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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I'm a nurse too. Started off working Labor and Delivery, loved it, but the hours weren't working out when I started having my own kids so I switched to teaching. I taught clinical skills in a Nursing program for awhile, then became the program director for a Medical Assistant Program. I worked part time in a walk-in clinic for several years in addition to my full time teaching job, and now I volunteer at the Salvation Army Free Clinic where besides patient care, I also mentor students and help train new volunteers. I don't always like presenting myself as a nurse because my experience has been that then people expect me to know more than I do. I'm not inately smart, I've just worked very hard.

Janet--my dad was executive VP for a relatively large midwestern insurance company before he retired. Now my son is a systems engineer there and daughter's BF is a commercial lines underwriter for the same company. Guess you'd say that the insurance industry is in my blood!

I'm gonna go back to bed for awhile. Check in when the rest of you are up. Now that I got the green light to progress my diet, I'm suddenly very hungry. . .:thumbup:

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Good Morning Gang

Well just catching up before I head to the shower...

Nichole - Don't have AF anymore (thankfully) so can't help you there:tongue2: but have read where ppl do get tight during that time of the month...

Linda - My DIL is a L&D Nurse :thumbup:

Well, not much to report from last night - pb'd on some shaved ham that I tried to eat in the middle of the night... Ate too fast and didn't chew - On the last 2 bites I knew this was going to happend - but did it stop me.. NO

Dumb head...

Well of the the shower gotta meet a gf for Breakfast - ttyl

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Good morning all. Hope you all have an exciting weekend planned. I think I will spend the afternoon at the school. I can't put in 2 or 3 extra hours at the beginning or the end of the day like Karri. I'd much rather just give up an afternoon/evening once or twice a month.

I had a pretty good day yesterday. Saved calories for the evening when we were going out to dinner with friends. I have a real problem with going to eat with people. I have done it 4 times in the last couple of months and every time I stick myself. The stupid part is that I don't want anyone to know so I continue to try to put stuff in my mouth so that they won't notice how miserable I am. How STUPID is that? Last night it was 1/2 piece of pizza. And of course I have to wait a while before I excuse myself to the bathroom because I don't want anyone to know what I'm doing in there. It's absolutely miserable. Now I don't know that I'm seriously "stuck" because from what I've read that is a torturous experience and this isn't ugly, just uncomfortable. But either way it is not good. Again...another head issue that I need to deal with. I'm beginning to think I didn't need a band, but rather a labotamy. My head is definitely the problem. I know you have all said the same things....just adding my amen to the mix.

Oh....and I teach math to jr. high and high school kids. I could go on and on about why everyone needs it, but I'm going to let that rest....my soap box is tired of me lately. And I live in NE Montana. The ugly flat side, not the beautiful mountain side (I grew up in the mountains, can you tell?).

I also wanted to add something to let you all know how much I appreciate the open arms you welcomed me with. I can't even begin to explain how important you all are to me. The December board is so....I don't even know how to explain what they are. You are all so real. You tell about your success and your struggles. It isn't all just "I've lost 50 pounds in the last 2 months! Yeah me!" You are truly what a support group is and I love you all for it. Karri, I bless the day you invited me in. You are all truly wonderful people and after looking at other months and lurking in the corner, this is the best board on the site IMHO. Bless you all!

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Ruby, I wanted to chat about your surgery. I had a breast reduction done in Feb 05, and besides the band was one of the best decisions I could have made. I think I was a 42H before surgery, and now am about a 38C. I've been a full C cup since 05, but I've been losing the size in my chest, not in the bust. Are you a cash pay for that or is insurance covering it? I was actually able to get insurance to cover it after I complained to my various docs and they all recommended getting it done.

Actually for me it's the other way around. I was a deflated DD. The only reason I fit a DD was because I lifted them up and stuffed them into my bra. Now I'm a full H. My boobs (at least the one that's healthy) don't rest on my stomach. My nipples don't point to the ground. It looks the same inside a bra as it does out. My unhealthy breast is probably a sad looking D at the moment.

My initial surgery in November cost me $6,300. This fix-it isn't going to cost me anything as it will be done under the surgeon's insurance. He's able to claim due to a faulty implant. While the implant itself may not have had any issues, I developed an infection because of it, and therefore he's covered that way. So it won't cost me anything more for the fix.

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Since he's a reservist, he is only there for one weekend a month, so yes I would have time to see you guys. ;) No private time is necessary!! :) I'll have to see if I can come out with him in March. I think he is supposed to be out there the last weekend. I'll keep you posted and see if we can hook up. It'd be awesome to meet you in person.

On another subject...

So, about dear AF. I've figured out since I got my fill in December that I feel like a bottomless pit for about 2 days before she comes. Then while she is here, I can hardly eat anything and find myself sliming and PBing more than anything. Has anyone else experienced this? Wednesday I was debating going back down to Phoenix for a slight unfill, but today I was ok. I just wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing this. :)

Just a reply to this when my af is due i pb and slim everything for about 1 week and then i can eat everything in sight for a week then back to normal this is hurting becasue for 2 weeks out of the month i am different. I am unsure about getting another fill my last was the first of nov. I currently have the lfu and have not lost anything but also can't keep anything down.

I WANT TO THANK all you girls i read this board everyday. I love that you guys address the reality and not just make me think i am crazy. This is the best board and am glad it is here. (I should post more just a slacker)


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I just adjusted my ticker today. I'm 2/3 of the way to my goal. :w00t:

I'm feeling better but still a long way from even thinking about getting food in. But at least the liquids are going down okay, even if sometimes I have to force myself to finish the whole cup. At times the slower I go, the harder it is. ;) So definitely know I need some taken out.

I'm actually going shopping this weekend. I was going to go last, but got sick. But my jeans especially look silly on me now. I'm pretty excited and I don't really like shopping. I know, since I tried on 14s and 12s 2 weeks ago, that I'll be able to shop in the normal section and not feel out of place. And I'll actually be able to look at myself in the mirror when I try them on. That's a big NSV for me. Typically I'd try things on and if I could bend over comfortably in them, they fit. I hardly ever looked in the mirror to see what I looked like in them. So I'm looking forward to that. :)

There's a question I wanted to ask you all. Especially those who have lost a lot of weight. I have this "apron" of fat now that is my stomach. It's droopy and hangs over my privates. I'm struggling off and on with a rash in the crease area. Probably because it hangs down and gathers moisture from daily sweating and stuff. I was just wondering if anyone else out there has this problem? I've heard that sometimes you can get insurance to pay, or partially pay, for a Tummy Tuck if you have continuous problems like how Nichole did for her breast reduction. Anybody know anything?

At the moment I'm trying different creams and my doctor suggested an anti-fungal powder, but so far I haven't found anything that will clear it up. Sometimes the powder will dry things out, but I still have a red rash there. The rash isn't itchy when it's dry. It's just a little uncomfy because I know it's there. When it gets a little moist, there's also a not so pleasant odor there (sorry if it's TMI). Kind of like when you don't clean and wipe your belly button out. :)

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Just a reply to this when my af is due i pb and slim everything for about 1 week and then i can eat everything in sight for a week then back to normal this is hurting becasue for 2 weeks out of the month i am different. I am unsure about getting another fill my last was the first of nov. I currently have the lfu and have not lost anything but also can't keep anything down.

This didn't start happening for me until my last two visits. At first I didn't make the connection until someone else pointed out that they get tight just before AF is due. It made sense. The only problem is, nobody seems to know what to do about the extra tightness during those few days. Except live through it. ;)

I think if you're considering getting a fill, you should time it for just after your period. That way it will give you some time to get used to any "normal" restriction you may have before it comes along and tightens things up again. If you're struggling with restriction at the best of times, having AF added to the equation will make things a LOT harder. Believe me, I know. I've gone through the flu, too tight restriction and AF all at once just recently. :)

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I just adjusted my ticker today. I'm 2/3 of the way to my goal. :)

I'm feeling better but still a long way from even thinking about getting food in. But at least the liquids are going down okay, even if sometimes I have to force myself to finish the whole cup. At times the slower I go, the harder it is. ;) So definitely know I need some taken out.

There's a question I wanted to ask you all. Especially those who have lost a lot of weight. I have this "apron" of fat now that is my stomach. It's droopy and hangs over my privates. I'm struggling off and on with a rash in the crease area. Probably because it hangs down and gathers moisture from daily sweating and stuff. I was just wondering if anyone else out there has this problem? I've heard that sometimes you can get insurance to pay, or partially pay, for a Tummy Tuck if you have continuous problems like how Nichole did for her breast reduction. Anybody know anything?

At the moment I'm trying different creams and my doctor suggested an anti-fungal powder, but so far I haven't found anything that will clear it up. Sometimes the powder will dry things out, but I still have a red rash there. The rash isn't itchy when it's dry. It's just a little uncomfy because I know it's there. When it gets a little moist, there's also a not so pleasant odor there (sorry if it's TMI). Kind of like when you don't clean and wipe your belly button out. :)


I've been having that problem for a while now. I would just start complaining about it with your docs now so that it can get documented. If they have something, I would also get a prescription (more that insurance has to pay out on). Documentation is the key to getting them to cover it. I've found that baby powder helps me a lot. Since I still want to have kids though, I'm going to wait until I'm done with that before I even look at a tummy tuck!! Sometimes if you happen to get a hernia during your weight loss they can do the tummy tuck at the same time and insurance will pay for it then too That's my little suggestion!!


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Ruby, I have the same problem with rashes. I use athelets foot creams. Within a couple of days it's all cleared up. I do think the advice to document it with your doctor is good too. I read that that's one way to get a Tummy Tuck covered by insurance.

Stephanie and Beth--we're glad you're here too. Don't just lurk. You're one of us now.

Man, I've been fighting food deamons today! It's only 5:00 and I've used up all 1000 of my calories. I must be feeling better!

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Hello everyone;

I've been missing in action for a couple weeks. I was trying to catch up tonight on my 'reading' of our thread... I am so far behind... don't know If I'll catch up.

But I did notice that Lynnette was here!!! YEAH! Although I am sorry to hear about your sons diagnosis... 4 Years old, I think that it is hopeful that you can address his concerns now rather than later. He may not need to be on meds forever. Take it one step at a time. Something you said about being a failure as a MOm and Dad... Honey that is just rubbish. I can tell by the way you speak of your son that YOU'd DO anything for him... This is in no way your fault... sometimes bad things happen to good people. Try and not be hard on yourself.

My Mom has been very ill and in hospital for 2 wks. She is in Congestive Heart Failure and also had pneumonia... she is doing better tonight and they are talking of releasing her home Mon or Tues. she still needs to go back to hospital as an outpatient to get an Angiogram.. don't know when that will happen yet.

Its been a stressfull "family' time as well, I am the primary care person for my Mom. My sister is in Mexico, by Dbrother is in Florida... and he and I don't always have the best relationship.

I went for another fill today, I'm up to 10.3 cc's in a 10 cc band so I should be getting VERY tight now.... ;) We'll see. Dr. insists that I have a 3rd fluro before he decides if I need surgery to replace band. What a long drawn out mess... I just want restricton like everyone else... and to lose some weight. I've been stuck in the 180's Nov, Dec, Jan & Feb... its driving me nuts.

For Breakfast I had Egg McMuffin/Bacon, coffee, FILL, then Water, coffee, "1" choc chip cookie from Tim Hortons, Pro. shake, Pork Chop for supper and tea... thats it for me. Not the best menu day, but I felt restricted at least when I ate the pork chop...

:) Night night eveyone!

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Weigh in day....:lol: Down 1.5 pounds. ALMOST to the 160's!!!!!!!!! My hope is to be to 168 by the time I go for my fill on 3/10.

Steph - You are very welcome for the invite. These fabulous folks here welcomed me with open arms when I jumped this way. I still post regularly on the August board, but usually only on the exercise thread. There is a good group there too, but they feel like acquaintences there, this feels like family here!:laugh: I think I am going to have to do some work this weekend too, so we can send good vibes towards each other.

Ruby- I have very flat and flabby DDs. I would not want an H at all. More power too ya. I am glad that it sounds like you should be all fixed up shortly. Keepin my fingers crossed for you. As for the rash, I am fortunate that I don't get that anymore. When I was at my biggest I got rashes all the time, but I haven't had one since losing the weight. I guess my youth is helpful after all in the fact that my skin is keeping my fat still north of the border.

Peaches - An egg McMuffin:scared2: with bacon:scared2: while drinking coffee:scared2:. I think one of the reasons that you might not have felt restriction is because you are drinking with your meals. My doc, and everyone else's that I have heard about, says no drinking with the meals. It is going to cause everything to turn into a slushie in your tummy and go through just like Soup. I think the reason that you feel the restriction with the pork chop is because that is the type of foods that we are supposed to be eating because they are stopped by the band. Being the food cop sidekick that I am, my suggestion if you are going to McDonalds is to have the platter with eggs and a side of sausage. Not perfect, but better. I actually don't even know what they have at McD's anymore.

Okay so we spent all day shopping and boy did we splurge. Most of the dishes, silverware, and bedding that we have is OLD, OLD, and CHEAP. So we found this great sale going on and got all new stuff for just over 100$. We seriously saved like 215$ bucks!:lol: Afterwards we went to a Japanese restaurant that cooks your food right at the table like Bennihannas. I had the veggies and some of the chicken and my BF had our rice and chicken. It is great. We didn't go there before because it was so spendy 35-45$ bucks for both of us. Now it was 20$! I ate half of my part at dinner and then finished it later tonight. I didn't eat very much before dinner (2 eggs!) so I unfortunately I ate later in the day.

Janet - I hope you had a good breakfast with your friend. Was she amazed????

Well I am going to finish watching Throwdown with Bobby Flay and Paula Deen. I will absorb my calories via tv!!!

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Well I think I am officially rehydrated. I'm saying that because when I stepped on the scale this morning it was up from my low of 178. I know that wasn't a proper weight though because of the two days of hell I had been going through. It's back to 181 but that's still down from where it was prior to fill. I'm going to take it as a loss for the week.

Ruby -- I don't know if it will help but I use this ointment on my babies butts when they have diaper rash. It's called Corona ointment and I found it at the drug store where they have bag balm and such. I know it says it's for animals but I was turned onto it by a friend who swears it's the best for diaper rash. It clears that up like a dream. It either comes in a deep yellow tub with a red lid or in a tube the same color. I don't like the tube because it is hard to get out and while trying to keep a little one parked and using two hands to squeeze is rather frustrating. It might help.... Good luck.

Phyll--we missed you!! So glad you can get back online again. Aren't our DH's something else. They complain but they always seem to come through in a pinch! Some days he drives me crazy, but he always seems to come out smelling like a rose by doing something over and above!

Well...my food demons are still haunting in the shadows. I have a big project planned for a couple of my classes. I will be spending the entire day with them on Tuesday working on it. We're calling it a no travel field trip. Anyways....I have some grant evaluators coming to watch it and evaluate it from Washington. Long story and rather boring but the big wigs want to see what I'm doing! Now maybe it just fit into their schedule correctly but I'm pretty honored that out of the 30ish participants in the grant they want to see what MY CLASS is doing with it. Anyways....so the stress is starting to work itself up. I'm beginning to feel that pressure....and the only relief for it has always been food. I could stuff the pressure back down with enough cake or Cookies or donuts. Now...don't get me wrong, I'm not succumbing....but it is hell right now. Every bit of comfort food I have is a no no these days. Why can't brocolli be comforting? Wouldn't it be nice to eat a chx breast and feel better? chocolate has ALWAYS been my savior. Problem....I can't just have a little. One smell and I want it ALL! One little hershey's kiss isn't going to comfort me in the least. So on top of all of the school stress I'm stressing out about how to comfort myself. DH doesn't get this. Yesterday when we went through McD's he had a double qtr pounder fries and a soda. SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!! I did order a chx sandwich but only ate 1/4 of it before I was finished. An hour or so later I tried to eat more but it didn't go. DH finally ate the rest of that too. (hmmm....getting a little off topic here I guess) Anyways....I'm going to stay strong....but it isn't going to be easy.

Well, I'd better get ready for church so I can get my little darlings ready as well! Have a good day all.

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OMG you guys have been busy yesterday and today - Let's see what I can remember..

Ruby - CONGRATS ON 2/3 TO GOAL :lol: Rash yes is a reason for TT to be covered by insurance - have doc document it - I have a little flap - but my tummy never hung down to far- I could use a TT - cuz even with 15 lbs to go I don't think it's going to go away - but I rather use the $$$ on my face - tummy covered by clothes face isn't.. I think you will find that shopping in the normal section is funner (yes that is a word:biggrin:) than shopping in the BBW sections. But it can be daunting cuz we have a whole new world at our finger tips - when I first ventured into the regular sections - I was lost - I knew the BBW (big beautiful women) sections in every store and I only had a slect few - now I have the whole mall. Once I get to goal - I am going shopping on El Paseo - it's the Rodeo Dr of the Desert - (I think you all know about Rodeo Dr in Beverly Hills) it has a Black & White store - Coldwater Creek - J Jills - Bannana Republic - Chico's - that is going to be my reward for goal weight...

Beth - I am glad you lurk - but tell us your stories too - we are all in this boat together and each of us have diff stories even though they are basically the same - we learn so much from each other cuz we each have a diff way of expressing ourselves..

Peaches - Glad to hear your Mom is doing better - and I understand the stress involved - I have been told not to eat before a fill - - Ok my DD food cop has already gotten after you about your choices - I will just put in my amen..:laugh: as yesterday - wasn’t my healthiest day -

I went to breakfast yesterday - 2 eggs - couple bites of tatos - and couple bites of Beans (mexican breakfast) Then went to the Fair - 1/2 piece of small roasted corn on the cob - 1/2 of egg roll - dinner 1/2 piece of chicken & some beans - I did get a cinnamon roll at the fair to bring home - ate less than 1/4 of it and threw the rest away - calories yesterday 900 - and got tightness after eating my fair foods and 1/4 of roll

Our fair isn't that big - and it's all about eating the diff foods - but I can't eat anymore - I got tight on all my foods except breakfast - I understand why some ppl don't get filled or even unfilled for vacations - I wouldn't -but I understand the mental part of missing foods cuz I do still miss eating and get frustrated that I can't or that I get stuck after 1 or 2 bites..

Linda - Glad to hear you are feeling better - that's good news.. Food Demons - totally understand as you can see by post above :w00t: - this is going to be a life time battle for us on some days - especially since you havent been able to eat..

Karri - Yes my GF was very proud of me - and noticed how slowly I ate and how I didn't clean my plate. :laugh: Congrats on new stuff for the apt - I love when I get great deals like that.... CONGRATS ON BEING IN THE 160'S :thumbup:(that;s my goal)

Steph & Karri - as to loving our thread - it is such a better place with the 2 of you :lol: and to any others who want to join - you can see that our thread has had like 100,000 people stopping by to read what we say - so we must be doing something right I would say. Some of us do toot our own horns (I do :lol:) but it's not bragging or trying to put others down - like I think some do - I dom't feel that this is a competition - but that we want to share our successes and give encouragment to others who are struggling - I feel that we have to be honesty about our feelings - we are all fat chick - we all have the same demons in diff way - but we all have the same thing in common - we over eat to soothe our feelings about whatever - stress - boredom - happiness etc. We are all learning to control our head issues - and that as I have said a million times before is our biggest obstacle .

Ok I think I got everyone - heck bewteen reading and typing drinking coffee - going outside comeing back - I have been on here for 1 hr :w00t: Heck the phone just rang so I am back again - glad I didn't lose this long post - Well, I better get my butt in gear - will ck back later



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Oh, Steph, You're being tested. You can win this. Don't let the idea that stress is making you eat win--it's a lie that the food demons tell you when they are trying to get you to come back to the fat side. Don't you do it. Be strong--you're one of us now, you don't want to go back. Try to figure out what you're really afraid of, and deal with that.

Slowly, but surely my closet is becoming overtaken by normal size clothes! I just went to TJ Max and found some bargains. I can't believe it, but I am buying 14's and 16's! See my cloud has a siver lining after all!

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Hello Everyone,

I'm on a quick work break. We got an above ground pool put halfway in the ground last week. I'm helping DH put in the fence post, the bird house, cutting back all my rose bushes, washing clothes, and I gotta go start supper.

Ruby - I suggest using a blow dryer on the area after bathing. It help me with rashes.

Peaches- I hope you Mom is O.K.

One bite of egg mcmuffin wouldn't go down for me

Nichole - Good Luck with the teaching degree. Math is the best choice, my opinion. If I could go back, I would NEVER have chosen this career path. However, that is ONLY because of where I live. I'm sure it's great elsewhere.

Karri - Sales!!! Whaa Whoo, Only weightloss is better.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with the plastic surgeon at 2:00. I am mortified. From T.V., I have learned that I will have to stand in front of him naked. I don't even do that for my husband. NO ONE sees me naked. :thumbdown: I haven't been to the gyno in at least 8 years. :blush: OMG, I'm freakin out. :eek: I may have to take a couple of Xanex. Yes thats what I'll do, I'll get my DH to bring me and I'll take a nerve pill.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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