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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Janet-I have a mom question! I know that you said that you have eat spaghetti squash. I just bought some but I was wondering what the reheat value is. If I make it tonight will it be good for dinner for the next few night? Should have asked before I bought it but you weren't at the store when it was staring me in the face.

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I'm here too. I just got back about half an hour ago from seeing my surgeon. He took some of my fill out. I explained how I hadn't been able to get any food down for about 3 weeks now and that I could only get fluids down in the afternoon. Anything before that or after 9pm would just come straight back out again or have me up all night with reflux problems. So they removed .125ccs. Half of what I got at my last fill. I'm very happy with that. :woot: I'm not really looking forward to any appetite I may get as a result, but I know it's better for me to be able to get proper food and Protein into my body. I'm on fluids for the next 2 days, the same procedure as after a fill, and then I can see how mushies go. I'm looking forward to getting back on track. It was wonderful to see the scale go down consistently, but I was miserable a lot of the time. Having the flu on top of it didn't help any.

Rashes - thank you everyone for your suggestions. I'm going to try them ALL. I have always have sensitive skin. I use Dove soap and wash my clothes in hypo-allergenic liquids. Even when I'm careful I can still break out in an eczema rash without problem. I have a shelf in my bathroom cabinet dedicated to lotions and potions just for that. I've already tried most of them with my tummy rash, with mixed results. It doesn't hurt to have other methods to attack this with. Part of me wants to get rid of it yesterday, another part of me wants to use this with the insurance company to help with a TT approval. I think I'll time a visit to the doctor's between subsequent outbreaks just to keep things on record in case I need it.

Shopping - well I went shopping this weekend. It's not a favorite activity of mine, but I was still excited because I was going to the normal section. :tt1: You were dead right Janet, there are SOOOOOOO many choices there. At least in the BBW section there are only 2 choices; clothes that fit and clothes that don't. :lol: When looking for jeans I was given choices of classic rise, low rise, lowest rise, straight, boot cut, flared, long, short, regular :eek: It was daunting! I started with a few different styles of 14s, none of them fit! :sad2: In a good way! They were all too big! :w00t: So I went down to 12s and some of them fit, some of them didn't. I made the insane decision to try on a pair of 10s :) They fit too! :w00t: I ended up buying 2 pairs of 12s and a pair of 10s. I was on top of the world. :biggrin2: I don't ever remember buying a pair of 10s. Not this century anyway. :cryin: So that's my latest NSV. :Yawn:

There were other things I wanted to respond to, but kidzheimers has struck and I can't remember anymore. I need to fix dinner and I'll come back and read through the thread again to jog my forgettory and get back later this evening.

Thanks for all they help you guys in getting me to where I am today. Yes, it's your fault as much as mine that I'm feeling this good. :)

Hi Ruby; Have you tried CANESTEN cream?? It's an anti-fungal available over the counter... or anything for JOCK ITCH... don't laugh. It really helps clear up the crease rash as it is usually YEAST infection.

Just my 2 cents:thumbup:

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Janet-I have a mom question! I know that you said that you have eat spaghetti squash. I just bought some but I was wondering what the reheat value is. If I make it tonight will it be good for dinner for the next few night? Should have asked before I bought it but you weren't at the store when it was staring me in the face.

But you can cook the spaghetti squash and eat it over a couple of days.... or you can freeze the leftovers and use it at another time...

we have learned to LOVE it at our house, in fact its the only Squash member that my DH will touch. :)

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Karri - I am glad Peaches knew the answer cuz I haven't ever cooked it - I eat butternut and yellow crooked neck squash and zuchinee - I don't even know how to cook it - I guess I am going to have to buy some and try it now. Dont you bake it then run a fork thru it to make it come out like spaghetti??? What are you making with it?? I am hungry - went to the gym - answered phyl's emai - she says Hi everyone - but her interenet is spoty and then answered a p.m from a girl who whats to know if she should have an unfill cuz she can barely eat and she see that I can eat.. Now jump on here to see what's up but see it's been a slow night so far..

Well I am off to start my dinner - fish veggies & rice - - same old stuff now I want to try your squash - let me know about it..


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Ok I'm back - dinner in the oven - got 20 minutes...

Karri - Sorry I didn't know the answer - Now I feel like a bad Mom :frown: I let you down - ask me how to cook fattening foods - and I can give you the answer :) - but i do know some good WW foods - spaghetti pie - is really good - maybe you could try it with the squash - ground turkey cooked in spaghetti sauce - egg & paremsens cheese mixed with the spagh squash put in at pie tin - add cottage cheese or ricotta on top then add your meat mixture a little mozzarella on top - yummy....4 servings. I have made it with real Pasta and love it - I can give advice on sewing, crocheting (not knittin) I can embroider but not cross stitch - I am good at listening and trying to fix problems - I can give advice on babies - men and how they should treat you.

Peaches did your Mom come home today?? How's your restriction - no more M&M or McDonalds :)

Ruby - yes in the jean dept - OMW - too many diff types but stay away from Mommy jeans (tapered) go with boot cut if they aren't too tight at the knees or trouser (my fav) &/or flares - I can't do low cut too much muffin top - I go for waist fitted jeans - but you are younger you might be able to do it.. Yes we now have the whole mall not just 2 store :lol:


Well my timer just went of - if i don't set the timer I forget I am cooking and will burn up my dinner - i have done it once or twice from being on here:tongue2:

Well off to eat - will ck back later...

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Hi all! Hope you had a great day. I have been busy at school getting ready for this project that I'm doing tomorrow. I'm still trying to stay calm....and I'm keeping the demons at bay. Today I did alright. Normal drinks for Breakfast, raw veggies, pears, and 1/2 polish sausage (plain no bun) for lunch, and taco salad for dinner. Not bad. But it was 8:00 before I got home so I'm not going to get my walking in. I did walk for 15 mins during lunch. Mr. LongLegs complains because I walk to fast ...hehehehe.

Tomorrow is another long work day so I won't see you all until late. Tell Phyll I miss her. Hope the rest of you have a great time

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Ok I'm back - dinner in the oven - got 20 minutes...

Karri - Sorry I didn't know the answer - Now I feel like a bad Mom :lol: I let you down - ask me how to cook fattening foods - and I can give you the answer :) - but i do know some good WW foods - spaghetti pie - is really good - maybe you could try it with the squash - ground turkey cooked in spaghetti sauce - egg & paremsens cheese mixed with the spagh squash put in at pie tin - add cottage cheese or ricotta on top then add your meat mixture a little mozzarella on top - yummy....4 servings. I have made it with real Pasta and love it - I can give advice on sewing, crocheting (not knittin) I can embroider but not cross stitch - I am good at listening and trying to fix problems - I can give advice on babies - men and how they should treat you.

You are certainly not a bad mom. :thumbup: Between my real mom, my stepmom (ugh can't believe I actually wrote that word) and my band mom... you get first place! I just must have read your posts wrong. My damn students lack of reading skills are rubbing off on me!:) The directions on how to cook it came on a sticker right on the squash along with some serving suggestions. I have become so accustomed to not eating pasta that I really just stay away from it, but I wanted something healthy to go along with some Pasta Sauce that I made to go with my pizza tonight. Now before anyone starts wagging their fingers at me let me explain. It is a crustless pizza made with ground chicken instead. Then it is topped with pasta sauce, onions, green peppers, mushrooms, turkey pepperoni and low fat cheese. Total of 360 calories and I ate 1/2 of it. So it is a very healthy meal. I made it before when I was on Atkins but it was made with hamburger and sausage and NOTHING was healthy about it. However the new version wasn't as good as I had hoped so I won't give you the exact recipe yet. It was on the right track, but it needs some tweaking. The bottom meat "crust" was really bland and dry. Ground chicken is pretty difficult to cook with, but I have not given up on it. Good thing because I have 8 half pound packages in my freezer:scared2:.

Sooooooo, going to the gym tonight turned out to be quite the war. Forget World War III, I had the wars to end all wars with myself tonight. HOLY CRAP! It took so much power to get off the couch, into the car, and onto the eliptical. I seriously was trying to talk myself out of going all the way to the gym. Sitting in the parking lot I was still having the war with myself. I finally comprimised with myself and said that I would go in as long as I didn't have to run tonight. I guess that motivated me to go in and get my hour done. I did a half hour on the eliptical and another half on the bike. Talk about stubborness. Holy cow I can be stubborn. But the good side won out. I have been doing 1.5 hours and that is kind of daunting to think about doing everyday so I am going to just shoot for 1 hour and I think that is more reasonable and doable. I am not going to make my goal for the month and now that I think about it 30 hours a month is actually a lot. That means never taking a day off and doing an hour a day. I think that is setting me up to fail. I am going to revise my March goal to 20 hour. That is 1 hour 5x/week. That sounds reasonable.

Well it is 35 mintues past my bedtime so I had best scoot. Will check in with you about 12 million times tomorrow while my kids are working on projects and I am preventing myself from drooling :frown: from boredom.

Nighty Night

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Hi, Everyone!!

It's almost midnight and everyone in the park must be sleeping except for us because all of a sudden we can both get on the internet!! Bandwith is ridiculous! They've been promising to add more all winter! Oh, well! Can't complain because we're not paying for it! Our neighbors let us use theirs. My next strong connection next door is camping down at the Salton Sea!! They were going to be gone 10 days but when we went to visit them yesterday they said TWO MORE WEEKS!! Heck, we'll be almost ready to leave for home by then! Just coping here as best we can. Connection at the park clubhouse isn't any better. Our son tried to use it the other day and gave up. I've been amusing myself watching TV and playing Spider Solitaire until my hand hurts!!

Read all your posts so I can keep up to date. But if I try to make comments I'll be up half the night!! Miss you all SOOOO MUCH! My lifeline!

Anyway, about spaghetti squash... have only cooked it a couple of times, but just read this recipe on another thread:


1 spaghetti squash

1 tablespoon EVOO

Salt & pepper

1 lb. extra lean ground beef (96/4)

2 cloves garlic, minced or grated

3 cups Ragu spaghetti sauce (old world style)

Italian seasoning to taste

1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese


Cut squash in half, lengthwise, and spoon out the seeds. Brush with EVOO and sprinkle with salt & pepper. Lay both pieces, face-down, on a cookie sheet lined with nonstick aluminum foil and bake at 350 for at least an hour, maybe longer. (Bake until skin is very very soft if you want the consistency to be like noodles). Let them cool completely.

Meanwhile, brown ground beef, drain and put back in pan. Add garlic and cook for a minute. Then add spaghetti sauce, salt & pepper to taste, and Italian seasoning to taste. Let it simmer for about 20-30 minutes. Once squash is cooled, rake out the squash into a mixing bowl with a fork. Add sauce mixture and toss well. Put the mixture in a baking dish and top with Parmesan cheese. Bake until cheese is melted.

Here's the nutritional information: Serving size is 1/8 of recipe (which is a good size portion)

Calories- 117

Fat- 5g

Carbs- 7g

Protein- 9g

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I'm still around...a little too busy to read the whole thread, but I'm still watching you all...I get a daily update.

I'm in Anchorage and got a fill today. Went from 3.0cc to 3.2 cc. I don't feel much so I may go in for more tomorrow...we'll see after breakfast tomorrow. I have a lot to do tomorrow, but the fill was my priority for the trip so we'll see what happens...I only have a few days.

Things are good here in Alaska. We've been able to pull a lot of crab from our pots (it's pretty easy after you get your big hold chopped out of the ice...ice was thick this year ~ 4 ft and that made it a bit painstaking). I'm getting sick of winter, but spring is just around the corner. The Iditarod is coming (big sled dog race) and I'm looking forward to that.

In case you wonder what Nome, Alaska looks like...there's a web cam that updates every couple of minutes at www.nomealaska.org

check it out! The picture is of our Visitor's Center and in the background is the Norton Sound (that leads to the Bering Sea). Cool stuff!

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Morning ladies,

Marcy, I checked out that link you posted. Wow! Looks cold. I was complaining here this morning because it was 40 degrees. :) We didn't get any snow this winter and it doesn't look like it'll come at all. My son is disappointed but I'm not. I'm not a sun worshiper by any means, but I don't do cold. :frown:

Tooting your own horn I remembered that I wanted to say something about this last night. Ya'know, I love it when you all get excited about the accomplishments you make and share it with me. It's contagious. I've never felt like you were rubbing your achievements in my face. Quite the contrary. It's more like "hey, look what I've done! You can do it too!" I eat all that stuff up. And the good thing is it doesn't have any calories. :lol: It inspires me to keep going and not give in to the demons that continually knock on my door. Sometimes I let them in, we all do. But they're sent on their way a LOT sooner because of the support I have here than with any other weight loss method I've known.

When my self esteem was low, I couldn't accept a compliment. If someone told me I looked nice, I'd always find a negative response. Always. It's only very recently that I've been able to respond with "Thank you. I feel good too." And a lot of that has to do with what I read here. Seeing the enthusiasm and pride from everyone when they achieve a NSV has made me realise that even the smallest of goals is reason to Celebrate.

Spaghetti Squash Phyl, that recipe sounds yum. I've never tried spag squash so I think I'll give it a try one day soon. Provided I can find any in the stores. I guess it would work just as well with other types of squash, although you wouldn't get that spaghetti texture.

Canestan - Thanks peaches for that suggestion. I already have a tube of that but I haven't tried it yet. I've tried the athletes foot cream and powder and they kind of work, but don't clear things up altogether. I just need to find the right cocktail of things I guess. So I'm going to go through all of the suggestions I've got here and switch them around and stuff. Part of me wants to clear this up completely, part of me wants it to be a problem so I'll qualify for insurance coverage. :thumbup:

Exercise I got back on the treadmill today and yesterday. Yesterday was HARD work, today was a little easier. I'm not going to make my goal this month, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it. I couldn't do anything for a couple of weeks because I was sick. That's not an excuse I just made up to kid myself, so I don't feel guilty at all. I know I exercised a lot more than I did last February. :biggrin2:

Well, now I have to face my housework. It's not going to do itself. :) See you all a little later. :biggrin2:

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Good Morning Gang !!!!

Steph - I feel sorry for all you teachers - OMW you guys have a lot of work with hardly any pay or acknownledgement from parents & kids.. Hugs to you all for being good teachers:thumbup:

Karri - Hugs back to you - I would never wag my finger on food choices as long as you are in your calorie intake limit for the day - I wouldn't nesssaaryily agree to just eating a bag of M&M for your 1000 calories - cuz you need your nutrition but every now and them - eating that bag of does the trick - but for me I gotta have real food - I have a new bedtime snack - Fiber Cookies w/pb & little jam - 200 calories - so yesterday had 850 for the day - I think today I am going to have to up them a bit - I truely haven't been getting 1000- 1200 most days - more like 800 - 900 max..

On the exercise issue - We are a lot alike and pushing ourselves to do more and more - My Uncle told me (we are alike too) that is how we burn ourselves out and then will quit all togther. We just make it too hard - if we aren't going 110% - it's that all or nothing attidute - He told me to slow down - relax and enjoy what you are doing - concentrate on your form - listen to your music - We don't always have the energy to work out hard everyday - we work - we have lives - and sometime we are tired - so you did good with bartering with yourself - heck 1/2 hr is better than no exercise.

Phyl - that sounds good - I am hungry this morning..

Marcy - Glad you stopped by we miss you - I bet you are tired of winter - Crab - you lucky girl.....

Well, gotta get to work - I have had 3 people in here since I started this 1/2 hr ago...

Will ck back later..

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Marcy - Dats too cold for me honey child. I'll check out your web site.

I went to the plastic surgeon yesterday. I am now waiting for insurance approval. They made it sound like it wouldn't be a problem. The kept asking what size bra i where. I said the biggest double d I can find. The last thing the nurse did was take pictures of the girls. She said your definitely not a double d. I told the dr. I wanted to pay cash for a Tummy Tuck if i get the reduction. He was agains't it. He said i should wait until i lose all the weight and get a full body lift. That's not what he called it, but I can't remember. I don't really want to do that, plus I would have to pay cash for it. What would that cost me 20 thousand or more. I just want the hanging tummy lessened. I told him I will never look good in a bathing suit, I never did. He said you'll change your mind. He said, "I'll make you a deal, if you lose another 20lbs before the reduction, we'll talk about the TT."

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He said, "I'll make you a deal, if you lose another 20lbs before the reduction, we'll talk about the TT."

OOOO now there's a challenge! :biggrin: That's the type of comment I would use to drive me to achieve a goal. I'd love to get rid of my tummy too. It's my biggest problem. I've been very lucky this time that that's where the most weight loss difference has occurred. It's never been like that before. I'm hoping to get a TT and I know a lot of surgeons prefer that you get to within 20lbs of your goal weight.

This morning I noticed bingo wings under my arms, :biggrin: and my inner thighs are a lot more flabby than they used to be too. I still don't think I'd go for a full body lift though. Not if it put my financial goal too far out of reach for me. I'd rather save for a TT only and get that than have to forgo everything because I couldn't afford all of it.

Keep nagging away at your PS and you may be able to turn him to the dark side. :thumbup:

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I really can't even think about PS. My BF keeps trying to convince me that my belly issues are really just skin issues but I am not buying it. I really do think that it is just fat that I can lose through proper eating and exercise. I can't afford PS at all and won't be able to for a long time and my insurance won't cover it at all. Besides I just met a lady last week that had a TT and she said it was so painful. So I may have to be happy with my flab. Size medium shirts and 10 pants are good. Though 8's would be better!! Fortunately my legs are good. No droopiness there but the arms are a disaster. Never will be able to wear tank tops. Guess that is alright as long as I can still wear shorts. And the boobs...lets not even go there.

Well I MUST get some work done before I eat lunch. Wish me luck!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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