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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Kari - Congratulations!!!!!

Stephanie - Sorry Love, Been there done that too. I'll pray for you. My 15yr. old teenage brat was a nightmare to potty train. He held it for over a week, while I was giving him laxatives to make him go. When I put him in the warm Water of the tub, he could no longer hold it. OMG, I will never forget that nightmare. He did it twice.

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I also agree with all you ladies. I think for me the band has been a tool to get me headed in the right direction, but for the most part I have to work hard to get the lbs. off. I eat a lot better than I ever have, I constanley watch what I am putting in my mouth, (yes partley because of things getting stuck, pbing and all that) but also because I want the wieght to come off sooner than later. I have to excercise or I am at a stand still. So I think the band has been a good motivater, but with that being said I have still had to work hard to get where I am. I am glad that I got the band, It was just the tool I needed.

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Gulfport/Biloxi area was much worse. They took the direct hit and were basically wiped off the map. New Orleans flooded because the levies broke. The area of New Orleans where tourist go, the French Quarter, was not majorly damaged. It did not flood. The experience of Katrina was surreal. It was horrific, unimaginable. When we go down the main highway through town, you look out over the city and you can still see the waterlines on things and you can tell that as far as you can see everything was under at least 4 feet of Water. The house we were at yesterday flooded 4 feet, and that water stayed for 2 weeks.

Oh but how I do remember...:frown: Katrina hit us pretty hard in Pensacola too. Still did not have my house fixed from Ivan. Ceilings were falling in around us and boy was I praying that we wouldn't get a direct hit from Katrina. It would have finished destroying our house. Went for days afterwards not hearing from hubby's uncle and aunt. They lived only blocks from the gulf and it totally destroyed their house and then when they got it built back, finally, within just a couple months it burned to the ground. When we went for a visit in Dec., they took us over to see the progress on their new house. Ppl forget so quickly but don't realize that there are people that are still living in small campers down there... Sorry guys...don't mean to be a downer. These storms just did something to me and I will never be the same again. I mean, how can you truely describe the devistation. No matter what they show on TV, they can never really show even close to how bad it really is. Wow, I'm gonna stop there because I could really get going on this :frown:

OMG OMG OMG OMG! I AM OVERWEIGHT! So it would take a morbidly obese person to understand how excited I am to only be overweight. I just fixed my ticker and noticed that my BMI is below 30, so I went to check to see where that fell on the table and OMG! I AM OVERWEIGHT! :):success1::clap::party::hurray::rolleyes2::Banane48: :wink2::woot::Banane22:

Maybe I went a little overboard but I won't ever be at the tipping point between obese and overweight again, so I had to celebrate!

WTG Karri...That is awesome:biggrin:

I'm still stuck at 185 (by my scale which means at least +5 on docs). I want to cry but I'm not going to. I need to refocus on all the good because there is a bunch of good from losing this weight. I'm going to focus on water and low cal foods this week and hopefully things will start moving. I'm not getting my hopes up though. Fill next Monday and maybe that will jumpstart something.

Stephanie, Now this is probably gonna sound crazy. Even I thought it was until I tried it and it REALLY WORKS. So now when I get stuck for at least a week on a certain weight, I do this.


Don't dig in and try to decrease any more than you are. Eat as much as you can tolerate for a day or 2 (now, I did not say over do it. Don't ever push your band to the limit, just eat to a tolerable level)

I know it sounds nuts but when I got to thinking about it, it really made sense. See, I am a nurse and I just can't settle for doing something, I have to know why. So I will pass on this bit of wisdom. When we decrease our calories too much our bodies start thinking that we are starving so they go into starvation mode. The good Lord made our bodies to survive no matter what. So when they think we are starving, then they go into the starvation mode. In otherwords, they shut our metabolism down totally. So the less you eat, the less your metabolism and when you try to decrease calories even more, your body shuts down more. The only way to boost it out of that mode is to trick it into thinking that you are no longer going to starve to death and it will restart our metabolisms. Try it. I have hit this plateau thing at least 3 times lately and sure enough, when I start thinking about it, I am no where near to getting enough calories in so I increase my calories for a couple days and "boom" there goes 3 lbs instantly. It's kinda funny, I sometimes think "I just know I have gained as much as I have eaten lately" but sure enough I am very surprised to find that I have lost every time.

I guess I am a bit different in how I eat. I do not measure, count calories or anything like that. I eat when I am hungry and only until I feel full. Whether that be a cup or a couple bites. I do make healthy choices and to be honest, I prefer the healthier foods. (Except chocolate is my downfall...and boy does that go down good)

Well, it's off to bed for me...you guys have a great one..

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Hi Gang! Janet, you have a fantastic memory!

I just had Soup for lunch/supper and now getting hungry again.

I hope this fill holds... the last one held for 5 days and then nothing...

sorry to be such a bummer, but I don't feel encouraged.

Did anybody see Dr. Oz on Oprah today with Bariatric and Lapband teenager patients??? very interesting

Peaches - sometimes I do remember stuff but you know how that goes :rolleyes2:- but I have been concerned about you and your band - You all may not beleive it - but truly - I have a bond with you all - i think we have built lifetime friendships here. If I was in Canada - I would call you up and say hey gf - can I come over and visit - (yes I know take my shoes off at the door:tongue:) I feel that about all of you here - I would welcome any of you in my home day or night - (i don't think any of you are serial killers:biggrin:) I know some are weird about this cuz we met on line - but I really believe that you all are who you say you are and we have shared so much ...

So what did he say about you loosing your fills - I really would hate for you to have to have surgery again - but at least this time you know what to expect if it came to that - and as long as it didn't cost you anything.

I have TIVO'd Oraph - havent watched it yet - cuz you know I was taking the easy way out and went to the gym to exercise - then I took some books to a sick friend - then came home paid bills and cooked myself (no chefs in my house) a healthy dinner - fish 4 oz baked - Brussell sprouts - and rice if i can eat it.. You will all know my opnion tomorrow - and so will Oprah & Dr Oz ...

I agree wholeheartedly with you Karri. Even with the band, we did it ourselves. Hey, if you want to get picky................did Oprah do it by herself?? I don't think so. How many trainers, personal cooks etc. did she have??

Phyll - Have to agree with Janet here. We're all royalty. We done it all on our own. Don't let anyone tell you differently. I have to keep reminding myself that I AM WOMAN!! HEAR ME ROAR!!! We will do it!!!:wink2::welldoneclap::)

Kari - We are going to go picket Oprah - once it warms up - That will be our meeting - instead of a cruise - we will all meet in Chicago and Picket Oprah on her stupidy about WLS..

. My 15yr. old teenage brat was a nightmare to potty train. He held it for over a week, while I was giving him laxatives to make him go. When I put him in the warm Water of the tub, he could no longer hold it. OMG, I will never forget that nightmare. He did it twice.

OMG Mango - That's gross :success1: - just goes to show you kids have a mind of their own :Banane22: Tell us what you are doing for Fat Tuesday...

I also agree with all you ladies. I think for me the band has been a tool to get me headed in the right direction, but for the most part I have to work hard to get the lbs. off. I eat a lot better than I ever have, I constanley watch what I am putting in my mouth, (yes partley because of things getting stuck, pbing and all that) but also because I want the wieght to come off sooner than later. I have to excercise or I am at a stand still. So I think the band has been a good motivater, but with that being said I have still had to work hard to get where I am. I am glad that I got the band, It was just the tool I needed.

Wannabfatfree - You got it girl !!!!!!

PePpl forget so quickly but don't realize that there are people that are still living in small campers down there... Sorry guys...don't mean to be a downer. These storms just did something to me and I will never be the same again. I mean, how can you truely describe the devistation. No matter what they show on TV, they can never really show even close to how bad it really is. Wow, I'm gonna stop there because I could really get going on this :Banane48:

Stephanie, Now this is probably gonna sound crazy. Even I thought it was until I tried it and it REALLY WORKS. So now when I get stuck for at least a week on a certain weight, I do this.


I guess I am a bit different in how I eat. I do not measure, count calories or anything like that. I eat when I am hungry and only until I feel full. Whether that be a cup or a couple bites. I do make healthy choices and to be honest, I prefer the healthier foods. (Except chocolate is my downfall...and boy does that go down good)

Well, it's off to bed for me...you guys have a great one..

Katrina - We haven't forgotten - all I could think is that could be us here in So. California with our earthquakes... and know unless you really live it you don't fully understand - but what I saw on TV was just the saddest thing I have ever witnessed - I really wanted to do something - I couldn't go and phyically help so I did sent $$ and still do donate to help the cause.

I agree with the increase of calories to boost weight loss...

You aren't diff on how you eat - we all are doing what works for us..

Just cuz one person weighs and measures doesn't mean we all have to it's whatever works for you.

Well gang it's 8:30 I am hungry - got my bills paid - said hi to ya'll now gotta to eat - watch Oprah - so will talk to ya'll tomorrow..

Sweet Dreams....


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Janet, Hey your picture looks absolutely great! Congratulations!

Everyone, it sounds like you all are doing very well!

I called my dr's office today, decided that perhaps I do need a fill after all. Only got two small ones and the last one was mid-September and I passed up one at my last appt before Xmas. But, I think perhaps I need a small one now, so I called and he fit me in for this Friday morning. Don't won't much, but a little one couldn't hurt. I've been playing with the same two to three pounds for a month now.

Take care!

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Morning everyone,

I had a rough day yesterday. I felt awful the whole day. Sunday night I woke 3 times choking on my saliva and ended up sleep semi-upright on the couch so as not to disturb my hubby. Yesterday all I could get down was 2 cups of hot tea and a cup of carrot and ginger Soup. I had to force myself to drink the tea and it did make me feel better for an hour or so each time, but then I got nauseous all over again.

I've been burping like stupid since my fill on Friday. :cake: I'm probably a little too restricted, but I only got .25cc put in and I'm afraid if I get even a little taken out it will push me to the other end of the scale and I won't lose any weight at all. :mad:

But I need to get more food and liquids into me as soon as I can or my metabolism will come to a grinding halt. And I don't want that! The only trouble is, I'm not hungry. Being ill yesterday has really put me off any kind of food. Maybe I need to try more soup but even the thought of a creamy soup makes me want to barf. As does thinking about the consistency of my usual Protein Shakes. Geez Louise these appetite mood swings are driving me round the bend.

The good news is, I've lost 6lbs since Friday, but my official weigh in isn't until Sat so it could go up again by then. Whoever the fools are that say WLS is the easy way out needs to get their head examined! Or I'll knock it off for them! :) I'm in a grumpy mood today. :musical_note:

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Good Morning Gang

Thanks Brandy !!!!! I feel so good..

Ruby - .25 is a lot - you may have a tad too much - the doc had put in 1 cc and then took out .08 - so I ended up with .02cc added and that was enough - last night as I was fixing grandson his plate (he eats salmon) I popped a couple of well cooked Brussels sprouts in my mouth cuz I was STARVING - well guess what came back up. I had eaten too fast even though I had chewed. It is terrible to be too tight - make sure you take come pecid for the reflux - the acid in our pouches - isn't a good thing -

I didn't like not being able to drink my coffee in the morning - ya I lost like 4.5 the week I was too tight - but for me I would rather lose a little slower than not being able to eat - Eating is still important to me - I missed my fish and veggies - I really don't miss eating like I use to - I enjoy my healthy meals - but I want my meals - not pure liquids - can you even imagine trying to eat real food being this tight - IMHO I would get some taken out ...

Ok I watched Oprah last night - She wasn't as bad as I thought she would be (but you gotta read what Cassie’s mom said about the taping – I think it’s in the Rants & Rave Section) but didn't like how she gave props to the girl who did it on her own... And the 21 yr old who now drinks - hell most kids who go to college become party animals - just cuz she had bypass didn't cause her to drink imho - I liked the Mom's disagreeing with Dr OZ - I wish that some long timers who have lost their weight and maintain would go on the show as proof that you can lose 100% of your excess weight and maintain - and tell her that the band only does 25% of the job and the other 75% is up to us - and yes we are all dealing with our head hunger issues - they think that those just disappear - no we are doing the work both mentally and physically..

The whole teen issue is a hard one – 13 yrs old – I don’t know… I would be torn on what to do – I wouldn’t want my kid growing up fat – that’s hard – but I think that I would try and cook healthy and teach them good eating habits at that age and not just resort to surgery – and I sure and the hell wouldn’t do bypass – band yes..

I think that maybe 16 – 17 would be a better age – like the boy who is in the study.

Well, gotta get to work – talk to ya’ll later…

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Thanks Janet. I agonised for so long over whether or not to get a fill in the first place. Only to get there and have them tell me I probably should have come in a month ago. :)

So on the one hand I don't want to put off not going in if I need to. On the other hand I got what I wanted and my appetite disappeared. On the other hand I'm not doing my health any favors by not eating at all. On the other hand I'm losing the weight that should have been coming off all this time.

The solution is quite obvious to me now; I have far too many hands. :mad:

Seriously though, I need to think about this a little more. If I feel that my health is in danger, I WILL go back for an unfill. It was similar to this after my last fill in September and that settled down within a week. I'll give it another day or two.

Oh, and I haven't forgotten about those pics I promised in the other thread. Once I get them edited to size and figure out how to post them, I'll do that. :cake:

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Thanks Janet. I agonised for so long over whether or not to get a fill in the first place. Only to get there and have them tell me I probably should have come in a month ago. :)

So on the one hand I don't want to put off not going in if I need to. On the other hand I got what I wanted and my appetite disappeared. On the other hand I'm not doing my health any favors by not eating at all. On the other hand I'm losing the weight that should have been coming off all this time.

The solution is quite obvious to me now; I have far too many hands. :cake:

Seriously though, I need to think about this a little more. If I feel that my health is in danger, I WILL go back for an unfill. It was similar to this after my last fill in September and that settled down within a week. I'll give it another day or two.

Oh, and I haven't forgotten about those pics I promised in the other thread. Once I get them edited to size and figure out how to post them, I'll do that. :musical_note:

Ruby - I totally undertand all those hands - :mad: - Yes we want pics

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Look at how much your tummy has gone down :)

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I've missed a lot the last couple of days.

Janet--You are one classy looking woman! Beauty and Brains!

Steph--when one of my kids was 14, I would have sold him to the gypses--it was that awful. He learned to drywall to repair the holes he made in the walls. Lots of sleepless nights with that one. I wouldn't sign for his dirver's license until he shaped up. He went to tech school--and failed a couple of classes there until he finally started to figure things out. Now, at 28, he has his bachelor's degree and a great job as a Systems Engineer at a large insurance company that has earned distinction as the best place to work in the USA for several years. He plays bass guitar in our church's Praise Team and does the sound system. He's also taking classes at the church with one of his friends who has shown an interest. He's married and his wife is expecting their first baby. I'm not bragging; just want you to hang in there and have faith. Your son will straighten out.

Kari--I'm about 8 pounds away from overweight too. I can't wait. To me that's even better than onederland!!! Good for you!!!!!

Katrina--my li'l sis lived in Pensacola--right along the coast on the way to Perdido key--and got hit by Ivan too. Actually, their house is gone now. My husband spent a week in Biloxi rebuilding. My heart goes out to all of you. It's a beautiful area--I love vacationing in Gulf Shores--beaches are wonderful. I've had the same experiences about stimulating metabolism once in a while. For thoes who discredit us by saying that we're not doing the work: I've done this both ways. The only difference is that when I did it myself, I gained it all back plus. This time I expect the band to help me KEEP it off for the rest of my life. When I did it myself I never had problems with PB-ing and being up all night unable to sleep. I didn't have the constant reflux, hiccupping and burping. This is easier? I think not!

Ruby--I've been where you are. I think in time it will losen enough that you will be more comfortable. As long as you don't get dehydrated, and can get SOME calories in, you will be OK. (Now everyone, don't throw your rotten tomatoes at me. . .) A small McDonald's milkshake (440 calories) goes down real well and stays down. Yes, it's not a healthy snack, but when I couldn't even tolerate the Protein Shakes (oh my gosh, pb-ing thoes is awful) I could sip on a milkshake and feel comforted. The trick is to limit them--you can't do it every day, but ONCE IN A WHILE, when all else fails and you want to give up, go ahead and have one.

Brandy--I'm saying a prayer for you. How frustrated you sound and I would be too. You seem to be doing all the right things. Hang in there friend!

I have to echo what Janet said about you all being my friends. I am so blessed by this thread. I wish I could give as much as I get from all of you. Count me in on the trip to Chicago to boycott Oprah--you'll be in my neck of the woods. Chicago is a great place for us to get together. Lots to do there, especially in the summertime. I love that city.

Love you all,


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Hi all,

Kids are taking a test and working hard without me so I figure I can sit here and take a few minutes to check in. It's so nice when there are only 6 of them to watch. I think with a larger class I would have to be more on top of it. I don't envy you, Karri, at all with the big city classes. Sometimes I think these guys frustrate me so much just BECAUSE I have such small classes and know them all so well that I take their mess ups personally. I may not be THAT important to them but EACH ONE of them has a huge stake in my world.

That said, I went home last night and took time out for family. I decided that it was time to enjoy them for awhile instead of tolerate them. Played with the baby, read some books and did a couple of puzzles with the three year old, checked Jabba the Hut's homework (he went to play basketball last night so he wasn't home much), cooked dinner and did dishes (we eat on paper a LOT because I don't have time), and sat DH down and explain how what he was doing was hurting me. All in all, a great night! I ate some chx for dinner and had some soynut mix for snack. Went to bed happy instead of growlin/scowlin and you wouldn't believe the better attitude I have today.

I thought I was going to call in sick today because I needed a mental health adjustment but was much better this morning. So....now I am watching my last two classes take tests and feeling pretty good.

School lunch today was horrible for me....goulash, bananas, homemade buns....so I had 1/2 banana and some yogurt. Not enough Protein but I'll have one of my proticcinos for snack this afternoon and that will help. Why is our nations school lunch program so carb/bread/starch/crap heavy. They take the junk machines out but leave the junk in the subsidized programs. Isn't that a little hypocritical? If we want our kids to grow up not like us, we have to do something about what we train them with. Case in point, here is our lunch menu this week:

Yesterday - taco boats, canned peaches in HEAVY Syrup, cinnamon rolls (the size of your hand open),

Today I shared

Wednesday - meatloaf, baked potatos, gr. Beans, fruit Jello, homemade Buns

Thursday - breaded chicken patties, curly fries, lettuce salad, bananas, sugar Cookies, and homemade buns

Friday, BBQ beef sandwiches, baked beans, chips, fruit bar

For a low-carb, high protein meal, what should I eat? It KILLS ME! No wonder 1/2 the student body is overweight!

Okay enough from me. If you read this far, you're good friends. Well, you're good friends anyways....but bless you for hanging in there.

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Janet--You are one classy looking woman! Beauty and Brains!

He went to tech school--and failed a couple of classes there until he finally started to figure things out. Now, at 28, he has his bachelor's degree and a great job as a Systems Engineer at a large insurance company that has earned distinction as the best place to work in the USA for several years. He plays bass guitar in our church's Praise Team and does the sound system. He's also taking classes at the church with one of his friends who has shown an interest. He's married and his wife is expecting their first baby. I'm not bragging; just want you to hang in there and have faith. Your son will straighten out.

(Now everyone, don't throw your rotten tomatoes at me. . .) A small McDonald's milkshake (440 calories) goes down real well and stays down. Yes, it's not a healthy snack, but when I couldn't even tolerate the Protein Shakes (oh my gosh, pb-ing thoes is awful) I could sip on a milkshake and feel comforted. The trick is to limit them--you can't do it every day, but ONCE IN A WHILE, when all else fails and you want to give up, go ahead and have one.

I have to echo what Janet said about you all being my friends. I am so blessed by this thread. I wish I could give as much as I get from all of you. Count me in on the trip to Chicago to boycott Oprah--you'll be in my neck of the woods. Chicago is a great place for us to get together. Lots to do there, especially in the summertime. I love that city. Love you all, Linda

Linda - Thanks!!!!! But I got you all fooled - I am just a regular person high school education with some bacularete classes for my certificates in Insurance -- i can be a rotten little scoundler - I can talk to the President but Cuss like a salior :)

Good to hear your son did see the light - I firmly beleive that all you can do is your best and the rest is up to them - they will see the light eventually


No rotten tomatoes - We aren't perfect 100% we are normal and that is normal - when I was too tight I ate 1/2 c dairy free Ice Cream with nestle quick on top (choc powder over vanila ice cream) - If you are too tight you do need to get calories in somehow - you gotta live.

Ok gang - how about Meeting in Chicago this Summer - the April people are meeting in Tx - River Walk I think in May - for like Friday & Saturday Sunday..

To bad we don't have a travel agent among us... I think it would be so cool to get together - we can't cruise during the summer cuz of storms - but we could meet at one hotel and hang out .....

but EACH ONE of them has a huge stake in my world.

All in all, a great night! I ate some chx for dinner and had some soynut mix for snack. Went to bed happy instead of growlin/scowlin and you wouldn't believe the better attitude I have today.

Wednesday - meatloaf, baked potatos, gr. beans, fruit Jello, homemade Buns

Thursday - breaded chicken patties, curly fries, lettuce salad, bananas, sugar Cookies, and homemade buns

Friday, BBQ beef sandwiches, baked Beans, chips, fruit bar

If you read this far, you're good friends. Well, you're good friends anyways....but bless you for hanging in there.


My GS does better in smaller classes - he needs the attention... I am glad to hear that you are their for your kids - they will remember that when they get older

Glad to hear you had a nice night w/family - yes sometimes we just need to slow down..

Lunches do suck - take your own - I cooked extra fish last night (ya i know ya'll going to think i am going to turn into one big fish as much as i eat it:tongue:)

So that I would have lunch for a few days - but my GS ate 3 servings last nite so only have 2 days for lunch..

Well back to the grindstone - have support group tonite - 1st one just for banders - Phyl is going too - so I will be seeing her - it's not over til 8 so doubt if I will be on tonite - but know I will ck back before I go this afternoon.

Think about meeting up someplace this summer - it would be a blast...

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Ugh. Still at home sick.

Steph it is a good thing you posted yesterday cause I was getting ready to shoot you a PM to make sure you were doing alright. I taught at a small school the last 2 years so I understand what you mean about them being a huge part of you. This is my second time at a big school and I like it some ways better. Being anonymous does have its advantages sometimes! I am glad you had a better night. My BF has been a pain in the ass lately too. I think he is getting apprehensive about changing shifts and so he has this sort of "who cares" attitude. We were supposed to go to the superbowl party together, but literally as we were walking out the door, he decided he wasn't going to go. So I went by myself.

I have no idea what they serve for lunches at my school. I never go down there. I do know that when they feed the teachers it is NEVER healthy. The first week back before school actually starts, we were served 8 different meals. I was on mushies, so I couldn't eat, but none of it was healthy. Conferences are Thursday (14 hour work day, ugh) and they are feeding us sandwiches from our school cafe, but I still can't/dont want to try bread. I always just take my own lunch. Usually once/month I cook 3 or 4 big pots of something (chili, noodle-less lasagna, meatloaf) then freeze them so I can just grab them in the morning. I try to make sure that I count every single calorie in the morning so that I know how much to work off so that I can relax a little at dinner. We usually hve home cooked meals that are based on our imaginations so it is difficult to count calories.

So I did watch Oprah yesterday and it wasn't too bad. Sometimes she really does come across as an idiot though! And what was up with Dr. Oz saying that lap-band is not reversible. Hmmmmmmm. I think it is. Now I never plan on having mine out and that wasn't even remotely the reason that I chose banding over bypass, but let's get the facts straight. I am with you Janet on not knowing whether I would want a 13 year old getting bypass. I know that I would not have been successful as a child having this surgery. Hell I don't know that 2 years ago I would have been successful, but I digress. Here is the difference between me and those kids... It appeared that those kids had very supportive parents... I didn't.

Janet have fun at the support group. I am going to to to one on the 19th. The wife of our librarian had the surgery and is not doing well with it, so he thought maybe if we went to the support group together and she could see how successful I have been, that maybe she will get on board. It is not a good situation from what he has said, but maybe I need to hear her side. Could be interesting cause I don't mince words and I am a food cop!

Lindaa - No tomatoes here either. A milkshake is not a good choice, but if you are that tight it does have nutrients in it, so it is not horrible. I wish I could have had it, but ever since surgery I can't do dairy. That is what makes being on liquids so horrible for me. Everything nutritional is dairy based, but if I drink it then I am in the bathroom for the rest of the day. Soy milk disgusts me so that is out!

Well I need to finish grading these papers. I am able to think a bit better today, but I was so tired that I just couldn't go in this morning. Now I am really going to be behind, but oh well!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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