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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Morning ladies,

Tooting your own horn I remembered that I wanted to say something about this last night. Ya'know, I love it when you all get excited about the accomplishments you make and share it with me. It's contagious. I've never felt like you were rubbing your achievements in my face. Quite the contrary. It's more like "hey, look what I've done! You can do it too!" I eat all that stuff up. And the good thing is it doesn't have any calories. :lol: It inspires me to keep going and not give in to the demons that continually knock on my door. Sometimes I let them in, we all do. But they're sent on their way a LOT sooner because of the support I have here than with any other weight loss method I've known.

Exercise I got back on the treadmill today and yesterday. Yesterday was HARD work, today was a little easier. I'm not going to make my goal this month, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it. I couldn't do anything for a couple of weeks because I was sick. That's not an excuse I just made up to kid myself, so I don't feel guilty at all. I know I exercised a lot more than I did last February. :biggrin2: Well, now I have to face my housework. It's not going to do itself. :thumbup: See you all a little later. :biggrin2:

Ruby - I don't think we are throwing it in anyones faces - I think Steph as the newest new comer said that too - I know that I am happy for anyone who loses 1/2 lbs - and sad if they gain - We share our joys & sorrows - I agree with "If I can do it so can you"

On the exercise front - I always find my 1st day back after being off a day or 2 the hardest - I was feeling pretty strong last night - but at 3 miles - i said forget this and turned it off - Like I have said - I don't hate exercise like I use to - but I don't LOVE it either...

I went to the plastic surgeon yesterday. I am now waiting for insurance approval. They made it sound like it wouldn't be a problem. The kept asking what size bra i where. I said the biggest double d I can find. The last thing the nurse did was take pictures of the girls. She said your definitely not a double d. I told the dr. I wanted to pay cash for a Tummy Tuck if i get the reduction. He was agains't it. He said i should wait until i lose all the weight and get a full body lift. That's not what he called it, but I can't remember. I don't really want to do that, plus I would have to pay cash for it. What would that cost me 20 thousand or more. I just want the hanging tummy lessened. I told him I will never look good in a bathing suit, I never did. He said you'll change your mind. He said, "I'll make you a deal, if you lose another 20lbs before the reduction, we'll talk about the TT."

Denise - I know you are a few yrs younger than me but I agree witht he whole body lift issue - at my age I really don't care - I would like it - but don't know if I want to spend the $$$ and there is always the PAIN factor

Time will tell - lose that 20 and go from there - maybe he will give you a discount..

OOOO now there's a challenge! :biggrin: That's the type of comment I would use to drive me to achieve a goal. I'd love to get rid of my tummy too. It's my biggest problem. I've been very lucky this time that that's where the most weight loss difference has occurred. It's never been like that before. I'm hoping to get a TT and I know a lot of surgeons prefer that you get to within 20lbs of your goal weight.

This morning I noticed bingo wings under my arms, :biggrin: and my inner thighs are a lot more flabby than they used to be too. I still don't think I'd go for a full body lift though. Not if it put my financial goal too far out of reach for me. I'd rather save for a TT only and get that than have to forgo everything because I couldn't afford all of it.

Keep nagging away at your PS and you may be able to turn him to the dark side. :thumbup:

Ruby - I think I would do arms before body lift - body covered by clothes and here in the desert all the summer clothes are sleeveless - and I hear that the scar from an arm lift is pretty bad - but I dislike my arms very much - so it all depends on cost - I am about to go see a ps for my face - I have bags under my eyes and I look tired (also have hoods over my eyes) and now that my face isn't all plumped out - it looks so long... but again - I don't like pain - so who knows when I will get the courage to really do something - it took yrs for me to finally get banded and insurance covered it - as we all know p,s. usually isn't - so thats a big factor.

Ok - back to work -:cool:

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OK gang - another slow day on lucky #7 board - I guess everyone is working - me too - I just ck in between my files. Back from lunch - 1 cup one pot wonder and 16 oz of fresh squeezed pink grapefruit juice -45 minutes after eating:tongue:

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HOLY CRAP I am so frustrated today. :biggrin: I feel like I am on the brink of ripping a kid's head off. They are so aggrivating today. No one can listen today and no one can do anything. I am pretty damn certain that by the end of the day some little creep is going to ask me for directions to wipe their butt. HELPLESS. :thumbup: I fear for this generation. I am going to go home and cry...that is how frustrated I am:cry_smile:. Not to mention that I think I am going to be over my calories today. Stress eating. I made my lunch too big and justified it by saying that I would just throw away what I wasn't hungry for. Hello have I not learned by now that I will not throw it away but instead leave it on my desk and just pick at it for ever. :biggrin: Guess not. So it is only 1:30 and I have already eaten 765 calories for the day. So now that I actually see that number it doesn't seem as bad as I thought it would be. My Protein Bar is 190 and I could have a sandwich for 150 which would take me to 1135. Only 135 calories over my goal.:thumbup: I guess that is okay:confused_smile:.

Yes I used a lot of smilies in order to make myself feel better. I swear in the time that it has taken me to write this post (10 minutes) I have answered the same question 15 times. Now that would be fine if this was a complicated task, but we are LITERALLY COUNTING BEANS! Plus I gave them all of the information that they needed including all of the calculations before the class. Then we did one together. And they still don't get it. No wait...they won't even try to get it. Nothing frustrates me more than people not attempting anything. They come up to me and I ask them what they have done to attempt to do the problem and they say nothing. It looked to hard so I didn't want to try. CRYING, SCREAMING AND THROWING A FIT RIGHT NOW. :cursing:Okay I feel a little bit better after venting. All you teachers now what I am talking about. I just know it. For everyone else, think about this: Everytime you have a question or come across something you are not 110% sure of do you run to someone to ask them to give you the answer or do you try to think it through yourself and ask after you have given it your best shot?? Worst example, I didn't put a name line ( a place for you to write your name) on this assignment and I have had 5 kids ask me where (or if) they should write their name on the paper.

Okay I have gone on too long about this subject and it is going my head blow off if I don't focus on something else. Thanks for listening and now ends the Trials and Tribulations of a HIGH SCHOOl teacher!

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Kids today have no common sense... Hugs to you...

Here is a real virus warning we got from our IT person today -

Please DO NOT open any e-cards sent to your email address here, even if it seems like it was sent by someone you know.

If you receive one that you think is legit, do not open it but instruct the sender to send it to your home email address (and still, open at your own risk, this is a REAL virus warning).

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Hello all. Sorry I have been MIA the past couple of days. I tell you this past weekend was ROUGH!! LOL No more drinking for a while for me. Thats ok though don't need the calories. I still haven't lost those 3 extra pounds and found 2 more to go with them. I go tomorrow for a fill so hoping that will help. I feel like I can eat and eat and eat. Janet I am like you with the eating and drinking after a loopy night except that I get sick the night of the party and then feel like crap and want to eat and eat and drink Water or POP the next 3 days after. One night out honestly just isn't worth all that for me anymore.

Gotta get going to the Bucket List at the theatre tonight. TTYL

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Jackie - It's one of the reasons - I really don't drink too much anymore - it's the way I feel afterwards - just not worth it and heck with the band I just can't eat like I use to - and I hate that..

OK - the battle starts - I don't want to go exercise. I would rather go to costco and get some fish & veggies - Yes I know you all are saying well why can't you just do both - #1 I get off at 4 and get to the gym by 4:30 before everyone else does and I can get MY treadmill and I am one of those people who if I break my pattern I won't go - cuz it will be too late - too many people - etc excuses - cuz i really don't have anything else to with my time except talk to you all... #2 can't go after the gym cuz I am all sweaty etc I can't go there looking like I do after the gym - I will run in to our neighborhood market - but not go to costco.

I am getting complacant - with my weight loss - I am still eating good but am not exercising since I did lose 2 lbs last week and I haven't been on the scale since - maybe I should get on it - cuz if it's not moving or going up that is incentive to go to the gym .

Well gotta log off - I will fight with myself all the way home - but bet you 99% i will go to the gym - but it will be a fight :)

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Okay girls I need some help. My husband is taking me to Hawaii for 10 year anniversary. He has bought me a beautiful dress.(I thought I would not fit it in but we leave in two weeks and it fits perfect) I guess he knew. ANyway it is a haltr style and i need suggestions on a strapless or haltr type bra. I have not had a strapless bra on since high school graduated 1995 so it has been a while. Any good brands that may work? I need them to fill out the dress. Any help.

thanks girls


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I am getting complacant - with my weight loss - I am still eating good but am not exercising since I did lose 2 lbs last week and I haven't been on the scale since - maybe I should get on it - cuz if it's not moving or going up that is incentive to go to the gym .

Well gotta log off - I will fight with myself all the way home - but bet you 99% i will go to the gym - but it will be a fight :)

Amen...I really am your daughter!!! I am happy with where I am at right now, but feel for some reason that I should get down to that 150. For what reason...because that was the arbitrary goal that I set. I know me and I know that a part of me won't be satisfied if I dont' get there. A part of me will overlook the almost 80 pounds that I have lost and instead focus on the 21 that I have left to lose. I am tired of the full out war that I fight everyday and just want to be okay when I look down at that scale. I want to feel that if I eat just over 1000 calories and don't go to the gym that I am not going to wake up and be right back to the 250 pound mark. I have considered getting this next fill and then giving it a month. What ever weight I am at then is where I am going to maintain for a while. Then if I still feel the need to lose the weight, I will do so. I will tell you this much. I am not going through the weight loss part of this journey after this school year. Maintenance is soooooo where I want to be. My fear is not that I will gain the weight back, because I really have changed my mindset and my habits. It will always be a concern in the back of my mind, but my REAL fear is that I am not going to be happy when I decide I am done...but for the wrong reasons. Really weepy today. Damn kids have me in a mood. Did talk to another teacher that helped me a little.

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Karri, I think we're reaching the point where after 7 months of giving up something that we really enjoyed, we are getting angry that we have to keep doing this. I know that right now, I'm sick of dieting, I'm sick of winter and cold and slush and snow and darkness, I'm less tolerant of my husband lately, and I'm less tolerant of stupidity.

I want to eat. I think I just have to get over this hump and know that if I persist, things will get better. I can't think about maintenance yet. I have to fight even harder now than I did last fall when the band was new and exciting and I was full of hope. My weight loss has slowed down, and there are still a lot of things that still haven't changed. I'm tired of being patient. I've worked so hard for so long, but there's still so much more to go.

Hang in there with me, Karri. We are in this together, and together we will suceed. I am sending positive energy and prayers your way--and the same for everyone else that's sturggling with me. Janet, Phyl, Ruby, Jackie, Mango, Marcy, Katrina, Steph, Denise, and the rest of you who are just as important. We're a team, ladies! I need you.

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Okay girls I need some help. My husband is taking me to Hawaii for 10 year anniversary. He has bought me a beautiful dress.(I thought I would not fit it in but we leave in two weeks and it fits perfect) I guess he knew. ANyway it is a haltr style and i need suggestions on a strapless or haltr type bra. I have not had a strapless bra on since high school graduated 1995 so it has been a while. Any good brands that may work? I need them to fill out the dress. Any help.

thanks girls




7_6_6v.gif HAWAII 15_4_109.gif

The last one I had and wore twice was from Lane Bryant - You are just going to have to go to the mall and try them on I thnik. When do you go?? I am so happy for you.. Have an umbrella drink for me...

Amen...I really am your daughter!!! I am happy with where I am at right now, but feel for some reason that I should get down to that 150. For what reason...because that was the arbitrary goal that I set. I know me and I know that a part of me won't be satisfied if I dont' get there. A part of me will overlook the almost 80 pounds that I have lost and instead focus on the 21 that I have left to lose. I am tired of the full out war that I fight everyday and just want to be okay when I look down at that scale. I want to feel that if I eat just over 1000 calories and don't go to the gym that I am not going to wake up and be right back to the 250 pound mark. I have considered getting this next fill and then giving it a month. What ever weight I am at then is where I am going to maintain for a while. Then if I still feel the need to lose the weight, I will do so. I will tell you this much. I am not going through the weight loss part of this journey after this school year. Maintenance is soooooo where I want to be. My fear is not that I will gain the weight back, because I really have changed my mindset and my habits. It will always be a concern in the back of my mind, but my REAL fear is that I am not going to be happy when I decide I am done...but for the wrong reasons. Really weepy today. Damn kids have me in a mood. Did talk to another teacher that helped me a little.

Karri - My original goal was 170 - so I am only 5 lbs from that - but then you joined us and I was looking at your goal weight and we started out the same and have been losing close to the same - so I thought I should shoot for 160 cuz it gives me a better BMI - still not 25 but close enought for a women my age.

Plus there was a big fight on one of the threads about why us fat people only chose to lose like half of our excess weight and why not lose all of it - it was battle royal - people calling one girl - I think it was Chickie too skinny - she even took her picture off her signature. And the arguments they gave there made sense - why aren't we striving for our health to get all our weight off - but as I told them at my age and if I was 145 - I think I would look sickly - but again that is the max I should weigh for my height and truly I'm under 5'4 - more like 5'3 1/2. But this is me and I will only do what makes me happy and not what someone else thinks is right for me - I think 160 is a good number

I am going with for my happy weight - which is a weight that is attainable and maintainable without beating yourself up - Karri do you get Self Magazine - there was an artical in it last month - p.m. me your address and I will send it to you..

I get tons of complements - I feel so much better and I am giving myself 3 months to lose the 15 lbs - that's 5 lbs each month and I think that is doable and turly if I get to 90 lbs gone by 7/17/08 - I will be very happy..

What are the wrong reasons - Heck 100 lbs gone is a very big accomplishment and you need to say yes I set the goal and I accomplished it I am proud of me. You are such a beautiful, giving, smart young lady and you have accomplished all this on your own. 23_5_118.gif

I think you are well balance and level headed for a girl who has gone through your uphill battle to become a wonderful adult. You have to give yourself a break - you need to lighten up a bit - it's good to be serious and goal orientated - but not obessive..:)

Weepy - is it that time of the month?? I use to get very angry when I was younger at that time - then last few years I got weepy and lovey dovey - I would tell my dh I love you and he would say - you are getting ready to start - and I would ck the calendar and he was right:lol:

Just want you to know that you are loved and appreciated for the wonderful young lady that you are...:biggrin2:

Ok - I went to the gym - I walked my 3 miles - went to the neighborhood store and they didn't have any fresh green Beans :thumbup: - got some sunless tanning spray - Weather here is great - 83 today - so if I want to wear my new capri's I need a little color on my legs :glare: cuz I look like casper :tt2:

Well, last night dinner was enought for 2 nites - so all i have to do is throw it in the microwave - which I am about to do - it's almost 7:30.

I will ck back later -


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Janet, I totally agree with you about the "Ideal" weight issue. Especially the notion that at 50-something, losing too much weight can be as unattractive as being obese. I don't want to look sickly, and I think that a little fullness can keep the wrinkles and skin in general looking healthier. Frankly, I think that your last pictures look wonderful. You're wearing size 10's for heaven's sake! I think your idea of 5 pounds a month for the next three months is realistic and healty. At this point, you do know what is best for you, and I admire the way you've gone after it.

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:Banane40:They are so few and far between and most days I am right where you are Karri. I'm hopeless and frustrated and angry that these kids won't listen and won't try and let things go in one ear and out the other. To make it worse, Montana only tests in reading and math. :glare: (I had to pick math right?) That's all that matters....and by the time my kids come to me they already have this awesome reading level usually. Well...this year is worse than many others and testing begins in three weeks....after a month of 3 day weeks because of basketball touraments. :lol: Honestly this week, Monday morning they were gone for an assembly all morning, today I had my 8th grade, 9th grade project all day, tomorrow afternoon they are in another assembly, and Thurs and Fri all but three are gone to tourney. The last three weeks haven't been much better. And then I'm given orders that during this tourney time, homework is off limits. How in the world?????:smile:

Anyways...I'm not going to focus on that. I had theses bigwigs come out from Washington to evaluate this project that I put together and they could NOT say good enough things about my students. They were engaged, excited, learning.....ALL DAY LONG!!! It was a computer project and won't help me in my math testing, but maybe the enthusiasm will be contageous for the next couple of weeks. It was so wonderful. Today is the type of day that keeps me teaching. Why? Because these kids ARE reachable....it's just that what I'm doing most days isn't reaching them! But today??? I'M ALMOST HIGH WITH THE EXCITEMENT!!:)

Okay....back to my band. Pretty good day. With the visitors I didn't get my lunch walk in today and now I'm curled over with cramps. These are new for me since I had my tubes tied.....they SUCK!!!! Anyways, I had fewer calories as a substitute.

As for tooting your horn..:thumbup:..You guys are awesome about it. It makes me encouraged. I look at you and see the struggles you are having and you are still progressing. It gives me hope that even with my obstacles and my downfalls, all of this is possible. That is awesome. What I was talking about was the only time people are posting on my "home" board is to say they have lost 50 pounds in 2 months and they love their band. When asked how they got such wonderful results all they say is xxx. It's frustrating. Give me some guidance if you're doing so great....don't just give me a 3 sentence answer. I hope I didn't make you guys feel like you were putting anyone off. You are all so HUMAN! I would be sunk by now without you. Toot away!!! I know that it all comes with a mighty tough struggle. :tt2:

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Oh...and thanks for the goal weight talk. I picked a number with very little thought besides if I'm going to do this, I don't want to stop at "fat"...I was to be "healthy". So....I picked the top number of that place on the bmi chart....but knew that the bmi chart is not the be all end all.

I will stop when I feel like I'm there.....but not when I am okay. Where ever that is...so be it.

Oh...and I dug into an old box of clothes. I fit into clothes that I bought at the beginning of my teaching career in 1999. Yeah me! I still have a few things smaller, but not many! I'm going to soon be in clothes I haven't fit into since my first husband told me I was too fat to stay married to! I guess we know what he can do with THAT opinion...

Yeah me! I'm tooting!!!

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I am not responding to each of you individually because so many of the things are intertwined so I will just post one big one.

I know I can make it to my goal, but things are really tough right now. My job is really stressful as you can tell from my earlier post, but despite the fact that I said I was going to leave my job next year, financially I just can't. So I am staying. I know things will be better next year because the students are used to the system that we are using and so that will be one less battle that I face everyday. Plus I will have one year of curriculum under my belt and for the first time in my career, I will be teaching the exact same thing 2 years in a row. Thank goodness!

As for the food issue, I really am not missing the food. When I have food cravings it is for healthy things. Right now I am eating out of stress from work and home. The fact that I essentially have ZERO restriction right now is not helping. Fill is schedule for March 10...AMEN I, like my mom so delicately put it, am OBSESSED with the calories. No matter how hard I try to not count calories, I spend the entire day calculating how many I have eaten. Just tonight while working out at the gym I calculated and recalculated in my head what I had eaten 10-15 times and I only worked out for an hour! I have an issue with control. I do like the idea of 5 pounds per month though. That would have me finished just after the end of the school year, which is what I am hoping for. For those of you who don't know this school year has been a drastic change in my life: we moved across the state, I started at a new school, I got the band, I have lost ~80 pounds (which is good but still adds stress), and now for the first time in over 2 years I only get to see my BF 2x/week. We are talking MAJOR life changes. So it is no wonder that I am a little high strung. I am not trying to make excuses and I certainly am not hitting the food like I would have in the past, but its been rough. I wish it was that time of the month, because then I would have a reason that I could blame for the tears.

Another thing about the 150 is that I will still be considered overweight at that point. 145 is the highest I can be to be "healthy", but my doc suggested the 150. His thought was that I am fairly muscular so 145 might not be optimal for me.

Well I do feel so much better and reenergized to continue on. I really am so thankful for all of you. No one here seems to understand the struggle that I am facing but all of you do, because you are all right there with me.

So to end on a good note, I did go to the gym tonight and despite a not so stellar day on the eating front, I did end up with net calories (calories burned during exericise- calories eaten) about 700, so that is a good thing. My normal net calories is around 400, but I ate a bit more than normal today and didn't do as strenuous of a workout! But it was a success nonetheless.

Thanks again for all the words of encouragement, but alas, I am late for bedtime again.

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Brandy - You live in TX and moving to FL - I forget are you and dh retired or have family there.. I guess since I have never left the Coachella Valley that sounds like a big move..

Hi Janet, congratulations on 175 by the way. We are not retired yet, but will be before long. Just getting things all set up!


Where in Florida? I'm in Fort Lauderdale.

Ft Myers, Florida.

NO ONE sees me naked. :) I haven't been to the gyno in at least 8 years. :glare: OMG, I'm freakin out. :tt2: I may have to take a couple of Xanex. Yes thats what I'll do, I'll get my DH to bring me and I'll take a nerve pill.

You're worrying me. What do you mean you haven't been to the gynecologist in 8 years. You should go each and every year for a pap smear and then to the imaging center for a mammogram! Are you crazy, cancer kills! I don't care what I look like, I'm going to the beach, I'm going to the gynecologist, etc. I've never let my weight slow me down. My Mom died of cancer and I wouldn't take any chances with something that can be diagnosed so easily and then be treated! Please go to the gynecologist before you worry about plastic surgery!

All, caught up with all posts and sounds like all are doing pretty well. I've got loose skin too, mainly in breasts, butt, thighs, and under arms. But, I'm still pleased that my body has been very, very forgiving of my past sins. So, I can't complain. I'm going to look into a breast lift however, but don't know if I can afford it after I self paid the surgery.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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