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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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BRANDY- congrats on the 144. OMG how I so envie you!!! Size 8 and xsmall shirt. I would be saying don't pinch me and wake me up let me keep dreaming this wonderful dream. You are doing amazing!!! What is your goal weigt?

Thanks Jackie. Yesterday was actually 144.5, today it's 144. ONE pound away from a normal weight! Yeah me!

Can't read, can't think, just wanted to let you all know that things went well and I'm very, very happy. :drool:

Back to bed and napland for me. :teeth_smile:

Ruby, Glad you are doing okay.

Hope everyone else is well So sorry, that some of you are having relationship problems. It's tough. Life is really hard sometimes, isn't it. I'm just dealing with all the stuff for the move, sale of home, etc., and getting totally burned out, but still got in 30 mins of exercise tonight.


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Hello all. I am just checking in for the night. I am having a terrible day. Found out today that my family doc of 15 years is possibly moving away in Jun. I trust no other doctor besides him other than my surgeon and his PA. I am sooooo upset. Then I went to the dentist and my mouth is hurting like hell tonight. They gave me tylenol with codeine and that jsut isn't cutting it. UUGGHHHHH Hoping tomorrow is better. I go back in three weeks to get the permanent crown put on.

I did not exercise today. Didn't have time could have gone tonight but I figured I would 'let my tears heal' from yesterday. I worked out HARD yesterday and have felt it in my legs and hips all last night and tonight. Everytime I would roll over or move last night while sleeping I woke up. Think maybe I am overdoing it.

Found out today my cholesterol is still pretty high so they put me on Crestor (sp?) I was really hoping that it wouldn't come to that but no such luck.

Aunt flo is a couple of days late and I get so emotional around this time of month anyway. I swear it gets worse every month!!! That along with everything else today was just more than I could take so I am going to go to bed early tonight. Hope tomorrow is a better day.

On a better note I started tanning yesterday and then again today. I can see a bit of color already. that makes me feel good. Hoping by next week I will have a nice base.

Ruby-so glad to hear you are home and happy. Now rest and take it easy. Take care of yurself and your girls

Janet-thank you for the invite to share a room. I am an ex smoker but honestly the majority of my friends and family smoke and it doesn't bother me. I know what it is like tohave the habit and I am just fine with others who smoke. I may just take you p on that offer. We could share the cost. Something to ponder.

Karri- have you guys made your decision to have your boyfriend go part time. Sounds like you found yourself a good guy. He doesn't want you to sacrifice for him. You two sound so happy. I am envious. Especially since he is a cook. My DH's extent of cooking is grilling in the summer (when I tell him I am not doing it so he has too) or ordering up a pizza when I say I am not cooking a night or he will just eat left overs and if no left overs and he doesn't want to rive anywhere he will just eat microwave popcorn for supper. LOL He is NOT a cook but a pretty good guy for the most part. I keep telling him when the kids move out and it is just hm and I am going on strike and will not be cooking anymore meals for the first few year because I have always had to worry about cooking a meal for someone. First my younger siblings from the time I was 13 while my parents were at work and then I went right into motherhood and being a wife. I can't imagine not having to cook everynight or figure something out for a meal. He always tell me 'you won't have to cook for me. You should take a few years off." LOL

Anyone else I did not mention I am sorry but I forget who posts what. LOL I hit reply with all these response and then once I am here and respond to a couple of posts I forget who said what. SORRY!!!!! I love ya all and hope you have a wonderful Thursday!!

Well all I better get to bed. Have a day of the gym, tanning, straightening up around home and then shopping and supper tomorrow night with my aunt. Really looking forward to tomorrow actually. My aunt and I are really close and I love spending time with her.

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Karri - Thanks for the Hugs - At least I got one good kid (You)... It was worse after work had to pickup both girls rush to get home to get to the gym by 5 to meet my trainer... Well if my kid ever listens to his voice mail - he got an ear full - but I rushed (I hate rushing that's why I get up at 5 a.m. so I don't have to rush to get to work) got home changed and to the gym by 5 (had about 4 minutes to spare) - We worked arms & back today cuz my legs are on the sore side - i really like my guy - I may keep him for another month twice a week then drop it to once a week - I really am liking the idea of getting strong and building some muscles - this is making my happy - That's my goal is to be strong - it will help in in the yrs to come.

Your BF sounds like a keeper and that you two have a good relationship - that you respect and work together for the greater good of each of you. I am very happy for you..

Ruby- Glad you are home and doing good and are happy - we will talk with you tomorrow xoxox

Jackie - i am sorry you are having a bad day too - My jaw hurts where they had to give me a 2nd pain shot as he was drilling - so i hear you girl... My legs didn't keep me awake last night but they are sore when i first get up or try to sit down.. OMW I came home in 8th grade & my freshman yr and made dinner too as my mom worked - but when I went to my dad's my step mom cooked - but i have been on my own since I was 16 - so I know what you mean about cooking every night - I think that's why i eat fish rice & veggies 99% - I really can't eat like I use to - so I make something I can eat and that I do like - I just hope I don't burn my self out - but i don't think i will cuz I do vary things a bit..

Yep I am the only smoke and some x-smokers are the worse - I might be that way when I quit - I don't some in my house I smoke outside - but if the hotel doesn't have a balcany - I will have to smoke in the room but will open the window :0) - I just know how much us smokers are usually hated - and I don't want to offen anyone - but if you don't mind - you are welcome - but yuo can't be chatting the minute you wake up - you gotta let me have my coffee first ok :drool: - My gf debbie and I went to mexico a couple of years ago - and she wakes up talking - and i just looked at her and she said oh you aren't a morning person - I said - I am a morning person but you gotta let me have a cup of coffee first... OMW are you going to clean the room too :teeth_smile: Well i am pretty neat - so it won't be a problem :teeth_smile:

Ok it's 8 and gs wants food enchillada - - and I so I gotta go cook

I feel better now after teasing Jackie - so thanks gang - I do need you all... I hate airing my dirty laundry - thanks for the support and getting my mind off of it for a while..

TTYl - Sweet Dreams - xoxox Janet

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I'm back. Trying to catch up here and everywhere else. (been on this computer for about 5 hours so far) I think I've make it through about two days worth of posts here and things sound pretty heavy. So, I thought I'd just skip to here and post and then go back and read tomorrow. Florida was nice, my mom drove me up a wall, exersized everyday at the YMCA for at least an hour and my mom took me out to dinner almost every night. I think I made some pretty good choices.......lots of wraps, no burgers and fries. (well, just once but then they got stuck) And I think I even managed to lose a few pounds. Janet, I LOVE Pasta. What is this fake pasta you mentioned here. I think I would like that. YUM ! !:drool: Count me in on your girls getaway in July. Sounds like fun. I am going to sign off here. I am exhausted and the print is starting to get pretty blurry. So, if I don't get back to reading past posts, tell me anything important that I have missed and I will check back in tomorrow. IT IS GREAT TO BE BACK ! ! I MISSED YOU.

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Kari Welcome Home !!!! We have missed you !!!! This morning as I sign in I see your name as the last poster and say OH Yea she's back - Its 5:30 in the morning and I am talking to the computer and smiling... :teeth_smile:

Glad that you had a good time - and yes I would imagine that anyones Mom would drive them a little crazy after 3 weeks.

Congrats on the exercise :drool: and I knew you would join us... I just knew it...

Linda - We are waiting for your news !!!!!! Can I break out the champange yet!!! As I was sitting out side with my cig & coffee this morning - I was thinking about you and your upcomming great annonoucement...

OK where is our flower girl Krisitin - I have been thinking about our shy little girl - hows things going?? I know you are a lurker - So stop in and say hi..

Ruby - how are you this morningn?? I hope not it too much pain!!!

OK you are all saying - OMW she is on the computer early - well - I just had to update my ticker this morning immediately cuz I am too frickin jazzed - and Karri is right about burning more calories lifting weights - cuz I have only walked 10.5 miles this last week and 2 hrs with the trainer this week and drum roll please - lost 2.5 - down a total of 79.5 only 1/2 lbs to make 80 gone.. Feeling pretty great this morning!!!

Ok off to watch the news... Will ck back when I get to work...

Happy Thursday Morning !!!!!!!

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Morning everyone! :biggrin2: I'm not in too much pain today. Just a little uncomfy. Haven't taken any pain meds, but I might do that soon. Just as a precaution for today. I don't like to be on meds too long. Head is a little fuzzy. I managed to get a good night sleep, even though I slept away most of yesterday. :grouphug: I'm feeling thirsty this morning and have already gone through a cup of hot tea, so maybe I'll make another and sit and read for a bit.

I'll check back in with you all later. Have a wonderful day and thank you once again everyone for your well wishes and prayers. I'm so lucky to have you all in my life. :biggrin2::eek:

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Janet I am here! LoL Actually I was going to post today to ask you guys a question... I have a really bad cold, sore throat, head stuffy, chest all tight and congested... But my question is, all of a sudden yesterday everything started getting stuck!!! I dont know if my throat is so swollen that its bothing my band? bleh... I really hate being sick!!!

I also meant to post about the Mall of america trip, I really wish I could go but unfortunently I dont think I will have the extra money. My cat just got really sick and the money I was saving for my vacation this summer to Mexico went to his vet bill. Animals can be very exspensive! LoL It's okay though because I love him...

Well I'm just sitting at home sick and watching tv... hope everyone else is having a better day then I am!!!

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Jackie - i am sorry you are having a bad day too - My jaw hurts where they had to give me a 2nd pain shot as he was drilling - so i hear you girl... My legs didn't keep me awake last night but they are sore when i first get up or try to sit down.. OMW I came home in 8th grade & my freshman yr and made dinner too as my mom worked - but when I went to my dad's my step mom cooked - but i have been on my own since I was 16 - so I know what you mean about cooking every night - I think that's why i eat fish rice & veggies 99% - I really can't eat like I use to - so I make something I can eat and that I do like - I just hope I don't burn my self out - but i don't think i will cuz I do vary things a bit..

Yep I am the only smoke and some x-smokers are the worse - I might be that way when I quit - I don't some in my house I smoke outside - but if the hotel doesn't have a balcany - I will have to smoke in the room but will open the window :0) - I just know how much us smokers are usually hated - and I don't want to offen anyone - but if you don't mind - you are welcome - but yuo can't be chatting the minute you wake up - you gotta let me have my coffee first ok :tongue: - My gf debbie and I went to mexico a couple of years ago - and she wakes up talking - and i just looked at her and she said oh you aren't a morning person - I said - I am a morning person but you gotta let me have a cup of coffee first... OMW are you going to clean the room too :tongue: Well i am pretty neat - so it won't be a problem :tongue:

Janet- no worry about me talking in the am. I am not a morning person and need at least an hour after I wake up before I am ready to chat or be social so I think we would be good. :party: Now the cleaning the room. HAHA I like to keep things picked up but when I am not at home I am lots more relaxed. :eek: Give me a couple of drinks and wow I could care less!

I feel better now after teasing Jackie

So happy I could help. :tt2:

OK you are all saying - OMW she is on the computer early - well - I just had to update my ticker this morning immediately cuz I am too frickin jazzed - and Karri is right about burning more calories lifting weights - cuz I have only walked 10.5 miles this last week and 2 hrs with the trainer this week and drum roll please - lost 2.5 - down a total of 79.5 only 1/2 lbs to make 80 gone.. Feeling pretty great this morning!!!

YEAH FOR YOU!!! You are doing wonderful. I was thinking of doing a trainer a couple of times to. I may just have to get really serious about that. Janet you are 10 lbs away from goal!! You are so close!!! You have done excellent. You have pretty steadley (sp?) lost too. I am so proud of you. You will be to goal in another month probably. :ohmy::thumbup: Your getting to be a real skinny!!!!

Morning everyone! :biggrin2: I'm not in too much pain today. Just a little uncomfy. Haven't taken any pain meds, but I might do that soon. Just as a precaution for today. I don't like to be on meds too long. Head is a little fuzzy. I managed to get a good night sleep, even though I slept away most of yesterday. :wink2: I'm feeling thirsty this morning and have already gone through a cup of hot tea, so maybe I'll make another and sit and read for a bit.

I'll check back in with you all later. Have a wonderful day and thank you once again everyone for your well wishes and prayers. I'm so lucky to have you all in my life. :biggrin2::wub:

Ruby- so glad you are feeling pretty good today. I would take the meds 'just in case' to stay ahead of any pain that may come later. Rest and take it easy.

Ok I have some NSV to tell. Yesterday when I was having such I bad crappy emotional day 36_1_4.gif while in town I went to the grocery store to buy 'food'. Ok first off my deep freeze, fridge freezers, refridgerator and cupboards are all stuffed so I truly didn't need food. I had already started marinating boneless skinless chicken breast yesterday moring so I needed nothing for supper but I was in that stupor and thought I want junk!!! I went in and I went around that store for almost an hour because I just wanted food. I would pick something up and walk through the store and then think no you can't do that. Anyway, I picked up sugar free ice cream. At least it was sugar free but the 'old jackie' came back and I thought 1 half pint isn't enough so I bought 2. Then I went to McDonalds and I bought 2 large vanilla ice coffee and thought I don't care how many calories. I love these things and limit myself on them giving myself a 'treat' once in a while. I know I know I know NO liquid CALORIES but we have to have something in our lives. Anyway, on the way home I started crying and I called my mom and I said "I am about to binge." and told her what I had bought and what I was feeling and blah blah blah. Mom being a mom tried to soothe me and told me that once in awhile it wouldn't hurt. Anyway, not the answer I was looking for. Got off the phone and drove about 35 miles per hour along the road trying to take my time getting home. I thought to hell with this. I am not drinking that second coffee and I will not eat a bunch of ice cream. I 'pulled up my boot straps' as Janet says and thought 'get it together Jackie. You know how long it takes to burn off all those calories you are about to absorb and is it really worth the guilt you will feel after wards and all the hard work?' I came home dumped the half of coffee I had drank out of and offered my son the other and told him if he didn't want it I was dumping it. I gave one of the 1/2 gallon ice cream to my in laws 'to try' (didn't tell them why I bought 2. Just told them I thought they would like to try it since my mother in law really likes ice cream and she is watching what she eats) and I continued making my supper. I made my chicken breast with steamed broccoli and brown rice. I ate VERY little and was FULL. I had not eaten yesterday and only had a half cup of iced coffee for calories so I figured later I would eat my ice cream. I put a cup of ice cream in a dish took a couple of bites and said to hubby 'do you want this I don't.' and I gave the rest away. I was satisfied but more than that very proud of myself for recognizing what it all was. I was angry, upset and just feeling crappy and I was on a hunt for soothing and turned to food. 8 months ago I would have prob recognized that after the fact and all the calories but I recognize it for what it is immediately now. I felt really good about that. I made it through and you know what..........the sun still came up this morning and a new day has started.

OK now that I have myself all teary eyed again it is time to get going so I can get to the gym and then tan before coming home to shower and go with my aunt this afternoon. I just want to thank each and every one of you for all the support. I truly don't know where I would be without all of you but I can tell you I think this journey would have been a very lonely HARDER journey without all of you. Thank you. I love you all and care very deeply for you. You are my other family. My family that REALLY knows how I am feeling about this and other situations with food. 11_8_14.gif


Ok enough of that. I am on my way to the gym. I will try to check back in tonight when I get home. (Aunt flo better get here soon I am a sobbing mess with these hormones :grouphug:)


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Jackie - Congrats on your NSV. That is a huge accomplishment. You should be really, really proud of yourself.

Janet - YEAH!!!:grouphug: Nice Job. Weight lifting really is very good. I think a lot of people are worried about lifting because they think that they will gain weight. When I lived in Vegas my trainer told me that there is only a three pound differnence when you get to goal between fat and muscle. So while you can gain weight at first the difference at the end isn't that great. However the benefits from weight lifting is HUGE! Glad you are finding your trainer helpful.

Kari - Welcome back. I was just thinking the other day that you should be coming back soon and here you are!

Ruby - Glad you are feel better and more balanced:wink_smile: this morning. I second what Jackie says, pain is not good, and I would take the meds at least 1 more day if it was me. you may have to remind me of that when I have PS because I hate how the meds make me feel. I like being in control of all of my mental capacity (one reason I have never been drunk!) so it annoys me when I can't think clearly.

Alright...here is my big announcement. I have decided to revise my goal. I have been resistant to this since my doctor told me I needed to stop losing weight. I felt like I would be a failure if I didn't get to my goal of 150. However after a lot of soul searching I have realized that when it comes to health, my doc probably does know more than I do and since he has had more experience with plastic surgery than I ever have that I am going to strive to get to the 160 and then get REALLY serious about maintenance. After all, once I have surgery I will most likely lose down to 150 so I will hit my goal. you all know that I am such a numbers/graph person and if I just left my ticker sitting with 10 pounds to go to get to goal it was going to bug me. So when I get home (can't get to my ticker from work) I am going to change the number. Weekly weigh in is on Saturday and I think I am going to be down a few pounds. I stepped on the scale last night (after eaing and drinking all day and I was down to 168 and I can be anywhere from 1-4 pounds heavier at night) Funny...I up my calories and off comes the weight. We will see what the final judgement is on Saturday, but I am pretty certain I will be happy. I think this is going to be a positive step. After all...I did this for health and I don't want to go too far the other way and become UNHEALTHY, which is what concerns my doctor.

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Jackie - GREAT JOB ! ! ! Give yourself a great big pat on the back. I am so proud of you. Wish I could say the same. My problem are those robin egg malt ball easter candy. Thank God Easter is next week.

Karri - I guess I missed something here, but I'll find it as soon as I find the time to read the past posts. To me, 10 pounds isn't a big difference between goals. Especially if you're getting plastic surgery. I can tell right now that by the time I get close to goal, I'm gonna have lots of excess skin. Do you remember the kids book "The Saggy Baggy Elephant"? That's me. Both upper and lower arms, upper thighs, belly and boobs...........all wrinkled and jiggly.


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Karri - I guess I missed something here, but I'll find it as soon as I find the time to read the past posts. To me, 10 pounds isn't a big difference between goals. Especially if you're getting plastic surgery. I can tell right now that by the time I get close to goal, I'm gonna have lots of excess skin. Do you remember the kids book "The Saggy Baggy Elephant"? That's me. Both upper and lower arms, upper thighs, belly and boobs...........all wrinkled and jiggly.


Yeah about 3-5 pages back I posted the picture of my big flabby belly. My doc told me that I would probably lose all of my excess weight with the surgery. To me 10 pounds is huge, but I have finally accepted that the scale is just one number. I will be ok with 160, but I need to change my ticker, because that really has been a motivator for me and I don't want to stop with just a little left and then have to wait until July. 80+ pounds in 7 months is a bigger accomplishment then I could have ever dreamed. I have never been to maintenance before and it is scary. I really have not been able to enjoy the fact that I am here because I am so scared. I only know two things when it comes to weight: how to lose it and how to gain it. :grouphug:

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What is is with us and food - I will walk around and pick stuff up - look at the calories then put it back. My house is full of food - I really don't need to shop as often as I do..

Ok we will be good - I need to wake up too...

Thanks of the props - I don't know what I am doing to lose the weight I eat and don't feel deprived 99% of the time - I know that I am not eating as much as I was even in the beginning - heck at the start I ate at least one healthy choice fudgecicle and 2 s/f puddings at night - my getting up and eating at night is almost nil - got up last nite - went and had 1/2 cig and drank 4 oz of crangrape juice - dinner was just some fish and a little of the enchillda sauce & cheese - on the side - I was full and happy.. I am going to be like our dear little Karri - I am not going to know how to stop loosing weight - I have been so fortunate imho - I haven't had any real plateaus or anything - Sometimes I worry - how am I going to stop loosing the weight - but in a way i figure that my body will tell me when enought is enought..

On the trainer issue - I think I will have him for minimum 2 months twice a week then move to 1 once a week - he is really good - very nice guy - easy on the eyes - and wants to know what you want expect from the workouts - told him I hate my back fat - so we did some back exercises - tricep - I think WE ARE WORTH THE INVESTMENT of a trainer if you can afford it.



Good for you.. I think with the TT you are going to lose minimum 20 lbs which is going to put you lower than your goal weight - and I totally understand this whole maintenance game - the closer I get to my goal weight - It's going to freak me out to eat more - and truely I guess I would just have to add some daytime Snacks - and maybe more red meat since I eat fish 95% of the time.


OK started this 1 hr ago - others most likely have posted :smile2: Phone ringing again ...

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Janet I am here! LoL Actually I was going to post today to ask you guys a question... I have a really bad cold, sore throat, head stuffy, chest all tight and congested... But my question is, all of a sudden yesterday everything started getting stuck!!! I dont know if my throat is so swollen that its bothing my band? bleh... I really hate being sick!!!

I also meant to post about the Mall of america trip, I really wish I could go but unfortunently I dont think I will have the extra money. My cat just got really sick and the money I was saving for my vacation this summer to Mexico went to his vet bill. Animals can be very exspensive! LoL It's okay though because I love him...

Well I'm just sitting at home sick and watching tv... hope everyone else is having a better day then I am!!!


Oh so sorry about your kitty ((Hugs)) I have 2 little dogs a little black pommerarian (lil bear) and a white toy poodle (angel) - I LOVE MY DOGS they sleep with me. I hope she/he will be ok...

I think being sick will make you tighter by what everyone has posted.. Just try and get your fuilds in and rest - Hope you feel better soon.

We understand not everyone can afford this trip or any trip - someone will have a lap top and we will take pics to post and report all about our trip. I am really looking forward to it..

Ok rest and will talk to you later

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banana = pain. I have not eaten a banana since being banded but I brought in Snacks for the kiddos today as it is the last day of the trimester and just popped one in my mouth. OUCH

So for my Snacks I only brought healthy stuff of course. Not one complaint though. They are snitching on the teachers that are bringing in doughnuts!! I brought carrots, celery, bananas, apples, oranges, low fat animal crackers, Peanut Butter and low fat ranch dressing. Got to teach these kids something. Anyways I digress. I was cutting the bananas up for the next class and it is stuck. Not pleasant!!! It's mushy for cripes sake, why won't it just got down.

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Karri - I wanted to mention a few things about plastic surgery before it got lost in my brain.

Shop around for a surgeon. There are many who have an operating theatre in their offices. This saves on the costs of booking and using hospital rooms.

Take a look at their before and after shots. A surgeon will want to put their best work forward for inspection. And if you're not overly thrilled with what you find, look elsewhere. Take into consideration this is th BEST they do.

Many surgeons will give you the initial consultation free of charge. If they do charge, this is often taken off the total sum of the surgery once you've committed to it. I went to 3 or 4 surgeons before making my selection. Only one of them charged me up front for the consultation ($50). As it turned out, I chose someone else, but I don't feel like that was a waste of money.

Okay, brain empty. :) Back for naps. :smile2:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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