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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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oh my gosh, Mango, naked as in no clothes whatsoever? I'd do the same thing--take Xanax and anything else I could get my hands on. Me too, no pap test, not even a mamogram in years, although I promised myself that I would do it this summer when I get to or close to my goal. Let me know if it's as bad as I imagine!

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Lynette--you here? Hop on hon, I miss you. I hope you're moving through all the emotions you've been feeling about Hunter. I had a kid with ADD too. Took forever for him to learn to control his impulses, and he still struggels, but at 28 he has his bachelor's degree, a great job, a wife who is expecting their first baby after 5 years of marriage, and they were off for a ski weekend with his friends this weekend.

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Hey Gang

Well I got dressed to go to the grocery store - then thought - you need some hope in a tube (I am a phylosiphy girl too) so drove to Macy's - well why you are here let's ck out the clothes - Well $200 later I am home :eek: never made it to food shopping - use to be food shopping all the time now it's clothes :thumbdown:- got a pair of white jeans size 10 - one top size medium - (must be oversized) a pair of peite 12 jeans -a dress and another top. Now I want someone to expain - I wear a large to xl on top - 10 or 12 on the bottom - tried on one dress size 14 too tight tried on another size 16 too tight -at JCPennys got one size 14.. What is it with dresses:confused:...

Linda - Yes Normal clothing :blush:

How's your tummy today - are you still on liquids or have you moved to mushies??

Linda & Mango - Haven't had a pap or mamo in years - OMG me neither prior to surgery - but my doc made me have all those test and a colonoscopy too before he would operate. Mamo & Pap's done by ladies so not too bad.

Linda - Why would you have to get completely naked for just your boob's

I would be a tad embarssed too - but figure they see this stuff all the time and just think how good they are going to look when they are done..

Yes, Lynette where are you - Marcy - Dini - CeCe - Car - Chim - Car54 where are you....

Well, gotta ck the fridge so I can see what I am fixing for dinner since I never made it to the store - thank God for microwaves...

Will ck back later...

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Janet--What fun! If I ever make it back to S. California you and me are going clothes shopping--I love to shop, and you sound like my kind of shopping buddy! We'll cap it off with liquid calories! I'm fine today--mushies going well, who knows? I might try regular food tomorrow!

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Janet--What fun! If I ever make it back to S. California you and me are going clothes shopping--I love to shop, and you sound like my kind of shopping buddy! We'll cap it off with liquid calories! I'm fine today--mushies going well, who knows? I might try regular food tomorrow!


Glad you are doing better :thumbdown:- Ya if you come to So Cali we can go shopping I love to shop !!!! Guess how I justify all this shopping - I am execising by trying on all these clothes and walking.. Heck in my mind it's a whole lot better than sitting on my butt in front of the TV or computer.:blush: I am burning calories - plus when I am shopping I am not hungry or eating :eek:

Well back to the Oscars.... Will ck back in a few..

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Alright this is about bathroom issues, so if you do not want to read this please just skip my post. But for those of you who are willing to sit through this I am wondering if you have experienced this before.

Last chance to skip my post....

Okay, I have not been going to the bathroom very often and figure it is just because I don't eat much volume of food. Also, when I go, it is very painful because it doesn't happen often (1x/week!) However, lately I have been eating a lot of Fiber (beans, popcorn :thumbdown:, lettuce) so I have been kind of gassy. Well last night, I spent over an hour in the bathroom with terrible cramping, and now it hurts to sit and I am still having cramps. When I got to sit down I have to brace for the pain and hope that they angle I hit the chair with won't cause me to shoot straight up! Plus this morning I woke up with the ucky feeling in my tummy. I took a very hot bath last night and it helped while I was in there but now...I am back to the same feeling. It almost feels like a strained muscle. Seriously if I had to go to the bathroom right now, I would rather just have someone shoot me. :crying: That is how painful everything feels right now. So I doubt this has anything to do with the band outside of the fact that I just don't go potty very often, but thought maybe someone would have experienced SOMETHING like this and might have a remedy. I really don't want to have to go to the doctor, but I don't know how long I can last like this either. I know that hemroids (way misspelled:tt2:) can be common after this surgery because of lack of bathroom trips, but I don't know what they would be like.

Kari- I have this problem ALL the time anymore. I use Benefiber in the morning in a drink. Honestly you do not taste it whatso ever. If that doesn't work then I go to the store and I buy Magnesium Citrate in the Cherry flavor. I put in on ice and mix it half with Water and drink that. Now this makes me go and really 'moves things along'. I know how uncomfy this is believe me!! :blush:

I just adjusted my ticker today. I'm 2/3 of the way to my goal. :w00t:

I'm feeling better but still a long way from even thinking about getting food in. But at least the liquids are going down okay, even if sometimes I have to force myself to finish the whole cup. At times the slower I go, the harder it is. :eek: So definitely know I need some taken out.

I'm actually going shopping this weekend. I was going to go last, but got sick. But my jeans especially look silly on me now. I'm pretty excited and I don't really like shopping. I know, since I tried on 14s and 12s 2 weeks ago, that I'll be able to shop in the normal section and not feel out of place. And I'll actually be able to look at myself in the mirror when I try them on. That's a big NSV for me. Typically I'd try things on and if I could bend over comfortably in them, they fit. I hardly ever looked in the mirror to see what I looked like in them. So I'm looking forward to that. :smile:

There's a question I wanted to ask you all. Especially those who have lost a lot of weight. I have this "apron" of fat now that is my stomach. It's droopy and hangs over my privates. I'm struggling off and on with a rash in the crease area. Probably because it hangs down and gathers moisture from daily sweating and stuff. I was just wondering if anyone else out there has this problem? I've heard that sometimes you can get insurance to pay, or partially pay, for a Tummy Tuck if you have continuous problems like how Nichole did for her breast reduction. Anybody know anything?

At the moment I'm trying different creams and my doctor suggested an anti-fungal powder, but so far I haven't found anything that will clear it up. Sometimes the powder will dry things out, but I still have a red rash there. The rash isn't itchy when it's dry. It's just a little uncomfy because I know it's there. When it gets a little moist, there's also a not so pleasant odor there (sorry if it's TMI). Kind of like when you don't clean and wipe your belly button out. :frown:

Ruby- I had this same thing before I had my breast reduction back in 2000. The plastic surgeon told me to use antipersprent (sp?) deodorant. I used sucret and it would be gone the very next day. After you take a shower dry it really well with a towel and then take your deodorant and rub it right into the crease. Apply it a couple of times a day if it persists. Try it...it really did take care of it for me. My mom and sister are do this with the crease of their bellies too. I don't have that....yet. 23_30_120.gif Really hoping that I won't be then again I have 65 lbs to lose yet. Also yes start complaining to your doc now because that may help to get it covered by insurance.

Ok now for what I have been up to. Friday night started out to be a very fun night. I do not drink often what so ever and a friend wanted us to go out for her birthday. Anyway, I stopped drinking beer long ago but that is what they had so I thought I would try it. Then we go to the bar and they ordered some shots for everyone. I of course couldn't drink the shot like they did so I sipped mine down and then we got another beer because I didn't want to change what I had started on. 13_4_9.gif 13_1_104v.gif Things were going down and we were laughing and dancing and more shots. I drank 4 beers and I think about 6 shots and I was 36_1_5.gif 10_7_3.gifTOAST!!! I was so ill feeling!!! I came home went to bed and I was so ill yesterday I didn't even get out of my bed until 7pm last night. I got up 2 times yesterday to go to the bathroom and each time I thought I was going to throw up!!! I couldn't even roll over in bed without feeling queasy!!! NOT AGAIN!!! I didn't even take my water pill that I am supposed to take 2 times a day because I knew I would have to go to the bathroom and I was afraid of getting sick if I got up and walked. Then today I get on the scale and I am up 3 lbs. UUGGGHHH!!! It was fun...at first....but enough for me for a longggggggggggggg time. LOL Back to the basics tomorrow again. Party is over. I played so now I gotta pay. Anyway I just had to tell you guys. I did however get several compliments Friday night. That was nice. What was it Hank Williams sang??.........'HANGOVERS HURT MORE THAN THEY USED TOO.' I tell you that is the understatement of the century for me. I am back amoung the living today.


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Hey Party Girl Jackie:lol::smile2:

You gotta enjoy yourself once in a while - I don't drink often either but do on occassion - Thank God I haven't had a hangover that lasted til 7 p.m. and am lucky I don't get sick to my tummy - I just want to eat - and the problem is with the band you can't eat too much or guzzle your Water - Those 3 lbs will be off in a day or 2 it's mostly water..

Well, Good Morning Gang !!!

It's Monday - back to work and the gym - hope you are doing fine this morning - Not much to post about - watched the Oscars - the only show I saw was Old Men with No Country - OMG the violence - It was good as far as a plup fiction type move goes.

Well off to my desk - gotta pay for all my shopping :)

Will ck back later...

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OMW - I typed a post this morning at 5:00AM and it didn't post. oh well I didn't have anything grand to say, I was just complaining about being at work at 4:15AM. I am really focusing on good food choices this week, because I am really hungry and am eating more. But I figure as long as I stay within the alotted calories then I am fine. So I bought some low calorie bread, lunch meat and fat free cheese last night, some salad, Beans and salsa, and ground my own chicken to make the crust of my lowcarb pizza. I figured that even after eating everything I will be just under 1000 calories. It really is amazing if you choose the right foods how much you can eat (for us bandsters!).

Well I should probably stop neglecting my class... Okay I really don't neglect them they are just working on building atoms using paper plates and candy. That is right we still do art projects in high school and it is a heck of a lot better than giving them a worksheet! More of them actually do it!!

Yummy... lunch in t minus 5 minutes an counting!

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Hey Karri--Sorry--worked all day and now I'm off to the Sal. Army clinic and then a Celebrate Recovery meeting to hopefully catch up with the woman who I am mentoring. She was released last week Thursday or Friday, and I haven't been able to catch up with her since then. The meeting last week was cancelled because of snow, and I was really pretty sick as well. I am supposed to be helping her transition to regular life after incarceration, but that's hard to do when I can't find her. She's supposed to be at the meeting tonight, so hopefully I will catch her there. Anyway, I'll try to check in tomorrow as I don't have to go into work during the day.

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Hey...where is everybody. This is the only place that keeps me sane during the day and no one posted today. HELP ME I AM BORED!

I'm here - but so far it's only been you and me today.. How's the TMI situation??? - Phyl doesn't have connection - Kari in FL - don't know where Ruby is - and our gf Jackie might still be suffering from her hangover:lol:

Steph hasn't ck'd in today either...

Are you going to the gym - since you got to work so early??? I am going I haven't been since last Wed - but cleaned house of Friday - Saturday shoe shopping and walking at the fair - Sunday more shopping - you know trying on clothes is classified as exercise - especially when you take 10 thing in at a time if not more :)

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Hey Karri--Sorry--worked all day and now I'm off to the Sal. Army clinic and then a Celebrate Recovery meeting to hopefully catch up with the woman who I am mentoring. She was released last week Thursday or Friday, and I haven't been able to catch up with her since then. The meeting last week was cancelled because of snow, and I was really pretty sick as well. I am supposed to be helping her transition to regular life after incarceration, but that's hard to do when I can't find her. She's supposed to be at the meeting tonight, so hopefully I will catch her there. Anyway, I'll try to check in tomorrow as I don't have to go into work during the day.

Linda you are a very civic minded person - giving back to your community - I applaud you :). Hope your girl is ok - good luck on that one.

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Yes I am going to go to the gym, but I have to go home first. It is going to be lonely there because my BF started his new schedule today. I didn't get enough Water in to go to the gym right now. If I am even slightly dehydrated I get really nauseous when running. So I figured I would go in about an hour after I eat dinner. Since I eat early I should be there around 6ish.

Trying on clothes should count as exercise because it can be very tiresome. Plus all the walking around the stores looking at the racks and racks and racks of clothing. That should count too. Shopping is not my favorite thing to do. Now it is because there are so many choices and I can't decide what I like. I think I posted this is the post that dissappeared this morning, but my closet needs some help. Everything is a solid color. I don't have a single shirt that has any pattern to it. I was always so self concious to wear patterns because I figured I looked like an overstuffed 1970s couch when I was in plus sizes. But now I have a hard time with the patterns cause I don't know what looks good and what is hideous.

As for the TMI situation everything seems to have calmed down. Thank goodness because it was really painful.

Oh on another note, I was talking to my BF that I don't seem to have any of the medical NSVs that a lot of people talk about because I was fairly healthy before the surgery, but I did find one this weekend. I used to have TERRIBLE heal pain. So bad in fact that we thought I was going to have to have surgery to remove the heal spurs but I just realized a couple days ago that I haven't had heal pain this entire school year. And I can wear heals all day long without being in agonizing pain. Yahoooooo! Another NSV for me.

Well my student that I said I would stay after school for never showed so I am going to head on home and drink some water. Hopefully that is what Jackie is doing to recover from her hangover. I have never been drunk in my life so I have no idea what that would feel like. Believe it or not I made it through 6 years of college without drinking and only had my first drink 3 weeks into teaching! Yep my job truly did drive me to drink. I don't drink at all now (did VERY little before) so it wasn't hard for me just to give up. I get a terrible headache about 3 sips in and I don't like the taste. Don't drink coffee either, but honestly I wish I did so that I could have something to drink besides water that wasn't sweet.

Okay really am going this time. Check in with you all later.

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I'm here too. I just got back about half an hour ago from seeing my surgeon. He took some of my fill out. I explained how I hadn't been able to get any food down for about 3 weeks now and that I could only get fluids down in the afternoon. Anything before that or after 9pm would just come straight back out again or have me up all night with reflux problems. So they removed .125ccs. Half of what I got at my last fill. I'm very happy with that. :woot: I'm not really looking forward to any appetite I may get as a result, but I know it's better for me to be able to get proper food and Protein into my body. I'm on fluids for the next 2 days, the same procedure as after a fill, and then I can see how mushies go. I'm looking forward to getting back on track. It was wonderful to see the scale go down consistently, but I was miserable a lot of the time. Having the flu on top of it didn't help any.

Rashes - thank you everyone for your suggestions. I'm going to try them ALL. I have always have sensitive skin. I use Dove soap and wash my clothes in hypo-allergenic liquids. Even when I'm careful I can still break out in an eczema rash without problem. I have a shelf in my bathroom cabinet dedicated to lotions and potions just for that. I've already tried most of them with my tummy rash, with mixed results. It doesn't hurt to have other methods to attack this with. Part of me wants to get rid of it yesterday, another part of me wants to use this with the insurance company to help with a TT approval. I think I'll time a visit to the doctor's between subsequent outbreaks just to keep things on record in case I need it.

Shopping - well I went shopping this weekend. It's not a favorite activity of mine, but I was still excited because I was going to the normal section. :tt1: You were dead right Janet, there are SOOOOOOO many choices there. At least in the BBW section there are only 2 choices; clothes that fit and clothes that don't. :lol: When looking for jeans I was given choices of classic rise, low rise, lowest rise, straight, boot cut, flared, long, short, regular :eek: It was daunting! I started with a few different styles of 14s, none of them fit! :sad2: In a good way! They were all too big! :w00t: So I went down to 12s and some of them fit, some of them didn't. I made the insane decision to try on a pair of 10s :) They fit too! :w00t: I ended up buying 2 pairs of 12s and a pair of 10s. I was on top of the world. :biggrin2: I don't ever remember buying a pair of 10s. Not this century anyway. :cryin: So that's my latest NSV. :Yawn:

There were other things I wanted to respond to, but kidzheimers has struck and I can't remember anymore. I need to fix dinner and I'll come back and read through the thread again to jog my forgettory and get back later this evening.

Thanks for all they help you guys in getting me to where I am today. Yes, it's your fault as much as mine that I'm feeling this good. :)

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I wore colors & patterns even when I was 2X - I love bright colors - and I do have a lot of black too. but always had some color - heck I have a size 18 pair of red pants..

Now that you have tivo - tivo what not to wear or 10 yrs younger or how to look good naked - all these shows will help you on how to dress now..

Great NSV on the heal pain - I had some of that - off one blood pressure med still have one - but that was my only medical problems -

Hangovers - like having the flu - bad headache some people get sick & throw up - me - I just want to eat & sleep and drink tons of Water or juice or soda.

Drinkings ok - I have sure done my share in life - but can get you in some sitituation :) that you might not have gotten into if you hadn't been drunk - I am a social drinker - I don't come home at night and have a cocktail - where as alot of people do. It's a good think you aren't a drinker

You don't like Ice Tea - I drink that alot in the summer - and OMW i need my caffeinee in the morning - in fact I could use some right now.. I have drank 2/3 of my water - i need one more bottle to get it all in - so that shouldn't be too big of a problem.

Well, I'll ck back when I get home from the gym around 5:30- 6

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