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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Steph - I love the biggest loser DVD. I was doing that before going to the gym. My problem is that I needed the accountability of the gym, because once I go home, that is it. I am done for the day.

Okay, my fill has completely loosened from the last time I was there. I could eat a horse I am convinced. At least I made good food choices today, but am still eating WAY too much. I was starving and so I went to the store and got some fruit. It always makes me nervous when my eating habits change so drastically. I am certain that everything is fine, but still I wish we had a little window that we could peak through to make sure that our bands are still there and working!

Well off to the gym. I am determined to do 2 hours!

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It just goes to show me that my bad behavior is sitting in the wings waiting to kick my butt if I let it back onstage. Hopefully it will walk away soon. I don't remember who (Karri?) said we need to stay focussed for at least 6 months....maybe on a different thread....but I'm going to keep my guard up.

Steph - IMHO I think we will have to keep our guard up for the rest of our lives - For the rest of my life I will weigh in on thrusdays - and if I have gained 1, 2 or 5 lbs - I will address it immediately - I won't say oh it's only 1 lbs - then the next week gain another 1 and ignore it too I have lost weight before - and have slowly put it all back on - I have never lost this much but again I was never this fat before -

Since I am not an Atkins girl - the fact that I just ate carbs would not bother me as long as my calories didn't exceed my allotment..

Glad to hear you are feelling better.

Janet--thanks again for the encouragement from Wasa. She does seem to know what she's talking about, so since my doctor STILL hasn't called me back, I'm sticking to liquids. I have 1cc of my fill left; I hope that isn't going to mess things up. Who knows!

I am so motivated by your 175! You were on a plateau last week, but you broke through big time--GOOD FOR YOU!! Just promise one thing--that when you get the last 15 off you won't abandon us, OK? It just wouldn't be the same here without you.

I have got to say that while the reflux at night may be a thing of the past, the heart burn all day long has returned with a vengence. Someting still isn't right. Guess I'll have to nag the doctors again tomorrow.

Well, I'm off to volulnteer at a free clinic this evening. Catch you all later.

Linda - you guys are stuck with me for the rest of your lives - or as long as you come here - and hell - if you don't I will send private messages or emails to you asking where you are at.

I think anyone who has ever been on the board has read something WASA has written - I think she is pretty sharp girl..

I hope you are taking pecid for your heartburn - I get it just a little tiny bit even from just drinking Water - I need to ask the doc about it... but you will see yours before I see mine so ask about it too.

I am glad the reflux at night has stopped - and call that darn dr - this is important to you even if it's not for him... Bug Him tomorrow


My problem is that I needed the accountability of the gym, because once I go home, that is it. I am done for the day.

Okay, my fill has completely loosened from the last time I was there. I could eat a horse I am convinced. At least I made good food choices today, but am still eating WAY too much. I was starving and so I went to the store and got some fruit. It always makes me nervous when my eating habits change so drastically. I am certain that everything is fine, but still I wish we had a little window that we could peak through to make sure that our bands are still there and working!

Karri - I need to go to the gym too - I brought out my tony little glider - and did it a couple of fridays ago - thinking - I will do this on the nights I don't go to the gym - well - did it that one night - and there it sits I think myGD wants it - so will have my Son come and get it..

I think all doc's should test us like every 6 months to make sure our bands are in place. My doc does blind fills - so know way of knowing what's going on in there -

Linda - how did your doc know you had a slip - does it show up under fluro..

Peaches - Were are you.... We haven't heard from you since last week - Hope every thing is ok w/your Mom. (hugs)

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Just checking in to see if there was anything I missed. Have had a pretty good day with calories. Feeling pretty good tonight.

Called my docs office to set up an appointment with the PA for my 4 weeks check-up. I was supposed to go this past Monday but our weather here hasn't been the best and honestly I just didn't feel like going that day anyway. Anywho..when I called I was talking to the receptionist and she said do you need a fill? I said well I don't really know right now. I havent lost any real weight for the past 5-6 weeks. She said lets get you with the nurse and you can talk to her. The nurse came on, WONDERFUL women. I love chatting with her. I told her that I haven't been doing alot of exercising and I am getting back into that and she said how much can you eat at one setting. I told her at least a cup and usually more. I told her that I am really hungry at night and that lately I wake up in the morning hungry and don't have any problem eating. She said 'I think you need a fill.' I told her I just wasn't sure if I needed a fill or if it was something that I am doing wrong. She said 'lets set up a fill for next wednesday and go from there.' So I guess I am getting a fill. I think I might need just a slight one. Hopefully with that and the exercise it will get things moving in the right direction again. I am sick of this damn plateau. Besides 3 days after I get my fill we are hosting a 50th wedding anniversary party for my in-laws so I won't be eating any cake from that one. YEAH!!!!!

Janet I have to tell you congrats again. 175. WOW!!!! You will be at goal before your 1 year I bet.

Karri- salad for Breakfast? I dont think I could do that. LOL You are doing great staying on track. Way to go!!!

I don't mean to not mention everyone because you all mean so much to me but I just forget who posts what most of the time. I am sorry. I love ya all though!!! :) Have a great night ladies.

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I did another 1.5 hours at the gym tonight. I just keep thinking that 6 months after I began going to the gym that it will just be part of my natural habits. I read that or heard it some where from a behavioral psychiatrist (not one that I visited:tt2:). Ran my 1.25 again, but I really did think that I was going to die. I didn't get in much Water today and I could tell. My workouts are much tougher when I haven't had water. But I gave my water money to a student who hadn't eaten since yesterday at breakfast so that she could eat something today. Plus I ran out of my bottled water at home, so I didn't bring any with me. First thing I bought at the store tonight was another box of bottled water:thumbup:.

My doc always does fills under fluoro so I will see when I go in on the 10th. I am 99.99999% positive that everything is fine and I need an atitude adjustment. I don't think that I stop eating when I am satisfied. I just plain need to stop no matter what my head says. I will be fine tomorrow. In reality I worked off 750 calories and only ate a total of 915 calories so in my book I did spectacular:w00t:. So even though I ate more fruit than I should have today, I still made the right choices and that is key. So my piece of advice is that if you know you can eat more you REALLY have to make the right choices in food. And I did, and proud of it!

Okay well I am off to bed. Been up for MANY hours, and I don't want to get tired like I was. Plus this is my last week with my BF before the schedule change so I think we are going to go and do something fun. There is this fun arcade center that has bowling, arcades, pool, (go karts, mini golf, and batting cages during the summer) so I think we are going to go there.

Nighty night

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Karri -- You are doing so awesome! You really are an inspiration. I went and walked my 2 miles tonight. I think it may have been more than I should have but no pain no gain I guess.

This past month, when I went in for my fill, we had an hour information session on exercise. The big thing that the presenter stressed was how regular exercise not only burns calories...but also raises our basal metabolic rate. So, as we continue to exercise the number of calories our bodies burn, just to survive, increases. The numbers she gave were amazing. Something like an extra 1000 calories a day in just basal rate. I think that in itself is motivation. So, not only did you exercise off what you ate, you also boosted what it takes your body to survive. Now....I'm sure you can do a better job of explaining that....just like you did with calories....so I'll leave it at my basic understanding.

I feel pretty good and I'm going to drink one more bottle of Water and then call it a night. Have a good night everyone.

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Hi ladies,

Nothing of interest to report from me. Just wanted to check in. lindaa, I hope your doctor got back to you today. It would bother me if my surgeon didn't get back the same day. The voicemail that my doctor has says it will get back within 4 hours on the same day unless you've called after 4pm. Then they'll contact you the next morning. It's not fair of them to keep you hanging like this.

I'm counting the days until I get in to see my surgeon on Monday. It's been a struggle this past week and I'm tired of it. I want to find a good balance between lack of hunger and lack of ability to eat. I can hold out until Monday though. It sucks, but I didn't expect this to be easy. Still, I didn't really expect it to be this hard. :)

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Ugh I woke up with the flu bug I think. My tummy just feels ucky! I brought some salad and Beans to eat for Breakfast but the thought of eating that just about sent me running to the bathroom so I ate my Protein bar instead. Maybe I will feel like a salad in a few hours!

Steph if I could boost my basal metabolic rate by 1000 calories HOLY COW! That would be fantastic. Though I already know I am not getting to the gym tonight. We have plans with some friends of ours and I just won't have the time between work and dinner. (We have to drive 2 hours to get there!) Hopefully I feel up to going. I am sure I will feel fine once the day gets started. Positive thinking!

Well I gotta make my copies and destroy more forests to educate these wonderful children!


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Good Morning Ladies - TGIF :thumbup:

Jackie - You haven't been feeling great and now that you are getting back to the gym it will work wonders for you... My goal is to be at goal prior to my 1 yr anniversary - I know I will be there... (this is postitive thinking not bragging) - I still worry that this is a lifetime change - I think I go it but I know this most likely will be a life time struggle not to revert to old eating habits.

Karri - Stopping eating when satisfied - I would bet a million buck this is a problem for all of us - Last night GS wanted pizza (he hadn't had any in a long time) so I said ok - I had 1/3 cup Beans & cheese around 7 - then pizza came a little after 8 - I had one slice and ate the whole thing (well not the crust) when I should have stopped at 3/4 - Had a bit of slime and a little pain - but went away in about 10 minutes.. It just tasted so darn good - haven't had pizza in months. I did good calorie wise 1010 - but like most of us didn't get my Water in.. I could eat salad for B/F - I am not a big sweet eater for breakfast - in fact for B/f this morning I have 1/2 ham sandwich on lite bread with mustard - lunch one pot wonder - cabbage/pork/squash/eggplant/rice & soy sause - 1 cup and dinner will be fish & veggies..

How nice of you to give your student $$$ for food - she hadn't eaten since the day before - doesn't your school have free lunches &/or breakfast - The schools here in the Desert have breakfast (for the younger ones) and lunches for everyone who qualifiy for them. The Desert is very Rich in some areas and very poor in others.

Ruby - You go to the Doc on Monday are you considering a slight unfill - I know you have been tight -

Well, just cking in this morning - I went to bed at 9 last night - I am meeting a gf for breakfast tomorrow - she hasn't seen me since before surgery - so she will be in for a shock - (she knows about the surgery). Then suppose to go to the Fair and see Heart tomorrow night - the fair in known for what you can eat - I love the cinnaminon Buns - but none for me this year.

Oh ya great NSV - yesterday had a continuing ed class (insurance agents have to have continuing ed to keep their license) - the intructors brought Mrs. Field Cookies :tt2: the girl next to me ate 3 :smile: and I didn't eat one - just drank my water - and OMG I wanted one - it was 3 and I was hungry - but just didn't eat it - another gf here who is on a DIET... ate one and wonders why she isn't losing weight:confused: - They all think I didn't eat it cuz of the band - they think it takes away the wanting - they don't understand it doesn't take away the wanting - I CHOSE not to eat it - not cuz I couldn't but because I want to lose weight,... - Like i keep repeating losing weight is more of a head game than a tummy game even with our bands,.....

Well, back to work - ck w/you all later - hope everyone has a good day

LINDA CALL AND BUG YOUR DOCTOR... and keep up posted ((hugs))

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Alright this is about bathroom issues, so if you do not want to read this please just skip my post. But for those of you who are willing to sit through this I am wondering if you have experienced this before.

Last chance to skip my post....

Okay, I have not been going to the bathroom very often and figure it is just because I don't eat much volume of food. Also, when I go, it is very painful because it doesn't happen often (1x/week!) However, lately I have been eating a lot of Fiber (beans, popcorn :tt2:, lettuce) so I have been kind of gassy. Well last night, I spent over an hour in the bathroom with terrible cramping, and now it hurts to sit and I am still having cramps. When I got to sit down I have to brace for the pain and hope that they angle I hit the chair with won't cause me to shoot straight up! Plus this morning I woke up with the ucky feeling in my tummy. I took a very hot bath last night and it helped while I was in there but now...I am back to the same feeling. It almost feels like a strained muscle. Seriously if I had to go to the bathroom right now, I would rather just have someone shoot me. :smile: That is how painful everything feels right now. So I doubt this has anything to do with the band outside of the fact that I just don't go potty very often, but thought maybe someone would have experienced SOMETHING like this and might have a remedy. I really don't want to have to go to the doctor, but I don't know how long I can last like this either. I know that hemroids (way misspelled:tt2:) can be common after this surgery because of lack of bathroom trips, but I don't know what they would be like.

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Alright this is about bathroom issues, so if you do not want to read this please just skip my post. But for those of you who are willing to sit through this I am wondering if you have experienced this before.

Last chance to skip my post....

Okay, I have not been going to the bathroom very often and figure it is just because I don't eat much volume of food. Also, when I go, it is very painful because it doesn't happen often (1x/week!) However, lately I have been eating a lot of Fiber (beans, popcorn :tt2:, lettuce) so I have been kind of gassy. Well last night, I spent over an hour in the bathroom with terrible cramping, and now it hurts to sit and I am still having cramps. When I got to sit down I have to brace for the pain and hope that they angle I hit the chair with won't cause me to shoot straight up! Plus this morning I woke up with the ucky feeling in my tummy. I took a very hot bath last night and it helped while I was in there but now...I am back to the same feeling. It almost feels like a strained muscle. Seriously if I had to go to the bathroom right now, I would rather just have someone shoot me. :smile: That is how painful everything feels right now. So I doubt this has anything to do with the band outside of the fact that I just don't go potty very often, but thought maybe someone would have experienced SOMETHING like this and might have a remedy. I really don't want to have to go to the doctor, but I don't know how long I can last like this either. I know that hemroids (way misspelled:tt2:) can be common after this surgery because of lack of bathroom trips, but I don't know what they would be like.



I have hemorroids from giving birth - they are on the outside (some can be on the inside) go get some supposetories, & ducolax - keep all these things on hand - you need to add some more oil in your diet and Water for your stools to be soft - your are consitpated to the max -this happens to me when I travel - Try the suppositories 1st - then if they don't work you might want to get an ennama (sp) or take 2 dulox - you will get the runs but heck that's better than being constipated... - if the warm bath helped the pain - I would bet you have strained yourself - hot wash cothes in that area helps too..

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I've just got back with an appointment with my plastic surgeon about my boob fix and he said I'm ready to go. I explained to him that I wasn't. My head wants me to fix this yesterday, but with the flu and band tightness I've been dealing with these last few weeks, I don't think I could go through surgery recovery at the same time.

I have an appointment on Monday afternoon with my band surgeon, and yes Janet, I am definitely getting some of my fill removed. It's been 3 weeks and most of that time I've felt awful. Some of it can be attributed to the flu, but not being able to eat and drink when I need to has made recovery a heck of a lot slower. So I'm going there with the intention of getting some removed. That way I can get back to eating, but more importantly drinking whenever I need to. I would love to be able to go through this without the hunger that's been absent since my most recent fill, and I'd continue this way if it wasn't affecting my Fluid intake. But I'm barely getting 32oz of anything in me per day right now. An unfill will get me back to healthy living. I'm a little.... hm, looking for the right word... ashamed(?) that I've had to convince myself this is not good for me when I've seen the scales on a steady decline for 3 weeks. My absolute biggest problem is head hunger. And with that absent it's made me feel good about myself mentally. But physically I know if I let it go on like this I will be in a bad way. So I need to stop this for my own good.

I stepped on the scales this morning and they were at 180 even. That means I've lost 18lbs in 3 weeks. I should be ecstatic about that. But instead I'm feeling guilty because it's been an unhealthy loss. :sad: I really don't want an unfill in case my hunger returns. But what I want and what I need are not the same thing. I need an unfill. I know that. And my husband is coming with me on Monday to tell that to the doctor because I can't trust myself to let him know what's really been going on. :blush:

But the good news is that once I've got myself back on a healthy path I can book my boob fix surgery immediately. He'll be able to get me in within the week. That's what I was hoping to hear, so it's given me a goal and an incentive to get back to healthy eating. :smile2:

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Karri I find that drinking a cup of Senna tea helps to keep me regular and comfortably loose. Not so loose that it's diarrhea, but loose enough that I don't have to strain to go. You may have pulled a muscle somewhere through straining. You should be able to find it in a health store like GNC or Vitamin Shoppe.

I don't drink Senna tea all the time, but when I haven't been for more than 3 days I'll start on it. At the moment I have nothing to evacuate, so it doesn't surprise me that I haven't gone for a couple of days. But I always keep track of how often I go. It's not a pleasant task, but one that's necessary. :smile2:

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I have an appointment on Monday afternoon with my band surgeon, and yes Janet, I am definitely getting some of my fill removed. It's been 3 weeks and most of that time I've felt awful. Some of it can be attributed to the flu, but not being able to eat and drink when I need to has made recovery a heck of a lot slower. So I'm going there with the intention of getting some removed. That way I can get back to eating, but more importantly drinking whenever I need to. I would love to be able to go through this without the hunger that's been absent since my most recent fill, and I'd continue this way if it wasn't affecting my Fluid intake. But I'm barely getting 32oz of anything in me per day right now. An unfill will get me back to healthy living. I'm a little.... hm, looking for the right word... ashamed(?) that I've had to convince myself this is not good for me when I've seen the scales on a steady decline for 3 weeks. My absolute biggest problem is head hunger. And with that absent it's made me feel good about myself mentally. But physically I know if I let it go on like this I will be in a bad way. So I need to stop this for my own good.

I stepped on the scales this morning and they were at 180 even. That means I've lost 18lbs in 3 weeks. I should be ecstatic about that. But instead I'm feeling guilty because it's been an unhealthy loss. :sad: I really don't want an unfill in case my hunger returns. But what I want and what I need are not the same thing. I need an unfill. I know that. And my husband is coming with me on Monday to tell that to the doctor because I can't trust myself to let him know what's really been going on. :sad:

But the good news is that once I've got myself back on a healthy path I can book my boob fix surgery immediately. He'll be able to get me in within the week. That's what I was hoping to hear, so it's given me a goal and an incentive to get back to healthy eating. :blush:

Ruby - Congrats on 180 :smile2:

But I totally agree with you on being healthy and this is what I am talking about - we can get unhealthy with our bands being too tight and I think it's dangerous too - slips - errision etc - ya we like losing 18 lbs in 3 weeks - that great and good - but IMHO I think we can become anniroxa (sp) with it too - we can abuse it to a degree that we do become unhealthy - not really eating enought or being able to drink - I was only tight for that one week - but that was enough for me - I could barely drink a cup of coffee in the morning - and could barely eat - I don't want to live my life that way - I don't need to lose the weight that fast. I am glad your dh is going with you and I am glad you know that you are not being healthy being so tight..

I will have to try that tea...

Glad that you will get your booby fixed once you have you fixed :lol:

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I've missed everyone SO MUCH!! I still can't get on the internet with my computer, but using DH's computer to get on LBT. don't know why I didn't do this a few days ago. I didn't want my email to download onto his computer. Well.... duh.... just don't open the email program! I must be getting old! Should've figured out before today!! So I can get to my email from my gmail page and no problem getting to LBT.

Read all your posts... I haven't been on since Monday! so I'm all caught up. Won't try to remember all that I read, but so good to be back in touch.

Rainy, cloudy day here today. We were thinking about going to the fair, too, but weather looks too iffy for today. We did manage to go to Water aerobics, but an hour later than ususal because it was pouring at 9 a.m.

Had a good visit with our son and his family. they left Wed. afternoon to drive over to L.A. They spent yesterday at Knott's berry Farm and should be driving home up the coast today.

Lost 2.9 lb this week, so back on track after having to switch from morning to night weigh in last week.

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I've missed everyone SO MUCH!!

Lost 2.9 lb this week, so back on track after having to switch from morning to night weigh in last week.

Oh Phyl

I have missed you too - so gald you are back :smile2:...

:thumbup:CONGRATUALATIONS 2.9 LBS :blush:

:thumbup:YOU ARE DOING GREAT :sad:

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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