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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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If you've been feeling tired all day you better take it easy... and you said your GS was sick. We think we had the 24 hr flu last week... we both had flu shots, so we didn't get very sick... just felt really, really tired, only lasted for about 20 minutes of Water aerobics... couldn't even lift my arms, and we had some mild stomach cramps and nausea. That was it! You had flu shot, too, so maybe you've got a mild case of the flu. Better rest.

Yep I stayed home - I went to Walgreens got cards for grandkids and little gifts some Fiber cookie - and laxatives since I was out you know out TMI subject - Iron my red pants and now just here on the computer - doesn't looke like I will be long - no one here - and and just want to veg

Yep had my shot and my tummy felt a little icky after lunch - my squash didn't taste good and had just a 3oz can of tuna...

I need to make sure and take my vitimans tonite - Tomorrow is weigh in day and i feel FAT- really needed that exercise - but it's not good to exercise when you don't feel good... I don't think I am getting enough calories - I can't eat much - had to eat the tuna really slow - and I just a 1 of the 2 Fiber cookie and not really hungry anymore.

Well, gotta see who else has posted - Phyl thanks for permission not to exercise...

Will ck back later... How;s your Aunt?? You guy have been in my prayers.

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The Multi quote feature isn't working - I find it easier when responding cuz the people who are reading can understand what we are talking about or responding too - so break out your memories cuz it's not working

Peaches - I am sure glad you still have restriction as much as I love my band - I really don't want to do the whole surgery thing again - it's still a little too fresh in my mind.. I am happy to read no M&M's today - Good Girl :tt2:

Steph - I have the rolls in the back even now - I hate them - I wear Lipo in a box (like spanx) high waisted to help - I am VERY VERY self concise about them - I have a gf at work who doesn't dress age appropreate in my opinion (she's 52 and is wearing legging) has good legs but is chunky on top and wears her tops way too tight - you know how the new empire waisted blouses are suppost to hit under your boobs her tops go right across the middle - I think I hurt her feelings yesterday when she said I could wear leggings now - I said I wouldn't she said why - I told her I didn't think the were age appropreate... Heck I'm 53 - I don't need to be trying to look like I'm 30 - I like trendy clothes too - but you can do it with out looking like you are trying too hard - I think that ages you even more.. See I am the fashion cop too...:tt2:

OMG falling and hitting your head - I am sure glad you are ok - but you better have hubby keep and eye on you..

Pizza and you say you are tight - I don't think I could even get a few bites down - well maybe if I took tiny bites and chewed the crap out of it... But if it takes that much work - I look for something else....

Car - I am not a big cottage cheese person - I have tried it and it's ok - as a kid my Mom drank buttermilk (corn bread crumpled in it) and to me it smelt like sour milk and cottage cheese too - but I have a freind who made me take a bite and it's not bad - I have used it in cooking and it's like ricotta cheese - so I might just have to try one of these receipts cuz warmed it might be more like cheese that sour milk - I love cheese but have stayed away for it pretty much cuz it's so high in calories..

Security for computers - Do you work for the FBI or what - 6 hrs OMG... Good luck on that - We were talking about studying today work - I did that back in when I was in my 30's- I enjoy learning but I just don't want to do it now and have to take a test... I don't want to work that hard anymore....

Well I think I responded to everyone who has posted

Where are you KARRI - you didn't tell us you were going somewhere and wouldn't be posting - So I hope everything is alright and nothing bad happend - I am a Mom remember... I worry when my kid's don't check in :D

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Hey everyone!!! Sorry I have been MIA. I am still dealing with the cold/sinus crap from last week. Still haven't kicked it. I tell you it is really kicking my butt. I am soooo tired. I haven't exercised at all this past week. Have to admit that I haven't been being the best bandster either. I have still been weighing daily. Thank GOD I haven't gained and have maintained the same 2-3 lb range. I need to get moving again. I increased my Vitamins and doc gave me another round of antibiotic but he told me I can try this round but he thinks this is just viral and will have to run its course. The weather here in Iowa is CRAP!! Every other day we are getting snow. I am sick of it!!! Can't wait til spring and summer again and to be moving around OUTSIDE! I am so much better with staying on track in the nicer weather. I know it sounds like an excuse but honestly it is true.

Phyl- I hope your aunt is doing better. I am thinking of you.

Janet-Take it easy tonight. You deserve it. Take care. HUGS!!

Steph-loved the story about your "smarty pants" You are hilarious.

Peaches- so glad to hear that you still have restriction. Does that mean you won't have to have surgery again?

I know that so many more have posted I just can't remember who posted what. SORRY!!! I want to tell each and everyone of you that you are all doing so well and I am soooooo proud of you!! I need to get on more and talk to you all and get myself back onto the band wagon. You are all such an inspiration to me and keep me focused when I am here regularly.

Happy Valentines to all my banded friends!!!! Don't eat to much chocolate!!8_8_40.gif


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Boring day at work today. But came home and exercised like usual and that was good. One more day, then I'm off to Florida for a long weekend. Went in January too, but it got cold. I think we're looking at 84-85 days and 64 nights, but kind of cloudy. We're looking at real estate. Want to move back there soon!

If I don't check in until next week, hope all have a nice President's Day weekend and continue to feel great about themselves!

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Yep I stayed home - I went to Walgreens got cards for grandkids and little gifts some Fiber cookie - and laxatives since I was out you know out TMI subject - Iron my red pants and now just here on the computer - doesn't looke like I will be long - no one here - and and just want to veg

Yep had my shot and my tummy felt a little icky after lunch - my squash didn't taste good and had just a 3oz can of tuna...

I need to make sure and take my vitimans tonite - Tomorrow is weigh in day and i feel FAT- really needed that exercise - but it's not good to exercise when you don't feel good... I don't think I am getting enough calories - I can't eat much - had to eat the tuna really slow - and I just a 1 of the 2 fiber cookie and not really hungry anymore.

Well, gotta see who else has posted - Phyl thanks for permission not to exercise...

Will ck back later... How;s your Aunt?? You guy have been in my prayers.

Sounds like it's a good idea for you to just "chill" tonight! My aunt is still in ICU, but my uncle says she was sitting up in a chair talking today, so that's good. My Mom & sister are going to see her tomorrow. My sister is a bulldog, so she should have a better update for me tomorrow. She's a nurse also, so she gleans whatever information she can get by looking over shoulders or whatever!


I'm pretty bummed tonight! 4_9_17v.gif TOPS weigh in did me in!! 4_2_6.gif I knew I'd probably have a gain because of transitioning from our usual morning weigh in to an evening weigh in, but it was worse than I thought it would be!! I almost wiped out that good loss I had last week! Maybe I'm retaining some Fluid because of the hot weather this week. But, it's pretty depressing. Then to help matters, my DH has to start telling me what it is I did wrong!!



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Where are you KARRI - you didn't tell us you were going somewhere and wouldn't be posting - So I hope everything is alright and nothing bad happend - I am a Mom remember... I worry when my kid's don't check in :D

Sorry :frown: I was sooooo busy today and seriously didn't have a moment until right now. I was at work at 4:30AM this morning and then went right to the gym and then home. I didn't get my normal cooking in on Sunday so that I would have lunches so on top of making dinner tonight I made enough food for lunches for this week and next week. Not sure how they will turn out as I didn't want to eat them because I was going to eat dinner. I am trying a new experiment with some chicken breasts. We have a kitchen aid and the meat grinder that goes along with it. So I took some chicken tenders and ground them and then used the ground chicken to make chicken and three bean chili. I also made chicken burgers with dry mustard, ginger, onions and garlic. I am excited to try those tomorrow because it smelled yummy when it was cooking. :tt2:

Today was a tough day for eating. I was STARVING all day. :tt2: I think the main reason was that I was up so damn early this morning. That threw my day off completly. I am a schedule person and when anything disrupts my schedule I get all flustered:confused_smile:

Alright I need to go back and read what was written after Janet's post. WHen I saw that my band mommy was worried I decided to post right then and there!

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Sounds like it's a good idea for you to just "chill" tonight! My aunt is still in ICU, but my uncle says she was sitting up in a chair talking today, so that's good. My Mom & sister are going to see her tomorrow. My sister is a bulldog, so she should have a better update for me tomorrow. She's a nurse also, so she gleans whatever information she can get by looking over shoulders or whatever! :tt2:

I'm pretty bummed tonight!

4_9_17v.gif TOPS weigh in did me in!! 4_2_6.gif I knew I'd probably have a gain because of transitioning from our usual morning weigh in to an evening weigh in, but it was worse than I thought it would be!! I almost wiped out that good loss I had last week! Maybe I'm retaining some Fluid because of the hot weather this week. But, it's pretty depressing. Then to help matters, my DH has to start telling me what it is I did wrong!!



Phyl- so sorry to hear of the gain. I am one that is ALWAYS at least 2 pounds heavier at night. :D NO matter what!! I always weigh immediately once I get up in the am. Then I take my morning lasic and wait for 2-2 and 1/2 hours a weigh again. I retain fluid daily. I always have and don't know why. Hang in there!!

On another note I am glad to hear that your aunt is doing better. Keep us posted and you and your family are in my prayers.

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Sounds like it's a good idea for you to just "chill" tonight! My aunt is still in ICU, but my uncle says she was sitting up in a chair talking today, so that's good. My Mom & sister are going to see her tomorrow. My sister is a bulldog, so she should have a better update for me tomorrow. She's a nurse also, so she gleans whatever information she can get by looking over shoulders or whatever! :tt2:

I'm pretty bummed tonight!

4_9_17v.gif TOPS weigh in did me in!! 4_2_6.gif I knew I'd probably have a gain because of transitioning from our usual morning weigh in to an evening weigh in, but it was worse than I thought it would be!! I almost wiped out that good loss I had last week! Maybe I'm retaining some Fluid because of the hot weather this week. But, it's pretty depressing. Then to help matters, my DH has to start telling me what it is I did wrong!!



OHHHH. I will give you a big hug:huggie: I always weigh SEVERAL pounds more at night. Here is one fact that I can give you. If you drank a bottle of Water within 2 hours of weighing then you can be up .5 pounds. Now add food and more water and you can start piling up the pounds that have NOTHING to do with fat. That is why I only do my weight in the morning. It is too bad that you have to transition to the evening. It really does make a big difference. Is this the official weight that you use? As for the DH, the next time he stubs his toe, or bumps into a wall or does anything, I think that you should tell him what he did wrong. But that is just me. See I really am Janet's kid. We are sooooo much alike!:D

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Janet -- the pizza. I didn't eat the whole thing. I had the little pieces of sausage, ham, hamburger, and the cheese. I chewed and chewed and it took me over a half hour to eat the top of a piece of pizza. I had a little bit of crushed but it didn't sit well so one bite was enough. I guess I've been eating the top of pizza for quite a while and I don't think of what others will imagine when I say I ate pizza.

Karri -- I'm so sorry that you were crazy busy today. I would be comatose by now if I had been at work at 4:30. And you went to the gym. Now I really feel like I should have walked tonight. What's a little bump on the head when you've been going for 15 hours. Super super you.

Phyl-- I know that if I had weighed in after noon I would have a weight gain. A HUGE weight gain. I would not feel bad about that. Next week if you weigh at the same time you'll be able to see a difference. If you are still seeing the same weight in the morning that you always have, I wouldn't take that weight gain as gospel. I say NO WAY!! Also if it is hotter you may be drinking things with more salt. I know it is a huge craving when I am overheated. On the plus side....I'm freezing so being warm right now sounds pretty good.

I'm sitting here watching the biggest loser. I recorded it so now I can skip all the stupid commercial. There were some great things about the mental issues this week. I need to really think about this mental stuff. I need to start really thinking about it and making it a bigger priority.

Good night all. See you all tomorrow.

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Morning ladies,

I feel like crap today. :cursing: I think I'll just take myself back to bed. I've already done my treadmill for the day and usually it perks me up. Today it tired me out. So sounds like my body is telling me to rest.

Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day. :tt1::wub::tt1::wub:

Oh, and Stephanie, I loved your Mr Longlegs story. It was hilarious and I could see myself in the very same position; wanting to drop dead on the track but being too damn stubborn to do so. :mellow:

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Hey everyone!!! Sorry I have been MIA. I am still dealing with the cold/sinus crap from last week. Still haven't kicked it. I tell you it is really kicking my butt. Janet-Take it easy tonight. You deserve it. Take care. HUGS!!


I am sorry to read that you are under the weather STILL - Hugs to you... I feel 100% better today - too extra vit B complex including B12 and vit D

If I don't check in until next week, hope all have a nice President's Day weekend and continue to feel great about themselves!


Have a great long weekend

I'm jealous :tt1:

I'm pretty bummed tonight!

4_9_17v.gif TOPS weigh in did me in!! 4_2_6.gif I knew I'd probably have a gain because of transitioning from our usual morning weigh in to an evening weigh in, but it was worse than I thought it would be!! I almost wiped out that good loss I had last week! Maybe I'm retaining some Fluid because of the hot weather this week. But, it's pretty depressing. Then to help matters, my DH has to start telling me what it is I did wrong!!



Hugs:wub: Hugs -

It's so very true

evening weight is always more than morning weight

You know your DH - just shine him on - pay him no mind ..

Sorry I was sooooo busy today and seriously didn't have a moment until right now. I was at work at 4:30AM this morning and then went right to the gym and then I also made chicken burgers with dry mustard, ginger, onions and garlic. I am excited to try those tomorrow because it smelled yummy when it was cooking!


Just glad to know nothing bad was going on

Well being at work at 4:30 a.m is bad but glad you or bf weren't sick or anything

Your chicken sounds good I am a little hungry right now - I forgot my fiber Cookies at home

I was going to bring them in to eat in the a.m.

Janet -- the pizza. I didn't eat the whole thing. I had the little pieces of sausage, ham, hamburger, and the cheese. I chewed and chewed and it took me over a half hour to eat the top of a piece of pizza. I had a little bit of crushed but it didn't sit well so one bite was enough. I guess I've been eating the top of pizza for quite a while and I don't think of what others will imagine when I say I ate pizza. .


You know the food cop isn't going to let that pass :biggrin2:

Where are your veggies... :tongue2:

Morning ladies,

I feel like crap today. I think I'll just take myself back to bed. I've already done my treadmill for the day and usually it perks me up. Today it tired me out. So sounds like my body is telling me to rest.


Yes rest - I think we have to listen to our bodies

I did it last night (but you did exercise and I didn't)

I feel so much better today

and make sure you get your Vitamins in


Ok it's Official

I think I have hit my 1st Plateau

This is my 1st time in 7 months that the scales did NOT move this morning !!!

But the good news is that they didn't move up

but stayed the same :cursing: -

I got on & off the scale at least ten times

begging for 1/2 lbs but no luck

So I guess - I need to get moving on the exercise

have have slowed to 3 to 4 times a week instead of my 4 -5 or increase my mileage on the days I go-

that's what I will do - add 1/2 mile each day.

Well - I need to get a few things done before my boss comes in




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Hugs:tt1: Hugs -

It's so very true

evening weight is always more than morning weight

You know your DH - just shine him on - pay him no mind ..

He can't help it... he's just wired for troubleshooting... something is broke, figure out why it broke and how to fix it!! Understanding that doesn't help, though, when it's ME he's trying to fix!!

Ok it's Official

I think I have hit my 1st Plateau

This is my 1st time in 7 months that the scales did NOT move this morning !!!

But the good news is that they didn't move up

but stayed the same :cursing: -

I got on & off the scale at least ten times

begging for 1/2 lbs but no luck

So I guess - I need to get moving on the exercise

have have slowed to 3 to 4 times a week instead of my 4 -5 or increase my mileage on the days I go-

that's what I will do - add 1/2 mile each day.

Well - I need to get a few things done before my boss comes in




You have been working very hard! Almost 7 months out and your first plateau!! That's pretty good! From what I've heard, the closer you get to your goal weight, the tougher it is. Next week will be better!!

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You know the food cop isn't going to let that pass :biggrin2:

Where are your veggies... :cursing:

Now Now! I had just fallen down and almost killed myself. DH wouldn't cook if I had broken both arms and legs. He ordered pizza and there were no veggies on it. I asked for a can of Beans and he gave me the "Uh, those would be in the cupboard? Do you want them warmed up? How long? Do I use a Cereal bowl?" And I gave up and told him I'd have pizza. I have helpless men!!! I'm married to one of the biggest. I didn't have any fresh in the house or I would have eaten them and it hurt to badly to go into the kitchen in the light.

I drank extra v8 juice though....does that count?

Sheesh...I feel like my mom just caught me in the frosting container. I didn't eat the candy little guy brought home from daycare. I didn't eat a bunch of cake that neighbor gave me.....

What is my punishment? I'm a big girl. I'll take it. But no extra exercise...I can't even walk today without pain. I'm taking it easy.

However, I stepped on the scale today and it's down a couple of pounds....so I'm positive in that direction.

Have a great love day all. I'll talk to you all later.

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Now Now! I had just fallen down and almost killed myself. DH wouldn't cook if I had broken both arms and legs. He ordered pizza and there were no veggies on it. I asked for a can of Beans and he gave me the "Uh, those would be in the cupboard? Do you want them warmed up? How long? Do I use a cereal bowl?" And I gave up and told him I'd have pizza. I have helpless men!!! I'm married to one of the biggest. I didn't have any fresh in the house or I would have eaten them and it hurt to badly to go into the kitchen in the light.

I drank extra v8 juice though....does that count?

Sheesh...I feel like my mom just caught me in the frosting container. I didn't eat the candy little guy brought home from daycare. I didn't eat a bunch of cake that neighbor gave me.....

What is my punishment? I'm a big girl. I'll take it. But no extra exercise...I can't even walk today without pain. I'm taking it easy.

However, I stepped on the scale today and it's down a couple of pounds....so I'm positive in that direction.

Have a great love day all. I'll talk to you all later.

V8 juice should qualify!! :cursing:

You probably have a concussion. Should see a doctor!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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