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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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It was a good morning! I lost another pound today, 145.5. Just 2.5 more pounds and then I'll be at a Normal BMI!!!!


:biggrin2: WAY TO GO GIRL :biggrin2:

:thumbup:YOU ARE AMAZING :thumbup:

I'm here...just recovering from my day at work. We won't even go there. My car wouldn't start again this morning so I had to get a ride to and from work and my ride didn't leave until 6:15 tonight so I was at work for 14 hours today. AND DID I MENTION IT WASN'T A GOOD DAY! So I didn't get to go to the gym either and I really wanted to. OH well...tomorrow!

Karri - So Sorry you didn't have a good day - I feel your pain. 14 hr day - It's ok that you didn't make it to the gym - and yes there is always tomorrow. We do have to take care of ourselves and sometime that does mean skipping the gym - You are like me if you are overtired you will eat so you gotta do what you can to avoid getting that way... Hope today is better ((Hugs))

Hi All. This week is flying by. The clock seems to be moving faster and faster. Plus my computer is being very naughty!

Janet, count me in on the anniversary celebration. Gifts could be regional things, (like a bottle of local wine or something hand made in your area) or "thin" things like a gift certificate to Victoria's Secret (or even something purchased at Vicky's) or some other cool store that doesn't have plus sizes, or work out videos, music (my kids make up their own CD mixes as gifts), things from a spa that we wouldn't buy for ourselves. I'm sure we could make quite a list of possibilities. I think that could be a lot of fun. Hoope you're havin fun with the gd. I am so looking forward to that, but i do think i know how you're feeling about an extended visit!

Got my fill on Tuesday and am nice 'n tight now, but not overfilled. Taking it easy on liquids for the rest of the week. Will update the ticker tomorrow. Anyone think I will make 100 pounds this week?? You need to know that until I got my fill I was ravenous. Tune in tomorrow and see!

Linda - OMW 100 LBS - We are going to have to throw a party for you !!! Drink your Water today real good that always help - We are rooting for you girl :thumbup:!!!!

As far as a birthday bash - There are tons of things we can do - I like all the suggestions so far - I will try and keep tabs of them and then will post them in one post when we get the sign ups done...

Can't wait for tomorrow:biggrin:

Hello Everyone, I haven't posted in a few days. I have to go back and read. I think the last day I posted was Friday when if I could financially afford it, I woulda walked off this freakin job. Monday wasn't much better, so Tuesday I stayed home and tryed to sleep it off.

Oops, Principals coming, gotta go

Denise - I am sorry that your kids (school kids) are a pain in the butt - ((Hugs)) to you to. Are there any other schools that aren't as bad??

Today took a LOT of willpower and inner turmoil to get my butt to the gym for my morning workout. :thumbup: But I did it. I didn't enjoy it and couldn't wait for it to be over. Some days are so much harder than others. I need to be careful today. I'm in the kind of mood where I'll eat just because. I won't need a reason or an excuse. :cursing:

Ruby - I hear ya girl on the exercise - somedays - no problems then other days your 1st 5minutes feels like an hour and you just don't know how you are going to make it thru... I think on those days we burn the most calories no matter what the machine says - jmho - but its due to the fact that we are really making an effort.

When you want to eat today - get out of the house or go take a shower or try on some of your new smaller clothes and then there is always us her - or newbies that need help

- :tongue2:You have more power than the food does :biggrin2:!!!!! Be the strong determined woman that you are - You can do it:biggrin2::thumbup::thumbup:

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Good Morning Gang

I am starving this morning too. I am eating 1 cup strawberries and then later will have a Protein Drink - my boss gave me some egg white Protein Powder vanilla - I mix it with some OJ and ice and it taste like a Orange Julis (sp?)

I slept better last night - legs didn't hurt as bad - I think it can be Water and exercise - that trainer guy didn't call - so I guess I am going to have to call him today if i get a chance - am still covering 2 desk - so we will see.

I lost 1 lbs this week and I AM HAPPY (are you listening Ruby:lol:) I walked 10 miles this last week - (3 days at the gym) so all in all things are going well and I really feel good about it.

Ok gotta get a bunch of certicates done (it's part of my job that I dislike the most but gotta do it) So I will ck in later !!!!

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6 hours and 19 minutes until I have a 4 day weekend. I will make this. Okay it will be longer than that because I have students coming in after school to make up tests, but we are going to ignore those hours. Then it is a matter of getting everythig ready for a sub. But I will happily do that as I don't have to be here on Friday or Monday.

I woke up starving this morning too. Actually I woke up in the middle of the night starving but didn't get up and eat. I think that was a mistake. I layed there for at least an hour pissed because I was hungry. That rarely happens to me. I was hoping that I would wake up and not feel starved, but that didn't happen. So for Breakfast I ate my Breakfast and half of my lunch. Fill on Monday, fill on Monday. That is my new mantra!

Well better get back to lesson planning.

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I lost 1 lbs this week and I AM HAPPY (are you listening Ruby:lol:) I walked 10 miles this last week - (3 days at the gym) so all in all things are going well and I really feel good about it.



I woke up starving this morning too. Actually I woke up in the middle of the night starving but didn't get up and eat. I think that was a mistake. I layed there for at least an hour pissed because I was hungry. That rarely happens to me. I was hoping that I would wake up and not feel starved, but that didn't happen. So for breakfast I ate my breakfast and half of my lunch. Fill on Monday, fill on Monday. That is my new mantra!

Kari- I know what you mean when your waiting for a fill and starving. Hang in there you are just about there. You have a lot more self control then I would especially in the middle of the night. :cursing: Even if you ate half of your dinner I am sure it was healthy.

Congrats on having 4 days off. Gives you something to really look forward to (besides your fill)

Hope everyone is having a great day so far. I am on my way to the gym. Haven't been for 2 days so it is time. I made sure I still burned my caloric goal each day and walked 10,000 steps. Yesterday I was lagging and just didn't feel like moving so the steps were not adding up so I made myself get up and clean the whole house again. LOL You wouldn't believe how many steps we make cleaning. My daughter offered to help and I said 'no that is ok I need the exercise today and I don't see that I will get it any other way so I am cleaning just because.' She was fine with that. Put her ipod back on and continued looking at her magaizine.


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glumbert for the wii

For those having a bad day - click or copy & paste in your address line - this is cute...

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When you want to eat today - get out of the house or go take a shower or try on some of your new smaller clothes and then there is always us her - or newbies that need help

- :tongue2:You have more power than the food does :biggrin2:!!!!! Be the strong determined woman that you are - You can do it:biggrin2::cursing::thumbup:

*sigh* Thank you SO much. That's exactly what I needed to hear today.:thumbup: I was just on my way out the door to the supermarket in the hopes of beating the rain, but it started coming down a little heavier, so I'll put it off for a little while. I was going to load up on vegetables. I haven't had any salad since my recent fill and I think it's time I increased my intake of leafy greens. I was also going to make Ratatouille for dinner tonight. I've never made it before but I like the sound of it.

I feel hungry today too. I think. :thumbup: I know I won't be able to get any food in because it's too early in the day for me and my restriction is very unforgiving, so maybe I'll heat up some chicken Soup and have that instead of those Girl Scout Cookies that are in the cupboard. Junk food has been off limits in our home for most of the time since my surgery, but hubby couldn't resist the selling pitch from the girls the other day. At least he bought the sugar-free choc chip. But still, I don't need them. My challenge for today is to NOT succumb to their calling. :thumbup:

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Phyl just called me - wanted me to tell everyone HI and she lost 4.6 lbs last night at her TOPS weigh in - CONGRATULATIONS PHYL - she still doesn't have internet access - may go to the clubhouse tonite. She misses you all here...

Karri - When I woke up last night just had some juice - I find that helps me - it's light crangrape - 40 calories 8 oz - and I had maybe 4 - sugar ALWAYS helps me sleep - Maybe it's a full moon of something - everyone seems to be hungry - I had 1 cup strawberries and now my oj/protein drink it's really good but I think I would like some bacon & eggs :eek:

Jackie - I think you have ocd or whatever it's called about cleaning your house:lol: but at least you got in 10000 steps - more power to you girl - ya wanta come stay with me for a weeks - the weathers great here:biggrin: - you really could get a workout cleaning my house :thumbup:

Ruby - see watching that little video - helps distract you from the stupid kitchen - take the Cookies and put them in the back of something so you don't see them - but if they keep calling your name and you can't throw them away just yet cuz dh might want some - have 2 sit down and enjoy them (eat very slowly) - count the calories against your total for the day or look at what those calories are - and think about something else you could eat for the same amount and could get more for... That's what I do - 2 little cookie 120 Cookies naw that's two much calories for the amount of food I am getting - I rather wait for lunch and have a good size salad..

OH ya the trainer called - :thumbup: - He is going out of town this weekend so maybe start next week - he will call when he gets back - he said he did nutrition - I told him I didn't need that

that I was under a doc's care on that part and had lost 77 lbs in 8 months - left out the part about the band :cursing: So I am getting excited - I want to get STRONG !!!!

Heck maybe I will be the next MRS OLD fart BODY BUILDER :thumbup::lol::w00t::lol: YOU WILL SEE PIC'S OF ME AND ALL MY BULGING MUSCLES :lol::lol: not in this lifetime :thumbup:

Ok back to work.... TTYAL:tt2:

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*sigh* Back to complain some more. :thumbup:

The Cookies are no longer going to be a problem. I got halfway through my chicken Soup and had to rush off to the bathroom to barf it all out. It was more than just PBing, I felt my stomach muscles contract and everything and force out the soup I'd just drank.

That was enough to put me off wanting to eat anything, but I still have this "hungry" feeling in my stomach. :cursing: I'm going to sip slowly on my Water for a couple of hours and try and get that in. I don't know now what I'm going to eat for the rest of the day. Soup is out of the question. Maybe I'll get some cottage cheese in later in the afternoon when my band loosens up. I hope I haven't aggravated things and have to stay on liquids for a couple of days. :thumbup:

Did I mention it was a tough day today? :thumbup: Think I'll watch that video again and then search on youtube for more of the same. :thumbup:

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*sigh* Back to complain some more. :thumbup:

The Cookies are no longer going to be a problem. I got halfway through my chicken Soup and had to rush off to the bathroom to barf it all out. It was more than just PBing, I felt my stomach muscles contract and everything and force out the soup I'd just drank.

That was enough to put me off wanting to eat anything, but I still have this "hungry" feeling in my stomach. :cursing: I'm going to sip slowly on my Water for a couple of hours and try and get that in. I don't know now what I'm going to eat for the rest of the day. Soup is out of the question. Maybe I'll get some cottage cheese in later in the afternoon when my band loosens up. I hope I haven't aggravated things and have to stay on liquids for a couple of days. :thumbup:

Did I mention it was a tough day today? :thumbup: Think I'll watch that video again and then search on youtube for more of the same. :thumbup:

Are you sick - or you just can't eat anything in the mornings ((hugs)) I guess I am lucky - I can eat in the morning - I can eat anytime mostly anything - I have restriction but can't say I have a problem with anything - sometimes chicken or anything will get stuck if I eat too fast or don't chew - but that's it... (hugs) go find some more viedos to watch - I know that I saw on the news last night TX = Rain - I have an Aunt who lives in Fort Worth - how far are you from there - I think I have asked this before - but don't remember:rolleyes:

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Just went back and peaked at the last few days worth of stuff. I really didn't think I was so far behind! I have a couple of things....

Indio! I'm in my 30's and after 2 days with my little ones I'm PRAYING for Monday. It had nothing to do with your age, and everything to do with kids these days. When I was a kid it was "get outside and play". Now it's "what should we do together?" I'm glad for your sake that you didn't have to watch them. Don't feel like they would have beaten you though because I think you are tougher than you think or let on! As for getting strong....go for it. The PE teacher here told me an at home exercise to do in the kitchen....soup cans start with them touching at waist level (thumbs out) and raise them shoulder high and shoulder wide and then back down to waist middle. Had no idea Soup cans were so freaking heavy!!!! Do as many as you can, rest 3 minutes and repeat 3-5 times.

As for the secret bandster, right now I'm feeling like a rotten bandster and don't think I will deserve squat come July! I keep up all the stuff I'm about to confess and I'll be back up to 220 before Easter gets here!

Okay....now for the confessions. I'm having horrible food everything. Cravings, choices, chewing,...the list just goes on and on. My intentions are even bad. They say confession is good for the soul so I'm here to beg forgiveness. I know I have done wrong...I know what is right...I just SUCK AT THIS!!!!

I've been eating anything and everything the last few days. It started Sunday for dinner I had family over and made a pot roast....and potatoes and gravy....and biscuits....and SIL made cheesecake....You see where this is going right? Well, I ate the potatoes and a biscuit and a small piece of cheesecake. Thank goodness my dear sweet 1 year old was birding me the whole time so I really only had 3 small bites of cheesecake....but the choices I made!!!!! Good lord I'm a glutton. Since then I've been eating/snitching some candy...and I went to the store on Monday to get a Ben and Jerry fix! I ate about 1/3 of the container and yesterday ate another third. I've been drinking ZERO Water. I've not been walking for days. And honestly I feel silly telling you all of this because it makes me sound like I plan on stopping....and with this "I don't give a #$^$ attitude I can see me eating the last 3rd tonight while I sit on the couch doing jack. So maybe confession doesn't do jack for my soul. I don't know. I DO KNOW that I've got a really crappy attitude.

Okay...so here is what I think could be maybe going on. But there is a huge TMI alert surrounding this next bunch of stuff. I really insist that if you are at all squeamish you want to not read this. In fact if I could put a screen on it that the curious could then remove I would....but I don't know who all to ask about this and I feel more comfortable with you all than anyone else. But please....stop now and don't read any further if in doubt!!!!

okay...so when I was thinking about getting banded it was because I didn't believe I had something in my body that told me what FULL felt like. I would eat and eat and when I was tired of eating or thought that I had had enough I quit...and then in about a half hour I would go back and eat again. The only way I knew it was beyond time to stop was because I would "cud up". I don't know how else to put it. I wouldn't burp...I wouldn't throw up....it was just this involuntary esophogus action and something would come back with it. Now most times that would make me stop, but not always. And as sick as that sounds, it could happen 10 or 15 times before, I guess, it was digested enough to fit into my stomach. I'm so sorry. I know that is gross. I haven't even ever discussed it with my dr. or DH it's so gross. Anyways. When I get stuckish....I don't call it stuck because from what everyone else says, that's painful...the same thing happens. Honestly it is no more difficult to "cud" than to swallow, it just takes thinking about it. And it happens a lot. I don't chew, I feel that pressure, and to relieve it I expel. Okay...and then as horrible as it sounds, I then go eat some more. So....I've been getting rid of most of the good food....and in my head, since I haven't consumed hardly ANY calories....that means I can eat the junk....and since I'm not consuming the calories, why should I work out. I know!!! I know!!! I'm horrible and being beyond out of line! But now I feel like I'm in a hole that I can't dig myself out of! I think this is something only I can get ahold of....but I feel like such a failure that I'm climbing the walls depressed about it.

Okay....TMI alert has expired. Back to stomach friendly discussion!!!

I have a fill scheduled for Monday and I know I have some tough stuff to discuss with dr. I really don't think my condition has anything to do with being too tight, but more about being too lazy to chew correctly and too greedy to make good food choices. I did have some pork chop casserole the other night and when I cut my pork chop into small bites and chewed well, I ate about 3 oz of meat and was completely full and comfortable. I know it is possible. Just not what I'm doing. So I don't know what to tell my dr. about the questions they ask. Am I hungry....yeah, because I'm doing horrible things. Am I nauseous....no, but eliminating anyways. Do I need a fill? I need a lobotomy is more like it! I wasn't even going to go for my appt, but have decided that I really need to discuss everything with this woman....problem....I am embarrassed to even discuss it.

So....I think it was MsPris that asked about depression. Right now, I'm about as low as I was right before my last pregnancy, and honestly not sure what I should do about it. I thought this was going to help my depression....not make it worse, and yet again, here I am feeling like I failed at another diet. Bad thing is, this one cost me over $13k to fail.

Okay...before I lose it in front of my students, I had better go. Good thing my desk is behind them and they can't see me, only I can see them and keep them on task.

Night guys.

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1st of all Hugs to you - you are not a FAILURE - you have an addiction.

In a nutshell I think you have become bulimic with your band if I read your story correctly - and you did this prior to banding too?? You ate so much that it would come back up without throwing up correct...

Prior to banding I ate like you to - but I never cud up. But I would eat dinner - then an hour later eat some more - someone else said this too that they consumed all their calories between 4p.m. & 2 a.m..

You are eating to soothe your self - I really think that you may benefit from some counseling...

To night when you go home THROW THE FRICKING ICE CREAM AWAY !!!!!

When you go to the Doctors on Monday - AND YES YOU ARE GOING !!!

You are going to tell the Dr the same story you told us - You need to know that you are not the only one in the whole wide world who is doing this - I think there are alot of banders who have issues that require more than just the band installed to adjust their bad habits - this is an addiction and you are not a failure cuz you can't handle this alone - You really need to find the root cause of your eating - and I think you may have one that we don't know about.

Also, there are alot of people who have the band and choose to eat the same things that they fix for their families and that's ok cuz with proper restriction you won't be able to eat very much. Not everyone can do like me, Karri & Phyl - alot of you have families to feed - you are exposed to more stuff than we are - but when you go to the store run past the ice cream and candy - your guilt/shame is what is causing to you continue to eat badly. Let that guilt/shame go - just release it to God or your higher power.

Tomorrow is a new day - tonight I want you to plan for tomorrow - even if its while you eat the last of the ice cream - and tell yourself this is frickin it - no more devil food I am not letting you posses my soul any longer - I am taking my life back from you.

There is no easy way to do this you gotta fight and at fight with all your might but you can win this battle - I know you can cuz you started the fight when you got banded - Now you just gotta see someone to help you with whatever is really bothering you &/ or should I say stopping you from acheiving your goal to lose weight.

You are going to need to do some real soul searching and really find out why you are doing this to yourself - what are you afarid of...

We are here for you girl - we really are !!!! We each have our own issues with food - for me it's as simple as being bored/comfort - for others there are deeper issues - we are all individuals and we all have our own set of problems but always know that we are here for you - you are a July bander and just cuz you are having a set back doesn't mean you can't participate in our little secret birthday party. This site is for support and that's what we give - tough band love ... We want you to be happy we want you to feel the accomplishments of beating your addiction to food - we are here to help you along the way..

So no more pity party for yourself - tomorrow is a new day - and we are just going to pick ourselves up by the boot straps and move forward - even if we have to fake it - move forward and eventually it will get easier every day..

And I want a promise from you - that you will sit and REALLY TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR about your issues... Promise Me... I am giving you cyber hugs and again you aren't a failure - please don't think that way about yourself cuz as long as you keep repeating those negative words to yourself - you are going to be negative - positive afirmations - repeat after me - I AM GOOD - I WILL START ANEW TOMORROW - I AM GOOD I AM WORTHY - I WILL NOT LET THE DEVIL WIN...



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As to being strong that I think - It's not that - my GDs both are afaird of me - not in the sense that I am going to hurt them but that I don't won't put up with their crap - they have to mind me and they do - it's was that the 4 yr old would be crying the whole time that she wanted to go home and wanted her Daddy.

Plus it would mess up my routine - and yes that's selfish but I beleive that I deserve to be - I have raised one son - one grandson - and it's my time - that's what being grown up means to me - it's time for ME.


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Are you sick - or you just can't eat anything in the mornings ((hugs)) I guess I am lucky - I can eat in the morning - I can eat anytime mostly anything - I have restriction but can't say I have a problem with anything - sometimes chicken or anything will get stuck if I eat too fast or don't chew - but that's it... (hugs) go find some more viedos to watch - I know that I saw on the news last night TX = Rain - I have an Aunt who lives in Fort Worth - how far are you from there - I think I have asked this before - but don't remember:rolleyes:

No I'm not sick. I haven't been able to get any food in me in the morning's since my most recent fill. Even when I went back for the unfill I was restricted, but I could at least get liquids down. Today just seems to be a crappy day where the world is against me. :crying:

I've had problems when I haven't been paying attention and swallowed too much too soon. That wasn't the case this morning. There was nothing to chew. :) It just all of a sudden snuck up on me.

And try as I might, the call of the Cookies eventually got the better of me this afternoon. I made my son hot chocolate when he got home from school because it was cold and he asked for cookies. As soon as they were in my greedy little hands I lost control. :eek: But the good news is I only ate 2 and I felt satisfied and I kept them down. I don't really feel guilty about them because I could have gone all the way to the dark side and found other bad things to put in my mouth. :blink:

I don't feel nauseous. I don't feel sick. I don't feel run down. I don't feel stressed. I just feel "bleh!"

It actually snowed here today. I live in Frisco, which is 30-40 minutes north of DFW. Some areas close by got 9 inches of snow. We got 2 or 3. That's more than we'd get for the entire winter season. :ohmy: My son has had a wonderful time out in it since he got home from school. I went out with him for a little bit, but the cold got the better of me and I ran back inside to snuggle up with the furnace. :lol:

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No I'm not sick. I haven't been able to get any food in me in the morning's since my most recent fill. Even when I went back for the unfill I was restricted, but I could at least get liquids down. Today just seems to be a crappy day where the world is against me. :ohmy:

I've had problems when I haven't been paying attention and swallowed too much too soon. That wasn't the case this morning. There was nothing to chew. :crying: It just all of a sudden snuck up on me.

And try as I might, the call of the Cookies eventually got the better of me this afternoon. I made my son hot chocolate when he got home from school because it was cold and he asked for cookies. As soon as they were in my greedy little hands I lost control. :eek: But the good news is I only ate 2 and I felt satisfied and I kept them down. I don't really feel guilty about them because I could have gone all the way to the dark side and found other bad things to put in my mouth. :blink:

I don't feel nauseous. I don't feel sick. I don't feel run down. I don't feel stressed. I just feel "bleh!"

It actually snowed here today. I live in Frisco, which is 30-40 minutes north of DFW. Some areas close by got 9 inches of snow. We got 2 or 3. That's more than we'd get for the entire winter season. :lol: My son has had a wonderful time out in it since he got home from school. I went out with him for a little bit, but the cold got the better of me and I ran back inside to snuggle up with the furnace. :lol:


CONGRATS ON ONLY 2 COOKIES - Heck with you low calorie intake I really won't worry about it too much - you showed control - that's what it's all about not never eating a cookie again....

I know about the blahs - tomorrow will be a better day - maybe you needed that sugar to help improve your mood :)

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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