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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I stayed home. Went to school this morning to make copies, but then came back home. We are supposed to be getting a new couch delivered in less than an hour so then I can curl up on the couch with my box of tissues and watch daytime tv! I actually have a lot of work to do, but I am going to veg until about noon and then get busy. Besides I can't think anyways.

Yeah it always makes me angry whenever anyone even HINTS that WLS is the easy way out. The fact that there are so many people who are NOT successful with WLS should clearly show that this is not easy. Of course anyone who says anything about WLS and being easy gets a piece of my mind... and not the pretty part either.

Well I am going to try and eat something. My fill is really loosening up. I don't know if it will be to the point that I have to go back in the end of March and get a fill (VERY SMALL ONE!) or if I will be just fine here. My superbowl party was fun yesterday. I have realized though that when food is just sitting out I end up eating more than I should. At home, the food is always in the kitchen. Thankfully we do not have an open floor plan so I can't see the fridge or the microwave or any of the food, so I don't have a problem with grazing. I mean I did really well eating wise and made good choices (the people hosting new I had surgery and made sure to have high Protein choices for me!). I just happened to notice that I am more likely to graze when I see the food. One person did bring this ENORMOUS chocolate cake and I did have a piece of it and frankly I didn't think it was to die for. Now prior to these changes I would have done anything to have another piece, but now I am happy just having that half of a sliver (and not the part with the frosting HUGE NSV for me!). I am a huge frosting girl. For the first birthday that I had after my dad and I started talking again we celebrated together since is is shortly after mine. Instead of the cake, we both just ate the tubs of frosting. I know that had to lead to a few pounds that I am working off now!

Okay well I need to move our old love seat out of the way so I will check in later.

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I still am a frosting girl - not as bad but I still enjoy it - Yesterday at Son's they made french bread pizza - I ate the top of one - and had a few chips & dip - I get full fast even on chips.. DIL made steak - bake potatoes & broc for dinner - the meat was a little dry for my taste so didn't eat much mostly chewed and spit out (tmi) cuz I knew it would bet stuck if I didn't - I find that I can eat steak - but it has to be good steak filet migon (sp) something very soft - had my broc and tato (1/2) - then came home and had fish for my Protein - DIL had some carrot bundt cake I had sliver of this - where in the past it would have been 3 pieces.

Daytime tv:eek: I don't like Kelly Ripa (I liked her when she was on my soap) but she is to frickkin silly - I am not a silly kind of gal... I love being able to watch GMA when I am home - I love Diane Sawyer & Robin...

I thought about not comming in - but had too much on my desk - I think I need a mental health day - so maybe I will get my desk cleaned up and be sick tomorrow... Could go to the gym early - and ya I have my local lapband surport group meeting tomorrow night... so if I didn't have to work I could meet Phyl for and early dinner...

Well we will see how the day goes - If I stay on here all day - I sure and the heck won't be calling in tomorrow:tongue:

Karri btw we should go on oprah next year when we are 2 yrs out... Who wants to join us... We will give them a piece of our minds....

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Karri - I'm a frosting type of person too. I'm with you. Forget the cake, just give me frosting. For my oldest daughter's fourth birthday cake (she's 32) we got her a Miss Piggy cake (her hero) The boobs were mounds of frosting. HOG HEAVEN :lol: I found a couple of really cute tops in the Woman Within catalogue and since 2x's are getting pretty loose on me,. I'm ordering 1X. I can't even remember when I wore a lX.

Janet - I'll go with you to Oprah's. We'll show her. Hasn't she learned by now that plain weight loss doesn't work? DH spent the first day of his retirement plowing us out of a blizzard. Today, the second day of retirement, he is spending it in the bathroom puking. Things should look up by tomorrow for him.

Phyl - Isn't it great when someone finally tells you that you look great? I think you and me are the old folks here. The lame old folk. I don't do malls anymore. I can only shop where they have those motorized carts. My back is doing a lot better though with the weight loss. I can make it about three times further than before.



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SO here is the phrase that really gets to me "lost all that weight all on her own". :lol: I have heard that phrase a lot lately with all the new year's resolution shows and magazine covers and everytime I hear it, I go home and try to find that person that is doing the work for me. I keep waiting for that person to make all the food choices for me, drive me to the gym, run my miles for me, pedal away on the bike, and lift the weights for me. Why do I seem to be putting in all this effort if I am not doing it on my own. Whoever that "other person" is better starting pulling her fair share, cause this is ridiculous:biggrin:

They even say that the people on biggest loser "lost all that weight on their own!" Now I love that show, but seriously I don't think that putting people in an artificial environment and give them 2 personal trainers with an unlimited amount of time, education, and top of the line workout equipment is doing it any more on their own then I am.

I know I am preaching to the choir, but it just irritated me. Janet I am with you and Kari. Planning a vacation to Oprah to ambush her!

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OMG OMG OMG OMG! I AM OVERWEIGHT! So it would take a morbidly obese person to understand how excited I am to only be overweight. I just fixed my ticker and noticed that my BMI is below 30, so I went to check to see where that fell on the table and OMG! I AM OVERWEIGHT! :lol::success1::clap::party::hurray::eek::Banane48: :biggrin::woot::Banane22:

Maybe I went a little overboard but I won't ever be at the tipping point between obese and overweight again, so I had to celebrate!

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You can get as excited as you want ... You deserve it - you did the work....

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Hi all,

I've been a little scarce the last few days. I had way too much stress at home and didn't think I could be even a little positive, so figured it was best just to stay away.

For openers, would anyone want to adopt a 13 year old who knows everything and believes that homework/education is for everyone BUT him. Great kid. Talks back, lays on the couch whenever possible, believes that my couch cushions are garbage cans. Lovely child. Even willing to pay child support to the lucky new parent..... Second, any expert potty trainers willing to adopt a 3 1/2 year old who thinks that there is no reason to go in the toilet? Willing to pay big bucks to the person who takes him and breaks him. ANYONE????? Come ON!!!!! A little help here? Show me the love! How about a math teacher to teach my classes while I go on sabbatical. Not going to do anything interesting but it may keep some seventh graders alive long enough to make it to grade eight. No experience necessary. Ask them, I don't know a damned thing. Willing to job switch with you but if I have to go there, you get the parenting and potty training job too. And....I almost forgot....anyone looking for a mate? He's so motivational....asked me yesterday why I'm eating more than my 1/3 of a cup. He looked shocked when I kicked him in the shin and said it's a CUP PER MEAL, STUPID!! And the lovely comments about how much better other women look because knowing what GOOD looks like will make me strive for it so much more. He's got a good job, if that makes THAT offer any more appealing.

I did find a snack that curbs my sweet tooth. Del Monte makes a mandarin orange fruit cup. Only 70 cals (lets not discuss the carbs) and not too sweet but just enough to make it better.

I'm still stuck at 185 (by my scale which means at least +5 on docs). I want to cry but I'm not going to. I need to refocus on all the good because there is a bunch of good from losing this weight. I'm going to focus on Water and low cal foods this week and hopefully things will start moving. I'm not getting my hopes up though. Fill next Monday and maybe that will jumpstart something.

Looking back, I guess I'm still not very positive and probably should just lurk for a few more days until I have a better attitude. I just didn't want anyone to worry....not that you probably would have (in my most pitiful eeyore voice).

I've really been inspired by the last few days' comments. Way to go Phyll and Karri and so impressed by the exercise goals....thank you for the positive stuff to read. Honestly, without it, I probably would have fallen even further into this hole. Gotta get back to work. Kids will be coming in a couple of minutes.

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Ok Step - you can rant rave cry be happy be pissy we will understand.

1st of all you are not alone with the kid issue '

I have my almost 17 grandson - let me tell you - he did ok in 6th grade barely made it through 7th & 8th - maybe got 10 credits his fresh & soph yrs. (gotta say he not lazy - he is my little cleaner) I tried and tried to motivate him - I talked and I talked - you need an education - you need an education - in one ear & out the other. it wasn't until this yr he finally put his nose to the grind stone - Some kids aren't cut out to be book worms - they just aren't - no matter how much WE want them to - My GS has never really been into school - some kids aren't he has come to the realization that he has to get the work do so that he can graduate. He most likely won't go to college but some kind of trade school - that's ok - as long has he has a job and can support himself in life - it might not be up to my expectations - but those are mine not his my job it to try my best to guide him - but as we all know "whoever listened to their parents'"

- Potty Training - out of practice on that one - it's been 35 yrs since I had to do that w/my son and he did pretty well and so did my GS.. Can’t help there too much either sorry

as to DH - again can't help there either - I'm divorced so that tells you my patience with men... I liked that you kicked him - good job he deserve it.. so not much help there either - but I feel your pain -

Just take it one day at a time - this too shall pass - I only count calories and Protein - I try and stay low fat & sf but not all the time - your oranges sound good and healthy... Don’t' worry so - take your time you will find your groove. Can't help with your student's either - can barely add 1 + 1 with out the calculator - but giving you hugs hugs hugs - hope they do help a little anyway...

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Looking back, I guess I'm still not very positive and probably should just lurk for a few more days until I have a better attitude. I just didn't want anyone to worry....not that you probably would have (in my most pitiful eeyore voice).

I've really been inspired by the last few days' comments. Way to go Phyll and Karri and so impressed by the exercise goals....thank you for the positive stuff to read. Honestly, without it, I probably would have fallen even further into this hole. Gotta get back to work. Kids will be coming in a couple of minutes.

We're here for you, Steph. You can vent any time you need to!!

I'm way past teenagers and toddlers, but I still remember quite vividly!! I did have one kid who refused to be potty trained at 3 1/2 also... and had two others in diapers at that time and a husband in Viet Nam!! So, see, I completely understand! And we had one year when all four were teenagers at the same time!! That's about the time I decided I better quit working for a while!! They needed my undivided attention!

So, hang in there, kid!! This too shall pass, as they say!

My DH measures and weighs ALL my food!! In some ways I appreciate it, but usually it just really pisses me off. Yesterday I wanted a snack during the Super Bowl. I have baked chips and baked "Scoops". Well, he started to weigh me out 1/2 oz of the chips when he remembers that he ate all the dip so there's nothing to go with the chips. So I said, fine, I'll have some salsa and scoops.. nothing left but crumbs. So he gave me 1/2 oz of Scoops crumbs and salsa and a spoon to eat it with!! And on those days when the scale goes up, if I make the mistake of telling him that, he tells me exactly what I did wrong to make that happen. Grrrrrr!!

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Janet - I'll go with you to Oprah's. We'll show her. Hasn't she learned by now that plain weight loss doesn't work? DH spent the first day of his retirement plowing us out of a blizzard. Today, the second day of retirement, he is spending it in the bathroom puking. Things should look up by tomorrow for him.

Phyl - Isn't it great when someone finally tells you that you look great? I think you and me are the old folks here. The lame old folk. I don't do malls anymore. I can only shop where they have those motorized carts. My back is doing a lot better though with the weight loss. I can make it about three times further than before.

Yeah, that phrase "did it all on her own" irks me, too! Don't know if I want to watch that Oprah show or not! I'm kind of pissed at one of the TOPS rules in that regard, as well. If you've had WLS, TOPS puts you in a special division. That's fine... so you "compete", so to speak, with others who have had WLS, both bypass and lapband. BUT... that division is not eligible for what they call "Royalty". Each year, the person who has lost the most weight in their division for their chapter, state, national, win the title of "King" for the men, "Queen" for the women. So, if you have had WLS, you can't compete for those titles. I'd never lose enough to qualify, so that's not the point, it's just the principle of the thing that is annoying. I don't imagine anyone who has had lapband could "win" because you'd be competing with people who have had bypass. No contest. They lose faster. Anyways, I guess I'll quit rambling.

Yeah, I haven't been able to do malls without my scooter for a long time. Walking is definitely getting easier, though. Partial replacement in the right knee, but when we go back home, hope to have the left one fixed.

OMG OMG OMG OMG! I AM OVERWEIGHT! So it would take a morbidly obese person to understand how excited I am to only be overweight. I just fixed my ticker and noticed that my BMI is below 30, so I went to check to see where that fell on the table and OMG! I AM OVERWEIGHT! :lol::success1::clap::party::hurray::eek::Banane48: :biggrin::woot::Banane22:

Maybe I went a little overboard but I won't ever be at the tipping point between obese and overweight again, so I had to celebrate!

No, you didn't go overboard!! That's GREAT!! Congratulations!! I will be very happy, also, when I am no longer MORBIDLY OBESE!! What an awful distinction that is!!

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Phyl - I name you ROYALITY :biggrin:- QUEEN OF WLS for losing 60 lbs todate

screw them... We are doing it - they can all just jump in a lake - I think we are going to have to petition the Oprah show and people mag and all the others who say they did it on their own.... (the smiley above is as close as I could come to knighting you :lol:)

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Phyl - I name you ROYALITY :biggrin:- QUEEN OF WLS for losing 60 lbs todate

screw them... We are doing it - they can all just jump in a lake - I think we are going to have to petition the Oprah show and people mag and all the others who say they did it on their own.... (the smiley above is as close as I could come to knighting you :lol:)

Thank you, thank you!! We're all royalty here!! We've taken control of our lives and we're REIGNING OVER our OLD BAD EATING HABITS!!!

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Thank you, thank you!! We're all royalty here!! We've taken control of our lives and we're REIGNING OVER our OLD BAD EATING HABITS!!!

My bad 63.3 lbs

Just noticed your ticker CONGRATULATIONS

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Hi Gang! Janet, you have a fantastic memory!

I've been quiet cause I am still bummed about my band.

I drove to Toronto and spent the night with my daughter and went to the Hosp. for another fluro fill this a.m.

My doctor says the band is in perfect position around my stomach. Was wide open when I drank the xray material, he FILLED the band and showed me the restriction.... couldn't keep Water in so I had to PB that and he unfilled me 1/4 of a cc (ml)

I just had Soup for lunch/supper and now getting hungry again.

I hope this fill holds... the last one held for 5 days and then nothing...


sorry to be such a bummer, but I don't feel encouraged.

Did anybody see Dr. Oz on Oprah today with Bariatric and Lapband teenager patients??? very interesting

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I agree wholeheartedly with you Karri. Even with the band, we did it ourselves. Hey, if you want to get picky................did Oprah do it by herself?? I don't think so. How many trainers, personal cooks etc. did she have?? I sometimes wish I never told the world about my band cause the 60 some pounds lost to date has been all me. But, I was so proud of myself for taking control of my life and overcoming my depression that I had to have a big mouth. (it matches the rest of me)

Stephanie - No Thanks. Been there......Done that. :rolleyes2: But I will say an extra prayer for you.

Phyll - Have to agree with Janet here. We're all royalty. We done it all on our own. Don't let anyone tell you differently. I have to keep reminding myself that I AM WOMAN!! HEAR ME ROAR!!! We will do it!!!:wink2::welldoneclap::)

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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