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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Peaches...followed your story a little. So happy they figured out what was going on and you are now repaired. Sorry they had to go to the extent that they did. Isn't it funny how we KNOW our own bodies and it sometimes takes a bit of convincing. Take care and get your rest.

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Peaches, I'm so happy that your surgery was uneventful! Do you have any fill in your band now, or do you have to wait 6 more weeks and start all over again? Hopefully the soreness will be gone by Monday and you will be on your way!

Kari, Thanks for reposting the pic--I have the same issues with 50-something eyes. You look happy with the baby! How much weight have you lost? You live in Mi--right? But you're not going to be able to come with us to Minneapolis?

Well, my only "news" besides the fact that the scale finally moved today, is that my #3 son was offered a job in Springfield MA. He'll probably accept it, which means that I will have one son living in the southwest (Pasadena) and another one living in the northeast. Doesn't get much worse than that :( Well, i suppose they could be living overseas. . . Good thing that I "fit" into an airplane seat now! That was a blast last week--crossing my legs on the airplane!!!

Got a busy weekend planned too. We're helping some friends with a rehersal dinner tonight and the wedding's tomorrow. I also have a Breakfast meeting tomorrow. Sunday's church and dd goes back to college for the last time (we hope).

BTW: If you hear anything in the next couple of weeks about the book "Mistaken Identity" or see a story on TV about two girls who were in an auto accident in which one died and the other lived, but for 5 weeks they were misidentified, they would be friends of my dd. The girl who lived is in one of dd's classes this semester. I know there will be something on Dateline tonight (NBC I think) but there are other appearances scheduled in the next couple of weeks.







How exciting - I know about cross the legs - I do it ALL THE TIME now. I just love it!!! Well, I will toast you tonite when I go out for drinks :lol:

Yes I remember the accident on the news when it happend...

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Okay, Janet, I'll try to post this bigger. It's just cut and paste so we'll see. I tried to find some before surg47b8dd05b3127cce98548913bbcf00000037108AYtmrNw3aM1ery pics and you know, I just couldn't find any. All my pics have pics of the grandkids in them...........so at least they'll know what their grammy looks like. I hate getting my pictures taken.

Great picture!! What a darling baby!! I'm like Janet... never been shy of the camera even at my highest weight! I treasure the memories captured in all our family photos! Love to look at them over & over. I now have TWO of those digital photo frames with slide shows going all the time, even here in the RV!! One is scenery... from various trips we've taken, etc. The other is all family photos! Love it!

OH I am so grateful today!!!

I got to the clinic at 6:45 a.m. for my7 o'clock appt. Surg was 8 a.m. sharp....

My surgeon discussed both options. 1) it Could be punctured TUBING near the port


2) a Leak up at the BAND itself (very, very unlikely)

YEAH, he put me to sleep and injected a blue dye and sure enough there were TWO needle pricks near the port in the tubing. So he just cut off and inch or so and replaced the port... I think it might be a 'lower profile" port as I could hardly find the sucker??? Plus its two inches to the left of my old one, which is a great position too.

No Gas, No pain.. he said I am not giving you and Rx for pain as you'llnot need it... and I don't!~!!

If anything I am grogging from the anesthetic but I slept on the car ride home 2 hrs and then 3 hrs in my bed and now I am typing this to YOU.

I feel like I did 25 too many situps LOL

OMG the whole thing was so uneventful and I am so releived that "I AM NOT NUTS" and there really was a leak like I had said all along since NOVEMBER!!! But no regrets, I'm happy its fixed and now I can get on with the job of losing...(and I don't mean fill)

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers, I KNOW that swayed the outcome and I'll not forget you all in MY prayers either:tt1:

Great report, Peaches!! Definitely had you on my mind this morning and so happy to hear it went so well!!

Kari, Thanks for reposting the pic--I have the same issues with 50-something eyes. You look happy with the baby! How much weight have you lost? You live in Mi--right? But you're not going to be able to come with us to Minneapolis?

Yeah, Kari... what's up with that??

Well, my only "news" besides the fact that the scale finally moved today, is that my #3 son was offered a job in Springfield MA. He'll probably accept it, which means that I will have one son living in the southwest (Pasadena) and another one living in the northeast. Doesn't get much worse than that :( Well, i suppose they could be living overseas. . . Good thing that I "fit" into an airplane seat now! That was a blast last week--crossing my legs on the airplane!!!

Yeah, it could be worse. I have a friend here who's first grandchild was just born last week..... in NEW ZEALAND!!! She's going there for a month in a couple of weeks. I'm so glad we're on the west coast now where three of ours are living, but I want to go vist the 4th and he's in New Orleans right now painting locomotives!!

Got a busy weekend planned too. We're helping some friends with a rehersal dinner tonight and the wedding's tomorrow. I also have a breakfast meeting tomorrow. Sunday's church and dd goes back to college for the last time (we hope).

BTW: If you hear anything in the next couple of weeks about the book "Mistaken Identity" or see a story on TV about two girls who were in an auto accident in which one died and the other lived, but for 5 weeks they were misidentified, they would be friends of my dd.

I've been watching that story of the two girls on the Today Show all week. Will probably watch the whole thing on Dateline tonight, too.

It's so exciting to see you've gone over 100 lb loss!!! WOW!! That's great! It's really encouraging!! I have to lose another 100+ and it seems so far away!

Have a GREAT weekend & enjoy the wedding!







How exciting - I know about cross the legs - I do it ALL THE TIME now. I just love it!!! Well, I will toast you tonite when I go out for drinks :lol:

Yes I remember the accident on the news when it happend...

I'll let you know when I can cross my legs!! :waytogo:

Right now I'm just thrilled with how easy it is to cut my toenails!! :tt1:

BTW.... it's snowing like crazy in the Seattle/Everett area right now!! Just talked to our oldest daughter. She was checking on our condo because a neighbor called to say the ladies next door and upstairs were complaining because something in our condo was beeping all night and they couldn't sleep!! Battery on our hot Water heater leak detector was dead!! We didn't even know we had a leak detector on the hot water heater! And now that we know about the snow, we REALLY don't want to go home!!

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I can't make any promises about the Minn. trip. I'd love to go and meet everyone but DH just retired and I am not sure how far the money is going to go each month. And I don't know if DH is going to suddenly get possessive. Who Knows? Gonna have to play it by ear.

A HUNDRED POUNDS ! ! ! I can't wait. I've lost 75 pounds so far and have about sixty more to go.

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Peaches, I'm so happy that your surgery was uneventful! Do you have any fill in your band now, or do you have to wait 6 more weeks and start all over again? Hopefully the soreness will be gone by Monday and you will be on your way!

Kari, Thanks for reposting the pic--I have the same issues with 50-something eyes. You look happy with the baby! How much weight have you lost? You live in Mi--right? But you're not going to be able to come with us to Minneapolis?

Well, my only "news" besides the fact that the scale finally moved today, is that my #3 son was offered a job in Springfield MA. He'll probably accept it, which means that I will have one son living in the southwest (Pasadena) and another one living in the northeast. Doesn't get much worse than that :lol: Well, i suppose they could be living overseas. . . Good thing that I "fit" into an airplane seat now! That was a blast last week--crossing my legs on the airplane!!!

Got a busy weekend planned too. We're helping some friends with a rehersal dinner tonight and the wedding's tomorrow. I also have a breakfast meeting tomorrow. Sunday's church and dd goes back to college for the last time (we hope).

BTW: If you hear anything in the next couple of weeks about the book "Mistaken Identity" or see a story on TV about two girls who were in an auto accident in which one died and the other lived, but for 5 weeks they were misidentified, they would be friends of my dd. The girl who lived is in one of dd's classes this semester. I know there will be something on Dateline tonight (NBC I think) but there are other appearances scheduled in the next couple of weeks.

Linda and Steph;

So glad to hear that the scale moved for you both... YEAh,, its wonderful after you've had a stall.

I like to watch Dateline, so perhaps I'll catch that story.

Somebody asked if I got any fill today under surgery. YES!!! He put in 6 cc's to start me off.. then I can go back in a week or two for more, probably 3 or 2cc's at that time.

Can't tell if I have any restriction at this point just taking it easy with food today. No PB's 2 pro drinks and 3 turkey meatballs/carrots and 1 hot chocolate.< /p>

Have a nice night everyone!

Candice :smile:

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Hey there gang - Well, didn't go out for drinks with the office people - ended up going over a gf house and had 1/2 of a bud light - omw do you know that you can slime on beer - it tasted so good I haven't had a beer since Sept (I'm not a big beer drinker but in the summer a nice cold one is really good) but really didn't feel like drinking - so we visited and came home and cleaned up the kitchen - GS refuses to put his dirty dishes in the dish washer - since he does most of the vacumm weekly cleaning I can't really complain too much.

I got some scallops & shrimp yesterday - going to go fix something to eat - I am hungry - went to lunch w/girl from work = had 1/2 cup orange chicken - didn't eat the rice at all jsut the ck and now I am hungry.. I might just have the tri tip left overs - I feel like some veggies..

Phyl - if it's snowing why go home = you can't extend your rent on your space for a couple more weeks?? You guys are retired why rush home.

Heck I don't think I have a leak detector on my HW heater - might have to go ck that out - but I will be in this house 4 yrs and if I had one - Ithink it would have gone off by now.

Candice - Sounds like you are doing really really good - I am so happy for you... I think I have been so lucking in reaching my sweet spot after only 3 fills.. You will love it when you have lasting restriction:tongue:


My gf at work dh just retired he's only 56 - she is really worried about the $$ too .. I really hope you can come it would be so great to meet you in person...

Ok what happen to Lynette & Chim - I thought they were coming back haven't heard from them today.. Also we havent heard from blooeyeze either lately..

OK well I am hungry it's 8 here - so going to see what there is to fix to eat that's healthy and good - will ck back later..

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What's so poignant about this picture? Well, it shows a line of little girls holding hands facing the immensity of ocean waves.

Alone they might be washed away, but together they stand strong.

Thank you each for holding my hand somewhere along the way when I was facing a wave of my own. I hope you will reach for my hand when your own wave threatens.


All of us girls..

Old and young...

Near and far...

Hold special memories of good times we've shared.

We've had our share of hard times when our friends were there to make us feel better.

We've shared...

our hearts

our time

our secrets

our fears

our hopes

and our dreams.

Let us never break the chain of friends!

Someone will always be prettier.

Someone will always be smarter.

Their house will be bigger.

They will drive a better car.

Their children will do better in school.

And their husband will fix more things around the house.

So let it go, Be Happy!

And love yourself and your circumstances.

Think about it.

The prettiest woman in the world can have trouble in her heart.

And the most highly favoured woman on your job may be unable to have children.

And the richest woman you know, she's got the car, the house, the clothes....might be lonely.

And the word says if 'I have not Love, I have nothing.'

So, again, love you.

Love who you are.

Look in the mirror in the morning and smile and say

'I am too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed!'

I like that!

'Winners make things happen.

Losers let things happen'

Be Blessed ladies and pass this on to encourage another woman.

'To the world you might be one person,

But to one person you just might be the world'.



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That was beautiful - Thanks - and your ticker say 78 lbs - you are doing just great - and yes we are so very lucky to have eat other - cuz as i always say only a fat chick can understand another fat chick - even though we are as fat as we once were - I think we will always (or at least for a long time) a fat girls mentallity - so we are always going to need each other.

Well, My dinner is done 1 cup shrimp/scallops & grits... See I am a southern girl at heart - I even added some okra cuz I wanted some veggies - I make up my own receipts - Scarlett O'Hara is my idol - I would love to be a southern belle in the old days - but I would have be fisty like Scarlet and OH MY WORD - I would never have let Rhett walk out on me - I never understood her attractin to Ashley - I don't like mousey men - give me Rhett any day

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Peaches - Congratulations, I'm so glad everything went so well for u.

Karri - Congratulations too!! I'm all for marriage, I love being married.

Janet - Hell yeah, give me Rhett, I never got the Ashley thing either. Black hair, blue eyes, hell yeah!!!! I wonder if anyone who ever watched the movie would have actually picked Ashley.

Linda - I just finished watching Dateline, by the end I was crying. I knew I shouldn't of watched it, but I had to.

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Phyl - Love the new do :teeth_smile:

Linda- Over 100lbs, that freakin fantastic!!!! :rolleyes2:

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YEAH, he put me to sleep and injected a blue dye and sure enough there were TWO needle pricks near the port in the tubing. So he just cut off and inch or so and replaced the port... I think it might be a 'lower profile" port as I could hardly find the sucker??? Plus its two inches to the left of my old one, which is a great position too.


Hi Peaches,

Congratulations on your surgery! Did the surgeon say if it occured when you had a past fill, defective tubing or maybe it was pricked during your initial surgery? Just curious. I'm sure you posted before but did you have to pay for this surgery or did the doctor cover it.

Glad you feeling good.:teeth_smile:


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Peaches so glad things went so well for you and surgery and aftermath have been uneventful. Hey sounds like you may have even gotten the low profile port to boost. Happy healing!!

Karri- congrats on getting married. You and your BF seem to be life long partners anyway but your right. I don't think you need that piece of paper to say that. I got married because I just didn't want the kids to be afraid of commitment ya know. Not that I don't love my DH but we spent a lot of money to have what we had before. No offense to anyone. That is just my opinion.

Janet- sounds like the trainer is working you over. I am soooo jealous of you. I still haven't found one. I think I may go about an hour away a couple of times and talk with a trainer and see what they would suggest for toning. Told DH and kids that I wanted a couple of sessions with a trainer for my birthday but they aren't really that ambitious to find one so I guess I will do it myself and give that to myself. :rolleyes2:

Linda-I seen that segment of dateline last night. That is so sad!!! DH was even really interested in it. Did you say they are writing a book about it? Over 100 lbs!!!!!!!!! Look at you go!! CONGRATS!!:w00t:

Not a whole lot new to report here. I am feeling more 'munchy' this week. Aunt flo is coming in about a week and a half so this is the norm.:sad: I hate that feeling of wanting to eat constantly!! I give in sometimes but I make sure that I have the 'not so bad' food for those times. I never eat very much but a bite here and there does add up. I had to cut back on my tanning. I am TOO DARK!! LOL I live in Iowa and I have had SEVERAL comments about my tan and a few 'where did you go tropical to get such a nice tan?" I decided that I will back off a bit. I like to tan right after working out because it is soooo relaxing. Well if I am going to work out 4-6 times a week that is alot of tanning. :eek:

Well better get. I have a 'staff retreat' for work today. Basically it is an inservice and a pot luck with lots of food that I don't need. Oh Janet jumpon my shoulder and take a ride with me. LOL Not the right time for me to be looking at all this food. Not that I would be able to eat much of it anyway because I am definately at great restriction right now but it is just the anguish of having it all there and WANTING to eat it. :unsure: Oh well I will survive.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!!! We are all doing awsome on the exercise and the weight loss. The wind will be blowing our skinny bodies to the Mall of America. :teeth_smile:

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Good Morning Gang

Well I am up - I'm tired & sore - suppose to go to the gym but I don't think I am - I will go tomorrow instead - I just don't have the energy - I have hair appointment @ 9 so just getting ready for that will take about all the energy I have - I tivo'd the dateline thingie last night watched bits but I was in bed like 9:30 ish - this cold/sinus thingie is still hanging on..

Ok Jackie - I am on your right shoulder today - I am whispering in your ear - do you really want that devil food - come on now you know it really doesn't taste as good as you think it will - oh look there is some carrots over there - I'll take that - it's crunchy... Oh but theres that piece of cake - Ok I just have to have a taste - so I am going to use Phyl's 3 bite rule and I will count those calories against my total for the day - so do I want to waste 100 calories on 3 bites or do I want something else.. Restriction is good/bad - last night I could only eat 1/2 c of my dinner - then during the night (midnite raid) got some sf pudding - ate it too fast and pb'd on it - will I ever learn that I don't need that one more bite just cuz it taste good :teeth_smile:

As far as giving hints - I know last yr I told my family I wanted a bike - but did i get it - nope - I haven't gotten one for myself yet - cuz really we do have a small window of time to use it. It's too dark during the winter when I get home from work and summer it's too hot - but I do have the weekends and right now (except today it's too windy) excuses - I still have a pocket full of them...

For those of you who can afford a Trainer - I would highly suggest it - my legs are nice and sore today and as we all know from Karri's PE teachers dissertation on exercise - muscle burns more calories - it also makes your bones stronger -

I have been doing the crossword in my Woman's World magazine - I like it it's pretty easy - I like it when I can complete the whole crossword puzzle - and that is a rarity...

Well - gotta go put towels in the dryer - will ck back later

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Good morning. Today was weigh in day and I was down another 1 pound. That actually really surprised me because I haven't been counting calories at all and had no idea where I was at.

Linda- Congrats on the 100 pounds. That is astonishing.

Kari - That is a very nice picture. However I understand about the no picture rule. I hated having my picture taken before surgery. Even now I am a bit camera shy. Getting over it a little bit, but the camera still makes me nervous.

Jackie- Janet can be on one shoulder and I will be on the other. Potluck things can be really difficult because all the stupid food is sitting there the whole time. I can choose not to eat the foods that are not good for me, but I end up eating too much of the foods that are relatively good for me...hmmmm sounds like the reason that I got to 250 pounds in the first place!

Phyl - We have had crazy weather in the the Pacific NW. When I was coming home from my nutritionist I had rain, snow, high wind, no wind, light wind, snow and hail mix, rain and the hardest hail I have ever had, blue sunny skies and snow, and thunder and lightning. And that was all in a matter of about 100 miles! Like Janet said though...why couldn't you extend your stay a little bit?

Peaches - Congrats on a successful surgery. I am very happy that you will now achieve restriction.

Well I need to go. We didn't get anything done around the house yesterday because we were out and about. We got our marriage license yesterday and my BF said the funniest thing. First, he is going to be taking 2 months off this summer to take care of me after the TT so when I told him that he was going to need to spend 2 months worth of salary on my ring he asked me if he could pick the 2 months paychecks to use. I started laughing so hard, because I realized that he would be using July and August's paychecks! Actually we are not doing the ring thing either...mainly because I HATE jewlery. I really am odd, but you all still seem to like me so that is all that matters. Well, we are way over due for breakfast so I should go light a fire under his hiney and get him cooking. I think we are having waffles and eggs. We will see about the waffles! They may not go down

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I love that picture of "the girls" so sweet of you to include it here

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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