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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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G'mornin all!

Janet, hope you had a great time. I'm a party girl too. . .well a maybe little tamer here in the midwest, plus I was raised in a very strict religious family, so my idea of cutting loose may not have been exactly the same as yours. I still like going out and having a couple of drinks or more with friends. So, tell us about it! What did you wear? How did it feel to be georgeous? Oh and thanks for the sunshine. It actaully made it here, and I have to say that with a fresh layer of show, it's absolutely beautiful outside my window this morning. The sun is just now comming up and reflecting off the pure, white snow that stretches as far as the eye can see. (We live in a rural subdivision; lots of open space) Everything sparkles--almost like when the sun is over the Water and the the water glints like a million diamonds.

Karri, I appreciate you so much. You are very wise to focus on teaching kids how to learn. I like your connect the dots idea--I may incorporate something like that into my first lecture next semester.

Denise, I hope you're finding something to enjoy this weekend. You're only 44--too young to think about retirement, but have you thought about looking for a new career? It saddens me when I think about what you're up against, and I don't know if things will change in time for you.

OK, so you grandmas will appreciate this: I was shopping at TJ Max last weekend and wandered over into the baby section, (First grandchild due in August) and they had a beautiful Eddie Bauer car seat/stroller combination for sale. I checked the EB website and it was half the price at TJ as it was on the website, so I went back and bought it. I never had anything like this when my own kids were babies. DS and DIL want everything matching, so they don't want this one, No problem! I can't wait to use it! Hopefully, with 4 kids there will be lots of grandbabies to wear it out. Meantime, it's sitting in my kitchen I love seing baby things in my house again. Actaully one of my motivations for getting banded was when I was babysitting last summer and wasn't able to hold the baby in my lap to give her a bottle. I COULD NOW!

OK, enough rambling for now. I'll be checking in later. Hope Phyl's around today. . .

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Good Morning Gang...

I am sitting here drinking my coffee and waiting for the gym to open (7 a.m) and it's only 6:30 and I am dressed and ready.

There were 10 of us last night - 2 bosses came - They paid for drinks and munchies - I had 2 glasses of wine and 1 ck wing - had a nice little buzz and really didn't want to quit - but everyone had to go home as they all have familys - it was a good thing though I was home by 6:30 in bed by 8. nothing to do and the wine made me sleepy... So I have been up since 5:30 enough sleep :w00t:

I wore jean capri's with yellow top and red wedges shoes - yep they all completmented me on my weight loss and new hair cut. I have been at my job 29 yrs (omg longer than how old Karri is:eek:) My boss (he use to be just my co-worker but now he is an owner) and I have worked together this long - I say I am his office wife :huggie: We have a good group of people especially the ones who meet for drinks - I really enjoyed the time out ...

You know that thing Phyl posted on from that Angie lady about banding stages - We have a girl who is over weight and she was sitting next to me and we talked - I told her how much better I felt - I told her that I didn't mean to be mean - but I thought she should look into the band :cheers2: Yep that author and I are the same:ohmy:

Karri - I am sure glad you don't work in Vegas anymore - OMG that should not be happening in our schools !!! Thanks for the heads up on your schedule you know how us Mom's are we need to know our kids are safe..

Linda - 1st time grandma - OMG you are going to have a ball... Yep I got banded cuz I want to see my grandkids get married and maybe God willing a great grandkid - My Dad was a Great Grandfather when my GS was born so I think that would be cool to be a ggm - not for a few yrs but still I would love seeing a great grandchild...

Ok 10 more minutes - till 7 so better go drink some Water - I will ck in when I get back

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Hi guys. Just a quick check in on a beautiful Saturday morning. We have to go to Walmart (the closest is 90 miles away) and the optical shop this morning because my eldest decided to break his glasses. He says it happened in PE but I'm not buying by the looks at the frame....

Anyways....Stoiciometry!!! I love that word!!! It's my favorite thing cuz I can tie my chem to my math!!!! Isn't it the funnest word to say ever????:huggie:

I think my rant on testing made a bad impression. I LOVE my students and worry so little about the testing that honestly 10 months out of the year....it's the furthest from my mind. But with testing coming in the next two weeks....it's back to the forefront. I get to teach the same students from 7th to 12 grade. I get to be a part of their lives...not just a part of school. My first 7th graders at this school are graduating this year. I made one of the boys cry the first month. He admitted a couple of weeks ago that he HATED me for a good year after that. But he's an amazing kid. He cried because I wouldn't let him quit. He was struggling and I told him it was pretty crappy that I had more faith in him than he did. At the time I thought I was going to die! Making a kid cry. But....we've got such a close relationship now. How wonderful he is. He still ocassionally gives up but he knows I won't accept that so he struggles through. Just one of a hundred kids that have touched my life and I hope I have touched theirs. It would be more...but when the average graduating class is 5 it's going to take a LONG TIME to reach thousands :w00t: I love teaching and I love the kids...even when they are driving me nuts. As for are they ever going to use the math I teach them?? Probably not a LOT.....but the skills of thinking through a problem and attacking it a variety of ways, the skill of analyzing a solution to see if it really makes any sense (they are really bad at that), the realization that there are a BUNCH of ways to attack a problem and just because you do it one way and someone else does it another....those are the skills that they will use forever. But those are tough to teach and parents get really upset when they aren't learning "algebra" or "geometric proof" instead. It is so hard to explain to people. I have a gut understanding of what I'm trying to do...and sometimes I can't articulate it.

Anyways....partying....I WANT to be a party animal. DH and I went out for dinner and drinks last night. I had DIVINE walleye and salad and a few hashbrowns. Then out for drinks. I was exhausted by 10 and in bed by 10:30...so much for the animal in me. We were just talking about not having any friends. I hope that changes as I become more confident in my own skin. I need to feel comfortable approaching people....and I'm getting better but I'm not there yet. It will come.

There were other things I wanted to talk about but yet again teaching got me fired up. I am really passionate about it and (DH would say) somewhat obsessive. Sorry.

Well...kids are running around like wild banshees. I better get them focussed or we'll never get out of here in time to make it to the optical shop by noon.

Have a great day all.

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Hey Stephanie, I'm sorry that I don't remember, but how many kids do you have and how old are they? The cute li'l one in the pic in your sig looks so much like you--what a honey. 90 Miles to Walmart? We are a Walmart/Target town--No really good resturants or upscale department stores, but we've got TWO Super-Walmarts. . .

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You didn't give a bad impression - I wish there were more teachers like you all here - I think that is part of the problem - in Cali our classes are too big and children do need individual attention (some anyway - my gs for example)

We all have had teachers in our lives who have inspired us if we are lucky - Mrs Burgess (english) & Coach Rose (business economic) these are 2 of my fav teachers.

Well back from the gym did 3.5 miles would have gone 4 but I was too hot, my head is dripping my face is all red - they didn't have the fans going yet. I guess that is the good part of my metabolism I get very hot when I exercise or should I say get phyiscal - cuz it can me shopping - dancing etc

I guess that's why exercise is so good for me -

OK all you Smarty Pants out there - I never took chemisty - just earth & life science - the basics - so I had to go and look up Stoichiometry... Here is wikkepda's explaination of what it is for all of you who are like me and don't know this stuff:tongue:

Stoichiometry is often used to balance chemical equations. For example, the two diatomic gases, hydrogen and oxygen, can combine to form a liquid, Water, in an exothermic reaction, as described by the following equation:


I dissected a frog - we had a fetus in a jar - I don't remember ever working with test tube - but heck I really was only in school my freshman yr and 1/2 of 10th grade then went to continuation cuz i was p.g. and really never when back to regular school - tried going back my junior yr but with a baby it was a little hard - so ended up back in continuation - dropped out for 6 months then thur the win program when out to our junior college and finished my credits and got my diploma.

I envy you who have gone to college and gotten degrees - back when I was young girls still really weren't pushed to go to college - I took business classes in high school - record keeping - business economics- typing - shorthand - business machines -typing - I was going to be a legal secertary

I wonder if they even teach shorthand anymore???

Well off to the shower - gotta shop for gd today - dog food and house food will ck back this afternoon -

Enjoy your Saturday Ladies !!!

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Hey Stephanie, I'm sorry that I don't remember, but how many kids do you have and how old are they? The cute li'l one in the pic in your sig looks so much like you--what a honey. 90 Miles to Walmart? We are a Walmart/Target town--No really good resturants or upscale department stores, but we've got TWO Super-Walmarts. . .

2 super walmarts :huggie:

I am getting super target right across the street from my developemnt - I am going to be in BIG trouble - I am going to have to get a second job with all the retail that is going in right around my house.

In fact last night I was telling my 2 bosses about a great business opportunitiy out here - we could open a sports bar... We have like 15 diff developments out here in the Shadow Hills area of Indio - I think it be a hit to have a neighborhood bar - i told my boss Paul - that I could quit and manage it - he told me no I can't he needs me at work :w00t: - but I could do it at night..

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thanks for the sunshine. It actaully made it here, and I have to say that with a fresh layer of show, it's absolutely beautiful outside my window this morning. The sun is just now comming up and reflecting off the pure, white snow that stretches as far as the eye can see. (We live in a rural subdivision; lots of open space) Everything sparkles--almost like when the sun is over the Water and the the water glints like a million diamonds.

Sounds beautiful!!

Karri, I appreciate you so much. You are very wise to focus on teaching kids how to learn. I like your connect the dots idea--I may incorporate something like that into my first lecture next semester.

Yeah, that connecting the dots thing was genius!! Glad it got through to some!!

OK, so you grandmas will appreciate this: I was shopping at TJ Max last weekend and wandered over into the baby section, (First grandchild due in August) and they had a beautiful Eddie Bauer car seat/stroller combination for sale. I checked the EB website and it was half the price at TJ as it was on the website, so I went back and bought it. I never had anything like this when my own kids were babies. DS and DIL want everything matching, so they don't want this one, No problem! I can't wait to use it! Hopefully, with 4 kids there will be lots of grandbabies to wear it out. Meantime, it's sitting in my kitchen I love seing baby things in my house again. Actaully one of my motivations for getting banded was when I was babysitting last summer and wasn't able to hold the baby in my lap to give her a bottle. I COULD NOW!

OK, enough rambling for now. I'll be checking in later. Hope Phyl's around today. . .

I LOVE the stroller story!! I can picture it sitting in your kitchen!! How exciting!! We have 10 grandchildren from 19-2!! Part of the reason we just moved back to WA was to be closer to those little ones as they are growing up. We moved to OK when the older ones were toddlers and I so hated only seeing them a couple of times a year!! Grandchildren are wonderful and you are going to be so BLESSED!! It's just a whole new world!!

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Quiet day--sorry I missed you, Phyl. Looking forward to hearing what everyone's out doing today.

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I think my rant on testing made a bad impression.

I didn't see it as a rant against teaching. To me it was more a rant against the politics that go along with the education system these days. It just seems to make a tough job even more difficult. I know I couldn't handle being a teacher myself. I just don't have the patience. :eek:

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So for my official weigh-in today I only saw a loss of 1lb. for the week. :eek: I have mixed feelings about that. It was nice to see the scales drop like they did prior to my unfill despite the fact I was too miserable to fully enjoy it. I'm feeling a lot better now and probably a lot of the weight, or lack of weight loss, is because I've managed to hydrate myself properly since Monday. Still, 1lb lost is 1lb closer to my goal. Can't complain about that. :biggrin2:

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Hey Gang

Back from getting nails done (toes & fill) - went back to the beauty shop and had my stylist fix the back of my hair - it was a little uneven - then went to eat - I was hungry it's 1:30 and I havent eaten all day. - ordered a soft taco, chilli relleno, rice and bean plate - ate 1/2 taco and a couple bites of the Beans - when am I going to learn that I can't eat - well i have dinner for tonight and don't have to cook - :cool2: W

ent to target got DGD 2 bathing suits - 4 or 5 short outfits - a dress and some shoes - floaties for the pool this summer. I am pooped - have had a headach most of the day.

I did not shop for myself at all can you beleive that :eek: I think i an just tried from what I don't know - got enought sleep last night took my vitimans today - just tired and I don't think it's from the wine last night.

Well, that was my exciting day.. It's 5 p.m. so I guess I will go see what's on tv and read my Self magazine.

Will ck back later...

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So for my official weigh-in today I only saw a loss of 1lb. for the week. :cool2: I have mixed feelings about that. It was nice to see the scales drop like they did prior to my unfill despite the fact I was too miserable to fully enjoy it. I'm feeling a lot better now and probably a lot of the weight, or lack of weight loss, is because I've managed to hydrate myself properly since Monday. Still, 1lb lost is 1lb closer to my goal. Can't complain about that. :biggrin2:


I am going to spank you - 1 lbs is great :lol:heck didn't you lose a whole bunch when you were so tight - you can't expect to lose 3 lbs a week every week - I know we want to but you gotta give your body time to catch up...

Be happy it is a pound closer...:eek:

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Ruby I would have taken the 1 pound this week. Instead I was down 0.5 pounds. This is the same problem I had when I was totally unfilled. Because I can eat so much more, I can eat more carbs, so I don't lose as much. Not going to complain, at least it went down. 1 week before my fill so it will be fine. Plus this week was tough with all my emotions and while I didn't eat bad foods, I did eat too much. Now remind me that I wanted this fill when I am on Soups for the next 3 weeks after the fill!!!! So I have to set up my March exercise goal for my AUgust board buddies and I have got to start incorporating more weight lifting. This months focus is reducing the flab!

Well we are off to dinner and then to the bookstore (yep I'm a nerd!) and a big hug to all of you who knew what stoichiometry was. I am doing the quick reply right now so no access to the smileys, but when I post next time I will give you a big smiley hug.

If I don't talk to you until tomorrow, have a good evening.

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Ruby, I know, but now that I'm feeling better, I realize how awful I was feeling when I was too tight. I didn't think I had any restriction b/c I've been so hungry, so tonight I tried eating pizza. Got one wedge down and then I realized that I still do have restriction! My problem is that I've taken to grazing this week, which has got to stop. You are 0.7 away from the magic 30 BMI, so make that a mini goal for yourself and you'll be overweight before you know it!

So, what about the rest of you--how did you spend your Saturday?

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Ruby I would have taken the 1 pound this week. Instead I was down 0.5 pounds. This is the same problem I had when I was totally unfilled. Because I can eat so much more, I can eat more carbs, so I don't lose as much. Not going to complain, at least it went down. 1 week before my fill so it will be fine. Plus this week was tough with all my emotions and while I didn't eat bad foods, I did eat too much. Now remind me that I wanted this fill when I am on Soups for the next 3 weeks after the fill!!!! So I have to set up my March exercise goal for my AUgust board buddies and I have got to start incorporating more weight lifting. This months focus is reducing the flab!

Well we are off to dinner and then to the bookstore (yep I'm a nerd!) and a big hug to all of you who knew what stoichiometry was. I am doing the quick reply right now so no access to the smileys, but when I post next time I will give you a big smiley hug.

If I don't talk to you until tomorrow, have a good evening.

Karri - I need to do more weights too but I am beat after my treadmill work out and I read the calories burned on the treadmill - I don't know how may calories are burned when working out - I want to get a trainer for a week or two - but the guy I think I want is always busy when I am at the gym - plus I am a little intimidated (sp) by them - but I do see other older women working out with them..

Do you have to do Soup for 3 weeks :cool2: I only have to do them for 1 but ususally move to mushie/soft after 3 days..

Ruby, I know, but now that I'm feeling better, I realize how awful I was feeling when I was too tight. I didn't think I had any restriction b/c I've been so hungry, so tonight I tried eating pizza. Got one wedge down and then I realized that I still do have restriction! My problem is that I've taken to grazing this week, which has got to stop. You are 0.7 away from the magic 30 BMI, so make that a mini goal for yourself and you'll be overweight before you know it!

So, what about the rest of you--how did you spend your Saturday?

Linda - since my diet is mostly soft foods and I think I don't have restriction then try to eat something more solid - OMW I too see that I do still have restriction..

Well, reported that I didn't have to cook - but guess what ladies - I don't want mexican food - I want veggies- talking about a NSV - wanting something healthy instead of something greasy & fattening - I am steaming some yellow califlower - I have never had it before - but suppose to be good I don't know what it's hybred with... But I am craving healthy food not bad foods... Things do change :eek:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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