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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I'm up and about as well. And I'm not feeling like crap. Yay, progress! :wub: Thanks Karri and Janet for your shaved ice suggestion. I didn't know it could be so heavenly, lol. I think it's gone a long way in helping me out of bed today. Trouble is, I have this nagging guilt in the back of my mind that I've been lazy for days and need to get on the treadmill. Am I becoming addicted to it? :thumbup: I don't want to get on it and take a step backwards with getting my health on track again... but.... I.... need..... it.... :(

No! What I'm going to do today is take my book and go out on the balcony and read for a bit. It's a beautiful day here as well. It's a brisk 50 degrees outside and I think the fresh air will do me some good. If that perks me up, I'll take a slow walk around the neighborhood. But no working up a sweat!

I'm going to stick with chicken Soup today. I craved it first thing after surgery and it was all I ate for about a week. Then I went in the complete opposite direction and couldn't stand it. But now it sounds appealing to me again. So that's my nutrition for the day. The strange thing about being ill these past few days was that the only thing I could stand eating was my flinstone Vitamins, lol. Anything else I'd put in my mouth wanted out immediately. OH, and Phyl's suggestion of papaya enzymes worked out well too. I think it was because they were dissolving in my mouth and sliding down that gave me the feeling like they'd do that in my stomach as well. Anything else was just a total write-off. But now I've got to get myself healthy again slowly but surely so I'll start down that road with some chicken soup. :tt2:

Karri, having to work on President's Day? That's just un-American! I'd probably rebel in the meetings and continually set off my snoring ring tone on my cell phone. ;)

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Ruby - hope you continue to feel better. Take it easy and enjoy the day.

Janet - Have a garage sale. Then you can continue to shop and have a clean garage.

Karri - I'll sit through your meetings, but you have to come put up with my retired hubby. He is driving me crazy. Everything has to be done NOW. He has to find something to occupy his time.


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No you are not the only one up...but I have to work. That is right we have to be the ONLY school district in this nation that is working on President's day. I have been pissed off about this for a month! Our kids have the day off but we are in meetings all day. WONDERFUL! I'll trade you...I will clean out your garage and you can sit in pointless meetings!?!?!

Only good thing is that we don't have to be there until 7:30.

Everyone enjoy your day. I will check in after the gym tonight.

Karri - I agree with you most meeting are pointless - out of the whole thing you may have 10 minutes where something important was discuss.. Sorry you have to work.. What a bummer.. and you worked last monday too - OMG our kids had both Lincoln & Washingtons bday off -

I would trade with you - well, maybe not - I am glad to have the day off... but need to get in gear - it's 9:30 done with the gym - I think I will have some eatbeater and get ready for the day...

I'm up and about as well. And I'm not feeling like crap. Yay, progress! :wub: Thanks Karri and Janet for your shaved ice suggestion. I didn't know it could be so heavenly, lol. I think it's gone a long way in helping me out of bed today. Trouble is, I have this nagging guilt in the back of my mind that I've been lazy for days and need to get on the treadmill. Am I becoming addicted to it? :ohmy: I don't want to get on it and take a step backwards with getting my health on track again... but.... I.... need..... it.... :thumbup:

No! What I'm going to do today is take my book and go out on the balcony and read for a bit. It's a beautiful day here as well. It's a brisk 50 degrees outside and I think the fresh air will do me some good. If that perks me up, I'll take a slow walk around the neighborhood. But no working up a sweat!

I'm going to stick with chicken Soup today. I craved it first thing after surgery and it was all I ate for about a week. Then I went in the complete opposite direction and couldn't stand it. But now it sounds appealing to me again. So that's my nutrition for the day. The strange thing about being ill these past few days was that the only thing I could stand eating was my flinstone Vitamins, lol. Anything else I'd put in my mouth wanted out immediately. OH, and Phyl's suggestion of papaya enzymes worked out well too. I think it was because they were dissolving in my mouth and sliding down that gave me the feeling like they'd do that in my stomach as well. Anything else was just a total write-off. But now I've got to get myself healthy again slowly but surely so I'll start down that road with some chicken soup. ;)

Karri, having to work on President's Day? That's just un-American! I'd probably rebel in the meetings and continually set off my snoring ring tone on my cell phone. :(


Glad to hear that you are feeling better today - soup sounds good I am hungry :tt2: - I think your plan for the day is a good one - take it slow and easy - sunshine and a slow walk

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OMG... I finally got online for a few minutes! I'm not dealing well with this internet diet!!! I had to post SOMETHING even though I don't have much to say!! Sorry you have to work today, Karri!! Janet, I want to know more about these QVC jeans! Ruby... glad you're feeling better. I hope I got all that right... I'm working on memory because I'm trrying to do this fast before I get knocked offline agian!!

Waiting for our son & family to get here, but was disappointed to find out that didn't leave until about noon!! It's 450 miles!! They won't be here before 8 pm and they can only stay until Wed. afternoon because they're going to L.A. that night & Knott's berry farm the next day. We're thinking we might go with them to L.A... or meet them there on Thurs.

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Hi Everyone,

It was a blur of a weekend with kids and their friends here for birthdays, throwing a wedding shower, and having even more guests for Sunday dinner. On top of all that, for about the last week I have been waking up every 20 minutes all night long coughing, gagging and vomiting. Yesterday I hardly ate anything at all, and in the evening I couldn't even drink a few sips of hot tea. This morning, every joint in my body ached from not getting serious sleep for so long. Today at work I voimted the chicken broth I had for lunch and whatever food I did eat yesterday! (gross, I know) After that I called and made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow. I give up. I've been having problems ever since my fill on Jan 11. Even after having half of that taken out, something is still not right. I'd work with it, but not at the expense of not sleeping.< /p>

I wish I could do a better job of keeping up with your posts. I do read every single one, but sometimes it's days later before I get a chance to post, and by then it's old news. You guys in the desert have no idea what a brutal winter thoes of us in the midwest are having. I can't remember having this much snow, bitter cold, and wind. Tonight again, my plans were changed because events are cancelled. Guess that's good because it gave me an opportunity to let you all know that I'm still here.

Well, I'll hang around for a little while, then I'm going to go to bed (yeah, it's only 7:00) and get started on my 10-minute sleep cycles.

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Hey guys...just lurking. Not much going on...

Ruby-So sorry you've been sick. Sounds like that flu that has been going around. It's bad here. They closed our church school down for a few days because of it.

Holiday? What holiday? You mean ppl actually get President's day off? I just thought that was an excuse for the furniture stores and car dealerships to have sales. I have never gotten this holiday off. Even the city goverments here still worked. Interesting...

Well, the only news I have on my end is I lost 1 lb as of this morning...and AF is visiting so it is probably even more (positive thinking here). Yay!! One more plateau defeated. Janet, do I remember you saying that you had hit your first plateau recently? Man, that must be nice. I hit a plateau every time I loose. I loose a pound or 2 then plateau, then loose 3 then plateau, then...well, you get the idea.

My 2 cents on housekeeping. I HATE IT!! That's why I have a couple housekeepers routinely. But I have always hated housekeeping. And even before I could afford housekeepers and had to do my own, I was still fat. I used to have such a complex about hating to clean house. I mean, what kind of woman was I? I was a true failure because I could not keep my house clean. But then one day I asked myself, where is it written that I have to enjoy cleaning just because I was a female? And why should I be wasting my time on something I truely hated? That's the day I picked up the phone and called a housekeeper and have had one since. Now, I do a bit of straightening up, and a few loads of dishes and I enjoy doing laundry, and I will clean out closets etc from time to time, but they do the majority of the heavy cleaning. For instance, I have a brand new Rainbow vacuum cleaner that I have never tried to use myself. But I do have a few rooms that I clean. My house is too big for the ladies to be able to clean every room but they do clean the rooms that are in use daily. And it's all ok. Cool thing is, my little sister is exactly like me. She would rather spend the day playing with and teaching her kids, so as soon as the housekeepers finish with my house they go to hers:biggrin:

Ok for someone who had nothing to say, I have said a whole lot.

Oh, before I forget, Lynette, I have missed you. It was great to hear from you!!! I sure hope you drop in from time to time. And I do hate to hear about your troubles. Problems seem to be multiplying for everyone lately. :( But we have missed and care about you!

Nite ya'll~~~~~~

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OMG... I finally got online for a few minutes! I'm not dealing Janet, I want to know more about these QVC jeans! Ruby... glad you're feeling better. I hope I got all that right...

Waiting for our son & family to get here, but was disappointed to find out that didn't leave until about noon!! It's 450 miles!! They won't be here before 8 pm and they can only stay until Wed. afternoon because they're going to L.A. that night & Knott's berry farm the next day. We're thinking we might go with them to L.A... or meet them there on Thurs.

Phyl - QVC jeans - you go online give them your measurements and answer a few questions and supposelity have custom made jeans -

OMG your son left late - It must be an older person thing - get on the road 1st thing in the morning....

Hi Everyone,

It was a blur of a weekend with kids and their friends here for birthdays, throwing a wedding shower, and having even more guests for Sunday dinner. On top of all that, for about the last week I have been waking up every 20 minutes all night long coughing, gagging and vomiting. Yesterday I hardly ate anything at all, and in the evening I couldn't even drink a few sips of hot tea. This morning, every joint in my body ached from not getting serious sleep for so long. Today at work I voimted the chicken broth I had for lunch and whatever food I did eat yesterday! (gross, I know) After that I called and made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow. I give up. I've been having problems ever since my fill on Jan 11. Even after having half of that taken out, something is still not right. I'd work with it, but not at the expense of not sleeping.< /p>

I wish I could do a better job of keeping up with your posts. I do read every single one, but sometimes it's days later before I get a chance to post, and by then it's old news. You guys in the desert have no idea what a brutal winter thoes of us in the midwest are having. I can't remember having this much snow, bitter cold, and wind. Tonight again, my plans were changed because events are cancelled. Guess that's good because it gave me an opportunity to let you all know that I'm still here.

Well, I'll hang around for a little while, then I'm going to go to bed (yeah, it's only 7:00) and get started on my 10-minute sleep cycles.

Linda you have been a busy girl - i am tired just reading it... Ya you really do need to go to the doctor you should be able to sleep and drink and eat. You worked too??

Keep us posted.. Hugs to you... Yep we do have great winter - but ugly summers - but I will take the heat over the snow anyday...

[quote=BlueEyedBaby;728417]Hey guys...just lurking. Not much going on...

Holiday? What holiday? You mean ppl actually get President's day off? I just thought that was an excuse for the furniture stores and car dealerships to have sales. I have never gotten this holiday off. Even the city goverments here still worked. Interesting...

Well, the only news I have on my end is I lost 1 lb as of this morning...and AF is visiting so it is probably even more (positive thinking here). Yay!! One more plateau defeated. Janet, do I remember you saying that you had hit your first plateau recently? Man, that must be nice. I hit a plateau every time I loose. I loose a pound or 2 then plateau, then loose 3 then plateau, then...well, you get the idea.

My 2 cents on housekeeping. I HATE IT!! That's why I have a couple housekeepers routinely. But I have always hated housekeeping.

Ok for someone who had nothing to say, I have said a whole lot. Nite ya'll~~~~~~

Katrina - I thought the whole USA had today off - It's Washington Bday (well now they combined the 2 lincoln & washington -but schools still get off for both last monday and this monday) Our city governments are closed banks etc - plus right now we have the National Date Festival (Indio is the date capital of the world & my Dad was a Date Grower) and today was parade day..

House keeping - I am ok - my house is clean - but it could be cleaner - I don't do windows - my blinds need cleaning and window sills too - but who cares I have life to live - Oh ya Need to dust - but I have life to live too - I am VERY LUCKY my GS is a good little cleaner -

Well, it's late almost 8 - gotta get ready for tomorrow

See ya'll in the morning - sweet dreams

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I did it! 1.25 miles running!!!!:(:laugh::smile2:

I thought I was going to die the entire time I was doing it, but I made it. I have a support group meeting that I am going to tomorrow so I don't know how long of a workout that I am going to get, but I want to go back and try to run the 1.25 miles again. For all of you that want to give up on your workout just push through it because when you hit a new milestone it feels AMAZING. So I did 1 hour on the treadmill and then 30 minutes on the eliptical. I noticed that the eliptical is MUCH easier after I have done the hour on the treadmill. Maybe my thighs just have given up at that point and figure there is no point in whining:tt2:, I am going to push them no matter what.

As for the support group tomorrow, I talked to someone the other night who said that she stopped going because she couldn't handle the whining of the people who gain weight because they don't eat the right food. She had bypass and it is a mixed group. I am worried that I will be a bit too much like my band mommy and just put them in their place. Now we can do that on this board because we all know that it truly is out of love and friendship that we question your food choices, but these people don't me at all. Oh well, I am actually only going to help out the wife of our librarian. I personally don't think I need to go to a face to face support group because I have the best family in the world RIGHT HERE! But this lady DESPERATLY needs help. Her husband says that she is sneaking food and gets angry at him when he cleans all of the junk food out of the house. So he his hoping that maybe she will listen to someone who has been successful. When he first said that I had been successful, my first instinct was to say "well I could have done more" or some other saying that was not positive, but instead I found myself, saying "THank you, I really do think I have been successful." Don't know where the words came from, but it is true.

Ruby - glad to hear that you are feeling better.

As for housekeeping...I hate it. Not as much as I used to, but I still hate it. The only thing that I really like to do is vacuum. Remember I'm a young'en...part of that instant gratification generation so when I vacuum it always makes me see the progress instantly! Laundry is my least favorite. Probably why I have 40 pairs of underwear!:lol:

Well I have to get up VERY early tomorrow. I didn't do any work this weekend (besides cleaning out the chemical store room at school) and I have an evaluation tomorrow, so I have some major planning to do. Best get to bed.

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On top of all that, for about the last week I have been waking up every 20 minutes all night long coughing, gagging and vomiting. Yesterday I hardly ate anything at all, and in the evening I couldn't even drink a few sips of hot tea. This morning, every joint in my body ached from not getting serious sleep for so long. Today at work I voimted the chicken broth I had for lunch and whatever food I did eat yesterday! (gross, I know) After that I called and made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow. I give up. I've been having problems ever since my fill on Jan 11. Even after having half of that taken out, something is still not right. I'd work with it, but not at the expense of not sleeping.

Sounds like you've had a worse dose of whatever it was that I've had on and off since my fill. Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe not. I called my surgeon's office today and told them what I was going through. They said I've probably irritated my esophagus on top of whatever flu is going around and to start from scratch again with regard to liquids. Just clear for the next 3 days to see if that helps and then to venture onto more solid stuff and Protein. I told them I was concerned most of all with my lack of protein lately, but she said to take one drama at a time. Liquids most importantly. If I can keep them down for the next 3 days, and only then try and get back onto my protein. If I can't, I have to go in for an unfill.

That advice kind of took the stress and pressure off me that I've felt and I was able to drink more today. Two cups of Soup, two cups of tea and some Water. Progress.

I'm also going to take it easy as far as exercise is concerned. I really can't afford to dehydrate myself at the moment. I did enjoy some leisurely walks today with my son. I was surprised when he said "Sure, okay." to my suggestion of going for a walk around the neighborhood. It was great. Nice weather, nice company, a nice time all around.

Karri - I am in awe of what you can accomplish. You really are an inspiration to anyone considering this journey. Hard work and dedication is paying off in pounds for you.

Housework? :laugh: I hate it. If I could avoid it all, I would. I'm too cheap to hire anyone to do it for me though. My home is clean - kind of. I'd describe it as a well organised mess. But hey, I can find anything and everything here - apart from my keys. :(

Thank you so much to everyone who sent well wishes over the past few days or so. They really did make me feel better. Emotional health is just as important as physical, and you guys always make me feel good. :biggrin2:

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Good morning ladies,

Was I the last to bed and first one up this morning? :smile2: I'm feeling better still today. Well kinda. My flu is on its way out, but Aunt Flo made an appearance this morning. :( My ovaries ache but I'm looking forward to some nice hot Soup this morning.

I looked fondly at the treadmill in the gym as I walked past this morning. I wanted to go in but I know I don't have enough Fluid backup in me yet to spare for a sweat session. So I carried on walking and took the longer way home - an extra 30 seconds. :laugh: :lol:

It's a lovely day here again today and I'm going to make the most of it like I did yesterday. More time in the sun and fresh air will do these bones some good.

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I did it! 1.25 miles running!!!!

I am worried that I will be a bit too much like my band mommy and just put them in their place. Now we can do that on this board because we all know that it truly is out of love and friendship that we question your food choices, but these people don't me at all. Oh well, I am actually only going to help out the wife of our librarian. I personally don't think I need to go to a face to face support group because I have the best family in the world RIGHT HERE! When he first said that I had been successful, my first instinct was to say "well I could have done more" or some other saying that was not positive, but instead I found myself, saying "THank you, I really do think I have been successful." Don't know where the words came from, but it is true.

Karri - Great NSV 1.25 miles - if I can jog for 1/10 of a mile I am happy - I can say that I have increased my incline to 4 -5-6 and I feel good at that and have increased my mileage to 3.5 - will do that for a couple of week then push it up to 4.

I feel the same way about support group in person - why - I have all the support i need right here and it's open 24/7 and I don't have to drive anywhere. Ours is lapband only - and the one we had the 1st of Feb was ok - I got a little out of it but not much - and it make a long day for me and I miss my exercise - so I may go in March if Phyl goes just to see her. As far as being out spoken like me - so what these people need a reality check - I think the lady you are going with may benefit from some counseling - There is no shame in it - not everyone can do it on their own and they may have deeper issues that need the help of a professional - I guess for some of us the whole serious issue of having surgery was what we needed to finally get it - I really think that alot of people who have the surgery be it bypass or band - really think in the back of their minds that the surgery alone will take care of their food issues and weight problems - As WE ALL KNOW THAT'S NOT TRUE - WE HAVE TO DO THE WORK...

Yes just saying thank you is so hard - I have been doing it though - I love it..

Good morning ladies,

Was I the last to bed and first one up this morning? :cool2: I'm feeling better still today. Well kinda. My flu is on its way out, but Aunt Flo made an appearance this morning. :thumbup: My ovaries ache but I'm looking forward to some nice hot Soup this morning.

I looked fondly at the treadmill in the gym as I walked past this morning. I wanted to go in but I know I don't have enough Fluid backup in me yet to spare for a sweat session. So I carried on walking and took the longer way home - an extra 30 seconds. :lol: :lol:

It's a lovely day here again today and I'm going to make the most of it like I did yesterday. More time in the sun and fresh air will do these bones some good.


Glad to hear you are doing so much better and had a good time with your son - I totally agree to take it easy for a day or 2...

Ok - I started this an hour ago - phone keeps ringing - just found out another gf just went to Mex - Dr Oritz and got banded she called to ask questions...

Well phone is ringing again - will ck back later..

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I just got an email from the lady that I am going with asking me if I could send my before and current pics as she wanted to see them. Since I don't have them on my computer at work, I sent her to this website so that she could check them out. She emailed me back and said that she was in tears because she was banded just a few weeks after I was and that she was a total failure compared to me. She definetly needs help. We don't live very far from each other so I think that her and I getting together once a week may be a big help to her, and a reminder to me that my hard work really does pay off. Day to day I just seem to think that I am doing this work for nothing, but I think talking to someone that is struggling may be the benefit I need too. Now if I could just find that spare time during the week to do that it would be helpful.

I was at work this morning at 4:30AM. AGGGGGHHHH. However I did get done what needed to be accomplished so it is making the day easier.

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You should invite her to come to our little group here Karri. She'd be more than welcome. If you can't manage a face-to-face once a week, you can meet up online here. Maybe after your initial meeting she'd be okay with that. And we'll all help her along as well. Helping other people and giving them my opinion helps me in return. It makes me feel good when someone else says "hey, that's a good idea..." just as much as it does when all of you give me a suggestion that I haven't thought of myself.

So invite her here. You know as well as any that you don't have to be a Lucky 7 to join us. :biggrin2:

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I did figure that I was going to encourage her to come here. I don't know if I want her knowing how much I am on here at school:tt2: Actually I really don't care. I have the highest evaluations that I can receive so I really don't think they would care. Her DH said that he didn't think she would be interested because she is shy, but so am I. I just have really come out of my shell here. I have felt very comfortable here from the moment I started. Maybe I can convince her that it is safe here.

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I just got an email from the lady that I am going with asking me if I could send my before and current pics as she wanted to see them. Since I don't have them on my computer at work, I sent her to this website so that she could check them out. She emailed me back and said that she was in tears because she was banded just a few weeks after I was and that she was a total failure compared to me. She definetly needs help. We don't live very far from each other so I think that her and I getting together once a week may be a big help to her, and a reminder to me that my hard work really does pay off. Day to day I just seem to think that I am doing this work for nothing, but I think talking to someone that is struggling may be the benefit I need too. Now if I could just find that spare time during the week to do that it would be helpful.

I was at work this morning at 4:30AM. AGGGGGHHHH. However I did get done what needed to be accomplished so it is making the day easier.

Karri - I agree with Ruby - Maybe you only need to meet a couple of times and then invite her here - I think we have the VERY BEST group on this whole board (just ask Steph - and look I forget you are really an Aug bander - you are a Lucky #7 in my mind) and you can go to your monthly support groups with her - It will reinforce all the good that you have done - you will see that you have been successfull and it will help you in return

You should invite her to come to our little group here Karri. She'd be more than welcome. If you can't manage a face-to-face once a week, you can meet up online here. Maybe after your initial meeting she'd be okay with that. And we'll all help her along as well. Helping other people and giving them my opinion helps me in return. It makes me feel good when someone else says "hey, that's a good idea..." just as much as it does when all of you give me a suggestion that I haven't thought of myself.

So invite her here. You know as well as any that you don't have to be a Lucky 7 to join us. :biggrin2:

Ruby - You are so right - I feel that in helping others I help my self - make me accountable...

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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