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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Okay, I don't want to leave anyone out here but my memory is getting really bad so, I will just give a generalize post here. HOUSEWORK?? I hate it. I'd love to have a housekeeper, but since I'm a stay at home mom, i'd feel guilty. My house isn't too dirty, or should I say, not cluttered. Now that DH is retired, he runs the vacuum and dishwasher. I don't mind laundry. I can't remember the last time I dusted.

As for the lapband doing all the work. Man, I have to agree with Janet here. The reason I went with the band is that I thought it would do the work, and I could eat pretty much what I wanted. WRONG. I have a girlfriend that had bypass surgery. She wouldn't even consider lapband because she wanted to change her eating habits. She is almost two years out and has lost 66 pounds. I'm six months out and have lost 71 lbs. Maybe I'm being a little boastful, but I worked danged hard to lose those pounds. She lost 66 by doing nothing. So what?? I'd say she didn't learn or change to many of her eating habits. That seems like a small amount of weight lost for bypass surgery. Jackie, have your friend come here. Whenever I feel discouraged, this site really perks me up. My family teases me, but I sure do appreciate all the encouragement I get here. Tell her to log on. She doesn't have to post unless she is comfortable with it.......but being a lurker is very beneficial. Ruby. Glad you're feeling better.:thumbup:


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Hello my lovely Lucky 7's!!! I am in a wonderful mood!! I feel so good!! I joined the gym again today and went and walked on the treadmill and then rode the exercise bike for 20 minutes. I am feeling great!! I found that new found strength. I even had my daughter walking on the treadmill next to me. That in itself is a wonderful accomplishment because as I have told you all before my daughter is 16 and struggles with weight. I hated writing that check today but I knew that if I didn't I wouldn't exercise again and now I will keep thinking of the darn money I spent and make sure I get my money's woth. :cool2:

It is cold in Iowa today. Travel is not even recomended in the North east and central parts of Iowa. I have a meeting tonight at 6 for work and just dread going in. It isn't snowing today yet. The kids have missed the past couple of days of school due to weather and I will not be surprised if they are home again tomorrow. We are supposed to get 2-4 m,ore inches of snow and then 30mph winds. :lol: For the past month and a half it has snowed about every other day!!

Oh Janet I forgot to tell you all....we don't get off of work or school for presidents day or any presidents birthdays. Never have. We did this year but as I said that was due to the weather. The poor kids will be going to school until the beginning of June! They already have 6 dys to make up this year and we are only in the middle of Feb. I was ok with them not having school today though because my sons birthday was today so we went out for lunch. Kinda nice to spend the day with him. My baby is 15! :thumbup:

Kari congrats on the 1.25 miles. You ROCK!!!39_4_3.gif

Well I gotta get. Need to shower and get ready to head out again.


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WRONG. I have a girlfriend that had bypass surgery. She wouldn't even consider lapband because she wanted to change her eating habits. She is almost two years out and has lost 66 pounds. I'm six months out and have lost 71 lbs. Maybe I'm being a little boastful, but I worked danged hard to lose those pounds. She lost 66 by doing nothing. So what?? I'd say she didn't learn or change to many of her eating habits.

Ok I know that I am supposed to be showering but I HAD to respond to this. I have a friend also that had by pass in October. She does absolutely NOTHING for exercise and she is still eating everything BAD. She told me that she has thrown up lots of times because she has stuffed herself. She honestly does have a terrible addiction to food and other men. Long story short we are good friends and co workers but I have to tell you guys that I am struggling being around her too much right now. She is really starting to act like 'gosh they need to take charge of their weight.' and blah blah blah. Today at our meeting (we work together) she goes 'I am down to 179 now and my doc says they wouldn't have eve guessed me at that because I look alot smaller than that.' now don't get me wrong I am happy for her but I just get angry sometimes because I feel as though she is judging others that struggle with their weight because she is losing. She did tell me last week one day that she had gained 3 lbs and her doctor had told her that she had to get control of it now before it got out of control because once she begins to gain it would be easy to lose control of it again. I guess I just needed to B%#ch :cursing: to someone about it because she needs to remember what it felt like. Sorry for my rant!!

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The poor kids will be going to school until the beginning of June! They already have 6 dys to make up this year and we are only in the middle of Feb. I :cursing:

Kari congrats on the 1.25 miles. You ROCK!!!39_4_3.gif

Beginning of June! I wish We dont get out until the 13 of June. We haven't missed any days of school this year, but that is not shocking. They haven't had a school closure since 1998!

Thanks on the congrats. It is a huge milestone. Congrats yourself on joining the gym. I have found that it is very good for me. It will actually be better when my BF gets his new schedule. Right now I try to get home at the same time he does so that we can spend time together. But when he is at work I will have no excuses for not going there right after work. Besides, it is literally across the street from where I work.

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As for the lapband doing all the work. Man, I have to agree with Janet here about people thinking that the band will do it. The reason I went with the band is that I thought it would do the work, and I could eat pretty much what I wanted. WRONG. I have a girlfriend that had bypass surgery. She wouldn't even consider lapband because she wanted to change her eating habits. She is almost two years out and has lost 66 pounds. I'm six months out and have lost 71 lbs. Maybe I'm being a little boastful, but I worked danged hard to lose those pounds. She lost 66 by doing nothing. So what?? I'd say she didn't learn or change to many of her eating habits. That seems like a small amount of weight lost for bypass surgery.

Kari - When I 1st joined LBT - the over 50 gang drilled into me that this was just a tool - that it was up to me to make changes in my eating -so I knew going in that this wasn't the magic cure to my food issues - I am so grateful to those ladies - Green BJean Dynomini come to my brain 1st.. I have a friend who had bypass and she has kept the weight of and I think she is 2 yrs out now - I am pretty sure that she has changed - haven't seen her in a while - but at the last party - she did eat more food than we can eat at one time. They just don't absorb their calories were we do... No imho 66 lbs in 2 yrs is not a big amount of weight to lose.. Just think what she would have lost had she changed her eating - My doc says that I am losing like a bypass - and you are right there with me 71 LBS CONGRATULATION !!!!! We are making lifetime lifestyle changes - we are the real winners and we know that to win - it takes hard work - we are doing the work and we have every right to be proud and bragg

Hello my lovely Lucky 7's!!! I am in a wonderful mood!! I feel so good!! I joined the gym again today

Oh Janet I forgot to tell you all....we don't get off of work or school for presidents day or any presidents birthdays. Never have. We did this year but as I said that was due to the weather. The poor kids will be going to school until the beginning of June! They already have 6 dys to make up this year and we are only in the middle of Feb. I was ok with them not having school today though because my sons birthday was today so we went out for lunch. Kinda nice to spend the day with him. My baby is 15!

Jackie glad to hear you are doing 100% better today - Congrats on the gym.

When do you guys start school??? Our schools start the 1st Tuesday after labor day and get out mid june - here in the desert - we NEVER have a snow day

OMG you are only 34 - you are still so young - your best years are ahead of you and you have half the battle with your kids done... I was 30 with a 15 yr old... But its sure nice to spend time with them - I miss that - once they get 16 - not around as much

Ok I know that I am supposed to be showering but I HAD to respond to this. I have a friend also that had by pass in October. She does absolutely NOTHING for exercise and she is still eating everything BAD. She told me that she has thrown up lots of times because she has stuffed herself. She honestly does have a terrible addiction to food and other men. Long story short we are good friends and co workers but I have to tell you guys that I am struggling being around her too much right now. She is really starting to act like 'gosh they need to take charge of their weight.' and blah blah blah. Today at our meeting (we work together) she goes 'I am down to 179 now and my doc says they wouldn't have eve guessed me at that because I look alot smaller than that.' now don't get me wrong I am happy for her but I just get angry sometimes because I feel as though she is judging others that struggle with their weight because she is losing. She did tell me last week one day that she had gained 3 lbs and her doctor had told her that she had to get control of it now before it got out of control because once she begins to gain it would be easy to lose control of it again. I guess I just needed to B%#ch :cursing: to someone about it because she needs to remember what it felt like. Sorry for my rant!!

Jackie - ((Hugs)) Rant all you want...:tongue:

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Hi Lapband sisters,

Bad news: I went to the doc today and she took out over half of the 2.2 mls that was in the band and sent me for a barium swallow which showed that my band, while it is open now, has slipped "a little." The radiologist couldn't tell me what, if anything, needs to be done. I have to wait till tomorrow when he sends the report to the docs who will decide. Best case scenerio as I understand it (mostly from reading the complications threads): Things will stay as they are now and maybe in time, and with keeping to a liquid diet, the band will go back where it belongs and eventually I can have it refilled to where it was before I started having problems. Worst case scenerio: Surgery--which may or may not be paid for by insurance.

So, I am on my second Bloody Mary of the evening. Well I do feel physically better now, I am reasonably discouraged. You all know how resistant I have been to exercising, so the weight I've lost has been mostly the result of strict intake control. They did tell me that my pouch is not stretched, so I don't think that the slippage is the result of anyting that I did wrong. I think my last fill was just too tight, and even though I had half of it taken out a couple of weeks later, it was still too much.

My fear of course is that I will regain weight. I can live without losing the last 30 pounds, although it would be so sweet, but I just don't want to start gaining pounds back. That was my reason for getting the band in the first place. I've lost all my excess weight before, but always gained it all back. I was hoping that this time it would be different.

Anyone want to drink with me?

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So lindaa, drink tonight, but then tomorrow, back to the rules. Now is not the time to feel sorry and slip back into old ways. I do feel for you though. My doc went over the complications at the very beginning and did say that band slippage can sometimes be fixed with liquids only, so that is a possibility. I remember when I had to be completely unfilled because I didn't chew right and my doc told me that I would most likely gain my weight back. With determination and a lot of hard work I managed to not only NOT gain my weight back, but lost 10 pounds. It was the roughest month so far, but I was determined. You should be too. Use what you have learned in the last several months to prevent you from going back. I think the reason that we didn't keep off the weight before is because for me at least I didn't change my behaviors so that I could sustain them forever. Seriously does anyone think they can live on 10 grams of carbs a day forever. Ummm no. However this time since you have been following the rules you should be able to maintain and continue on in the process. THe weightloss may slow but that is not a guarantee that you will gain it back. So that is my pep talk for today. If you need another one tomorrow, I will be right here.

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When do you guys start school??? Our schools start the 1st Tuesday after labor day and get out mid june - here in the desert - we NEVER have a snow day

OMG you are only 34 - you are still so young - your best years are ahead of you and you have half the battle with your kids done... I was 30 with a 15 yr old... But its sure nice to spend time with them - I miss that - once they get 16 - not around as much

Janet- we start school the last week in August. Yeah I am only 34. Tonight I can say 'only' LOL Most days I say OMG I am 34 years old. I feel so old. LOL I had my babies with the love of my life and believe that GOD intended for me to have them so young (18 for my first and 20 for the second. I got married when I was 18) because my kids dad was not going to be with us a long time. He passed when he was 35 from complications from diabetis. OK off that subject now...36_1_44.gif I will be 37 years old and my children will be old enough to be on their own. I think about that and just can't believe it!! My sister is 2 years younger than me and has 3 little girls. She will be 50 when her youngest leaves. My best friend just had another baby a year ago and her oldest daughter is the 16 just like my daughter. She did not intend to have another but....things happen. LOL

Hi Lapband sisters,

Bad news: I went to the doc today and she took out over half of the 2.2 mls that was in the band and sent me for a barium swallow which showed that my band, while it is open now, has slipped "a little." The radiologist couldn't tell me what, if anything, needs to be done. I have to wait till tomorrow when he sends the report to the docs who will decide. Best case scenerio as I understand it (mostly from reading the complications threads): Things will stay as they are now and maybe in time, and with keeping to a liquid diet, the band will go back where it belongs and eventually I can have it refilled to where it was before I started having problems. Worst case scenerio: Surgery--which may or may not be paid for by insurance.

So, I am on my second Bloody Mary of the evening. Well I do feel physically better now, I am reasonably discouraged. You all know how resistant I have been to exercising, so the weight I've lost has been mostly the result of strict intake control. They did tell me that my pouch is not stretched, so I don't think that the slippage is the result of anyting that I did wrong. I think my last fill was just too tight, and even though I had half of it taken out a couple of weeks later, it was still too much.

My fear of course is that I will regain weight. I can live without losing the last 30 pounds, although it would be so sweet, but I just don't want to start gaining pounds back. That was my reason for getting the band in the first place. I've lost all my excess weight before, but always gained it all back. I was hoping that this time it would be different.

Anyone want to drink with me?

Linda- I am so sorry to hear of your slip. I was told like Kari that if I had a slip that they would remove the Fluid from my band and hope that it would 'settle back down where it is supposed to be' and if it didn't then they would take me to surgery and put it back where it belongs. Like Kari said. Try to stick to the bandster rules. I feel terrible saying that because I know I would really struggle with that if I lost the fluid in my band or my band. Remember we are here for you. 23_2_19.gif

Ok so I had a moment tonight. :cursing: I ate 4 small bites of a grilled salmon patty tonight and I was full. Then when I got home from my meeting my son had had chinese and he said mom there is just a little rice left do you want it. I wasn't really hungry but the old Jackie thought 'it is only about 1/2 cup and it smells good.' It had been a couple of hours since I ate and I didn't eat much of anything today so I took the rice. I got 2 bites down and OMG!! :tongue: TMI coming up. I started sliming and knew it was not going to stay down so I went to the bathroom. My own fault. Scared me a bit. I have slimed a few times but never pb'ed like this. My band said no and made sure I knew that it was there.


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Hi Lapband sisters,

Bad news: I went to the doc today and she took out over half of the 2.2 mls that was in the band and sent me for a barium swallow which showed that my band, while it is open now, has slipped "a little." The radiologist couldn't tell me what, if anything, needs to be done. I have to wait till tomorrow when he sends the report to the docs who will decide. Best case scenerio as I understand it (mostly from reading the complications threads): Things will stay as they are now and maybe in time, and with keeping to a liquid diet, the band will go back where it belongs and eventually I can have it refilled to where it was before I started having problems. Worst case scenerio: Surgery--which may or may not be paid for by insurance.

So, I am on my second Bloody Mary of the evening. Well I do feel physically better now, I am reasonably discouraged. You all know how resistant I have been to exercising, so the weight I've lost has been mostly the result of strict intake control. They did tell me that my pouch is not stretched, so I don't think that the slippage is the result of anyting that I did wrong. I think my last fill was just too tight, and even though I had half of it taken out a couple of weeks later, it was still too much.

My fear of course is that I will regain weight. I can live without losing the last 30 pounds, although it would be so sweet, but I just don't want to start gaining pounds back. That was my reason for getting the band in the first place. I've lost all my excess weight before, but always gained it all back. I was hoping that this time it would be different.

Anyone want to drink with me?

Linda - I am here with you and your bloody mary - infact I need a refill..

I am so sorry to hear about this complication. ((hugs)). I just looked at your ticker and OMG you have lost 92 frickin pounds - YOU HAVE DONE EXCELLENT - you have learned some new behaviors and you are older now and know that you must keep eating healthy - We will all pray that the unfill will settle your band back in place. I wish I had the words to comfort you right now - all we can do is wait and see what the doc says - and we are all with you in spirt - so don't forget that - We love you and you know the power of prayer - so know that we are all praying for you.. And why wouldn't insurance cover this - you have a health issue that needs to be taken care of.. Now were is my drink - tomorrow we will be back on the band wagon- Keep up posted.... (((hugs - hugs - hugs)))

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Janet- we start school the last week in August. Yeah I am only 34. Tonight I can say 'only' LOL Most days I say OMG I am 34 years old. I feel so old. LOL I had my babies with the love of my life and believe that GOD intended for me to have them so young (18 for my first and 20 for the second. I got married when I was 18) because my kids dad was not going to be with us a long time. He passed when he was 35 from complications from diabetis. OK off that subject now...[/url] I will be 37 years old and my children will be old enough to be on their own. I think about that and just can't believe it!! My sister is 2 years younger than me and has 3 little girls. She will be 50 when her youngest leaves. My best friend just had another baby a year ago and her oldest daughter is the 16 just like my daughter. She did not intend to have another but....things happen. LOL

Ok so I had a moment tonight. :cursing: I ate 4 small bites of a grilled salmon patty tonight and I was full. Then when I got home from my meeting my son had had chinese and he said mom there is just a little rice left do you want it. I wasn't really hungry but the old Jackie thought 'it is only about 1/2 cup and it smells good.' It had been a couple of hours since I ate and I didn't eat much of anything today so I took the rice. I got 2 bites down and OMG!! :cursing: TMI coming up. I started sliming and knew it was not going to stay down so I went to the bathroom. My own fault. Scared me a bit. I have slimed a few times but never pb'ed like this. My band said no and made sure I knew that it was there.


Jaclkie there are benefits to having kids young - you are still young when they are grown. I had a bf for 8 yrs and he too died from diabetes (I miss him so much - we were a good fit)

How funny I can eat rice and others can't -

I had steak tonite 1/4 or a little rib eye - 1/3 baked potatoe and about 4 asparagus spear - I only got a walk around my development tonite -cuz when I got home my almost 4 yr GD was here - My GS picked her up from school for his dad and she wanted to come to our house - and wanted to eat - So I stuck around for her cuz she wanted to see her LA LA - so I fixed her dinner and for dessert - OMG she ate 1/2 of my strawberries -:tongue: then she wanted to go for a walk - so I got dressed again and we went to a walk - maybe just over a mile - so i don't feel too bad as I did get some exercise in - tomorrow is another day - and memories are what life is made of - so I got to spend time with my baby and got a little exercise - best of both world...

Well it's late - Idol is on - will ck back in the morning

Sweet Dreams everyone

Linda - again Hugs - Hugs Hugs and kept us posted - you can do this

Karri - Let us know how your group went..

Phyl - hope you are having fun w/your son - and maybe your neighbor will be back sooner since we aren't suppose to have great weather this week or weekend.



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Oh linda :cursing: My heart really goes out to you. I would hate to go through this, and reading through some of the other experiences on this forum, some of the symptoms I've had are very similar. I'm just praying all that I have is this flu that's been going around with Aunt Flo coming on board yesterday. This morning I was feeling peckish and made myself some chicken boullion. Well after about 20 minutes half of that came back up again. It wasn't just PBing, it was full on vomitting. I felt nauseous for a couple of hours. I practically forced myself out into the sun for some gentle exercise and that helped a lot. This afternoon and this evening I felt like the tightness I've had since my most recent fill had eased up enough to actually get some food in. So I had some mashed taters and they were the best taters I've had in my life! :tongue:

But enough about me...... I'd have a drink with you if I hadn't eaten earlier and filled myself up. My thoughts are with you and I really hope you don't have to go through another surgery, that this will sort itself out on its own with the unfill. Keep us posted and don't be a stranger. Physically things have certainly changed, but don't let the head progress you've made slip backwards again. Like the others have said, we're all here for you. We're your bandsisters. :cursing:

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Karri, Jackie, Janet, Ruby--you guys are better than all the Bloody Mary's I could have drank last night. (I stopped at 2). Karri, You gave me a goal to keep losing even without restriction. I can do that too. Jackie, It's good to know that your doc also told you that just waiting would work. I'm not following up with the same doctor that did the surgery, and I've never discussed complications with this one. At least now I know that there are at least two doctors out there that take a wait and see approach. Janet, you are such a supporter--always seing the silver lining and right there with the hugs. I'm so blessed to have you for a friend. Ruby, if you don't start feeling better soon, please see your doctor. I'm glad the mashed potatoes tasted good. I hope you had a good evening and that you've turned the corner on this.

Warning, TMI coming up: If I needed a colonoscoopy, today would be a great time to do it. Ever since I got home yesterday afternoon my body has been cleaning itself out like the worst case of stomach flu (without vomiting) you can imagine. I'm actually afraid to go to work today, except that I'm giving tests in both classes that I have today, so I can make a quick exit if I need to. If I had to lecture, well, that'd be a problem!

What drama! You guys are showing me how families are supposed to work. I love you. Because of you, I know this isn't the end of the line for me! You're in this with me. Thank you.

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Good morning everyone!!! Just wanted to pop in and tell you all to have a great day. Lindaa good luck today. Sounds like maybe you may have a touch of the flu amoung the other things. TMI here again all! I have the problem of being 'stopped up' all the time. I tell you it is terrible so to me I would love to be 'cleaned out'.

It is 30 below zero here today. 36_1_26.gif One of my clients for today called and said they were canceling for today because it is to cold and I called the other and suggested the same to their parents so I now have the day off. Going to read for a while today and then early afternoon head to the gym again. I'll get warmed up there. 7_5_141.gif 36_35_8.gif I am really revved up about being back in the gym.

Take care ladies and make good choices today. TTYL


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Karri, Jackie, Janet, Ruby--you guys are better than all the Bloody Mary's I could have drank last night. (I stopped at 2). Karri, You gave me a goal to keep losing even without restriction. I can do that too. Jackie, It's good to know that your doc also told you that just waiting would work. I'm not following up with the same doctor that did the surgery, and I've never discussed complications with this one. At least now I know that there are at least two doctors out there that take a wait and see approach. Janet, you are such a supporter--always seing the silver lining and right there with the hugs. I'm so blessed to have you for a friend. Ruby, if you don't start feeling better soon, please see your doctor. I'm glad the mashed potatoes tasted good. I hope you had a good evening and that you've turned the corner on this.

Warning, TMI coming up: If I needed a colonoscoopy, today would be a great time to do it. Ever since I got home yesterday afternoon my body has been cleaning itself out like the worst case of stomach flu (without vomiting) you can imagine. I'm actually afraid to go to work today, except that I'm giving tests in both classes that I have today, so I can make a quick exit if I need to. If I had to lecture, well, that'd be a problem!

What drama! You guys are showing me how families are supposed to work. I love you. Because of you, I know this isn't the end of the line for me! You're in this with me. Thank you.

Linda - and really to all of you - I wish I could do more than just type some words here - I wish I could give you a hug in person and sit and talk - I don't feel that we can fully explain our love for each other with a few typed words - you can;t see my face - but if you could you would see my true emotions - I wear my heart on my sleeve...

Ok group hug:grouphug:.

Now for anyone who is too tight - having acid reflux - not eating or drinking go get unfilled IMMEDIATELY - don't wait. You can not risk the health of your bands ...

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Good morning everyone!!! Just wanted to pop in and tell you all to have a great day. Lindaa good luck today. Sounds like maybe you may have a touch of the flu amoung the other things. TMI here again all! I have the problem of being 'stopped up' all the time. I tell you it is terrible so to me I would love to be 'cleaned out'.

It is 30 below zero here today. One of my clients for today called and said they were canceling for today because it is to cold and I called the other and suggested the same to their parents so I now have the day off. Going to read for a while today and then early afternoon head to the gym again. I'll get warmed up there. I am really revved up about being back in the gym.

Take care ladies and make good choices today. TTYL

Good Morning Jackie

I think it's so funny that us people who did no exercise before are now gym people... I love it - look we have Karri who is running - You're back at the gym - Kari riding her bike - Phyl swimming - Ruby doing her workouts too. We are just a bunch of exercising fools '

That in it's self is a fantastic accomplishment :):hurray::biggrin:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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