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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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My name is Ruby and I'm addicted to scales. It's been an hour since I last weighed myself. :drool:

Hey, at least I've limited my addiction to 2 hits a day. :tongue2:

15_8_6.gif 15_8_6.gif 15_8_6.gif 15_8_6.gif


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Ok so it is time for me to fess up. I have not been posting lately because I have been on this damn plateau and the weight goes from 197-202. I am so angry!! I am getting really discouraged lately. The last two months the weight loss has slowed so much that I am losing my motivation. I admit that I am not even exercising like I used to. I am so discouraged. I do not need a fill either. I have restriction. I don;t know what the hell is wrong. I am really hoping it is because I am getting ready for flo to rear her head again. I usually get stuck and fluctuate 3-5 lbs 2 weeks prior so I am hoping that I will start losing again once she shows. I need some major encouragement from all of you. I used to post all the time but as I said lately I have been so discouraged. This weight thing and damn cold/cough crud is about driving me nuts!! 36_1_38.gif 36_1_4.gif 23_33_16.gif


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Ok so it is time for me to fess up. I have not been posting lately because I have been on this damn plateau and the weight goes from 197-202. I am so angry!! I am getting really discouraged lately. The last two months the weight loss has slowed so much that I am losing my motivation. I admit that I am not even exercising like I used to. I am so discouraged. I do not need a fill either. I have restriction. I don;t know what the hell is wrong. I am really hoping it is because I am getting ready for flo to rear her head again. I usually get stuck and fluctuate 3-5 lbs 2 weeks prior so I am hoping that I will start losing again once she shows. I need some major encouragement from all of you. I used to post all the time but as I said lately I have been so discouraged. This weight thing and damn cold/cough crud is about driving me nuts!! 36_1_38.gif 36_1_4.gif 23_33_16.gif


Hang in there, Jackie!! You've done so well! We all go through this up and down stuff. Just stick with it and the scale will start going down again!!

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Hi Sonya,

I was just sitting on the sidelines (as usual) until I saw your all to familiar discomfort. I have had that pinching almost since day 1. When the NP asks whether I have any pain, I mention the port-pain and she chuckles. I have lately noticed that with my lower weight, it has almost completely gone away. I have probably jinksed (sp) myself and will be in constant port pain....naaa. Anyway, just an observation.

Now, back to my sideline.


Hi Car,

I'm like you on the sidelines. I always read what's going on but don't post that often. I think next time I go for a fill I'll ask him to do it under fluro just to check things out. My first fill was under floro. The second was not. Glad your pain has almost disappeared. I get nervous when I feel that discomfort thinking something is messed up in there. My last fill was 15 weeks ago. At the second fill I reached good restriction. It has loosened up. I've lost 24 pounds since my last fill. I'll need to schedule another one soon.

Thanks for posting.

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Jackie take a look at your ticker. You're more than halfway to your goal! Would you have thought that possible 6 months out of your surgery? I certainly didn't. Yet here I am.

I've been through the yo-yo period that you're going through now. Yeah, it sure as hell is frustrating and de-motivating. Last night Janet posted a link to a 5 day pouch test page. I read through some of it last night and found it really, really interesting. It helps you to decide whether or not you need a fill. Now I know you say you don't because you have good restriction, but the diet plan set out there sounds like a good one. It's worth giving it a shot. It only lasts for 5 days. It may just boost those scales back into action again. The right way!

I bookmarked it for future reference.

Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test

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I'm 53 now :drool:

but a hell and a lot healthier than I was when I turned 52 :tongue2:

ah, yes But I'm right behind you Janet... I'll turn 53 on Aug 31st... YIKES:wub:

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ah, yes But I'm right behind you Janet... I'll turn 53 on Aug 31st... YIKES:wub:

You're just BABIES!!



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Jackie - Hugs to you - just cuz you the scales aren't moving - you can't stop posting :tongue2:. You have been sick - aunt Flo and lack of exercise. These are all contributing factors. How is the being sick - are you well enough to get back on your elliptical??

Here are my suggestions - If you are feeling up to it get back to exercising - drink your Water very important - even if you don't count calories write down what you are eating - being sick you may have been consuming more than you thought you were or even maybe not enough - you gotta vary them like every couple of day - lower your salt intake - don't get on the scale for 1 week - just take it one day at a time and concentrate on eating very healthy

I know this next question is a TMI one - but how are you doing in the potty department (I ask this cuz I haven’t been doing well - about every 3 days)

Like Ruby said you have lost 78 friggin pounds - That's the number you have to concentrate on right now - our weight loss is going to slow sometimes – Look at your before & after pic’s – they show the success that you have achieved… Don’t lose sight of that. Be proud of what you have accomplished so far in just a little over 6 months.

This too shall pass – relax the stress is a big factor in our weight problems – so just chill – take it one day at a time and the scales will move again.

Now, I want you all to tell me this when I hit my plateau – which should be hitting me soon – I know that this is easy for me to say – but I really feel that we have to think about where we where a year ago and where we are today – We are in such a better place – we are lighter – healthier and more confident.

Peaches – Your Bday is the same as my DIL ….

Ok - Good Morning Gang - How you all had a good night.. Remember how I tell you all that my legs ache at night - I think it may be lack of water. - I am not always good about getting my water in - and yesterday I made a point of it and last night my legs didn't wake me up hurting like the did the night before - but again I didn't exercise last night (Thurs is one of my allowed days off) - so today I will make an effort to drink my water and I will be exercising tonite - so I will let you know Sat morning if my little experiment works??

Ok Gang just my usual morning ck in -

Today's challenge is to DRINK YOUR WATER -

I will be tallying tonite...

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Ok Gang just my usual morning ck in -

Today's challenge is to DRINK YOUR Water -

I will be tallying tonite...

Maybe I need a ticker for my water intake. I am terrible at getting in all of my water. Though it shouldn't be too difficult today since I am back on liquids. I did finally find some of the slimfast low-carb drinks so hopefully my weightloss won't completely stall while I allow my tummy to heal after yesterdays horrible ordeal. So I have never pb'd before and I didn't yesterday just slimed/foamed for 1.5 hours. Does it normally take that long? I know the last time I got something stuck from not chewing I only had pain for about 20 minutes but it was NOTHING like yesterday. Seriously that was the worst experience of my life outside of kidney stones. Surgery didn't even come close to being worse!

I can really tell that my stomach is swollen though because my body is like a clock when it comes time to eat. I know when it is 6:30, 10:30, 2:30 and 6:00 without even looking at the clock because that is when I get hungry. However i just forced myself to drink some Soup because conferences are going to start here in about an hour and I had eaten anything. I am not hungry at all, kind of like I was right after surgery! So there is an upside to yesterday.

Jackie - I have to agree with my band mommy. When the scale doesn't move is when you need to post here more. That is the time that we need support, not when the scale is dropping like a rock. We all can stay on track and be happy about ourselves when the weight does that. It is during the rough times that we need to lean on our friends and get their support. I just got over having a cold so I know what that is like. AWFUL! Though I did find that when I worked out it actually did make me feel better. So maybe if you can find any energy to get 5 or 10 minutes out of the eliptical you would feel even better.

Okay I have spent too long on here and I need to get some papers copied before conferences start. I will check in later.

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I am glad that you posted your frustrations.

We all need encouragement from time to time, that's what we're here for.

Beleive me, we all don't have our Sh!t together ALL of the time.

Its a process of learning new behaviours and ATTITUDES.

Knowing you need an attitude adj is half the battle.

Do something KIND for yourself today and remember how far you have come, not just the crummy way you feel right now... it'll pass.

(((hugs))) Candice:thumbup:

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Hi everyone. Hope you are all having a great morning.

I'm home with little Nick again today. When I dropped the baby at daycare (trying to keep her healthy so getting her out of the house) they said that one of the kids in Nick's group had confirmed RSV. Well, Nick doesn't have the strongest lungs so I decided I better go have him checked out too. The test takes 24 hours but doc says she is pretty sure it is RSV. That means out of daycare until Wednesday. Now....don't get me wrong, his health comes first....but does this have to happen now??? I have a fill on Monday, that I drive 3 hours to. Was going to have DH come for moral support because I really am a wimp when it comes to needles. And because of my pre-op and surgery and last fill appt. I don't have enough sick days to cover yesterday, today, and THREE days next week. Then there is the idea of when am I going to get filled the rest of the school year? I had it planned out perfectly. And now look! I refuse to panic because I know that God will have it all figured out before me, but it is a little disheartening. And on top of that, hopefully Nick doesn't end up in the hospital on a respirator or in a steam tent again.

I got all my Water in yesterday...and then some. Today I have done about 24 oz so far today. I have a card party tonight and instead of drinking I will do water....which will probably put me over if I can get 24 more ounces in this afternoon.

Well, I'll check in a little later. Have a great day.

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I've been finding it so hard to get in my daily Water intake. :glare: It's not from lack of trying, but geez louise, it sends me into a burping fit for about 20 minutes when I try and sip through even 8oz of water. It sits in my pouch and bubbles away and I'm either burping like crazy or spitting up foam. :confused2: So now I've taken to heating my water up. It doesn't taste so great to me hot, but it's the only way I can make my way through it without struggling and suffering afterwards.

This is hard. :eek:

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Karri - I had a bad PB on broccoli last night - it's really wasnt the broccolis fault but mine - cuz I kept eating it even though I was full phyically but not mentally. This is a continual battle for me -:glare:

Steph - Love your new pic on your signature - Hope your Kids don't have RSV... I am lucky that my doc is 20 miles from me..

Ruby - That's how it was for me when I was too tight - I really could not stand it:mad2: - even now I am tight with just .02 added - If I take too big of a sip - it gives me a ping pong ball in my chest...

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Remember how I tell you all that my legs ache at night - I think it may be lack of Water.< /span> - I am not always good about getting my water in - and yesterday I made a point of it and last night my legs didn't wake me up hurting like the did the night before - but again I didn't exercise last night (Thurs is one of my allowed days off) - so today I will make an effort to drink my water and I will be exercising tonite - so I will let you know Sat morning if my little experiment works??

Someone probably already asked you this, but, remember... I'm old and I forget things! Are you sure you're getting enough Potassium??? Notice at the SuperBowl they had slightly over-ripe bananas on a table for the players to combat leg cramps. 12_4_41.gifSlightly over-ripe, the potassium gets in to your system really fast. I avoid bananas becuase #1, they're fairly high calorie and sugar content, and #2, they seem to upset my stomach. But, maybe 1/2 banana before bed might help.


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Someone probably already asked you this, but, remember... I'm old and I forget things! Are you sure you're getting enough Potassium??? Notice at the SuperBowl they had slightly over-ripe bananas on a table for the players to combat leg cramps. 12_4_41.gifSlightly over-ripe, the potassium gets in to your system really fast. I avoid bananas becuase #1, they're fairly high calorie and sugar content, and #2, they seem to upset my stomach. But, maybe 1/2 banana before bed might help.


They ache not cramp and I got some potassium pills but just like my vitiams I never take them:tongue2: - I eat spinach - yogurt & bananas (about once a week -but I hate mushie bananas I like them on the green side) I put them in my yogurt for Breakfast.< /p>

I really think it is partly Water as some days only get in half - and I know that too much potassium isn't good for you either so I am sorta afraid to take the pills too often..

Well I am STARVING - it's lunch - gonna go eat my salmon and broc -

Here is something interesting - you know how mostly everyone it tight in the AM and loose at night - I think I am the other way around... But that's good for me since I am such a night eater - Now if i could just control my brain to quit wanting food when I am full on not my whole dinner but about 3/4 of it

It's just that 3 or 4 oz of fish 1/4 rice and 1/2 c veggie - is just not enough food - see guys i am all screwed up - eating is mental not physical..:glare:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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