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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hey Gang!! Yesterday went fine. VERY LONG DAY!!!! :smile: We left at 6am and we got home at 10:30pm last night. UUUUGGHHHH Then while we are there my friend and her daughter want to eat buffett for lunch 'because Morgan (little girl) can get a variety of different foods.' I didn't say anything. So we get there and pay and then when I go to get food they have no 'baked grilled or broiled' meat. They have chicken fried steak, swedish meatballs in a cream sauce, hamburgers with melted cheese, general chicken and etc. I WAS PISSED!!! There were no baked potatoes it was mashed, fried or mac and cheese. I hit the salad bar and ate chopped boiled eggs with real bacon bits and a little shredded cheese and some Salad Dressing on it. Then I found some brussel sprouts and tried those. They were so hard you would have thought they just came out of the garden and hadn't been cooked. Tried cutting them they didn't work so forgot those. Green Beans and corn both had butter in them so NO. In the end I went to the dessert bar got some frozen yogurt and finished up. WHOOPPIIII!!!:blushing: So that is the lunch fiasco. Then supper she decides she wants to go to Chili's. I ordered a ceasars salad with no ceasar sauce and a grilled chicken breast on top. I figured that was good for me. Ate some chips and salsa while waiting. DIdn't over due those. Then I get the salad and my lettuce was really wilty looking so I took the croutons and chicken breast off the salad sent the lettuce back and told them I don't want anymore either and ate the chicken breast and croutons with ranch dressing. Couldn't even eat all of it. Needless to say I was not impressed with yesterdays food. My friend and her daughter both ended up with 'bathroom troubles' on the way home and weren't feeling really well. I didn't have the heart to say 'well you ate nothing but junk today and alot of it.'

Anyway, I am home now and will not be eating out today. I am so puffy from all the salt yesterday so need to get going on the Water today.

On the plus side though while we were there I made sure I got at least 10,000 steps in. I walked the halls up and down and looked like a nervous nilly who was pacing from nerves or a weirdo who couldn't set still to the others who were waiting. I didn't care. I figured they don't know me and I don't know them and will prob never see them again anyway and if they really want to know what I am doing then they could ask. And if they really wanted to know what the timer thing around my neck was that I kept looking at they could ask. LOL (the thing on my neck is my display for my body bugg. I watch how many calories I burn and how many steps I have taken)

Another tid bit before I leave. I talked with my doc about the '10,000 steps a day' rule and she said that was an excellent goal to have. She told me that the average distance for 10,000 steps is 5-6 miles and for some people it is 6-7 miles. That means for me then that I walk at least 5-6 miles a day and then all the extra. Some days I have 20,000 + steps. :thumbup::cursing: I looked this up on the net a couple of different web sites to make sure and they say the same so it must be true. Anyone else heard anything?

Better get. Not doing much of anything today but gotta get those steps in so the rest of the day can be mine. :blink:

It is so nice to be back home and be able to talk to all of you.

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It sounds like you made some really healthy food choices!!! Considering the crumby restaurant.

Phyl; You must be on your way home, I am sorry you feel badly about missing the funeral of your fine Aunt.

Janet; You are not preachy!!! You always inspire us all... keep it up! You always speak from your BIG HEART and should never apologise for that.

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Thanks Peaches :cursing:

Well, I just found out a food I CAN NOT EAT - SUSHI :lol: I think it's the rice - I know I eat rice every day - but it's jasmine rice and not sticky rice - OMW I ate 1/2 of one roll and a couple pieces of the fish on top and got stuck - still stuck a little bit - So no more sushi for me :lol:

Well, I am in a PISSED mood today - my bro started it last night - it's too much to go into here - but involves land that we inherited - it not selling and brothers who have been living off the inheridance and not working and are about to run out of $$$ - and accussing me of stealing - well you know what I have worked since I was 19 - I make a good salary and what I inherited is extra for me - I saved and invested - I didn't sit on my A$$ do drug and act like I was howard fricken hughes.. Well that is it in a nut shell - my bro is whacked -but he is my only living brother with whom I share the same parents - My sister has a diff Dad..

Well, I gotta get my butt back to work - so ck back later..

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Thanks Peaches :cursing:

Well, I just found out a food I CAN NOT EAT - SUSHI :lol: I think it's the rice - I know I eat rice every day - but it's jasmine rice and not sticky rice - OMW I ate 1/2 of one roll and a couple pieces of the fish on top and got stuck - still stuck a little bit - So no more sushi for me :lol:

Well, I am in a PISSED mood today - my bro started it last night - it's too much to go into here - but involves land that we inherited - it not selling and brothers who have been living off the inheridance and not working and are about to run out of $$$ - and accussing me of stealing - well you know what I have worked since I was 19 - I make a good salary and what I inherited is extra for me - I saved and invested - I didn't sit on my A$$ do drug and act like I was howard fricken hughes.. Well that is it in a nut shell - my bro is whacked -but he is my only living brother with whom I share the same parents - My sister has a diff Dad..

Well, I gotta get my butt back to work - so ck back later..

Ya, that would put me in a bad mood too. Family issues can really pull at your heart strings. And not always in a good way. Does he want you to buy out his share of the land? It might be a good way to be rid of him and his issues. Some people spend their whole lives not being responsible for Money, their careers, their relationships and THEN they try and make it YOUR problem.... don't let him affect you... You work hard and deserve only GOOD things.

JMHO. :lol:

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Ya, that would put me in a bad mood too. Family issues can really pull at your heart strings. And not always in a good way. Does he want you to buy out his share of the land? It might be a good way to be rid of him and his issues. Some people spend their whole lives not being responsible for Money, their careers, their relationships and THEN they try and make it YOUR problem.... don't let him affect you... You work hard and deserve only GOOD things.

JMHO. :cursing:

The problem is that we are only half owners - the other half is my dad's partners kids - they don't want to sell. We had an offer right before the market went to hell in a hand basket - but No the GREEDY other half did not like the offer - who knows if we had agreed on a price that the sell would have gone thru - it was just at the start of the real estate down fall. He is talking about subdiving which cost $$ and he doesn't have a pot to piss in and when I asked how we would pay the $$$ back he said when it sold.. STUPID no one is buying property right now... This is my little bro - my other bro die in 99 he was 43 and my last word with him were an agrument too - you see my bro's lived on ranch properties rent & utlitite free - most of their lives - and they are/were both very fiscally irresponsible and then add drugs to the mix - where as I had my own house paid my own mortgage etc. went to work every day - you know the drill -

Ok I am just getting worked up again :lol:

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you see my bro's lived on ranch properties rent & utlitite free - most of their lives - and they are/were both very fiscally irresponsible and then add drugs to the mix - where as I had my own house paid my own mortgage etc. went to work every day - you know the drill -

Ok I am just getting worked up again :cursing:


You're the one with the track record... stick to your guns!! And CHILL! It's going to be okay. Don't get your BP up over this!!

Appreciate everyone's thoughts and condolences and expressions of concern regarding Aunt Genny, me missing her funeral, etc. You all are great supports and I don't know what I'd do without you.


Eating out is a bummer... especially when you're shooting from the hip and don't have an opportunity to make a good choice as to where to go. We made a bad decision today... went to visit DH's brother who lives only about 5 miles from our son.... they're coming over on Sunday for DH's birthday, but we wanted to spend some time with them without a bazillion kids around (our youngest will be here with her three little ones on Sunday). So, usually when we're in the area, the four of us go to their favorite fish place for lunch. That wasn't going to work today because DH had an appt on base to go for his new military ID card. So I suggested we just come over for coffee in the morning. Had a good visit... decided we were hungry on the way home and stopped at a Quizno's. We RARELY eat there and it's probably been 2 yrs since our last visit so I had no clue what the menu looked like but was confident I could find something healthy to eat.

ALERT....I am about to DISS Quizno's......

do you know about these new "SAMMIE" sandwiches they have???? Picture on the promotional looked good... flatbread, meat, lettuce, tomatoes.. so we both decided to order Turkey Sammie's... two for DH, one for me. But when we got them... it was all bread and 1 or 2 razor thin slices of turkey deli meat. The picture shows like 8 or 10 slices!! So our DIL tells us when we get home that there's a class action lawsuit against Quizno's because the picture in the promotion materials shows 5 oz of meat and the employees are instructed to put in 1 oz of meat!!

Ooooooo... that made me mad!!

And the flatbread was very doughy!! I doubt, after another fill in 10 days, that I'd even be able to get it down. I think I would have been better off with a small sub sandwich!

Okay... rant is over.

Weather here is beautiful.

A little chilly, but nice and sunny.

I rode over to the commissary on my scooter and did a little grocery shopping.

I am still enjoying GD's Wi... as I told Janet on the phone last night... yesterday I even worked up a sweat!!! I was working very hard to try to get my "Wi Fitness Age" up past my initial "77"!! But I failed miserably because I kept swinging too early or too late during the baseball phase and missed every single pitch!! I'll keep trying. My last "Fitness Age" was 79, so I went up instead of down! Isn't that embarrassing???

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Yep Phyl I need to chill - just took my bp and it's 130 over 78 - no bad since I didn't take my bp med last night.. It's just that I have been telling them for YEARS (16 since my parents died) that the $$$ won't be here forever.. My bro could lose his house and become homeless. That's the real problem... But I can't to a damn thing about it - so let it go..

Nothing pisses me off more than to go out to eat and pay good $$ and get sh*tty food.. I enjoy eating (still) and when I eat I want good food.< /p>

I am hungry right now cuz that 1/2 piece of sushi & 2 bites of fish only really didn't cut it and then I go off and forget my left overs at work - well - I don't think I could have eaten the ca rolls any- well _ I gues I will just have to skip sushi from now on - any way a bit pricey since I can't eat much.. and I dont think they have children menu there:lol:

I wish I knew someone with a WII- it sounds like fun.. i would want to try it to see if it's something I would really do - before I laid out that kind of dough

Well, I am skipping the gym tonite - i am tired - didn't get to bed until after 11 and am up at 5 - my bro pissed me off - my boss pissed me off (made me go to a meeting that has nothing to do with the types of accounts that I write so total waste of time) so - I am just emotionally drained and beat - haven't had but maybe 100 calories today - so I think I need to have a good healhty dinner and get to bed early so that I canll go in the morning to the gym for sure..

Ok I am going to go ck the fridge - and you don't have to worry - I don't have any dangerous foods in the house only good healthy stuff.. I do know my limitations :cursing:

Karri - How did the PS visit go!!!

Will ck back chickies...

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Hi Everyone. I known this might seem silly at this point, but does anyone have the lapband rules? You know....the info about drinking 30 minutes before a meal, no drinking during a meal, waiting 60 minutes to dirnk after a meal, etc? If you could post it for me it would be a big help.


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Welcome back Ssankofa !!!!!!

Ok I looked for the rules but couldn't find them quickly so this is what I remember as being my insturctions - It's my lifestyle now -

Low Fat - Sugar Free- Not nessecarity low carb - but limited carbs. Low soduim

60 Protein grams daily - 64 oz Water - Vitamims - calicum citrate - sublingual B

No drink 1/2 hr pre & post meals

3 Meals with 2 healthy Snacks.< /p>

Eggbeaters - dannon light & fit yogurt - weight control oatmeal - low fat string cheese -1 oz of meat = 7 grms Protein - deli meats -(shaved 5 slices are like 50 calories and 7 grms pt) popcicles - sf fudgecicles - sf pudding - Veggies -

Protein 1st - then veggies - then carbs if you have any room (I always have room)

Exercise = minimum 30 mins of walking..

Hey gang - please help me out here - i am going by memory - but it's still how I have been eating - am I leaving out anything

Ok when was your last fill - do you have restriction - what's going on that you havent been too motivated lately... Talk to us we will help you the very best we can..

Ok I gotta introduce you to 2 new members since you were here Salsa & Twilight - these are our offically adopted Lucky #7's ladies - Salsa was banded in Aug and she is my band daugther and she's getting married tomorrow :tongue: - Step was banded in Dec and she was having some problems getting started so Karri invited her to join us and she's a keeper - so these 2 names you might not remember - Here girls this is Ssankofa

(old age kicking in here - don't remember if we knew your real name - by now we are calling each other by our real names - well except for peaches - cuz i don't know why - peaches just fits her)

Ok - hope this help -let us know what's up....

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Ok gang - What's up where is everyone tonite..

Ruby we haven't heard from you today

Steph - we haven't heard from you in a couple of day.

Mango where are you ???

Kari - are you too busy riding that bike??

Karri has an excuse - getting ready to tie the knot Linda - Whats up are you watching what not to wear and having a little glass of wine -

Phyl are you have a good time with your family..

Jackie - is tonite date night??

Peaches - What going on in Canada - still cold??

Kristin Are you busy cleaning & shopping

Ssankofa - Again Welcome HOME

Well, off to watch some tv i guess - lbt is my transfer additction... t.v. can get boaring - so I will be back in a few...

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I do have restriction, but I know I haven't been following the rules other than not drinking and eating at the same time (when I even try that it hurts so that's a no no for me). I have no off limit foods which my doctor's PAs say is a good thing. I'm scared that I have dilated my pouch because no matter what, I can always eat more than 6 oz. of food in 1 sitting during which time I'm ravenous but then 30 minutes after I finish eating I feel a little too full (to the point where I feel guilty for eating.) Just now I ate about 14oz of chunky Soup and now I'm thirsty.

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I do have restriction, but I know I haven't been following the rules other than not drinking and eating at the same time (when I even try that it hurts so that's a no no for me). I have no off limit foods which my doctor's PAs say is a good thing. I'm scared that I have dilated my pouch because no matter what, I can always eat more than 6 oz. of food in 1 sitting during which time I'm ravenous but then 30 minutes after I finish eating I feel a little too full (to the point where I feel guilty for eating.) Just now I ate about 14oz of chunky Soup and now I'm thirsty.

Ok - are you tracking your calorie *counting or keep a log like fitday or just in a little note book? are you exercising

I eat more than 6 oz per meal I usually eat 1 cup for Breakfast and lunch - dinner is usual 4 oz fish 1/2c rice and 1/2 to 1 cup of veggies and do have 1 or 2 100 calories Snacks

I eat fish most nites but do have beef or chicken during the week too - but the other night I had a grilled cheese for dinner

I think I am at my sweet spot - and I am getting 800 to 1000 calories most days and occaissionaly over the 1000 - like tomorrow cuz I am going to a concert and will have a few drinks.< /p>

You say you have no off limit foods - with your PA blessings - are you eating too many of these food that I don't call off limit -but treats that should be limited (cake candy Cookies chips fast foods - starches)

14 oz of soup as long as it wasn't white claim chowder isn't bad - so there must be something else -

I have read it's good to vary your calories day to day to break a plateau

one day 800 - next day 1000 - one day 900 - next day 1100 and on the exercise the intensity is the most important - treadmill walk at an increased incline..

Ya just need to get back in the groove this is a whole new learning process for us - we are going to fall sometimes but when we do - we just gotta get up and start over - ie learning - and to learn we have to repeat and repeat until we get it.

I allow treats - but I budget them into my daily calorie intake and not in addition too - it is an addition too - then I exercise an extra day...

Bootstrap time - get a big grip - and yank those boots back on and jump back onto the Band Wagon :tongue:

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Hi Janet! I am here... just watching a movie and relaxing after a long day.... I'm so glad tomorrow is Saturday! Well I hope everyone is having a relaxing Saturday night!

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I'm back. Busy most of the day, home for a little while this afternoon and then out to dinner with our son & his family.... Mexican.

Brought half of mine home, as always.

Yes, I'm afraid "Peaches" will always be

"Peaches" to us!!

Today's "Wi Age" is back to 77! Did I report that already??? But my knee is killing me... too much bowling, tennis and baseball today! Trying to improve my stats! I had a great game of bowling with only one open frame, one strike, the rest spares... I think I ended up with about 170! but... like I said, my knee hurts, AND my shoulders and neck!! Too much "Wi" today!

Don't understand why when out with family/friends, I can eat more than if I"m just home with DH!?? This morning I almost lost my Vitamins, Rx pills while drinking my coffee.. don't know if I was trying to gulp my coffee too fast because DH was fixing me an omelet or what... but closest I've ever come since surgery to actually losing something... I had a bag in my hand ready to catch it all! I was sure everything was coming up.

But then tonight when we went out to dinner... I ate a seafood enchilada... small, and half my black Beans and rice and still really didn't feel full! I was satisfied, and I knew I needed to stop, so I did. But I bet I could've easily finished the rest!


Puzzles me.

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Good Morning Lucky 7's

Ssankofa--Really glad to see you back with us. Janet is the official leader of the group, and she runs a tight ship here--we love her! We are planning a girls weekend at Mall of America the weekend of July 25-27. In fact I'm going to make reservations for Peaches and me today at Homewood suites--right gang? Consider this your official invitation to join us!

Hey Janet--I know how irritating it is to have issues with people. You are one to take the high road, but it's not an easy path. I wish life was fair.

Phyl--We got a Wii last summer, and I do enjoy it too. I actually got my fitness age down to, I think the 20's by the end of summer! But I haven't played it for awhile, so I imagine I'd be up there again. My son has guitar hero too--that looks like a lot of fun. There's another one too, where you dance--now that really looks good. I would LOVE to take up Salsa dancing. Just wish I could find someone or a class. (Yeah, when? What spare time?)

I was having a pity party yesterday when ds and dil invited us to go to dinner with them. Two Bloody Mary's and a salad bar later, I wasn't feeling so bad anymore. I had ordered a baked onion Soup for my main course, but couldn't eat but a few spoonfulls and some of the cheese. Not a Bandster meal, but it felt so good to actually eat what I wanted, not what I should have. The band did it's job and kept me from eating more, so that's the good news. Of course today, I'm bulling on the boots once again and resolving NOT to mess up at the banquet we have to go to tonight!

So I'm officially a size 14 now. (Started out a tight 24) Getting lots of comments and people not recognizing me. Some former students stopped in for a visit yesterday and were blown away. I don't know if I'll ever get to an 8. Seriously, I am big bonned--still size 11 shoes, a tight 7 1/2 gloves. Just got my ring resized down to an 8 1/2. A year ago I couldn't imagine a buying a 12 for the wedding; I do think that a 10 is a distinct possibility!

Well time to switch laundry loads. You guys on the west coast are still sawing logs!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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