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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Sonya - are you talking about your band or your port - sometime if I am slouching I will get a pinch feeling - but readjust by sitting up and am ok - my port is about 3 or 4 inches below my bra - I have been noticing pinch feeling when i bend over to put my tennies on - but its on the right side by my liver - like scar tissue straining - we that's what I put it off to...

The uncomfortable feeling is coming from my band right below my bra line. I ripped out all the wires from my underwire bras but still get that feeling when I slouch. My port is about 5 inches away. It's not coming from that area. When I'm out with friends or in public I catch myself wanting to "lift" my boob or pull my bra off that spot when I slouch. Guess I need to work on my posture. I never liked standing up straight because I didn't like my boobs sticking out. I know it sounds crazy. They are a D now but getting smaller.

Well we do look better and thinner when we have good posture.

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The uncomfortable feeling is coming from my band right below my bra line. I ripped out all the wires from my underwire bras but still get that feeling when I slouch. My port is about 5 inches away. It's not coming from that area. When I'm out with friends or in public I catch myself wanting to "lift" my boob or pull my bra off that spot when I slouch. Guess I need to work on my posture. I never liked standing up straight because I didn't like my boobs sticking out. I know it sounds crazy. They are a D now but getting smaller.

Well we do look better and thinner when we have good posture.

I would mention it to your Doc next time you go if you get it often - I only get mine occassionally - Yep good posture takes off 10 lbs - boobs - i'm still buying "D" but the have deflated mostly just skin in the bra - I have grandma tittys - or dog ears as they are called sometime:eek: - I really need some good bras... I would love to get a real professional fitting...

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Hi, Gang!

Yes, this is the BEST support group. Though it is good to have a face to face with other bandsters. And Janet really did say to that girl, "I thought you said you did your research?? How could you do your research and not know what PBing is???" :biggrin: LOL!! As we all know, our girl doesn't pull any punches!! She says it like it is! I thought I would laugh out loud!

I had my official weekly TOPS weigh in today.. down 4.2 lb for the week!! I rewarded myself with a new pair of sweat pants! I like to put on my nice warm, cuddly sweats at night when I curl up on the couch to watch TV and the ones I've been wearing are falling off! Down to a 2X, which is pretty good for me considering a year ago I was wearing anything from 3X to 5X! Oh, I had a Starbucks Skinny Latte as my other treat.

Hope everyone is having a great day! I better go. We're transitioning to our new TOPS group and tonight is the night I volunteered to do the "program" so I have to go make some copies and finish my getting my act together on what I'm going to do.

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Hi, Gang!

Janet really did say to that girl, "I thought you said you did your research?? How could you do your research and not know what PBing is???" :lol: LOL!! As we all know, our girl doesn't pull any punches!! She says it like it is! I thought I would laugh out loud!

I had my official weekly TOPS weigh in today.. down 4.2 lb for the week!! I rewarded myself with a new pair of sweat pants! I had a Starbucks Skinny Latte as my other treat.

Phyl -

CONGRATULATIONS 4.2 POUNDS - GOOD JOB ;):smile::biggrin:

Like I said before - I could really see your loss !!!!

Did I sound bad :eek:- it just slipped out -:eek: -

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Did I sound bad :eek:- it just slipped out -:eek: -

I am sure she deserved it. Besides maybe saying that will have her running back to the books to look up some other things she may have neglected in her research. I knew what Pbing was and I less than three weeks between my decision to do this and my actual surger. Litterally though for those three weeks I did nothing but research. I was so bad I wasn't sleeping at night! :rolleyes2:I say things like that all the time to my students and I don't ever feel one bit bad about it.

So I have officially come to the conclusion that I am never going to get caught up and so there is no point in killing myself trying. I am going to the gym for a couple of hours tonight and then I will head home and do a few things, but I am NOT, I repeat NOT going to frantically get things pulled together for these kids that don't do CRAP for me. There I said it and I feel much better.

Okay grading for 10 minutes and then to the gym.

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Phyl -


Like I said before - I could really see your loss !!!!

Did I sound bad :eek:- it just slipped out -:eek: -


No, it didn't sound that bad!! I'm teasing you! She had it coming. But, Marsha kind of gave her a bad time, because of her choice of doctors. I think that was why she was a little defensive and wanted us to know she "did her research". Marsha said that doctor's patients are not "educated" enough prior to surgery.

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Phyl; congrats on the W/L that is awesome... and I am glad you rewarded yourself with new sweats... we need positive reinforcements like that..

Janet, Ruby, Blueyes and everybody else... here's a cute little joke for the day!

I ate 1000 cals today... yeah, still resticted so far(?)

Menopause Jewellery

My husband, being unhappy with my mood swings,

bought me a mood ring the other day so he would be

able to monitor my moods.

We've discovered that when I'm in a good mood, it

turns green. When I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a

BIG f*&k@#g red mark on his forehead.

Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond. Dumbass

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Peaches - LOVED IT !!!!!!! Glad to hear you still have restriction - I am keeping my fingers crossed.. 1000 calories doing good...

Phyl - I know you were teasing - but as soon as it came out of my mouth - I thought - that maybe it shouldn't have said it like I did (like are you STUPID or what) you can count on me for saying things like that without thinking first...

I owe you all a big thank you tonite - why you ask - well after work I was really tired and didn't want to go to the gym. But thought to myself as I was trying to talk myself out of going - what would you tell the girls - you would tell them just do it - it your tired slow your speed - or only do 1/2 but get your butt in gear and do a little something - So I took my advice to all of you and just did it... Thank you all for keeping me honesty...

Well It's 7:45 - gotta go eat - might ck back later (depending what's on TV)

If not talk to ya'll in the morning..

Karri - I hope you didn't over do it at the gym tonite - you are just getting over being sick - And good for you for taking time for you...

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:eek::biggrin::eek:BREAKING NEWS!:):biggrin::eek:


That's right I made it one full mile today and didn't die. I wasn't certain that I was going to be alive when I was finished, but I kept going. That in itself is huge but considering that I then went on to walk 3 more miles (varied the incline and speed) and then did 30 more minutes on the bike. I tried for 2 hours today because I am so far behind, but that is a really long time to work out so I am going to have to just workout for 1.5 hours for the rest of this month to make up the time I have missed in the last few days. Oh well! I don't care, I RAN A FULL MILE TODAY. I have been waiting to do that since 4th grade!:eek::biggrin:

Phyl - Congrats on the loss. :frown:

Oh and Janet I may have over done it a little, but I actually felt so much better after going to the gym. I think I sweated out all the bugs.

Good for you for going to the gym. I know we are like little angels sitting on your shoulder. Hope you have broad shoulders though cause I still weigh a fair amount and me continuing to sit there could get a bit heavy!

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CONGRATULATIONS23_28_116.gif -


23_5_118.gif MY HATS OFF TO YOU 4_7_13.gif


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Ok, so it's been a while and I owe a huge apology to you Janet for not logging on to wish you a Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a great day (even though you couldn't eat). :eek:

So, here are my NSV's I've been wanting to share with you all. One is that I have two pairs of size 22 jeans that I can now get off and on without unbuttoning or unzipping them. It makes me laugh when I have people telling me that I need to buy new clothes. I've been waiting to buy new clothes until I'm completely out of plus, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting awful close. My problem with pants and stuff is that I carry most of my weight between my stomach and thighs. :eek: Oh well, it's all going away slowly but surely. :frown: I feel like the marshmallow "wo"man when I wear my winter coat, but I absolutely refuse to buy a new one this year. Also, I'm getting excited because I have about 30 pounds to go, and my hubby and I are going to start to take action to have a family. I'm super excited and know with the weight loss that pregnancy is going to so much safer because of this. :huh2:

Well, I'm down to 214 (started at 268) and I thought I'd be under 200 by now, but oh well. It's not happening as fast as I'd like it to be, but it's still moving in the right direction.

I've attached a picture montage and the big picture in the middle is of me from tonight. I forgot to take pics for my 6 month, so here's the 7 month. Hopefully it's not too big and if it is, I'm sorry, but I think we are close to the end of a page, so it shouldn't be on for long. The only reason that the Vegas pic is on here is because I have the same sweater on and I can't believe the difference in how it fits and even that's starting to get big and it's only an XL. I shouldn't have been wearing it back then, but I thought it was cute, and think it's even cuter now. :huh2:

I really love my band family here and even though I'm not good at posting, I do read all the time and love hearing of your successes and trials because I'm having the same ones!!j

Hopefully it won't be as long between posts.


Nichole-You look awesome!!!!! Don't forget to post those great pictures on the Picture Brag Thread :eek:

Phyl; congrats on the W/L that is awesome... and I am glad you rewarded yourself with new sweats... we need positive reinforcements like that..

Janet, Ruby, Blueyes and everybody else... here's a cute little joke for the day!

I ate 1000 cals today... yeah, still resticted so far(?)

Menopause Jewellery

My husband, being unhappy with my mood swings,

bought me a mood ring the other day so he would be

able to monitor my moods.

We've discovered that when I'm in a good mood, it

turns green. When I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a

BIG f*&k@#g red mark on his forehead.

Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond. Dumbass

Peaches-:eek::lol::):lol: That was hilarious. And just my kind of joke. I loved it.

Speaking of bra's. Now ladies, I would give anything in the world to be back in a D. Try finding 38DDD bra's. How in the world can a person loose 60+ lbs and NOT LOOSE AN INCH at the top? And I am not bragging. I am quite frustrated about that. Although hubbie is tickled pink, I am ready to get rid of these things. I have gotten to the point where I really envy the flat women. I would give anything in the world to trade these saggy things for some flatness. Ok, sorry...probably TMI but just a rant....please forgive:rolleyes:

And you guys are right...THIS IS THE BEST SUPPORT GROUP, BAR NONE.

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Nichole, Nice pics! You are looking well!

Phyl, great week's weight loss! You deserved the new pants!

Hi Kari! Everyone is doing so well!

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:eek::biggrin::eek:BREAKING NEWS!:):biggrin::eek:


That's great, Karri! Congrats!

Bra's...... ugh! I need a good fit, too. Don't know where to go. Need new ones the right size.


Can't wear the new sweat pants until I cut off about 8" at the bottom and re-hem!! I'm SHORT!!23_22_32.gif


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Peaches Love your Picture - and your fur baby is cute.. Now we need

Steph - You can see your weight loss - you are getting a neck - Haven't you all noticed that we didn't have necks befor and now we do :eek:

Katrina - you haven't even gone down in your band size 38 - I was a 42 D and now a 38 - maybe even 36 and the 38's are not tight.. but my cup size is the same - just flatter - I hear you about DDD OMG how are your shoulders I know that alot of people like big boobs (Ruby:biggrin2:) but me personnaly I would be happy to be a full B or C..

Yes you guys Phyl is short :) I am short 5.3 1/2 - say I'm 5'4 and Phyl is shorter than me :rolleyes: and usually I am always the shortest in the crowd.

Well - I'm at work - cking in before I start my day... Did good this week down 3 lbs - i just can't friggin beleive it - I keep waiting to wake up from this dream or for the scales to quit moving - I am pretty restricted but can eat - have a little heartburn this morning I have noticed that lately - just a tad not really noticeable - but there... :confused2:

Love that we have more smileys showing up but I stll miss the hug on..

Ck back later ladies....

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Good morning ladies. I'm in a gooooooooooood mood today. I managed to sleep through the entire night without choking on my spit. :):drool: I tell ya, I'm so much happier when I've gotten a decent sleep. I'm a grumpy old bear otherwise. I also managed some room temp carrot juice with Greens+ (a Multi-Vitamin powder) in it. It took me 2 hours to get down the whole glass, but I didn't PB any of it up! YAY.

I was back in the gym this morning, and that's got my energy going again as well. I didn't get around to trying to eat anything yesterday, with the exception of 3 wheat crackers for dinner :) and I'm still not hungry today. But I might try that egg a little later on. The fluids have been going down easier since last night. I managed 2 cups of tea and some Soup. Today I think will be the first I'll be able to get all my Water requirements in. If I go slowly. And the water isn't cold.

I'm also down to 186lbs today. My official weigh in day isn't until Sat. I don't change my ticker until then. And typically when I've gained, I don't change it at all. :rolleyes: So I'm looking forward to being able to make that adjustment as well. :biggrin2:

All-in-all things are looking up, and I'm a much happier camper.

Peaches that joke was funny. I showed it to my hubby and he laughed as well. Then I told him I was going to buy a mood ring and the smile disappeared off his face in an instant. Then we both laughed at that. :laugh:

Karri - wow, running for a mile? :) I can't even wrap my head around that. Congratulations you! You're like the energizer bunny of our thread.

Phyl have you tried Lane Bryant for bras? I go in there semi-regularly but I don't always buy anything. I'm a cheapskate and usually wait for things to go on sale. :cursing: They might be able to give you a proper fitting too, depending on the size of the store and number of staff they have.

Janet - good morning. I've come to expect you to have left a little message for your flock every morning. When it's not here I think there's something wrong with the world. It's always comforting to have our band angel check in each day. :eek:

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