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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hi all!!! It's Saturday and freezing here. I really am jealous of you in the southern climes right now. If its going to be cold here the least it could do for me is snow....but so far, no snowmobiling this year. I'm about to give up hope.

But I have great news to report! I got in ALL my Water yesterday and THEN SOME! It was awesome. I just kept sipping and sipping and sipping and before I knew it I had over 60 oz. and it was only 7pm. How awesome is that.

Second great news....and for some of you I know this will seems not so awesome....I walked 2 miles yesterday!!! :party:Now....let me explain. When I was 16 and no longer had to take PE in school I made a promise to myself. I was NEVER going to sweat again. You see, sweating meant that I would have to shower....and showering was.....at the very least....painful. All the taunting. All the shame. I still feel it, just thinking about it. The really sad part is that back then, I was wearing a size 9. Still, in the cruel world of high school, I was HUGE! :thumbdown:

Up until yesterday I had kept my promise. I know that it is one of the biggest problems I have. My stubborn wouldn't let me do it. But yesterday I did it...and it felt GOOD! I am so proud of me. I know that there are a ton of people much bigger than me and doing a ton more exercise...and that it only myself that is holding me back. But 2 miles is a wow for me. Before I was happy at 1/2 mile stroll around town. No more. I'm going to get to the 5 mile walk before long....and then....there will be no stopping me! I might even have to take my treadmill back from the lady I loaned it to.....pre-surgery...because I hadn't been on it in 3 years. She uses it daily though....so I hate to take it away from her. Oh....what to do!

The school weight room has a bike....I think I'll see if I can use that.

Sorry guys...guess I got a bit wordy! I'm just so proud!

Have a great weekend all!!!

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Hi all!!! It's Saturday and freezing here. I really am jealous of you in the southern climes right now. If its going to be cold here the least it could do for me is snow....but so far, no snowmobiling this year. I'm about to give up hope.

But I have great news to report! I got in ALL my Water yesterday and THEN SOME! It was awesome. I just kept sipping and sipping and sipping and before I knew it I had over 60 oz. and it was only 7pm. How awesome is that.

Second great news....and for some of you I know this will seems not so awesome....I walked 2 miles yesterday!!! :party:Now....let me explain. When I was 16 and no longer had to take PE in school I made a promise to myself. I was NEVER going to sweat again. You see, sweating meant that I would have to shower....and showering was.....at the very least....painful. All the taunting. All the shame. I still feel it, just thinking about it. The really sad part is that back then, I was wearing a size 9. Still, in the cruel world of high school, I was HUGE! :thumbdown:

Up until yesterday I had kept my promise. I know that it is one of the biggest problems I have. My stubborn wouldn't let me do it. But yesterday I did it...and it felt GOOD! I am so proud of me. I know that there are a ton of people much bigger than me and doing a ton more exercise...and that it only myself that is holding me back. But 2 miles is a wow for me. Before I was happy at 1/2 mile stroll around town. No more. I'm going to get to the 5 mile walk before long....and then....there will be no stopping me! I might even have to take my treadmill back from the lady I loaned it to.....pre-surgery...because I hadn't been on it in 3 years. She uses it daily though....so I hate to take it away from her. Oh....what to do!

The school weight room has a bike....I think I'll see if I can use that.

Sorry guys...guess I got a bit wordy! I'm just so proud!

Have a great weekend all!!!

Not too wordy at all!! Great NSV!! Congrats to you!! We need encouraging news like that.... some of our gals are getting discouraged. Each one's accomplishments are encouragement for ALL of us. Thanks for sharing that!!

I love the new photo, by the way. What a cute little guy!!

Sorry about your cold weather!! Not to make you feel bad, but the past two days have been the best so far this winter and today it's supposed to be near 80 degrees!! We actually ate dinner out on the patio last night! It's been such a chilly, rainy, windy winter that we are overdue for some warmth and sunshine!!

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Phyll, I have seen that some are getting down. I want to say something encouraging to them, but after the last couple of weeks I seem to be spending all my encouragement on me.

To the rest of you....from where I sit, just 2 months out, your progress looks great! Maybe it is discouraging to you...I understand that...but you are ALL truly an inspiration. Looking at your progress and your plateaus makes me feel like I KNOW I CAN DO THIS!! You are...and that gives me power. For those who have lost all their weight and are maintaining a couple years out, that's great...but so far from where I am that I can't find the encouragement there. You all are my yardstick.

I went to bath and body works over Christmas and bought a new scent from their aromatherapy line. When I am feeling discouraged I take a shower and rub it all over me. It's called Black current vanilla and part of the sensuality line. It is glorious and makes me feel like I am WONDERFUL! It is amazing what a scent can do. I bought some hand lotion too and keep it at my desk for those times when I need a pick me up and can't hop in the shower. Keep an eye on the prize guys...you are so close to victory. How powerful and strong you all are to have taken your lives back from the evil that food had become! Revel in that.

Now....I have a question for you veterans that may be


Okay...When I was walking yesterday....all of a sudden I was passing gas right and left....honestly with every 5th step I was fluffing. Is it just me? I'm blaming it on the exercise. I hope it has a cause because had I been in public I would have been definitely humiliated! It lessened and then quit after about an hour of not walking. If this is going to be a recurring problem I am definitely going to have to find a private place for all exercise. Any insight????


This was a test of the TMI broadcast system. Thank you for your patience.

Have a great Saturday guys. I'm going to go walk again while the baby is sleeping!

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I just went over to the PICTURES page... your befores and afters look amazing...!!!!

How do I accomplish the Colage effect... haven't figured that one out yet!!:thumbdown:

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Hi everyone. Just checking in to let you know I'm still here and keeping up with everything. No time to write much, and honestly, you all give wonderful advice and support before I get a chance to jump in with my own.. I'm still dealing a little bit with too much restriction and I'm on that plateau along with some of you. It's not fun, but I'm hanging in there. It almost seems like it's a normal thing for being 6-7 months out. Maybe our bodies have adjusted to receiving a lot less food, and are more efficient with what we do eat. I am noticing that my hair loss has slowed down quite a bit the last month too.

You know, even though I want to lose 40 or so more pounds, If I don't lose even one more pound, I am still happy. I can fit in a booth at a resturant; I don't have to worry about fastening my seat belt on an airplane; I can buy clothes in normal sizes; I can cross my legs like a lady when I sit; I have shoulders and collar bones; I can hold a baby in my lap and feed her a bottle; I can get on the floor and play with kids; I don't have carpal tunnel syndrone or joint pain when I walk; and I can stand in front of a classroom and not feel like a spectacle. Yes, life is good. What I lose from this point on is frosting in the cake! (and yes, I love frosting too!)

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I just went over to the PICTURES page... your befores and afters look amazing...!!!!

How do I accomplish the Colage effect... haven't figured that one out yet!!:thumbup:

Hey Peaches,

Not Steph, but I can tell you how I do it. I use MS Powerpoint. You can put all your pics where you want and add any titles or captions where you want them.

Hey all of the rest of you LOSERS :D

Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL weekend. I have done absolutely nothing this weekend at all and it has actually been kinda nice to just hang around the house here. Started to get on the treadmill earlier today but after less than 1 minute, I was very abruptly reminded that I had not taken my heart medicine yet and by the time I got around to taking it and giving it time to kick in, I had talked myself out of treadmilling. I know, I know, shamey, shamey. But I needed a "mental day off" To just relax and not worry about anything.

Interestingly, as tight as my band was last fill (and I do mean TIGHT), I am nowhere near as restricted as I was. I still have enough restriction to remind me the band is there but I have really been able to get food and Water down well lately. Kinda scarry....:thumbdown:

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I just went over to the PICTURES page... your befores and afters look amazing...!!!!

How do I accomplish the Colage effect... haven't figured that one out yet!!:)

If you have any type of photo studio software you can use that to "stitch" pictures together.

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Okay, gang, I told you I needed new bras, right?? I just didn't know how bad! Went to Penney's today looking for front hook, no wire bras. Found one style, didn't care for it, didn't know what size I needed, couldn't find anyone to help me!! So I left and went down four stores to Lane Bryant... can't remember who suggested that. Maybe it was Janet. Anyway, I found an actual living, breathing sales person in by the "intimate apparel" and asked her is she was the "bra lady". She said she was and asked me what I was looking for. I told her and she said Lane Bryant has discontinued their front hook bras but she thought I could find them at Kohl's. So I told her it's impossible to find anyone to help you in any of the department stores these days and I have no clue what size I need. So she measured me and said I measured for a 42D!! I laughed and told her I thought I was wearing about a 52D!! Actually, it was probably a 48D. All the bras I have are so old you can't read the size any more but I know they range from 48D-52D. At any rate, I was shocked at the 42D!! So I decided to try on some of their bras even though they were not front hook. So I found a style I really liked and found I actually COULD reach around and hook them (arthritis in my shoulders and previous rotator cuff surgery on one had kept me from doing that). AND, they were having a sale... buy one and the 2nd is 1/2 price. So I decided I'd buy FOUR!! Then she told me that if I spent $75 then she'd give me a coupon for another $25 off! The four bras came to more than that, so I picked out matching undies!! Okay... I know... I"m 64 yrs old!! But I got one bra that is white with red hearts all over it, and matching undies, one black & white striped w/black undies, one grey, one pink, each with matching undies. And one more extra pr of undies and all five of them were basically FREE!! I am SO HAPPY!! I have four new bras & five undies and they are all really cool colors!! AND THEY FIT!! Also found 2 prs of jeans at a yard sale for 50 cents!

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I want to thank everyone here for all the birthday greetings and the encouragement you've given me. Seems like every so often I need a good swift kick in the a$$. We just got back from visiting the grandkids. Took us twice as long to get home cause of the weather, but it was worth it. Those little ones just light up my world, even when the little one (5mos) took one look at me and screamed till I left the room. I finally got a smile out of her. My daughter and SIL took us out to dinner for my birthday and I have to admit that I really shouldn't have been able to eat all I did. Rib-eye steak, garlic-asiago mashed tatos mm-m-m-m-m Skipped desert though. And my NSV? After dinner we went to Meijer's (like walmart) and we walked around the store. Yes, WALKED. No carts were available so I walked. Well, I still have a lot to do tonight and the night is almost over. THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL THE ENCOURAGEMENT. HAVE A GREAT NIGHT AND TALK TO YOU ALL TOMORROW.

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Kirajh--Just yesterday I was thinkin about how when my kids graduate this spring, I won't be going to Meijers anymore. I know it's not a fancy store by any means, but I was always able to find decent quality women's clothes there for a reasonable price. I got the best pj's ever last fall. We don't have Meijers in Wisconsin, so I'm out of luck. Anyway, I'm glad you had a good birthday and were able to Celebrate guilt-free.

Phyl--I am so happy for you. There's nothing like nice undies to make you feel pretty. It's a girl thing for sure. I hope I'm as youthful as you at 64 (not that far away for me). You remind me of my grandma who everyone thought was my mom's younger sister! We always giggle at the story when she was about 80 and went out to lunch with her lady friends. They decided to try out this new resturant--named Hooters! Age is just a number, and you still have a lot of life in you! Go ahead and enjoy being pretty! You've earned it!!!

Yeah, I'm up early b/c I can't sleep without reflux. I am fine being tight all day, but this not sleeping is the pits. It's not acidy since I take Pepsid before going to bed, but it's still annoying and foul tasting to have that stuff in my mouth and nose all night long. Who said this is easier?

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OH Phyl you are too funny, but I am HAPPY for you... It is sometimes impossible to hoist up the "girls" and get them into appropriate garments.

And then find a GOOD store... You lucked out for sure!

It is important to look after our FOUNDATION garments as we loose. Getting a good fit can make YOU look 10 years younger...

Hoist away me matie...argh!

p.s. have you ever tryed fastening the bra hooks in the front and then swinging the bra around???? This works for me. :-)))

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ATTENTION: DO NOT look at the ads in the Sunday paper today!!! They are FULL of chocolate TEMPTATIONS!!

Think THIS: 8_8_8.gif

NOT THIS: 8_8_6.gif

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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