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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Chim, I'm not sure if naproxen is technically an NSAID. I think ít's a COX-inhibitor simliar to Vioxx, but less damaging to the stomach, which is why it's still on the market and Vioxx was taken off. Best to check with the doctor about such things.

I agree. Everyone should check w/his/her doc. I just remember learning that in my pre-op 'classes'. So I had to get rid of all of my Aleve and replace it w/Tylenol.

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Hey everyone!! How was your weekend. Mine is ok. Nothing really exciting. LOL We went out for a while Saturday night. I drank a few Rasberry sours so I am not getting on the scale today because I am afraid it will be up. UUUGGHHHH Before going out though I was at 197. Hoping I don't go back over 200 because of a little night out.

I wore a new pair of pants. SIZE 12 JEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!! Then get this. When I put my contacts away Friday I caught one of them in the lid when I was twisting it and I found it ripped yesterday. Called the optomestrist office because I had ordered more but hadn't gotten them yet. THEY WERE CLOSED!!!! So I had to wear my glasses (something I NEVER do when I go out) and I week ago I got my hair done and I done shadowing on it. It is really dark under neither and high-lighted on top. So we go out last night to just a little town bar that we go to if we go any place where locals from this little hick area go. You would not believe how many of them said gosh you look so different. You look great I love your glasses. Then one of our friends that we have not seen for quite a while (about may a year) comes in and he didn't even recognize me at first. LOL He said hello to the 2 people I was setting with (hubby was playing cards) and then I kept looking at him and then he goes 'shit Jackie!!! I didn't even know who you were. Are you letting your hair grow?" lol Then the guy we were setting with (my cousin) says 'she looks hot don't she?! Jackie stand up. Look at her she looks great if she weren't my cousin and her hubby were setting over there playing cards while she sat here I would be hitting on her and whisk her away to another bar to dance.' LOL The other friend said 'damn girl you have lost a lot of weight, your hair is longer and different, and you are wearing glasses. Talk about a major make over!! Not that you were bad looking before but you look really different and HOT!!' It was nice to hear the compliments but also very uncomfortable a bit. I am very self conscious and as I said before I want to mold into the furniture so people don't notice me. Part of me that someday I hope will start to fall away with the weight.

Hubby quit playing cards when these guys that we didnt' know came in and my girlfriend and I played pool with them and they were getting flirty. LOL He came over and introduced himself and made sure they knew he was my HUSBAND. LOL On the way home I was laughing at him and told him he was almost to the point of beating on his chest like a cave man staking his ground. LOL He said that one guy was really flirty and I wanted him to know you can look but not touch. LOL We were laughing. I actually felt a little 'normal' and didn't feel like I STUCK out because of my abundance of weight.

I have been thinking this morning about last night and how good I felt and I still have 62 pounds to lose. I can not imagine how wonderful I will feel then and I wonder if I will still be self conscious.

I admit I have been awful about exercising!!! I have done it here and there but haven't been regularly doing it. I really need to work on toning now. I do not have the folds of skin yet, knock on wood!!! I am hoping if I start toning maybe I won't have to do surgery but I don't know. They say we shouldn't have any plastics for a year after we reach goal because our skin will take some time to catch up. I watched Big Medicine the other night and there was a woman that had lapband and was at goal at 18 months but she had plastics right away. I don't think I want to do that. Scared the hell out of me though because she started at the same weight that I did and she was at 165 I think and she had lots of sag. I am hoping that is because she didn't exercise alot. I really don't have really saggy excess skin yet. I am crossing my fingers. I mean I know that I may have some but I just don't want it like folds ya know. I really need to work on my arms. They need lots of toning. They are smaller than they were but mushy. They need some major workout. I will never wear sleeveless shirts or anything though. Never did before even when I was small.

Everyone seems to be doing so well. Welcome to Stephanie and I will check back later. Going to catch up now.

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Thank you Janet! It's always nice to hear someone has noticed because sometimes its hard to tell yourself. I went in for my 4th fill last week and I am FINALLY feeling restriction. I am so excited. (i have one of those dr's who will only let you come in to get a fill every 6 weeks) so its been a slow process. Sometimes I get really discouraged because I see everyone who has lost 60, 70 pounds and im not losing that fast. But it does feel good to hear someone can see a difference. LoL Hopefully now that i have some restriction the pounds will start falling off! haha! I still dont feel tight, but maybe in another 5 weeks! agh... my dr. is so conservative! LoL Have a good day everyone!

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Janet--just trying to help. You give so much to everyone else. But even "just walking" can be straining to leg muscles. I hope you're feeling better. Can you take naproxen or something like that when it gets too bad? DD is coming home this weekend. She's been using an elliptical at school and loves it. We're going to start planting the seeds with DH about getting one. It might take awhile for him to come around (since we still have 2 in college, money's tight), but we gotta start sometime. Make it a great week, everyone!

Thanks Linda - I just have this mental pic of me working out hard - which is really funny to me, cuz I am such a lazy person - I do it but don't super enjoy it. - yes I do step up the pace for a couple songs - but nothing much. I have gotten on the elliptical once - but it seem to hurt my knees - so I stick to the treadmill - Truly I have been bad about my Water and Vitamins - so I am trying to get back in the groove with these 2 and see if that helps the problem - I have liquid Tylenol which takes care of the problem along with a little vicoden left over from surgery...

Hello! How's everyone?

I've been doing really well. I've lost another 12lbs this past month for a grand total of 44lbs lost! I'm down from 289 to 244...YAY!!! I will be posting pics soon. I have to take a current photo. I'm going back to catch up on other postings. I miss ya'll!!!

Hey Chim - CONGRATULATION 44 LBS GONE... Can't wait to see your pic's – And Please come around more often – last night I was thinking about all the people who don’t post anymore –You - Sunny – Jeanine – Lynette – Marcy – Dini (well her and Marcy do stick their heads in every now and then) and I know I am missing a whole lot more but – I am old so please forgive me I a forgetting a lot of names but these are the ones that are coming to me this second.

I wore a new pair of pants. SIZE 12 JEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I He said that one guy was really flirty and I wanted him to know you can look but not touch. LOL We were laughing. I actually felt a little 'normal' and didn't feel like I STUCK out because of my abundance of weight.

Jackie - I am so happy for you - I know about those 12 jean - they make you feel - hot - - Guys flirting with you - how cool is that - and hubby being caveman - gotta love it

Thank you Janet! It's always nice to hear someone has noticed because sometimes it’s hard to tell yourself. !

Kristin- Yes you can see the diff - My doc has you come back every 2 months except since I didn't get filled last month - I am going this month. I need a tad cuz I can guzzle water.. You will get to your sweet spot - just be patience - I know you are talking to the queen of impatience...

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Okay, before I admit to my sins here I just have to tell you Phyll, you look amazing. You should be so proud of yourself. You are looking really good. I am going to have to have one of my daughters post a before and after picture of me one of these days.

OKAY food ANGELS- Get ready..........I was really bad this weekend. I don't know what it was but I just ate and ate and ate.....like there was no tomorrow. Like it was the last supper. I just couldn't get enough to eat. So now today, I'm trying to get back on track and I am spending my time arguing with myself. I'm doing pretty good though. I've only had yougurt for Breakfast so far and I've pedaled 81 minutes. Now if I make it through the rest of the day I'll be doing great. They say confession is good for the soul, so I hope confession is good for the cravings too.

I'm ready now. Fifty lashes with a wet noodle. OH WAIT, not a wet noodle. I'll probably end up eating it. I'll check in later and let you know how I'm doing today.

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Okay, before I admit to my sins here I just have to tell you Phyll, you look amazing. You should be so proud of yourself. You are looking really good. I am going to have to have one of my daughters post a before and after picture of me one of these days.

OKAY food ANGELS- Get ready..........I was really bad this weekend. I don't know what it was but I just ate and ate and ate.....like there was no tomorrow. Like it was the last supper. I just couldn't get enough to eat. So now today, I'm trying to get back on track and I am spending my time arguing with myself. I'm doing pretty good though. I've only had yougurt for breakfast so far and I've pedaled 81 minutes. Now if I make it through the rest of the day I'll be doing great. They say confession is good for the soul, so I hope confession is good for the cravings too.

I'm ready now. Fifty lashes with a wet noodle. OH WAIT, not a wet noodle. I'll probably end up eating it. I'll check in later and let you know how I'm doing today.

Kari - :lol: I

Ok what was going on that made you want to eat ... That’s my 1st question – what was behind the urge to eat everything in sight – were , stressed – what were you feeling…

I believe that sometime we do have to give in to our urges - but we need to limit them - Ok self - I really want ice cream - go out to ice cream store get a double scoop of your fav and eat it (don't buy half gallon cuz you will keep eating til it's all gone) - whatever you want - go out and have some or make a portion (normal) and sit down eat it - enjoy it - savor it - then say to yourself - OK I had it - I enjoyed it - I feel better - I am done.. We are NOT on a DIET we are just learning to eat healthy - and some days we aren't - it's what you do 98% of the time that is going to show your successes - not that 2% -

Another suggestion is that you keep low calorie healthy Snacks around for these times - I eat popcorn when I just want to eat - or I will just get the hell out of the house.

Your penance is that I want you to ride your bike an extra 20 miles this week.. :wink2:

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Morning ladies,

Everyone's been busy posting over the weekend. I've not been able to get in front of my computer because my son's been on it most of the time. Possession being 9/10ths and all that, lol.

Phyl - you look fantastic! You can see a significant difference there. Good for you! I don't think I have any before shots of myself. I always avoided cameras. I let my hubby take pics of me in my bra and panties for the first few months in case I wanted to watch my progress, but I've never looked at them. I still can't bring myself to do that.

Chim - good to see you back here. We've missed you!

Janet - maybe your new scales aren't calibrated properly. Is there something in the manual that shows you how to do that?

Twilight - Good to have you join us. You'll find that we'll become just as dependent on you for your feedback as you will on us. I still consider myself to be focused on food. It's a different type of focus now. I don't start my day eating breakfast and wondering what I can have for lunch. My focus now is more like "what can I get down and keep down that I'll enjoy". Plus it has to be good for me. I still think about food a lot, I've just changed the way I think about it for myself.

Yesterday was a very strange day for me. I woke up in the morning and my ovaries ached. :lol: Aunt Flo is due next week, so that's probably what that's about. But I also couldn't get any food down the whole day. I had a glass of orange juice for breakfast. I had a Tomato for lunch - it was part of a greek salad, but all I could find the stomach for was the tomato. We went to Pei Wei for dinner and I shared a meal of Sweet and Sour shrimp with my son. I was hungry. I couldn't even make my way through one shrimp without getting the golf ball effect. I excused myself to the bathroom to clear things out. I thought that perhaps I had eaten too fast and not chewed enough because I was hungry. I started again very slowly on a piece of pineapple but within a minute of eating that I was off to the bathroom again. I was STARVING. Came home and had some crackers and a little more juice and felt somewhat better. But I don't understand this sudden increase in restriction. I'm putting it down to Aunt Flo's impending visit.

I'm thinking I should at least try a Protein Shake this morning, but the thought of it has my gag reflexes primed and ready for action. :wink2:

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Morning ladies,

Janet - maybe your new scales aren't calibrated properly. Is there something in the manual that shows you how to do that?

Aunt Flo is due next week, so that's probably what that's about.

I'm thinking I should at least try a Protein Shake this morning, but the thought of it has my gag reflexes primed and ready for action.

Ruby - I looked for that but didn't find anything - I am marking it up to an error on the new scale.. But will wait unitl I go to the doc's on Wed...

I have read on the boards that Aunt Flo can make your band tighter.

I'm with you on the Protein Shakes - what I do is add some red seed grapes - banana - rasperry and a thingie of yogurt ice and vanilla or unflavor powder and it comes out ok - - add alot of fruit it helps...

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Hello Everyone,

I am a July bandster and new to this thread. I Have had a bumpy but steady weight loss, But I have to admit I really havn't started a regular excersice routine.:lol:

I was looking around and have seen some great plans people have and thought that I would try the couch to 5k run!:wink2: SO.... I was just wondering what you ladies have done for your routine and if any one has done or tried the couch to 5k run?

also FRUSTERATED! I do the same thing, I know when aunt flow is on her way because I cannot eat anything! My fill doc say's it's due to Water retention while your visitor is in town. It didn't start until after my second fill.



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Hello Everyone,

I am a July bandster and new to this thread. I Have had a bumpy but steady weight loss, But I have to admit I really havn't started a regular excersice routine.:wink2:

I was looking around and have seen some great plans people have and thought that I would try the couch to 5k run!:wink2: SO.... I was just wondering what you ladies have done for your routine and if any one has done or tried the couch to 5k run?




I have seen the thread - but I don't know what it intails - I go to the gym and walk 3 miles on the treadmill 4 to 5 days a week.. It works for me I don't like exercising too much - but know that if i want to be able to eat & lose weight I gotta exercise.

Welcome by the way :lol:

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I agree. Everyone should check w/his/her doc. I just remember learning that in my pre-op 'classes'. So I had to get rid of all of my Aleve and replace it w/Tylenol.

Where the heck have you been girl???

WE've missed you... and congrats on the 14lb loss...:lol:

You have done very well since banding and we are proud of you girl :)

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I agree. Everyone should check w/his/her doc. I just remember learning that in my pre-op 'classes'. So I had to get rid of all of my Aleve and replace it w/Tylenol.

Don't know what just happened to my post???

I wanted to tell Phyll how awesome she looks in those photos!!! You have done very well.. the hard work was worth it.

Welcome to the new gals... there's always lots to read and yak about on this thread...


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Don't know what just happened to my post???

I wanted to tell Phyll how awesome she looks in those photos!!! You have done very well.. the hard work was worth it.

Welcome to the new gals... there's always lots to read and yak about on this thread...


Thanks, Peaches! I appreciate the encouragement from ALL of you Lucky#7's! We're ALL doing great!!

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I'm BAAAAACCCCKKKKK:lol:. So my fill nurse was actually nicer than I thought she was going to be. She took out the fill before she even looked at the barium swallow. Doesn't hurt that there was a note from doc in the chart that said to take out no less than .4cc, which is exactly what she took out.

Anyways, I was a hit at the docs office because they couldn't believe how much weight I have lost. Inamed (maker of the band) considers anyone that has lost a total of 70% of their excess body weight over a 2 year period of time to be a success and I have done that in 5.5 months! I am so damn proud of myself.

I read all of the posts that I have missed (holy cow 3 pages!) and I can't remember what I needed to write to everyone, but I do remember a few.

Twilight - I still have huge food issues. I always feel like I need to go to a nutritionist to see if I am eating properly. Haven't gone yet cause I am too cheap, and even though my insurance will pay for chiropractic and drug addtiction counseling, they won't pay for a nutritionist. Not saying that the insurance co, should pay for these things, it just doesn't make sense to me that they won't pay for something that effects us every waking and sleeping minute of the day. Anyways, I digress, I wake up every morning and plan my day. I think it drives my BF nuts because at 10AM, I am asking what we are going to have for dinner. That way I can plan every little morsel that goes into my mouth. I am a bit obsessive about food.

Janet - I fear the day my scale dies and I have to get a new one. I need it to last until I get to goal weight so that if I do need to get a new one I am not completely playing the "Please let it go down" game. Some days I feel like my wrestlers from school and spitting in a cup and exhaling completely before I step on it. As for your scale, it could be off, and as I scientist, I totally believe in consistancy. Adding too many variables (such as another scale) can be catastrophic to the data.:smile:

Phyll - You look MARVELOUS!:)

Kari - As my band mom has already asked... "what caused you to eat all of that" I totally believe that somedays you just need to eat. I have a friend who has been a size 4 her whole life and even she can sometimes put down an entire pizza by herself. The difference between here and I WAS she exercises everyday and she eat healthy almost all the time. As you see I said was, cause this is how I am now, and how I think you probably are most of the time. One other thing for you, you mentioned that you could be our moms and I know that you are nothing like my mom. You gave yourself the biggest gift you could...health. My mom decided after her first heart attack that she was going to die anyways so she might as well not do anything for herself. Look at you... You went to Mexico to help yourself and to become a better person. Doesn't sound like you are crazy at all, but rather a very smart lady who knew exactly what she needed to do. I didn't have a psych evaluation. But I had talked to the office staff for the month prior to having my consultation so I guess I came across as sane! Guess I had been through enough family counseling that I knew what to say:rolleyes2:.

Jackie - Gotta love size 12. Congrats! I don't think that plastic surgery is going to be in my budget, so for me it is in the gym to try to tone up. Nice to see that your hubby is so protective.

Lindaa- Crying with you over the Packers. How in the world did Eli Manning get to the super bowl. I tell you if he can do that, I can lose these last 30 pounds. For those of you that don't watch football, Eli Manning making it to the Super Bowl is as miraculous as all of losing weight!:lol:

Well I need to grade my papers that I didn't get done this weekend. OOPSY!

Talk to you all later

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I'm BAAAAACCCCKKKKK . So my fill nurse was actually nicer than I thought she was going to be. She took out the fill before she even looked at the barium swallow. Doesn't hurt that there was a note from doc in the chart that said to take out no less than .4cc, which is exactly what she took out. I am so damn proud of myself.

Haven't gone yet because I am too cheap, and even though my insurance will pay for chiropractic and drug addiction counseling, they won't pay for a nutritionist. Not saying that the insurance co, should pay for these things, it just doesn't make sense to me that they won't pay for something that effects us every waking and sleeping minute of the day.

Janet - I fear the day my scale dies and I have to get a new one. I need it to last until I get to goal weight so that if I do need to get a new one I am not completely playing the "Please let it go down" game. Some days I feel like my wrestlers from school and spitting in a cup and exhaling completely before I step on it. As for your scale, it could be off, and as I scientist, I totally believe in consistency. Adding too many variables (such as another scale) can be catastrophic to the data.


Hey Karri was getting worried about you and the trip over the mountain - Glad you made it home safely, How are you feeling as far as your fill level right now... Can you eat??...

You should be very proud of yourself - you have done so well - and you have over come a MAJOR issue about the sneaking food. You are doing the work and need to take the credit - be happy and accept this great success you have had to date - with your determination you will be to goal before your one year anniversary

Truly we banders are only supposed to lose 50-70 % of our excess body weight in a 2 yr period I wonder why that is... I wonder why they don't challenge us to loss like 80 to 100% of our excess weight - even with bypass they don't expect 100% weight loss...

I agree with you on the Insurance issue they should cover a nutritionist - weight is a big issue and a lot people out there don’t know how to eat correctly.. I bet if you were diabetic they would cover it..

You had my cracking up on the to many variables - I truly think it is flawed… On my weigh in day – I get on the scale the minute I get up then after using the bathroom – then again – I usually get on it about 3 or 4 times before I will accept a weight – 188.5 – 188 – 188.5 – 188.

I will take the 188 - I wanted the new scale as it goes to the .2 – where my scale only goes .5 – so I wanted the 187.8 – instead of it going to 188. It’s all a mind game but you know what I am saying I want to see those extra numbers – but of course only if they are in my favor…

Well, not much action tonight – its 6; 45 so I think I am going to go cook my fish and watch some TV.

Kari – you don’t have to hide out – your food angels were really your fairy god mothers today... I agree with everything Karri said...

Even skinny people pig out every now and then – these are the things we have to learn… We just can’t let it spiral into our old behavior…

If I don’t get back – good night sweet dreams everyone

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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