of meals... Reduce your exercise - nope - 3 stores for bell peppers I guess I am spoiled..

Ya know what just keep doing what you are doing - you aren't close to being anorixic (sp) keep adding a little more carbs and fat (cheese is adding fat stupid lady nut) You might want to cut gym time down to 4 times a week instead 5 (I don't remember how often you go)

Hi everyone!


I haven't been tracking a thing. I haven't tracked what I ate since weight watchers this time last year. I thought about doing it again but didn't follow through. Since getting back on LBT I've been trying to focus on drinking 1/2 before eating. Baby steps....

Since losing weight has anyone experienced changes in their menstruation cycle? Mine has gone haywire. My gyn. said that my hormonal ratios are out of whack and thats causing me to have irregular periods. I'm wondering if its connected to weight loss.

Ssankofa - For me keeping a food diary has be a very good learning tool as we seem to forget those little bites here and there duriing the day and they add up real quick - Just like Ruby not really reading her Ice Tea - full of sugar - I read every label before it goes in my cart at the grocery store and I read them again before i eat...

Can't help with the Aunt Flo issue - thankfully those days are gond:biggrin:

I just love that colour on you!!!! Save me those jeans o.k. I'll hopefully be into them by July and you'll be into smaller ones :thumbup:


Those are my siza 8 jeans :tongue: (still think that's a total fluke but still love the #) I will keep them for you - I love bright colors always have even when I was big..

Phyl - Great picture of the family !!! Well windy all weekend - not to bad but enought to make it ugly out - Last night at the concert the power went out - it delayed the concert for about 45 mins.

Yep I was home early - My gf & her dh had a brunch they were hosting today - so they had to get home - Not a bad thing really cuz - I had a big glass of wine when I was getting dressed and then 2 drinks at the concert - If we would have stayed and partied - I would have drank more - and truely I felt just right - and slept so good - DGS came in last night at 12 and said I am home - didn't hear him at all and ususally the dogs bark when they hear the doors - but I guess we were all pooped last night..

On the Quiona issue does it taste like cous cous (sp) - I don't know why I think it would - but I do - I like cous cousi - but it is sorta of tasteless...

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Hello all. Long time, no see.

It seems everyone is doing so great with their weight loss. I have been very, very slow. In fact, since December I have lost 2 lbs. I think I am eating more junk and not enough exercise.

I have had some health problems since Christmas. First, my asthma kicked in and I was on prednisone for several weeks. Then, I stepped on a rotten board on a deck and my leg went through. This was the first part of February. It took out a long hunk on leg and I have been doing dressing changes since then. It is almost healed now. It made me feel bad though, because I was on antibiotics for over a month. I am doing well now though.

I think I have used all of these things as reasons for not losing weight. Not looking at my self, what I am eating or my lack of exercise. I have taken a good look at myself though and hopefully I am on the right track now. I even walk, at a slow pace, 30 min. today. It wasn't hard like I thought it would be.

I really need the support of others. When I stopped checking in here is when I stopped losing. You all are such great support and enouragement. I will be back more often for your support as well as to help support others.

On the home front, my daughter got engaged on Valentine's Day. We are all so excited.

I will be checking in and answering y'all daily now. I am excited to be back and can't wait to catch up with everyone.


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Hello all. Long time, no see.

It seems everyone is doing so great with their weight loss. I have been very, very slow. In fact, since December I have lost 2 lbs. I think I am eating more junk and not enough exercise.

I have had some health problems since Christmas. First, my asthma kicked in and I was on prednisone for several weeks. Then, I stepped on a rotten board on a deck and my leg went through. This was the first part of February. It took out a long hunk on leg and I have been doing dressing changes since then. It is almost healed now. It made me feel bad though, because I was on antibiotics for over a month. I am doing well now though.

I think I have used all of these things as reasons for not losing weight. Not looking at my self, what I am eating or my lack of exercise. I have taken a good look at myself though and hopefully I am on the right track now. I even walk, at a slow pace, 30 min. today. It wasn't hard like I thought it would be.

I really need the support of others. When I stopped checking in here is when I stopped losing. You all are such great support and enouragement. I will be back more often for your support as well as to help support others.

On the home front, my daughter got engaged on Valentine's Day. We are all so excited.

I will be checking in and answering y'all daily now. I am excited to be back and can't wait to catch up with everyone.




So glad to have you come back to us we missed you.

IMHO I really do think that keeping track here and posting really helps keep us focused - at least for me it does.

I remember the last time you posted that you were having the asthmas problems - and now leg problem (hugs) they took the hug icon away..

OK girl - you are now on the road to recovery - no more excuses...

You did good by walking today that's a start and starting right now (not tomorrow but right now) - no more junk ok...

You can do this - you really can - when was the last time you got a fill - how's your restriction? If it's not optimal then call tomorrow and make an appointment - having proper restriction makes the job easier but you still gotta do the job by eating healthy and exercising ..

I can vouch that once you do (eat healthy)- you really don't crave the junk as much as you did before

Can you get to a gym - can you get a trainer - that's our latest thing (well me & chim :thumbup:) but Karri - Jackie - Ruby - go to the gym - Peaches & Linda are walking as weather permits - Phyl does her Water exercise & Kari rides her bike and Kristin plays tennise - Karri even jogged to the store the other day

You gotta stay in touch - we need to become your transfer addiction - you need the accountablity - cuz we are going to keep you honest with yourself ...

Again Stay with us !!!! We want you back !!! We want to be there for you!!!


Ok gang bread Lady pm'd me and Said to say HI - (for those of you who don't know her she was banded in June but was a lucky #7 - when I first joined she was a big time poster - it was her chim dini lynette who seemed to post all the time.. and Sunny too :regular_smile:


Food Diary for the day

(Sunny this is for you - I want you to start one)

Breakfast - 1/2 cup Cereal 220 c - 3 grms pt

Lunch - Collard Greens - Calories ??

but to me veggies are pretty much free.

Snack - Light pringles - 50 calories

1 oz cheese 100 c - 6 pt

Dinner - 4 oz cat fish 150 c 28 pt

1/2 c rice 120 c 1 pt

collard greens

Snack ??? don't know yet - haven't even eaten dinner yet but it will be either 100 c popcorn or fudgecicle or sf pudding.< /span>


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Janet - I go to the gym 4-5 days a week. I am really sick of people telling me that I am eating wrong (Not you guys, cause you all understand). First it was I was eating too much and all unhealthy foods. Okay I agree. Now I am not eating enough and TOO healthy. So I don't want to add back the fat and frankly I don't feel great when I eat a lot of carbs. I know that they are supposed to be great for energy, but when I eat a lot of them I feel sluggish and get really gassy. I know TMI. I FEEL BETTER when I eat my Proteins. If you have ever looked at the blood type diet, I am supposed to eat high Protein and low carb for my blood type. I don't know if that diet is hooey or not, BUT I can tell you this: I know my body better than any 95$ per hour nutritionist and I feel ucky when I eat a lot of carbs. I just got another email from her that suggested I go to 4 days a week for exercise. That is an option that I am not totally opposed to. I mean then I still maintain the habit and I think that it would be easier to add back another day at the gym then cut portion sizes and food types if I start gaining. MAINTENANCE SUCKS! Anyone want to trade me places. ADVERTISEMENT: At weight MARRIED female seeks still losing female to switch bodies for short term. Successful at losing weight, but suck at maintaining.

Think anyone will take me up on it. Though I am telling you if you trade me bodies you get this belly to go with it. That would probably be a deal breaker for everyone.

Sorry I am in such a sour mood. Just sick of this nutritionist. I don't think I am going to email her any more since she can't give me the advice I need. I promise I will come back tonight in a better mood. I just need to go do some HEALTHY, adequate carb cooking therapy!

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Janet - I go to the gym 4-5 days a week. I am really sick of people telling me that I am eating wrong (Not you guys, cause you all understand). First it was I was eating too much and all unhealthy foods. Okay I agree. Now I am not eating enough and TOO healthy. So I don't want to add back the fat and frankly I don't feel great when I eat a lot of carbs. I know that they are supposed to be great for energy, but when I eat a lot of them I feel sluggish and get really gassy. I know TMI. I FEEL BETTER when I eat my Proteins. If you have ever looked at the blood type diet, I am supposed to eat high Protein and low carb for my blood type. I don't know if that diet is hooey or not, BUT I can tell you this: I know my body better than any 95$ per hour nutritionist and I feel ucky when I eat a lot of carbs. I just got another email from her that suggested I go to 4 days a week for exercise. That is an option that I am not totally opposed to. I mean then I still maintain the habit and I think that it would be easier to add back another day at the gym then cut portion sizes and food types if I start gaining. MAINTENANCE SUCKS! Anyone want to trade me places. ADVERTISEMENT: At weight MARRIED female seeks still losing female to switch bodies for short term. Successful at losing weight, but suck at maintaining.

Think anyone will take me up on it. Though I am telling you if you trade me bodies you get this belly to go with it. That would probably be a deal breaker for everyone.

Sorry I am in such a sour mood. Just sick of this nutritionist. I don't think I am going to email her any more since she can't give me the advice I need. I promise I will come back tonight in a better mood. I just need to go do some HEALTHY, adequate carb cooking therapy!


I totally agree with you - your nut is a nut - and I wouldn't continue to see her - you have to find what works for you - and you only... There is a girl on this board Chicki who ppl said was too skinny - yes she is thin but too skinny not in my opinion - but she got alot of flack - there was a big fight at one time - about why we don't strive to lose 100% of our excess weight and for someone your age it's approperate imho. Us older ones need a few extra pounds on us - as demonstrated in that bmi thing I posted for Kari...

I agree cut the exercise to 4 days - and like you said if you gain you then can increase it back to 5 - I think you are doing good with the adding of carbs to your diet (aka eating plan I hate the word diet but in the true sense of diet - is the correct word)

Also, you even admit to being on the tight side - if you were looser then you would be able to eat more - OMG she says you are eating too much now - what then - but as that's always an opionion too - next time you can get over the hill to get some taken out.

Don't let this lady get you down - this is your wedding weekend.. You are doing good - if you get to skinny your band mommy will tell you - but since we know you better than her - she can jump in a lake. Just keep doing as you have been - trying to increase your calories and decrease your exercise (OMW I wish someone would tell that too me :thumbup:)

You are suppose to be honeymooning - so go honeymoon :regular_smile: - quit worrying..

p.s. you wouldn't want a 53 yr old body - either - my tummy might not be like yours = but it's far from being pretty.. You are beautiful as you are - you have a big heart and have been a great motivator for me. You have made major changes in your life by choosing to eat healthy and exercising - when you GET (not if - come on power of positive thinking) your TT then you will feel better but until then - remember where you were a year ago (closet eating) to where you are today (no more closet eating)

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I totally agree with you - your nut is a nut - and I wouldn't continue to see her - you have to find what works for you - and you only... There is a girl on this board Chicki who ppl said was too skinny - yes she is thin but too skinny not in my opinion - but she got alot of flack - there was a big fight at one time - about why we don't strive to lose 100% of our excess weight and for someone your age it's approperate imho. Us older ones need a few extra pounds on us - as demonstrated in that bmi thing I posted for Kari...

I agree cut the exercise to 4 days - and like you said if you gain you then can increase it back to 5 - I think you are doing good with the adding of carbs to your diet (aka eating plan I hate the word diet but in the true sense of diet - is the correct word)

Also, you even admit to being on the tight side - if you were looser then you would be able to eat more - OMG she says you are eating too much now - what then - but as that's always an opionion too - next time you can get over the hill to get some taken out.

Don't let this lady get you down - this is your wedding weekend.. You are doing good - if you get to skinny your band mommy will tell you - but since we know you better than her - she can jump in a lake. Just keep doing as you have been - trying to increase your calories and decrease your exercise (OMW I wish someone would tell that too me :thumbup:)

You are suppose to be honeymooning - so go honeymoon :regular_smile: - quit worrying..

p.s. you wouldn't want a 53 yr old body - either - my tummy might not be like yours = but it's far from being pretty.. You are beautiful as you are - you have a big heart and have been a great motivator for me. You have made major changes in your life by choosing to eat healthy and exercising - when you GET (not if - come on power of positive thinking) your TT then you will feel better but until then - remember where you were a year ago (closet eating) to where you are today (no more closet eating)

This is why you are such a GREAT MOMMY! Thank you and I know you are right. I honestly do believe that if people would not have known me pre-band they would not think I am too skinny. It is the people who saw me at my highest who think that I am getting too skinny. I am saying the hell with it and eating what I want (yes that means lower carb than most) and if I lose, I lose. (Funny when I would have said that I would say to hell with it before it meant as many doughnuts as I could shove in my mouth at one time, not eating healthier than people want!) As long as I don't gain I will be happy! And frankly I am celebrating the crap out of the fact that I got to 159 today. My DH was happy for me but really does think that I need to stop losing, but in my head I was doing cartwheels! Okay back to making my meals for the week. I feel much better

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Ok Gang - where are half of you

Linda - how are you doing ??

Steph - how's the tooth

Mango - What's up Girl

Kristin - Getting ready for work tomorrow.

Oh crap my rice - brb - I hate when I forget to put the timer on .. Thankfully it didn't burn..

Ruby - How are you doing today ..

Well, I have charged my Ipod for the weekly gym sessions - added a couple of songs - Trace Atkins (you know my new love:tt1:) Got my game on - song about me and something else - omg I forgot already :regular_smile: I just know i downloaded 3 songs...

Rice is done now just gotta go cook my fish - can beleive it this morning was starving -but now not too hungry and it's almost 8 - don't know what I am taking for lunch - I didn't cook anything - i need some new ideas - sorta tired of my one pot wonders - so maybe will just go back to left overs. I really don't want to go back to those frozen meals - but may have to get a couple for lunch - I like real food not frozen crap.

Well back to my t.v. - it got boring so I did nap alittle this afternoon - hope I can go to sleep tonite.

Will ck back later....

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Hi Everyone, I went camping again this weekend. I exercised a lot this weekend. Bike 6 miles Sat. Walked, biked, and went swimming for the first time in my new pool today. It was pretty freakin cold.

Karri - Congratulations!!!!

Janet and Phyl - loved the pictures

Phyl - How many grandkids do you have?

Janet - You look fantastic!!

The people we went camping with haven't seen me since before I lost weight. Not one person said a word.

I think I look a little different. I wonder if they're talking behind my back.

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You went swimming - yep it's too cold here for that :eek: I was looking at the pool the other day after exercise and will be glad when it's warm enought to get into - it feels good after I have worked out.

Congrats on all that exercise - those pple didn't notice 40 lbs omw whats wrong with them...:mad:

Thanks I feel pretty good about me :purplebananna: 2 guys sat next to me at the concert - they must have been gay :lol: They didn't talk at all:wink2:

Liquid Gold = Liquid Vicoden :cool:

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Since losing weight has anyone experienced changes in their menstruation cycle? Mine has gone haywire. My gyn. said that my hormonal ratios are out of whack and thats causing me to have irregular periods. I'm wondering if its connected to weight loss.


Sometimes I'll have a period every 2 weeks. Or I'll have a period when expected for about 4 hours and it'll stop. Or I'll miss one. :cool: I'm on the pill and it's meant to keep it regular. It did prior to my lap band but now it's hit or miss. The only thing regular about it now is that I get one during the placebo stage, but like I said, it could only be for a few hours. :purplebananna:

But then I'm 44 and I'm wondering if I'm heading towards menopause. I don't even know when that's supposed to happen. Sometimes I wish it would hurry up so that I know not to expect anything anymore. Well, except all the issues that go with menopause. :lol:

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Hi Everyone, I went camping again this weekend. I exercised a lot this weekend. Bike 6 miles Sat. Walked, biked, and went swimming for the first time in my new pool today. It was pretty freakin cold.

Karri - Congratulations!!!!

Janet and Phyl - loved the pictures

Phyl - How many grandkids do you have?

Janet - You look fantastic!!

The people we went camping with haven't seen me since before I lost weight. Not one person said a word.

I think I look a little different. I wonder if they're talking behind my back.

Wow! You did good this weekend... all that exercise! I've just been playing with the "Wii"! I got my "Fitness Age" down to 76, from a high of 79 a couple of days ago!!

I still can't hit those stupid baseballs!

We have 10 grandkids! I'm going to try to post a photo of the six who we're with this weekend... 3 from SF & 3 from WA state. We had a BD party for Grandpa today & I ate too much.


and had a small pice of cake and a little bit of ice cream!

That was after a hamburger patty, piece of a hot dog

and a spoonful of potato salad!

Not a good day...

but DH's birthday party! Back on track tomorrow!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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