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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Mango, glad you like your new Kohl's store. We're getting ready to open one on April 6th near me. I was down there helping them set up a few weeks ago, and I'm supposed to be going there again next week to help, but they pulled me to stay at our store because of our territory manager visiting.

Chim, did you get a body bugg?? If so, how do you like it? and is it worth the money?

Well, another great day for me. I got out and walked today since it was nice, only a 1/2 hour, but more than I was doing last week at this time. And I've been under 1000 calories for the past 4 days, so I've done well with that too.

Hope everyone's having a great day too!!!

I'll check back in tomorrow.

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Got my hair highlighted and styled.... this is it, slightly windblown!!

Phyl I LOVE YOUR HAIR!! The wind makes you look even more saucy!!! You can definately tell a differnece in your face from your loss as well. You look wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!

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Phyl!! Great hair! I know how hard it is to find a style you like and then to go somewhere else and have someone else interpret it. Good luck when you go home. Make sure you take that picture in when you go. It will be easier to see what you want that way! It looks terrific though! Bee-You-Tee-Full!!!!!!

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Thanks for the compliments, gals! No more Wal-Mart haircuts down here for me!! And tonight my oldest daughter said she found a good beautician in OUR neighborhood, too, so I'll have to try her out when we're home, next time I need a haircut.

Got an email from Janet a while ago. She's having trouble getting LBT to load tonight. Wonder if anyone else is having trouble. It's been fine for me.

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Whew...I am back and home to stay for a while. 10.5 hours of driving today. I did a whirlwind tour of western oregon and Washington before heading back to hell...uhhh...I mean Central Oregon. Don't let anyone tell you it is beautiful over here. ALright the mountains are pretty but everything else is brown and dead.

Enough ranting about my lovely home. I read all of the posts and honestly don't know where to begin. If I forget anyone I apologize, but you can't go back and check the last three pages to see if you forgot anything.

Steph- Sorry to hear about your son. However it is a blessing that they diagnosed it early. I dated a guy for 4 years who was diagnosed in the middle of our relationship and he was 26 at the time. That was hard for him to swallow. He refused to stay on his meds, but when he was on them, he was wonderful to be around. As I am sure peaches will agree, meds are the key. I know that stress is a big food trigger for me, so I am glad to see that you have made a new resolve. You can do this and we will be here to help.

Lynette - good job with the exercise and the calories. THe exercise will become more tolerable as you go along...or so it was for me! Now I miss it when I can't do it.

Peaches - You can overcome those Easter Monsters...after all aren't bunnies supposed to be cute and cuddly. One day at a time. When is your surgery again? Did I miss it? This has been a crazy few days for me!

Ruby - I know who I am hiring when my property management company goes off the deep end. We had some crazy happenings when we moved into our new place and for the most part they took care of it. Though we did have to argue to get more of our deposit back from the last place. We went through the same company when we switched apartments. I knew I liked you though. Way to put them in your place. And as for off topic rants...I feel like I talk about my weight way too much anyways so sometimes it is nice to have other issues to listen to and weigh in on!

Lindaa- I am not sure if I was supposed to comment on something you wrote, but I wanted to say hi anyways. You always have such nice things to say!

Jackie - I didn't get to comment on your new picture I don't think...but I think you look simply beautiful. I am glad that you got to go out on a date with DH. My BF and I don't have kids (thank goodness, he is a big enough one that I don't need any more) but I think that we wouldn't be as close if we didn't go out like we did when we first started dating (almost 3 years ago).

Phyl - I love the hair. It is sooooooo cute and spunky. Glad to see that your internet is back and working. We missed you around here.

Janet/Mom - I am glad to see that your doctor thinks you are doing well. I love the new avatar and your picture was beautiful as well. I know I need to have blood work done, but that is going to have to wait until I find a primary care physician, since my ins didn't cover my doc/surgery. I need to get in and have my yearly exam before my Tummy Tuck. Glad you got to spend time with the GD during Easter. I hope things are going better with your son. I keep thinking about you.

Alright on to my news. 3 things.

1. Went to the nutritionist today and she refused to believe that I weighed 162. She thought for certain that I was 145 AT MOST. She made me stand on her scale to prove her wrong. That made me feel good. We talked about what I had been eating and where I need to go now. She said since I know what good foods are now that I don't need to keep track of calories, but instead just types of foods. So now I really am going to have to keep a food journal. She gave me the types of foods that I need to be eating (by nutrients: fruits, veg, starch, Protein, fat) per day. She totally understood my fear of starches so we started small on there and she said that I could count my Beans as starch! Her biggest concern was that I was not getting enough fat. So now I have to have three servings of fat a day. She said that I could start off with 1 and then gradually get to three, but that I needed some healthy fats daily. I thought I was getting plenty just in the foods that I was eating, but she said that since I was using mostly fat free or reduced fat that I was probably not getting enough. So when my BF goes to work tomorrow I am going to sit down and plan my meals for next week and try to get everything in. She said I don't need to count calories any more, because I still am not able to eat enough to start gaining weight IF and ONLY IF I continue to choose the healthy foods. She also said that she is hoping to SLOWLY get me to maintenance so that we can try to find what works for me to stop losing weight. She doesn't think I will stop for another month or two, but does agree that I should try to be stable when I go in for the tummy tuck.

2. I posted pictures on the brag thread with my new hairdo. Also I was going through pictures on our digital camera and came across some hideous before pictures. I cannot believe the difference. I seriously don't look like the same person at all. I really can't believe I was ever that HUGE. HOLY CRAP I WAS FAT! It is slowly starting to sink into my thick brain how much I have lost. About damn time!

3. My BF job situation has gotten us to the point of marriage. Okay stop scratching your head and I will explain. He really needs a break from the job and looked into taking a leave of absence. However the job will not let him do so unless he is caring for a family member. So after discussing the fact that I will be having major surgery in July we thought that was an option. Then talking to my dad (my financial advisor) we realized that we could save THOUSANDS of dollars in taxes if we got married because there is such a difference in our pay. SO the romantics that we are NOT have decided that perhaps marriage would be a good option after all. We are totally committed to each other so the only reason that we haven't taken the plunge is because we didn't really see why we needed a piece of paper to say that we loved each other. I know that a lot of you are religious and I hope that doesn't offend you. We are not religious people but completely respect those that do believe. I just had really bad experiences at church growing up (no one would believe me when I reported that my mom was abusing us) so I kind of stray. But alas I will let you know when I get to swtich from typing BF to DH!

Alright well this post would be the equivalent to me posting 3-4 times per day for the last 6 days. I am not going to apologize because as my band mom has said many times...sometimes you just have a lot to say!

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Karri--What a great way to wake me up! You're just full of good news, aren't you? I am so happy for you. Could you have ever imagined a year ago that YOU would be saying these things? New body, new haircut, GETTING MARRIED? WOW!!!! I could just hug you! I'm going to be happy all day just thinking about you!

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Got my hair highlighted and styled.... this is it, slightly windblown!!

WOWZERS! Look at you!:thumbup::biggrin2: There's such a big difference from the first pic I remember.

I swear we all get better looking as we lose weight. How can this many beautiful people fit in this thread. :crying:

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Morning everyone!!! Phyll your picture looks great! I love getting a new haircut... it always makes you feel so good. Actually.... everyones pictures look wonderfull. Stephanie.... like everyone else has said, although it is difficult right now, it is a blessing that they found this out now. My aunt is bipolar and I think it would have helped a lot of they would have known earlier. Things would have been a lot easier.

Karri, congratulations on the DH status change that may be soon to come!!! LoL

Everyone else.... its Thursday, that means only 1 more day till the weekend!!!!! Hope all is doing well and making healthy food choices!!! Be back later!

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Lately I've been exercising twice a day to try and meet my monthly target. Unfortunately it's increased my appetite as well. :thumbup:

Next time someone says having weight loss surgery is the easy way to lose weight, I'm going to kill them! Slowly! :crying:

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As Phyl reported I couldn't get LBT to load on my computer at home - every other website would load but not lapband???? I am not a computer expert - just know enough to be danergous - like earsing something I shouldn't :lol:

Phyl - LOVE the new do... Looks great on you. As I told you when we were together you can really notice your weight loss - we are going to have to watch out for you once you get your fill next month - You have done so well with out a fill since like October right?? - Keep up the good work.. I am going to miss you when you go home - I know it's not like we see each other every weekend - but just knowing that you are so close makes a diff - you know what i mean - heck when my sister did live here we would run into each other at the grocery store - did see each other all the time due to work family life - but knowing she was here was comforting and now that she lives in Modesto - its just so far away...

Lynette - Great on the exercise - every movement counts!!! Doing Great on the calories too... Once you get back on tract each day gets eaiser and coming back to us will help too imho - I fine posting my exercise - furstration - challenges - helps me so much - I have accountable to our gang and that helps keep me on tract.

Chim - Thanks.. I will call.. How come you aren't telling us about the body bugg... Did it break??

Karri - CONGRATULATION on pending nuptuials - I totally get the why do i need that piece of paper - I didn't get married until I was 40.. Had few live-in - and one that we were engaged but never made it to the altar.

Son is same - he is hiding from me - he dropped the girls off on easter and told the baby that he wasn't coming in cuz LaLa (me) wanted to spank him and he didn't want a spanking -

Love the new hair and picture - I agree with the dietian - you sure don't look 162.. Fat - I have no problem adding it to my diet - once I was on WW and cut almost all my fat out - that caused problems in the tmi subject - I miss fats the most - I really think prior to banding I ate A LOT OF FAT - butter last forever now a days - were as before I was buying it once a week. I talked to my doc about maint a little yesterday - and about what weight I should get to... He said I looked good now - then said 145 but so I don't know - my trainer says 150 cuz i am big boned. So I am keeping 160 as goal for now and may go to 150 - I think I would like to be a size 8...

As far as being religous or not - that's a personal choice and for me it's up to you to choose what you want. I personally don't think it's against God to live together - you love each other and are committed to each other and that's what is important - but will tell you that piece of paper does make a diff - and this is coming for the person who felt the same way as you. Marriage - think of it as cement (not in the bad way like cement boots:tongue:) but as the glue that will help hold you together and show the world that you are a team and you will love saying DH instead of BF - there is a diff in the titles - I would said pride in being able to say this Is my DH - instead of just BF - Marriage is a sign of ture committment.

Linda - Hi - have you been to the gym this week :) - if you want those liquid calories - then I suggest you hit the gym :blink:

Kristen -I agree one more day - til the weekend... I live for the weekends..

Ruby - Love "how do we fit so many beautiful women in this thread" I think I am changing my exercise #'s next month - I am not getting to the gym 5 days a week - more like 3 or 4 - so going to strive for 4 so that's 16 - goal is 2 x week trainer & 2 days treadmil -

Steph- How you doing girl - better??

Ok I took wrote a book - but it's cuz I couldnt get on last nite

Peaches' surgery is Friday - so everyone keep her in your prayers/thought...

Peaches - how you doing today - the day before surgery is the most nerve racking - you just want it to be over with and the whole not eating after midnite - tell me not to eat and I want to eat ....

Well I gotta get my butt in gear - will ck back later

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3. My BF job situation has gotten us to the point of marriage. Okay stop scratching your head and I will explain. He really needs a break from the job and looked into taking a leave of absence. However the job will not let him do so unless he is caring for a family member. So after discussing the fact that I will be having major surgery in July we thought that was an option. Then talking to my dad (my financial advisor) we realized that we could save THOUSANDS of dollars in taxes if we got married because there is such a difference in our pay. SO the romantics that we are NOT have decided that perhaps marriage would be a good option after all. We are totally committed to each other so the only reason that we haven't taken the plunge is because we didn't really see why we needed a piece of paper to say that we loved each other. I know that a lot of you are religious and I hope that doesn't offend you. We are not religious people but completely respect those that do believe. I just had really bad experiences at church growing up (no one would believe me when I reported that my mom was abusing us) so I kind of stray. But alas I will let you know when I get to swtich from typing BF to DH!

That's wonderful news Karri. Congratulations to you both. I love my husband more than life itself and couldn't imagine being without him. But I could have been quite content to live with him without getting married. The main reason for our nuptials is because it tied things up tidily legally. Like you, it was for tax purposes, for visa purposes for myself and my son (far easier and tidier for a wife than a fiance), it enabled him to include us both on his health insurance. My visa does not allow me to work here in the US, so many things are dependent on my marriage to him.

In total, including celebrant and reception, our wedding cost probably around $500. It was a simple ceremony in my mother-in-law's apartment with family and friends. :biggrin2: I couldn't love him differently if we didn't have our marriage certificate. And our marriage has the exact same odds of surviving as those who spend tens of thousands of dollars on their wedding. So I understand completely where you're coming from when you think "maybe they won't think I'm taking this commitment seriously and for the right reasons".

Good for you! You're going to look fantastic in on your wedding day. :)

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Karri!! Congrats on it all! You LOOK awesome. You got good news from nut. Wonderful to know you don't have to WHAM! go into maintenance. And she sees the figure, not the number on the scale. And then you are getting married!!!! What a fantastic spring break you had!!!

Peaches, good luck tomorrow. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Everyone, thanks for the great thoughts you all sent my way. I am dealing with the diagnosis. I don't know how I feel. I'm a little perplexed at my lack of emotion in some ways but know it is probably from the zoloft. That sort of frightens me. I know I should be more emotional (for me) over this and it can be a little disconcerting. Dealing with his bipolar and my depression is very overwhelming. However, he was laughing and joking with me last night after I went home. He smiled....a real smile...for the first time in a long time. He played with his brother and there was no screaming. It was truly amazing. If it only gets better from here I'll be ecstatic. I'm sure there will be downsides, but right now focusing on the positive is keeping me sane.

I found a great snack alternative. Today there wasn't really anything filling for lunch and I was starving. Well, last week when I fed the kids for testing I bought these granolaish bars. I looked and they are about 200 calories which is a little high, but considering I had about a cup of veggies for lunch...they are called nature valley roasted nut crunch peanut crunch bars. They are roasted peanuts and sunflower seeds with a sweet Syrup holding them together (but very little of that). They have 7 grams of protein! Probably more fat than I need, but for a sweet fix and meal supplement they are awesome. I will keep them handy for the days that lunch is sooooo bad here.

I am staying strong food wise. I need to drink more Water, but other than that, things are going well. I'm keeping positive and haven't been snitching anything bad for me from my son's Easter basket. Not even thinking about it!

Well, back to work all. Have a great rest of the day!

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Phyl - LOVE the new do... Looks great on you. As I told you when we were together you can really notice your weight loss - we are going to have to watch out for you once you get your fill next month - You have done so well with out a fill since like October right?? - Keep up the good work.. I am going to miss you when you go home - I know it's not like we see each other every weekend - but just knowing that you are so close makes a diff - you know what i mean - heck when my sister did live here we would run into each other at the grocery store - did see each other all the time due to work family life - but knowing she was here was comforting and now that she lives in Modesto - its just so far away...

Karri - CONGRATULATION on pending nuptuials - I totally get the why do i need that piece of paper - I didn't get married until I was 40.. Had few live-in - and one that we were engaged but never made it to the altar.

Love the new hair and picture - I agree with the dietian - you sure don't look 162.. Fat - I have no problem adding it to my diet - once I was on WW and cut almost all my fat out - that caused problems in the tmi subject - I miss fats the most - I really think prior to banding I ate A LOT OF FAT - butter last forever now a days - were as before I was buying it once a week. I talked to my doc about maint a little yesterday - and about what weight I should get to... He said I looked good now - then said 145 but so I don't know - my trainer says 150 cuz i am big boned. So I am keeping 160 as goal for now and may go to 150 - I think I would like to be a size 8...

As far as being religous or not - that's a personal choice and for me it's up to you to choose what you want. I personally don't think it's against God to live together - you love each other and are committed to each other and that's what is important - but will tell you that piece of paper does make a diff - and this is coming for the person who felt the same way as you. Marriage - think of it as cement (not in the bad way like cement boots:tongue:) but as the glue that will help hold you together and show the world that you are a team and you will love saying DH instead of BF - there is a diff in the titles - I would said pride in being able to say this Is my DH - instead of just BF - Marriage is a sign of ture committment.

Ruby - Love "how do we fit so many beautiful women in this thread" I think I am changing my exercise #'s next month - I am not getting to the gym 5 days a week - more like 3 or 4 - so going to strive for 4 so that's 16 - goal is 2 x week trainer & 2 days treadmil -

Steph- How you doing girl - better??

Peaches' surgery is Friday - so everyone keep her in your prayers/thought...

Peaches - how you doing today - the day before surgery is the most nerve racking - you just want it to be over with and the whole not eating after midnite - tell me not to eat and I want to eat ....

Well I gotta get my butt in gear - will ck back later

I am getting weepy about leaving with only 5 days left here!! I love it here so much. And then I got an email from one of our daughters saying there was snow on her back deck last night! I don't need to know that! All it took was DH's question this morning, "what did we say we were going to do today??" and the tears started!! Go figure!! I can't fit in all the things I wanted to do this winter and didn't in 5 days! So, we're going out for dinner! We will keep in touch by email & LBT, Janet! It has been nice knowing you are close by!

Karri, great news you shared! You're looking great! Congrats on the marriage decision.. good move. And your reaching goal!! Each one's successes keeps us all going... especially me... I have another 100 lb + to go!!

Can't remember what else I was going to say!

Glad things are looking better, Steph!

Glad you're back online, Janet!

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Yes it is the Zolfot - it makes you less emotional - and that's not a bad thing - My GS was born with a clubfoot - his one leg is tiny and we have to buy 2 pairs of shoes (his left foot is tiny) - I was devistated (sp) after his surgery didn't really repair it correctly (I think shriners messed up) but you know what - when we went back to the hospital and I saw this beautiful pre-teen girl with NO ARMS. it put it all in prospective - it could be worse. This is the way I look at life - ya shit happens and yes it's hard and yes we all get emotional about it - but you know what we are a hell of alot more lucky than other - thank God he wasn't diagonsted with something worse - You will get thru this - I know at times it seems like you won't but we always do - Now remind me of my words next time I am have somthing goings on and all worked up an emotional :lol:

I have a Protein bar from south beach 210 calories - and has 19 grms of Protein and I use it when I need something sweet - Like last night :) since I only count caloires & protien - i don't worry myself about the sugar or fat content... and I am getting 19 grams of protein :blink:

OK had to go work with trainer at 11 a.m. today - told the office i had to go to my tax guy (well it's better to lie about going to the gym instead of having a hangover or something like that) OMW - let me tell you he worked my butt off today - I usually don't get hot & sweaty so didn't think it would be a problem - well color me wrong - My head was dripping I was breathing hard - I think I will be sore on Saturday (it takes me 2 days for the soreness to set in) - Thankfully I live across the street I had to go home and blow dry my hair - my head sweats like a pig - not the rest of my body just my head...

Ok - I better get my butt back to work... TTYL

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Thank you for all the congrats. We will be taking the plunge on April 5th. That is the day after my PS consult so we will be up towards the Washington/Oregon border so that my family can make it down to be the witnesses and officiators. My dad became ordained last night online and said that he was going to perform a Shinto ceremony so that he could buy samurai swords!!! I don't think there will be any actual ceremony just lunch and paper signing. I have NEVER wanted a big wedding because I don't like being the center of attention so that would have freaked me out. My BF and I both play World of Warcraft so I think we are going to wear matching World of Warcraft t-shirts to highlight our nerdiness!! He was actually making jokes about it this morning so he must feel better about it today.

My Protein bar is called Pure Protein and it is 190 cal and 19 grams of protein. I like it and so does my BF. The choc/peanut butter one kind of tastes like Reese's PB cups with a little more texture. THey don't smell good though. I get them at wal-mart for 6 dollars a box for 6.

Well I have to go plan my menu for next week. Putting it together is like doing one of those logic puzzles. I am so picky about not overdoing the carbs (believe me they scare me more that an ax wielding psychopath!) so I really have to plan. Right now it is as hard as trying to figure out how you were going to get in all that protein with so few calories at the beginning of this lap-band journey. It was tough at first, but eventually we got the hang of it. Just a rearranging of the rules, but still the same concepts.

Chat later!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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