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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Doc said if I was throwing up, my pupils didn't match, or I passed out, to come to the emergency room. None of those things happened so I didn't go. My neck is really soar today and I can't turn my head. Someone mentioned whiplash and that it happens after a bit of time. I don't know what that feels like so I need to do some research. The jarring of walking hurts my head though, so it might be a concussion. I don't know. I feel like a big old whimp!

I reread my answer post and what I was writing was supposed to funny but my humor didn't come across in the post. I really wasn't whining, just trying to be me. If you didn't get that before, try to reread it with a smart alec twist. Maybe my brain really is bruised.

On a positive, DH got the hint from last year and got me flowers and is taking me out to dinner. He found somewhere serving king crab legs. I need to look them up....do they qualify as fish???? and I know I shouldn't, but I'm not skimping on the butter for them :cursing:)) Anyone know how bad they are for me?

Woohoo...Lunch. yogurt, veggies, and cottage cheese! I'm starving!!

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Now Now! I had just fallen down and almost killed myself. DH wouldn't cook if I had broken both arms and legs. He ordered pizza and there were no veggies on it. I asked for a can of Beans and he gave me the "Uh, those would be in the cupboard? Do you want them warmed up? How long? Do I use a Cereal bowl?" And I gave up and told him I'd have pizza. I have helpless men!!! I'm married to one of the biggest. I didn't have any fresh in the house or I would have eaten them and it hurt to badly to go into the kitchen in the light.

I drank extra v8 juice though....does that count?

Sheesh...I feel like my mom just caught me in the frosting container. I didn't eat the candy little guy brought home from daycare. I didn't eat a bunch of cake that neighbor gave me.....

What is my punishment? I'm a big girl. I'll take it. But no extra exercise...I can't even walk today without pain. I'm taking it easy.

However, I stepped on the scale today and it's down a couple of pounds....so I'm positive in that direction.

Have a great love day all. I'll talk to you all later.


you have me :wub::lol::tt1::lol::tt1::lol::tongue2::lol:

Yes the V8 counts :mellow:

No punishment at all :wub: cuz you didn't eat the candy or cake (hope you have thrown them all away:wink:)

Yep I know that you almosted died from your head injury yesterday

I am so sorry that you DH can't

open a can of beans:eek: and heat them.

That pizza was your 2% for the week - OK :cursing:


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Hello Ladies - got on yesterday and only a couple posts. Get on today and there are three pages. WOW! ! ! Okay Steph, love the story about Daddy Longlegs. Just call him Daddy at work. What grade do you teach? Pizza....hey, if it doesn't get stuck, go ahead, one piece won't hurt.........too much anyway. And frosting out of the can?? Where's that can??

Phyl - Fix you..thought that was funny. Just tell him that you'll fix him.

Jackie, hope you feel better. Being sick is no fun.

Karri - I'm so glad that you respect your elders. Now lets see, which commandant says 'Honor your mother and father". How the heck did you get up early enough to be at work at 4:3-0? You've got to be crazy.

Janet - I'm staying at my mom's. No exersize room but there is a pool. I'm gonna check out the Y down the street and find out if I can hjoin for a couple weeks.

I've been pedaling quite a bit, haven't missed a day yet, but it is getting old. I've been having trouble getting back on it at night for a second hour so, I've only been doing one hour a day. Guess what?? Got on the scale this morning and it is down four pounds since last week. Is it possible that too much exersize slows down weight loss? I was thinking along the lines of Karri with exersizing off the food I ate and ending the day with a zero balance. Didn't work too well. Well, since everyone is so chatty today, I'll check back later. TTYL

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On a positive, DH got the hint from last year and got me flowers and is taking me out to dinner. He found somewhere serving king crab legs. I need to look them up....do they qualify as fish???? and I know I shouldn't, but I'm not skimping on the butter for them :rolleyes:)) Anyone know how bad they are for me?

Woohoo...Lunch. yogurt, veggies, and cottage cheese! I'm starving!!


You have whiplash - Ice at the base of your skull (sides where the dents are) 10 mintues at a time.




I got your humor :mad:

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Janet - I'm staying at my mom's. No exersize room but there is a pool. I'm gonna check out the Y down the street and find out if I can hjoin for a couple weeks.

I've been pedaling quite a bit, haven't missed a day yet, but it is getting old. I've been having trouble getting back on it at night for a second hour so, I've only been doing one hour a day. Guess what?? Got on the scale this morning and it is down four pounds since last week. Is it possible that too much exersize slows down weight loss? I was thinking along the lines of Karri with exersizing off the food I ate and ending the day with a zero balance. Didn't work too well. Well, since everyone is so chatty today, I'll check back later. TTYL



The whole thing about exercising bunches slow weight lost then next week you dont' exercise as much and the pounds just fly off - I have noticed that myself - I think we talked about it some time back - but I have always found that the week that I slacked off - i lost more weight -

I am no medical doctor but imho i don't think just cuz we burned 3500 calories in a day that immediately the weight comes off that day

I think it takes time -(Karri you are our science girl - do you have an answer)

I don't know who could burn that many excesss caloires in a day except maybe a runner --you will NEVER find me doing that much exercise in one day..:mad:

Swimming is good - easy on the joins....

Well back to work - TTYL

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Now Now! I had just fallen down and almost killed myself. DH wouldn't cook if I had broken both arms and legs. He ordered pizza and there were no veggies on it. I asked for a can of Beans and he gave me the "Uh, those would be in the cupboard? Do you want them warmed up? How long? Do I use a cereal bowl?" And I gave up and told him I'd have pizza. I have helpless men!!! I'm married to one of the biggest. I didn't have any fresh in the house or I would have eaten them and it hurt to badly to go into the kitchen in the light.

I drank extra v8 juice though....does that count?

Sheesh...I feel like my mom just caught me in the frosting container. I didn't eat the candy little guy brought home from daycare. I didn't eat a bunch of cake that neighbor gave me.....

What is my punishment? I'm a big girl. I'll take it. But no extra exercise...I can't even walk today without pain. I'm taking it easy.

However, I stepped on the scale today and it's down a couple of pounds....so I'm positive in that direction.

Have a great love day all. I'll talk to you all later.

Doc said if I was throwing up, my pupils didn't match, or I passed out, to come to the emergency room. None of those things happened so I didn't go. My neck is really soar today and I can't turn my head. Someone mentioned whiplash and that it happens after a bit of time. I don't know what that feels like so I need to do some research. The jarring of walking hurts my head though, so it might be a concussion. I don't know. I feel like a big old whimp!

I reread my answer post and what I was writing was supposed to funny but my humor didn't come across in the post. I really wasn't whining, just trying to be me. If you didn't get that before, try to reread it with a smart alec twist. Maybe my brain really is bruised.

On a positive, DH got the hint from last year and got me flowers and is taking me out to dinner. He found somewhere serving king crab legs. I need to look them up....do they qualify as fish???? and I know I shouldn't, but I'm not skimping on the butter for them :cursing:)) Anyone know how bad they are for me?

Woohoo...Lunch. yogurt, veggies, and cottage cheese! I'm starving!!

Couple of things! Thank God I found a cooker! My BF loves to cook, (now if only I could train him on healthy things!). Sometimes we fight about who gets to cook dinner. One of the many things that I will miss when he goes to night shift. However, there are certainly a few qualities that I am not going to miss!! :rolleyes: I eat pizza every once in a while, but just 1 piece. It is funny (though not a license to eat pizza daily) but every single time I have eaten pizza I have dropped at least 1/2 pound the next day. I will get to the suspected reasoning behind that later in the post. Stay tuned for a science lesson.

As for your lunch. The reason you may be starving is that all of that food is on the mushie side. For me the only way that I can stay full is to eat very solid food. I had a chicken burger for lunch with some peas and that kept me from 10:30 until 2:30 before I was starving again. Now I just had some of my chicken and three bean chili and it will last me until dinner around 6. I have given up yogurt and cottage cheese because 20 minutes later I am hungry (no matter how tight my fill!)

Karri - I'm so glad that you respect your elders. Now lets see, which commandant says 'Honor your mother and father". How the heck did you get up early enough to be at work at 4:3-0? You've got to be crazy.

Yep and I finally have a mom that I can honor! So how do I get up. Shear determination. I needed to get my lists together for my students so they know if they are failing or not and I was motivated because if they have not met the standard then I get to make them have lunch detention. It was a good reason to get up! And yes I am crazy. I don't usually have a problem getting up early, as long as I can go to bed early.


The whole thing about exercising bunches slow weight lost then next week you dont' exercise as much and the pounds just fly off - I have noticed that myself - I think we talked about it some time back - but I have always found that the week that I slacked off - i lost more weight -

Alright here is my best impression of a biochemist! WARNING THIS IS HIGHLY SCIENTIFIC:thumbup:, BUT YOU MIGHT GET SOMETHING OUT OF IT!:rolleyes: I got some help from a biology teacher. For anyone reading that has a degree in biochemistry and can add to this please feel free. This is just what we came up with in the 20 minutes we were talking!

1. There are 3600 calories in 1 pound of fat. Calories are not something that you can touch. It is the energy stored in the food. To be more specific it is stored in the bonds that hold the chemicals in the food together (carbohydrates, fats, proteins).

2. When you eat the food the body has special chemicals (called enzymes) that exist in your cells that can break apart the different nutrients that we eat. Those enzymes are like little kids playing with legos. They take apart one structure and build something else. In the process of breaking down the nutrients that we eat, energy is released. That energy helps fuel other chemicals whose job it is to transfer then energy to where it is needed. One of the places that it can take it is to the storage chemicals. There job is to take the energy and some of the parts of the nutrients that we eat and make fat molecules to store for future energy needs.

3. When we exercise our body has three places that it can pull the energy from to keep our muscles going. The first two places run out of stored energy VERY quickly (like in just a few seconds). Then our body starts burning the fat stored in our bodies. Just like those enzymes we talked about earlier break down the fat in our food, they can break down the fat in our bodies. Only this time the energy goes to help repair our muscles or to heat up our bodies or to make sweat! The biggest part however goes to fixing our muscles.

4. When we exercise we cause little tears in our muscles (its a good thing) and our body needs to use some of the broken down nutrients to fix them. So here is why I think that we hold onto weight a when we exercise so hard for several days in a row. First, our body feels the need to replenish some of the fat that it burned that allowed us to workout. Just like everything in biology the system (our body) likes to stay the same. So our bodies think that they have lost something that is necessary and keeps trying to replenish it (our fat molecules do not look at the number on the scale and do not look in the mirror:lol:). Also, when we keep exercising so hard our muscles keep getting torn (very small tears) and so the body is not as efficient at keeping up with fixing them. When we take a day or two off, the body goes into full fledged repair mode and it takes a lot of calories to completly repair those muscle tissues. Therefore during the days that we stop exercising our bodies are still working and using up those excess nutrients at the same time that the body has STOPPED storing the fat. Hence we see a weight loss.

5. Okay are you going to gain 1 pound if you eat a pound of food? Yes and no. If you were to drink a gallong of Water and not go to the bathroom but step on the scale you would see an 8 pound weight gain. But that would be the same if you just held the water in your hand and stepped on the scale. But that weight would NOT be fat weight which is what we are concerned about. Once you go potty the extra weight of the water would go away. However, if you did eat 3600 calories worth of food you would gain 1 pound of fat, because your ezymes (the little lego building chemicals) would have enough energy to build 1 pound worth of fat. :mad:

6. Now if you don't eat enough calories your body does think that it is going to starve (not get enough energy to make more nutrients). You will not lose fat because it will take the energy to build them in case for some reason you have to stop eating all together. This is why you could live for 3 weeks without food, but only 3 days without water. But did you know this? If you did not eat for 2 weeks, your body would not break down as much fat as it would muscle. Protein (what your muscle is made of) is easier to break apart than fat is. Plus your body is trained to STORE fat for future energy use, so why would it take it apart, when it worked so hard to put it there in the first place!

Alright my head is going to explode and I need to get to the gym, so I had best sign off.

I hope I didn't overload anyone. I am not responsible for painful memories of school, science class, or any other adolescent memories!

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Oh and by the way Janet and Kari...I only exercise off the calories that I have consumed during breakfast/lunch/snack. Not the whole day. Even I am not that crazy!!

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Good job, Teach. I think I learned something. As for surviving on a deserted island? I think I'd survive for at least a couple months. My new tops came today. 1X and I am wearing one of them. I can't believe it. It fits.:mad: I try to pedal of around 500 calories per day but last month I was aiming for 1400-1500 per day. The weight just didn't drop off the way I thought it would and I'm just burning myself out. HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD EVENING. DON'T EAT ANY OF THAT VALENTINES candy. (I heard on the radio that out of 5 bags of valentine candy, 4 of them were left over from last year/expiration date) BETTER YET, HOPEFULLY OUR HONEYS LOVE US ENOUGH NOT TO BUY IT FOR US. SEE YOU ALL TOMORROW.

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Yep and I finally have a mom that I can honor!

Therefore during the days that we stop exercising our bodies are still working and using up those excess nutrients at the same time that the body has STOPPED storing the fat. Hence we see a weight loss.


OMG you are making your Mom get all teary eyed - Thank you so much for the compliment..

OK -Being the professional dieter that I am/was - I knew the other stuff except for highlighted item above - no one every gave that explanation but I don't think the question had been posed in the books I have read

but let me tell you girl you were born to be a teacher - you explain thing so well - you can explain the most difficult subject so anyone could understand.

Thank you so much for the time it took to discuss this with the other teacher and then to expain it to us - So now I know why I lose weight when I don't exercise.

Ok so I had 370 calories for Breakfast & lunch - went to the gym - walked 3.5 miles - treadmill said I burned 401 calories - This is what you do right – I burned my B/F & Lunch

And darling I wouldn't say you are crazy - just very determined and focused… A little compulsive – but you got it honestly (I can be like a dog with a bone – I can be a little anal retentive too) – My gf at work says when I do something I do it all the way – she calls my lapband my second calling. This is cuz all I do is talk about LBT..


Kari - The controller at my work walked around giving us all 1 little reese pb cup and wished us Happy Valentines Day - and Yes I ate it - I think it's a whopping 35 calories - so no guilt here - just one - not the whole bag.

But my XDH stopped by my office to wish me Happy V-Day - I thought that was nice and he called me SKINNY - hadn't seen him since end of October - so he really noticed the loss and the guys who work at the office next door - wished me happy V-day too - so those where the best treats - better than food

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Just checking in to let you know I didn't fall off the face of the planet. :smile:

I stayed in bed today until my son came home from school at 3:30. The rest was good for me. I still don't feel 100% but I actually managed to get some food in me tonight and keep it down. I also managed to keep down all my fluids today. YAY!! :smile:

So anyway, lazying around in bed today gave me time to think. I know that can be dangerous, but I went ahead anyway. :tt2: And I was remembering back to when I first joined this thread. One of the first posts I made here was about a list of goals we had when we were just going into this journey. I went back through my post history and found mine. Guess what? I achieved a LOT of my initial goals. :w00t: They went as follows:

- To look in the mirror without feeling depressed or disgusted. I surprised myself when I achieved this last month when I accidentally saw myself in the mirror.

- To sit on a chair/couch with my legs crossed. I tried it out on the couch just now. Mission accomplished.

- To sit on a chair/couch, draw my legs up and rest my chin on my knees. I can draw my legs up, can't quite get my chin to my knees though. Still, I can draw my legs up! :biggrin2:

- To not have to shop in the Plus section. Just went into the stores this weekend in the "normal people" section.

- To not have to take a deep breath before having to get out of a chair or the car. I don't know when this happened, but I've been able to do this for a while. Probably since between Halloween and Xmas.

- To not have my size be the first thing people notice about me. I don't know if I've achieved this yet. I haven't met any new people.

- To be able to sit on Wicker furniture. Pretty sure I can do this. I'll have to go looking for some to sit on to test it out. Thing is, I don't even LIKE Wicker furniture. :lol:

- To be able to tie my shoes on without working up a sweat. I don't even have to take a deep breath and hold it while tying my shoes! :thumbup:

- To not waddle or swing my arm when I walk. (this one I make a conscience effort not to do, but at times when I'm tired, I catch myself in "fat waddle" mode. Mission accomplished. I think. No, I'm pretty sure. I definitely walk a lot more confidently. :crying:

Okay ladies, can you find your initial goals and see how far you've progressed? I was stunned. Sometimes it seems so long ago when I started this, but it's only been a matter of months. And I would never have thought when I first composed that list that I'd be able to accomplish even half of those things within the first year. I've worked hard!! And it's paid off. I'm so proud of me. :biggrin2:

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Okay ladies, can you find your initial goals and see how far you've progressed? I was stunned. Sometimes it seems so long ago when I started this, but it's only been a matter of months. And I would never have thought when I first composed that list that I'd be able to accomplish even half of those things within the first year. I've worked hard!! And it's paid off. I'm so proud of me. :biggrin2:

Ruby - like around what date or page did we do this on - I found on page 63 or 64 which was 7/4 us telling why we were fat - but heck we have 500 pages - Got any idea date or page we can start from..

Congrats on making all your goals :thumbup:

you have me :crying::lol::smile: about the wicker furniture..

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P.S. you have 200 something post - I have over 1800 so I really do need some help here..:thumbup:

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Ruby - like around what date or page did we do this on - I found on page 63 or 64 which was 7/4 us telling why we were fat - but heck we have 500 pages - Got any idea date or page we can start from..

Congrats on making all your goals :thumbup:

you have me :smile::lol::smile: about the wicker furniture..

Mine was on page 37 on 06/28/07 but there were lots posting their goals probably a week or so before me. And remember, we posted like crazy in those first couple of months so it could be a little hard to find yours. :crying:

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Hey guys...just popping in to lurk and say "Hey" before hitting the hay. Long days and even longer evenings. Work all day then straight to church for the evening (having special youth services and I do multi-media), then home and to bed. So much for exercise this week:frown:. Kinda hard to find time to exercise when one is running from 6am till 10pm. Glad every week is not like this. I am already whooped....:thumbup:

OK, truely did not mean for this to turn into a whine...

Bedtime for this little gray duck...

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Busy day... just catching up with posts. And been avoiding posting too much today. Paper cut on the tip of a finger last night so it's hard to type and I have to keep going back to correct my mistakes!! Tried no bandaid... hurt too much. with Bandaid... mistakes!! Ugh! Amazing how a little paper cut has so much control!!

Thanks, Karri for that great explanation of calories/fat burned! Very easy to understand. I copy/pasted it to an email and sent it to a few bandster friends not on this board. Hope that's okay.

I remember all the goals... I don't think I posted any. Now I wish I would have!! I intentionally don't have any shoes that tie, so THAT wouldn't have been on my list. Only slip on shoes!! I probably have a couple of pairs of tennis shoes with ties at home, but not in the RV. One thing that would have been on the list... to be able to drive the car without the steering wheel up against my belly and my thighs! Accomplished! But I'm afraid as I'm shrinking I may have to sit on a phone book soon, so I can see over the steering wheel! Another... nice to be able to get out of bed and walk the 5-6 steps to the bathroom during the night without getting out of breath. Heck, I used to get out of breath turning over in bed at night. See... all those things I was thinking of listing were just too embarrassing to talk about!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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