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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good Morning Gang

Well I have been up since 6 - took my babies to the beauty shop - when to the gym did my 3 miles - sweated like a pig - and now home...

Kristin - Tennis 2 hrs :smile: Way to go.... I was watching something on tv last nite about this 6 yr cute kid who looks like he will be our next great tennis star Jan Silva..

Peaches - Your picture is great - it didn't come thru before - OMW you want to get to 130 :cheers2: - 15 minutes of rowing way to go - IMHO I think I might get that last meal mentally again if I had to have surgery. What time is your surgery?? Passover 4/19-27 this yr...

Phyl - What are your plans today ?? Street Fair - Shopping -

I think I might go get my nails done the groomers just called they are running late so I have time - we will see I same still in my gym clothes...

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Good Morning Gang

Well I have been up since 6 - took my babies to the beauty shop - when to the gym did my 3 miles - sweated like a pig - and now home...

Kristin - Tennis 2 hrs :smile: Way to go.... I was watching something on tv last nite about this 6 yr cute kid who looks like he will be our next great tennis star Jan Silva..

Peaches - Your picture is great - it didn't come thru before - OMW you want to get to 130 :cheers2: - 15 minutes of rowing way to go - IMHO I think I might get that last meal mentally again if I had to have surgery. What time is your surgery?? Passover 4/19-27 this yr...

Phyl - What are your plans today ?? Street Fair - Shopping -

I think I might go get my nails done the groomers just called they are running late so I have time - we will see I same still in my gym clothes...

Good Morning!!

Well, you were up and "running" early this morning, as usual! We slept a little later than normal and took our time reading the morning paper and having some coffee, so we just finished Breakfast 1/2 hour or so ago.

No plans today except for the Seder dinner at 4 pm. May go to the pool between now & then, but no vigorous exercise... maybe jog in the water... shoulder is feeling better so I'm going to pamper it a bit this weekend. Wanted to start using the weight machines but that might not be too easy on the shoulder either!

Did grocery shopping yesterday and have lots of seafood for the next few weeks!! That Mahi Mahi on the grill was sooooo good!

Did you see Green's post this morning...I think on the 50+ thread. Throat cancer... so sorry to hear that.

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Good Morning!!

Well, you were up and "running" early this morning, as usual! We slept a little later than normal and took our time reading the morning paper and having some coffee, so we just finished breakfast 1/2 hour or so ago.

No plans today except for the Seder dinner at 4 pm. May go to the pool between now & then, but no vigorous exercise... maybe jog in the water... shoulder is feeling better so I'm going to pamper it a bit this weekend. Wanted to start using the weight machines but that might not be too easy on the shoulder either!

Did grocery shopping yesterday and have lots of seafood for the next few weeks!! That Mahi Mahi on the grill was sooooo good!

Did you see Green's post this morning...I think on the 50+ thread. Throat cancer... so sorry to hear that.


OMG yes I went there after posting here - I am SO VERY SAD & WORRIED about her - as I sit here and cry.. She was a mentor if I can use that word when I 1st joined lbt - her - diniomini - bjean - they taught me a lot and where a great support - I posted more on the 50 thread in the beginning - cuz this one I had a hard time keeping up with and back then they all had been banded already so they were more knowlegable about what to expect - where we were all guess here on this thread cuz we werent banded yet.

Well, by how she write - I know that she will put up a good battle - my heart goes out to her..

Well it's 10:30 and here i still sit - haven't gotten moving - the groomers just called and they are running late - so go get my babies at 11:30 instead of 10:30 - I really need to get my butt in gear here - yesterday my pool said 70 so if the week keeps getting warmer - I may get to use pool pretty soon - I like it about 80ish.. I think :cheers2:

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Janet - what is fake Pasta? I love pasta but don't eat it much anymore.

Phyll - whole wheat pasta is good!! Can't taste the difference.

Peaches - Good luck with your surgery. Love the new picture. I am going to have to get one of me. More and more people are noticing the changes so............guess I must be.

Well, the sun is shining today, but there is about 8 inches of snow on the ground. (and this is sposed to be spring?)


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Is this what you wanted??


That's just great, now do you think you can Photoshop OUT my glasses??? LOL

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36_15_58.gifHAPPY EASTER EVERYONE 36_15_58.gif

36_15_38.gif 36_15_37.gif 36_15_32.gif 36_15_35.gif [/url]


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2 Reese Peanutbutter eggs = 160 Calorie - guess who is bugeting their calories to fit these into her food plan for the day.. 36_15_57.gif like my easter bonnett... [/url]

Well, went to walgreens to get the grandkids something for easter - called oldest gd and asked if she had a basket - NOPE - had they colored eggs - NOPE - OMW I just can't believe my son & dil -have no traditions (if i remember correctly i did this last yr too) - dil worked today -but was off yesterday - why didn't they color eggs then... I swear if it wasn't for me my gd's would not have any traditions - So I got dye - picked them up and we colored eggs 36_15_34.gif - I guess somethings about your childhood really stick - making xmas cookie - coloring easter eggs - my Mom & Dad were really good about those things we celebrated the holidays...

Well, it's been quite here today - I guess everyone is preparing for tomorrow - Linda - watch out for your family & all that food - make sure you hit the gym if you can on monday 


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Janet - what is fake Pasta? I love pasta but don't eat it much anymore.

Phyll - whole wheat pasta is good!! Can't taste the difference.

Peaches - Good luck with your surgery. Love the new picture. I am going to have to get one of me. More and more people are noticing the changes so............guess I must be.

Well, the sun is shining today, but there is about 8 inches of snow on the ground. (and this is sposed to be spring?)


Fiber Groument here is the link - FiberGourmet: high fiber, low calorie pasta

it's real pasta with 1/2 the calories 210 in regular pasta and only 130 in this stuff plus 18 grams of fiber.. I over cooked mine the one time I tried it and just used butter - wasn't that great ok but not great - I think it would be better with spaghetti sauce on it and not over cooked... I tested it at 4 minutes but didn't seem done - then when back a few minutes later and it was over done...

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Good Morning Ladies

36_15_58.gif HAPPY EASTER 36_15_58.gif [/url]

Well I see last night was quite - I had GD's until 9ish - Watched Moses (sort of an Easter tradition for me) and went to bed. Up at 6:30 :wub: drinking ice tea - I guess DIL & girls will be coming over here for Easter - they think they may go swimming - it's suppose to be close to 90 - pools about 73 so we will see:rolleyes: - Ham - Mashed Potatoes - aspaguess (sp) are on the menu - no more candy for my had my 2 little eggs last night - I'm done.

I was reading an artical in my magazine and it says it's good to be afraid of food - it will keep you on the straight and narrow... Negative thinking is a good approach to food & on exercise you gotta think of how you would look if you werent exercising - I need new people come in the gym and say to myself - I use to look like that... I don't want to look like that again so I keep walking..

Ok back to my paper - Just wanted to check in this morning...


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HAPPY EASTER everyone!!!!

Hope ya'll are enjoying your family and friends and food (in moderation of course!).

Christ is risen! I am rejoicing!!!!

Have an awesome day today!

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Happy Easter everyone!

I hope you have all strayed far from the Cadbury Creme eggs and the other not so healthy choices. We could always eat the carrots that we stick out for the Easter Bunny!

So I can finally eat again. The sad thing is that I know have LESS in my band than I did when I initially went in to get the fill. When I went in 2 weeks ago I was at 1.8cc in a 10cc band. THey filled me up to 2.6cc and when I went back in and she checked what I had I was down to 2.0cc. So she removed .3 to a 1.7. Then the doc checked the flow and said that he was okay with the flow. I did make an appt with the nutritionist (may have already told you that) for Wed. We are on spring break this week!!!!!!:wub: I lost 9 pounds according to their scale and when I stepped on the scale here I was at 162. Only 2 pounds away from revised goal. On their scale I was 163 and the doctor was not happy. He wasn't mad at me, just not happy that I couldn't get in sooner so that I hadn't lost that much. He told me I DEFINETLY need to go into maintenance now. In my brain I would really like those last 2 pounds but he said if they come off, they come off... but for now to focus on maintenance. I think I am finally coming to the realization that I am at a good place. I tried on several pairs of pants this weekend and I fit into 8s now, so I am happy. I am not going to buy clothes however until after plastic surgery. I don't want to have to buy a whole other wardrobe in 5 months!

As for my BF going part time, he didn't get the position so now we are waiting to see if something else comes up. He is getting pissier by the day about his job and it is frustrating because he won't take any risks to try much new. He just keeps complaining that he wants to go back to the other side of the mountains because there would be more opportunities...but when I tell him to just look for jobs then and see if he can get something over there and that we would work out the logistics later, he just shrugs his shoulders. FRUSTRATING! Now I just got a text message from him about them messing up his time so I have NO IDEA what is going on.

I will check back later tonight. I am leaving to go visit some friends tomorrow for a couple of days, then going to my nut. and I will be back Wed evening.

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Happy Easyer to everyone!!!

So I'm having a rough time of it. I though I had a slip back at the end of February. I went in and they took out 1.5 cc of my 3 cc fill. I aggravated my stomache where the band is. I started taking a new liquid medecine that made me gag real bad, and I ended up dry heaving, which upset my band.

I went back 2 weeks later to get part of my fill back in, 1.2cc, so now I'm struggling to stay together.

I'm back on track today though.

Finally got my treadmill back from my mom and I walked 30 minutes, it's a start since excercising has been tough for me.

Sound like everyone is doing well. I see all the pounds lost in the last 8 months and it's motivation for me to keep going and that's why I'm here today. You all motivate me to keep going, so I'll be making a lot more stops into the Lucky's 7's to see how you all are doing.

Hope that's ok with all of you.

Have a great holiday with your familys and I'll be back soon!!

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Happy Easter everyone!

I hope you have all strayed far from the Cadbury Creme eggs and the other not so healthy choices. We could always eat the carrots that we stick out for the Easter Bunny!

So I can finally eat again. The sad thing is that I know have LESS in my band than I did when I initially went in to get the fill. When I went in 2 weeks ago I was at 1.8cc in a 10cc band. THey filled me up to 2.6cc and when I went back in and she checked what I had I was down to 2.0cc. So she removed .3 to a 1.7. Then the doc checked the flow and said that he was okay with the flow. I did make an appt with the nutritionist (may have already told you that) for Wed. We are on spring break this week!!!!!!:thumbup: I lost 9 pounds according to their scale and when I stepped on the scale here I was at 162. Only 2 pounds away from revised goal. On their scale I was 163 and the doctor was not happy. He wasn't mad at me, just not happy that I couldn't get in sooner so that I hadn't lost that much. He told me I DEFINETLY need to go into maintenance now. In my brain I would really like those last 2 pounds but he said if they come off, they come off... but for now to focus on maintenance. I think I am finally coming to the realization that I am at a good place. I tried on several pairs of pants this weekend and I fit into 8s now, so I am happy. I am not going to buy clothes however until after plastic surgery. I don't want to have to buy a whole other wardrobe in 5 months!

As for my BF going part time, he didn't get the position so now we are waiting to see if something else comes up. He is getting pissier by the day about his job and it is frustrating because he won't take any risks to try much new. He just keeps complaining that he wants to go back to the other side of the mountains because there would be more opportunities...but when I tell him to just look for jobs then and see if he can get something over there and that we would work out the logistics later, he just shrugs his shoulders. FRUSTRATING! Now I just got a text message from him about them messing up his time so I have NO IDEA what is going on.

I will check back later tonight. I am leaving to go visit some friends tomorrow for a couple of days, then going to my nut. and I will be back Wed evening.

Karri - Glad you had a safe trip and can eat again - Congrats on the 9 lbs and yes I would go for the 2 more. Heck you will be a size 5 or 6 after your TT:biggrin: - Sorry about the BF & job sistuation... No Cream Eggs here just 2 pb eggs..

I can tell you one thing - Holiday's are no longer all about the food.< /p>

My DIL is coming over and we are going to cook and swim (maybe) but all she talks about is how much food - ham - potatoes - aspargess (sp)- rolls - salad - dessert - OMW I can't eat that much food - Holidays really aren't all about the food like it use to be. Why bother I can't eat much - so to me who

Happy Easyer to everyone!!!

So I'm having a rough time of it. I though I had a slip back at the end of February. I went in and they took out 1.5 cc of my 3 cc fill. I aggravated my stomache where the band is. I started taking a new liquid medecine that made me gag real bad, and I ended up dry heaving, which upset my band.

I went back 2 weeks later to get part of my fill back in, 1.2cc, so now I'm struggling to stay together.

I'm back on track today though.

Finally got my treadmill back from my mom and I walked 30 minutes, it's a start since excercising has been tough for me.

Sound like everyone is doing well. I see all the pounds lost in the last 8 months and it's motivation for me to keep going and that's why I'm here today. You all motivate me to keep going, so I'll be making a lot more stops into the Lucky's 7's to see how you all are doing.

Hope that's ok with all of you.

Have a great holiday with your familys and I'll be back soon!!

Hey Lynett Love the NEW YOU :crying: Congrats on 55 lbs you are doing great Sorry to hear you have had some problems - there is nothing worse than being too tight - I don't know how anyone can stand to be too tight.

Well the kids are here - gotta go - ttyl...

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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