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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hi everyone! Thanks for your kind wishes and sharing my excitement at reaching the 140's. It means a lot!

As to the questions on maintenance. I asked my doctor last Friday if when you reached your goal if you'd take any fill out and he said there wasn't any reason too. I think you just continue to eat slowly and chew well and increase your caloric intake a bit. I'm looking forward to maintenance, but think there really won't be that much of a change. Perhaps you can quit tracking calories, etc., just keep up with the exercise and only track calories if you gain more than two pounds that don't come back off shortly....

Just my thoughts! Hope everyone has a great night!

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Frustated and Janet- I am with you on the maintenance issue. I also don't have a clue on how to maintain weight. I had actually gone down to 181 and now am back up again to 185. Partly because I am so constipated ( sorry TMI :biggrin:), today I took 5 MOM tablets and still nothing. I don't know what to do. Have tried Benefiber too and nothing. I might have to ask my dr. for a prescription. But anyways no way I am getting an unfill., I can see how that would lead to big time weight re-gain. Boy, this is all such a great learning experience!

OK, CeCe, being a nurse I have to put a disclaimer on this and say that this is what we give patients in the hospital with that problem, and this is what I gave my BFF when she had her GBP and got impacted, and IT WORKS WELL!! Since I am not a doctor I can not prescribe.

That being said, you have to make your own decision on what to take. So...

this is a very easy mixture that is not bad tasting and usually works well. We mix about 4oz of very WARM prune juice and 8oz of MOM liquid. Something about this mixture really works. Please note that the prune juice has to be very warm (don't burn your tongue, not hot) And, I would never give this to anyone unless they are VERY constipated....

Sorry guys...just the nurse in me....and I don't even see that as TMI. Us nurses are so jaded to these type conversations. LOL, we really do sit and and talk about BM's and Blood while we eat. I am a program director for a huge Nursing Convention we put on every year here and all the directors meet at different restraunts around the area every month to plan out what we are going to do. I don't remember the exact gist of the conversation but it had to do with blood gushing. I just happened to look up at the table next to us and the ppl there were staring at us with gaping mouths and turning green. OMG, we didn't even think anything about it. :wink2::eek:

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Good Morning Gang

Well the computer was on cuz my Ipod was charging last nite - So thought I would get an early start - OMG am I addicted or what...

One the TMI my theory is that cuz we don't eat alot we don't have to poop as much - so every few days is fine with me - I take dulolax when I have the need and it work - but even then - there's not much cuz we aren't eating much..

I guess I could be a nurse - I can talk about gross stuff and eat too - it doesn't bother me.

Steph - On the lamp issue - I don't know if it really works - I have just read about it - It's not a problem for me cuz sun shines 350 days a year here.- they aren't sun lamp (which are for indoor tanning) but a lamp that gives off light as bright as the sun - light therapy - May be just increase your vit D...

Well off to finish my coffee and watch the news - gott jump in the shower in a few - will ck back when I get to work..

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I just have to start this by saying I love you guys. You are all such inspiration and enjoyment to me. Love this site too.

Stephanie - Can't help you with the ex. equipment. I have an exersize bike and try to pedal 2 - 2 1/2 hours a day. Seems like a lot, but I split it up. Besides, the knees are too bad to do any thing else. Try mixing some onion Soup mix with cottage cheese. Put in as little or as much as you want. It is really good and can also substitute as chip dip.

Phyll - Sure am glad to know that I am not the only one who likes cottage cheese sandwiches. I love it on Jewish Rye bread, doesn't matter if it's toasted or not. Yummy.

To everyone - Hubby feels terrible about screwing up my birthday so he's taking me out for Valentine's day. I'll be AWOL after next week. Finally got my reservations for Florida. Three weeks,......sun and warm weather. Can't wait. Just got to figure out how to get my exersize since walking is pretty much out cause of my knee. TTYL

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Boy!! Where is everyone???? A very quiet day here in Lucky #7 Land!

Hey... my bra story started quite a discussion, didn't it?!! I can just imagine everyone trying that over the head trick!! Never thought of that one! That was a new one for me... pretty unique!! That was Steph, right?? I guess before I went to front hooks, I did the hook it in the front and turn it around thing. But when I tore my rotator cuff... don't remember why, but I couldn't even do that. My right arm was pretty useless for a while. Had to have DH hook the bra in the back until I bought the front hooks! That was not fun. I am so excited about wearing my "hearts" underwear tomorrow for Valentine's Day that my swimming pool bag is already packed for tomorrow morning! And I'm so excited that my DH actually made plans for tomorrow!! Nothing fancy, but he's got the day all planned out. I was impressed with that!!


I bought myself a Valentine's present... with DH's blessing. He's not a very good shopper. He was going to go to Wal-Mart today and get something until I solved his problem!! I got this New Balance watch that tracks your heart rate, calories burned, counts laps, etc. Now if I can just figure out how to read it!! I have it all set up... you put in sex, age, weight. But I wore it to the pool this morning and I can't figure out how to do the lap counting function or the calories burned. I have read the instructions through at least twice. Guess I'll have to read it again!! I am usually pretty good with this techy stuff, but this one has me stumped. I can get it to show me my heart rate but that's about it. I even set the alarm for 7 a.m. and it didn't go off!! Back to the instruction book!!

Hope everyone is having a great day!!



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Yep a slow - day - I have ck'd here a couple times today - and nothing until right now when I got back from lunch

Kari - have fun in florida - where are you staying - they might have an exercise room.

Phyl - I had a sports bra once with no hooks - but I think I stepped into it - I don't think I put it over my head - but maybe - my brain is gone - CRS (can't remeber sh*T)

Well, I don't have much to say today - I am very tired today - I woke up that way - and now my DGS is sick with the tummy thing that's going around- I sure and the heck don't want it - I think I need a mental health day...

Ok - back to work... TTYL

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Wow. I check and check and nothing to report and I go away for a few minutes and three of you post:)

It's been pretty quiet here. I've been dying inside because it is finally snowing. It probably won't amount to enough to snowmobile, but my prayers are out there floating in the great unknown....

I knew you would all laugh at the over the head thing. I don't think many people would consider it, but it works for me. All in one stroke, shirt and bra....ta dah!!!!

I got a brisk walk in at lunch today. Only about 10 minutes since I spent the other 10 of the lunch break eating... but let me tell you the story. The PE teacher here has legs that go from the floor to my shoulders and is about as skinny as a rail and yet he is daily complaining about the 10 pounds he put on over Christmas or having to lose 10 by summer before he gets in the combine....I usually give him that look....the one my students call my Hitler look....and he shuts up pretty quickly. Anyways, I'm down there walking and clipping along pretty good when Old Smarty Long Legs comes along and wants to walk with me. 1 he's the PE teacher, 2 his legs have a good 18 inches on mine, 3 hes a man and not going to out do me. So my pretty good clip has to turn into an almost jog....Well, I almost died. Honestly I think my lungs were close to exploding. Not exaggerating. I almost puked. So....can I count it as 30 mins? I tried to quit 2 laps before I did, but he wouldn't let me. Of course not, Mr. Smarty Pants, I started 5 mins before him.....grrrrrr. Anyways....afterwards he comes to my room, about 30 mins later, and says "Wow, you were really going there, my calves are killing me. You could have taken it a little easier on me. I bet your legs are killing you." My legs??? My lungs are still on fire and he's talking about my legs? Anyways....I thought you'd all chuckle a bit.

Well....I think I am going to do the elliptical. The treadmill I can always ask for back, but I enjoy the walking video and will probably continue that. If I elliptical too that will give me a couple of options a day. There was a thread on the exercise board that I was reading....Now I just have to open the wallet. You know this surgery gets more expensive by the day. I haven't even started with the new clothes. I may have to take a second job!

Well all...have a great rest of the day. I'm going to brave the blizzard and drive home. I could stay here for the night but if I'm going to get stranded I'd rather be home. I'll check in tonight.

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You have me cracking up at your exercise story - I hoped you played it off like - it was no biggie - how many laps did you do - 2 laps of the football field is 1/2 mile...

Bra & shirt on at the same time - GF I think you need a new bra - most of the support is to come from the band - and it you can get that thing over your shoulders - i doubt it's tight enough.... I am a what not to wear girl too -

Ya I would want to get stranded at home too.

I have gotten in 1 one Water bottle in today :D (need 3 more) - I'm tired - and I don't think I am going to exercise today - but who knows - I say this often then by the time I get home - I am feeling guilty - it will be a coin toss if I go or not though tonite - I could just go nighty night right now...

Ok - I see all you lurkers - - how come you aren't posting - even it's just everyday stuff - come on now ladies - share your day ...

I may or may not be back on tonight - Heck I may take a mental health day tommorrow - or maybe wait til Friday and then I will have a 4 day weekend (no work on Monday)....

Karri - it's not like you not to pop in once.. and where in the hell is Marcey - Dini - Chimi - Lynette - Jeannies - acouple of the original gang - haven't heard from theys ladies in ages - Sunny - her too ... I guess they just don't love us anymore....

Ok gotta clean up my desk - TTYL

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You have me cracking up at your exercise story - I hoped you played it off like - it was no biggie - how many laps did you do - 2 laps of the football field is 1/2 mile...

That was pretty funny, Steph!! :tt2:

Bra & shirt on at the same time - GF I think you need a new bra - most of the support is to come from the band - and it you can get that thing over your shoulders - i doubt it's tight enough.... I am a what not to wear girl too

I agree!!! Bra & shirt at the same time???? You need to go shopping!


I have gotten in 1 one Water bottle in today :tt2: (need 3 more) - I'm tired - and I don't think I am going to exercise today - but who knows - I say this often then by the time I get home - I am feeling guilty - it will be a coin toss if I go or not though tonite - I could just go nighty night right now...

Ok - I see all you lurkers - - how come you aren't posting - even it's just everyday stuff - come on now ladies - share your day ...

I may or may not be back on tonight - Heck I may take a mental health day tommorrow - or maybe wait til Friday and then I will have a 4 day weekend (no work on Monday)....

If you've been feeling tired all day you better take it easy... and you said your GS was sick. We think we had the 24 hr flu last week... we both had flu shots, so we didn't get very sick... just felt really, really tired, only lasted for about 20 minutes of Water aerobics... couldn't even lift my arms, and we had some mild stomach cramps and nausea. That was it! You had flu shot, too, so maybe you've got a mild case of the flu. Better rest.



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Well....I think I am going to do the elliptical. The treadmill I can always ask for back, but I enjoy the walking video and will probably continue that. If I elliptical too that will give me a couple of options a day. There was a thread on the exercise board that I was reading....Now I just have to open the wallet. You know this surgery gets more expensive by the day. I haven't even started with the new clothes. I may have to take a second job!

Well all...have a great rest of the day. I'm going to brave the blizzard and drive home. I could stay here for the night but if I'm going to get stranded I'd rather be home. I'll check in tonight.

Hope you're enjoying your blizzard!!


I know what you mean about the $$$$!! All that new underwear last weekend... $80+! Then I bought myself the New Balance watch this week to track my heart rate/calories (and can't figure out how to do that!!) AND... now I have my sights set on one of those fitness bells that they showed us at that support group Janet and I went to last week!! $70 includes a DVD to show you how to use it! Too bad I didn't get an instructional DVD with the watch!!


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Stephanie Re SUNLAMPS

Its called LIGHT THERAPY, and it DOES work for Mild to Moderate Depression. But you have to get a very specific light. Northern Technologies makes one...

You MUST sit under their lamp 30 mins each day at 6:30 or 7 a.m.... this intense light FALLS on your face, you don't stare into it... You can use the time to put on makeup, read a book, eat your oatmeal...whatever... but you have to let the light fall over your face at about 6 -10" away.

You could NOT just sit under it all day at work, that would be too much exposure.

It is a special flurescent and special strength for a specific purpose. Try googleing it if you are interested. My Psychiatric had Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) and he preferred the Light Box therapy to taking medications... there are no side effects as in pills.

Personal note:

I had a pretty good day, ate o.k. no pigging out on anything, and I still have restriction since my fill 9 days ago.... Yeah!!!

No weight chg to report

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So all you cottage cheese people....I picked this one up from my father...1 slice of toasted whole wheat bread spread with cottage cheese and then a thin layer of all-fruit jelly. Really yummy.

Just a jump in from the sidelines....Have to go back to studying for my CISSP. Kind of like a bar exam for us computer security folks. 6 hrs of shear agony. Love

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Try mixing some onion Soup mix with cottage cheese. Put in as little or as much as you want. It is really good and can also substitute as chip dip.

Phyll - Sure am glad to know that I am not the only one who likes cottage cheese sandwiches. I love it on Jewish Rye bread, doesn't matter if it's toasted or not. Yummy.

To everyone - Hubby feels terrible about screwing up my birthday so he's taking me out for Valentine's day. I'll be AWOL after next week. Finally got my reservations for Florida. Three weeks,......sun and warm weather. Can't wait. Just got to figure out how to get my exersize since walking is pretty much out cause of my knee. TTYL

Another good cottage cheese trick! I'll have to try that. One night last week when I wanted a snack we had some leftover spaghetti sauce in the fridge (we have it over french style green Beans instead of pasta), so I mixed some sauce with some cottage cheese & stuck it in the microwave... sort of like lasagna!! It was good!

Hope you have a great time in Florida!! And a SWEET Valentine's Day with your Hubby!!

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I just have to start this by saying I love you guys. You are all such inspiration and enjoyment to me. Love this site too.

Stephanie - Can't help you with the ex. equipment. I have an exersize bike and try to pedal 2 - 2 1/2 hours a day. Seems like a lot, but I split it up. Besides, the knees are too bad to do any thing else. Try mixing some onion Soup mix with cottage cheese. Put in as little or as much as you want. It is really good and can also substitute as chip dip.

Phyll - Sure am glad to know that I am not the only one who likes cottage cheese sandwiches. I love it on Jewish Rye bread, doesn't matter if it's toasted or not. Yummy.

To everyone - Hubby feels terrible about screwing up my birthday so he's taking me out for Valentine's day. I'll be AWOL after next week. Finally got my reservations for Florida. Three weeks,......sun and warm weather. Can't wait. Just got to figure out how to get my exersize since walking is pretty much out cause of my knee. TTYL

:D You lucky bug.... hey why not SWIM while you are there, Pools, and oceans too....:tt2:

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Okay....I just have to state...I take the bra and shirt OFF at the same time. I put them on separately. I've always struggled with bras....because they seem to always cause this ugly roll. So, maybe they are in need of changing but I'm going to wait until I can buy pretty underwear. Hopefully another 15-20 lbs and I'll be able to buy something gorgeous.

As for the lamps...I know they aren't sun lamps but that was the term that came to mind. I looked into them during a depression episode a couple of years ago but my dr. said they didn't work so not to waste my money. It was early March by that time and I was getting more sun by then sos I was on my upswing. I think I'll look into them before the next winter season. I am also allergic to sun exposure....it gives me these really horrible hives....so I get very little sun in the summer. I have thought of artificial tanning, but it would irritate my skin also...so I just live with it.

I told Mr. Mile Leggs that he tried to kill me. I made a big deal of telling everyone that he was trying to off me so he could have our end of the hallway all to himself. I think they are used to my obnoxious drama by now. They laughed....so it worked I guess.

Getting into my car tonight I fell really hard on the ground. Hit my head pretty good. I've been watching myself closely for signs of a concussion but I'm feeling better. I took a few tylenol and a couple hot showers and now my headache is gone and I'm not nauseas any longer. I got some pizza top down. I'm still really tight from my fill on Monday. I got a little yogurt, a couple of spoons of mashed potatoes, a couple pieces of cheese, and a little Protein drink down today. My Water is a little low. I need to get another 30oz down by bedtime. I don't see it happening, but I might surprise myself.

I think it will be an early night. I'll exercise more tomorrow.

Goodnight everyone

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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