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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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First off, I want to thank all of you who answered my questions and all who answer in the future. I truely know how hard it was to talk about sensitive issues.

Karri-Wow, your story really shocked me out of my shoes. I really had not thought about "why" I had gained so much weight in my early 20's. But I got to really thinking and remembering.... My health issues did not really start until I was in my 30's but I guess I had blocked out a lot of things until you started talking about your mother. Now, my family life was far from being the worse, in fact I now know that I had a pretty decent family life compared to what I see coming in to the hospital all the time but I was raised by a quite adoring father and a step mother that resented being a step mother to me and was very jealous about the relationship I had with my dad. She did every thing she could to derail that. Now that I really think about it, I would be willing to admit that I stayed skinny growing up out of spite for her and the stress she caused me. But when I grew up and moved out of the house, the only thing she could do was use words to hurt me cause she had no control over me any more. I now distinctly remember hearing "Your too skinny" literally every time I saw her after I moved out and you know what they say about hearing something over and over...you really start to believe it. That is when I started eating so much....

Jackie, That is exactly how I feel about myself. Exactly.... And you described it so well :( We could be Minds Eye sisters...or maybe self esteem buddies:tt2:

Ok, enuf for me tonite...I am so sleepy I cant hold my eyes open. Talk at ya later...

OH, nearly forgot...Welcome Twilight we would be happy to have you as a friend. Just curious...were you recently banded?

Nite guys...

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Phyl - It's medically proven wine is good for you. Your adding years to your life. It's as necessary as your Vitamins.< p>

I KNEW I liked you, Mango!!

I'm so sad to hear these "MOM" stories!! Good Grief!! You gals are survivors!! Heroes, even!

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What sad, sad stories. I am humbled by your strength and determination. Some of you guys have every reason to be angry and negative, but it seems that you have overcome that and have done wonderful things with your lives. I applaud you--not just for your lap band decisions, but for overcoming the demons of your childhoods and making the world a better place. Thank you for sharing such personal stories.

My life's not so dramatic. Been dieting since I was 7. Used legal ampetamines in the '70s which was a wonderful way to lose weight and feel good. I went over 200 with my first pregnancy and stayed there afterwards. I did lose over 100 pounds and went through a severe depression 15 years ago, but gained all that back plus thanks to Prozac. My parents are both heavy people, and I have one sister who is bigger than me, but happily, she is in the process of getting a band too.

While I was in denial about how fat I was, I do not see myself any differently today than I did 6 months ago. Last night I was surprised when I squeezed between other people's chairs in the resturant--there was plenty of room. The other wierd thing this week was how I noticed that the band that holds my name tag around my neck is longer and my name tag no longer bounces off my stomach when I walk. (Got to "wear it daily"). The point is that my instinct was that the band was longer--not that my stomach doesn't stick out in front of me as much.

Warning, TMI: I'm still having a rough time. While I did have 0.3ml's of the 0.5ml fill removed, I still can't sleep if I eat anything after noon. Last night I had 1/2 cup of chicken noodle Soup and a few, tiny bites of my husband's lasagna--mostly melted cheese and sauce--no pasta--at 5 pm. I was fine until I went to bed. Then I started refluxing again and that went on all night. It just happens--no golf ball pain, no feeling of having eaten too much--just a lot of slime and a little gastric juice--all night long. Thankfully it's Satruday. I'm going to just have liquids this morning and nothing after noon. Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight.

Thank you again Lucky 7's and moderators for providing this fourm. I love you guys!

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I have been dealing with "mom" issues for a long time and I am going to have to go back into therapy now that the weight is going off. I don't have anything to hide behind now. I think this is why I always feel so on edge. Like I have said earlier I always feel like I am fighting a war: counting every penny that goes out of my bank account, counting every calorie that goes into my mouth, being a perfectionist at work. Focusing on all of that allows me to not think about why I have these issues in the first place. However, you have no idea how thankful I am to everyone, especially my band mom! I appreciate all of the kind words.

Well I am going up to Washington today so that I can get some of my fill removed. I am afraid that I am going to get there and the fill nurse (who also has been banded) is going to tell me that I am a lot more open than most people, and that I am just not chewing well enough. She tried to convince me that my band was not tight enough when I left when I got my fill. I have it done under fluoro and she was trying to show me that the barium was going through at a faster rate than most. Well I guess I am not like most people. I just don't like being this tight. I truly think that I am at what some people call their sweet spot, but it isn't sweet for me. Yogurt was not going down well this morning, and yesterday was awful. Cottage cheese got stuck. Then I had a terrible episode with chicken at dinner last night. Thought I was going to die it hurt so bad. Well I have to get ready to head out, but I didn't want you to think I had disappeared.

But before I go GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!! I weigh less than what my driver's license says!. That is a big milestone for me. I am in the 70's. I have lost 70.5 pounds. OMG that is hardly even fathomable for me!

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Okay, Ladies. You are hitting a little too close to home for me. You see........I could be your mothers. The reason I was self-pay and went to Mexico for my band wasn't because of insurance. In fact, as far as insurances go, mine was excellent. I flunked the psych evaluation. It was either go to Mexico or kill myself. That was how depressed I was. I just couldn't live with myself as I was. Enough was enough. On a lighter note, once the decision was made and I took control of life, I felt a whole lot better. In fact, now when someone tells me how good I look, I don't know if they are talking about my weight loss or the fact that I am smiling and happy. That is how obvious things were.

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:clap: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :scared:

Now wait just a cotton pickin' minute here, Girlfriend!! Those are fightin' words!! Why should I have to give up my wine just because he quit smoking!!??? I use a VERY small wine glass... like 3-4 oz. And never have more than one or two glasses each afternoon! Really! Honest! Never!


Anyways, how long do you think his not smoking will last????? I don't want to even try to count how many times I've been through this before! Then there's the 7 years I thought he'd quit when he really hadn't! Am I stupid and naive??? Yes, of course! I believed him and told everyone how proud I was when he'd really never quit! Then there was the day our youngest daughter took me aside and said, "Mom, haven't you noticed that every time Dad has to go to Safeway for something he comes home smelling like cigarettes???" :smokin: So I'm a little cynical about this whole quit smoking thing. And between him being grumpy with the nicotine withdrawl, not to mention the stock market whining and crying, please don't deny me my wine!! I will surely die! Or at least lose my sanity.:) I love you, anyway!

I will not deny you your WINE, no not never!!!!:waytogo:

I wish your DH luck with his not smoking... that is a tough one. Has he tried Laser Accupunture? I do this therapy at my clinic and it has good results....

OOOh the stock market... ya that's enough to make anyone START smoking... I don't even want to look at it for 6 mos... give the world time to settle down.

Enjoy your Sat. night everyone

oh, and STEPHANIE welcome to our board and HAPPY BIRTHDAY :lol:

Just Peachy

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Thanks for all the welcomes! I would love to sit down and tell you all why I am fat and will some day. Tonight however I have my DH's Christmas party. We are leaving for dinner in half an hour.

Last night was okay....not great. I had a couple of chips but the victory was only having three or four instead of an entire bag. I ate 4 or 5 rollups which was good but did get stuck on a little smokie. Got rid of it quickly and could enjoy the rest of the night. I stayed away from the cake and ice cream and only had a little lick of frosting when it was on my finger. All in all, for me it was good, but not great.

Today I have stayed pretty much on guidelines. I had Protein and coffee for Breakfast and a McD's snackwrap for lunch. I was out of town for lunch and there was little else to choose, but tried to make a fairly good choice. Better than the quarter pounder and fries I had my heart set on :) Tonight it will be walleye and a small salad. I'm not sure about the snackwrap calories (it was crispy not grilled) but I'm pretty sure I've stayed under 700 so far. That's what I try before dinner. I've had Water pretty much all day so that is good.

It seems odd that I'm all focussed on what I'm eating and you are all beyond that. But hopefully you will all help me stay accountable. That is definitely what I need.

And Kartrina, I was banded Dec. 6th. Karri adopted me. I'm a baby bandster compared to all of you. You're all a great inspiration to me. Your success and your great attitudes give me great hope.

Off to dinner. Thank you all for your kind words and great stories. I'll share mine one of these days....

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I'm not sure about the snackwrap calories (it was crispy not grilled) ..

Crispy snack Wrap is 330 calories. Nutrition facts are on their web site. I think the grilled is 270. Probably not a bad choice when you're out and about.

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What sad, sad stories. I am humbled by your strength and determination. Warning, TMI: I'm still having a rough time. While I did have 0.3ml's of the 0.5ml fill removed, I still can't sleep if I eat anything after noon. Thank you again Lucky 7's and moderators for providing this forum. I love you guys!

Linda - I say that my Dad taught me to pull myself up by my boot straps and move forward - I don't think he every said it but - for some reason it was there. It is was what it is and I have make alot of mistakes in my life - looking for love in all the wrong places - which I think stems from my Mom issues. But thank God that's over..

I think you may still be too tight - Have you tried taking a pecid before you go to bed.. I have read that reflux is not good to have with your band - Infact Friday I had a little heart burn and that bugged me - but have been ok since.

I have been dealing with "mom" issues for a long time and I am going to have to go back into therapy now that the weight is going off. I don't have anything to hide behind now. However, you have no idea how thankful I am to everyone, especially my band mom! I appreciate all of the kind words. . Thought I was going to die it hurt so bad. Well I have to get ready to head out, but I didn't want you to think I had disappeared.

But before I go GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!! I weigh less than what my driver's license says!. That is a big milestone for me. I am in the 70's. I have lost 70.5 pounds. OMG that is hardly even fathomable for me!

Karri - You are a strong & smart lady and I know that you will over come these issues - just being banded is the 1st step in recovery - (just like AA or NA admitting there is a problem) - I know that when I was seeing a counselor (first marriage then for me only cuz it was the hubby who was crazy not me ) I came to some understanding about my Mom..

I don't like your fill nurse - I think she is a bit oppressive ... If you can't eat regular food you are too tight - being too tight can cause its own set of problems..

CONGRATULATION 179 :) You are doing great..:tongue:

I flunked the psych evaluation. It was either go to Mexico or kill myself. That was how depressed I was. I just couldn't live with myself as I was, I don't know if they are talking about my weight loss or the fact that I am smiling and happy. That is how obvious things were.

Kari – I have read on this boards that some psych evaluations are 300 question etc – heck mine was 15 minutes and she was weird – I know how to talk the talk - some shrinks aren’t all they can be cracked up to be – I bet you aren’t as crazy as you think you are. Look you are a candidate for lapband and you have lost 60 lbs and are a happier person – that just proves you knew what was best for you.. You knew that the tool would work for you. What did she/he know.. Keep on Smiling ..:biggrin:

Thanks for all the welcomes! I would love to sit down and tell you all why I am fat and will some day. Tonight however I have my DH's Christmas party. We are leaving for dinner in half an hour.

It seems odd that I'm all focused on what I'm eating and you are all beyond that. But hopefully you will all help me stay accountable. That is definitely what I need.

Off to dinner. Thank you all for your kind words and great stories. I'll share mine one of these days....

Stephanie –

I would say We are focused on what we are eating - we are not beyond that – we are focused on eating healthy – You have to be focused or it would be easily slip back into old eating habits – I would say I am very focused – I eat healthy 98% of the time but do allow treats – and if I do eat something higher calories – I work out more. It is going to take a while for us to learn our new eating habits – in fact it’s going to be a lifetime struggle – just like a drug addict – once an addict always and addict – well food is our drug of choice (In fact on the show Intervention this Monday on A&E it’s about a fat person who is eating himself to death) – this is a battle we will always have – we must stay focused on our new eating habits – until it does become habit and we will always have that devil on our back telling us it’s ok to eat this or that when we know it isn’t…

Hope you had a good time at your party (Christmas in January??)

You are barely 1 month out – give it time – there is a lot of mental work to this band – as our weight issues have more to do with our mental state than our physical one - you will success once you find your groove… You will have your “aha” moment –

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Ok gang I have a dilemma – yesterday I bought a biggest loser scale – it does all this stuff plus gives accurate weight up to .2 (that’s what I really was going for) but when I got on the scale – it’s 10 lbs heavier than my scale – my scale 186 – new scale 195 On and off again 10 times and always the same… Well, I am telling you I’m not taking 195 OMG – that would mean no weight lost is the last month.. Am I in denial it’s not like my scale is telling me I have had a great weight lost this last month – 6 pounds overall – I have put it back in the box and am taking it back after I go to the doctors on 1/23… I guess until then I really won’t know – but that’s just too big of a diff in my opinion to be accurate…. What do you all think ….

I know I have been mia since Friday – but had a friend over for dinner and yesterday gym – took the babies to beauty shop (one’s black (ill bear) doesn’t show dirt but angel is white poodle and needed a bath & hair cut) target shopping and got home around 3:30 and was beat.

I have been having a problem with my legs aching when I sit or first stand up – woke up yesterday during the middle of the night and my knees and tights were killing me (the knees I understood cuz I wore some HIGH Heels on Friday) but I am going to have to talk to my doc about this.. Just wanted to know if any one else has had any muscle issue… My brain is working overtime – ms – etc…

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Brandy, you mentioned Slim Fast shakes for breakfast. Do they keep you full? I'm just wondering since they are liquid and liquids going through the band.

What was your starting weight and how old are you if you don't mind answering.

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I like the new look. It seems the font is smaller so I should put on my glasses to read it clearly.

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Janet, weigh yourself at your gym and see what it says also go to a weight watcher meeting or your doctor's office. scales are like clothes different weight and sizes. A size 10 in one brand is equal to a 14 with another designer brand. That is a large discrepancy. If you had been using your other scale and it showed a loss then that has to be right since you didn't stay the same on it. Are you sure you had the scale at 0 to start and is it in the same position your other scale was? Also did you weight at the same time or was one in the evening with lots of fluids and clothes etc. Just some thoughts.

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Janet, weigh yourself at your gym and see what it says also go to a weight watcher meeting or your doctor's office. scales are like clothes different weight and sizes. A size 10 in one brand is equal to a 14 with another designer brand. That is a large discrepancy. If you had been using your other scale and it showed a loss then that has to be right since you didn't stay the same on it. Are you sure you had the scale at 0 to start and is it in the same position your other scale was? Also did you weight at the same time or was one in the evening with lots of fluids and clothes etc. Just some thoughts.

I first got on the old one (6 months) it said 186 - got on the new one 196..

It's digtal and can't be adjusted from what i could find... I would beleive the new one but if mine had jumped from 190 to 185 in one day - 10 lbs is just too big of a diff imho - to be accurate... I go to the doc onthe 23 i will see what his says I weight weekly on Thursday Morning and last thrus was 188

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Your doctor's scale should be the most accurate--they are supposed to calibrate them regularly. I'd weigh myself wearing the same clothes on both of the scales you have on the day you go to the doctor's. Then keep the one that is closest to your doctor's. I'm not really sure how accurate the scales that you can buy in stores are--especially when they get into all that other stuff.

Some of your muscle pain could be diet-related. Leg cramps are common when you're dehydrated, or not getting enough potassium. Also, with your heavy workouts in the gym, it is possible you're straining too much. Do you stretch before and after? Try resting, alternating heat and ice, and wearing support hose to work. I've noticed this a little too, but I think it's from crossing my legs--something I get a kick out of doing these days, and probably do too much.

Well gang, another Packer's Playoff Party in the 'hood tonight. I'm not worried. I can only tolerate liquids--still too tight for solid food if I want to sleep at all tonight. I'm learning to live with it. I hope that by resting my pouch, the swelling will go down and it will loosen up. Either that, or I will loose so much weight that it will loosen up on its own. I am taking Pepcid at bedtime, but still waking up gagging on all the thick phlegm that comes up. Last night I took Muconex and a decongestant. I slept really well after the frist couple of hours--maybe that was the key.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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