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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I've been finding it so hard to get in my daily Water intake. :blink: It's not from lack of trying, but geez louise, it sends me into a burping fit for about 20 minutes when I try and sip through even 8oz of water. It sits in my pouch and bubbles away and I'm either burping like crazy or spitting up foam. :confused2: So now I've taken to heating my water up. It doesn't taste so great to me hot, but it's the only way I can make my way through it without struggling and suffering afterwards.

This is hard. :tt2:

Okay the foam thing is the worst. The slime was bad, but the foam was AWFUL. :eek: I was disgusted by it when it happened to me. I don't know how you are standing to be this tight cause I couldn't do it. If I had been spitting out the foam like I was yesterday, damn the 6 hour drive I would have been back. You are braver and a more patient soul than I am.

Steph - Sorry to hear about your little guy. :sad: It will work out for the best I am certain. Though you do need to take care of yourself, and that fill will help you get through the rest of the situations. Fortunately for me I had the surgery 3 weeks before school started so I didn't have to take any sick days. Though I did miss the first day of school to get my first fill. Only the freshman were there and I don't teach them so it wasn't too big of a deal. I have missed more days of school this year than normal though because of some of the issues that I have had. Plus I have needed some mental health days!:tt2: Good for you on getting your water in. I am getting there. Slowly but surely. I did really well with my water at the beginning, but now I am slacking.

Janet - Broccoli pb:ohmy: That sounds uncomfortable. Like I said earlier I have never pb'd but I was praying yesterday that I would. I'm with you on the mental thing though. It has been pretty bad for me the last few days. It just seems mentally that I am not eating as much as I did before(2 months ago), but that I am consuming more calories. I am still eating the same types of foods, but we are back in a rut when it comes to food. I need to do some serious cooking this weekend, but not certain what to cook?:confused2: We are going to a party tomorrow (bunch of us teachers get together) but I doubt that I will eat anything. I will be too scared that I will still be too tight/swollen. Some of these people saw me at my worst yesterday, but I don't want to put them (or me) through that again.

Alright so I tried the low-carb slimfast drinks and I am telling you I wanted to HURL. They are AWFUL. And I bought two boxes of them. :eek: On a good note I can still drink pretty quickly so I can plug my nose and get it down in a few gulps. Then I just hold my breath for a little while so that the taste will go away. Seriously I hate Protein Drinks and this one is towards the top of the ucky list. Not as bad as muscle milk, but close. So I still don't feel hungry after yesterday and it is kind of nice. It is like I am back to how I was right after I was banded. For about 3 months after I was banded I never felt hungry AT ALL. Since being unfilled, refilled, and then defilled slightly I have faced actual hunger again, but now that feeling seems to have disappeared. :biggrin2: How critical is it that I get in my full 60 grams of Protein today and tomorrow while I am on liquids? Daily I get my full allotment, plus some, so I am assuming that I won't lose all my hair or do any serious nutritional damage if I don't get in my protein for the next two days. Protein drinks and I just don't get along. They don't settle with my stomach because most are dairy based and if I try to mix the powder with water, I want to cut my tongue out so that I don't taste it. :glare:

Wow this turned out to be really long. You don't realize how long it can get when you have interruptions in the middle. :w00t:

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Thank you all for your support. It means so much to me. I think I am just feeling run down because I can't get over this crud!! I made myself get up and get the whole house cleaned top to bottom today and then I went and cleaned my car before going to he doc. I have brochitus (sp?) and I am now on another new antibiotic. 36_1_31.gif Still don't feel real well but I think I sweat my fever out today while I was cleaning. Now I am really tired. Just got home and going to take a long hot shower and then into comfy clothes and back to bed.

Janet- the question about the potty. Sorry TMI- I just talked to doc about that because I am going 5-6 days in between and then I am getting such terrible stomach ache and have to take milk of mag or mag citrate to get things moving. I am supposed to increase Fiber intake and start using my benefiber every day again. I really have no excuse for not using it anyway because I have plenty of it I just forget. Aunt flo causes problems in this area also for a week and a half two weeks before she arrives.

Peaches- I took your advise and while I waited for the pharmacy to fill my script I went to a soy candle outlet we have locally from a candle factory in town. Got out of there about an hour after going in and had $147.00 worth of candles!! 23_34_2.gif I couldn't believe it!! LOL That is ok though because it was buy one and get one free so I actually have almost $300 worth of candles. MMMMM they smell soooooo good!! Hows that for doing something nice for myself. LOL 36_1_1.gif

Ok I better get. I'm getting woozy 36_1_5.gif from the cough Syrup. Better go shower and hit the bed. Hey I like this stuff though. Not hacking constantly.


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Karri - Ya broc coming back up - was awful - I must be a little swollen cuz for lunch all I could eat was my fish today - yesteday at fish & veggies (spinach - which is a slider food - Learned that termonigly at that meeting - foods that slide right through the band) -

I don't think a day or 2 of not enough Protein is going to make you lose your hair - alot of people say its the meds that they use to put us to sleep and the trama of surgery that causes it - but my gf went on medifast and lost tons of hair.

I agree with you about being too tight - even now I think I should have passed on a fill period - cuz I really don't think I am getting all my calories in - i think yesterday it was about 760 - but cuz of my fish for lunch & dinner I did get 70 grms of protein and 3 bottles of Water plus my coffee about 60 oz of water..

Jackie - OMG $147 on candles - I have done it too - we had a wife of one of our agents selling candles - they can get expensive - but they weren't suppose to burn black smoke and they do - so I quit buying them - I like Village candles - blackberry pie or something like that - I like STRONG smells I hate it when I buy a candle and you can't even smell it burning..

On the TMI subject - I don't get cramps or anything - I eat veggies 99.9% of the time for lunch and dinner - fish & veggies - they are the staple of my diet

really wanted to go out for lunch today and splurge - but didn't so tommorrow when I go to Montclair shopping I will have a treat - I better eat those ice chips so the swelling goes down so I can eat...

Until you feel better I would rest - rest & chicken Soup and you will feel good by Monday...

Well, back to work - talk to you all later



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Steph - Sorry to hear about your little guy. :w00t: It will work out for the best I am certain. Though you do need to take care of yourself, and that fill will help you get through the rest of the situations. Fortunately for me I had the surgery 3 weeks before school started so I didn't have to take any sick days. Though I did miss the first day of school to get my first fill. Only the freshman were there and I don't teach them so it wasn't too big of a deal. I have missed more days of school this year than normal though because of some of the issues that I have had. Plus I have needed some mental health days!:eek: Good for you on getting your Water in. I am getting there. Slowly but surely. I did really well with my water at the beginning, but now I am slacking.

Alright so I tried the low-carb slimfast drinks and I am telling you I wanted to HURL. They are AWFUL. And I bought two boxes of them. :eek: On a good note I can still drink pretty quickly so I can plug my nose and get it down in a few gulps. Then I just hold my breath for a little while so that the taste will go away. Seriously I hate Protein drinks and this one is towards the top of the ucky list. Not as bad as muscle milk, but close. So I still don't feel hungry after yesterday and it is kind of nice. It is like I am back to how I was right after I was banded. For about 3 months after I was banded I never felt hungry AT ALL. Since being unfilled, refilled, and then defilled slightly I have faced actual hunger again, but now that feeling seems to have disappeared. :biggrin2: How critical is it that I get in my full 60 grams of protein today and tomorrow while I am on liquids? Daily I get my full allotment, plus some, so I am assuming that I won't lose all my hair or do any serious nutritional damage if I don't get in my protein for the next two days. Protein drinks and I just don't get along. They don't settle with my stomach because most are dairy based and if I try to mix the powder with water, I want to cut my tongue out so that I don't taste it. :glare:

Karri--I was going to suggest the Bolthouse farms mocha Cappuccino drink that they sell at Walmart and a bunch of other grocery stores. They are in the produce section so I never would have found them... I'm not sure if they wuld be too much dairy for you, but it might be something. I can't take another shake. They are soooooooo thick. I put them in my mouth and want to gag. I could chug this other stuff those. Its not the least carb with 29g per serving but it does have 10g of protein in a serving too. I talked to my nutritionist and she said it was a great Breakfast for me. Bolthouse makes two other protein drinks but I can't drink those ones.

I will keep my appointment unless my little guy is worse. Dh will just have to stay home with him instead of coming with me. My MIL said she would keep him but I don't want to do that to her if he is worse. I was hoping DH would come with me so that we could go look at things to remodel my main bath. But....fill comes first....bathroom second. As for sick days, I took two weeks last year without pay for maternity leave and it got me so far behind that I don't want to take anymore days without pay EVER again. Will if I have to, but don't want to.

I am now at almost 50oz of water for the day and will probably get 32 more in while playing cards tonight. Didn't get my walk in though so I'm a little aggrivated about that. I'll try to do that after I pick up the other kids.

Will check back in a little bit. Have a great weekend if you won't be around for a few days.

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Peaches & Ruby, you ladies are cracking me up! I got on the scales today and it hadn't moved:crying: so I was telling my DH about it and he told me "well if you weren't on it every 5 mins it would stop protesting!" Of course I didn't think it was as funny as he did.

Jackie, I know just what you feel. It's so discouraging when you work so damn hard and the dang scale won't budge! But like phyl said we just gotta keep trudging through it. Also Someone said, It's not going to happen over night, even though I realy want it to. To be honest I would be happy if it could just go down 1 lbs. But, I am trying to keep my head up. A BTW girl, You are rockin' with how much you have lost!:glare: Way to go!

Did you go look at the 5 day pouch test? I think I am going to try it, even though I know I don't need a fill because I bareley eat & when I do I am f ull for a very long time. So anyways, let's just try to keep our heads up and Celebrate how far we have come and how far we will "eventually go":wink_smile:

I also have a hard time getting my Water in:sneaky:. That should be a new goal!

Thank you ladies for you support and voices of reality!

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Hey Gang - What's Up... Not to busy tonite - you all must be doing something fun... Well, I didn't go to the gym BUT did pull out my tony little gazzel - and did 3 miles on that - worked a whole bunch of muscle that I don't get on the treadmill - like my arms and back... good for the back fat i hope:tongue:

Well, I did get 3 bottles of Water in so far (50.70 oz) so just gotta drink another 10 oz before bed...

Well, I am starving - going to the kitchen and see what I can scrounge up - I think I'm having Soup - Don't want fish (can you believe that)

Well will ck back later..

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Jackie-you are not alone. I know how you feel. I went in for a fill today and well, I have to admit that I lost 8 lbs. last month but I cut back on food and have been pedaling at least 2 hours a day and I am frustrated here. I'm beginning to wonder Why Bother? I check in a couple times a day, but haven't posted cause I have nothing to say. It is a down night tonight and I need some chocolate, but there isn't any in the house. After my fill last month, I felt so-o-o close. So, doctor and I decided today to just tweak it. He added only .2cc and I have less restriction than I had last month.

Janet- the potty thing. Yeah, me too, about every 4-5 days and I even use laxatives. POOH!! I've got another birthday coming up and am feeling really fat and old.


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Jackie-you are not alone. I know how you feel. I went in for a fill today and well, I have to admit that I lost 8 lbs. last month but I cut back on food and have been pedaling at least 2 hours a day and I am frustrated here. I'm beginning to wonder Why Bother? I check in a couple times a day, but haven't posted cause I have nothing to say. It is a down night tonight and I need some chocolate, but there isn't any in the house. After my fill last month, I felt so-o-o close. So, doctor and I decided today to just tweak it. He added only .2cc and I have less restriction than I had last month.

Janet- the potty thing. Yeah, me too, about every 4-5 days and I even use laxatives. POOH!! I've got another birthday coming up and am feeling really fat and old.


Kari - I am going to kick you butt :tt1:- how can you be unhappy with 8 lbs loss -:tt2: that's 2 pounds a week:thumbup:

Come on you gotta give yourself a break - Like I told Jackie - I know that cuz of all the hard work we are doing - eating 1/16 of what we use to and exercising - we THINK we should be losing 20 friggin pounds a week - I understand - I was right there a few weeks back - but I then came to the realization that any loss was better than a gain. You are doing good - don't get frustrated please you have no reason too - you are losing weight -:thumbup: ya Sunday is your big day (Let me be the 1st to tell you Pre- Happy Bday)- and just think about were you were last year at this time - You have lost tons of weight - you are feeling better you are exercising - you are eating healthy YOU HAVE NO REASON TO BE DOWN - POSITIVE THINKING GIRL:thumbup:

You are NOT old - you weigh less than last yr - just think where you will be next yr at this time

Love & hugs - please don't be down ((hugs))

I want you to enjoy your B-day on Sunday - And as the food angel - I give you premission (not that you need it but you know what i meant :angry:) on Sunday you eat something you love for dinner and enjoy it and have a little Chocolate - be it a candy bar or cupcake or ice cream

We Love you Kari:wub: - Smile - It will come off and your work is showing - :biggrin2:

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Jackie-you are not alone. I know how you feel. I went in for a fill today and well, I have to admit that I lost 8 lbs. last month but I cut back on food and have been pedaling at least 2 hours a day and I am frustrated here. I'm beginning to wonder Why Bother? I check in a couple times a day, but haven't posted cause I have nothing to say. It is a down night tonight and I need some chocolate, but there isn't any in the house. After my fill last month, I felt so-o-o close. So, doctor and I decided today to just tweak it. He added only .2cc and I have less restriction than I had last month.

Janet- the potty thing. Yeah, me too, about every 4-5 days and I even use laxatives. POOH!! I've got another birthday coming up and am feeling really fat and old.



Sorry you're having a downer tonight, Kari! Seem to be quite a few getting discouraged. You are down 8 lb in a month... that's GREAT! I know it seems like you're working hard, and you are, but like Janet says... we have to do 75% of the work, the band only does 25%. But it's worth it!! Keep on truckin'!!

29_5_28.gif Here's a piece of chocolate for you!! Sorry I took a bite out of it!



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Wow, ladies it has been forever since I have been here, partly because I have totally slacked and have been embarassed to come and post. I have been reversing back to old habits and sneaking out to buy chocolate then eat it by myself in some obscure place like my closet. Stress at work is getting me, and besides a got myself a second teaching job in the evening, teaching adult ESL( I teach special ed. at a primary school during the day), so time has been limited and pressure has been very high. Also we have been having some financial difficulties and tha't not helping any.

I know everybody has problems but I just can't seem to cope with mine. I think I might be bipolar or something, because I will thru periods of great happiness and then all of a sudden I regress back to depression and anxiety.

Oh, well, enough about me!!! How's everybody doing? From what I have quickly read, great.

Gosh, I have missed being here!!!!!

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Welcome back CeCe. :thumbup:

Is your signature right? Are you really only 6lbs off your goal weight?:tt2: That's amazing! Imagine where you'd be if you didn't have to deal with the stresses in your life right now. Hopefully it's only temporary and you can get back on the bandwagon with us. Maybe we should get our band angel to waggle her finger at you and make you check in more often. :tt1:

It does seem like a lot of us are on downers at the moment. Perhaps it's simply a case of the February blahs.

OMG I must be losing it. I looked at phyll's message about the chocolate bar with a bite taken out of it and immediately thought "I'll take a bite too." :angry: I hate when my fat head sneaks up on me like that lol.

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Wow, ladies it has been forever since I have been here, partly because I have totally slacked and have been embarassed to come and post. I have been reversing back to old habits and sneaking out to buy chocolate then eat it by myself in some obscure place like my closet. Stress at work is getting me, and besides a got myself a second teaching job in the evening, teaching adult ESL( I teach special ed. at a primary school during the day), so time has been limited and pressure has been very high. Also we have been having some financial difficulties and tha't not helping any.

I know everybody has problems but I just can't seem to cope with mine. I think I might be bipolar or something, because I will thru periods of great happiness and then all of a sudden I regress back to depression and anxiety.

Oh, well, enough about me!!! How's everybody doing? From what I have quickly read, great.

Gosh, I have missed being here!!!!!

23_3_16.gifGlad you're back, Cece!! Sorry to hear you are having problems coping. Have you talked to your doctor about this? Maybe you could benefit from being on some medication. But you know, you shouldn't stay away when things are going badly... this is the best support group there is! We care!!


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Thank you all for your support. It means so much to me. I think I am just feeling run down because I can't get over this crud!! I made myself get up and get the whole house cleaned top to bottom today and then I went and cleaned my car before going to he doc. I have brochitus (sp?) and I am now on another new antibiotic. 36_1_31.gif Still don't feel real well but I think I sweat my fever out today while I was cleaning. Now I am really tired. Just got home and going to take a long hot shower and then into comfy clothes and back to bed.

Janet- the question about the potty. Sorry TMI- I just talked to doc about that because I am going 5-6 days in between and then I am getting such terrible stomach ache and have to take milk of mag or mag citrate to get things moving. I am supposed to increase fiber intake and start using my benefiber every day again. I really have no excuse for not using it anyway because I have plenty of it I just forget. Aunt flo causes problems in this area also for a week and a half two weeks before she arrives.

Peaches- I took your advise and while I waited for the pharmacy to fill my script I went to a soy candle outlet we have locally from a candle factory in town. Got out of there about an hour after going in and had $147.00 worth of candles!! 23_34_2.gif I couldn't believe it!! LOL That is ok though because it was buy one and get one free so I actually have almost $300 worth of candles. MMMMM they smell soooooo good!! Hows that for doing something nice for myself. LOL 36_1_1.gif

Ok I better get. I'm getting woozy 36_1_5.gif from the cough Syrup. Better go shower and hit the bed. Hey I like this stuff though. Not hacking constantly.

I am so glad you treated yourself... it does pick you up eh??? I too love Candles... I have actually been accused (by DH) of being a fire bug LOL

Of the scents out there Patouli is my absolute FAV... if I find them while shopping I buy 2 yrs worth....:tt2:

I too have the CRUD!!! :tt1: just c ame down with it Friday a.m. scratchy throat, fever...just kinda feel like Ka-Ka!!!!

I have a question for EVERYONE.... does you band get tighter when you are suffering from a virus???? Anyone had this experience??? I can hardly get Water down, and then only when it is WARM>

I can still eat solids, oatmeal, Thick Soup for lunch, Turkey Meatballs for supper/Cauliflower... I had to eat very very slowly though to avoid a STUCK BALL..

But I am sure I'll be fit as a fiddle in a few days...:thumbup:

EXTRA good news, the scale has moved since my fill on Monday...:angry:

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Well KARI, tomorrow huh? :thumbup:

Congrats and let me be the first ( I know I'm a day ahead) to say Have one HELL OF A YEAR....

My Wishes for you...

Your last year that food will rule your world.

Your last year that you'll feel guilty about your weight & self image

The first YEAR you'll go out and SHOP until you DROP for all those gorgeous clothes in your Slimmer size.

The first year of the BEST health that you have ever been in.

The first year of many that'll you'll excersise and LOVE IT.

Many, Many Happy Returns...

Love, Peaches:tt1:

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23_3_16.gifGlad you're back, Cece!! Sorry to hear you are having problems coping. Have you talked to your doctor about this? Maybe you could benefit from being on some medication. But you know, you shouldn't stay away when things are going badly... this is the best support group there is! We care!!

Cece; I am glad you are back too... we all struggle, but its temporary...

I agree with Phyll, get cked out by your DOC, if you need meds its o.k.

I am Bipolar (been diagnosed since 1990) I've taken meds since then and beleive me... I am a lot better since... my DH says I'm like a new woman when well.... and God knows he saw me at my worst and still loved me anyway...

My Meds work very well for me, not too many side effects and the possitives definetly outweigh them... Having Stable MOODS is #1 for me, then I battle my weight issue.

I too sneek chocolate, its my demon within...

Keep posting, we're all here for each other... don't isolate that's the worst.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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