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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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It took me awhile to formulate what exactly I wanted to say about this issue...because it is a real hot button for me. The opinions expressed in this post are from my experience and other teachers will probably disagree....especially depending upon where they teach. I will rant, explain, and probably give more information than necessary.....this is all about school and nothing about weight loss.....

No Child Left Behind is the bane of teachers' existence. The idea behind why it was started...valid. The implementation....SUCKS!! It makes the teachers responsible for everything and not the students. I can't MAKE my students care. It doesn't address the growing apathy that the current student population has. :lol:

In Montana, schools are required to make adequate yearly progress. That is tied to the percentages in NCLB. If the students do not do that, the teachers' jobs are on the line. I am pushed and reminded every Wednesday at our staff meeting what is on the line. My tenure has nothing to do with it. If the students are not where they need to be, my job is questionable. The students have no accountability. The parents have no accountability. It is laid on MY shoulders. I teach 7 - 12 math in classes that range from 1 student to 8. Because of the percentages NCLB has set forth, if one student does not make "proficient" I fail at AYP. It does not matter if the student is improving. It does not matter if the student is academically challenged. It does not matter if they just don't give a crap! Can you see the stress????:lol:

Because of all that, it is hard NOT to teach to the test. Even though the test changes each year and we never know what the focus will be. Three years ago the focus was algebra. Two years ago something else, and last year there was a crazy number of mile/quart/pound questions. Who knows what they will think is important this year. Now add that if a school is not meeting standards, students can opt to come to a different school, and area schools are failing AYP and I'm getting more and more challenged kids because of it....so they come to me without the requisite knowledge and I am penalized because of that. :lol:

This year is the first year I am seriously worried. :frown: I know that there is no way I can meet NCLB's standards this year....let alone in a couple when 100% of students, regardless of their challenges/background must be "proficient". I'm stressing out. It only makes sense that teachers will concentrate on these high-stakes tests. Their jobs depend on it.

Now....like I said, the idea that schools need to be accountable is applaudable. The push to make our kids better...AWESOME!! :thumbup: But that it all depends upon me....not so cool! :) And that they guy across the hall teaches history and doesn't have this hanging over his head???? criminal! :thumbup: There needs to be better implementation and families/students have got to be accountable. I have the tools I need to offer them the knowledge, but if they choose not to do their work, come to school, pay any sort of attention, put effort into their education, cannot be my problem too. It's enough that my curriculum gets bigger and bigger each year. I am not atlas and I cannot hold it all on my shoulders.

So....testing SUCKS! Teachers teach the test because the consequences of not doing so are so severe. I'm not saying it's right...just that I understand. I try not to teach the test. I swear that there are too few math teachers out here in BFE for them to let me go because of it. I work as hard as I can to teach the kids that no matter what the questions, they can show that they know more than just an answer. But when it comes right down to it I thank my lucky stars that I get my contract before scores come back. At least it gives me a year to look for another job.

Sorry this is so long. If you stuck through it, I hope it makes a little bit of sense. I get on a roll and my train of though jumps the tracks sometimes. Testing begins in 3 weeks!!!!!!:eek:

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Hello all my July band friends:

I'm trying to decide if I should go in for my third fill. The past month my weight loss has stalled and I noticed I was eating larger portions. I called and made an appointment for a fill which is scheduled for Tuesday. Now the past three days my band seems tighter. I ate three little pieces of beef last night and thought it was going to come back up. It feels like I just got a fill even though I didn't. Now I'm trying to decide if I should cancel my appointment for next week.

Has anyone ever noticed their band being looser during TOM? What do you think I should do about my fill? I pay for my fills and would hate to waste $300. Just looking for an opinion.



by next week you could be looser again. JMHO but I get a fill, feel so tight I can hardly stand it then two wks later.... I go huh, feels like I can eat more agin...

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Good Morning, Gang!

Just checking in. I seem to be able to get online for a few minutes early in the day and then again at night. Although, yesterday afternoon when it was nice and hot (around 80 degrees, I think), everyone must have been outside playing because I got on for a little while. But I wanted to sit outside in the sun, too, so I wasn't on for long.

scale didn't move this week.... frustrating, but that's okay. We have one more month here before we go home, so I'm already trying to contact my doctor's office to get an appointment for a fill. It's a process!! The old, give me your number and they'll call you back... the nurse is busy!! Yeah, right. So I have to keep calling until they realize I'm serious and I won't go away until I get an appointment!! That's why I started already so I can get a mid-April appointment! Some days I seem to have plenty of restriction, others I know I"m not tight enough. I've exercised more this month than I have all winter. I'm eating the right things... Okay, I did eat some "fair food" last weekend, and had 2 1/2 "big girl glasses" of wine the other day... that could account for no loss this week. As I told Janet, I did okay at the fair at lunch time, but then DH bought a funnel cake and I ate about 1/3 of it. So much for my THREE BITE RULE! Oh, we went to a small luncheon the other day, too. That didn't help. I had chicken breast, chef salad, a little fruit salad (lady said it was "wheat salad", whatever that is), some carrots. Then dessert was served... homemade lemon pie with graham cracker crust. I DID follow my three bite rule with that, then when no one was looking, slid the rest onto DH's plate! Pretty slick. No one saw it. And hopefully didn't notice I then appeared to be the first one done!! Wow!! She must have sucked that thing down!

Okay, I better sign off before I lose my connection and my whole post goes away!!

MISS YOU ALL, but I read all the posts whenever I can get online. Just don't always then have time to answer!

Phyl, you are amazing!!! If I could smell a Funnel Cake right now it'd be down my gullet with a funnel.... I love those things, but we only get them in the summer here (tourist town ha,ha) and you only ate 1/3rd??? Thats terrific, in the old days you would have eaten the whole damn thing and slapped your hubbies hand if he tried to take a bite!@!!

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I went walking/jogging with a friend after school and she was amazed at how fit I am. That was better than hearing that I am skinny. Which, by the way, still creeps me out when I hear that. My students told me that I was getting really skinny the other day and I laughed at them. But then later that day, another teacher said the same thing. I said thank you, but skinny???? are you kidding me. SKINNIER YES!

So Janet I found the 100 calorie popcorn bags and it is going to be a lifesaver for the next week.

Well family, I just went and had my eyes checked and got contacts. I had them before, but I hated them because I couldn't see in the distance. I need them to correct my up close vision. But before when I put them in I couldn't see past 5 or 6 feet. Well needless to say my students would LOVE that. However this doc was good and seems to have gotten the prescription right. I can see up close and far away.

On a good note it is my BF's Friday so I will get to see him tomorrow after school. Decided that I am not doing the gym on Fridays and Saturdays but will now switch to Sun-Thur so that I can spend time with him.

Janet- didn't you say you were getting your hair done today? Hope everything turned out fantastic. I need to do something with mine. Right now I am just keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't ALL fall out. My hair was thin and shedding before surgery...now I wake up to strands on my pillow and have to clean the shower out everyday. I had my BF's sister said me some biotin/hair restoration Vitamins to take in hopes that they will help. Going to try Rogain again. Never stuck with it long enough before because it makes my scalp peel, but she sent me some moisturizer to put on with it in hopes that will help.

Well I am off to try my new hair concoction and then probably to bed. Only a half day of kids tomorrow...then a planning meeting for the other half. For the first time ever I am looking forward to the meeting. Kids have been unruly this week. And Steph...AMEN to your post. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!!

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Phyl, you are amazing!!! If I could smell a Funnel Cake right now it'd be down my gullet with a funnel.... I love those things, but we only get them in the summer here (tourist town ha,ha) and you only ate 1/3rd??? Thats terrific, in the old days you would have eaten the whole damn thing and slapped your hubbies hand if he tried to take a bite!@!!

Amen to that - I think we only have funnel cakes here during the fair - I never had one - doesn't look that appealing to me - My vice at the fair is are the cinimon (sp) rolls - cream cheese frosting and walnuts - would eat one minimum - and all 4 if that's what i broght home - now 1/4 if that - and threw the rest away ...

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I went walking/jogging with a friend after school and she was amazed at how fit I am. That was better than hearing that I am skinny. Which, by the way, still creeps me out when I hear that. My students told me that I was getting really skinny the other day and I laughed at them. But then later that day, another teacher said the same thing. I said thank you, but skinny???? are you kidding me. SKINNIER YES!

So Janet I found the 100 calorie popcorn bags and it is going to be a lifesaver for the next week.

Well family, I just went and had my eyes checked and got contacts. I had them before, but I hated them because I couldn't see in the distance. I need them to correct my up close vision. But before when I put them in I couldn't see past 5 or 6 feet. Well needless to say my students would LOVE that. However this doc was good and seems to have gotten the prescription right. I can see up close and far away.

On a good note it is my BF's Friday so I will get to see him tomorrow after school. Decided that I am not doing the gym on Fridays and Saturdays but will now switch to Sun-Thur so that I can spend time with him.

Janet- didn't you say you were getting your hair done today? Hope everything turned out fantastic. I need to do something with mine. Right now I am just keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't ALL fall out. My hair was thin and shedding before surgery...now I wake up to strands on my pillow and have to clean the shower out everyday. I had my BF's sister said me some biotin/hair restoration Vitamins to take in hopes that they will help. Going to try Rogain again. Never stuck with it long enough before because it makes my scalp peel, but she sent me some moisturizer to put on with it in hopes that will help.

Well I am off to try my new hair concoction and then probably to bed. Only a half day of kids tomorrow...then a planning meeting for the other half. For the first time ever I am looking forward to the meeting. Kids have been unruly this week. And Steph...AMEN to your post. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!!

Karri - I got the same coment when I went to the beauty shop tonight - and you know what I said - yep - size 10 white jeans - :rolleyes2: - My hairdresser said they were going to start hateing me - cuz I was going to be thinner than them -(i don't think so ) but that was nice of her to say..

Popcorn is my snack most nights - It is my salvation - I try and eat one piece at a time -

Glad you are going to have some time w/BF - I know how you miss him - so I hope you have a good time this weekend.

As for my hair - got quite a bit cut off (2 1/2 inches) - right now it's right under my ears - same bob type cut - but way shorter - since i have lost weight my face went from being round to long - and I need height that I wasn't getting and my face was looking dragged down - so the new cut give me a more youthfull appearance - I will take pic tomorrow and post it.

I have been lucky not to have lost any hair from surgery - I remembers yours being long and dark brown - I would ck with a shop and see about getting a bevealed bob like your moms :tt2:- I have very fine hair thin hair - like carmen diaz and the bevelled bob makes it look 10 times thicker than it is and if I remember right the shapes of our faces are similar - I have a big forehead and oval face - like i said before the length I had was just making my face look droopy.. I took botin right after surgery - cuz I didn't want to lose any hair - but in reading here they don't know what causes it - some think surgery and others lack of protien - I quit taking it about 3 months out - then read that at 3 - 4 months is when hair starts falling out - well since mine hasn't I hope its not going to start at 7 months

Ok gange it's now 8:30 I haven't eaten yet - so I am off to eat and watch a littel t.v. -

Talk to you all tomorrow - sweet dreams..



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Hi all! Hope you all had a great evening. Tonight I went walking with a friend. She is a skinny and I kept up with her!!! How empowering was THAT! I have a question though. I can do 2 miles in 1/2 hour with the walk away the pounds video. I walked with my friend for about 50 minutes. I don't think I was walking quite as hard because I wasn't sweating like I do with the video. So....which is better for me? Longer but not so hard or shorter and harder? I did enjoy the change of pace but don't know how often I will do that.

Hubby bought an electric pressure cooker off of QVC. We got it yesterday and DH cooked tonight. It was amazing! He made this Carribean pork dinner. It smelled wonderful. I was all but frothing at the mouth. And then it hit. That first bite and I had a great golf ball. I knew it as soon as I started to swallow it but it was too late. So this delicious dinner and I got two bites and a bunch of misery! A half hour ago I finally had a bowl of Cereal. I know...not the best choice, but it was 200 calories and it went down. I'll have some extra v8 before dinner to make up for the lack of salad and veggies.

Today I was trying to find something to wear to work and was struggling because so many of my clothes are way too big...especially shirts. So I went through some of my old clothes and I fit into stuff that I haven't worn since I began teaching. I am so proud! It is finally becoming real to me. I'm getting it through my head that I am going to have success here!

So tooty tooty toot toot!!!!

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As for my hair, I am going to my BF's sister during spring break and see what miracles she can work. She is really good, but I don't know if she is as good as I am going to need. I just took my shower and handfuls of hair later I do realize that I am going to have to cut it off to get a handle on the falling out. Before surgery I had to keep in on the longer side because my face was as round as a bowling ball, but now it is much more oval. Amazing how the shape of your face changes when you finally evict the double chin:biggrin:

Steph- I think that it is the variety of the exercise that we need. I too went for a walk with a friend and even though we didn't jog as much as I do at the gym, I felt it in different areas. Variety I believe is what is going to keep us going, and what is going to keep our bodies guessing. Just like we can get in a routine with our food and have to shock our bodies out of it sometimes, I think that same thing with exercise. Shhhhhh...don't tell my body this, but it is in for one hell of a workout on Sunday. We are talking cardio, weights, cardio and a plain ol' good beating. Like a biggest loser workout. I just think I need to shock myself. I will probably be crying by the end, but as long as I can keep it a secret until Sunday, this body won't know what hit it.:rolleyes2:

Night all...bed is calling my name very loudly!

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Phyl, you are amazing!!! If I could smell a Funnel Cake right now it'd be down my gullet with a funnel.... I love those things, but we only get them in the summer here (tourist town ha,ha) and you only ate 1/3rd??? Thats terrific, in the old days you would have eaten the whole damn thing and slapped your hubbies hand if he tried to take a bite!@!!

You got that right!! I'm doing okay with my little gain this week... less than a pound, but disappointing anyway. DH got a BIG piece of my mind today over his "suggestions" as to WHY that happened and what I can do to do better next week! I think he's beginning to get it that he needs to keep his big mouth shut when I have a bad weigh in!!

Amen to that - I think we only have funnel cakes here during the fair - I never had one - doesn't look that appealing to me - My vice at the fair is are the cinimon (sp) rolls - cream cheese frosting and walnuts - would eat one minimum - and all 4 if that's what i broght home - now 1/4 if that - and threw the rest away ...

Well, they had the d----- things at the street fair tonight, too!! I looked the other way. But, the smell of the grilled onions from a couple of other booths was driving me wild! But the only food items we bought: a head of cauliflower, head of red cabbage, bag of garlic and some fresh tomatoes!! Then I splurged with a bookmark with my name on it and a couple of crystal nail files!! Woo Hoo!!

Steph, your post on the joys of teaching was quite eloquent and WHAT an EYE OPENER!! I had no idea what you teachers go through!! Many KUDOS to you and Karri and all our teachers!! No wonder you're always stressed out!! Probably around 10 years ago our SIL was studying to get his degree and teaching certificate in math.. a five year program at OU (Oklahoma). He couldn't make it through the student teaching before he got burned out on teaching!! For him it was dealing with the parents. Kids didn't get it, wouldn't study or do the work and the parents blame the teacher! Now he is in mid-management at Microsoft and making way bigger bucks than he would have teaching. It's a shame what we are doing to our teachers in this country!

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These were written by Jesse Ahroni who wrote the book: Laproscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding... and excellent book and the first one I read before making the decision to have the surgery. I met her at a support group meeting in Everett WA. She had her lapband surgery 10 years ago. She reminds me of Janet! :rolleyes2:

Stages of Banding

. Discovering the Band

. Wondering if this is for me

. Investigation

. Doing serious research

. Joining a support group

. Getting hopeful

. Finding a doctor

. Shock at the price

. Deciding to do it

. Making the arrangements

. Wondering if you made the right decision

. Getting nervous

. Going ahead with it

. Waking up and wondering what the hell you did to yourself.

. Post-op discomfort

. Month of liquids- not being able to strictly adhere

. Wondering if you've been scammed again

. Seeing a little success

. Getting your first fill

. Changing your eating habits

. Seeing more success

. Getting second fill

. Really losing

. Seriously changing your eating habits

. Being totally euphoric about your weight loss

. Changing your thinking about eating

. Wanting to tell every fat person you meet about the band

. Realizing you really can't eat

. Worrying about nutrition

. Learning to eat healthy and wise

. Finding other ways to meet your emotional needs

. Realizing it takes a long time to lose 100lbs

. Trudging along

. My clothes are too big

. Buying new clothes

. Oops, I bought too much too soon...now these are too big

. Buying more clothes

. Getting near goal

. Enjoying all the compliments

. Feeling successful

. Getting aggressive

. Not taking crap from anybody

. Realizing you can be assertive without steam rolling everybody

. Finding balance

. Wondering what comes next

**There are other stages and everybody does not go through them in the same

order or even go through all the stages. Some people might have stages to

add....and there is some looping back and forth. But these are common stages

that Bandsters go through.

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Now he is in mid-management at Microsoft and making way bigger bucks than he would have teaching. It's a shame what we are doing to our teachers in this country!

I couldn't agree more! I have the upmost respect for anyone who goes into the teaching profession. They're Saints in my eyes. And I also had no idea what kind of pressure they are under. I knew there was some, but not to the extent that Steph explained. :lol:

The "no child left behind" is an excellent concept in theory, but the practicalities of it are obviously far more complex than people realise. Yeah, what if the child and/or the parents just can't be bothered to learn? Why blame the teacher?!?! :rolleyes:

My husband is also in the IT business and during a recent conference he was asked why he didn't teach the things that he's so knowledgeable in to others. His response was "Why would I take such a huge cut in pay and increase my stress levels exponentially?"

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**There are other stages and everybody does not go through them in the same

order or even go through all the stages. Some people might have stages to

add....and there is some looping back and forth. But these are common stages

that Bandsters go through.

Wow. I'm very familiar with all those stages. :rolleyes:

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NSV ....Last night my boyfriend and I met some friends to watch a local band. I was getting hit on. Yeah... That hasn't happened in awhile. One guy I walked past said "come over here pretty girl". Made me smile.:rolleyes:

I've noticed more guys look at me instead of acting like I'm invisible. Feels good.

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NSV ....Last night my boyfriend and I met some friends to watch a local band. I was getting hit on. Yeah... That hasn't happened in awhile. One guy I walked past said "come over here pretty girl". Made me smile.:lol:

I've noticed more guys look at me instead of acting like I'm invisible. Feels good.

:rolleyes: That's terrific! And quite the boost to the ego too, no doubt.

I think people look at me differently now. When I was fat I wanted to be invisible. But people always notice when a fat girl walks in the room. :tt2: Now it feels like they look at me but don't judge me.

I would always scan a room when I entered to see if there was anyone bigger than me. Hoping there was. I still kind of do that now. The difference is, there are many more times when I'm NOT the fat girl. :biggrin2:

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Good Morning Gang... :tt2:

Steph - The whole testing system is a bunch of crap imho - what you go thru is what happens here in Cali - I think - I applaud all you teachers - I couldn't do it.. I almost bought that cooker - but I have an old fashion one and don't use it that often - so I thought I would save that $$$ for more clothes :lol: - Try tiny bites - I mean tiny bites - the size of an pencil earser - I find this helps me . On the exercise - there are arguments for each - I do a mix - high intenstiy burn faster in a shorter peroid of time - length burns just as much but takes longer - again any exercise is better than none - you gotta do what works for you and you enjoy. Raisin Bran is great for the tmi subject - Nothing wrong with a good Fiber ceral...

Karri - LOL:lol::smile: Dont tell my body - you are too funny girl.. Yep our faces change we get necks - It's all good... When is spring break for you guys - I think its the last week in March. Can't wait to see the new do....

Phyl - Gotta agree Jesse & I could be twins :rolleyes: - I just might have to read this book I can relate to everything you wrote so much that they were are my exact thoughts - Waking up and wondering what the hell you did to yourself - Buying new clothes . Oops, I bought too much too soon...now these are too big . Buying more clothes Wanting to tell every fat person you meet about the band

Ok gotta get my butt in gear - will ck back later - xoxox

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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