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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I think i pissed someone off on another thread - stating 75% of the work is up to you - they say that the band will do 75% of the work - I told them that it's more mental than phyiscal the work that needs to be done to really commit to this lifetime lifestyle change....

What do you all think??

I absolutely AGREE!! It's the 25% that is my guarantee that I WILL succeed this time, though! I can do the 75% because I know the band is there doing the other 25%!! Know what I mean?? I know it will kick me in the butt if I try to overeat or eat the wrong things, etc. and that helps me to stay on track.

That is why it pisses me off when people make the comment about others "doing it on their own!" Hello!!!!!

Yeah!! Let's go get that OPRAH!!

Okay just had to check in cause I was going to run out in the middle of the street and beg a car to hit me if I didn't. So far I have graded 286 projects 143 labs, and 120 tests. Now I have to enter about 875 grades into my electronic gradebook that they force us to use. AND IF ONE MORE STUDENT COMES IN HERE AND ASKS ME IF THEY CAN MAKE UP A TEST YOU ARE GOING TO SEE ME ON THE NEWS.

UH-OH, Our little teacher lady is going postal!! Settle down, Honey.. everything is going to be OKAY!!

I so wish that this band did 75% of the work for me! I am so fusterated right now because I have not lost a dang thing in a week and a half. It's awefull to be here. I am doing everything I am suppose to do. I am making good food choices, eating about 3/4 C. of food for lunch and dinner, (breakfast is a shake) I am walking a couple miles everyday - every other day. I havn't had any bad foods in weeks. I have been working very hard and yet have not lost a pound. My band has great restriction, I have no idea how to get out of this platue(sp). I even tried upping the calories.:tt1:

Anyways, whoever says that the band will do 75% of the work for you is a pea brain. I feel that I have to work every day, very hard to get where I am. My band is a tool! and that is it, a tool! somedays when I am restricted it would be so much easier to eat chocolate, ice cream and chips than it is to try to chew my salad to death to have it go down with out complications. If I don't exercise than it takes forever for it to come off. So I am with you, It sure in the heck does not do 75% of the work, I could only wish it did. It has been an awesome tool for me but I still have to work at it. I think for me knowing that the band is in there and I spent money out of my own pocket makes me appreciate it even more and that motivates me to use this tool the best that I can.

Also Ladies.... all those Pict are so awesome. You guys look so great!:regular_smile:

and the 3-4lbs you guys are loosing a week is so great, way to go ladies:thumbup:


Plateaus are a horrible thing!! But, we can get through them. I lost more last week than I did the whole month of January!! Didn't do anything different either! It just happens and we have to plod our way through it and try to not get discouraged! Hang in there!

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At the support group I went to on Tuesday they gave us a site

Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test

It's basicly for bypass but I think the leader said it helped with Platues too.. Phyl do you remember??

Yeah, I think what she said is that doing the 5 day test would help you to know if your band is still working for you.. I presume then, or if you need another fill. Does that sound right?? Now why can't you remember what that stupid exercise bell thing was called???? I've been searching on Google and Amazon.. yeah, I know... email Marsha!! I didn't do that yet. Stubbornly trying to find it on my own. I did find a watch that New Balance makes that is Water resistant and shows your heart rate and calories burned. Amazon has it for $69 and free shipping. I might order one.


For the record.... I am FIVE FEET TALL!! One nurse at my 2nd pre-op appointment measured me at 4'11" but I made her change it!! Didn't see how I could've shrunk an inch in a month... I had lost some weight... think I was a FAT HEAD??? Anyways, I was mad because it made my BMI go up. My doctor wanted it to be under 60 before I had my surgery. So I was so happy that I'd finally gotten it under 60 and then she measures me at 4'11" and it goes back OVER 60!! She wasn't the OFFICIAL weigh in/measure nurse. She was a study project nurse. I guess I intimidated her because she changed it back to 5'!!!



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:regular_smile::confused::tt1: I have to go back and read cause I don't know what da hell you gals are talking about. I've been absent a while. When I have days off, I sleep late.

Question - This morning I woke up at 4:00am because my chest (stomach) hurt. It hurt bad, bad enough to wake me up. I drank a little Water and the pain lessened. This is not the first time this happens, this pain has woken me up before. It has also happened to a lesser degree during the day if I haven't been drinking enough. Does anyone get this pain?

It is scary.

Acid reflux -heartburn - I get something like heartburn but very mild -

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Becca you are doing great 61 lbs gone - you can't beat that :tt1:- i am so afarid of that platue (sp) - cuz so far I have always lost something even if it's just 1/2 lb in a week.. So I know it's around the corner

How many calories are you eating - what did you get them up and how often/long

At the support group I went to on Tuesday they gave us a site

Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test

It's basicly for bypass but I think the leader said it helped with Platues too.. Phyl do you remember??

I'm very excited about 61lbs of fat being gone but it still get's so frusterating when I'm working so damn hard at it:crying:

I am eating about 800-900 calories a day and I jumped it up to about 1300 for 3 days. So, I am hoping something will happen soon. Today is the second day after the three day break I've been back to really watching the calories, so I don't know if it has worked or not. I am just frusterated and had to vent.:regular_smile:

I will go check out that web site and see what kind of good info I can dig out of it, Thanks!

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Phyl, You are so right! I just need to keep my head up and keep plodding through this. I think I am addicted to the scales and depend so much on it. Maybe I need to join an addiction to the scales support group.:regular_smile:

I just got frusterated from working so dang hard and not seeing it reflect on the scales.

I guess I just needed a voice of reality!.


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Good Afternoon Everyone,

Does anyone ever get an uncomfortable feeling under their left boob? :regular_smile:

I'm guessing that is where the band is. I notice it most if I wear a bra that does not have good support. I usually straighten up my posture and adjust my bra and it goes away. Just wondering if it is normal for others to get this feeling sometimes.



Hi Sonya,

I was just sitting on the sidelines (as usual) until I saw your all to familiar discomfort. I have had that pinching almost since day 1. When the NP asks whether I have any pain, I mention the port-pain and she chuckles. I have lately noticed that with my lower weight, it has almost completely gone away. I have probably jinksed (sp) myself and will be in constant port pain....naaa. Anyway, just an observation.

Now, back to my sideline.


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Becca you are doing great 61 lbs gone - you can't beat that :tt1:- i am so afarid of that platue (sp) - cuz so far I have always lost something even if it's just 1/2 lb in a week.. So I know it's around the corner

How many calories are you eating - what did you get them up and how often/long

At the support group I went to on Tuesday they gave us a site

Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test

It's basicly for bypass but I think the leader said it helped with Platues too.. Phyl do you remember??

:blushing: Janet, I loved this site you linked... its awesome!!

I stuck to my plan today, still restricted and ate 1000 cals. :regular_smile:

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Hey Gang

What's everyone doing tonite - I am trying to make plans for the weekend want to go out of town shopping - my 14's are falling off - i need a few things.

Phyl - I thought the thingie was called one-bell but I google it too and couldn't find anything. -

5ft tall :tongue2: - you are too funny - you still are a short little thing.. Nothing wrong with being short - heck i have a gf who is 5,8 and wears 4 inch heals want to talk about feeling short - and people keep tell me i look shorter now that i have lost a few pounds - the say I am shrinking..:tt1:

Steph - I am a BIG Qvc shopper and I don't live in the boonies :regular_smile: I have given away my Citiknits they were 2x and just look like sacks - I am getting into more form fitting clothes - Plus I don't know what size to order anymore - I ordered large demi & company bootcut pants and they are too big... I have never ordered a mediium - so once I really know what size i am - i might go back to ordering.

Good thing to know about the throwing up - cuz that bug is here in the Desert too..

Becca - I was where you are a while back - but I said relax - you are onlyl 5 months out - but I totally understand - since you are only eating 1/16 of what you ate before - you think you should just wake up and it's all gone - hate to tell you - it aint gooing to happen :blushing: cuz i wake up every morning and as i get in the shower - I see all the fat that's still on my body - :eek:

But it will come - we just gotta slow our minds down -

I only weigh once a week... I hate the scales and how much they change on an hourly basis..

Peaches - Glad to hear you are on progarm and still have restriction - you

I guess all these crossed fingers are helping :biggrin:

Car - Great to hear from you... Don't just lurk - join in - we've missed you..

Ok its 7:30 and need to cook so going to go start dinner - brb

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Phyl, You are so right! I just need to keep my head up and keep plodding through this. I think I am addicted to the scales and depend so much on it. Maybe I need to join an addiction to the scales support group.:tt1:

I just got frusterated from working so dang hard and not seeing it reflect on the scales.

I guess I just needed a voice of reality!.


I'll be a member of your Addicts club... can I join???:blushing: I can't start the day without jumping on the damn thing...

Phyl: you are too funny today.. I actually registered my height a wee bit shorter so that my BMI would qualify... I was afraid if my BMI was too low they'd deny me the lap band surgery...

Oh my we are a weird lot...

And just for the record.... I am 5 ft 5 inches....ta-da and 52 just like Janet! :regular_smile:

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I'll be a member of your Addicts club... can I join???:blushing: I can't start the day without jumping on the damn thing...

Phyl: you are too funny today.. I actually registered my height a wee bit shorter so that my BMI would qualify... I was afraid if my BMI was too low they'd deny me the lap band surgery...

Oh my we are a weird lot...

And just for the record.... I am 5 ft 5 inches....ta-da and 52 just like Janet! :tt1:

I'm 53 now :biggrin:

but a hell and a lot healthier than I was when I turned 52 :regular_smile:

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So I had the worst sliming/stuck episode of my life. I was in the middle of eating my lunch when a student came in and asked a profound question. I was so amazed that I swallowed my food and OMG it got stuck. I tried to pb, but it wouldn't come up. Instead for an hour and a half I kept spitting out slime and foam. It was awful. You would have thought that I would have learned my lesson from the first time that I didn't chew properly. So this means that I am going to be back on liquids for the next few days. There is no way I am going to chance foods and risk the possibility of having to get unfilled. I know that I am swollen right now because I haven't eaten since 11:20 this morning and it was on the second bite of food that I got stuck, so in reality I haven't eaten since 8:45 and I am not hungry.

On a good note, conferences went very well, and it looks as if I am only going to put in 15 hours today! I know I shouldn't kill myself over these kids, but conferences are a big deal around here.

Well I have 11 minutes until I am free. I will check back in later.

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So I had the worst sliming/stuck episode of my life. Inow that I am swollen right now because I haven't eaten since 11:20 this morning and it was on the second bite of food that I got stuck, so in reality I haven't eaten since 8:45 and I am not hungry..


Here is one thing I learn at support group the other nite - after you have a stuck episode - eat ice chips... Just like you did after surgery...

That is the one thing I got out of the support group - besides that pouch test site...

I am glad to hear that you aren't going to kill anyone or yourself :regular_smile:

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see I did remember something from that meeting:regular_smile::lol::tt1:

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I'll be a member of your Addicts club... can I join???:drool:

My name is Ruby and I'm addicted to scales. It's been an hour since I last weighed myself. :blush:

Hey, at least I've limited my addiction to 2 hits a day. :tongue2:

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see I did remember something from that meeting:tongue2::lol::drool:


Very good!!! I had forgotten that!! I'm older than you, though! I have an excuse!

23_3_29.gif 10_12_9.gif


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