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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Just checking in. Thanks Janet and Jackie! I'm excited too, and I hit 145 this morning. Just turned 49 on Friday too!

Linda, keep up the good work, you'll be at 100 by week's end!

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What a great way to Celebrate your birthday 145

Way to go girl :smile2:

Don't worry about turning 50 next year - you are going to be FABULOSE at 50 - I love the 50's...

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Ok gang I am outta here - I am dressed - tanned and out of the house it is BEAUTIFUL here - Don't know what I am doing - but shopping most likely :smile2:).... Will ck back later - Have a GREAT SUNDAY - omw I feel so much better today - must be this tan - you gotta go get fake tans... they are great !!!

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Yeah, a lot of ppl around here start fake-baking in preparation for their spring break trips to warmer and sunnier places. I've had a couple of bouts with skin cancer, so I try to avoid it now. But nothing will keep me out of the Mexican sun! Anyway Janet--what'd you buy today? I gave some of my larger clothes to my sister today. She's getting banded in a month or so.

Re. Mall of America: I will make my own arrangements--probably drive or have my one of my private pilots (ds or dd's bf) fly me in--just let me know which hotel you choose. 7/11-14 or 7/18-21 or 7/25-28 All are good for me & Yes I would go.

Peaches, I'd love to come to Ontario too, but I do have to shop for a dress for the August wedding, and Mall of America is too good to pass up. It'll be about a 5 hour drive for me.

OK, hope you're sitting down. I made a resolution to start walking when the time changed and so today I walked a mile in the sub-division. It was freezing cold (20) with a damp wind off the lake (Michigan) but I did it! I also went for my orientation to the gym and bought a pair of tennis shoes. Guess all your talk about exercising is getting to me at last! I WILL make 100 this week, I WILL. . .I WILL. . .I WILL!

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So here we go - Add your name to this post - and good dates for you and that you can go..

Janet - 7/11-14 or 7/18-21 or 7/25-28 All are good for me & Yes I would go.

Best for me is the last weekend.... 25-28. don't know where I got that 28-31?? Guess it pays to look at a calendar!!

Ok gang I am outta here - I am dressed - tanned and out of the house it is BEAUTIFUL here - Don't know what I am doing - but shopping most likely :smile2:).... Will ck back later - Have a GREAT SUNDAY - omw I feel so much better today - must be this tan - you gotta go get fake tans... they are great !!!

Wow! That tan has you psyched up!! Hope you enjoy your day!

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Hello all. Just checking in. I have been in the hospital since early yesterday morning. Nothing real serious.a viral thing. I was dehydrated and things coming out both ends. SORRY FOR THE TMI!!!! I am really tired and still really weak. Doc only let me come home because I have have none of the above for the past 8 hours and I begged him to come home promising to rest. Sure rested alot. Came home and deep cleaned my house because I have to get the 'sick germs' out. LOL But seriously NOW I am going to rest because I feel wiped out. I am still in for Mall Of America whenever it works for everyone else. Let me know. Miss you all. Phyl so great to see that you are posting!!!!!


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I just picked the 18 cuz it was after the 4th and my son's bday is the 15th.

The 28th is a monday - I think most of us can do weekend more than weekday but we do have alot of teachers -

So here we go - Add your name to this post - and good dates for you and that you can go..

Janet - 7/11-14 or 7/18-21 or 7/25-28 All are good for me & Yes I would go.

Third weekend in July is GOOD for me - Candice

WHere the heck is MALL OF AMERICA and what else is there to do but shop??? I get bored after a couple of hours, and if I'm traveling to the US then I'd love to do some sight=seeing as well ya know -

If you drove to Canada from Buffalo you wouldn't necessarily need a passport its only if you FLY into Canada (? don't know what the rational for that is?) PLUS if you fly into Buffalo from another US destination then flights are probably cheaper. Just a thought.

BUt I'm easy, I DO have a passport and travel internationally every year so that's not a problem for me.:smile2:

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Kari, are you in MIchigan??? Are you interested in the JULY get-to-gether at MALL OF AMERICA??

I need to find out what city THAT is in so I can GOOGLE IT and find travel arrangements... I could fly out of Toronto or Buffalo..

SO somebody let me know o.k.?


the weather eh? Oh My God the worst storm of the year and this winter that's saying a lot... its been like STORM of the WEEK in northern Us and Canada... Sheesh, I can't wait for spring.

Last night we had some friends for dinner and they almost had to stay over night!!! They live in the same town but looking out my front window you couldn't see across the street for the blizzard... and this kept up from 1 p.m until 3 a.m. ... Snow accumulated to 1 1/2 feet.... 20 cms. for us metric folks (LOL)

Anyways, toomuch damn snow... I had to drive my sister to the Airport in Toronto this morning... thank God we have Great Snow Plow systems in place and the roads were very good. Plowed but snow packed, which is way better than ICY~~~~!@@!!!!!

She got to the Airport on time and her flight was only delayed 45mins. to Houston, then she has a 3 hr stop over and continues to Mexico... She lives and works in Mexico for 6 mos. a year. But she flew home to see our MOM who has been quite ill (posted a couple weeks ago)

Anyways, My MOM is doing much better and sounds stronger everyday. She is blessed for sure!

You travel gurus.... are there any Casino's near this Mall of America??? just wondering.

WEIGHTLOSS.... still very restricted, I can hardly drink Water, mostly I have to have hot coffee or hot tea... that's the only liquids that go down. I know I am not drinking enough fluids but I'm working on it.

food is great, solids go down well although VERY small quantities YEAH!~ but mushies just get stuck.. no matter what I try.. pudding NOPE, cottage cheese NOPE, gets stuck.. oatmeal o.k.

chicken o.k., pork o.k., beef o.k. , fish o.k. veggies o.k.... but fruit is iffy... I love nectarines but the membrains get tangled in the band or something.. Its a new learning experience. .. cause just a couple of weeks ago I could (and did ) eat everything...

Janet, I am sorry to hear you are in a winter funk... It'll pass.. and I am sure you look awesome in your store-bought-tan...

UM I'll have to get one of those before I meet you guys in July, as I am pasty white too... good ol' Irish/Scottish/English skin... green eyes, reddish hair... but you can see that Ha,ha,ha....

I am in a silly mood today.

Took my "Twiggy" (Dog) out for a nice long winter walk today after I got home from Toronto. Boy it was fresh, but felt really good to get some excersise... I've been negligent in that dept... now that I have good restriction I am going to focus on excersise more and combine the benefits of both....

I have a lot of w/l to catch up to you guys... Janet you are ahead of me by 10 lbs... and I want to weight the same as you by July... we are about the same height and age, plus we started out at nearly the same weight target.

Anyways I babble...

Phyl, glad your interent is working better for you.. it really is frustrating when its slow or down.

Be well and keep warm/"cool" depending on where you are!!!

just Peachy

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Hello all. Just checking in. I have been in the hospital since early yesterday morning. Nothing real serious.a viral thing. I was dehydrated and things coming out both ends. SORRY FOR THE TMI!!!! I am really tired and still really weak. Doc only let me come home because I have have none of the above for the past 8 hours and I begged him to come home promising to rest. Sure rested alot. Came home and deep cleaned my house because I have to get the 'sick germs' out. LOL But seriously NOW I am going to rest because I feel wiped out. I am still in for Mall Of America whenever it works for everyone else. Let me know. Miss you all. Phyl so great to see that you are posting!!!!!


Sorry you weren't feeling good. FLu??? What made you dehydrated? Did the BAND complicate issues.

Glad you home!!!! Now stay in bed.

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Wow, Jackie, You musty have been really dehydrated for them to put you in the hospital. I hope you didn't overdo it with the cleaning! Take it easy, hon, and try to get the fluids in.

Peaches, Mall of American is in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I'm not sure about casinos. I'm pretty sure there are indian reservations near Minneapolis so there are probably some casinos. Like any big city, there is a lot to do in Minneapolis--especially in the summer.

I think the passport laws are changing. I think that after June 1, all Americans will need a passport to return into the US from Canada, Mexico, and other places that used to just require proof of residency (Drivers License, etc.) It might still be possible to get back in without it, but you will definitely have problems at the border without a passport.

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O.k. I did some searching on the web. Minnesota.. uh o.k. Now I know where that is in relation to Ontario.

I could DRIVE in 16 hrs from where I live.. a long way all by myself.

I could FLY in 2 1/2 hours but it would cost $500 for just the flight - yikes!

Does anyone live in Michigan that would like to Share Driving??? I could drive to Michigan no problem, been there many times before and I know Detroit and Pt. Huron quite well...

Then we could drive on to Minesota together and share driving and costs...

Any takers???

Peaches :smile2:

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Linda- CONGRATULATIONS ON JOINING THE EXERCISE CAMP:thumbup: !!!!! I am so proud of you :eek:- The weight is going to FLY OFF now:biggrin: - I know you are the one who has resisted the exercise so far - but really it isn't that bad - and this is coming from someone who hated exercise - don't love it - but do like it...

Phyl - Yep the fake tan has me motivated... And its SO BEAUTIFUL OUTSIDE..

Jackie - HUGS GF - sorry you are sick but sure glad you are home from the hospital.... QUIT FRIGGIN CLEANING AND TAKE YOUR BUTT TO BED... THAT'S AND ORDER... You gotta take care of you - and make sure you drink your Water or juice - you need your fluids -

Peaches Mall of America - St Paul Minnesota I think or it's right next door ...I will have to look for casinio - I don't know since I am in Cali.. There is alot to do I think - will have to ck it out - I know they have night life - tons of restaruants - heck we can order a few plates of diff stuff and all just share cuz we cant eat much :smile2:

Sorry to report that we have BEATIFUL WEATHER TODAY 83 AND SUNNY...

I'm english too (my dad's mom came from england when she was 2) also irish german american indian and who knows what else - I am fair - with green eye too..

Glad you have restriction at last... You will catch up with me - Karri is who I want to catch up to :Dancing_wub: I'm your motivator & Karri is mine :wub: -and i think i am doing pretty damn good keeping on the heals of a 28 yr old

Well Linda should be all of ours - heck she is going to have 100 lbs gone this week especially now that she is exercising :Dancing_sorry:

Kari is in Fl right now should be coming back shortly - I think she was going for 3 weeks and it's been 2 I think...


Is everyone sitting down (well of course you are you are at your computers :tt2:)

Well guess what I bought - Guess - didn't really need them but just could not pass them up - SIZE - DO YOU WANT TO KNOW - SIZE 8 JEANS :lol:and they are not tight :sad: - Now this is totally a fluke i want you all to know there is no way a short person who weights 173 should fit a 8 - but I don't give a DAMN thet fricking fit. and yes it all about size :blink: I AM HAPPY... I have a frickin size 8 hanging in my closet.... I have not been a size 8 since I was in my early 20's.... I also got a medium pair of capri's - got them in the active wear section at Kohls - they are a little snug but wearable

So now I am washing and ironing - it's almost 4 - don't like this daylight saving time - I hope i don't have a hard time going to sleep at 8:30 - I usually go to bed around 9:30 ish - but now when it's 9 it's really going to be 8 - for a while anyways... I got up at 8 a.m. which is really late for me - last weekend was up at 5:30 - 6 a.m.

I gotta quit shopping - HERE IS MY PLEDGE NO MORE

SHOPPING UNTIL I HIT 160 - OK - I AM NOT SHOPPING ANY MORE!!!!! Now my new addiction til then will be tanning - Yes I will be careful - I have had 1 pre-cancerous thingie taken off - I will mostly due the spray on stuff - but am going to do the beds once a week...

Oh peaches - I would do it about 5 days before we meet - cuz in case some parts get to dark (my feet are and my hands a little - it will wear off some - that's the only problems with the fake stuff -

Got a cute black/white polkidot skirt (long) - and a couple tops and some workout pants. and cheapy thong sandals.

OK gotta go put stuff in the dryer - I think this post is going to take up a whole page:eek:

Will be back in a few..

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O.k. I did some searching on the web. Minnesota.. uh o.k. Now I know where that is in relation to Ontario.

I could DRIVE in 16 hrs from where I live.. a long way all by myself.

I could FLY in 2 1/2 hours but it would cost $500 for just the flight - yikes!

Does anyone live in Michigan that would like to Share Driving??? I could drive to Michigan no problem, been there many times before and I know Detroit and Pt. Huron quite well...

Then we could drive on to Minesota together and share driving and costs...

Any takers???

Peaches :smile2:

I am pretty sure that Kari is in Mich - and I bet she will come - yes that's too far to drive by yourself - When I was cking yesterday - i found something that was air/hotel for 3 or 4 days for like $600+ - That's what we gotta ck on -

So far - Linda - Peaches - Phly - Jackie - Steph - Me - Karri won't be back til late monday - Kari won't be back for another week I think... I will do some more cking - we should be able to get some deals...

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WOW--Size 8!!!!!!!!! In my dreams!!! Janet, you rock. See, i have a theroy that all that exercising has toned you up, and that's 173 pounds of solid muscle. I am really happy for you. So how long to you plan to stay single--you are one smoking woman, and you're going to have to start fighting them off like never before. Hold your head up high babe, you got it all!

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Peaches--I could meet you along the way. It might be fun to take the high speed ferry over Lake Michigan from Muskegon MI to Milwaukee WI. It cuts about 4 hours off the driving time.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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