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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I just played Wi with my 11 yr old granddaughter!! What fun! Have any of you played???

First i had to build my "Wi Me"... I picked a blonde spike hairdo, sunglasses, purple top and red pants!!

Sound like me???

Then I had to set my "Wi Age" by playing a little baseball, tennis, bowling. I did pretty good (I thought) at tennis & bowling, missed most of the baseballs but the ones I hit were homeruns!!

But it said my "Wi Age" was 77!!!

Not good!!

So then I challenged DGD to a round of bowling. I was ahead most of the game but at the end she got about 3 strikes in a row and beat me by 9 pins!!

So then I wanted to play tennis.. I was pretty good at the tryout thingy. But, she started, so she was serving first and I couldn't get the timing of when to swing for the ball!! So she beat me miserably.

Should I mention her skill level is 849 & mine is ZERO.. and no one here will play with her because she's built her skill level up by playing solo with the computer!

We played a few more games but it was disastrous.

I think I will stick to bowling. I was pretty good at that until she started getting all those strikes!! I didn't play for an hour, but it was a good workout and I may take credit for an exercise session today!! Especially if we play again later!! Now I want one!!

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Karri--great post! I'm going to copy it and send to my sister who is getting her band next week. I'm worried about her. I think she's thinking this is going to be easy.

Steph--I hope to be where you are by the end of the month! The 160's seem so much better than the 170's! I actually made an appointment for a PS consult for the end of the month. I'm hoping to get rid of my belly this summer, so I figured now's the time to get the ball rolling.

Thanks, for the compliment. It took me almost my entire prep period to type it but in needed to be said.

I too am getting my belly whacked off this summer. I go for my consult in 2 DAYS!:unsure: So excited! Maybe my back will stop hurting!

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I just made our Amtrak and Homewood Suites reservations for July.

We're REALLY going!!

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Speaking of rooms, Lindaa have you booked a hotel room yet ? Are we still rooming together???? What was the price we settled on?

Weird day today, I called my Lapband clinic to see if I could get my first fill. The sec. checked witht eh OR nurse the fill nurse was on the phone, and she said sure come at 1:45 so its a 2 1/2 hour drive to Toronto from where I live. But it was a nice day so I was excited!!!

I get to the clinic and the fill nurse comes out into the waitng room. Oh, I can't fill you, you have to wait 2 wks from Surg. date.... if I give yu a fill today you could have band slipage and I won't be held responsible... I freaked!!!! So now 5 hours later in the car and a bag of peanut M & M's later... I am anesthetized... sh!t.

I would be freaking PISSED OFF - WTF - they replaced your port and some tubing not your band your band has been there for 8 freakin months. I give you a pass on the M&M tonite - you deserved them !!!

Phyl--you are just too much. I am so glad you are part of our group! I can't wait to meet you and DH in MN this summer.

Karri--great post! I'm going to copy it and send to my sister who is getting her band next week. I'm worried about her. I think she's thinking this is going to be easy.

Steph--I hope to be where you are by the end of the month! The 160's seem so much better than the 170's! I actually made an appointment for a PS consult for the end of the month. I'm hoping to get rid of my belly this summer, so I figured now's the time to get the ball rolling.

I think I'm back among the living tonight. Have no idea what the heck that was this morning, but we don't need to do THAT again!

Linda glad you are feeling better !!! - I want my bat wings fixed..


I just played Wi with my 11 yr old granddaughter!! What fun! Have any of you played???

First i had to build my "Wi Me"... I picked a blonde spike hairdo, sunglasses, purple top and red pants!!

Sound like me???

Then I had to set my "Wi Age" by playing a little baseball, tennis, bowling. I did pretty good (I thought) at tennis & bowling, missed most of the baseballs but the ones I hit were homeruns!!

But it said my "Wi Age" was 77!!!

Not good!!

So then I challenged DGD to a round of bowling. I was ahead most of the game but at the end she got about 3 strikes in a row and beat me by 9 pins!!

So then I wanted to play tennis.. I was pretty good at the tryout thingy. But, she started, so she was serving first and I couldn't get the timing of when to swing for the ball!! So she beat me miserably.

Should I mention her skill level is 849 & mine is ZERO.. and no one here will play with her because she's built her skill level up by playing solo with the computer!

We played a few more games but it was disastrous.

I think I will stick to bowling. I was pretty good at that until she started getting all those strikes!! I didn't play for an hour, but it was a good workout and I may take credit for an exercise session today!! Especially if we play again later!! Now I want one!!

Phyl - I think Jackie plays the WII machince - Yes it counts for exercise

Thanks, for the compliment. It took me almost my entire prep period to type it but in needed to be said.

I too am getting my belly whacked off this summer. I go for my consult in 2 DAYS!:huh2: So excited! Maybe my back will stop hurting!

Karri why is your back hurting??

I just made our Amtrak and Homewood Suites reservations for July.

We're REALLY going!!

Ok - I will make my reservation tomorrow - I gotta pay bills tonite :lol:

Since I never did it last night

I had a nice complement from my trainer today - he said I looked thiner (well I did have on all black and on Monday had a neon orange top) but I will take the completement - He worked my little butt - tomorrow is my weigh in day..

Well I gotta pay bills I will be back later..

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I just played Wi with my 11 yr old granddaughter!! What fun! Have any of you played???

Yes! I love playing Wii with my son. You should try the boxing, boy what a workout your arms get. :huh2: I consider it to be exercise. I really should play more, it will give my son plenty to laugh at. He loves when I play against him. I'm an easy beat. :tt2: :lol:

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Linda and Karri - When you two talk with the PS, don't forget to ask about donating that excess skin. Be someone's Hero. April is National Donate Life, so this is the right time to discuss it with your doctor.

I hope no one minds that I'm getting up on my soap box again about organ donation. I feel that I owe it to my little grand daughter, Jayli.

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I have a visit with my PCP tomorrow about my tummy rash. I've tried the anti-fungal cream and jock itch powder and even anti-perspirant as someone suggested. It clears the rash up for a little while but it just keeps coming back. The powder keeps it dry, but it kind of burns, so it stays red. The cream stops it from being red, but it keeps it moist. The deodorant doesn't do much of anything. :huh2:

So off to the doctor to complain. At least I'll have another record about this issue. I mentioned it at my annual physical in February. I'm hoping this will bode well for my insurance company to come to the party when I'm ready for a Tummy Tuck.

The doctor who did my boobs does TTs as well, and even though I think he did a great job with them, I don't know that I want him to be my TT surgeon. :lol: I saw some of his sample photos and wasn't overly impressed.

Still, I need to get another 20lbs off before I consider myself ready for it. And it's going slowly :( Well, I guess it isn't really going slowly, just not as fast as I want it to. :tt2:

I was just thinking today that when I was tight I was miserable, but at least the weight was coming off. Now I'm more frustrated than anything, but the weight isn't dropping quickly enough. I've decided I'd much rather be frustrated and slow than miserable. :tt2:

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I would be freaking PISSED OFF - WTF - they replaced your port and some tubing not your band your band has been there for 8 freakin months. I give you a pass on the M&M tonite - you deserved them !!!

Phyl - I think Jackie plays the WII machince - Yes it counts for exercise

Ok - I will make my reservation tomorrow - I gotta pay bills tonite :(

Since I never did it last night

I had a nice complement from my trainer today - he said I looked thiner (well I did have on all black and on Monday had a neon orange top) but I will take the completement - He worked my little butt - tomorrow is my weigh in day..

Well I gotta pay bills I will be back later..

Wow... You're right... what a stupid reason not go give her the fill!! It didn't dawn on me until you said it... the band has been there all along!!

Okay, I'm going to log one exercise!!

I had a nice compliment from my son when he got home from work. He gave me a hug & said, "wow, you're getting skinnier every time I see you!" And we just saw them about 5-6 weeks ago when they came down to PS for kids' spring break.

Yes! I love playing Wii with my son. You should try the boxing, boy what a workout your arms get. :huh2: I consider it to be exercise. I really should play more, it will give my son plenty to laugh at. He loves when I play against him. I'm an easy beat. :tt2: :lol:

I'll have to see if Rachel wants to take me on for boxing! I think I can beat her at bowling with a little more practice! I bowled for a LOT of years so I just need some more practice to perfect hitting the pocket!

Linda and Karri - When you two talk with the PS, don't forget to ask about donating that excess skin. Be someone's Hero. April is National Donate Life, so this is the right time to discuss it with your doctor.

I hope no one minds that I'm getting up on my soap box again about organ donation. I feel that I owe it to my little grand daughter, Jayli.

No need to apologize for reminding us about that! That's a great idea!

One of our granddaughters let her hair grow out, then got her senior pictures taken, and then went and got a haircut and donated the hair to "Locks of Love". I was pretty impressed with that. At our GS's graduation last June one of the class valedictorians gave her speech and while she was still at the podium, she got out a big yellow envelope and a pair of scissors and she cut her ponytail off right there at the podium and put it in the envelope for "Locks of Love"!


My weight went down about a lb. today so I updated my ticker. And I just noticed that

my BMI finally went below 50!!!!


I've been waiting and waiting to see that happen and then I almost missed it!

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PHYL- I love playing wii. We got it for Christmas. THey are still hard to find I guess. I had gotten 10 of them and sold the others on EBAY. I doubled my money on a ew and made at least $100 on each of the others so my kids was paid for. I like to play Guitar Hero III. That is my favorite so far. I was told by a guy working at Wal Mart that there is a wii-fitness game coming out that will be aerobics. I can't wait. Definately buying that one next.

Did anyone see the segment on tv and then it was in our local paper about hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers recommending the wii for patients for physical exercise? They said that when I person is doing therapy many times they are focuses on the pain but they are finding that when they play wii they get more out of the therapy because they get so into the game and forget about the pain. Imagine that!! A video game that 'the doctor ordered!!'

I wanted to let you all know that I will not be around tomorrow and I am not sure if I will be on tomorrow night either. It will depend on what time I get home. I am going with a friend and her daughter to an appointment at the University of Iowa hospitals and clinics. Her daughter is 9 and she has downs syndrome and she is having some cognitive testing tomorrow and they told her it would be an all day thing so I am going to keep her company. I think we are going to try stopping at the Coralville Mall when we are done though. :huh2: That gives us something to look forward to. Of course I am not looking forward to the 4:30am wake up call. :(

Better get. Need to fold my load of laundry and get that finished so things will be tidy tomorrow since I won't have time to do my daily chores. I did them this morning and then again tonight right before getting on here so that nothing gets dirty. Do ya think that counts for tomorrow? :lol: LOL Little OCD. :tt2:

Good nite 7's!! Hope you all have a great Thursday.

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Kari - No one minds at all. In fact it is on the list of questions I am asking the doc. I am an organ donor and everyone knows it. That was one of the best things that my mom did in the world was become an organ donor. We got a letter in the mail about 2 months after she died detailing where all of her organs went. Unfortunately because she had so many illnesses she wasn't able to do much, but she did help save or improve the lives of 12 people.

Phyl - We have a wii and I love it. OUr apt is kind of small so it is hard to play but my dad gave us the sonic vs. mario olympics and I work up a sweat every time I play it. It DEFINETLY is exercise.

Janet- My back hurts because all the excess skin is pulling it out of alignment. That was the main reason my doc was insistant that I have it done. If I don't wear my "sucker-inner" Spanx type undergarments I can hardly move at the end of the day. In a way, right now, I have more aches and pains from losing weight than I did before I started. But I am not complaining! I will take the back pain cause I know it isn't for very long.

So here is my NSV for the day. I did NOT want to exercise. Wed are always hard for me and I truly was going to skip it, but I didn't get enough calories for the day and ran out of granola for my little desert. So instead of getting in the car and DRIVING to the store, I put on my tennis shoes and gym clothes and I ran to the store, bought the granola, and ran back. You tell me where in the hell I got the idea to do that. I will tell you that 8 months ago I would have looked at you and laughed, grabbed the car keys, went to Dairy Queen and wolfed down a large cookie dough ice cream blizzard with extra cookie dough! Now...RUNNING to the store... GRANOLA and fruit. Yep miracles can happen.

Well I am going to bed EARLY tonight. Night all

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My weight went down about a lb. today so I updated my ticker. And I just noticed that

my BMI finally went below 50!!!!


I've been waiting and waiting to see that happen and then I almost missed it!

CONGRATS PHYL!!!!!!!!!! You are doing wonderful. We are all so proud of you!!

I know I said I was leaving but I just can't get enough of all of you. I 've missed you all today. :huh2: Ok now I need to update my exercise thingy for April.

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My weight went down about a lb. today so I updated my ticker. And I just noticed that

my BMI finally went below 50!!!!


I've been waiting and waiting to see that happen and then I almost missed it!

Congratulations that is a HUGE accomplishment. :huh2:

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I have a visit with my PCP tomorrow about my tummy rash. I've tried the anti-fungal cream and jock itch powder and even anti-perspirant as someone suggested. It clears the rash up for a little while but it just keeps coming back. The powder keeps it dry, but it kind of burns, so it stays red. The cream stops it from being red, but it keeps it moist. The deodorant doesn't do much of anything. :huh2:

So off to the doctor to complain. At least I'll have another record about this issue. I mentioned it at my annual physical in February. I'm hoping this will bode well for my insurance company to come to the party when I'm ready for a Tummy Tuck. :lol:

Excellent idea to get these problems documented. Insurance should pay for some of that PS with problems like that. I was having a problem last month... not my stomach but under my boobs. It was horrible. First itchy, then burning. I tried some Rx creams I had with no relief... like you say, kept it moist and that was part of the problem. Then I remembered this Naftin gel my PCP prescribed before we left when I was having skin problems. That nipped it in the bud in about a week using it twice a day. The Naftin gel, you rub it in and it keeps your skin dry. It worked great.

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Phyl - We have a wii and I love it. OUr apt is kind of small so it is hard to play but my dad gave us the sonic vs. mario olympics and I work up a sweat every time I play it. It DEFINETLY is exercise.

Janet- My back hurts because all the excess skin is pulling it out of alignment. That was the main reason my doc was insistant that I have it done. If I don't wear my "sucker-inner" Spanx type undergarments I can hardly move at the end of the day. In a way, right now, I have more aches and pains from losing weight than I did before I started. But I am not complaining! I will take the back pain cause I know it isn't for very long.

Wow!! I didn't think about that!

Any chance insurance is going to pay part of it because of that??? Sounds like it'd be worth a try!

So here is my NSV for the day. I did NOT want to exercise. Wed are always hard for me and I truly was going to skip it, but I didn't get enough calories for the day and ran out of granola for my little desert. So instead of getting in the car and DRIVING to the store, I put on my tennis shoes and gym clothes and I ran to the store, bought the granola, and ran back. You tell me where in the hell I got the idea to do that. I will tell you that 8 months ago I would have looked at you and laughed, grabbed the car keys, went to Dairy Queen and wolfed down a large cookie dough ice cream blizzard with extra cookie dough! Now...RUNNING to the store... GRANOLA and fruit. Yep miracles can happen.

Well I am going to bed EARLY tonight. Night all

That's a GREAT NSV!!

My DH went to costco after we got here this afternoon.

.. my list: smoked salmon and a little tub of alouette LITE for my snacks!

We are developing some better habits, aren't we!!

Good for us!!

Wonder where Janet is tonight??


did you go to the support group meeting last night?

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I am a donor on my drivers license and living will.


I just shake my head at all your cleaning - I bet we could eat off your floors if we came to your house

You are too funny about your cleaning - but gotta say it's better than the alternative:tongue2:


I am with you

I NEVER want to be too tight again that was the freakin pitts.

You are still healing from your surgery and once you really back into your exercise it will come off and we don't have any more holidays for a while - at least Memorial day isn't about candy - just bbq and we do need our protein

We will just have to say no to the potato salad etc - or use Phyl's 3 bite rule.


Running to the store

OMW you are now our residential health nut:lol:

I wear my Lipo in the box everday (spanx type garment just stronger) I feel nake without it..


It's so nice to have you back again posting .

Ok gang it's 8:15 and I haven't eaten yet - On trainer days I don't get home til after 6 and tonite stopped at the store (I drove:lol:)

Came home fed the dogs got on here and then paid bills - where does the time go.. It's time for me to eat and unwind - so til tomorrow

- sweet dreams everyone -


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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