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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Congratulations, you took a huge step today! I am so proud of you. If I knew how to do smilies, I'd send you a bouquet!

I am so glad that Janet was the first to respond to you. As I read your post, I was thinking the same things that she so eloquently said. It's possible that you need a therapsit to help you uncover and resolve some of the underlying issues. That's hard, painful work--I know because I've been there too. Until you do that though, all your efforts at controlling these demons will eventually end in more failure, and just reinforce the things that disgust you so much. Please, please do as Janet said and lay it all out for your doctor. Allow him/her to do his/her job and help you. We can and do love you and support you and above all we are your friends. We are addicts too.

The other thing that I want to ditto is when Janet told you to release your guilt and shame to God. As a Christian, I have come to understand that where man in incapeable of healing himself, Jesus is the almighty healer. Through Him, all things are possible. Claim that promise. Allow Him to work through your doctors, your family, and us. I will be holding you up in prayer every day.

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Ok Gang I don't want to get too preachy here but I beleive in God - I think most of us here do - I know religoin & Politics are 2 no nos to disscuss with friends but I really gotta put this out there.

God brought us all together here for a reason - Think about it - complete strangers who live all over the country - who found ths website as we were looking into being banded - We are all diff ages - backgrounds etc but we all have the same issues "OUR FATNESS" We are the Lucky #7 - we have 8000 post but do you know that 120,000 people have viewed our theard - Both Karri & Steph have joined us from other monthly groups - there is something special about our group - I truly beleive that.

Here i go getting emotional (i am a big cry baby booby) - I am truly blessed for having you all in my life - and we really really have to do some serious planning cuz we do have to all meet in person - we really really do. I really mean that - do you guys get that... I am just full of love for you all and I am so happy that we have each other..

Ok - I will get off my soap box :blink:

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Steph - I honestly think you made the biggest step of your life today. If you go back (WAAAAAAAAAAYYYY back in these several thousand posts) you will see that I opened myself up the very first time I posted here. I was a closet eater and a garbage eater. Not proud of it, but now proud that I can talk about it and that I am on my way to beating it. Have I beaten it totally...yes and no. I haven't eaten anything out of the garbage can lately, but I did eat Cereal at school today as wasn't going to tell anyone...but alas I just did. There are always urges for me to just run and eat something for no damn good reason except that I just want the control. I fear that one day I will wake up and not have food (mother dearest issues!) but I totally understand the wanting to eat more and more and more. You are talking to the girl who would go in with a list to McDonalds with three different meals listed on it with other people's names next to them so that people wouldn't know that I was going to walk home to my apartment and stuff myself with that food until I was in physical pain. You have an addiction, I have an addiction, and most of us here have an addiction to food. And the hardest part about it...we can't just give it up totally. I am telling you that if I could find a way to nourish myself without food, I probably would just give it up, because I can do absolutes...it is the moderation stuff I have issues with :blink: I will admit, the last couple of days have been rough for me food wise. While I haven't gone over my calories (i don't think!) I have not made good food choices and I know it is stress. The end of the term is next week, I will be gone for 2 days and had to plan for a sub, my BF got a new schedule and my hair is falling out by the fist fulls, but today I renewed myself. I wrote down what I needed to do, why I was starting to follow the wrong path, and finally why I deserved to treat my body with the care it deserves. I do think that perhaps therapy would be a good idea. I know I need it, just haven't gotten the courage to call yet. I have been through the I don't give a )&$*(%)$ moods, but deep down we really do care and that is what makes it the hardest. We put up that front because we don't want others to see just how bad we are hurting. And sometimes we put up that front so that we can't feel how badly we are hurting. The mind is very powerful and if you can trick yourself into believe that you just don't care, the demons come out in force. Tomorrow is a new day and I never want you to think for a moment that we would ever be dissapointed in you as a person or love you any less just because you are struggling. I am just now learning that it is these times you have to lean on your family...and for me that family is here. I invited you into our family because I say that you were truly a wonderful person who deserved the love and support that I have gotten here. I have read and responded to many people on this board, and YOU are the only one that I have formally invited here.

Janet was right in saying that her and Phyl and I have it easy when it comes to food choices. If it isn't healthy, it isn't in my house. My BF for the most part has been incredibly supportive (though he does have his moments!) in only buying junk food that I don't like or cant eat (like ice cream!). I don't have kids to make Peanut Butter sandwiches for, or get Cookies for. For the most part, we don't even have food in the house, except for what I have cooked for lunches. I usually email my BF during the day what I want for dinner and he goes and picks up the ingredients that day. Most of my food is from the produce section or the meat section so I have no reason to have canned foods. You don't have that luxury.

So now it is time for tomorrow. Focus on the present and not on the past. Learn to love yourself for who you are today and who you are going to be tomorrow. Do not hate yourself for your past, but forgive yourself instead. Eating something bad does not make you a bad person and I have really had to learn this.

Big, big hugs and much love.:eek:

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Oh gosh. So much to say and after the last post I'm feeling like I'm a big mouth. I'll try to keep it to half a page this time.

I have a very iffy relationship with God. I spent much of my younger years thinking it was all a big lie, then my early 20's trying to figure it out, my late twenties trying to fit Him into being a single mom of an ADHD child, and a few years ago almost a FULL YEAR so angry with Him for taking my father from me. Now I'm beginning to learn to trust again but it is still very hard. I'm still learning to give it up to Him.

Now...off that subject.

Onto my TMI....Thank you so much Indio for the wonderful posts. I have been ruminating over all that you said. I've got a lot to think about. You said a lot and were dead on in many ways. A few points...bulimic?? I don't know. I don't know enough about the disease/disorder but from my understanding and what I was doing before....I don't think so, think cow and cud not up and chuck. There is a difference and I hope you can, and can't, understand that. Now, maybe because I am eliminating it from my system...but not because I'm worried about calories but because it hurts to sit where it is. So I don't know but I will ask my dr. about it Monday. And yes, I promise to talk to my dr. on Monday. I actually talked DH out of going with me so that he wouldn't be concerned when I'm in the office for 30 minutes or more instead of 5. I will have 3 hours to think while driving there and 3 hours to think driving back.

Tonight I came home and made beef stew for family.The only horrible thing I put in was 1/4 cup of flour in the whole pot. Everything else was extremely healthy. I did not walk tonight but so far have spent a very productive and thoughtful night. I am thinking about tomorrow and have a good plan in place. I will wake up with yogurt for a change and maybe not need the junk when we have coffee in the morning. I have good stuff planned for lunch. 13 year old is going to make chx and Pasta for dinner and I'm going to make a nice big salad for that. So far tonight my only "snack" food had been my v8 fusion.< /p>

I guess I didn't do too good with keeping this short, but thank you all for your kind words. I did manage not to cry in front of anyone....but had they walked in at the right time I was a blubbering idiot. Love to you all! I appreciate it all.

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Just a quick note to let you know that I'll have to postpone the 100 party for another week. I am still 0.5 away!

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Dear allaboutmefl, frustrated, indiogirl55, lindaa, salsa1877, jackie506 and peaches9:

I haven't quite figured out how to post your responses as quotes in my replies, but a big thank you to all of you who gave me input.

I don't remember who said they missed GUZZLING Water, but add me to the list. I've been the Ice Water queen my entire life. Boy do I miss that.

As far as my meds, as soon as I went home, I was off my metformin, lipitor and diovan and prevacid.

However, I do have to take a Centrum adult chewable Vitamin every day, along with 2 Tums EX and sublingual B-12.

The psych meds I'm supposed to be on are Risperdal - which I took myself off of 2 weeks before surgery, Zoloft and Klonopin. According to my doctor, I am not able to any longer swallow pills. They all have to be crushed or in elixor (sp) form. Risperdal - which I think I should go back on and the generic Zoloft, sertraline are also football shaped type pills and crusing them up in Jello is ridiculous. Even after they are crushed there is as much pill as Jello and so I just can't do it. It literally makes me gag.

I'm going to have to go to my PCP or call my pharmacist to see if either of those pills come in chewable or elixor form. The other option is to see how small the brand Zoloft is and maybe get my insurance to override the generic as the brand name being medically necessary.

I thoroughly enjoyed all your responses to my questions. It made me feel like I was not alone. And as strange as it seems at my age, I don't know anyone personally who has had a lap band or a gastric bypass.

So you great ladies are my sounding board, and lifeline as I go on this journey.

Thanks again for everything. Hugs and kisses!


Hi there it sounds like you take a lot of meds for depression, so do I.. What I did was order one in liquid, the other is a capsule so I open it and sprikle it on my food(oatmeal hides it well) and sometimes pills can be crushed too. So you might want to try that. I am not able to NOT take my meds, too risky for a relapse for me...

Best of luck!!!

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Ok Gang I don't want to get too preachy here but I beleive in God - I think most of us here do - I know religoin & Politics are 2 no nos to disscuss with friends but I really gotta put this out there.

God brought us all together here for a reason - Think about it - complete strangers who live all over the country - who found ths website as we were looking into being banded - We are all diff ages - backgrounds etc but we all have the same issues "OUR FATNESS" We are the Lucky #7 - we have 8000 post but do you know that 120,000 people have viewed our theard - Both Karri & Steph have joined us from other monthly groups - there is something special about our group - I truly beleive that.

Here i go getting emotional (i am a big cry baby booby) - I am truly blessed for having you all in my life - and we really really have to do some serious planning cuz we do have to all meet in person - we really really do. I really mean that - do you guys get that... I am just full of love for you all and I am so happy that we have each other..

Ok - I will get off my soap box :crying:

I know sometimes you are afraid to put in religious beliefs in case you offend someone...

but for me I beleive in a Universal God, I am not Christian, Jewish or Muslim... I just KNOW there is something out there greater than us WHO KNOWS ALL.

I beleive this is what you are speaking of...

And yes, it would be so cool to plan to get together as a LUCKY 7's group... My part of Ontario is very beautiful in Summer... why not JULY 08 it would be Bandiversary for most of us... and I have a huge house!!! ( 2 little doggies) :biggrin:A 14 km fresh Water beach 1 km away (we can walk it) and lots of tourist sites...

It's something to ponder everyone!!!

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I know sometimes you are afraid to put in religious beliefs in case you offend someone...

but for me I beleive in a Universal God, I am not Christian, Jewish or Muslim... I just KNOW there is something out there greater than us WHO KNOWS ALL.

I beleive this is what you are speaking of...

I'm with you on the religious front. I don't know what or who "God" is, but I do believe there's a higher power or powers. I also don't understand why anyone should be offended if they're wished a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah or anything like that. The message behind these well wishes are far more important than the words themselves and I don't know why people can't see that. I find it very sad that people can find offense in it. My child can't go and see a Nativity play at Christmas because of other people's religious beliefs or non-beliefs. I think I should stop now before this turns into a full rant. :crying:

Steph, I'm sorry you have had a hard time of it. I didn't have any words of wisdom to offer as I was having a bad day myself yesterday and the pull of the demons was strong. I couldn't afford to put myself at further risk, and I hope you understand that it's not because I didn't care. I just felt I couldn't help. :teeth_smile:

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Steph - I am glad you have a plan for today and are going to do some soul searching and talk with your doctor - I am not a shrink but have lived a tough life - not as tough as some - but if you all knew me in person and I told my history (which I have posted quite abit about) you would never believe it - - So I won't delve into the bulimic issues - but just to say that a better word might be eating disorder - which we all have.. Also, I believe that life gives us lessons to learn from and to grow with - Right now is your lesson learning time and with the help of your doc - your soul searching etc - You will come thru this and become a stronger person - My best to you - our fatness is a cover for alot of things and shedding it is exposing ourselves and sometimes that is a very difficult thing to do.. Just know we are here for you and if your post takes up 2 pages so be it - don't worry about that..

Linda - OMW - I want to kick the scales for you only 1/2 lbs away from that big #- Well for sure next week we will have that party - 99.5 is not a shabby # by any means - be proud for what you have accomplished - you have done great ((Hugs cuz I know that you most likely are a little disappointed))

Peaches - Universal God!!! Yep I feel that way too. I was raised Catholic (can't say I am practicing cuz I don't go to church) and as every religion we were taught that ours was the ONE. But do you know what I think - it really doesn't matter the title on your beliefs (I think I was Jewish in another life - people hate Muslims cuz of the terrorist - it's not the belief it's the people - if anyone read about the Muslim faith Islam - it's no diff than ours - it's how the zealots interpret it) - we all believe in essentially the same God/Power/energy - we just all practice our faith in diff way - but it's all the same - I am far from being God - I have no great powers and all we have to go on is the written word of man - but I really believe if you have goodness in your heart, empathy for people - live by the golden rule and do your best - that's what matter. I know along time ago I posted somewhere here (must have been on rants) and was told - could have been you or green or bjean - that I did believe in a Universal God - I forgot what they called it.. We all need someone to blame for our problems - and God's shoulder are big enough to take that blame - but it's not his fault - It's life - life is nothing but a learning experience. I don't know why we think we are special not to have problems - you know there are people out in this world who have it a million times harder than us. Ok I will get off this soap box

Your place sounds great - especially in July and I do have a passport.. OK what airport is close to you so we can check prices - it might be nice for us American's to see Canada - I have been as a child we drove from here to Vermont - my Aunt had a home on Lake Champagne (sp) we drove thru all the province of Canada - I learn to spell them all - can't now sakwichatan - I remember some place with a name like Kangaroo - where at 11 p.m. at night it was still light out - Canada was VERY GREEN - Tom & Jerry in French (we had a t.v. in the car 1965 3 kids 11/10/8) - see how much I remember and I was only like 10 or 11... I remember crossing the great lakes in a cruise ship going thru the locks - Niagara Falls..

Ruby - ((hugs)) to you - Hope today is a better day - The battle is daily but some days so much harder than other - I can be truly honesty here - There are times I don't like my band - cuz I can't eat like I want to - there are days I really want to eat - right now is one of them (I wanted to stop for a Breakfast burrito this morning - full of grease & cheese - yummy) - but you know what else keeps me honest - you guys - since I am the big talker here - food cop etc and I know I have to update my ticker weekly - how can I let you all down - so this place and you guys give me my accountability 98% of the time.. I just want to let people know that this is doable - it's not easy but with the help of our bands - we can do it. Also our group give us a lot the think about and we know we aren't alone in this battle we have each other.. Even if we do over do it - it's fixable - cuz we are gainging so much knowledge - with our exchanges of ideas, feeling etc.

Karri - I am going to spank you little girl - what’s wrong with eating cereal..

Just cuz it has carbs right - that's your biggest fear.. Darling you are doing so great - the body does need a little sugar - not tons but a little - I know you are all or nothing - but imho if you need or want your band mommies opinion - if you are within your calories for the day - you are doing good - and you know sometimes all your calories might not be the healthiest - but as long as it's not an everyday occurrence you are ok. You are human..

Ok I just want to fix everyones problems - I want you all to realize that what is done is done - you can't go back and change it - Let it friggin go - move forward - try and learn something from what yesterday was and how you felt and how you dealt with in



OK by now you are all sick of me -- so I will close and get my butt to work :tongue:

Love to you all TTYAL

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Steph- I know how you are feeling as we all do. I won't go into a long speal because honestly I couldn't put it anywhere near as well as Janet did. I can tell you that I am at this plateau and I have MANY moments with the temptations and lately have felt like a failure a lot. I even caught myself the other day when we went out to eat mentally thinking of how much I would have left to eat later if I ordered a bigger meal. I have good restriction but I still want to eat. I have thought several times about the counseling like Janet mentioned to you. Opera brings 'why are you fat?" alot on her shows and they talk about people have a reason why they are eating and before any diet works we have to figure that out. Now I don't buy into all of it but I think I eat (first off because I like the food :tongue:) and second off what I think is just because eating could be something else. Who knows but you took the first step. You came here and talked to all of us so you have recognized the problem. Talk to your doctor!!!! Hang in there this is one of several bumps we will hit along our way unfortunately. We take them one at a time.

Janet-Amen is all I can say to what you said to Steph and about religious beliefs. Amen

Peaches- I came to Ontario (peterborough and I think it was Lyndsie) I thought the country side was beautiful!!! Loved it. I didn't really do anything important we just came and went as we please and hung out. We went to a Sports Bar and the people we wonderful and SOOOOO fun. They thought it was great because 'Americans' came to drink with them. HAHA What a memory in my life. The was a whole nother era. I was in having a OH MY GOD I AM CLOSE TO 30 TIME IN MY LIFE and seperated from my husband preparing for divorce. (a very amicable divorce. We ended best friends. VERY long story for someother time) A friend of mine and I ended up planning this trip to Canada because we had started talking to someone on the internet from there and I just wanted to get away. We go 1200 miles to get a way. :tt2: It was the farthest I had ever been from Iowa and I just felt free. We get there and we are nervous about meeting them because it was the net ya know?!?! but she was great and lots of fun!!! We just had a relaxing get away with no itenerary and no real intentions. WOO HOO to be that age again!! (28) HAHA

Well I gotta cut this short. School just called my son has a headache and they can get bad for him so I gotta go get him. Have to heal him this morning because we are shopping this evening!!!! Later all!!!

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Don't spank me please!!! It would have been fine if it was good cereal, but this was Fruity Dino Pebbles! ANd it wasn't necessarily that I was eating it, but why I was eating it. I ws not hungry just frustrated, stressed, and tired. The scale was not pretty this morning, but since it is not an official weigh in day I am not changing my ticker. Aunt Flo is arriving on Sunday and I usually gain a couple pounds a few days before.

Alright so the real reason that I am writing. I will not be around until late Monday. Didn't want my mommy or the rest of my family to worry! I don't know what I am going to do with out this board. IT is going to take me hours to read all the posts when I get back. Fill on MOnday. AMEN. Just remind me when I am really tight and can't get much down that I wanted this fill!!! Gotta go...six hour drive here I come.

I will miss you!!!

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Don't spank me please!!! It would have been fine if it was good cereal, but this was Fruity Dino Pebbles! ANd it wasn't necessarily that I was eating it, but why I was eating it. I ws not hungry just frustrated, stressed, and tired. The scale was not pretty this morning, but since it is not an official weigh in day I am not changing my ticker. Aunt Flo is arriving on Sunday and I usually gain a couple pounds a few days before.

Alright so the real reason that I am writing. I will not be around until late Monday. Didn't want my mommy or the rest of my family to worry! I don't know what I am going to do with out this board. IT is going to take me hours to read all the posts when I get back. Fill on MOnday. AMEN. Just remind me when I am really tight and can't get much down that I wanted this fill!!! Gotta go...six hour drive here I come.

I will miss you!!!

Yes my darling I did remember that you would be going away for a few days. You drive safe - have a good time off - and it's OK to be human - and I will remind you that you like being tight :thumbup: - just don't get too tight.:tongue:..

P.S. Weight only counts on weigh in days - that goes both ways up or down - I may jump on the scales some weeks but those weights don't count period the only one that counts is the one on Thrusdays for me :tt2:

Have a good weekend - relax and enjoy yourself... xoxox Janet

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Steph - I am glad you have a plan for today and are going to do some soul searching and talk with your doctor - I am not a shrink but have lived a tough life - not as tough as some - but if you all knew me in person and I told my history (which I have posted quite abit about) you would never believe it - - So I won't delve into the bulimic issues - but just to say that a better word might be eating disorder - which we all have.. Also, I believe that life gives us lessons to learn from and to grow with - Right now is your lesson learning time and with the help of your doc - your soul searching etc - You will come thru this and become a stronger person - My best to you - our fatness is a cover for alot of things and shedding it is exposing ourselves and sometimes that is a very difficult thing to do.. Just know we are here for you and if your post takes up 2 pages so be it - don't worry about that..

Linda - OMW - I want to kick the scales for you only 1/2 lbs away from that big #- Well for sure next week we will have that party - 99.5 is not a shabby # by any means - be proud for what you have accomplished - you have done great ((Hugs cuz I know that you most likely are a little disappointed))

Peaches - Universal God!!! Yep I feel that way too. I was raised Catholic (can't say I am practicing cuz I don't go to church) and as every religion we were taught that ours was the ONE. But do you know what I think - it really doesn't matter the title on your beliefs (I think I was Jewish in another life - people hate Muslims cuz of the terrorist - it's not the belief it's the people - if anyone read about the Muslim faith Islam - it's no diff than ours - it's how the zealots interpret it) - we all believe in essentially the same God/Power/energy - we just all practice our faith in diff way - but it's all the same - I am far from being God - I have no great powers and all we have to go on is the written word of man - but I really believe if you have goodness in your heart, empathy for people - live by the golden rule and do your best - that's what matter. I know along time ago I posted somewhere here (must have been on rants) and was told - could have been you or green or bjean - that I did believe in a Universal God - I forgot what they called it.. We all need someone to blame for our problems - and God's shoulder are big enough to take that blame - but it's not his fault - It's life - life is nothing but a learning experience. I don't know why we think we are special not to have problems - you know there are people out in this world who have it a million times harder than us. Ok I will get off this soap box

Your place sounds great - especially in July and I do have a passport.. OK what airport is close to you so we can check prices - it might be nice for us American's to see Canada - I have been as a child we drove from here to Vermont - my Aunt had a home on Lake Champagne (sp) we drove thru all the province of Canada - I learn to spell them all - can't now sakwichatan - I remember some place with a name like Kangaroo - where at 11 p.m. at night it was still light out - Canada was VERY GREEN - Tom & Jerry in French (we had a t.v. in the car 1965 3 kids 11/10/8) - see how much I remember and I was only like 10 or 11... I remember crossing the great lakes in a cruise ship going thru the locks - Niagara Falls..

Ruby - ((hugs)) to you - Hope today is a better day - The battle is daily but some days so much harder than other - I can be truly honesty here - There are times I don't like my band - cuz I can't eat like I want to - there are days I really want to eat - right now is one of them (I wanted to stop for a breakfast burrito this morning - full of grease & cheese - yummy) - but you know what else keeps me honest - you guys - since I am the big talker here - food cop etc and I know I have to update my ticker weekly - how can I let you all down - so this place and you guys give me my accountability 98% of the time.. I just want to let people know that this is doable - it's not easy but with the help of our bands - we can do it. Also our group give us a lot the think about and we know we aren't alone in this battle we have each other.. Even if we do over do it - it's fixable - cuz we are gainging so much knowledge - with our exchanges of ideas, feeling etc.

Karri - I am going to spank you little girl - what’s wrong with eating cereal..

Just cuz it has carbs right - that's your biggest fear.. Darling you are doing so great - the body does need a little sugar - not tons but a little - I know you are all or nothing - but imho if you need or want your band mommies opinion - if you are within your calories for the day - you are doing good - and you know sometimes all your calories might not be the healthiest - but as long as it's not an everyday occurrence you are ok. You are human..

Ok I just want to fix everyones problems - I want you all to realize that what is done is done - you can't go back and change it - Let it friggin go - move forward - try and learn something from what yesterday was and how you felt and how you dealt with in



OK by now you are all sick of me -- so I will close and get my butt to work :tongue:

Love to you all TTYAL

Who could ever be sick of YOU!!! Silly

O.k. Closest big Airport is TORONTO, Ontario ( 1 1/2 hr drive to the Beach) or you could fly into Buffalo, N.Y. rent a car and drive the rest of the way 3hr drive. Buffalo airport is smaller and simpler, Toronto airport is HUGE 3 terminals in all.

I have room for about 6 gals.... PM me if you want more details...

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Ontario sounds do-able to me but a problem might be if someone doesn't have a passport--which is needed for us to get back into the US. I have one, but not everyone does. Of course, Peaches would need one too if we met on this side of the border. Another option might be Niagra Falls or Chicago, although it seems that most of you guys live west of the Mississippi (unlike me) so you might want to look for something that would require less travel. I guess I'm open to anything as long as it's in July. August is out for me. I just put in a request to day to go to LA in October for a conference, (I'd make a road trip to visit Janet if that happens!!!!) but I could probably manage two trips in a year--my son lives there too.

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If my memory serves me right (that's a big If)

Ruby TX

Karri - Or

Phyl - Desert or WA depending the time of yr

Kristin - CA

Brandy - Moving to FL

Kari - Mich Area ??

Jackie Iowa

Linda - Minnasota ??? I just know over there some where :tongue:

Peaches - Canada

Mango- LA in lousiana

Step - Tenn ??


So that's 12 of us - who post the most here - Am I missing anyone??

5 on this side of the world

I guess what we really need to do is find out who wants to get together during the month of July??? A weekend kinda thing - maybe get in Friday night - and leave Sunday or Monday depending on your schedules...

OK - Let me know who really wants to the this and what kind of budget

The desert would be cheap - but HOT in July.. Chicago - Humid - since we were all banded in one of the hottest months in the yr - we are just going to have to deal with it...

Post who want to do this - !!!!

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    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
      · 1 reply
      1. NeonRaven8919

        Congrats on the surgery!

    • Sandra Austin Tx

      I’m 6 days post op as of today. I had the gastric bypass 
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    • RacMag  »  bhogue925

      Hi, I’m new here. I’m currently on the liver shrinking diet. So far so good, but I have to say I haven’t found a protein shake I like. Anyone have any suggestions please? My surgery date is September 17th. 
      · 2 replies
      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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      Menschliches Wachstumshormon (HGH) ist ein kleines Protein, das in einem Teil des Gehirns, der Hypophyse, produziert wird. Es wandert in Ihrem Blutkreislauf durch Ihren ganzen Körper, um Ihren Körper wachsen zu lassen.
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