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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Okay girls I need some help. My husband is taking me to Hawaii for 10 year anniversary. He has bought me a beautiful dress.(I thought I would not fit it in but we leave in two weeks and it fits perfect) I guess he knew. ANyway it is a haltr style and i need suggestions on a strapless or haltr type bra. I have not had a strapless bra on since high school graduated 1995 so it has been a while. Any good brands that may work? I need them to fill out the dress. Any help.

thanks girls


Take a bra that you already own, if it puts the "girls" into the right possiton LOL

Then CUT the straps that attach at the BACK... Tie them behind your neck HAULTER style.... your halter dress neckline at the back will hide them... and you didnt have to spend any money!@!!!! hee,hee...

I've tried this trick and it works great..

Enjoy your holiday!

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Peaches: thank you that is a wonderful idea i will do that tonight. I think that is better since i am buying new bras ans panties often. I can't stand them to sag.

And a word of encouragement to all. I was getting depressed in dec. I do this on a normal year but this was worse due to not losing like i thought i should, so my dh made me take measurements of my self. To date I have lost 13.5 inches in two months the scales may not have changed much but i know i have changed. I have a problem still seeing myself as fat, but this is helping me realize i have changed. I hope this helps alittle. I mostly read but you girls have been so helpful to me i hope to start being more active. By the way on the last post there were no e in it. the letter was stuck on my home computer. sorry for that.


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Bethgrove - I like the shopping channels. Dr. Rey, the plastic surgeon from VH1, has a new line of lingerie on HSN. You can get a slimming body suit type strapless thingie.

Ruby - I'm taking the 20lbs challenge. I exercised yesterday, I was sweating like a pig!

Brandy - Thanks for the concern about the gyno. I'm going this year, I swear! I just have always told myself, I'll go when I lose weight, but I never did. Weight has kept me from doing a lot. I will not let anyone see me in a bathing suit. I'll wear pants when everyone's in shorts. When I weighed 135, I did the same thing. I thought I was fat. If I looked like that now, what bathing suit? I'd be naked, A LOT!!!!!!

Janet - and others who have lost 70 plus lbs, you gals are truly inspirations. :biggrin: Every day when I read your replies, I'm so jealous of your loss, and soooo inspired. Janet, you exercise like a fiend, girl I wish I had half your will power and dedication. Do you realize how healthy you are now? :smile2:

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Good Morning Gang..


OMW you are 4 lbs short of lossing 100 lbs

You are doing freakin great:Dancing_biggrin:and you do have to expect our weight lost to slow as we get closer and have already lost so much.

IMHO we will struggle forever - not as had as we have in the past - but our fat brain is always going to be with us - I think we will have to stand guard over it for the rest of our lives - I think it will get easier - but for me personally I am still afraid that I will slowy slip back into old behaivors - That being said - I have never had this kind of support system either

So I am putting this out there



Steph - Glad to hear that you had a great day :biggrin:

As for the X - I think that there are many of us who had that kind of comment made to us at one time or another. Screw them and the horse they rode in on. I had an xbf tell me something about being fat - and i was like 140 - ..

I do have a question though for you teachers - school has changed alot since I was a kid and since my Son was in school - Now adays (with my GS) it seems that schools are spend so much time on preparing kids for the testing - I understand that the schools get $$$ based on their test scores - but I think it's about understanding the subject and not just how to pass a test. My GS went to a baculaurette school and they just seemed to worry about test scores and not a well rounded education.

I know on other threads - ppl are always apoligizing for long post - well what the heck it takes more than 3 sentences to explain stuff - I have never gotten that part of the board - If I have something to say - I am going to say it if it takes up 3 pages.

Karri - As you know your Mom is not one to mince words :lol: and with you I am not worried that you will be hurt - cuz you know that I understand where you are coming from - it's all about control - just like before the band - we controlled the food we put in our mouth (we were in control about it - we planed it - we hid it - we decided we deserved it) - now we are controlling what we don't put in our mouths (well for the most part anyway :smile2:).

I feel that with the help and insight that each of us have and will post in the future we will relax and have the support we need to win this battle - well that's my hope anyway..

Ok I started this at 7:30 it's now 8:47 - have had a millon interuptions - i don't know why they expect me to work at work:eek: - so gotta go.


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Bethgrove - I like the shopping channels. Dr. Rey, the plastic surgeon from VH1, has a new line of lingerie on HSN. You can get a slimming body suit type strapless thingie.

Ruby - I'm taking the 20lbs challenge. I exercised yesterday, I was sweating like a pig!

Brandy - Thanks for the concern about the gyno. I'm going this year, I swear! I just have always told myself, I'll go when I lose weight, but I never did. Weight has kept me from doing a lot. I will not let anyone see me in a bathing suit. I'll wear pants when everyone's in shorts. When I weighed 135, I did the same thing. I thought I was fat. If I looked like that now, what bathing suit? I'd be naked, A LOT!!!!!!

Janet - and others who have lost 70 plus lbs, you gals are truly inspirations. :smile2: Every day when I read your replies, I'm so jealous of your loss, and soooo inspired. Janet, you exercise like a fiend, girl I wish I had half your will power and dedication. Do you realize how healthy you are now? :lol:

Denise - I don't think of myself as an excercise fiend :biggrin:- I don't hate it as much but I do fight myself almost everyday to get to the gym :eek:- right now our weather is so nice and it's staying lighter longer and I would rather being doing something else after work - but Excercise is KEY for me in losing the weight. This is one area that I really want to push on everyone - it's that saying if I can do it so can everyone else - cuz I am not and never have been an athelctict (sp) person - I have always been a girly girl - I was the disco girl while my sister was the camping girl - I have always been the high heels & make up girl - so if I can get out there and do nothing else but walk - so can everyone - You deserve that 30 minutes or 40 minutes or even 60 minutes to yourself. You really do - the dinner - the house work - the family can wait - You are important and sometimes it is all about you...

I can tell you one thing I have noticed over the last 7 months - I still sweat like a pig too - but you know what I don't break the sweat as fast and my t-shirt isn't soaking like it was (my head is dripping still though) - but again it's not summer yet - well that's what I tell myself - but I do think it's about the weight that is gone too - I guess I don't take credit for my work -

So Denise - I want a promise from you to exercise 30 minute a day - even if you have to break it up into 10 minute segements. You can do it to girl :tt1:

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Hello all my July band friends:

I'm trying to decide if I should go in for my third fill. The past month my weight loss has stalled and I noticed I was eating larger portions. I called and made an appointment for a fill which is scheduled for Tuesday. Now the past three days my band seems tighter. I ate three little pieces of beef last night and thought it was going to come back up. It feels like I just got a fill even though I didn't. Now I'm trying to decide if I should cancel my appointment for next week.

Has anyone ever noticed their band being looser during TOM? What do you think I should do about my fill? I pay for my fills and would hate to waste $300. Just looking for an opinion.



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I don't think that any of us LIKE to exercise. I have been fighting the demons for the last couple of days somthing fierce. But I have made it each night. Once I get there I figure I might as well just do an hour since I am already here.

As for testing...YES that is what we are preparing them for. And why? So they can take the damn test and not care about it. In Oregon there are no consequences for students not passing the tests as there are in places like New York, Nevada, and other states, where the passing of the tests are linked to graduation requirements. That makes it good and bad. Good because I don't think that graduation should be based on a single test, but rather a complitation of work which shows that you know how to learn. Bad because the kids don't give a rip about whether or not they pass. We do test in science here but it doesn't really mean much to us teachers either. I teach in the "testing year" but most of the material on the test is based on information that the should have learned in the previous two years, so basically what I teach doesn't effect them much on the test. In my classroom I try to focus more on how to learn rather than on facs and regurgitating information. That is why I get so stressed out because these kids really don't know how to learn. They know how to spit back the same info that I have already given to them but they don't know how to analyze it and put it together. That is the new system that is being implemented at my school so we are in the process of changing culture.

So back on the food topic..Things are better today. I have taken up gum chewing to break the need to be chewing on something. I am hoping this will pass soon. I know that I really need a fill because I am feeling now just like I did when I was completely unfilled. I can make it and do it on my own, but right now I just need my little tool to be adjusted so that I can use it a bit more. I don't feel one bit guilty about needing to rely on it more than normal. That is why we have it after all. Well I need to get my next unit planned so I am off.

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Has anyone ever noticed their band being looser during TOM? What do you think I should do about my fill? I pay for my fills and would hate to waste $300. Just looking for an opinion.



For me my band gets tighter during that TOM. But that's only been the case with my last 2 periods. And it wouldn't surprise me in the least if that suddenly changed with no warning either. :smile2: About the only thing that's consistent for me is change. :huh2:

If I had to pay $300 for a fill I'd make damn sure I needed one first. If I had any doubt, I'd wait. That's a lot of money. Especially if you get it and then all of a sudden have to deal with a fill that's too tight and have to get some removed. I don't know if you have to pay for that as well.

My advice would be to wait another week or so to see how you go. I did this and I probably ended up waiting too long. But my weight didn't care that I was taking my time. :tongue2: As it turned out I still got too much of a fill..... but that's another story.

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Exercise - Do I like it? No. :smile2: I don't like having to drink all my Water. I don't always like having to eat/drink all my Protein. These things are just necessary evils. A price I have to, and am willing to, pay to be healthier and no longer obese. Some days one or more of these tasks are harder than on other days.

What I've discovered for myself is that I always, ALWAYS feel better about myself on the days I've exercised. Even if I've had to beat myself up to do so. It not only benefits me physically, mentally I feel like I've accomplished something for the day. During my recent bout of flu, when I couldn't get any fluids down, being out in the fresh air did me wonders.

Stand by for a stroll down Ruby's memory highway.... :biggrin2:

I had an aunt I used to visit for vacations as a child who would make us walk with her every evening. We'd complain about being too tired, or she walked too far, or there was something good on tv, or it was too dark or any excuse we could think of to get out of it. But she wouldn't have it. And to stop us complaining the entire time she made up a game for us. We'd walk by a home and try to imagine the type of people that lived in there. What did the father do for a job? Were there any children? What kind of furniture did they have in their rooms? Or she'd make us look at the home and tell us what our favorite thing about it was. It could be the door knocker, or the tree in the yard, or the cute puppy, or anything. We'd build entire lives around homes and add to them each evening when we walked by once again. And pretty soon we'd discover we were enjoying ourselves. In the end it became a tradition that I looked forward to every time I visited her.

Where I'm living now, in an apartment complex, there's not a lot of opportunity to go house browsing like my aunt taught us. But I always think of her when all the exercise I can muster for a day is to walk around the neighborhood for 20 minutes. For me it's psychologically healthy to do something, anything during the day. The one and only excuse I'll accept now is being too ill to get out of bed.

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Hey guys:wink_smile:

Just lurking by...Been sick this week and takes all my energy just to show up at work every day. Forget exercise, I can't even keep my eyes open by the time I get off.

Just wanted ya'll to know, I'm still here and reading nightly.

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Janet - I'll do it, but I'll hate it like a @%*&**!!!!!

Denise - I totally understand - I really do - but you gotta do it gf...

ISo back on the food topic..Things are better today. I have taken up gum chewing to break the need to be chewing on something. I am hoping this will pass soon. I know that I really need a fill because I am feeling now just like I did when I was completely unfilled. I can make it and do it on my own, but right now I just need my little tool to be adjusted so that I can use it a bit more. I don't feel one bit guilty about needing to rely on it more than normal. That is why we have it after all. Well I need to get my next unit planned so I am off.

Karri - Isn't it against the rules to chew gum in school:lol:

Exercise - Do I like it? No. :blushing:

Stand by for a stroll down Ruby's memory highway.... :biggrin2:

I had an aunt I used to visit for vacations as a child who would make us walk with her every evening. We'd complain about being too tired, or she walked too far, or there was something good on tv, or it was too dark or any excuse we could think of to get out of it. But she wouldn't have it. And to stop us complaining the entire time she made up a game for us. We'd walk by a home and try to imagine the type of people that lived in there. What did the father do for a job? Were there any children? What kind of furniture did they have in their rooms? Or she'd make us look at the home and tell us what our favorite thing about it was. It could be the door knocker, or the tree in the yard, or the cute puppy, or anything. We'd build entire lives around homes and add to them each evening when we walked by once again. And pretty soon we'd discover we were enjoying ourselves. In the end it became a tradition that I looked forward to every time I visited her.

Ruby - Loved the stroll....:wub:

Ok - I paid bills - got GD so didn't exercise and tomorrow hair - will go Friday

Gotta run gotta watch GD...

Just wanted to say Hi....

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Hello me ladies!!! Feeling better tonight. Gotta tell ya. I went to the PA today for a fill. Got LOTS of things cleared up for me. Told her about the drinking last week and then told her that I am still splurging on McD's iced coffee ever couple of days. I am always very honest with her. She is hard nosed and tells it like it is.....it may seem like she is upset with you but it is out of love. :wub: Anyway, I have a wonderful relationship with her and I just love her. So I am telling her that I don't honestly know if I need a fill or if it is psychological. (She does them under fluro and as she does them we talk.) So I am talking and telling her all my no no's and she asked if I have been exercising like I should and I said no. Told her I let myself get out of it and now I am trying to get myself back into it. So anyway when we are done she looks at the tech (same one everyt time so I know them both and am comfortable with them) and the PA said how do you reprimand (sp?) someone who comes in and tells you everything and is so honest? We all laughed and the tech said 'yeah she does confession whenever she comes in if she knows she is doing something wrong." So anyway she tells me that I should never think it is psychological with needing a fill. She told me if I am eating more than I should then I need a fill because if my fill is fine my band would be making me PB if I ate to much. I asked her to look and make sure that it wasn't stretched out or anything and blah blah blah. I watch the screen from the side each time but today when she was done she said come here and I want to show you. I looked at it and she showed the picture of how the barium went through before she started a fill and then when it was going through after the fill. She showed me my pouch and told me it is just fine and the same size it should be. She said now I am doing my part here and you have told me what you need to do so you do your part with the exercise. I came home and I had deep cleaned the whole house and my car before I left today so I was trying to justify not going to the gym tonight because I had enough exercise cleaning. I sat here and was feeling so guilty for about 3 hours and then I thought I am not going to feel better until I go so I asked my daughter if she wanted to go and we went. I walked on the treadmill for an hour at 3.5 and automatic inclines. I feel so much better. :blushing: Get this since this morning and being back on my Water pills regularly since my mishap last Friday night that led to all day Saturday and saturday night (LOL) The extra is finally gone again. Whew!!!! Still between 197 and 202. I will take that though because this morning and the previous couple days I have been weighing 205-206. Tonight I am 202.3.

Well girls better get. I am going to watch my tivo'ed shows tonight. I have about 60 hours of them. :unsure:

Good night!!!

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Hi everyone! Looked into plastic surgery today as I've needed a breast reduction/lift since I was in early 20's. I doubt I can afford it right now, but thought I'd go for a free consultation if they have one and see exactly how much it would cost.

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Brandy - Breast Reductions are covered by insurance, I'm not paying for it. If it's not covered, I'm not doing it.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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