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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Phyl, love the new YOU

Steph, I am glad you are hanging in there..

Karri; I always enjoy reading your posts... don't ever stop.

Janet; Thanks, I am looking forward to my 'repair' surgery tomorrow 8 am. I'll get back onto the Computer tomorrow to let you know how I make out.

Night, Night

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Phyl, love the new YOU

Steph, I am glad you are hanging in there..

Karri; I always enjoy reading your posts... don't ever stop.

Janet; Thanks, I am looking forward to my 'repair' surgery tomorrow 8 am. I'll get back onto the Computer tomorrow to let you know how I make out.

Night, Night

Candace - You are going to be back on the computer tomorrow night?? Well I guess I am a big baby - I spend overnight (well really 2 but only had to stay 1) after my surgery I would have to go back an look but I think it was about 3 days before I even thought of getting on the computer.. Don't know why - but ya i guess I done maybe I hadn't really connected to our thread like I am now - Remember in July & august if you didn't ck in hourly you had 10 pages to read..... I remember that being a little overwhelming..

Well hope you get a good nights sleep - Canada 3 hrs diff than California?? Well know that prayers are being sent for you and we will be waiting to find out what was wrong & what they did to fix it..



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Come out come out where every you all are - i have been sitting here all night and no one wants to come out and play...

I will be getting off soon as dinner is almost ready..

I didn't exercise tonite since i did it at 11 a.m and I ususally take Thursdays' off...

Well, my menu

Strawberrys for Breakfast 1 cup 53 c

lunch 2 crackers & 1 lite string cheese 150 c 5 pt 1/2 avocado 150 c

dinner - tri tip roast 4 oz 207 30 grms pt - 1/2 c mashed potates 140 - veggies 35 -

snack ?? pudding or popcorn or maybe a Protein bar..

Well the buzzer is ringing - gotta split - ck back later


So far today I have only 735 calories - I am not eating enought - so I guess I will have that 200 calorie Protein Bar - need the Protein and calories..

Can't beleive I am saying I haven't eaten enough

Well the buzzer again - ck back later

Edited by IndioGirl55

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I was here earlier, but my computer was slower than molasses and it wouldn't let me post.

Karri - I checked out your pictures. AWESOME ! ! ! You look great. Congrats on your upcoming nuptuals.

Phyll - Love the hair. You look so pert and sassy. Mine needs to be cut again. Short hair looks so much better on full faces.

Peaches, I'll be thinking about you tomorrow morning. Sure 47b8dd05b3127cce98548913bbcf00000030108AYtmrNw3aM1things will go just peachy. Curious about why your band failed.

Janet - What kind of things does your trainer have you do? I thought about getting one, but the closest gym is about forty five minutes away and with the price of joining and the price of gas, I'm not sure it's worth it at this time.

Stephanie - Those smiles are a master-card moment. PRICELESS ! ! Same with Zoloft.


I'm gonna try to post a picture of me that was taken Sunday. Here goes nothin'

Sure didn't go where I wanted it but who cares. I did it.

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I'm here, just trying to figure out how to make this menu. I was going to do it earlier but I got tired and took a nap. :blush: I have not slept well the last few days because I was not at home! So I have found that the biggest problem with this new menu that she has me make is that I don't know how to cook small amounts, and with my BF not home to eat with me...I am going to be throwing out A LOT OF FOOD!:scared2: Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but we are on a very tight budget right now so buying 1 can of chipotle Beans for 1.29$ and then only eating 1/2 cup doesn't really thrill me. My nutritionist doesn't want me eating the same thing for a week like I have been because she says then you don't vary your nutrition enough. This will get easier. That is the Mantra I keep repeating!

Well nothing else going on here. Weird thing though...I needed some extra calories today and some fat so I had some crackers with Peanut Butter, and you know what...I don't think I like Peanut Butter any more. :confused2: HOW BIZZARE IS THAT. This is coming from the girl that would eat half a jar of PB with a spoon. Now it just has an odd flavor to me. I have tried it in several things and out of the jar it just isn't doing it for me any more. I had a really good dinner tonight, but when I calculated the calories it came out very low. I had a tuna burger with green Beans. It was DELICIOUS! But I think it was something like 175 calories for the entire thing!!

Janet I am feeling your pain with the calories. I wouldn't get anywhere near where I am supposed to be if it wasn't for my daily Protein bar. My nut is having me switch it up and only eating 1 every other day because she would rather see me eating real foods instead of processed foods. So the days when I have my Protein Cereal (Kashi GoLean) then I get fruit and a string cheese instead.

Well I have got to go back...I just realized where I could use the rest of those beans I was talking about earlier. Yep I am scatter brained!:w00t:

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I did it before, let's see if I can do it again.

tn?sid=625999009&mid=AJR8v9EAATyiR2aztgq%2fMXUOR%2bA&partid=2&f=382&fid=PhotosThis was taken the beginning of december.

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Ya with the gym 45 min away the price of gas, the cost of the gym and trainer - it would be a lot and imho to far away to really make a good commitment. Suggestion get some hand weights and when you are sitting work your arms and some bands to work your legs - heck if you go to the exercise section of target Walmart or kmart you will find tons of stuff and you can google chair exercises and get a video for thaat - I think Phyl tlaked about it before

Trainer is a bit pricey like $100 for 2 x week - I think I am in the wrong profession - how wouldn't you like to make $50 an hr to stand the count and say set - good job.. Maybe I will get super fit and change my occupations:tongue: - today he worked my legs only usually we have been doing a little legs & arms - I told him we needed to bump it up cuz i wasn't sore at all - so omw did he bump it up - my arms hurt from grabing the handles as i worked my legs - and like i said - i was sweating like a pig by the time i was done- I think by saturday I will be sore hope not to sore cuz that's my cardio day . So I guess on Monday we will work my arms...

Love the picture - but due to my old age eye sight it's a little small can you make it bigger - ya I know you finally post a picture and I am complaining :blush:- but I really want to see you... -I can tell you are a pretty woman and blond like me :w00t: - you look happy holding your grandbaby


I would have a VERY HARD TIME varing my menu - like tonight I had red meat - but i would say I eat my fish almost every night - I eat the same stuff - I change it up a bit - like this week I had turkey chili for lunch all week (except today- didn't want it after exercising - cracker & cheese was all I wanted) and not my one pot wonder. and I do go out to eat occaissionally - and I do eat carbs. I did buy some scallops & shrimp and tomorrow I am going to have lobster bisque with the sea food in it..

I still like Peanut Butter :scared2: oh infact forgot that i better write it in my book - I had 1/2 banana with a teaspoon of peanut butter when I got home from work so that brings my calories to 885 but thats still to low - well tomorrow we are suppose to go out for drinks - so I will make up for them then:tongue:

I can't say there is anything that I don't still like.. :eek:

Well, i am tired - it's 9 i think i am going to hit the hay...

Talk to you all tomorrow - sweet dreams...

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I am going to be throwing out A LOT OF FOOD!:blush: Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but we are on a very tight budget right now so buying 1 can of chipotle Beans for 1.29$ and then only eating 1/2 cup doesn't really thrill me.

How much of your menu can you freeze? Obviously any salad greens or the like won't work, but I still haven't figured out how to cook smaller meals either, and many of our leftovers go into the freezer. So for example if you have a turkey burger on the menu, you freeze the rest of the ground turkey. I make the lot into patty size and freeze them individually in zip locks. That way I can take one out the night before or in the morning and pop it in the fridge to defrost a little.

I don't know how well beans will freeze but you can try it out. If you put the other half a can into a ziplock and freeze it, then try them the following week and if they're awful, you'll know to toss it. You would have done so anyway. I've begun to notice there are many canned meats and fish some vegetables/fruit (although I rarely buy canned veg/fruit) that come in little 1/4 cup portions. :scared2: A new discovery for me. :w00t:

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Good Morning Gang :blush: TGIF :w00t:

Hope you all had a good night - I ended up with 950 calories for the day (had a sf pudding) and just realize I forgot my meat (tri tip from last night) on the counter at home it was going to be my Breakfast - well I guess it will be oatmeal :scared2:..

Well, not much going on this weekend - hair coloring tomorrow (omw the gray :cursing:) nails - I think we are getting tickets to see Josh Stone next weekend and that's about it.

I am sore this morning - I can imagine how I am going to feel tomorrow - but it's a good sore - I know the muscles have those little tears - which means I am burning calories :eek:

Hope you all have good day - I will ck back later.

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good day everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your Friday! I know I am. Stepped on the scale this morning and the downward trend is back. See Stephanie, if you work the plan, the plan will work!!! I am going out to dinner with friends tonight and I'm a little worried. Everytime I have eaten in a group setting like that, I have gotten stuck. I'm going to have fish so it should be alright. At least that is my hope.

Son has Saturday school for skipping a couple of weeks ago and dh is going on a 4wheeler poker run. That leaves me a fun day with the little ones tomorrow. MIL wants me to play cards with her tomorrow night so I will probably do that. And Sunday is church and then probably family dinner....so a very busy weekend for me.

Talk to you guys later. Happy weekend if I'm not on.

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OH I am so grateful today!!!

I got to the clinic at 6:45 a.m. for my7 o'clock appt. Surg was 8 a.m. sharp....

My surgeon discussed both options. 1) it Could be punctured TUBING near the port


2) a Leak up at the BAND itself (very, very unlikely)

YEAH, he put me to sleep and injected a blue dye and sure enough there were TWO needle pricks near the port in the tubing. So he just cut off and inch or so and replaced the port... I think it might be a 'lower profile" port as I could hardly find the sucker??? Plus its two inches to the left of my old one, which is a great position too.

No Gas, No pain.. he said I am not giving you and Rx for pain as you'llnot need it... and I don't!~!!

If anything I am grogging from the anesthetic but I slept on the car ride home 2 hrs and then 3 hrs in my bed and now I am typing this to YOU.

I feel like I did 25 too many situps LOL

OMG the whole thing was so uneventful and I am so releived that "I AM NOT NUTS" and there really was a leak like I had said all along since NOVEMBER!!! But no regrets, I'm happy its fixed and now I can get on with the job of losing...(and I don't mean fill)

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers, I KNOW that swayed the outcome and I'll not forget you all in MY prayers either:tt1:

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Okay, Janet, I'll try to post this bigger. It's just cut and paste so we'll see. I tried to find some before surg47b8dd05b3127cce98548913bbcf00000037108AYtmrNw3aM1ery pics and you know, I just couldn't find any. All my pics have pics of the grandkids in them...........so at least they'll know what their grammy looks like. I hate getting my pictures taken.

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Peaches!!!!! How exciting. I've been thinking about you all day hoping that all went well. Now you can get back on board. It has got to be relief to know it is all good now.

And no real pain??? How wonderful is that? I'm so excited for you.

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I am so happy for you that you didn't have to have the whole band replaced :lol:. You will be on your way now - not more leak :lol:

Rest and take it easy - So glad to hear you are home and doing so well




What beautiful blue eyes you have :smile:. I can see this - you understand the 50 + eye sight issues :tongue: You can still post pick w/grandbabies - we won't mind -

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Peaches, I'm so happy that your surgery was uneventful! Do you have any fill in your band now, or do you have to wait 6 more weeks and start all over again? Hopefully the soreness will be gone by Monday and you will be on your way!

Kari, Thanks for reposting the pic--I have the same issues with 50-something eyes. You look happy with the baby! How much weight have you lost? You live in Mi--right? But you're not going to be able to come with us to Minneapolis?

Well, my only "news" besides the fact that the scale finally moved today, is that my #3 son was offered a job in Springfield MA. He'll probably accept it, which means that I will have one son living in the southwest (Pasadena) and another one living in the northeast. Doesn't get much worse than that :smile: Well, i suppose they could be living overseas. . . Good thing that I "fit" into an airplane seat now! That was a blast last week--crossing my legs on the airplane!!!

Got a busy weekend planned too. We're helping some friends with a rehersal dinner tonight and the wedding's tomorrow. I also have a breakfast meeting tomorrow. Sunday's church and dd goes back to college for the last time (we hope).

BTW: If you hear anything in the next couple of weeks about the book "Mistaken Identity" or see a story on TV about two girls who were in an auto accident in which one died and the other lived, but for 5 weeks they were misidentified, they would be friends of my dd. The girl who lived is in one of dd's classes this semester. I know there will be something on Dateline tonight (NBC I think) but there are other appearances scheduled in the next couple of weeks.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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