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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Janet - were your bloomer gym suits blue?? I hated those things.

I was so fat and out of shape by the time I was in high school that I used my brains "literally and figuratively" to get out of PE. There was this loophole that said you could waive your PE credits if you were taking a certain number of Honors and high level math and science classes. So needless to say (I am a chemistry teacher!) I took every math and science courses offered and never once had to take PE.

Hope you find what you need!! I'm so happy with my new boob covers!! Can't wait to wear my red hearts on Valentine's Day!!

I love fancy bras and panties. Funny I used to get them at Lane Bryant before surgery but now I just have the plain ol'white ones. I have changed bra sizes 3 times since surgery so I have decided to hold off on getting the fancy ones until I get to my final size. I am spending my money on outer clothing!

Hi Everyone!

Karri, Sorry you didn't like the low carb slimfast shakes! I recommend them highly and think they are great and I'm not a shake or Meal Replacement person.

As someone said, we all want to feel and look sexy! And pretty things are nice. By the way, someone gave me a Victoria's Secret gift certificate for Xmas. I've been in there twice and there really isn't anything in there for me. I did try on some panties yesterday, but they didn't fit well and they are so cheaply made and so expensive. I think I'll just regift it!

That is alright, it never hurts to try them. My tastebuds might disagree, but they did survive. They are better than muscle milk and a lot of people suggest those. There is just a bitter taste that I couldn't get over.

I have never purchased a thing from Victoria's Secret and I don't know that I will. I am still big on top and they don't seem to make things that fit us "blessed" women in there. There are many people who love that store so your regift will make someone's day!



LOVE YOU 6 MONTH PICTURES You look so much younger.. Half of what you use to be - Good Job you are doing GREAT

I love your top ten list - and #11 - too funny

Giving up the scales - good for you - I know you were weighing at least once a day - which imho is too much but whatever works for the person I just found it to depressing - I don't know if I could do once a month - my once a week is good for me..

OK gang -- guess what - I got an email from Alex - he is the guy who owns LBT - he has asked me to be a moderator... Can you believe that - I told him I can't spell - I drop words and my grammar isn't the greatest - I took it as a great honor - I also got an email from Allergen (maker of our bands) and they asked me to be on a panel - I don't know if this was spam or not (they want my address - but am going to call them 1st to see if this chick is for real - I have traded voice mails with her and the # is a direct line - so I am just a little concerned this could be identity thief or something and I am not suppose to mention it cuz they didn't want to hurt other peoples feelings (hope I haven't hurt anyone’s here - don't think I would but it's been killing me not to say anything) This is something you share with friends and you guys are my friends and think you would be happy for me..

Thanks for the compliments. I really do feel like a different person. One of my friends just emailed me and said that I don't even remind her of the same person, and she has known me since 2nd grade! I sent a very funny email along with the pictures and she did comment that while I don't look the same, I still seem to be the same ol' person. I don't think I have changed too much in the way of personality. I am a bit more confident, but hell who wouldn't be!

Congrats on both HUGE compliments. I hope the panel turns out to be legitimate because you would be a great representative.

I think that I possibly just spent the worst day of my life since I was banded. I am totally done with birthdays. THEY SUCK!!

Oh I am sorry to hear that. I know that birthdays can be a pain. My last 2 birthdays were pretty good but the 20 before that sucked. I told my BF on my first birthday after we were together that he had 1 shot to make my birthday good or I was done with them forever. To this day I would rather Celebrate my bandster birtday than my real birthday because that is when my real life started!

Okay if I missed anyone, I am sorry.

Oh Steph- I hope your little one is doing better. Good luck on your fill. The needle is there for just a little bit, but the fill will help you for a long time. Just think that when you get nervous about needles!

Alright, I am sure that I have missed someone, but DANG there was a lot of activity that I missed out on. Well I have got to get to bed so that I can get up before the crack of dawn!


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I think that I possibly just spent the worst day of my life since I was banded. I am totally done with birthdays. THEY SUCK!! To start, DH woke me up at 8am for church. On the way there, he says "oh yeah, I forgot.....happy birthday." About an hour after getting home from church, youngest gets up, comes downstairs and says...."happy birthday. you have to wait for your present." Then she left. Then about an hour later my son calls and says "hqppy birthday. What are your plans?" Then he calls back an hour or so later and says he is heded out to Ann Arbor. I let him talk to my DH and I heard him say, "I don't think your mother wants to go out to dinner>" DUH!! I told him that hey, it's my birthday. I'm not cooking. Even if it's McDonalds, I'm not cooking. Then my son says he'll see me sometime soon and hangs up. It is time to go to bed here. DH comes upstairs and asks me if I would like goulash for dinner. Again DUH. I told him I wasn't hungry. A little while later after not being able to fall asleep, I got up, got my shoes and coat on and braved the 0 degree temps and went to Mickey D's.........all by myself for my birthday dinner. Ordered my first BigMac since my surgery and what happens? Eat half of it and then spend the next half hour sliming. Should have thrown the rest out, but no, I brought it home. Tried eating the rest of it later and slimed again. THAT WILL TEACH ME. Then my mom calls and tells me she didn't get out to get me a card (well she's 86, I can forgive that). Then my oldest daughter calls and after I vented to her, she had my three year old grandson call me and say Happy birthday....I love you." Then DH had the gall to ask me if I had really wanted to go out to dinner. DUH. Only talked about where I wanted to go for a week. I told him that some acknowedgement would have been nice...........maybe a birthday kiss or hug. Nope, nothing. Anyway, that was my birthday.............TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY. THANK GOD ! ! ! :glare: i WILL CHECK BACK IN TOMORROW. hOPEFULLY IT WILL BE BETTER.


Can I PLEASE COME AND KICK YOUR FAMILIES A$$ PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE:cursing::):cursing::eek::cursing::thumbup::cursing:

I am so mad right now:mad: - How come just cuz we are older that people want to forget about our day - do we forget theirs - Hell No,,,

Now this is what I would do - on you DH's bday - don't cook - don't go out to dinner - don't do anything - when it's your son's bday - say oh happy b-day but I am going somewhere - On your DD bday - say Happy Bday - you willl have to wait for your present - On your other Daughters or GS bday - go where they live and Celebrate with them since they are the only ones who did show you some love on your special day...

One Mother's Day my Son didn't even call - so guess what - on his birthday I didn't call him - didn't get him a card or present - told him afterwards "well I guess if I'm not a Mom - I don't have a son to celebrate a birthday with" - It killed me not to call him on his birthday - I cryed - but I refused to acknowledge him if he couldn't acknowledge me (i was a single mom and he and I are very close so my feelings were really hurt)- and guess what - he hasn't forgotten to call me on Mothers day or my bday since - and if he does the same thing will be done again - I can be very mean i.. or should I just say I can practice tough love when needed (most of the time - depends on the sitituation)

this yr he showed up late with a nice card and a flashlite as my gift - I didn't care if it was a silly gift for your mom - it was the thought and he is good about picking out meaningfull card..

I am glad you went and got your big mac and sorry that it didn't go down too well - I totally feel for you - cyper hugs to you - I know they aren't as good as the real thing - but it's the best I can do from Indio -

Kari, be proud of what you have accomplished in the last 7 months no one can take that away from you - Keep on peddling it will get better...



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I think that I possibly just spent the worst day of my life since I was banded. I am totally done with birthdays. THEY SUCK!! To start, DH woke me up at 8am for church. On the way there, he says "oh yeah, I forgot.....happy birthday." About an hour after getting home from church, youngest gets up, comes downstairs and says...."happy birthday. you have to wait for your present." Then she left. Then about an hour later my son calls and says "hqppy birthday. What are your plans?" Then he calls back an hour or so later and says he is heded out to Ann Arbor. I let him talk to my DH and I heard him say, "I don't think your mother wants to go out to dinner>" DUH!! I told him that hey, it's my birthday. I'm not cooking. Even if it's McDonalds, I'm not cooking. Then my son says he'll see me sometime soon and hangs up. It is time to go to bed here. DH comes upstairs and asks me if I would like goulash for dinner. Again DUH. I told him I wasn't hungry. A little while later after not being able to fall asleep, I got up, got my shoes and coat on and braved the 0 degree temps and went to Mickey D's.........all by myself for my birthday dinner. Ordered my first BigMac since my surgery and what happens? Eat half of it and then spend the next half hour sliming. Should have thrown the rest out, but no, I brought it home. Tried eating the rest of it later and slimed again. THAT WILL TEACH ME. Then my mom calls and tells me she didn't get out to get me a card (well she's 86, I can forgive that). Then my oldest daughter calls and after I vented to her, she had my three year old grandson call me and say Happy birthday....I love you." Then DH had the gall to ask me if I had really wanted to go out to dinner. DUH. Only talked about where I wanted to go for a week. I told him that some acknowedgement would have been nice...........maybe a birthday kiss or hug. Nope, nothing. Anyway, that was my birthday.............TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY. THANK GOD ! ! ! :) i WILL CHECK BACK IN TOMORROW. hOPEFULLY IT WILL BE BETTER.

That is a real bummer!! Men just don't have a clue! That's why I was so happy that my sister was able to be here for the weekend of her 60th. We had a great time & the men just came allong for the ride. They tried their hardest to talk us out of going up the Palm Springs Tram for dinner but we weren't budging!! And they actually enjoyed it once they got over their grumbling & complaining! Next year you plan your own birthday party!! You tell THEM what's going to happen and where they are going to take you!! And you know what else..... BUY YOURSELF A REALLY NICE BIRTHDAY PRESENT!!! I did that this year.

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Good morning friends,

We spent about 2 hours in sub-0 temperatures with wind chill < -20 shoveling and snowblowing a 4 foot high by at least 15 foot wide drift out of our driveway yesterday. It was brutal. Katrina--you want to talk about wind? It wasn't as bad as a tornado or hurricaine, but it blew and howled all night and all day long. I'd say that I got some exercise yesterday--got the blisters on my hands and aches in my arms and legs to prove it!

CeCe--Please don't hesitate to post, even when you're going through a rough time. We all understand. We all mess up--well at least I do! The goal here is not to be perfect, it is to be healthier than we were. It's a process, and there are going to be times when you have to step back before you can move ahead. We want you to succeed! It's hard, and no one can do it alone.

Brandy--150 is awesome! That could be an ideal weight for me. Congratulations!

Karri--I am proud of your great atitude about the scale and acknowledging all the things you've learned the last 6 months. You are an example of how this process is about much more than losing weight. It's about making changes inside, and in a sense we are all growing through this experience. We are all different people today than we were 6 months ago! Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us.

Janet--our leader: WOW! What a nice compliment! You would be an ideal moderator--just don't forget about your friends in the Lucky 7's. Keep us posted on the Alergen thing too--it sounds like a wonderful opportunity to promote and improve LBS! And about those size 10 red jeans. . .You have got to post a pic! I will post a pic from my son's wedding when I will be wearing a size 10 dress. THAT is my goal! (I'm a 16-18 now)

Kirajh--I am sorry you had such a sad and frustrating birthday. It seems that as wives and mothers, we're always fussing after everyone else. Once in a while, it would be so nice to be fussed over a little bit. You deserve it, no matter how their behavior makes you feel. I have a friend who is an esthetician, and she's been giving me facial peels and I've bought some of her sking care products. Go ahead and treat yourself to something like that--something indulgent, not food related, and pamper yourself. Tell yourself it's a b-day gift from your Lucky 7 friends!

OK--long post, sorry. I won't be around much this week or weekend. Two youngest kids are having b-days next weekend (youngest one's 21!) and are coming home with their friends to Celebrate. I am also entertaining my parents and some distinguished guests for lunch on Sunday (one of them was a childhood friend of mine who has gone into academia and has been on the boards of a couple of colleges and a seminary). I'm nervous about all the food, and keeping my mother happy. (That would be another lengthy post, and a source of my eating disorder. . .)

Make it a good week everyone. I'll try to keep up with you all!

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Good Morning Gang

Well just got an email from Alex - I guess they don't need me after all - I he said that they tremendous response to their solicitation and they have enough for now - It could be that I told him I can't spell worth crap -drop word but am not super computer savvy but know enough to be dangerous :eek:would love to help anyway - Well, It's for the best - cuz it would interfere with my posting here - 50 thread - I stay busy enough as it stands now - But was still pretty jazzed that from my postings that thought I was up for the job..

Linda – Thanks for the complements – the 10’s are capri’s and I need some tan on my legs – going to have to get out my self tanners – I lose weight like I tan – from the head down – my calf are still big to me – I don’t think I measured them in the beginning – I should have.

Your youngest turning 21 – I remember that day – how much fun for you to be able to share it with him/her?? Mom’s and food issues – we all understand that one

Katrina - 70 mph winds that is a hurricane - That is very scary.. I don't care for wind too much myself - we use to get some really bad ones back in the day - I can't say that they have been so bad lately that I have been scared - but I do remember when they were and trees were blowing over I was very scared.

Karri - I am so very proud of you :)- you have come such a long way mentally and physically in the last 6 months...

Well not much to report on - I am a bit tired this a.m. - Didn't get to bed until late (10:30 or 11) and 5 came too early this morning = Think I will go get another cup of coffee.< /span>

Well, Ladies - good food choices - Hugs to those who need them this morning and remember DRINK YOUR WATER:tongue:

Will ck back later...

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I'll be a member of your Addicts club... can I join???:blink: I can't start the day without jumping on the damn thing...

Phyl: you are too funny today.. I actually registered my height a wee bit shorter so that my BMI would qualify... I was afraid if my BMI was too low they'd deny me the lap band surgery...

Oh my we are a weird lot...

And just for the record.... I am 5 ft 5 inches....ta-da and 52 just like Janet! :cursing:

Hi Peaches,

I gorged myself in order to do the same thing. I was definitely far too heavy to be healthy, but I read somewhere re the minimum BMI for most surgeons. It worked out that my surgeon didn't follow the minimum recommended BMI so I was ok.

By the way, I am also 5'5" on a tall day, but a much older fart, 57.


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Hi Janet,

I just taped some pictures of size 10 designer jeans up right over my laptop computer at work. I'm down from a size 20 to a size 12 with my pants slipping off. When I can make it into a size 10, one of those fab jeans is going to be mine!! Of Course, then I'm going to have to get some of those 4" heals with the super pointy shoes. I have been getting clothes from a store called "Rags" in Boulder to tide me over in the interim. I can't believe, though, that this store's biggest business is in the size 2 - 4 range. Has the world gone nutz?? Since when is size 10 a large?

Oh well, it's walking time. Better hit the track (actually a loop around our big testing equipment in our lab across the street). It is so cold and windy here in the winter that this indoor option is a godsend.


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Hi Janet,

I just taped some pictures of size 10 designer jeans up right over my laptop computer at work. I'm down from a size 20 to a size 12 with my pants slipping off. When I can make it into a size 10, one of those fab jeans is going to be mine!! Of Course, then I'm going to have to get some of those 4" heals with the super pointy shoes. I have been getting clothes from a store called "Rags" in Boulder to tide me over in the interim. I can't believe, though, that this store's biggest business is in the size 2 - 4 range. Has the world gone nutz?? Since when is size 10 a large?

Oh well, it's walking time. Better hit the track (actually a loop around our big testing equipment in our lab across the street). It is so cold and windy here in the winter that this indoor option is a godsend.


Car - If your 12's are loose then you can get 10's - I was an 18/20 in pants prior to surgery. There is no why that size 12 or 10 are considered large imho - I am very happy with 12's & 10's - can't wait til I am a solid 10 - hopefully that will be in with 17 more pounds gone - 4 inch heals :tt2: I have some 2 or 3 inch pointy heals and they are high enought - Like Oraph say's those are 1 hr shoes :cursing: - but i gotta say my feet aren't killing me after being in heels all day at work like they use to - but here in the Desert during the summer it's mostly sandles - I got some kitten heels yesterday for the summer.

I hate to brag - but it's BEAUTIFUL here right now- Mid 80's during the day and 50's at night - it's the reason the Phyl comes to the Desert for the weather :blink:

We are sending our sunshine to all our band sisters & daughters to brighten up your days - to warm your bodies & souls

Right now I have a massive headache from these progressive lens's - I think I am going to have to get them changed...

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Morning ladies,

Kari - I'm sorry you had a horrible birthday. :tt2: What you need to do next year is plan your own little birthday party. Heck, you can plan a belated birthday for yourself this week!!! Book a table at your restaurant of choice, dress yourself up pretty and go and enjoy YOU. Nobody else has to come with you, but let them know of your plans and if they want to tag along, they'll have to call and add themselves to your restaurant reservations. :tt2: One of my many mantras is "if I want something done right, I'll do it myself". God knows I love the two men in my life, but if I were to suddenly fall off the face of the earth they'd be lost without me. My son probably wouldn't even realise I was gone until he ran out of clean socks and underwear. :tt2:

I went "almost" shopping this weekend. "Almost" as in I almost bought something, lol. I was going to buy new jeans. Finally! And I plucked up the courage to grab some 14s and 12s off the shelf. From the NORMAL people section! :tt2: I tried the 14s on and a couple of them fit okay, except that they were a little baggy on the sides of my thighs or were too long. Then I tried on the 12s and was surprised that I was able to actually get them up AND do the button up! :tt2: They were a little more snug and I didn't like how my tummy kind of oozed over the top of them. They were low riding hipsters though and I didn't realise I'd grabbed them. Probably wasn't looking properly as it's been too long since I was in the normal section of the store. :cursing: I'm very impatient when it comes to shopping and that had run out by the time I'd tried on the 4 different pairs. But it felt wonderful being able to get into both sizes! My NSV for the weekend. :blink: Maybe next weekend I'll actually buy a pair or two. :tt2:

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o.k. # 7 applies today.

Like Janet, I am a closet eater... I confess... but then you all new that already right???

Anyways, for the past wk I have had restriction and been eating HEALTHY, counting everything in my SparkPeople plan and staying betwee 800--1200 cals per day, tracking my protien etc. I even survived the weekend!! which is normally my bad time to control my evening eating. I can do really well all day and eat the right sized portions then after supper..... the grazing mentalily starts in.

This aft. watching Oprah (dah!) I ate 2 cups of Peanut M & M's, this was after my lunch of 300 Lean cuisine & banana.... FLICK

I've gotten it out of my system, don't want anymore...

How do others cope with their Evening or otherwise URGES....

not quite Peachy today:thumbdown:

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I have some 2 or 3 inch pointy heals and they are high enough - Like Oraph say's those are 1 hr shoes :cursing:

I noticed those heels you had on last week.... too high for me!! In fact, I pretty much wear nothing but tennis shoes or sandals!!

I hate to brag - but it's BEAUTIFUL here right now- Mid 80's during the day and 50's at night - it's the reason the Phyl comes to the Desert for the weather :blink:

You betcha!!! It's wonderful!! When I get off here I'm going to go sit outside and read my book!!

We are sending our sunshine to all our band sisters & daughters to brighten up your days - to warm your bodies & souls

Yes, Janet's right.... you guys need some Vit. D!! That's why everyone is feeling DOWN!!

Right now I have a massive headache from these progressive lens's - I think I am going to have to get them changed...

I've been having bad headaches lately, too. I think I might have a blocked tear duct or something because it seems to be in my left eye. I don't like taking Ibuprofen, but nothing else seems to help.

Kari - I'm sorry you had a horrible birthday. :tt2: What you need to do next year is plan your own little birthday party. Heck, you can plan a belated birthday for yourself this week!!! Book a table at your restaurant of choice, dress yourself up pretty and go and enjoy YOU. Nobody else has to come with you, but let them know of your plans and if they want to tag along, they'll have to call and add themselves to your restaurant reservations. :tt2:

Yep... time to throw your own party, Girl!!! Do it!

I went "almost" shopping this weekend. "Almost" as in I almost bought something, lol. I was going to buy new jeans. Finally! And I plucked up the courage to grab some 14s and 12s off the shelf. From the NORMAL people section! :tt2:

I honestly can't picture myself shopping in the NORMAL people section!! I won't know what to do!! I went from the kids' chubbies to what they used to call "half sizes" and from there to the "Women's" or Plus department!! I'll need someone to hold my hand if I venture into NORMAL!! Yikes!!

This aft. watching Oprah (dah!) I ate 2 cups of Peanut M & M's, this was after my lunch of 300 Lean cuisine & banana.... FLICK

I've gotten it out of my system, don't want anymore...

How do others cope with their Evening or otherwise URGES....

not quite Peachy today:thumbdown:

Did you fall victim to the Sunday paper VALENTINES ads???? The power of suggestion can be so strong!! I felt like I was being bombarded with temptation!! I didn't do too well over the weekend... had too much wine yesterday. Usually limit myself to one 3-4 oz glass of dry red, but we were over at the neighbors' and it's easy to overdo when you're sitting visiting!!

How do I cope with those "urges"... try not to have anything tempting around! I snacked on beef Jerky last night, and then I had cottage cheese and fruit. Should have had one or the other but not both!! Oh, well, the beef jerky is gone now.

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Ruby - I love to shop - even when I was 18/20 - I love clothes...

Peaches - I think most of us are closet eaters :cursing: and night time eaters too.

I just don't buy junk like Peanut M&M - (in fact I dont know how come you guys didn't flame me for my brownie batter eating on Sat Night:tongue2: - but it was only 5 bites max and now no more brownie mix in the house - I guess you all missed that in my post yesterday morning:cool2:)

But for my night time eating I do without Snacks during the day - I budget my calories to allow for night eating - I usually have a snack size popcorn after dinner and try to eat one piece at a time - I have 8 oz OJ or Light Crangrape juice or 1 or 2 sf choc puddings or healthy choice fudgecicles and I dont eat my dinner untill 7:30 ish - if I ate at 5:30 - I would be really in trouble by 9.. I go to gym get home around 5:45 - get on the computer from 6 til 7:30 and then I go eat & watch tv. - have my popcorn around 9ish..

I suggest you just don't buy the crap - if it ain't there you can't eat it and i don't think you are going out in the middle of the night and go and get M&M - in fact you didn't just buy a snack size you bought a BIG bag if you ate 2 cups... If you just have to have some then just buy a little bag and sit and really enjoy the little bag - an only buy one at a time - not a whole bunch so that once you start you keep on eating until they are all gone, I know all the little tricks - JUST SAY NO TO DRUG aka food!!!!:blink:

So right this second - no more junk !!! You are back on the wagon :tt2:

Phyl - Those heels are pretty comfortable for heals - but they are about 2 1/2 maybe 3 inches - You will shop in a regular store - I will hold your hand.

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Peaches - I think most of us are closet eaters :cursing: and night time eaters too.

I just don't buy junk like Peanut M&M - (in fact I dont know how come you guys didn't flame me for my brownie batter eating on Sat Night:tongue2: - but it was only 5 bites max and now no more brownie mix in the house - I guess you all missed that in my post yesterday morning:cool2:)

I suggest you just don't buy the crap - if it ain't there you can't eat it and i don't think you are going out in the middle of the night and go and get M&M - in fact you didn't just buy a snack size you bought a BIG bag if you ate 2 cups... If you just have to have some then just buy a little bag and sit and really enjoy the little bag - an only buy one at a time - not a whole bunch so that once you start you keep on eating until they are all gone, I know all the little tricks - JUST SAY NO TO DRUG aka food!!!!:blink:

So right this second - no more junk !!! You are back on the wagon :tt2:

Phyl - Those heels are pretty comfortable for heals - but they are about 2 1/2 maybe 3 inches - You will shop in a regular store - I will hold your hand.

We didn't miss it!! We're all afraid to yell at you!!23_1_15.gifActually, it was too scarey to think about you falling off the wagon!!

Okay, so if you'll hold my hand, one day I'll try it... but where do I go??? Certainly not "Juniors"! Petites, maybe!! No old lady clothes for me, though!! Right now I want some capris with bright, flashy colors... print!! I might think about making some! Then they won't be down to my ankles like most capris that I buy! I can buy Lands' End cropped pants & they're the right length!

I gotta get out of here. It's now 87 degrees inside the RV with all the windows open! going out to read my book... honest!!


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We didn't miss it!! We're all afraid to yell at you!!Actually, it was too scarey to think about you falling off the wagon!!

Not falling off the wagon :blink:- just had this UNCONTROLABLE URGE :tt2:- I think it was the first that I have had since surgery but I had eaten so well Saturday - 2 eggs & some Beans for Breakfast & 1/2 chille relleno (sp) & some beans for dinner - brought half home - I just had had to have it so I just put about 3 tablespoons of the mix in a bowel and added 1/4 t oil and too much Water - and had 4 - 5 at the most teaspoons - so It wasn't like I ate 1/2 the box and then I threw the rest in the trash...

Okay, so if you'll hold my hand, one day I'll try it... but where do I go??? Certainly not "Juniors"! Petites, maybe!! No old lady clothes for me, though!!

Women petites - Heck I am going to start sewing again too - the make everything slevee less -:cursing: I need some slevee to cover my bat wings.:tt2:

I gotta get out of here. It's now 87 degrees inside the RV with all the windows open! going out to read my book... honest!!

Goes from wearing sweats - needing a/c all in the matter of 2 days...

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Ruby - I love to shop - even when I was 18/20 - I love clothes...

Peaches - I think most of us are closet eaters :smile2: and night time eaters too.

I just don't buy junk like Peanut M&M - (in fact I dont know how come you guys didn't flame me for my brownie batter eating on Sat Night:tongue2: - but it was only 5 bites max and now no more brownie mix in the house - I guess you all missed that in my post yesterday morning:cool2:)

But for my night time eating I do without Snacks during the day - I budget my calories to allow for night eating - I usually have a snack size popcorn after dinner and try to eat one piece at a time - I have 8 oz OJ or Light Crangrape juice or 1 or 2 sf choc puddings or healthy choice fudgecicles and I dont eat my dinner untill 7:30 ish - if I ate at 5:30 - I would be really in trouble by 9.. I go to gym get home around 5:45 - get on the computer from 6 til 7:30 and then I go eat & watch tv. - have my popcorn around 9ish..

I suggest you just don't buy the crap - if it ain't there you can't eat it and i don't think you are going out in the middle of the night and go and get M&M - in fact you didn't just buy a snack size you bought a BIG bag if you ate 2 cups... If you just have to have some then just buy a little bag and sit and really enjoy the little bag - an only buy one at a time - not a whole bunch so that once you start you keep on eating until they are all gone, I know all the little tricks - JUST SAY NO TO DRUG aka food!!!!:thumbup:

So right this second - no more junk !!! You are back on the wagon :wink:

Phyl - Those heels are pretty comfortable for heals - but they are about 2 1/2 maybe 3 inches - You will shop in a regular store - I will hold your hand.

THANKS gals;

I just took the last bag of the M&M's and threw them into the trash then I dumped old tea bags on top of them and gave a good squirt of ketchup to boot.

This way, I can't even go back into the trash to eat them :blush:

that feels much better, now I can forget about them, they won't be talking to me from my Hidey-hole where I kept the crap.

The only snacks I have left in the house are: fruit cups, cottage cheese/fruit cups, allbran bars, bananas, nectarines, whole wheat saltine crackers, non fat yogurt, sf/ff pudding.:biggrin2:

I don't know what gets into me, boredom? lonliness? will I ever figure this head thing out????

Sorry, don't mean to sound so whiney, I am just venting.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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