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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Steph, I'm so proud of you! You went the extra mile yesterday to get the help you needed and I'd like to think I would have done the same, but I'm not completely confident about that. :blush: I hope my post didn't sound too much like a lecture. :sad:

Karri, you are amazing! I love watching your personal growth with each and every post. Your enthusiasm and enjoyment of life, and yes, even your rants, are an inspiration to me.

Peaches - your flabby thighs/stomach comment had me spitting my Water at my monitor. :lol: It feels so good to laugh, and I can almost guarantee I'll get one from reading the posts of the day. Obviously they sneak up on me sometimes and I spit the contents in my mouth at the computer. :laugh:

Phyl, it's wonderful to have you back! I love your drive-by posts. You can almost hear the panic in your posts as you try to fire them off before your connection dies. Too funny. :biggrin2:

I read all the posts last night and this morning, but most have them have been filed safely in my forgettory. :huh2: It's kind of a so-so day for me today. I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm excited and apprehensive about my surgery tomorrow. At least this time I know what to expect, but I still have the same old concerns. And of course I'm worrying about how my hubby and son will survive if they have to fix their own dinner and Breakfast tomorrow and Thursday! :cool2::scared2::unsure::party:

At times I don't think I'm happy unless I have something to be paranoid about. :lol:

Ruby; I hope you didn't ruin your computer!!! I am glad you got a chuckle out of it...

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go google metabolism calculator here's a link to the one I used this morning http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15321646

my age height to maintain 160 weight going to the gym 3-5 times a week - 2600 calorie - Ya right - I would have to eat very high fat high sugar foods to get these many calories

Maintenance is what totally scares me - I thought it was funny that you were going to follow your doc orders yesterday - Ya right she is going to quit exercising like a fiend (well you might relax a bit) but to eat 1500 calories - I thought oh know my compulsive daughter is not giving up control...

But I can totally relate - just like working with the trainer yesterday - I didn't feel like I burned the amount of calories that do on the treadmill.... and I am sorta freaking about that too....

Since you just keep the figures in your head wereas I keep a food diary - don't count little things like butter - oils or veggies at all when keeping track only count the meats & carb..

I really can't tell you - cuz I don't know how to do it either - really right now i am getting average of 900 calories a day - cuz I really can't eat much - am straving right now cuz I just had a Protein drink for Breakfast and 1 string cheese - but I needed the 24 grms of Protein - my doc suggest getting your protien in during the first part of the day so that you can have the carbs and veggie for dinner..



OK I have ck'd a few hotels

Hilton $405.73 - Ramada $439.83 - Radisson $504.27 - Days In $257.99

Mystic Lake Casino $497.36 (don't know how close this is to mall)

Country Inn $490.00 - Hilton Garden $371.15

Linda - Day's Inn is the best price here is the link Days Inn | Eagan Minnesota Hotel | Eagan, MN 55122 | Near 3M, Blue Cross and Blue Shield & Lockheed Martin- but since I don't know the area can you ck w/your bro - and find out if it is a good area - I guess cuz of the price is so much lower - it's about 5 miles from mall but says it has a shuttle....

I need some help here ladies - I hate being the one who says what hotel since I sure and the heck don't know the area - I just called my xdil to see where she stayed - some of these deals on the internet say you can't cancel so we need to be sure we are going - if we get this kind of deal...

Help !!!

Hi Janet; I opt for anything OTHER than Days Inn... they don't build them very well and have NO soundproofing in them. they may be cheaper but heck aren't we doubleing up on rooms??? I stayed in one last week and I could hear every footstepp all night long from the room above us.. Then at 5:30 am they were doing the "wild thing" noisy headboard... ya know what I mean? But no screams of passion from her... so I guess HE wasn't that skilled LOL... beleive me the walls are so thin if she'd made a peek I woulda heard it. :party:

We complained about the noise and they gave us a discount on the room

PLUS, another reason is the WE Luckey 7's will be making LOTS of racket for sure and we don't want to disturb anyone else!!! :huh2:

The dates are o.k. with me end of July weekend, how about for Linda, she and I are driving together from MIchigan/Milwakee yea.... just call us Thelma and Louise.... but we are stopping before the CLIFF :cool2:

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Good Morning Gang

Ruby - Prayers for you for a successful surgery (hugs)

Jackie = I got you beat on the dentist bill $2000 for my bridge and that's my part only.. I am still a smoker - i think the only one - so I seriously doubt anyone will want to share with me - but you would be welcome in my room.

Brandy Congrats on 144 thats great !!!

Peaches - that why I asked on the rooms - I think I had a pretty good # from the Marriott Residence Inn I stayed in one in TX and it was nice...

Right now got grown kid problems (possible divorce who the f knows - dil called crying yesterday - son didn't come home last night had to p/u them and take her to work and kids to school - I really thought my days of drama were over - I guess not - I can't fix it - I can't change it so can all I can do is help dil and go with the flow - but right now I am just sick - my son is going to lose his family and when he comes back to his right mind - it's going to kill him that he lost his family...

Well I gotta get my butt in gear - I have a headache already this morning...

Will ck back later - xoxoxd

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There once was a lady named Ruby,

Who had a problem wit one of her boobies,

She got it fixed today,

And we all yelled hooray,

Here's hoping the new girls are real cuties!


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Totally off subject! So my BF emailed me last night and had just had it with his job. He hates it...he always has. Now he wants to go part time. He works at a call center doing customer service, but he just is not a fit with the level of "concern" they have to show. He really is one of those, "that sucks, now move on with life" kind of people...and at this company they actually tell you to lie to the customer so that you can "relate" to their experience. Well...he won't do it. Lying is not in his nature (a good trait to have for a BF!)

We had talked about him going part time earlier because I just don't have the time, energy or desire to do housework, laundry, cooking and work the hours that I do. He likes doing that. 90% of the time he does the work, but I feel guilty because he does work too. I totally support this decision, but am a little worried that we won't be able to afford it. If I don't get the Tummy Tuck this year, no problem. If I do, then we only have 400$ a month for food and gas. Now we both live within a mile of our jobs ( and I won't be commuting during the summer) so even with outrageous gas prices we spend less then 50$ a month on gas.

I don't know that I am asking for advice (though any will be accepted) or what I am doing. I don't know how to feel about this. My fear is that he is going to hate his job so much that he is just going to say "I am leaving here (central oregon) with or without you." Right now I can't afford to leave a 43000$ per year job. Not to mention that I am actually excited for next school year. There are a lot of changes and some of the problems that I am having with my classes right now will be COMPLETELY eliminated next year. I am actually starting to like teaching again (despite all my complaining!) Ask me in a few days and I may hate it again, but for all of you who work you understand the love hate relationship that you have with it. I really feel that the tummy tuck is important for me, but my BF is too. His goal is not find another part time (or full time job and leave this one completely) so that he can go back to contributing more.

Guess just venting more than anything.

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Good morning all! So excited for Ruby!!! I can't wait to hear how happy she is! I was talking with DH the other day about how he was going to have to pay for that next because my girls are looking so depressed. He was okay with it. And so I plan on making him keep that end of the bargain. After 3 c-sections and 100 extra pounds I'm sure my tummy is going to need some help too.....wondering if my scar will end up by my nipples though....hehehehe

All these size 8's happening lately and I'm getting so excited to maybe be one of them someday! Way to go you guys!

I think I may be having some side effects from the zoloft. Is it too soon to say I've become a raving bitch on it? Not actually, but one of the teachers said something today and I thought something not so nice, but normally I would NEVER have said it....and today I did. As soon as it came out of my mouth I wanted to DIE. I blamed it on the zoloft but I know it was just me being catty. I hope THAT doesn't continue. It might have something to do with the math meet last night that I didn't get home from until almost 10. I didn't sleep well at all and then staff meetings make me cranky. But lets go with zoloft.

It makes me queasy too. I'm finding that if I keep Water or coffee on my stomach it doesn't bother as much, so maybe that's a good thing. I didn't however bring lunch today and there is NO WAY I can eat what's on the cafe menu. I'll figure something out. I just wish I would have been thinking this morning.

Okay....I dont even remember what I was going to say in this post and I think I'm just rambling now, so I'll sign off for now. Talk to you all later.

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Zoloft did make me sick to my tummy too for a while. However, if I ever had to go back on one that is the only one that I would do. I found that if I ate cream of wheat or saltine crackers that it helped a bit. When I first started on it, I had no appetite. The one med that I will refuse to take is effexor. It took me 4 months of AGONY to get off of those things. I was so sick. Made me feel like I had motion sickness all the time. I would get so sick driving that I thought I was going to pass out. I cried continuously and I seriously could have killed someone if they looked at me wrong!

Okay...this fill is perfect! I feel restriction...I stay full...I can still drink Water quickly. Wow! Exciting!

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Sounds like 400 is enough for food & gas for you guys - I spend about $100 a week on food now - and I buy too much... Gas for me is about $300 - $350 (that between me & GS ) a month.

My Xdh was a househusband 99% of the time - it was nice to come home to a clean house and dinner cooked nothing wrong with that.. Sound like you have thought it thru pretty much.

Can he find another job in your area that he doesen't hate. If he hates his job now how is going part time going to change that??

As long as you don't resent the fact that he isn't working full time - I would say go for it til something better comes along.



When I was on zoloft i have the runs for a few days - it takes about a week or two to get in your system and then it goes away.

As far as your cattiness - somedays you just don't want to hear other peoples petty bs - and things pop out - Yesterday the lady I work with comes in my office talking about the NY Governer story - - in all reality i can careless - I have no emotional conection to the man. So I just cut her short - saying ya that man was STUPID.. But who really cares it doesn't affect my life - he's not a friend of mine - Now say this makes me sound like a cold hearted botch - I'm not - but it's like celebirity gossip - i just don't care or have time for it - I have tons of empathy for people going thru hard times - I do care about people I don't even know - but crap like the governer who gives a flying f. So don't worry about it - they just said to themselve - oh she must be having a bad day - we all have them and lack of sleep will do it everytime..

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The fact of the matter, Janet, is that you have enough--as you say it--drama--in your own life right now--who cares what's going on across the country with yet another celeb? It really hurts us when our kids are hurting, and I'm sure seing your ds and dil unhappy is taking its toll on you--even more so since you can't do anyting about it. Just be there for the kidos.

Karri--Without knowing a lot more about your situation, about all I can say is to think it through before you pick up and move to follow someone who doesn't have a secure job and no prospect of one in the future. It's a lot easier to get a job while you're still employed than to move and start looking for one afterwards.

OK, I'll admit it, I am jealous of all you size 8's and what? an XS top?!! Man on Man! Maybe if I can swing a TT i might, someday, fit into an 8, but right now, I was thinking I was doing pretty good at 14. Hats off to you guys! As my kids would say: You rock!

Ruby, I said a prayer for you just now. It will be good to see you check in and let us know that all went well and you are delighted with the results.

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Good Morning Gang

Jackie = I got you beat on the dentist bill $2000 for my bridge and that's my part only.. I am still a smoker - i think the only one - so I seriously doubt anyone will want to share with me - but you would be welcome in my room.

This time was considerably cheaper than last year. I ended up spending $2800 on my dental alone. Grandted that was after not going to the dentist for 16 years but WOW did that hurt!! By the way my teeth are nice and white. :drool: See?

Right now got grown kid problems (possible divorce who the f knows - dil called crying yesterday - son didn't come home last night had to p/u them and take her to work and kids to school - I really thought my days of drama were over - I guess not - I can't fix it - I can't change it so can all I can do is help dil and go with the flow - but right now I am just sick - my son is going to lose his family and when he comes back to his right mind - it's going to kill him that he lost his family...

Well I gotta get my butt in gear - I have a headache already this morning...

Will ck back later - xoxoxd

Janet- I am so sorry to hear about your son. I have a brother that does as he pleases and doesn't think of others as well. Well not as much as he used to. He is married with 3 kids and his wife has put up with a lot from him. More than I ever would have and he knows that. He was into the drugs for a while. Not hard core but hell drugs are drugs (illegal ones I mean). He didn't take responsibility for nothing. His wife worked and supported the family. Three years ago he finally had an aahhaa moment. He started taking more responsibility and got himself a job. Done wonders for him. I had told him years ago that I love him very dearly but I did not want him around me, my children or my home if he was into the sh$t and we just talked when we seen one another but no real relationship. Then after his aahhaa moment he called one day and said I am coming out to your place and would like to take Austin (my son) fishing. He said I have cleaned myself up and I want to have a relationship with all of my family. No problem. He does do the drugs but he likes to drink on Firday nights after work. Not a big deal.

Sorry I got off track. What I am trying to say is it is sooo hard to love someone so much and try to 'make them better' when they don't want to do anything for themselves. I spent lots of money to finally get that into my head through therapy but it was money well spent. Take care and I hope things work out. Keep us posted and talk if you need to talk. We are here for you. 11_2_104.gif

Totally off subject! So my BF emailed me last night and had just had it with his job. He hates it...he always has. Now he wants to go part time. He works at a call center doing customer service, but he just is not a fit with the level of "concern" they have to show. He really is one of those, "that sucks, now move on with life" kind of people...and at this company they actually tell you to lie to the customer so that you can "relate" to their experience. Well...he won't do it. Lying is not in his nature (a good trait to have for a BF!)

We had talked about him going part time earlier because I just don't have the time, energy or desire to do housework, laundry, cooking and work the hours that I do. He likes doing that. 90% of the time he does the work, but I feel guilty because he does work too. I totally support this decision, but am a little worried that we won't be able to afford it. If I don't get the Tummy Tuck this year, no problem. If I do, then we only have 400$ a month for food and gas. Now we both live within a mile of our jobs ( and I won't be commuting during the summer) so even with outrageous gas prices we spend less then 50$ a month on gas.

I don't know that I am asking for advice (though any will be accepted) or what I am doing. I don't know how to feel about this. My fear is that he is going to hate his job so much that he is just going to say "I am leaving here (central oregon) with or without you." Right now I can't afford to leave a 43000$ per year job. Not to mention that I am actually excited for next school year. There are a lot of changes and some of the problems that I am having with my classes right now will be COMPLETELY eliminated next year. I am actually starting to like teaching again (despite all my complaining!) Ask me in a few days and I may hate it again, but for all of you who work you understand the love hate relationship that you have with it. I really feel that the tummy tuck is important for me, but my BF is too. His goal is not find another part time (or full time job and leave this one completely) so that he can go back to contributing more.

Guess just venting more than anything.

Karri- I agree with Janet. IF you are ok with him working part time and won't resent him I think you guys will be fine. The numbers you gave look like you would be ok. Good luck!!


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My advice and my advice only....don't sacrifice your Tummy Tuck for this. The tt is important to you. It is important so that you feel good about this whole process. I will tell you how I think I would feel if I did this for MY bf/dh. I think that I would resent the fact that I had to live in a body that made me uncomfortable so that he could have a part time job. Now it may seem really rational to do that right now and that's not saying that it isn't the rational decision to make....but in times of stress (and you know they are coming) we don't think rationally and I would bring it up as something HE stood in the way of. Now that is JUST me. You may not have those issues. We've already determined that I'm insane.

Now I started this 3 hours ago so I'm going to post and see that you've already made a decision. Oh well!!!

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Linda & Jackie

Thanks for the shoulders - It's just so hard to watch someone you love destory their lives. I have no control - I know this but it still hurts - I pray that he will wake up before it's too late - but I doubt it - the devil has him in total denial - my baby gd will suffer the most as she is TOTALLY a Daddy's girl.. I need to let it go - but right now it's front and center and making me sick.

OK gotta get back to work - I will talk to you all later - I go to the gym to meet w/the trainer again tonite - OMW - I gotta tell you my legs are in pain - I didn't think we did that much - I really thought it would be my arms & tummy - but no it's my leggs and butt that hurt (not bad but they are SORE). Well I have created those muscle tears that Karri explained to us - so should be good in burning up those stupid calories and on Thurs - the proof will be in the pudding ....

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Thanks for all the advice. I went home during my prep period so that we could talk more when I was not half asleep, and he had laid everything out in a spreadsheet and we found that we could do it. He told me that he would not go part time if it meant me sacrificing the TT. He said he would never do that to me and I totally believe it. He already has filled out more applications today then he has in the last 2 months, so I think he finally hit his breaking point.

I won't resent him for working only part time, because I know that he will do the housework and if I never have to do another piece of laundry it would be worth it. Yes he will still hate his job, but he is convinced that if he doesn't have to work for this particular supervisor (which practically sits over his shoulder and writes post it notes that constantly say CONCERN, CONCERN, CONCERN!) and he only has to deal with the job for 4 hours per day that it will be fine. When he changed schedules he changed supervisors and this one is just over the top. When he went into work yesterday there was a mirror on his desk with post it notes that told him to look in the mirror and tell himself "I have concern for others" at least 100 times and it would become natural for him. I think that is what sent him flying over the edge yesterday...and frankly I don't blame him. So if he went part time he would switch supervisors.

Alright on to the food topic...I am desperately trying to get to 1500 calories today. With how wonderful this fill is, I am not sure that I can do that without drinking some of my calories. First bandster rule I am going to break. I am going to find some low calorie OJ and have that to drink in the morning before I leave for work. With the new eating schedule, I feel like I am eating constantly! This is soooooo weird.

As for the 8's I am not there yet. With my TT I will be. On a good note I did fit into my size 10 petite pants that have been too small for the last couple of weeks. Who knows maybe I am almost at an 8. Don't want to try though. My clothes are fitting nicely and I don't want any reason to buy new clothes because I will definetly need the beginning of next school year.

Thanks so much for listening to my off topic problems today.

Janet- I am sorry to hear about your son. It is good though that you have a good relationship with your DIL. My dad's mom and my mom were very good friends after my parents divorced. Yes it would be hard on your DGD, but at some point it is going to be hard on her anyways. I feel for you. You are in a tough position. BIG HUGS

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Oh and Janet even though you may not have felt that you worked out as much, the simple fact you lifted weights means that you burn calories for longer. Cardio really only burns calories while you are doing it...weight lifting burns calories even after you are finished.

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Can't read, can't think, just wanted to let you all know that things went well and I'm very, very happy. :drool:

Back to bed and napland for me. :tongue2:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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