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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Phyl you look wonderful!!! The jeans look great on you!

Salsa- so glad your BF is going with you. Sorry about your dad not making it. I know what you are talking about with the evil step mom trying to make sure to much of a bound is made. It is a VERY long story but I have the same. Dad has a second family (26 years ago they got married). We have always maintained contact but it is has been a strained relationship. My full biological brother and sister have no relationship with my dad now. I refused to give into her so I take her with a grain of salt and just never 'went away' like my siblings did. I will do what I have to do to maintain that relationship with my dad. I know he loves me and it hurts him that my siblings don't call or come down to see him. He talks to them when he is in Iowa which is about once every 2-3 years. I call him 2 times a week and we go there about 2-3 times a year. Good luck and hugs to you.

Thank you all for the compliments! When I went to the PA at the surgeons office last Wednesday she said 'girl you have a whole new make-over going on look at you!!' My hair is longer now and I did that shadowing underneath and even wore my glasses!!! I NEVER where my glasses. I always wear my contacts but like I told you all before my contact got ripped and I ordered last week and still don't have them. I have gotten lots of compliments this week on my 'new look'. I do feel alot more confident lately. I have noticed the last couple of times when we go out that some people that we have known and not seen for a while give me a second look and even a couple second and third looks coupled with a little flirting from others. Now I am married and don't plan to leave the hubby but I have to say DAMN it feels good to be noticed a little. LOL I told hubby that and he just laughs. Last night I put my favorite pair of capris on that I had worn before surgery. OMG!! I walked out into the living room where hubby was and he laughed so hard he had tears rolling. They were falling off if I didn't hold onto the waist band. Then we went down to in laws so that I could show them. MIL said 'OMG!! Look at that!' It was fun to be able to 'see' the difference in the clothes I wore 'then' and now. I will always keep that pair of capris and my largest pair of jeans I ever wore to remind myself of the difference in before and after. I know I can see it now but it is amazing to me to really put it into respective and see it when holding up those jeans and todays jeans. :cursing:

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I have a question for those who have a Body Bugg.

1 How long does your battery last?

Do you find the battery lasts longer if you upload daily?

Do you uploade 1 or 2 times a day?

Does your battery last longer if you upload more than one day's worth of data?

Thanks for your replies. I think it eats batteries and I never get two weeks out of my batteries.

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Look at you, Phyl, wearin jeans and lookin good! You look like you're having a great day with your sister. You probably got in a lot of exercise, so the couple extra ounces of wine was a wash. Did you use your scooter at all?

We did have a GREAT time and I'm so glad because her DH is such a jerk. I don't think he even bought her a birthday present. And at the tram, just before you board, they pose you for a photo.. cruise ship style, and she said several times "put your arm around me" and the J...A.. wouldn't and had to be coaxed by the photographer to stand closer to her. Grrrrr.

Yes, I'm proud of those jeans!! I did walk some, but not too much. We were at the street fair about three hours and it's all spread out, so no way. And at the tram, once we got up there we were up & down & up & down the elevator I don't know how many times... There were gift shops to see and we went out on the observation deck to look at the view, etc. But, out and about and having fun is good... much more exercise than sitting in the RV in front of the TV which is probably what I"m going to be doing today because it won't stop raining!!

Weird winter weather in the desert this year, eh Janet???? IndioGirl.... where are you???

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I have a question for those who have a Body Bugg.

1 How long does your battery last?

Do you find the battery lasts longer if you upload daily?

Do you uploade 1 or 2 times a day?

Does your battery last longer if you upload more than one day's worth of data?

Thanks for your replies. I think it eats batteries and I never get two weeks out of my batteries.

My battery lasts usually about 2-2 1/2 weeks. I bought the display with mine and I only upload about every 2 weeks. I try to keep track of my calory intake on my own and then I have the display to tell me my burned calories. I honestly think it is something to do with the batteries. I have had a couple of times that I put BRAND NEW OUT OF THE PACK batteries in and they lasted 1 day and then a couple others were 3-4 days. Just a thought. How do you like your bugg? I still love mine. Feel naked without it. I took it off for New Years eve night, the only night I have gone with out it in 4 months and I felt ackward. HAHA

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It's almost 11pm and I want to be tired....but I had a bad day so I could be up for awhile...

I had a great eating day. By noon I had already gotten half my Water in. That NEVER happens. Normally I'm drinking 48 oz. at 9pm just to say I got my water in. Had a glass of diet v8 fusion and a glass of Protein Drink for Breakfast. A bowl of Protein oatmeal from that diet place I was talking about the other day. For snack I had some soy nuts. dinner was a WONDERFUL beef enchilada. Night snack some soy nut mix. It was so awesome for me. And at no point today was I feeling like I NEEDED something.

On the other hand I did NOTHING for the entire afternoon. I did make myself walk a mile with my video before I could eat dinner, but that was the sum total of movement today. I was horrible....even took a NAP! So now I will pay for it by not sleeping tonight. I guess I deserve that.

Tomorrow I will make sure I get more moving in. Having an eating day like today mixed with a good exercise day and I can call myself successful. I can't even blame my back because when I do get up and get moving it feels better.

Have a great Sunday everyone. I will check in sometime tomorrow.

I'm confused Stephanie. :cursing: To me it looks like you had a great day! You ate well, you exercised and you rested. That's a healthy balance my dear!! Sometimes our bodies need a vacation as well. You gave it one afternoon. Just one. Don't feel guilty about that. Rest is just as important as exercise and eating well. You have to let your body rejuvenate. Now don't you beat yourself up because from where I'm sitting, you had a fantastic day. :thumbup:

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Jackie - you're looking terrific. Karri was right, you can really see the confident attitude. That, along with the new bod is a very attractive combination. Good for you.

Still struggling to get there myself in my head, but it'll come. :cursing:

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Jackie CONGRATULATION on looking Hot & Confident

Peaches - It's been 5 yrs what's nudge nudge wink wink :) oh ya i think i remember:tongue: - Yes counts as exercise.

Karri - How was the Opera! I was lucky my Stepmom was ok we got along well - she made my Dad happy and ended up with all us kids (3) plus her 1 after my mom died.. She really wasn't super motherly but she was good to us - truly she was my mother longer than my mom was my mom - my mom 15 yr - stepmom was my mom for 26 yrs. I have very fond memories of her.. I am sorry that your stepmom is a little "B"

I don't understand it - you are his kid - what's there to be jealous of..

Phyl - Im here - the rain was about to flood my house if it kept up - Had to call my Son this morning cuz the side of the house was a lake and Water coming up on patio - if it keeps raining - it was going to get close to commin in my back slide - so my son & gd's came over and he got most of the water to drain. So I made them all breakfast and they just left.

Your sis is the same age as my sis - she will be 60 in November.. I am glad you had a good time - and you said the food was good - I think they changed cuz it use to be the food was $$$ and not very good - haven't been up there for a while

To bad her dh is an ah - its good that she got to spend the day with you...


Isn't it great to get rid of those clothes - I have 5 sacks myself and most likely need to clean what's in my closet even more - My 14's from the avenue - are very baggy - and I know I have a few 16's - so they need to go in the bag

Steph - I am happy you are doing good - I still nap every now and then still - we need to make up for what we don't get during the week.

Katrina - I have given my big girl clothes to a freind and the rest will go to the Martha's Village - a local homeless shelter.

Shout out to Linda, Ruby, Riberty

The sun was trying to pop out for about a second - need to go to the store - but don't feel like putting my face on :tongue: - at least if it starts raining again my house won't flood. My Son can be a real butthead at times - but he is there when I really need him - and that's what counts...

Still very tight - had 1/2 sauage link and a couple bites of toast - but heck you can't live this tight - not phyically hungry right now - but mentally I am -

Mad Money is a cute & entertaining show - no violence - cussing - sex etc - Just plain old entertainment.. Enjoyed it - had a few piece of popcorn and got about 1/2 pt drink down - dinner tried an omelet - had about 3 bites - had to get up and walk - felt the slime coming on - then had 1/2 mocca light frappicino - thought I needed help in the bm dept as I hadn't gone in a few days 4 or 5 - i know tmi - but finnaly this morning did..:wink2:

Well that's about it - want to cook a pot of something cuz it's so rainy - but don't know what - sick of Soup - I mean sick of it - maybe I will go to the food channel and look for something soft & creamy without too may calories - but heck I can't eat enough for something fatting to go to the hips...

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Karri - How was the Opera! I was lucky my Stepmom was ok we got along well - she made my Dad happy and ended up with all us kids (3) plus her 1 after my mom died.. She really wasn't super motherly but she was good to us - truly she was my mother longer than my mom was my mom - my mom 15 yr - stepmom was my mom for 26 yrs. I have very fond memories of her.. I am sorry that your stepmom is a little "B"

I don't understand it - you are his kid - what's there to be jealous of..

Still very tight - had 1/2 sauage link and a couple bites of toast - but heck you can't live this tight - not phyically hungry right now - but mentally I am -

So the opera is a no go. Good thing my dad didn't come over because we have gotten almost 8 inches of snow in the last 4 hours. Fortunately for him, they cancelled the show and he will get his money back. We did find another opera that is about an hour from where he lives that we are going to go to in March. It all worked out. I am just excited that he was going to make the effort to come over here. The opera (Barber of Seville) is special to us because we used to conduct to it when I was very little (like 2-3 y.o.). He moved out when I was 4 and pretty much stopped having contact with me until 5 or 6 years ago. It was a combination of him not having good parenting skills (his parents were abusive), my mom not wanting him in my life and his wife being well... herself. But when my grandma died we decided that we were both adults and that we should try and get to know each other. We don't talk very often, but I do see him almost everytime I go back to visit my brother and my doctor. I still am a little hesitant to get too close. Abandonment issues!

Janet I was thinking about you last night when we went out to dinner. I was able to order a side of chicken breast and could eat without pain:lol::wink2:. I am still pretty tight in the morning though. Yogurt has become my new breakfast food and even then I can feel pressure. I have decided that for me the band allows me to stay fuller longer, but that I don't use it to help me control my portions. I put 1 cup of food (sometimes less) in front of me and that is all that I eat. The band has rarely helped me stop eating, but does allow me to only eat 3-4 times per day. I think that is why I hate being so tight. I didn't mentally feel like it was enough to eat so the head hunger was almost unbearable. My brain has been trained now to know that it can only have 1 cup of food, so anything more than that actually makes me a little nervous. I think to myself (and sometimes say outloud!) "How does anyone expect me to eat all of that food!"

Well I just got home from the gym and haven't had a whole lot to eat today so I am feeling a little fatigued. Off to get some food.

Chat later.

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I'm confused Stephanie. :wink2: To me it looks like you had a great day! You ate well, you exercised and you rested. That's a healthy balance my dear!! Sometimes our bodies need a vacation as well. You gave it one afternoon. Just one. Don't feel guilty about that. Rest is just as important as exercise and eating well. You have to let your body rejuvenate. Now don't you beat yourself up because from where I'm sitting, you had a fantastic day. :)

I guess looking at how I wrote it, you would be confused. It sounds like a really good day on screen. I guess the "bad" part is how it made me feel. Since I have lost a bit of weight I haven't had to nap in the last month or so. I have a ton of energy and my weekends have been filled with days of going and DOING instead of sitting and watching. So yesterday felt like failure. I know that my body needs rest sometimes but I didn't have anything to rest from. It was more out of boredom that I slept and didn't do anything. The only other thing I usually do out of boredom and didn't was eat.

And today I feel about the same. Tired. Just so blah. Where did my energy go? I don't know...maybe it's pms but shouldn't be this early...I'm really growly today too. DH looked at me and I snapped off some snotty comment.

My big concern, I guess, is that those activities (sitting on the couch and napping) were part of the problem...not the solution. I don't want to go back there. I'm stuck in a rut and need to climb out. I need another attitude adjustment. Lots of reasons for it and not many solutions....

Salsa -- sorry to hear about your botched plans but we'd take that snow over here in NE Montana. It's 45 and melting here. My snowmobile is NEVER going to get out of the trailer at this rate. I'm also sorry that you missed the opportunity to spend time with your dad. There were 3 years that my dad and I didn't speak and I regret ever day of them now that he is gone. Its great that you are patching up a relationship. You are right, you're an adult now and can take things at face value. Take the good with the bad, and enjoy what can be.

Well, off to do something...even if it's wrong.

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So the opera is a no go. Good thing my dad didn't come over because we have gotten almost 8 inches of snow in the last 4 hours. Fortunately for him, they cancelled the show and he will get his money back. We did find another opera that is about an hour from where he lives that we are going to go to in March. It all worked out. I am just excited that he was going to make the effort to come over here. The opera (Barber of Seville) is special to us because we used to conduct to it when I was very little (like 2-3 y.o.). He moved out when I was 4 and pretty much stopped having contact with me until 5 or 6 years ago. It was a combination of him not having good parenting skills (his parents were abusive), my mom not wanting him in my life and his wife being well... herself. But when my grandma died we decided that we were both adults and that we should try and get to know each other. We don't talk very often, but I do see him almost everytime I go back to visit my brother and my doctor. I still am a little hesitant to get too close. Abandonment issues!

Janet I was thinking about you last night when we went out to dinner. I was able to order a side of chicken breast and could eat without pain:lol::wink2:. I am still pretty tight in the morning though. Yogurt has become my new breakfast food and even then I can feel pressure. I have decided that for me the band allows me to stay fuller longer, but that I don't use it to help me control my portions. I put 1 cup of food (sometimes less) in front of me and that is all that I eat. The band has rarely helped me stop eating, but does allow me to only eat 3-4 times per day. I think that is why I hate being so tight. I didn't mentally feel like it was enough to eat so the head hunger was almost unbearable. My brain has been trained now to know that it can only have 1 cup of food, so anything more than that actually makes me a little nervous. I think to myself (and sometimes say outloud!) "How does anyone expect me to eat all of that food!"

Well I just got home from the gym and haven't had a whole lot to eat today so I am feeling a little fatigued. Off to get some food.

Chat later.

Karri - Isnt it funny how when somethng happens we think of each other here... I know that not everyone has told about the surgery - but I have and i am ALWAYS talking about you guys...

I was just cking the food network for receipts for Soups - something creaming - I have too much in my fridge now - cream of pinto -too spicy

- a little crab Soup tired of it and some broc cheese not crazy about but I don't want any of those - I was thinking chili -I don't know - I would love a good RARE steak - i must need Iron or something...

Well i guess I will but my face on the dogs need food - gs needs food - i don't know what I need - but being this tight would drive anyone one to binge on the foods that go down easy.... Think about that - can't eat enought good foods - but can eat bad foods..

Ok off to the store ck w/ya'll later

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Jackie-You look great. I can really see the difference.

Phyll-loved the pic with your sister. I find that those type of pics don't come around too often. Just remember, when you start turning green, start building an ark.

Steph- We all need naps once in a while. Watch it though, the last time I napped on a Sunday afternoon, I woke up and found out that my son and Husband bought a Mustang.

Karri-Enjoy whatever time you have with your dad. We used to stop and see my dad after church every Sunday until my dad's ladyfriend informed us that we weren't welcome, that we were intruding on their time together. He's gone now, since 82 and I still wish I could talk with him.

Janet-Go ahead, eat some good stuff. We all have to do it once in while.


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Karri-Enjoy whatever time you have with your dad. We used to stop and see my dad after church every Sunday until my dad's ladyfriend informed us that we weren't welcome, that we were intruding on their time together. He's gone now, since 82 and I still wish I could talk with him.

Janet-Go ahead, eat some good stuff. We all have to do it once in while.


Kari - eating what I want and eating healthy two diff things :):wink2:

I don't know how I would deal if a lady tried to keep me from my Dad.. Don't think my Dad would let it happen - I have such good memories of my Dad = even when I got pg at 16 - he wasn't happy but NEVER was mean or said really bad things to me - I moved out at 16 and one day he came knocking on my apt door giving me $40 buck saying it was from my mom's social security - $40 buck in 1971 was alot of money - every month he gave it to me and I would go home for Sunday dinner and to wash my clothes - back in those day's Dad's weren't let in the hospital when you had a baby - only mothers & husband - My dad was leaving for the beach and told those nurses he was going to see his daughter and he did he and my stepmom came and visited - and he sent me a dozen red roses - My Daddy loved me - It's cuz of him I am the person I am.. Ok now i'm friggin crying - I sure do miss my Dad...

Steph - I use to sleep away my weekends too - so I can relate - but I still will have a sat or sun that I just don't feel like doing anything - and won't leave the house - I still will nap on a weekend - Don't feel guilt - my gosh we can't go 24/7 - What is there to do all the time - there is only so much shopping, cleaning going to the movies - heck gas is too much can just go for a ride either. Relax - it's ok to be lazy every now and then - It won't become habit - I promise .

Ok gang - if i can quit being a big old cry baby booby here ...

I got online to tell you about the great find i got at the store

BLACKBERRY TEA (LIPTON) i am always reading on the site where when people are hungry bored etc - they go make some tea . So as i was walking down the aisle - looking at the tea - this one hit me - cuz I love blackberries - I am sipping some as I type - it's really good and I ususally don't like flavored teas - I like just plain old tea. But is a treat.

OK - I almost and I mean almost bought some toll house choc chip ready to bake Cookies - I really really wanted them - i thought OH it's cold and rainy - fresh baked hot cookies - are soft and I bet I could eat them with no problem. I have not been that tempted in 6 months to eat them- I guess it's cuz I feel so deprived right now. I'm not even making a creamed Soup I am making abodogans (mex meatball soup) with ground turkey.

Well of to make my meat balls and another cup of this tea - better ck to see if it has caffine???

Be back later...

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Hi Everybody,

I'm way behind on reading all these posts. I hope I have time at work tomorrow. I have to go downstairs and wash clothes now.

Phyl and Jackie - Ya'll are looking great gals!!!

Kathy - I can't remember if I posted this, so sorry about your dad. I lost mine 2.5 years ago. Very hard. Me, DH, and the kids were always with my parents. Went everywhere with them. I miss him fierce.

I have a fill appt. Thurs. No fill for me. I am so tight, I puke daily. I just can't figure out how to eat food. Am I trying to eat too much, am I not chewing enough? How do I know when to stop? Honestly, this is hard for me.

I'm still getting hives every night, sometimes bad, sometimes light. I don't know what the hell going on.

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Oh, I forgot some good news.

We adopted a kitten last Sat.

OMG, I love her. I could eat her up, but I'd probably PB.

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I have a fill appt. Thurs. No fill for me. I am so tight, I puke daily. I just can't figure out how to eat food. Am I trying to eat too much, am I not chewing enough? How do I know when to stop? Honestly, this is hard for me.

I'm still getting hives every night, sometimes bad, sometimes light. I don't know what the hell going on.


What are you eating - are you eating too fast and not chewing - I will pb if i did these things before my last fill which is TOO TIGHT - I pb'd on fudgecicle.

I would ck w/your doc on the hives issue - you are allegic to something..

I stop eating when I am full - yes old fashion full - which is ususlly after my fish and rice then wait about ten minute and eat my veggies some days i do and some i don't (mostly do) - but this was before this last fill - don't get too tight it's hell - more mental hunger cuz you really can't eat anything... you are hungry but can't eat.

Well going to Son's for my bday dinner (early cuz my DIL has to work on my dbay) I asked for coconut cup cake So I will get my treat :wink2: - hope I can eat dinner - if not I will have my Soup when I get home...

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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