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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good Morning Gang...

Well, I didn't sleep well again last night - woke up like every hour - got a headache this morning - I think I over did the exercise - or am not getting enough Water - my legs hurt.. Well today's goal is water - doubt I will get much exercise tonight just a walk around the block - maybe I will get a better night sleep.

Oh here is my rant this morning - as you know I am watching DGD's for the next 2 day - well, just talked to 13 yr old asked if they were packed (told her last night to do it so I would just have to go by their house and pickup their stuff) well they aren't :frown:- pisses me off:mad: - I am very routine :w00t:- now I will have to wait for an hour for them to get packed tonight - I know I am unreasonable but it's frustrating when you tell the lazy GD (and she is lazy she is always getting in trouble for not doing her chores) at 6:15 p.m. to do something and she doesn't.... Well, I know get over it - it's no biggie - does anyone have some xanax to send my way for the next 2 days - Only you older ones are going to understand about having a 4 yr old for 2 days at the age of 53... Ok I will survive - I know it - I am just making matters worse by dwelling on it - it won't be as bad as I imagine.. OK I am done..:frown:

As to $$$ of Lucky #7 Anniversary $20 - $25. This is what we use here at work for xmas gift exchange...

Ok well off to ck my desk and get ready for my day - my team mate will be gone for the rest of the week - so I am here alone to take all the calls:angry:

I am having a lovely week - well can't wait to talk to the trainer today - Can't belive those words just came out of my mouth - me wanting to exercise - I want to get strong... I am looking forward to that :frown: again did fat janet just say that - things do change !!!!:thumbup:

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I went for my third fill yesterday so I'm on liquids today. Restriction again...Thank you!

After my second fill I was at 5.5. When he took all the Fluid out yesterday I had 5.0. Guess the .5 dissipated.?? So he started out with 6.0 and it was just too much. I don't like that feeling in my throat. Lot of girgling in my throat. So he keep taking a little bit out at a time and waited to see how long it took for Water to go down and finally got to a good spot. When I asked what I was it.. He said 5.5. Odd.. That's what I was with the last fill.

Anyway. I am very happy to have this restriction back.:biggrin2:

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I went for my third fill yesterday so I'm on liquids today. Restriction again...Thank you!

After my second fill I was at 5.5. When he took all the Fluid out yesterday I had 5.0. Guess the .5 dissipated.?? So he started out with 6.0 and it was just too much. I don't like that feeling in my throat. Lot of girgling in my throat. So he keep taking a little bit out at a time and waited to see how long it took for Water to go down and finally got to a good spot. When I asked what I was it.. He said 5.5. Odd.. That's what I was with the last fill.

Anyway. I am very happy to have this restriction back.:biggrin2:


My last fill ended up only being .02 added to the band - that's just a tad but enought to give me proper restriction.

Glad that you have restriction and are happy and not too tight :thumbup:

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Hello all. Just checking in with my cyber family. I did not go to the gym yesterday but made sure I still got 10,000 steps in and burned my calorie goal. (thanks to my body bugg I know what is what:wink_smile:) My fill last week is very restricted but I am still able to get in my nutrition. I don't get these fills. One day they are not as restrictive as the next?:thumbup: Last night through the night I had reflux. I hate that!!! I used to get that ALL the time. I have had it for years upon years so it is nothing new. I have been on medication for this since I think I was 18. Used to get what used to be called heart burn constantly. Inherited it from my dad and unfortunately my son has had it since he was 4. Anyway, I am not sure that I hadn't caught a bit of a bug yesterday. My girlfriend that I was with is sick today and feeling the same way. I am trying to eat some of my WW Soup I made and it is really not going very well. Just not really in the mood to eat. When I have proper restriction eating 1/4 -1/2 cup is a lot of work. Eating because I have too. I love that. Not eating because I just want to I need to. Anywhooo, the fill is restrictive but I am still on this damn plateau. Aunt flow will be visiting sometime this weekend so I am hoping once she has departed I will start seeing loss again. Frustrating!!:w00t: I have gotten myself into the mind set though that I am doing everything that I can to make the scale move so now it is up to nature to take its course. I was fristrated so bad last month when it wasn't moving and I started to eat a little more here and there of the unhealthy foods. Nothing bad or on a regular basis but enough that could hae been dangerous if I didn't rope myself back in. LOL

Ok about the anniversary gifts I would love to be a part of that!!! Of course I hope everyone is willing to give some ideas as to things that you like or are interested in. I am not very good with picking out gifts and I stress myself out trying to find something. Sign me up Janet.

Kari-your pizza sounds really good. I am going to try it. I think I would like the ground chicken as well. I love chicken breast. You certainly are the little cook. That is good. Keep sending us your recipes.

Janet-Close you eyes and count to 10. LOL It is really stressful when you are not used to having younger ones around. I am 34 but both of my kids are teenagers and pretty self suffisient (sp?) and a couple summers ago my sisters hubby walked out on her and 3 little girls ranging from 1-5. She was really in a spot so I stepped in and told her I would do her day care for her for free. 40 some hours a week!!!! Plus I was trying to work my job around it and take care of my own house and family. :frown: As I have told you all before I am very anal about my house and how things are done and scheduled and blah bah blah. I tell you I was a freakin basketcase for the first month. Then I finally got a routine and the kids got into it and we were all doing fine. HAHA The girls always want to come stay with Aunt Jackie now. They get on moms cell phone and call when they are with her for the week (they do that shared care. 1 week with mom and one week with dad) and ask if they can come for a day. I spoil them rotten and they know it. HAHA

Well better get. Gotta head in town for work. Won't be going to the gym today either but have a date set with my friend tomorrow to workout. I am working out with her in the am and with my aunt in the pm. Hope this damn plateau breaks soon.!!! :frown:

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For dinner I had my crustless pizza again, but this time it was much better.

I make something similar, but instead of grinding the chicken, I put a chicken breast between 2 sheets of plastic wrap and pound it flat. I season it with salt and pepper. Then I cook it in a little olive oil, remove it from the pan and then load the pan up with diced vegetables and add a little spaghetti-type sauce towards the end to bring it all together. Then I pile it on top of the chicken and sprinkle grated parmesan on top. My son prefers mozarella, so I'll usually put the chicken back in the pan, put the veggies on top, pile on the mozarella and pop it under the griller until the cheese is melted and crispy like he likes it.

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Everyone must be busy busy... seems quiet today. I have to say, I must be the #1 lurker on this thread, and since the very begining i might add. LoL I have seen many people come and go. I love coming on here and reading and being inspired. Just wanted to let you guys all know that even though I don't say much I feel like I know you all. I am going to try try try to post more that way you guys can know me as well as I know you. haha Also, Janet I would love to be part of the secret bandster in July. Sounds like fun. The price range of 20-25 sounds good. Maybe we should have everyone who wants to participate leave a message with 3 or 4 different ideas (bandster related of course) of things they need or would like. For example, work out video, somehting to exercise with, cookbook, etc. Just an idea.

Just another note... I always ment to reply when you guys answered about what you do and where you are from and all that good stuff but as you know I am bad about hitting that reply button... Guess im just busy. Well here goes, I live in Sacramento California I grew up in the Sac Fransico Bay Area till I was 22 then moved to Sacramento to finish up with school. I am an interior Design major and graduating Sacramento State in May. I also work full time at a floral shop. I have been a floral designer for about 9 years now. (i started in hs) My goal is to one day own my own shop because I really love it. hmmm Can't remember all the other questions there were but thats okay. This is my first step to not being such a lurker and opening up.

Thank you all so much for being an awesome support group, even to us silent partners. LoL

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Hey there Gang

Well, guess what - I don't have to babysit!!!! My Son is taking care of his kids - MAJOR MIRACLE - he has been working nights - but I guess he doesn't have to so the girls will be staying home - Oh HAPPY DAYS, don't get me wrong I love my Grandaughters - but the 4 yr old is SUCH a homebody - even when she is with her Mom she cries for her Dad when he's not home and she is FULL of energy... I like my evenings as they are - nice and quite - I still flaked on exercise - cuz i am beat - yes I know I would feel better - but with not much sleep for the last 2 nights - handeling 2 desk at work this week - stress from stressing about the girls - I am chilling tonite..

Jackie - email me your address & Band date and I will add you to the list. jwrightpim@aol.com

OK for those who are joining in the Band Birthday Gift Exchange - I agree we need some ideas - I am like Jackie - I have a hard time figuring out what to get people for xmas & bdays - I make my family give me list.

So we need to post or email me ideas - like are you a reader - what kind of books or magazines do you read - what colors do you like - etc...

Kristin - Yes you gotta open up - we won't bite - if you are lurking you know that we are one big happy family.. I bet it's great to work with flowers - I love flowers - Interior Decorater - How fun - can you come to my house and help me finish decorating it - I need assessorities - I am not good at that part..

My sister lives in Ceres - just a little ways from you (well 100 miles) and my BIL worked for the State before he retired and was working in Sacramento for a while..

Keep your dream of owning your shop in your mind and you will acheive it.

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OK where is everyone - we haven't heard from Mango in a while - Linda were are you - Phyl must not be getting any reception for her computer cuz I haven't gotten an email from her since Monday... Steph you haven't ck'd in today either...

Well, It's 7 p.m. - I am going to go eat - chili colorado - Beans & rice - all band size portions - I have 600 calories to spend and right now I think I could eat that much just for dinner - but know that i won't - will get 300 - 350 ...

Will ck back later...

Oh ya Kristen aka silent partner - (i like that name:smile:) email me your info...

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It was a good morning! I lost another pound today, 145.5. Just 2.5 more pounds and then I'll be at a Normal BMI!!!!

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It was a good morning! I lost another pound today, 145.5. Just 2.5 more pounds and then I'll be at a Normal BMI!!!!

Brandy I am sooooo happy for you and so VERY envious!!! Conratulations!!!! You are doing wonderful and keep everyone else inspired. Thank you for sharing your victories!!! CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST CAN'T SAY IT ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! 36_1_33.gif 4_1_209.gif 5_1_120.gif 36_1_67.gif

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Ok sorry about all the smileys but you deserve them!!! (and besides I love 'em!!!!) :)


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I'm here...just recovering from my day at work. We won't even go there. My car wouldn't start again this morning so I had to get a ride to and from work and my ride didn't leave until 6:15 tonight so I was at work for 14 hours today. AND DID I MENTION IT WASN'T A GOOD DAY! So I didn't get to go to the gym either and I really wanted to. OH well...tomorrow!

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Hi All. This week is flying by. The clock seems to be moving faster and faster. Plus my computer is being very naughty!

Janet, count me in on the anniversary celebration. Gifts could be regional things, (like a bottle of local wine or something hand made in your area) or "thin" things like a gift certificate to Victoria's Secret (or even something purchased at Vicky's) or some other cool store that doesn't have plus sizes, or work out videos, music (my kids make up their own CD mixes as gifts), things from a spa that we wouldn't buy for ourselves. I'm sure we could make quite a list of possibilities. I think that could be a lot of fun. Hoope you're havin fun with the gd. I am so looking forward to that, but i do think i know how you're feeling about an extended visit!

Got my fill on Tuesday and am nice 'n tight now, but not overfilled. Taking it easy on liquids for the rest of the week. Will update the ticker tomorrow. Anyone think I will make 100 pounds this week?? You need to know that until I got my fill I was ravenous. Tune in tomorrow and see!

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Hello Everyone, I haven't posted in a few days. I have to go back and read. I think the last day I posted was Friday when if I could financially afford it, I woulda walked off this freakin job. Monday wasn't much better, so Tuesday I stayed home and tryed to sleep it off.

Oops, Principals coming, gotta go

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Today took a LOT of willpower and inner turmoil to get my butt to the gym for my morning workout. :thumbup: But I did it. I didn't enjoy it and couldn't wait for it to be over. Some days are so much harder than others. I need to be careful today. I'm in the kind of mood where I'll eat just because. I won't need a reason or an excuse. :cursing:

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These past couple days I have been feeling extremely exhausted. I couldnt decide if I was coming down with something or maybe just exhausted from trying to adjust to my new fill and having less food? I don't know what it is but im pooped! I took my Iron yesterday... and I need to go pick up some new Vitamins im all out. grr Has anyone ever tried those B12 shots or anything? I feel like im just dragging.... Hope everyone has a good day today, tomorrow is friday!!!! YAY!!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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