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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Steph, I'm so proud of you! You went the extra mile yesterday to get the help you needed and I'd like to think I would have done the same, but I'm not completely confident about that. :blush: I hope my post didn't sound too much like a lecture. :sad:

Karri, you are amazing! I love watching your personal growth with each and every post. Your enthusiasm and enjoyment of life, and yes, even your rants, are an inspiration to me.

Peaches - your flabby thighs/stomach comment had me spitting my Water at my monitor. :lol: It feels so good to laugh, and I can almost guarantee I'll get one from reading the posts of the day. Obviously they sneak up on me sometimes and I spit the contents in my mouth at the computer. :laugh:

Phyl, it's wonderful to have you back! I love your drive-by posts. You can almost hear the panic in your posts as you try to fire them off before your connection dies. Too funny. :biggrin2:

I read all the posts last night and this morning, but most have them have been filed safely in my forgettory. :tongue: It's kind of a so-so day for me today. I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm excited and apprehensive about my surgery tomorrow. At least this time I know what to expect, but I still have the same old concerns. And of course I'm worrying about how my hubby and son will survive if they have to fix their own dinner and Breakfast tomorrow and Thursday! :tt2::thumbup::tt2::thumbup:

At times I don't think I'm happy unless I have something to be paranoid about. :lol:

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Karri, you are amazing! I love watching your personal growth with each and every post. Your enthusiasm and enjoyment of life, and yes, even your rants, are an inspiration to me.

I read all the posts last night and this morning, but most have them have been filed safely in my forgettory. :tongue: It's kind of a so-so day for me today. I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm excited and apprehensive about my surgery tomorrow. At least this time I know what to expect, but I still have the same old concerns. And of course I'm worrying about how my hubby and son will survive if they have to fix their own dinner and Breakfast tomorrow and Thursday! :tt2::tt2::blush::thumbup:

At times I don't think I'm happy unless I have something to be paranoid about. :laugh:

Ahh. Shucks. Thanks. :thumbup: I am certain that everythig will go spectacularly tomorrow...well that is for you crazy one that wants them that big. :lol: Too bad that can't do a boob transplant. I have more than I want... I would gladly give some up to you!!!

I am pretty certain your family can put Cereal in a bowl and pour milk. If not, they need lessons. When I babysat my dad's son for a weekend (he was 12) and he couldn't do anything so I made him. He learned how to make mac n' cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, and spaghetti. His parents are too wimpy on him so I figured he needed some tough love. Actually it turned out that he thought it was fun and I kind of created a monster. From then on he wanted to cook all the time.

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Do you know how much food you can eat at 1500 calories. :tongue: WTH? Why couldn't I do this before the band? I am actually overwhelmed by how much I am supposed to be eating!! I think I am going to have to relent and eat some higher calorie foods because otherwise I am going to feel like I am eating all day long. I have been such a rule follower for the last 7 months that it feels weird to try and eat so much.

Maintenace is SCARY:scared2:

Technically I can still lose weight but he wants me to slow it down...so now after learning all the damn rules and doing everything just so...I have to change. You should see the look I am giving this computer as I type this. I am not counting calories today because I am still on liquids, but I was planning on what I was going to have for lunch and dinner tomorrow. Holy Crap it was a lot of food. My BF suggested I just don't count calories. Just eat healthy foods like I have been and just not count the calories. Anyone else think I can do this....Yeah that is what I thought...little miss anal retentive calorie counter just say "sure...why not...throw caution to the wind" then freaking pass out when the scale goes up a pound! Okay little over dramatic there. Maybe I will try that...just for a week and see how it goes. I mean heck I just got a fill, I can't really do too much damage if I stick to healthy foods, right?

Alright needed a little free flowing thought moment. Don't feel compelled to respond to this little moment of insanity...but I know you all missed it while I was gone this weekend!

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go google metabolism calculator here's a link to the one I used this morning http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15321646

my age height to maintain 160 weight going to the gym 3-5 times a week - 2600 calorie - Ya right - I would have to eat very high fat high sugar foods to get these many calories

Maintenance is what totally scares me - I thought it was funny that you were going to follow your doc orders yesterday - Ya right she is going to quit exercising like a fiend (well you might relax a bit) but to eat 1500 calories - I thought oh know my compulsive daughter is not giving up control...

But I can totally relate - just like working with the trainer yesterday - I didn't feel like I burned the amount of calories that do on the treadmill.... and I am sorta freaking about that too....

Since you just keep the figures in your head wereas I keep a food diary - don't count little things like butter - oils or veggies at all when keeping track only count the meats & carb..

I really can't tell you - cuz I don't know how to do it either - really right now i am getting average of 900 calories a day - cuz I really can't eat much - am straving right now cuz I just had a Protein drink for breakfast and 1 string cheese - but I needed the 24 grms of Protein - my doc suggest getting your protien in during the first part of the day so that you can have the carbs and veggie for dinner..



OK I have ck'd a few hotels

Hilton $405.73 - Ramada $439.83 - Radisson $504.27 - Days In $257.99

Mystic Lake Casino $497.36 (don't know how close this is to mall)

Country Inn $490.00 - Hilton Garden $371.15

Linda - Day's Inn is the best price here is the link Days Inn | Eagan Minnesota Hotel | Eagan, MN 55122 | Near 3M, Blue Cross and Blue Shield & Lockheed Martin- but since I don't know the area can you ck w/your bro - and find out if it is a good area - I guess cuz of the price is so much lower - it's about 5 miles from mall but says it has a shuttle....

I need some help here ladies - I hate being the one who says what hotel since I sure and the heck don't know the area - I just called my xdil to see where she stayed - some of these deals on the internet say you can't cancel so we need to be sure we are going - if we get this kind of deal...

Help !!!

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Karri, I'm the crazy one, remember? You'll be just fine. Just try to take it one meal at a time. try to add 100 calories to each meal this week. If that works, then see if you can add 50 more each meal. By then you should be about there. When you think of it that way it's a little less overwhelming. It's doable that way.

I'm still pretty icky today but I'm wondering if some of it isn't the zoloft. One of the side effects is nasua and since I haven't really eaten anything in over 48 hours, maybe it's not happy in there. I did try to get some yogurt down at lunch and it settled a bit. I have to take all of my students to the math competition tonight and I really can't afford to be sick. A fellow teacher said she would take them but I hate to put it on her. I don't know....guilt guilt guilt....you would think I was Catholic. (no offence, I used to be)

I did weigh in this morning and after pushing fluids in yesterday....I think I almost got to 100, I was still down so maybe with TOM visiting and the extra calorie burn with being sick I really did lose more than I thought. It will just make next month's weigh in all the better.

Now....for this trip. I'm reading two different weekends and I just want to make sure I've got it straight. The LAST weekend in July or the one before it? Did I miss, in my delusionary state, where we are staying? Someone asked about other stuff to do. If there are any baseball/football fans, there is the twins/vikings stuff in town. I don't know if they have the same stadium or if they are different, but I know they are there. I'll do some more checking on tourism in the area and get back to you all on that.

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go google metabolism calculator here's a link to the one I used this morning http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15321646

my age height to maintain 160 weight going to the gym 3-5 times a week - 2600 calorie - Ya right - I would have to eat very high fat high sugar foods to get these many calories

Maintenance is what totally scares me - I thought it was funny that you were going to follow your doc orders yesterday - Ya right she is going to quit exercising like a fiend (well you might relax a bit) but to eat 1500 calories - I thought oh know my compulsive daughter is not giving up control...

But I can totally relate - just like working with the trainer yesterday - I didn't feel like I burned the amount of calories that do on the treadmill.... and I am sorta freaking about that too....

Since you just keep the figures in your head wereas I keep a food diary - don't count little things like butter - oils or veggies at all when keeping track only count the meats & carb..

I really can't tell you - cuz I don't know how to do it either - really right now i am getting average of 900 calories a day - cuz I really can't eat much - am straving right now cuz I just had a Protein drink for breakfast and 1 string cheese - but I needed the 24 grms of Protein - my doc suggest getting your protien in during the first part of the day so that you can have the carbs and veggie for dinner..

Wow totally missed your post this morning! Problem...I don't use butters or oils. I haven't cooked with them at all, just a spritz of pam spray! So I asked my doc what happens if I only get to 1000 calories by the end of dinner and I am supposed to get 500 more. He said to maybe eat a sensible snack after dinner (total no no for me before), but not to just eat crap to get to a certain amount of calories. Damn I was hoping to supplement with a snickers bar every day:tongue2: Okay obviously just kidding!!!! I think this is just another learning process. I am not going to do it right the first day or the first week. But I will learn slowly and I am sure I will get there. I just dread the day that I actually go UP!:thumbup: So the plan/schedule we came up with is

Breakfast 6:30

Snack 9:00

lunch 11:30

Snack 2:30

Dinner 5:30

Snack 7:30 if needed

Problem is that I am going to have to be very diligent in the Water consumption becuase that limits the amount of time that I can drink. The whole band way of eating seemed intimidating and daunting when I started that and in reality I adapted very easily. I am sure that I will do the same here. But I have been in the business of losing weight for 20 years (almost 3/4 of my life!) so this is TOTALLY new for me. I have never actually hit a goal weight so I have NEVER been on maintenance.

I don't worry too much about protein...I am an Atkins girl so it has always been protein first. I think that is where I am going to have to relent a little. I can add a few more carbs in. I hate Protein shakes so I eat the Protein Bars. They also serve as a replacement for any kind of candy/sugar fix that I needed. Of course I get the low carb bars:redface:! But on a good note I like them the best too!!

I guess I will be the guinea pig for those of you not yet in maintenance...you can see what I do right and what I do wrong. In a way I envy those of you who still are doing the same thing...I like routine. I am so glad that I have you all, because otherwise I would feel like a zebra in an open field with hungry lions all around just waiting for me to make the wrong move before the swooped in and devoured me. But I know that I will always have a safety net here! I know that you will never ignore me or stop caring just because I have reached that "magic" number. This is a life long struggle and I have found life long friends and family here.

Well I am supposed to be in a meeting but instead I am watching kids retake their tests (some for the 3rd time:scared2:) but at least they keep trying:thumbup:

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I emailed my bro about the hotel, I'll let you know what he says. I think I stayed at an Embasy Suites one time. That could be fun too.

As for what else to do? There are a lot of art festivles in the summer, also lakes and beaches. Night clubs, I'm sure there will be plenty to do that weekend. Here in the north, we take full advantage of our summers as the rest of the year it's just too cold. I'm sure that as we get closer to July I can have my bro check into what's going on locally.

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Mall of America Trip

Found a Marriott Residence Inn $109

Found this gf getaway - ck these hotels out


Steph - i think you asked if we changed dates - yep sorta of Phyl liked this weekend better - and everyone else was pretty flexable....

so as it stands right now - its 7/25 to 7/28

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Hi everyone! Just catching up on posts. I lost another 1/2 pound today, so I'm at 144.5, so pleased! I went to Coldwater Creek Saturday night and used a gift certificate and bought size 8 pants, couldn't believe it. a little form fitting, but they fit so I bought that and an extra small top to go with them. I'm in size 10 slacks in everything else and 6-10 dresses. Can't recall a size 8 pair of pants before though.

Thanks for sharing the pics, Karri. I think I'd get the surgery too if I was you, will do a lot for your self esteem. I'm pretty lucky in that my skin has been very very forgiving. I've got a little saggy skin under my arms and on my thighs, but I really don't have a right to complain. Only thing I need is a breast lift, but I've needed that since I was mid-twenties. They are just looser sacks now. Oh well. Don't know if I can afford it. I went on a website of a surgeon, but they never responded to my request for info.

Take care everyone and keep up the good work.

Congrats Janet on the size 8's too!

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I'm excited and apprehensive about my surgery tomorrow.

Ruby one persons short commings are anothers nightmare. I have a reduction in 2000. I was soooooo happy!! Insurance paid for that 100% also. I went from a DD and then some (looked like I had a large boob in the middle of my 2 :wink:) down to a size A-B and a size 5-6 pants. Then I let myself go again regained all my weight and lots more. My girls grew some but this time as I lose weight I am losing some of them as well. I am in a B-C cup depending on the brand. I can say that I am pretty please thus far but still have 62 lbs to go so who knows what they wil look like then. One thing is for sure. My nipples will always be soluting the stars instead of looking down at the ground. :smile:

I am happy that you are doing this again for yourself though if this is what you want. Don't worryit will go fine. Like you said, at least you know what to expect this time. Good luck and get lots of rest.

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Hi everyone! Just catching up on posts. I lost another 1/2 pound today, so I'm at 144.5, so pleased! I went to Coldwater Creek Saturday night and used a gift certificate and bought size 8 pants, couldn't believe it. a little form fitting, but they fit so I bought that and an extra small top to go with them. I'm in size 10 slacks in everything else and 6-10 dresses. Can't recall a size 8 pair of pants before though.

Thanks for sharing the pics, Karri. I think I'd get the surgery too if I was you, will do a lot for your self esteem. I'm pretty lucky in that my skin has been very very forgiving. I've got a little saggy skin under my arms and on my thighs, but I really don't have a right to complain. Only thing I need is a breast lift, but I've needed that since I was mid-twenties. They are just looser sacks now. Oh well. Don't know if I can afford it. I went on a website of a surgeon, but they never responded to my request for info.

Take care everyone and keep up the good work.

Congrats Janet on the size 8's too!

BRANDY- congrats on the 144. OMG how I so envie you!!! Size 8 and xsmall shirt. I would be saying don't pinch me and wake me up let me keep dreaming this wonderful dream. You are doing amazing!!! What is your goal weigt?

I went here and it says that I burn 2773 per day! Maybe 1500 calories won't be too bad after all! Even after years of doubling that number daily it seems like an unbearable amount of food now!

KARRI- I believe you probably do burn that. I am a body bugg girl and I NEVER remove my bugg except to shower and then right back on. On an average day I burn at least 2500 calories and that is without a lot of exercise. Now that I am back to the gym I am burning about 3000-3200 a day. On a 6-7 hour nights sleep I burn between 620-660 calories just sleeping. I absolutely love my bugg!!!! I know how many steps I take each day and how many calories I burn from midnight to midnight EVERY day. :smile:

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Ok I am not sure about the Mall of America trip now. I went to the dentist today and have to hve a crown put on for $680 and then I am bleaching my teeth for another $250. I used to be a smoker and quit that about 2 years ago and I just feel like my teeth are stained so I decided to bleach and make them whiter. My friend told me I have very pretty teeth and they look white and don't need it but you all know how it is. When you are not comfy with something about yourself and set your mind to doing something you just do it. I wanted to do this last summer and put it off so now I am doing it. I figured since I already have to pay for the crown I might as well do them both t once. With all that being said (so sorry I get off track) I was thinking that I only live 3 hours away from Mall of America and I would be willing to drive up and if money is a bit better by then I will just find a room for a night and if not I will drive home. That way I would still get to meet everyone and hang out for the day. What do you think?


Yeah so anyway, today was a really good day. Done 2 hours at the gym, then came home and deep cleaned again. I know I know I just did that Sunday but I had lots of energy and figured I wouldn't have to do it tomorrow now since I started at 9:45 pm tonight. Not much can get messed up from midnight until they leave for work/school tomorrow. I have taken the past 2 days off and I have Thurs and Friday off also. I have to spend a little time in my home office tomorrow but other than that I am just doing my thing and enjoying the sunshine. :smile:

Well better get. It is now 1:15am and I am going to go read for a while until I fall asleep.

Nighty night all!!!

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I am happy that you are doing this again for yourself though if this is what you want. Don't worryit will go fine. Like you said, at least you know what to expect this time. Good luck and get lots of rest.

Thank you Jackie. And to you all for being so very supportive even if it really isn't your thing. :huh2:

I've been on other forums where I've seen women torn to shreds for deciding on surgery to give them the bodies they want. :party:

I'm scheduled to go under the knife in 2 hours, so I need to get moving here and get all my ducks in a row. I think it was peaches who said that hubby and son could fend for themselves during my recovery, and I know that's right, but there are some things I'm "control freak" about and I just cannot and will not admit that they can do perfectly fine without me. :cool2:

Have a great day girls. I'm not sure if I'll be up to popping in when I get home today, so don't worry if you don't hear from me again. :biggrin2:

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Ruby - Here is a toast to big, beautiful, and symmetrical boobies:Banane20::huh2:.

Good luck! My fingers are crossed for you!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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