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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Allaboutme, when my DR. gives fills she just uses a needle with saline no extension thing. Take it out has me sit up for a couple minutes then has me drink a glass of Water to see how it feels. It usually takes about 10 minutes to get out of there then right before i leave she asks me again if i feel okay because its easier to take a little bit out then to go home and realize im to tight and have to come back.

On the topic of fills... the NP who does the fills sometimes said to me last time "Kristin this is fill #5 and you now have 3.5 in a 4cc band that should be VERY FULL so if you dont start drastically losing weight we are going to do an upper gi to see why you arent feeling that much restriction" I was slightly annoyed because my actual DR said that they do the fills very slow because everyone is different and you might need to be filled up to 3.8 in a 4cc band it all depends on the size of your stomach etc. She just sort of made me feel bad like it was my fault my band was getting so full and I wasnt feeling restriction. bleh...

Janet, hows your headache??? My cold came along with a headache for the whole 7 days I wasnt feeling well... hope you dont have the same sort of thing.

Hope everyone else has a wonderfull Wednesday. Off to work...

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Allaboutme, when my DR. gives fills she just uses a needle with saline no extension thing. Take it out has me sit up for a couple minutes then has me drink a glass of Water to see how it feels. It usually takes about 10 minutes to get out of there then right before i leave she asks me again if i feel okay because its easier to take a little bit out then to go home and realize im to tight and have to come back.

On the topic of fills... the NP who does the fills sometimes said to me last time "Kristin this is fill #5 and you now have 3.5 in a 4cc band that should be VERY FULL so if you dont start drastically losing weight we are going to do an upper gi to see why you arent feeling that much restriction" I was slightly annoyed because my actual DR said that they do the fills very slow because everyone is different and you might need to be filled up to 3.8 in a 4cc band it all depends on the size of your stomach etc. She just sort of made me feel bad like it was my fault my band was getting so full and I wasnt feeling restriction. bleh...

Hi Kristin

Does you doctor tell you how much they took out before adding the new stuff? Or are they just adding up how much they inject each time?

My doctor tells me how much was remaining from last fill. I had a fill in October that put me at 5.5. When I went for a fill two weeks ago, he told me I had 5.0. I guess the .5 just dissipated?? So..he started the fill with 6.0. I drank water...waited.. it was to much. When I finally was comfortable enough to drink water and still have restriction I was at 5.5. I guess 5.5 is my magic number.

The next time you get a fill ask your doctor how much is in there before he adds Fluid. I don't see why the NP was nasty. If 3.8 is what is takes, then that's what you need. Tell the doctor you want him to do your fill next time. How's your restriction now?


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Good Morning Gang

I am back with the living sort of - I am at work - I slept yesterday then went to dinner with GS & Lil Bro last night ate 2 bites of lobster and was in the bathroom - spit up a little came back and had a couple more bites then baged up my food - was able to eat lobster once I got home - and then had a cupcake..

My head is still plugged - Karri I am like you I ususally don't get headaches often - but this sinus/head cold - what ever it is has given me one.

Prisc - Congrates on ONELANDER !!!!! We are so happy for you...

About fills - my doc does blind fills - he gives me numbing shot then finds my port and insert this needle - and fills as I drink Water - he then will leave the needle in and have me finish the water... I find that you do get tighter after a day or 2 - my last fill had to have some taken out and when I go back on the 26th - i sure and the hell am not getting anymore added - I think i am on the tight side of my sweet spot.

Karri - I agreed with you - I think people who like to be so tight as not to eat is very unhealthy .. I don't think you are learning good eating & management tools to your weight loss being so frickin tight... I think we need to learn how to eat healthy - and manage our issue with food -

I tivo'd "i can make you thin" and the 1st episode was good put down the fork between bites - I slept thru some of it - but next week is about emotional eating - this will be very good for all of us..

Ok - I gotta get to work.... Will ck back later..

Thanks for all the well wishes and missing me :biggrin:

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I am just on the tight side. I am soooooooooooo sick of snack foods. I want my good ol' healthy foods. I long for my ground chicken meatloaf, my low cal crustless pizza, chicken or pork stir fry, scrambled eggs...the list goes on and on and on. I have never in my life felt so deprived because I can't eat healthy. When I said that last night, one lady said well you must have been a lot better off before surgery than I was because I still don't like healthy foods. By the way she has lost 25 pounds in 9 months. Hmmmm....wonder why???? I just can't explain how angry I was when I was there last night. I kept thinking not one person has said anything mean to me or judged me on LBT, yet that is all these people seem to know how to do. I don't think I will be going back. I know the lady that I go with really needs some support but it doesn't matter what I say...until she accepts in her heart what she needs to do, she isn't going to be successful. I have tried to get her to come here and we talked about food choices, but she is reluctant to give up anything. I guess when you make those choices you live with the consequences. You can lead a bandster to good food and exercise, but you can't make them put down the ice cream.

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Janet -- glad you are back. Head colds suck! It was pretty quiet around here yesterday without you. We miss you when you are gone. Has being sick tightened up your band? Mine seems to be didfferent depending upon how I am feeling that day. Haven't had a cold yet so I was wondering if it effects it.

Kari -- Yeah! conference was cancelled. Now you can get feeling better sooner. I feel horrible that you are so miserable. I think maybe why I was doing all I was doing last month was because I was too tight. I was trying to eat things that just wouldn't go and I didn't realize it was a tightness problem and thought it more psychological. I haven't had a bit of trouble since I was unfilled a bit on the 10th. I am hungrier now but I'm doing much better eating wise. Maybe somewhere in the middle is where I need to be. As for support groups....I find a lot of people think support means someone to whine with. They don't see positive role models as supportive. They don't think suggestions on improving is supportive. For so many, being supportive means affirming their actions. I think that's why you find it hard to be there. I know I would. Same reason I find it hard on my home board. And about the other lady, she doesn't need that support group either. If all she hears are other people struggling, she just feels justified in her lack of success. It gives her a reason to continue what she is doing. Doing what you are doing is as much as you can do. It will all work out for the best.

My fills are all done blindly. My dr. puts in the needle, draws out any fill in and then pushes it back in as well as more. She then pulls out the needle and has me drink a small dixie cup of Water. It is all done in about 5 minutes as long as there is nothing to discuss. I'd love to do one under flouro so that I could see what was actually happening. I think it would be a good learning experience.

Well...testing continues and my craziness ensues. I hate testing week. I'm aggrivated that my subject is tested and yet I'm the one who has to give up 4 days to test it. Why can't they give up career ed for this? grrrrrrr. At least they all seem to be trying. I can't ask for more than that I guess.

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I am just on the tight side. I am soooooooooooo sick of snack foods. I want my good ol' healthy foods. I long for my ground chicken meatloaf, my low cal crustless pizza, chicken or pork stir fry, scrambled eggs...the list goes on and on and on. I have never in my life felt so deprived because I can't eat healthy. When I said that last night, one lady said well you must have been a lot better off before surgery than I was because I still don't like healthy foods. By the way she has lost 25 pounds in 9 months. Hmmmm....wonder why???? I just can't explain how angry I was when I was there last night. I kept thinking not one person has said anything mean to me or judged me on LBT, yet that is all these people seem to know how to do. I don't think I will be going back. I know the lady that I go with really needs some support but it doesn't matter what I say...until she accepts in her heart what she needs to do, she isn't going to be successful. I have tried to get her to come here and we talked about food choices, but she is reluctant to give up anything. I guess when you make those choices you live with the consequences. You can lead a bandster to good food and exercise, but you can't make them put down the ice cream.[/quote]

Karri - I love your last sentence !! You have lost frickin more weight than anyone else - how in the heck can the nutristions say use to it acelerate your weight loss - give me a break - she is not too smart in my opnion...

This whole band thing is about health not just weight loss - I am going to one more meeting on 4/1 (maybe i have dentist appointment that day) and i most likely will stick to this forum - we are 1 million times better. You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves...

Janet -- glad you are back. Head colds suck! It was pretty quiet around here yesterday without you. We miss you when you are gone. Has being sick tightened up your band? Mine seems to be didfferent depending upon how I am feeling that day. Haven't had a cold yet so I was wondering if it effects it.

Kari -- Yeah! conference was cancelled. Now you can get feeling better sooner. I feel horrible that you are so miserable. I think maybe why I was doing all I was doing last month was because I was too tight. I was trying to eat things that just wouldn't go and I didn't realize it was a tightness problem and thought it more psychological. I haven't had a bit of trouble since I was unfilled a bit on the 10th. I am hungrier now but I'm doing much better eating wise. Maybe somewhere in the middle is where I need to be. As for support groups....I find a lot of people think support means someone to whine with. They don't see positive role models as supportive. They don't think suggestions on improving is supportive. For so many, being supportive means affirming their actions. I think that's why you find it hard to be there. I know I would. Same reason I find it hard on my home board. And about the other lady, she doesn't need that support group either. If all she hears are other people struggling, she just feels justified in her lack of success. It gives her a reason to continue what she is doing. Doing what you are doing is as much as you can do. It will all work out for the best.

My fills are all done blindly. My dr. puts in the needle, draws out any fill in and then pushes it back in as well as more. She then pulls out the needle and has me drink a small dixie cup of Water. It is all done in about 5 minutes as long as there is nothing to discuss. I'd love to do one under flouro so that I could see what was actually happening. I think it would be a good learning experience.

Well...testing continues and my craziness ensues. I hate testing week. I'm aggrivated that my subject is tested and yet I'm the one who has to give up 4 days to test it. Why can't they give up career ed for this? grrrrrrr. At least they all seem to be trying. I can't ask for more than that I guess.

Steph - I can't say I have really noticed a diff it the tightness - yesterday morning was hungry made some hash browns 1/2 c - eggs 2 & sauage - ate 1 link - 1/2 the eggs and all the tatoes - then didn't eat until dinner - I had room after i spit up - really wasn't a pb - slime really - but anytime I have pd'/slimed/spit up - I am usually open after the episode (sp)

I refuse to give support the way you have explain - that's called enabling - and we are all in this together.. I don't want you to enable me and I am not enabling you... We have the best group on this whole LBT... We are real and give tough band love.

Well back to work... ck ya all later

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My fill is done under fluoro so I have to drink barium. This is the second time that the fill has tightend up after getting it. The nurse leaves the needle in as she watches it flow down and thought that she was leaving me looser than she should, but I didn't want to have happen what is happening right now. I just have a very low tollerance to fills.(I only have 2.6 cc in a 10cc band!) I can't handle the pain. I would attribute it to not chewing well enough, but yogurt hurts going down so I don't think it is my fault. My doc wans me to start going into maintenance anyways so not being so tight isn't a bad thing. I am really tired of eating snack foods though. I want my dense Proteins that leave me full and I can't do that with this fill. I think that sometimes people don't lose weight because they are too tight. I know it sounds weird but when you can't eat anything except what goes down easily you aren't getting good calories. It is the dense REAL food which is what has gotten me to my current weight and I am always hungry when I have to eat this snack food. 2 days 19 hours until slight unfill!

I just go off the phone with my Surgery Clinic. I have a 10 cc band too but as many of you know I've been struggling with it 'losing' Fluid for the past several months..

I am to be re-operated on next Friday, 29th March and I am so glad that the waiting is over...

I am very tight for a few days after a fill and then it loosens I have 10.6 cc's in my band (according to their records)...

I sympathize with you Salsa cause neither of us is where we need to be... (hugs)

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I just go off the phone with my Surgery Clinic. I have a 10 cc band too but as many of you know I've been struggling with it 'losing' Fluid for the past several months..

I am to be re-operated on next Friday, 29th March and I am so glad that the waiting is over...

I am very tight for a few days after a fill and then it loosens I have 10.6 cc's in my band (according to their records)...

I sympathize with you Salsa cause neither of us is where we need to be... (hugs)


What happen to your pic??? Wasn't sure it was you...

OMG I you have to have surgery again - 3/29 - so they have decided you have a defective band - Well, at least you will get a band that works and keeps it restriction - you will be a skinny mini by July...

I have 5 cc in my band - I have the new band - larger don't know if it's 14 or 10 cc - and I think I am on the tight side of my sweet spot..

We will keep you in our prayer...

My cold/allergies - are better today - went to the gym and worked out with trainer - i am going to be sore in a couple of days - but that's ok with me . I am going to get strong... I need the muscle...

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Ok gang - I am back and you all are gone

NSV today & Monday - went to the gym and worked with trainer even though i am sick !!!!! Dedication to becoming a strong fit old broad - heck the next thing you know I will be in the body building magazines

ha ha ha ha on that one - though you all could use a laugh....

Ok I gotta go fix gs some dinner...

Will ck back later..

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I'm here Janet, I'm here!!!!! LoL I was really exhausted today.... I have been feeling better from my bad cold... and I think I just had a tired day today.

Twilight, to answer your question about getting tight when you are sick, I was much tighter when I had my cold. I felt like I didnt have anything but chicken Soup for like 3 days. It didnt help that when I did try to eat something of more consistency I would pb... and whenever I pb i get tight for a couple days... so pb for like 3 or 4 days.... no fun at all!! I'm all better now though. Yay!!

Hope everyone is having a good evening!

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I'm here Janet, I'm here!!!!! LoL I was really exhausted today.... I have been feeling better from my bad cold... and I think I just had a tired day today.

Twilight, to answer your question about getting tight when you are sick, I was much tighter when I had my cold. I felt like I didnt have anything but chicken Soup for like 3 days. It didnt help that when I did try to eat something of more consistency I would pb... and whenever I pb i get tight for a couple days... so pb for like 3 or 4 days.... no fun at all!! I'm all better now though. Yay!!

Hope everyone is having a good evening!


How is your kitty cat??? Pbing - can open me up - i have read that others are llike that too - it's funny I can be full and still able to eat popcorn with no problems - popcorn is a slider food - but for me when I am mentally hungry it does the trick... but you know what for lunch i had about 3 oz of steak left from last night if that much and didn't eat all my veggie which was one cup - so ya - maybe i am tighter but to me yesterday morning those tatoes when down with no problems ...- I am having my other lobster tail for dinner tonite - i think i am going to have to weigh it cuz it looks pretty big maybe 6 oz - now you know my brain has changed when I say 6 oz is big..:thumbup:

OMW i would eat pounds of lobster before... Haven't really been hungry cuz of this cold - but i gotta say not being hungry still doesn't stop me from eating - i know it's dinner time and I get to eat - plus I know now I have to eat to keep my metabolism going and dinner is the most important meal to me.. I wonder why - maybe cuz when I was a kid we all sat down and ate together - good memories???

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popcorn is the only solid food that is going down for me right now...and frankly I am getting sick of it. I have had like 4 bags (the 100 calorie ones) a day for the last 5 days. Ugghhh... Thank god I will get in tomorrow though. Janet you are better than I for going to the gym. Actually my doctor suggested that I not go because he doesn't want me getting too dizzy and passing out. But I am very proud of you for going. Oh and I made an appointment with MY doctor's nutritionist for next week so that I can get an idea of how to start transitioning slowly into maintenance. I need to go into it slow for my mental health.

I am really glad that I avoided the worst part of this cold. It was really bad up here for a long time. I think almost every student had it. It hit me for a couple of days but nothing like it hit some of the teachers.

dinner is the most important meal for me to. For me though I think it is because it is the only meal of the day that I eat at home. Everything else is eaten at work. Plus it was where my BF and I used to have good conversations now. Sigh...I miss that.

I may or may not be back on tonight, but if you don't hear from me I will be gone until Sunday. Geesh then I will come back and have to read for 5 hours to get caught and then I am leaving again from Monday -Wednesday and will have another 5 hours of reading!!!

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Popcorn is the only solid food that is going down for me right now...and frankly I am getting sick of it. I have had like 4 bags (the 100 calorie ones) a day for the last 5 days. Ugghhh... Thank god I will get in tomorrow though. Janet you are better than I for going to the gym. Actually my doctor suggested that I not go because he doesn't want me getting too dizzy and passing out. But I am very proud of you for going. Oh and I made an appointment with MY doctor's nutritionist for next week so that I can get an idea of how to start transitioning slowly into maintenance. I need to go into it slow for my mental health.

I am really glad that I avoided the worst part of this cold. It was really bad up here for a long time. I think almost every student had it. It hit me for a couple of days but nothing like it hit some of the teachers.

dinner is the most important meal for me to. For me though I think it is because it is the only meal of the day that I eat at home. Everything else is eaten at work. Plus it was where my BF and I used to have good conversations now. Sigh...I miss that.

I may or may not be back on tonight, but if you don't hear from me I will be gone until Sunday. Geesh then I will come back and have to read for 5 hours to get caught and then I am leaving again from Monday -Wednesday and will have another 5 hours of reading!!!


Isn't BF going part time - won't you guys have more time together... I think you have a EXCELLENT BF and that's coming from a seasoned woman..

Yep I don't think eating popcorn as my main source of food would be ideal ..

I didn't want to flake on my new trainer was part of the reason - plus on Monday I slept most of the day and he really didn't work me too hard infact he asked if I was sore and I said no - and today I feel so much better - snotty but better and felt good after the work out which he pushed me more today - so by Friday my muscles will be aching.. Since I am off on Friday - I will go to the gym in the morning and Sat too...

Ok you are going to the doc tomorrow - and then most likely spending time with your brother?? Where are you going M-W anything fun??

I am noisy:biggrin: - we use to get off 1/2 on Friday and I always would go shopping - but since I have sworn off shopping til I get to goal - I guess I will exercise and after that who knows - maybe get grandaughters and color eggs... 13 yr GD leaves Monday for Washington DC - NY trip with her school. I gotta go get some camera for her and spending cash - I was glad that I was able to send her - she will have some great memories... I would love to go - just don't think I could stand being around all those kids for 5 days...

I understand the mental health - a lady at work had a dream about me that I was anorexia and said I still had 20 lbs to loose... Ya right - we know it was a dream - but afraid of stopping too... Well tomorrow is my weight in day and I have no idea - on how I have done this last week..

Ok it's 8 time to eat -

Karri have a safe trip and enjoy yourself - we will talk to you on Sunday...



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Morning everyone! I had LBT withdrawls last night with the sign having maintence!! LoL

Janet... my kitty is doing well. He had a blockage in his urinary tract. Some sort of a crystal formation. 3 days in the hospital, and a week of oral antibiotics my kitty is happy and not in pain! All better! Now the task is trying to get him to drink more Water.< /span>

I am very tired today... had a bad night sleep. I hate it when I cant sleep at night.

Does anyone have recomendations for a kitchen scale? I want to get one and didnt know if I should just get a cheepy... or invest in something a little nicer.

Hope everyone has a wonderfull Thursday! Tomorrow is Friday, yay!

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Hi all! Back from my li'l trip. Missed LBT! Next time, I'm bringing a laptop so I can keep up. I seem to have picked up a cold or something along the way--all I want to do today is sleep, but the coughing keeps waking me up. Hopefully tonight will be better.

Karri--I sure hope that you can get to feeling better soon! popcorn and Crystal lite would get old very, very fast. Everything else I can think of is dairy, and I know you can't to that either. What a tough place to be at, and to think that it could be resolved in 5 minutes by a very simple procedure that even I could do if I had the right kind of needle! I can understand why any old doctor or nurse wouldn't want to be responsible for filling a band, but a little unfill? that's a no-brainer! Nurses work with implanted ports all the time--it's really not a big deal. This banding business is not like anything else I've ever encountered in 35 years of health care!

Speaking of nurses: Oh Pnyl, Where are you? I'm going to be happy when you get home and start posting regularly again.

Well, I was no sooner home than my mom called to plan the annual Easter feast. Oh, no! Here we go: Tenderloin and ham, sweet potato casserole, rolls, and some kind of cornbread casserole, two kinds of salads and a hot vegetable, deserts. . .not to mention Easter candy all around. All of this for maybe 12 people! (lots of the college aged kids aren't comming) Now, understand, my 300+ pound sister is scheduled to be banded in April, I don't need to eat all of this, my dad doesn't need to eat all this (he's 79, has health issues, and has been overweight/obese all his married life), my mom has struggled with weight issues since she was in her 20's--she doesn't need to eat all of this, so who are they (my mom and sister) making all this food for? arrrrggggg! To top it off, the party is at my house.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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